Chapter 1. Introduction to TCP/IP Transport and Applications

This chapter covers the following exam topics:

1.0 Network Fundamentals

1.5 Compare TCP to UDP

4.0 IP Services

4.3 Explain the role of DHCP and DNS in the network

The CCNA exam focuses mostly on functions at the lower layers of TCP/IP, which define how IP networks can send IP packets from host to host using LANs and WANs. This chapter explains the basics of a few topics that receive less attention on the exams: the TCP/IP transport layer and the TCP/IP application layer. The functions of these higher layers play a big role in real TCP/IP networks. Additionally, many of the security topics in Parts I and II of this book, and some of the IP services topics in Part III, require you to know the basics of how the transport and application layers of TCP/IP work. This chapter serves as that introduction.

This chapter begins by examining the functions of two transport layer protocols: Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP). The second major section of the chapter examines the TCP/IP application layer, including some discussion of how Domain Name System (DNS) name resolution works.

“Do I Know This Already?” Quiz

Take the quiz (either here or use the PTP software) if you want to use the score to help you decide how much time to spend on this chapter. The letter answers are listed at the bottom of the page following the quiz. Appendix C, found both at the end of the book as well as on the companion website, includes both the answers and explanations. You can also find both answers and explanations in the PTP testing software.

Table 1-1 “Do I Know This Already?” Foundation Topics Section-to-Question Mapping

Foundation Topics Section


TCP/IP Layer 4 Protocols: TCP and UDP


TCP/IP Applications


1. Which of the following header fields identify which TCP/IP application gets data received by the computer? (Choose two answers.)

  1. Ethernet Type

  2. SNAP Protocol Type

  3. IP Protocol

  4. TCP Port Number

  5. UDP Port Number

2. Which of the following are typical functions of TCP? (Choose four answers.)

  1. Flow control (windowing)

  2. Error recovery

  3. Multiplexing using port numbers

  4. Routing

  5. Encryption

  6. Ordered data transfer

3. Which of the following functions is performed by both TCP and UDP?

  1. Windowing

  2. Error recovery

  3. Multiplexing using port numbers

  4. Routing

  5. Encryption

  6. Ordered data transfer

4. What do you call data that includes the Layer 4 protocol header, and data given to Layer 4 by the upper layers, not including any headers and trailers from Layers 1 to 3? (Choose two answers.)

  1. L3PDU

  2. Chunk

  3. Segment

  4. Packet

  5. Frame

  6. L4PDU

5. In the URI, which part identifies the web server?

  1. http




  5. The file name.html includes the hostname.

6. Fred opens a web browser and connects to the website. Which of the following are typically true about what happens between Fred’s web browser and the web server? (Choose two answers.)

  1. Messages flowing toward the server use UDP destination port 80.

  2. Messages flowing from the server typically use RTP.

  3. Messages flowing to the client typically use a source TCP port number of 80.

  4. Messages flowing to the server typically use TCP.

Answers to the “Do I Know This Already?” quiz:

1 D, E

2 A, B, C, F

3 C

4 C, F

5 B

6 C, D

Foundation Topics

TCP/IP Layer 4 Protocols: TCP and UDP

The OSI transport layer (Layer 4) defines several functions, the most important of which are error recovery and flow control. Likewise, the TCP/IP transport layer protocols also implement these same types of features. Note that both the OSI model and the TCP/IP model call this layer the transport layer. But as usual, when referring to the TCP/IP model, the layer name and number are based on OSI, so any TCP/IP transport layer protocols are considered Layer 4 protocols.

The key difference between TCP and UDP is that TCP provides a wide variety of services to applications, whereas UDP does not. For example, routers discard packets for many reasons, including bit errors, congestion, and instances in which no correct routes are known. As you have read already, most data-link protocols notice errors (a process called error detection) but then discard frames that have errors. TCP provides retransmission (error recovery) and helps to avoid congestion (flow control), whereas UDP does not. As a result, many application protocols choose to use TCP.

