Acronyms and abbreviations

AC actual costs
ADR alternate dispute resolution
BAC budget at completion
BAU business as usual
CEO chief executive officer
CIO chief information officer
COO chief operating officer
CPI cost performance index
CPM critical path method
CV cost variance
D&C design and construct
DCF discounted cash flow
DSDM Dynamic Systems Development Method
EAC estimate at completion
EOI expression of interest
EOT extension of time
ETC estimate to complete
EV earned value
EVA earned value analysis
EVM earned value management
HRM human resource management
IFB invitation for bid
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ITT invitation to tender
KPI key performance indicators
KRAC keep, remove, add, change
MBTI Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
MoSCoW must have, should have, could have, won’t have
MOU memorandum of understanding
MSDS material data safety sheet
NPV net present value
PARIS participate, approve, responsible, inform, signoff
PBOK personal body of knowledge
PC practical completion
PDCA plan, do, check, act
PERT Program evaluation review technique
PMBOK Project Management Body of Knowledge
PMCD project management competency development [framework]
PMMM project management maturity model
PMO project management office
PO project office
PRINCE2 projects in controlled environments
PSG project steering group
PV planned value
RACI responsible, approve, consult, inform
RBS risk breakdown structure
RFI request for information
RFQ request for quotation
RFT request for tender
ROI return on investment
RPL recognition of prior learning
SEAM stakeholder engagement assessment matrix
SLA service level agreement
SMART specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, timeframed
SME subject-matter experts
SMP stakeholder management plan
SOP standard operating procedure
SOW statement of work
SPI schedule performance index
SPMO strategic management project office
SV schedule variance
SWOT strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
TBC total budgeted cost
TCPI to-complete performance index
TOC theory of constraints
TQM total quality management
VAC variance at completion
WBS work breakdown structure
WHS work, health and safety