Chapter 3
Decomposing requirements and creating user stories
Creating a product backlog, release plan, and sprint backlog
Getting the product ready to ship and preparing the rest of the organization for the release
Understanding spring backlogs and planning meetings
After you create a product roadmap for your product (see Chapter 2 in Book 4), it’s time to start elaborating on your product details. In this chapter, you discover how to break down your requirements to a more granular level, refine your product backlog, create a release plan, and build a sprint backlog for execution. This chapter also discusses how to prepare the rest of the organization for the release, including operational support and ensuring that the marketplace will be ready for your release.
First, you see how to break down the larger requirements from your product roadmap into smaller, more manageable requirements called user stories.
You start agile development with very large requirements. As the work progresses and you get closer to developing those requirements, you will break them down into smaller parts — small enough to begin developing. See Chapter 2 in Book 4 for more about this process, which is known as decomposition.
One clear, effective pattern for defining product requirements is the user story. In this section, you find out how to create a user story, prioritize user stories, and estimate user story effort.
The user story is a simple description of a product value requirement in terms of what that requirement must accomplish for whom. It’s called a story because the simplest way people tell stories is by talking to each other. User stories are most effective when they’re told by speaking to each other face to face. The written pattern described in this section can be used to help with that conversation.
Traditional software requirements usually read something like this: “The system shall [insert technical description].” This requirement addresses only the technical nature of what will be done; the overall business objective is unclear. Because the development team has the context to engage more deeply through the user story pattern, their work becomes more personal and real. They come to know the value of each requirement to the user (or the customer or the business) and deliver what the customer wants faster and with higher quality.
The user story tells the “who,” “what,” and “why” for the desired functionality. The user story should also be supported by a list of validation steps (acceptance criteria) to take so you can confirm whether the working requirement for the user story is correct. Acceptance criteria follows this pattern:
When I (take this action), (this happens)
User stories may also include the following:
Figure 3-1 shows a typical user story card, front and back. The front has the main description of the user story. The back shows how you will confirm that the requirement works correctly, after the development team has created the functionality.
The product owner gathers the user stories and manages them (that is, determines the priority and initiates the decomposition discussions). It is not the sole responsibility of the product owner to write user stories. The development team and other stakeholders are also involved in creating and decomposing user stories to ensure clarity and shared understanding across the scrum team.
The big benefit of the user story pattern is realized when the development team starts to create and test requirements. The development team members know exactly for whom they are creating the requirement, what the requirement should do, and how to double-check that the requirement satisfies its intention. Using the user’s voice is something everyone can understand and relate to — not so much with technical jargon.
Note: This book includes user stories as examples of requirements for software product development. Keep in mind that anything described that you can do with user stories, you can do also with more generically expressed requirements and other product types.
When creating a user story, follow these steps:
Find out how to follow these three steps in the following sections.
You probably have a good idea about who your stakeholders are — anyone involved with, affected by, or who can affect the product and its creation. Stakeholders provide valuable feedback about every product increment you deliver each sprint.
Make sure the stakeholders are available to help you gather and write product backlog items. Stakeholders of a sample mobile banking application might include the following:
Agile product development is customer focused. Building on the personas you’ve defined, your understanding of their needs, and the problems to be solved helps the team more clearly understand the product requirements. Knowing who your end users are and how they will interact with your product drives how you define and implement each item on your product roadmap.
With your product roadmap visualized (see Chapter 2 in Book 4), you can identify each type of user. For the mobile banking application, you would have individual and business bankers. The individual category would include youth, young adults, students, and single, married, retired, and wealthy users. Businesses of all sizes might be represented. Employee users would include tellers, branch managers, account managers, and fund managers. Each type of user will interact with your application in different ways and for different reasons. Knowing who these people are enables you to better define the purpose and desired benefits of each of their interactions.
Ellen represents 30 percent of XYZ Bank’s customers, and a good portion of the product roadmap includes features that someone like Ellen will use. Instead of repeating all the details about Ellen every time the scrum team discusses these features, they can simply refer to the type of user as Ellen. The product owner might identify several personas, as needed, and will even print the descriptions with a stock photo of what Ellen might look like and post them on the wall in the team’s work area to refer to throughout development.
