Preface: The Adventure of French Philosophy
1. The Current Situation on the Philosophical Front
3. Commitment, Detachment, Fidelity
4. Is There a Theory of the Subject in the Work of Georges Canguilhem?
7. Foucault: Continuity and Discontinuity
8. Jacques Rancière’s Lessons: Knowledge and Power After the Storm
9. The (Re)commencement of Dialectical Materialism
10. The Flux and the Party: In the Margins of Anti-Oedipus
14. Gilles Deleuze, The Fold: Leibniz and the Baroque
15. Objectivity and Objectality
16. On Françoise Proust, Kant: The Tone of History
17. The Imperative of Negation
19. The Subject Supposed to be a Christian