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Absolute power (puissance absolue), 16–17, 22
Absolutism, x, 48
Albrecht, Eduard, 48–50
Althusius, Johannes, 28
Amendment power, 73
American Civil War, 56
American Confederation of 1787, 57
American Revolution: constitutionalism and, 34; popular sovereignty and, 34–38
Articles of Confederation (Switzerland), 56
Articles of Confederation (U.S.), 36
Austria, 25, 48
Authority, 7, 14, 21, 111; of monarchy, 47; supranational, 80–81; see also Public authority
Basic Law, xi, 71–73, 112–13, 127–28
Beaud, Olivier, 113
Bismarck, Otto von, 60–61
Blackstone, William, 35
Bluntschli, Johann Caspar, 48
Bodin, Jean, 5, 13; biography of, 18; concept of sovereignty by, 15, 17–24, 26–27, 31–32, 70, 104–5, 133n17, 133n20; definition of sovereignty by, 16, 25–26; epochal transformation by, 77; on sovereignty, 20; sovereignty before, 13–17; on superior power, 20; writings of, 19, 24–25, 26, 28
British Parliament, 94
Buchanan, George, 28
Bund, 66–67, 117–18
Calhoun, John, x, 53–55
Calvinists, 28
Carré de Malberg, Raymond, 43–45, 138n24
Chisholm v. Georgia, 141n58
Church of Rome, 16, 18, 21, 22
Civil Rights Act of 1997, 94
Coke, Edward, 26
Commentaries on the Laws of England (Blackstone), 35
Common Market, 88–89
Confederation, 7
Congress, U.S., 54
Constant, Benjamin, 42, 48
Constituent power (pouvoir constituant), 40–42, 73, 97, 109, 111, 117, 119–20, 123
Constituted power (pouvoir constitué), 40–41, 73
Constituting body (organe constituant), 44–45
Constitutionalism, 74, 123; achievement of, 42, 68, 74, 144n83; American Revolution and, 34; Germany and, 48–51; modern, 67–68; term, 70–72
Constitutionalization, 69, 89, 107
Constitutional state: emergence of, 68–69, 106; sovereignty in, 33
Constitutions: application and interpretation of, 71; concept of sovereignty and, ix–xii, 7–8; federal, 52–56; forms of, 96; national, 90, 95
Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes, 82
Corporations, 25
Council of Europe, 87
Council of Ministers, 90–91
Court: French royal, 15; rights of, 18–19; see also specific court
Decision making: of people, 72; political, 40–41; power of final, 15; power of monarchy on, 26; sovereignty as final authority on, 14
Declaration of Colonial Rights and Grievances of the First Continental Congress, 35, 136n6
Declaration of Independence, U.S. (1776), 35, 136n6
De iure belli ac pacis (Grotius), 81
Democracy, 47, 72
Dispute Settlement Body (WTO), 87
Duguit, Léon, 6
East Germany, 67
ECJ, see European Court of Justice
Emperor: disputes with, 15; power of, 16, 25
England, 35; American Revolution and, 34; feudal system in, 24; as mixed government, 25; monarchy of, 25
English Parliament, 26; elements of parliamentarism, 36; tariffs imposed by, 34
Estates, 27; rights of, 18–19, 25; rule of, 17
Estates-General, 24
Europe, 19–20, 27, 87
European Community law, primacy of, 89–91
European Convention on Human Rights, 87–88, 94
European Court of Human Rights, 88
European Court of Justice (ECJ), 89, 90–91, 97–98, 111–13, 127–28
European Monetary Union, 108
European Parliament, 89
European Union, xii, 6–7, 9, 71–72, 87–90, 95–96, 98, 107, 110–22; see also Common Market
External sovereignty: internal sovereignty and, 92–99; state and, 91–92; during twentieth century, 81–92; in Westphalian era, 77–81, 107–8
Faith, 19–20
Federal Convention, 36, 38, 57–58
Federalist Papers, 37
Federal Republic (of Germany), 67, 72, 112, 127–28
Federal state, 106; concept of, 61–63; Germany as, 59–67, 144n78; kingdom and, 59–60; sovereignty in, 51–67; Switzerland as, 56–57; three-branch, 66; U.S. and, 52–57