Suppose that you’re the product owner for the XYZ Bank’s mobile banking product. You’re responsible for the department that will bring the product to market, preferably in the next six months. You have the following ideas about the application’s users:
Who are your personas for this application? Here are a few examples:
After you have identified your different users, you can start to determine product requirements and create user stories for the personas. A good way to create user stories is to bring your stakeholders together for a product discovery workshop.
Have the stakeholders write down as many requirements as they can think of, using the user story format. One user story for the product and personas from the previous sections might be as follows:
You can see sample user stories in card format in Figure 3-2.
You will create new user stories throughout product development. You’ll also take existing large requirements and decompose them until they’re manageable enough to work on during a sprint.
You refine requirements many times throughout development. For example:
To decompose requirements, you’ll want to think about how to break down the requirement into individual actions. Table 3-1 shows a requirement from the XYZ Bank application introduced in Chapter 2 of Book 4 that is decomposed from the theme level down to the user story level.
TABLE 3-1 Decomposing a Requirement
Requirement Level |
Requirement |
Theme |
See bank account data on a mobile device. |
Features |
See account balances. See a list of recent withdrawals or purchases. See a list of recent deposits. See my upcoming automatic bill payments. See my account alerts. |
Epic user stories — decomposed from “see account balances” |
See checking account balance. See savings account balance. See loan balance. See investment account balance. See retirement account balance. |
User stories — decomposed from “see checking account balance” |
See a list of my accounts once securely logged in. Select and view my checking account. See account balance changes after withdrawals. See account balance changes after purchases. See day’s end account balance. See available account balance. Change account view. |
As you refine your requirements, you need to refine your estimates of the work required to complete your user stories as well. It’s time to have some fun!
One of the most popular ways of estimating user stories is by playing estimation poker, sometimes called planning poker, a game to determine user story size and to build consensus among the development team members.
To play estimation poker, you need a deck of cards like the one in Figure 3-4. You can get a digital version online at
, or you can make your own with index cards and markers. The numbers on the cards are from the Fibonacci sequence, which follows this progression:
1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, and so on
If you start with the numbers 1 and 2, each subsequent number in the Fibonacci sequence is derived by taking the sum of the previous two numbers.
Each user story receives an estimate relative to other user stories. For instance, a user story that is a 5 requires more effort than a 3, a 2, and a 1. It is about 5 times as much effort as a 1, more than double the effort of a 2, and roughly the amount of effort as a 3 and a 2 combined. It is not as much effort as an 8, but is just over half the effort of an 8.
As user stories and epic user stories increase in size, the difference between Fibonacci numbers gets bigger. Acknowledging these increasing gaps in precision for larger requirements is why the Fibonacci sequence works so well for relative estimation.
To play estimation poker, follow these steps:
From the list of user stories presented by the product owner, the team agrees on one user story that would be a 5.
This user story is the anchor user story for the team. The scrum master helps the development team reach consensus by using a fist of five or thumbs up/thumbs down, with discussion until everyone agrees on a user story that represents an estimate of 5.
The fist of five looks like rock-paper-scissors. On the count of three, each person holds up a number of fingers, reflecting the degree of comfort with the idea in question. Five means “I love the idea,” four means “I think it’s a good idea,” three means “I can support the idea,” two means “I have reservations, so let’s discuss,” and one means “I am opposed to the idea.” If some people have three, four, or five fingers up, and some have only one or two, discuss the idea. Find out why the people who support the idea think it will work, and what reservations the people who oppose the idea have. You want to get all group members showing at least three fingers — they don’t need to love the idea, but they need to support it.
You can also quickly get an idea of consensus on a decision by asking for a simple thumb up (support), thumb down (don’t support), or thumb to the side (undecided). It’s quicker than a fist of five, and is great for answering yes-or-no questions.
Each player selects a card representing his or her estimate of the effort involved in the user story and lays the card facedown on the table.
You don’t want the players to see each other’s cards until all cards have been played. This limits how much one player can influence others to vote a certain way. The players should compare the user story to other user stories they have estimated. (The first time through, the players compare the user story to only the anchor story.)
It’s time for discussion.