However, do not let UDP’s lack of services make you think that UDP is worse than TCP. By providing fewer services, UDP needs fewer bytes in its header compared to TCP, resulting in fewer bytes of overhead in the network. UDP software does not slow down data transfer in cases where TCP can purposefully slow down. Also, some applications, notably today Voice over IP (VoIP) and video over IP, do not need error recovery, so they use UDP. So, UDP also has an important place in TCP/IP networks today.

Table 1-2 lists the main features supported by TCP/UDP. Note that only the first item listed in the table is supported by UDP, whereas all items in the table are supported by TCP.

Key Topic.

Table 1-2 TCP/IP Transport Layer Features



Multiplexing using ports

Function that allows receiving hosts to choose the correct application for which the data is destined, based on the port number

Error recovery (reliability)

Process of numbering and acknowledging data with Sequence and Acknowledgment header fields

Flow control using windowing

Process that uses window sizes to protect buffer space and routing devices from being overloaded with traffic

Connection establishment and termination

Process used to initialize port numbers and Sequence and Acknowledgment fields

Ordered data transfer and data segmentation

Continuous stream of bytes from an upper-layer process that is “segmented” for transmission and delivered to upper-layer processes at the receiving device, with the bytes in the same order

Next, this section describes the features of TCP, followed by a brief comparison to UDP.

Transmission Control Protocol

Each TCP/IP application typically chooses to use either TCP or UDP based on the application’s requirements. For example, TCP provides error recovery, but to do so, it consumes more bandwidth and uses more processing cycles. UDP does not perform error recovery, but it takes less bandwidth and uses fewer processing cycles. Regardless of which of these two TCP/IP transport layer protocols the application chooses to use, you should understand the basics of how each of these transport layer protocols works.

TCP, as defined in Request For Comments (RFC) 793, accomplishes the functions listed in Table 1-2 through mechanisms at the endpoint computers. TCP relies on IP for end-to-end delivery of the data, including routing issues. In other words, TCP performs only part of the functions necessary to deliver the data between applications. Also, the role that it plays is directed toward providing services for the applications that sit at the endpoint computers. Regardless of whether two computers are on the same Ethernet, or are separated by the entire Internet, TCP performs its functions the same way.

Figure 1-1 shows the fields in the TCP header. Although you don’t need to memorize the names of the fields or their locations, the rest of this section refers to several of the fields, so the entire header is included here for reference.

An illustration depicts the header fields of Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).

Figure 1-1 TCP Header Fields

The message created by TCP that begins with the TCP header, followed by any application data, is called a TCP segment. Alternatively, the more generic term Layer 4 PDU, or L4PDU, can also be used.

Multiplexing Using TCP Port Numbers

TCP and UDP both use a concept called multiplexing. Therefore, this section begins with an explanation of multiplexing with TCP and UDP. Afterward, the unique features of TCP are explored.

Multiplexing by TCP and UDP involves the process of how a computer thinks when receiving data. The computer might be running many applications, such as a web browser, an email package, or an Internet VoIP application (for example, Skype). TCP and UDP multiplexing tells the receiving computer to which application to give the received data.

Some examples will help make the need for multiplexing obvious. The sample network consists of two PCs, labeled Hannah and George. Hannah uses an application that she wrote to send advertisements that appear on George’s screen. The application sends a new ad to George every 10 seconds. Hannah uses a second application, a wire-transfer application, to send George some money. Finally, Hannah uses a web browser to access the web server that runs on George’s PC. The ad application and wire-transfer application are imaginary, just for this example. The web application works just like it would in real life.

Figure 1-2 shows the sample network, with George running three applications:

  • A UDP-based advertisement application

  • A TCP-based wire-transfer application

  • A TCP web server application

An architecture diagram depicts the network connection between two users for transferring packets through three applications.

Figure 1-2 Hannah Sending Packets to George, with Three Applications

George needs to know which application to give the data to, but all three packets are from the same Ethernet and IP address. You might think that George could look at whether the packet contains a UDP or TCP header, but as you see in the figure, two applications (wire transfer and web) are using TCP.

TCP and UDP solve this problem by using a port number field in the TCP or UDP header, respectively. Each of Hannah’s TCP and UDP segments uses a different destination port number so that George knows which application to give the data to. Figure 1-3 shows an example.

