Book 6
The Next Level: Enterprise Agility
Contents at a Glance
Chapter 1: Taking It All In: The Big Picture
Defining Agile and Enterprise Agility
Achieving Enterprise Agility in Three Not-So-Easy Steps
Chapter 2: Sizing Up Your Organization
Committing to Radical Change
Understanding What Culture Is and Why It’s So Difficult to Change
Identifying Your Organization’s Culture Type
Laying the Groundwork for a Successful Transformation
Chapter 3: Driving Organizational Change
Choosing an Approach: Top-Down or Bottom-Up
Driving Change from Top to Bottom with the Kotter Approach
Driving a Grassroots Change: A Fearless Approach
Overcoming Obstacles Related to Your Organization’s Culture
Chapter 4: Putting It All Together: Taking Steps toward an Agile Enterprise
Step 1: Identifying Your Organization’s Culture
Step 2: Listing the Strengths and Challenges with Changing Your Culture
Step 3: Selecting the Best Approach to Organizational Change Management
Step 4: Training Managers on Lean Thinking
Step 5: Starting a Lean-Agile Center of Excellence (LACE)
Step 6: Choosing a High-Level Value Stream
Step 7: Assigning a Budget to the Value Stream
Step 8: Selecting an Enterprise Agile Framework
Step 9: Shifting from Detailed Plans to Epics
Step 10: Respecting and Trusting Your People