Discussion is the value-add of estimation poker, which enables team alignment and consensus. The players with the highest and lowest scores talk about their assumptions and why they think the estimate for the user story should be higher or lower, respectively. The players compare the effort for the user story against the anchor story. The product owner provides more clarification about the story, as necessary.
You can play estimation poker at any point — but definitely play during the product roadmap development and as you progressively break down user stories for inclusion in releases and sprints. With practice, the development team will get into a planning rhythm and become more adept at quickly estimating.
Estimation poker can be effective, but what if you have many user stories? Playing estimation poker for, say, 500 user stories could take a long time. You need a way to estimate your entire product roadmap, but one that allows you to focus on only the user stories you must discuss to gain consensus.
When you have a large number of user stories, many of them are probably similar and would require a similar amount of effort to complete. One way to determine the right stories for discussion is to use affinity estimating. In affinity estimating, you quickly categorize your user stories and then apply estimates to these categories of stories.
Affinity estimating can be a fast and furious activity — the development team may choose to have the scrum master help facilitate affinity estimating sessions. To estimate by affinity, follow these steps:
Taking no more than 60 seconds per user story, the development team puts all remaining stories into the categories listed in Step 1.
If you’re using index cards or sticky notes for your user stories, you can physically place those cards into categories on a table or a whiteboard, respectively. If you divide the user stories among the development team members, having each development team member categorize a group of stories, this step can go quickly!
Taking another 30 minutes, maximum, for each 100 user stories, the development team reviews and adjusts the placement of the user stories.
The entire development team must agree on the placement of the user stories into size categories.
When the product owner’s expected estimate and the team’s actual estimate differ by more than one story size, they discuss that user story.
The development team may or may not decide to adjust the story size.
Note that after the product owner and the development team discuss clarifications, the development team has the final say on the user story size.
The development team plays estimation poker on the user stories in both the epic and the needs clarification categories.
The number of user stories in these categories should be minimal.
User stories in the same size category will have the same user story score. You can play a round of estimation poker to double-check a few, but you won’t need to spend time in unnecessary discussion for every user story.
Story sizes are like T-shirt sizes and should correspond to Fibonacci scale numbers, as shown in Figure 3-5.
That’s it. In a few hours, your entire product backlog was estimated. In addition, your scrum team has a shared understanding of what the requirements mean, having discussed them face to face rather than relying on interpretations of extensive documentation.
A release is a group of usable product features that you deploy to the market. A release does not need to include all the functionality outlined in the product roadmap but should include at least the minimal marketable features, the smallest group of product features that you can effectively deploy and promote in the marketplace. Your early releases will include highest priority (high value, or high risk, or both) items and exclude lower-priority requirements you identified during the product roadmap stage.
When planning a release, you establish the next set of minimal marketable features and identify an imminent product launch date around which the team can mobilize. As when creating the vision statement and the product roadmap, the product owner is responsible for creating the release goal and establishing the release date. However, the development team’s estimates, with the scrum master’s facilitation, contribute to the process.
Release planning is stage 3 in the Roadmap to Value (refer to Chapter 2 in Book 4 to see the roadmap as a whole). Figure 3-6 shows how release planning fits into product development.
The product backlog and release plan are some of the most important information radiators between the product owner and the development team. (See Chapter 4 in Book 4 for more on information radiators.) In Chapter 2 of Book 4, you find out how to complete a product backlog. How to create a release plan is described next.
The release plan contains a release schedule for a specific set of features. The product owner creates a release plan at the start of each release. To create a release plan, follow these steps:
Establish the release goal.
The release goal is an overall business goal for the product features in your release. The product owner and development team collaborate to create a release goal based on business priorities and the development team’s development speed and capabilities.
Identify a target release date.
Some scrum teams determine release dates based on the completion of functionality; others may have hard dates, such as March 31 or September 1. The first case has a fixed scope and flexible date; the second case has a fixed date and a flexible scope.
If a fixed date and fixed scope are determined for the release, adjustments may need to be made to the number of teams to accomplish the release goal according to schedule. The development team, not the product owner, estimates the effort required to implement product backlog items. Imposing a fixed scope and timeline without adjusting quality or resources (in this case, talent resources) will not be successful.
