Book 6

The Next Level: Enterprise Agility

Contents at a Glance

  1. Chapter 1: Taking It All In: The Big Picture
    1. Defining Agile and Enterprise Agility
    2. Achieving Enterprise Agility in Three Not-So-Easy Steps
  2. Chapter 2: Sizing Up Your Organization
    1. Committing to Radical Change
    2. Understanding What Culture Is and Why It’s So Difficult to Change
    3. Identifying Your Organization’s Culture Type
    4. Laying the Groundwork for a Successful Transformation
  3. Chapter 3: Driving Organizational Change
    1. Choosing an Approach: Top-Down or Bottom-Up
    2. Driving Change from Top to Bottom with the Kotter Approach
    3. Driving a Grassroots Change: A Fearless Approach
    4. Overcoming Obstacles Related to Your Organization’s Culture
  4. Chapter 4: Putting It All Together: Taking Steps toward an Agile Enterprise
    1. Step 1: Identifying Your Organization’s Culture
    2. Step 2: Listing the Strengths and Challenges with Changing Your Culture
    3. Step 3: Selecting the Best Approach to Organizational Change Management
    4. Step 4: Training Managers on Lean Thinking
    5. Step 5: Starting a Lean-Agile Center of Excellence (LACE)
    6. Step 6: Choosing a High-Level Value Stream
    7. Step 7: Assigning a Budget to the Value Stream
    8. Step 8: Selecting an Enterprise Agile Framework
    9. Step 9: Shifting from Detailed Plans to Epics
    10. Step 10: Respecting and Trusting Your People