An architecture diagram depicts the network connection between two users for transferring packets through the port numbers to multiplex three applications.

Figure 1-3 Hannah Sending Packets to George, with Three Applications Using Port Numbers to Multiplex

Multiplexing relies on a concept called a socket. A socket consists of three things:

  • An IP address

  • A transport protocol

  • A port number

So, for a web server application on George, the socket would be (, TCP, port 80) because, by default, web servers use the well-known port 80. When Hannah’s web browser connects to the web server, Hannah uses a socket as well—possibly one like this: (, TCP, 49160). Why 49160? Well, Hannah just needs a port number that is unique on Hannah, so Hannah sees that port 49160.

The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), the same organization that manages IP address allocation worldwide, subdivides the port number ranges into three main ranges. The first two ranges reserve numbers that IANA can then allocate to specific application protocols through an application and review process, with the third category reserving ports to be dynamically allocated as used for clients, as with the port 49160 example in the previous paragraph. The names and ranges of port numbers (as detailed in RFC 6335) are

  • Well Known (System) Ports: Numbers from 0 to 1023, assigned by IANA, with a stricter review process to assign new ports than user ports.

  • User (Registered) Ports: Numbers from 1024 to 49151, assigned by IANA with a less strict process to assign new ports compared to well-known ports.

  • Ephemeral (Dynamic, Private) Ports: Numbers from 49152 to 65535, not assigned and intended to be dynamically allocated and used temporarily for a client application while the app is running.

Figure 1-4 shows an example that uses three ephemeral ports on the user device on the left, with the server on the right using two well-known ports and one user port. The computers use three applications at the same time; hence, three socket connections are open. Because a socket on a single computer should be unique, a connection between two sockets should identify a unique connection between two computers. This uniqueness means that you can use multiple applications at the same time, talking to applications running on the same or different computers. Multiplexing, based on sockets, ensures that the data is delivered to the correct applications.

An illustration shows the connections between sockets in user and server devices.

Figure 1-4 Connections Between Sockets

Port numbers are a vital part of the socket concept. Servers use well-known ports (or user ports), whereas clients use dynamic ports. Applications that provide a service, such as FTP, Telnet, and web servers, open a socket using a well-known port and listen for connection requests. Because these connection requests from clients are required to include both the source and destination port numbers, the port numbers used by the servers must be known beforehand. Therefore, each service uses a specific well-known port number or user port number. Both well-known and user ports are listed at

On client machines, where the requests originate, any locally unused port number can be allocated. The result is that each client on the same host uses a different port number, but a server uses the same port number for all connections. For example, 100 web browsers on the same host computer could each connect to a web server, but the web server with 100 clients connected to it would have only one socket and, therefore, only one port number (port 80, in this case). The server can tell which packets are sent from which of the 100 clients by looking at the source port of received TCP segments. The server can send data to the correct web client (browser) by sending data to that same port number listed as a destination port. The combination of source and destination sockets allows all participating hosts to distinguish between the data’s source and destination. Although the example explains the concept using 100 TCP connections, the same port-numbering concept applies to UDP sessions in the same way.


You can find all RFCs online at, where xxxx is the number of the RFC. If you do not know the number of the RFC, you can try searching by topic at

Popular TCP/IP Applications

Throughout your preparation for the CCNA exam, you will come across a variety of TCP/IP applications. You should at least be aware of some of the applications that can be used to help manage and control a network.

The World Wide Web (WWW) application exists through web browsers accessing the content available on web servers. Although it is often thought of as an end-user application, you can actually use WWW to manage a router or switch. You enable a web server function in the router or switch and use a browser to access the router or switch.

The Domain Name System (DNS) allows users to use names to refer to computers, with DNS being used to find the corresponding IP addresses. DNS also uses a client/server model, with DNS servers being controlled by networking personnel and DNS client functions being part of most any device that uses TCP/IP today. The client simply asks the DNS server to supply the IP address that corresponds to a given name.

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is an application layer protocol used specifically for network device management. For example, Cisco supplies a large variety of network management products, many of them in the Cisco Prime network management software product family. They can be used to query, compile, store, and display information about a network’s operation. To query the network devices, Cisco Prime software mainly uses SNMP protocols.