Feudal system, 16, 24–25, 35, 67
Filmer, Robert, 26, 30
Final Act of the Congress of Vienna, 47–48
Foreign policy, 122
Fragmentation, 109, 118
France, 45–47, 103; constitutional amendment, 44, 133n24; constitutional debates in, 44; monarchy of, 18–19, 24; religious wars of, 18–19; royal court of, 15; during thirteenth century, 13
Freedom, 28, 30
French Constitutional Council, 46, 71–72
French Constitution of 1791, 71; articles of, 40–43, 72–73; constituent power and, 41; constituted power and, 41; enactment of, 40–41; end of, 43; regarding sovereignty, 42–43
French Constitution of the year III, 43, 45
French National Assembly, 42
French Republican Constitution of 1793, 43
French Revolution: goals of, 39; popular sovereignty and, 34
Gagern, Heinrich von, 58
German Confederation, 46–47, 57–58, 139n35
German Constitution, see Basic Law
German Constitutional Court, xii, 67, 71–72, 111–13, 127
German Reich, 60
German Revolution of 1848, 58–59
Germany: Basic Law of, xi, 71–73, 112–13, 127–28; constitutionalism and, 48–51; as federal state, 59–67, 144n78; feudal system of, 24, 67; monarchy of, 25–26; as nation-state, 58–67, 59–67, 144n78; self-determination of, 112–13; see also East Germany; North German Confederation; West Germany
Girard, Bernard de, 19
Glorious Revolution of 1688, 25
God, 13, 16–18, 22, 108
Government: legitimacy and shape of, 4; mixed, 21–22, 25, 32; self, 49
Grotius, Hugo, 27, 81
Hague Convention Respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land (1907), 82
Hague Peace Conference, 82
Hamilton, Alexander, 37, 52
Hänel, Albert, 65–66
Hayne, Robert, 52–53
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 49–50
Henry IV, 24
Hitler, Adolf, 67
Hobbes, Thomas, x, 28–30, 101
Holy Roman Empire, 25, 46; see also Reich
House of Commons, 25
House of Lords, 25
Huguenots, x, 27
Humanitarian intervention, 124
“Humanized sovereignty,” 125–26
Human rights, 30–31, 85–88, 94, 123–26
Indivisibility doctrine, 26, 38, 69–70, 109–10, 114, 118, 152n9
Instrumentum Pacis Osnabrugensis, 81
International cooperation: forms of, 87; legal order and, xi–xii, 106–7
International Court of Justice, 86
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 85
International Criminal Court, 91
International law, 7–8, 78–92, 102–3, 124
Jackson, Andrew, 54
Jellinek, Georg, 7, 64–65
Jura summi imperii, see Sovereign rights
Jus cogens, 86
Justice, 22
Kelsen, Hans, 6, 66
King: executive power of, 15; as primary sovereign, 14–15; as representative, 41–42; sovereign rights of, 20
Kompetenz-Kompetenz, see Power to distribute powers
Koselleck, Reinhart, 104
Koskenniemi, Martti, 81–82
Krabbe, H., 51
Laband, Paul, 63, 66
Lawmaking, 17, 22–23
Laws, 52–56; customary, 79–80, 86; establishment or implementation of, 17
League of Nations, 83–84
Legal texts: application of, 7–8; interpretations of, 7–8
Legislature: rights of, 22–23; supreme, 30, 135n36
Leviathan (Hobbes), 28
L’Hôpital, Michel de, 19
Lisbon judgment, 71, 111
Lisbon Treaty, 153n14
Locke, John, 30
Lords, 25; peasants and, 24; rule of, 17
Maastricht decision, 111
MacCormick, Neil, 117
Madison, James, 38
Medieval order, 5, 17, 20
Middle Ages, 16–17, 21, 24, 70, 108–9
Monarchical sovereignty, 19–20, 27, 39, 42, 46–47, 49–50
Monarchomachs, 28
Monarchy, 15; absolute, 25; authority of, 47; decision-making power of, 26; of England, 25; of France, 18–19, 24; of Germany, 25–26; limited rule of, 19; popular sovereignty and, 41; sovereignty and, 19–20, 27; status of, 41–42
Monopoly of legitimate force, 80, 96, 103, 105
Napoleon, 42–43, 46, 56
