Chapter 12. Aggregation Webbots

If you’ve ever researched topics online, you’ve no doubt found the need to open multiple web browsers, each loaded with a different resource. The practice of viewing more than one web page at once has become so common that all major browsers now support tabs that allow surfers to easily view multiple websites at once. Another approach to simultaneously viewing more than one website is to consolidate information with an aggregation webbot.

People are doing some pretty cool things with aggregation scripts these days. To whet your appetite for what’s possible with an aggregation webbot, look at the web page found at This bot combines real estate listings from with Google Maps. The results are maps that plot the locations and descriptions of homes for sale, as shown in Figure 12-1.

craigslist real estate ads aggregated with Google Maps

Figure 12-1. craigslist real estate ads aggregated with Google Maps

Aggregation webbots can use data from a variety of places; however, some data sources are better than others. For example, your webbots can parse information directly from web pages, as you did in Chapter 8, but this should never be your first choice. Since web page content is intermixed with page formatting and web pages are frequently updated, this method is prone to error. When available, a developer should always use a non-HTML version of the data, as the creators of HousingMaps did. The data shown in Figure 12-1 came from Google Maps’ Application Program Interface (API)[39] and craigslist’s Real Simple Syndication (RSS) feed.

Application Program Interfaces provide access to specific applications, like Google Maps, eBay, or Since APIs are developed for specific applications, the features from one API will not work in another. Working with APIs tends to be complex and often has a steep learning curve. Their complexity, however, is mitigated by the vast array of services they provide. The details of using Google’s API (or any other API for that matter) are outside of the scope of this book.

In contrast to APIs, RSS provides a standardized way to access data from a variety of sources, like craigslist. RSS feeds are simple to parse and are an ideal protocol for webbot developers because, unlike unparsed web pages or site-specific APIs, RSS feeds conform to a consistent protocol. This chapter’s example project explores RSS in detail.