Review the product backlog and the product roadmap to determine the highest-priority user stories that support your release goal (the minimum marketable features).
These user stories will make up your first release.
Try to achieve a release goal with about 80 percent of the user stories, using the final 20 percent to add robust features that will meet the release goal while adding to the product’s “wow” factor. This approach provides appropriate flexibility and slack for the scrum team to deliver value without having to complete every single task.
Refine the user stories in your release goal.
During release planning, dependencies, gaps, or new details are often identified that affect estimates and prioritization. This is the time to make sure the portion of the product backlog supporting your release goal is sized. (Refer to Figure 3-3.) Make sure that items supporting the current release goal have been decomposed and are sized appropriately for the release. The development team helps the product owner by updating estimates for any added or revised user stories, and commits to the release goal with the product owner.
Release planning is the initial opportunity to identify and break down dependencies before they become impediments. Dependencies are anti-patterns to becoming agile. Teams should work to become highly aligned and highly autonomous. Dependencies are an indication that your team does not have the capability to do whatever they are dependent on.
Estimate the number of sprints needed, based on the scrum team’s velocity.
Scrum teams use velocity as an input to plan how much work they can take on in a release and sprint. Velocity is the sum of all user story points completed within a sprint. So, if a scrum team completed six user stories during its first sprint with sizes 8, 5, 5, 3, 2, and 1, their velocity for the first sprint is 24. The scrum team would plan its second sprint keeping in mind that it completed 24 story points during the first sprint.
After multiple sprints, scrum teams can use their running average velocity as an input to determine how much work they can take on in a sprint, as well as to extrapolate their release schedule by dividing the total number of story points in the release by their average velocity. Find out more about scrum in Book 5.
Be aware that some teams add a release sprint to a release to conduct activities unrelated to product development but necessary to release the product to customers. If you need a release sprint, be sure to factor that into the date you choose.
In some traditional or project-focused organizations, some tasks, such as security testing or load testing a software product, can’t be completed within a sprint because the task’s environment takes time to set up and request. Although release sprints allow scrum teams to plan for these types of activities, doing so is an anti-pattern, or the opposite of being agile. In these examples, the scrum master would work with the organizational leaders who manage the security or load testing environments to find ways to enable scrum teams to accomplish security or lead testing during the sprint.
Each planned release shifts from what was a tentative plan (high-level product roadmap items) to a more concrete goal ready to execute in the sprint(s) of the release. Figure 3-7 represents a typical release plan.
In release planning, you also need to prepare your organization for the product release. This section discusses how to prepare for supporting the new functionality in the marketplace and how to get stakeholders in your company or organization ready for product deployment.
In each sprint, a valuable working product increment is created in support of the release goal. With a definition of done that means your increment each sprint is shippable, there’s not much more you need to do to prepare the product for technical deployment. Every sprint, you’re ready to release if there is enough value accumulated for the customer.
After your product is released to the customer, someone will have to support it, a responsibility that involves responding to customer inquiries, maintaining the system in a production environment, and enhancing existing functionality to fill minor gaps. Although new development work and operational support work are both important, they involve different approaches and cadences.
Separating new development and support work ensures that new development teams can focus on continuing to bring innovative solutions to customers at a faster rate than if the team frequently switches between the two types of work.
Consider a model that separates new development and maintenance work, as illustrated in Figure 3-8.
For a scrum team of nine developers, for instance, you would divide the development team into two teams, one with six developers, and the other with three. (These numbers are flexible.) The team of six does new development work from the product backlog in one-week to two-week sprints, as described in Book 4. The work that the team commits to during the sprint planning meeting will be the only work they do.
The team of three are your firefighters and do maintenance and support work in one-day sprints or by using kanban. (You learn about one-day sprints in Chapter 4 of Book 4.) Single-day sprints allow the scrum team to triage all incoming requests from the previous day, plan the highest-priority items, implement those items as a team, and review the results at the end of the day (or even earlier) for go or no-go approval before pushing the changes to production. For continuity, the product owner and scrum master are the same for each team.
Teams should rotate team members between the two activities at sprint boundaries (every three to five sprints, for example) to give everyone an opportunity to learn from both types of work. If support is excessive, the product owner may want to reevaluate the product backlog to see if there are ways to reduce the weight of support and its distraction. Support distractions cause the team to focus on tactical resolutions rather than strategic value creation. Team stability and acceleration will improve.