Traditionally, to move files to and from a router or switch, Cisco used Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP). TFTP defines a protocol for basic file transfer—hence the word trivial. Alternatively, routers and switches can use File Transfer Protocol (FTP), which is a much more functional protocol, to transfer files. Both work well for moving files into and out of Cisco devices. FTP allows many more features, making it a good choice for the general end-user population. TFTP client and server applications are very simple, making them good tools as embedded parts of networking devices.

Some of these applications use TCP, and some use UDP. For example, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3), both used for transferring mail, require guaranteed delivery, so they use TCP.

Regardless of which transport layer protocol is used, applications use a well-known port number so that clients know which port to attempt to connect to. Table 1-3 lists several popular applications and their well-known port numbers.

Key Topic.

Table 1-3 Popular Applications and Their Well-Known Port Numbers

Port Number





FTP data



FTP control















DHCP Server



DHCP Client



















1 DNS uses both UDP and TCP in different instances. It uses port 53 for both TCP and UDP.

Connection Establishment and Termination

TCP connection establishment occurs before any of the other TCP features can begin their work. Connection establishment refers to the process of initializing Sequence and Acknowledgment fields and agreeing on the port numbers used. Figure 1-5 shows an example of connection establishment flow.

Key Topic.
An architecture diagram depicts the TCP connection establishment between web browser and server.

Figure 1-5 TCP Connection Establishment

This three-way connection establishment flow (also called a three-way handshake) must complete before data transfer can begin. The connection exists between the two sockets, although the TCP header has no single socket field. Of the three parts of a socket, the IP addresses are implied based on the source and destination IP addresses in the IP header. TCP is implied because a TCP header is in use, as specified by the protocol field value in the IP header. Therefore, the only parts of the socket that need to be encoded in the TCP header are the port numbers.

TCP signals connection establishment using 2 bits inside the flag fields of the TCP header. Called the SYN and ACK flags, these bits have a particularly interesting meaning. SYN means “synchronize the sequence numbers,” which is one necessary component in initialization for TCP.

Figure 1-6 shows TCP connection termination. This four-way termination sequence is straightforward and uses an additional flag, called the FIN bit. (FIN is short for “finished,” as you might guess.) One interesting note: Before the device on the right sends the third TCP segment in the sequence, it notifies the application that the connection is coming down. It then waits on an acknowledgment from the application before sending the third segment in the figure. Just in case the application takes some time to reply, the PC on the right sends the second flow in the figure, acknowledging that the other PC wants to take down the connection. Otherwise, the PC on the left might resend the first segment repeatedly.

A figure depicts an overview of TCP connection termination between two computers.

Figure 1-6 TCP Connection Termination

TCP establishes and terminates connections between the endpoints, whereas UDP does not. Many protocols operate under these same concepts, so the terms connection-oriented and connectionless are used to refer to the general idea of each. More formally, these terms can be defined as follows:

Key Topic.
  • Connection-oriented protocol: A protocol that requires an exchange of messages before data transfer begins, or that has a required pre-established correlation between two endpoints.

  • Connectionless protocol: A protocol that does not require an exchange of messages and that does not require a pre-established correlation between two endpoints.

Error Recovery and Reliability

TCP provides for reliable data transfer, which is also called reliability or error recovery, depending on what document you read. To accomplish reliability, TCP numbers data bytes using the Sequence and Acknowledgment fields in the TCP header. TCP achieves reliability in both directions, using the Sequence Number field of one direction combined with the Acknowledgment field in the opposite direction.

Figure 1-7 shows an example of how the TCP Sequence and Acknowledgment fields allow the PC to send 3000 bytes of data to the server, with the server acknowledging receipt of the data. The TCP segments in the figure occur in order, from top to bottom. For simplicity’s sake, all messages happen to have 1000 bytes of data in the data portion of the TCP segment. The first Sequence number is a nice round number (1000), again for simplicity’s sake. The top of the figure shows three segments, with each sequence number being 1000 more than the previous, identifying the first of the 1000 bytes in the message. (That is, in this example, the first segment holds bytes 1000–1999; the second holds bytes 2000–2999; and the third holds bytes 3000–3999.)