National sovereignty (souveraineté de la nation), 39–46
Nation-state, 58–67, 59–67, 144n78
Natural law, 17, 20–22, 30, 34–35, 39, 81, 136n6
“New sovereigntists,” 123
Nobility, 21
North German Confederation, 51, 60
Nullification, x, 52–57
Opinio juris, 86
Organe constituant, see Constituting body
Parliamentary sovereignty, 36–38
Parliaments, 36–38, 89, 94; see also English Parliament
Peace, 21, 28, 81–82
Peace of Prague (1635), 81
Peace of Westphalia (1648), 81
People, 40, 74; decision making of, 72; as holder of sovereignty, 21, 133n17; sovereign, 31, 37–38
Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague, 83
Permanent Court of International Justice in The Hague, 83
Philadelphia Convention, 57
Political rule, 3, 13, 17, 19, 77–79, 109, 119–20
Political systems: changing of, 3; legitimacy of, 33
Politicians (les politiques), 20
Politics, 19, 77
Les politiques, see Politicians
Polity, 20, 92–93
Pope, 15–16
Popular sovereignty (souveraineté du peuple), 33–38, 40–41, 44–45, 49, 69, 72–74, 94–96, 106, 109, 112, 119–20
Postsovereignty, xii, 98, 117, 152n9
Pouvoir constituant, see Constituent power
Pouvoir constitué, see Constituted power
Power, 22; delegated, 54; of emperor, 16, 25; of final decision making, 15; of German Confederation, 57–58; of God, 13; to make laws, 20–21; during Middle Ages, 14; monarchy’s decision making, 26; number of, 15; positions of, 14; public, 77, 96, 105–6; reserved, 54; sovereignty and sovereign, 14–15, 54; state, 69, 106–7; supreme, 20, 64, 69–70; unlimited, 64; see also Absolute power; Constituent power; Constituted power
Power to distribute powers (Kompetenz-Kompetenz), 65–66, 110–13
Preuss, Hugo, 6
Primacy, of European Community Law, 89–91
Princes, 21, 25–26, 47, 59, 133n17
Property owner, 17
Prussia, 25, 48
Public authority, 6, 70, 74, 95; exercise of, 40; holder of, 32; people’s representatives and, 40; regulation of, 68; state and, 24
Pufendorf, Samuel, 27
Puissance absolue, see Absolute power
Quaritsch, Helmut, 49
Radowitz, Joseph Maria, 59
Regulations, 6
Reich (Holy Roman Empire), 26–27; Reich (of 1871), xi, 50–51, 57–67, 144n78
Religion, religious wars, 5, 16, 18–19, 28, 30
Republic, 19
Responsibility to protect, 124
Revolution of 1848, 48
Richelieu, Armand-Jean du Plessis, duc de, 24
Rights, 22–23, 35; of court, 18–19; of estates, 18–19, 25; king’s sovereign, 20; to lawmaking, 22–23; to self-determination, 72, 126–27; sovereign, 22, 96, 108–9; see also Human rights
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, x, 31, 39–40
Rule: of estates, 17; hereditary, 33; limits of monarchical, 19; of lords, 17; of property owner, 17; state, 77–78; status and, 17; see also Political rule
Rulers: absolute, 18–19; sovereignty and, 5, 21
Rwanda, 86
Schengen Agreement, 108
Schism, 5, 17–18, 81
Schmitt, Carl, 66–67, 74–75, 117–18
Security, 6, 28
Seigneurie, see Status of monarch
Self-determination, 72, 97, 111–13, 116–17, 120, 123, 126–27, 152n13
Self-government, 49
Self-limitation, 50, 64–65, 93–94
Seydel, Max, 61–63
Sieyes, Emmanuel Joseph, 40–41
Six Books of the Commonwealth (Bodin), 19, 28
Skinner, Quentin, 28
Social contract, 27–28, 33
Sonderbund War, 56
South Carolina, 52–56
Souveraineté, see Power of French king
Souveraineté de la nation, see National sovereignty
Souveraineté du people, see Popular sovereignty
Sovereign: characteristics of, 20; expression of, 61–62; legislative power of, 22; people, 31, 37–38; political rule and, 13; power of, 14–15, 54; rights, 22, 35, 96, 108–9; sovereignty and power of, 54; state as, 8–9; will of, 21, 23