When preparing for release, establishing expectations upfront regarding how the functionality will be supported in production allows the scrum team to develop the product in a way that enables the team to effectively support the product after it’s deployed. Establishing expectations also increases ownership across the scrum team and heightens the team’s awareness and dedication to long-term success.
A product release often affects a number of departments in a company or an organization. To get the organization ready for the new functionality to be released next, the product owner coordinates with the rest of the organization regarding what to expect and what will be needed from them during release planning. When product owners do this effectively, there shouldn’t be surprises at release time.
Release planning addresses not only the activities for the development team to release but also the activities to be performed by the rest of the organization. These might include the following:
During release planning, you also need to include one more group: the customer. The next section discusses getting the marketplace ready for your product.
The product owner is responsible for working with other departments to ensure that the marketplace — existing customers and potential customers — is ready for what’s coming. The marketing or sales teams may lead this effort; team members look to the product owner to keep them informed as to the release date and the features that will be part of the release.
To help prepare customers for the product release, the product owner may want to work with different teams to ensure the following:
Review the items on your release backlog from the customer’s standpoint. Think of the personas you used when creating your user stories. Do those personas need to know something about the product? Update your launch checklist with items that would be valuable to customers represented by your personas.
Finally, you’re there — release day. Whatever role you played along the way, this is the day you worked hard to achieve. It’s time to celebrate!
With agile product development, a sprint is a consistent iteration of time in which the development team creates a specific group of product capabilities from start to finish. At the end of each sprint, the functionality that the development team has created should be working, ready to demonstrate, and potentially shippable to the customer.
Sprints generally last one to four weeks. One month is the longest amount of time any sprint should last; longer iterations make changes riskier, defeating the purpose of being agile. It’s rare to see sprints lasting longer than two weeks, and more often you see sprints lasting a week. One-week sprints are a natural cycle with the Monday-to-Friday business week, which structurally prevents weekend work. When priorities change on a daily basis, some scrum teams work in one-day sprints, as discussed in Chapter 4 of Book 4.
Market and customer needs are changing more and more quickly, and the amount of time you can afford between opportunities to gather customer feedback only gets shorter. Your sprint shouldn’t be longer than your stakeholders can consistently go without changes in priority regarding what the scrum team should be working on in the sprint. Sprint duration is a function of the business’s need for change.
Each sprint includes the following:
Discover more about daily scrums, development work, sprint reviews, and sprint retrospectives in Chapters 4 and 5 of Book 4.
Sprint planning is stage 4 in the Roadmap to Value, as you can see in Figure 3-9. The entire scrum team — the product owner, scrum master, and development team — works together to plan sprints.
The sprint backlog is a list of user stories associated with the current sprint and related tasks. When planning your sprint, you do the following:
The effort, in hours, to complete each task (if needed). At the task level, if you estimate the number of hours each task will take to complete, use hours instead of using story points. Because your sprint has a specific short length, and thus a known number of available working hours, you can use the time each task takes to determine whether the tasks will fit into the team’s capacity of the sprint. Each task should take one day or less for the development team to complete.
Some mature development teams may not need to estimate their tasks as they get more consistent at breaking down their user stories into executable tasks. Estimating tasks is helpful for newer development teams to ensure that they understand their capacity and plan each sprint appropriately.
Tasks should take a day or less to complete for two reasons:
The second reason is that one-day tasks provide good red flags that development targets might be veering off course. If a development team member reports that he or she is working on the same task for more than one or two days, that team member probably has a roadblock and the scrum master should investigate what might be keeping the team member from finishing work. (For more on managing roadblocks, see Chapter 4 in Book 4.)
The development team collaborates to create and maintain the sprint backlog, but only the development team can modify the sprint backlog. The sprint backlog should reflect an up-to-the-day snapshot of the sprint’s progress. Figure 3-10 shows a sample sprint backlog at the end of the sprint planning meeting. You can use this example, find other samples, or even use a whiteboard.
On the first day of each sprint, often a Monday morning, the scrum team holds the sprint planning meeting.