An architecture diagram depicts the occurrence of TCP acknowledgment without errors between web browser and server.

Figure 1-7 TCP Acknowledgment Without Errors

The fourth TCP segment in the figure—the only one flowing back from the server to the web browser—acknowledges the receipt of all three segments. How? The acknowledgment value of 4000 means “I received all data with sequence numbers up through one less than 4000, so I am ready to receive your byte 4000 next.” (Note that this convention of acknowledging by listing the next expected byte, rather than the number of the last byte received, is called forward acknowledgment.)

This first example does not recover from any errors, however; it simply shows the basics of how the sending host uses the sequence number field to identify the data, with the receiving host using forward acknowledgments to acknowledge the data. The more interesting discussion revolves around how to use these same tools to do error recovery. TCP uses the Sequence and Acknowledgment fields so that the receiving host can notice lost data, ask the sending host to resend, and then acknowledge that the re-sent data arrived.

Many variations exist for how TCP does error recovery. Figure 1-8 shows just one such example, with similar details compared to the previous figure. The web browser again sends three TCP segments, again 1000 bytes each, again with easy-to-remember sequence numbers. However, in this example, the second TCP segment fails to cross the network.

An architecture diagram depicts the occurrence of TCP acknowledgment with errors between web browser and server.

Figure 1-8 TCP Acknowledgment with Errors

The figure points out three sets of ideas behind how the two hosts think. First, on the right, the server realizes that it did not receive all the data. The two received TCP segments contain bytes numbered 1000–1999 and 3000–3999. Clearly, the server did not receive the bytes numbered in between. The server then decides to acknowledge all the data up to the lost data—that is, to send back a segment with the Acknowledgment field equal to 2000.

The receipt of an acknowledgment that does not acknowledge all the data sent so far tells the sending host to resend the data. The PC on the left may wait a few moments to make sure no other acknowledgments arrive (using a timer called the retransmission timer), but will soon decide that the server means “I really do need 2000 next—resend it.” The PC on the left does so, as shown in the fifth of the six TCP segments in the figure.

Finally, note that the server can acknowledge not only the re-sent data, but any earlier data that had been received correctly. In this case, the server received the re-sent second TCP segment (the data with sequence numbers 2000–2999), but the server had already received the third TCP segment (the data numbered 3000–3999). The server’s next Acknowledgment field acknowledges the data in both those segments, with an Acknowledgment field of 4000.

Flow Control Using Windowing

TCP implements flow control by using a window concept that is applied to the amount of data that can be outstanding and awaiting acknowledgment at any one point in time. The window concept lets the receiving host tell the sender how much data it can receive right now, giving the receiving host a way to make the sending host slow down or speed up. The receiver can slide the window size up and down—called a sliding window or dynamic window—to change how much data the sending host can send.

The sliding window mechanism makes much more sense with an example. The example, shown in Figure 1-9, uses the same basic rules as the examples in the previous few figures. In this case, none of the TCP segments have errors, and the discussion begins one TCP segment earlier than in the previous two figures.

An architecture diagram depicts an overview of TCP Windowing between web browser and server.

Figure 1-9 TCP Windowing

Begin with the first segment, sent by the server to the PC. The Acknowledgment field should be familiar by now: it tells the PC that the server expects a segment with sequence number 1000 next. The new field, the window field, is set to 3000. Because the segment flows to the PC, this value tells the PC that the PC can send no more than 3000 bytes over this connection before receiving an acknowledgment. So, as shown on the left, the PC realizes it can send only 3000 bytes, and it stops sending, waiting on an acknowledgment, after sending three 1000-byte TCP segments.

Continuing the example, the server not only acknowledges receiving the data (without any loss), but the server decides to slide the window size a little higher. Note that second message flowing right to left in the figure, this time with a window of 4000. Once the PC receives this TCP segment, the PC realizes it can send another 4000 bytes (a slightly larger window than the previous value).