Sovereignty, 16–17, 42–43; absolute, 16, 21–22, 48, 63, 74, 120–21, 123; concept of, ix–xii, 3–5, 7–8, 23–32, 66–67, 69, 74–75, 101, 120–28, 135n36; in constitutional state, 33; content of, 4; death of, 102; deniers of, 6; dimensions of, 5; divided, 53, 55; divisibility of, 7, 27, 36–38, 118, 121; dual, 59–63; exercise and possession of, 14; in federal state, 51–67; as final decision-making authority, 14; governing authority of, 21; holder of, 21, 133n17; humanization of, 125–26; ideas of, 9; indivisibility of, 38, 69–70, 109–10, 114, 118, 152n9; internal, 92–99; interpretations of, 4, 7–9, 103–6; latent, 67–75; limited, 17, 34, 42–43, 114, 121–23; original, 27; parliamentary, 36–38; partial, 22; as plural concept, 14; political rule and, 13; requirements of, 5–6; role of, 102–4; rulers and, 5, 21; self-limitation of, 50, 93–94; shared, 54–55, 117; sovereign power and, 14–15, 54; as term, 4, 15, 65; today, 102–28; twelve attributes of, 29–30, 135n36; unity of, 21, 60; in U.S., 50, 52–57; see also Bodin, Jean; External sovereignty; Monarchical sovereignty; National sovereignty; Popular sovereignty; Postsovereignty; Rights; State sovereignty
Stamp Act of 1765, 34
State: alliances of, 6; central, 52; component, 52; composite, 63; democratic, 6, 123, 125–28; external sovereignty and, 91–92; formation of, 5, 77–79, 108; individual, 37; international laws and, 82–92; international order and, 91–92; medieval, 24; modern, ix, 6, 18; parliaments, 36–38; as political actor, 6–7; political rule of, 19; popular sovereignty and, 44–45; power, 69, 106–7; public authority and, 24; rule, 77–78; as sovereign, 8–9; supra-individual, 29–30, 70; supranational institutions and, 6; as synonym for republic, 19; theory of, 9; see also Constitutional state; Federal state
Statehood, 5–6
State of Emergency, 74
State sovereignty, 24, 36–38, 46–51
Status of monarch (seigneurie), 15
St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre (1572), 19, 27
Stuarts, 25
Supranational institutions, 6
Supreme Court, U.S., 53, 56
Swiss constitution, 57
Switzerland, 56–57
Taxation without representation, 34
Taxes, 22, 133n20
Territory, territoriality, territorialization, 77–79, 104, 107
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 52, 56–57, 60, 141n58
Treaties, 30, 55–56, 82, 86, 89, 110–11, 153n14; concept of sovereignty and international, 7–8; on human rights, 87–88; obligations of, 83; ratification of, 38
Treaty of Rome, 89
Treitschke, Heinrich von, 60
Two Treatises (Locke), 30
UN Charter, 84
UN General Assembly, 85–86
UN Genocide Convention of 1948, 85
UN Security Council, 84–86
United Kingdom, 94
United Nations (UN), xii, 115–18, 121; articles of, 85; criminal tribunals of, 86; empowerment on use of force by, 84; formation of, 84; impact of, 87; members of, 84
United States of America (U.S.): customs law of, 56; federal laws of, 52–56; federal state and, 52–57; Force Bill of, 54; founding of, 34–36; South Carolina and, 52–56; sovereignty in, 50, 52–57; see also American Revolution
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), xii, 85
U.S., see United States of America
U.S. Constitution, 34, 38, 52–56, 141n58
Vattel, Emer de, 33, 36
Waitz, Georg, 59–63, 114–15
Walker, Neil, 118, 128
Webster, Daniel, x, 53–55
Weimar Constitution, 48, 73, 75
West Germany, 67
Westphalian era, Westphalian order, 77–81, 87, 92, 107–8
Will: of God, 18; of sovereign, 21, 23
Wood, Gordon, 34
World Trade Organization (WTO), xii, 86–87, 121
World War I, 83
World War II, 67, 82–83
WTO, see World Trade Organization
Yugoslavia, 86
Zorn, Philipp, 63