Base the length of your sprint planning meeting on the length of your sprints. Sprint planning should take no longer than two hours per week of the sprint, or no longer than a full day for a one-month sprint. This timebox helps ensure that the meeting stays focused and on track. Figure 3-11 is a good quick reference for your sprint planning meeting lengths.
You’ll split your sprint planning meetings into two parts: one to set a sprint goal (the “why”) and choose user stories for the sprint (the “what”), and another to break down your user stories into individual tasks (the “how” and “how much”). The details on each part are discussed next.
In the first part of your sprint planning meeting, the product owner and development team, with support from the scrum master, decide what to do during the sprint by doing the following:
At the beginning of your sprint planning meeting, the product owner should propose a sprint goal that identifies a problem to solve for the customer and then together with the development team discuss and agree on the sprint goal. The sprint goal should be an overall description of the working customer functionality that the team will demonstrate and possibly release at the end of the sprint. The goal is supported by the highest-priority user stories in the product backlog. A sample sprint goal for the mobile banking application (refer to Chapter 2 in Book 4) might be as follows:
Demonstrate the ability of a mobile banking customer to log in and view account balances and pending and prior transactions.
Using the sprint goal, you determine the user stories that belong in the sprint and refine the estimates for those user stories, as needed. For the mobile banking application sprint goal example, the group of user stories for the sprint might include the following:
All these would be high-priority user stories in the product backlog that support the sprint goal.
The second part of reviewing user stories is confirming that the effort estimates for each user story have been reviewed and adjusted, if needed, and reflect the development team’s current knowledge of the user story. Adjust the estimate if necessary. With the product owner in the meeting, resolve any outstanding questions. At the beginning of the sprint, the scrum team has the most up-to-date knowledge about the system and the customer’s needs, so make sure the development team and product owner have one more chance to clarify and size the user stories going into the sprint.
Finally, after you know which user stories support the sprint goal, the development team should agree and confirm that it can complete the goal planned for the sprint. If any of the user stories you discussed earlier don’t fit in the current sprint, remove them from the sprint and add them back into the product backlog.
After you have a sprint goal, user stories for the sprint, and a commitment to the goal, move on to the second part of sprint planning.
In the second part of the sprint planning meeting, the scrum team does the following:
At the beginning of part two of the meeting, break the user stories into individual tasks and allocate a number of hours to each task. The development team’s target should be completing a task in a day or less. For example, a user story for the XYZ Bank mobile application might be as follows:
Log in and access my accounts.
The team decomposes this user story into tasks, such as the following:
After you know the number of hours that each task will take, do a final check to make sure that the number of hours available to the development team reasonably matches the total of the tasks’ estimates. If the tasks exceed the hours available, one or more user stories will have to come out of the sprint. Discuss with the product owner what tasks or user stories are the best to remove.
If extra time is available within the sprint, the development team might be able to include another user story. Just be careful about over-committing at the beginning of a sprint, especially during the first few sprints.
After you know which tasks will be part of the sprint, choose what you will work on first. Each development team member should select his or her initial task to accomplish for the sprint. Team members should focus on one task at a time.
Sprint 4 and forward: Assuming success in sprint 3, 90 percent. The development team will have developed a rhythm and velocity, gained insight into agile principles and the product, and will be working at close to full pace.
Avoid planning 100 percent of capacity for a sprint. Scrum teams should build in slack in their sprint to account for unknowns that inevitably come up. Instead of padding estimates, simply be wise and don’t commit every available hour, assuming everything will go as planned. Teams that finish early accelerate faster.
The scrum team should constantly evaluate the sprint backlog against the development team’s progress on the tasks. At the end of the sprint, the scrum team can also assess estimation skills and capacity for work during the sprint retrospective (see Chapter 5 in Book 4). This evaluation is especially important for the first sprint.
Number of team members × 6 hours × 4.5 days
After sprint planning is finished, the development team can immediately start working on the tasks to create the product!
The scrum master should make sure the product vision and roadmap, product backlog, definition of done, and sprint backlog are in a prominent place and accessible to everyone during sprint planning as well as in the area in which they work. In this way, stakeholders can view the product information and progress on demand without interrupting the development team. For details, see Chapter 4 in Book 4.