Note that while the last few figures show examples for the purpose of explaining how the mechanisms work, the examples might give you the impression that TCP makes the hosts sit there and wait for acknowledgments a lot. TCP does not want to make the sending host have to wait to send data. For instance, if an acknowledgment is received before the window is exhausted, a new window begins, and the sender continues sending data until the current window is exhausted. Often times, in a network that has few problems, few lost segments, and little congestion, the TCP windows stay relatively large with hosts seldom waiting to send.

User Datagram Protocol

UDP provides a service for applications to exchange messages. Unlike TCP, UDP is connectionless and provides no reliability, no windowing, no reordering of the received data, and no segmentation of large chunks of data into the right size for transmission. However, UDP provides some functions of TCP, such as data transfer and multiplexing using port numbers, and it does so with fewer bytes of overhead and less processing required than TCP.

UDP data transfer differs from TCP data transfer in that no reordering or recovery is accomplished. Applications that use UDP are tolerant of the lost data, or they have some application mechanism to recover lost data. For example, VoIP uses UDP because if a voice packet is lost, by the time the loss could be noticed and the packet retransmitted, too much delay would have occurred, and the voice would be unintelligible. Also, DNS requests use UDP because the user will retry an operation if the DNS resolution fails. As another example, the Network File System (NFS), a remote file system application, performs recovery with application layer code, so UDP features are acceptable to NFS.

Figure 1-10 shows the UDP header format. Most importantly, note that the header includes source and destination port fields, for the same purpose as TCP. However, the UDP has only 8 bytes, in comparison to the 20-byte TCP header shown in Figure 1-1. UDP needs a shorter header than TCP simply because UDP has less work to do.

An illustration depicts the header fields of the User Datagram Protocol (UDP).

Figure 1-10 UDP Header

TCP/IP Applications

The whole goal of building an enterprise network, or connecting a small home or office network to the Internet, is to use applications such as web browsing, text messaging, email, file downloads, voice, and video. This section examines one particular application—web browsing using Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

The World Wide Web (WWW) consists of all the Internet-connected web servers in the world, plus all Internet-connected hosts with web browsers. Web servers, which consist of web server software running on a computer, store information (in the form of web pages) that might be useful to different people. A web browser, which is software installed on an end user’s computer, provides the means to connect to a web server and display the web pages stored on the web server.


Although most people use the term web browser, or simply browser, web browsers are also called web clients, because they obtain a service from a web server.

For this process to work, several specific application layer functions must occur. The user must somehow identify the server, the specific web page, and the protocol used to get the data from the server. The client must find the server’s IP address, based on the server’s name, typically using DNS. The client must request the web page, which actually consists of multiple separate files, and the server must send the files to the web browser. Finally, for electronic commerce (e-commerce) applications, the transfer of data, particularly sensitive financial data, needs to be secure. The following sections address each of these functions.

Uniform Resource Identifiers

For a browser to display a web page, the browser must identify the server that has the web page, plus other information that identifies the particular web page. Most web servers have many web pages. For example, if you use a web browser to browse and you click around that web page, you’ll see another web page. Click again, and you’ll see another web page. In each case, the clicking action identifies the server’s IP address as well as the specific web page, with the details mostly hidden from you. (These clickable items on a web page, which in turn bring you to another web page, are called links.)

The browser user can identify a web page when you click something on a web page or when you enter a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) in the browser’s address area. Both options—clicking a link and typing a URI—refer to a URI, because when you click a link on a web page, that link actually refers to a URI.


Most browsers support some way to view the hidden URI referenced by a link. In several browsers, hover the mouse pointer over a link, right-click, and select Properties. The pop-up window should display the URI to which the browser would be directed if you clicked that link.

In common speech, many people use the terms web address or the similar related terms Universal Resource Locator (or Uniform Resource Locator [URL]) instead of URI, but URI is indeed the correct formal term. In fact, URL had been more commonly used than URI for more than a few years. However, the IETF (the group that defines TCP/IP), along with the W3C consortium (, a consortium that develops web standards) has made a concerted effort to standardize the use of URI as the general term. See RFC 7595 for some commentary to that effect.

From a practical perspective, the URIs used to connect to a web server include three key components, as noted in Figure 1-11. The figure shows the formal names of the URI fields. More importantly to this discussion, note that the text before the :// identifies the protocol used to connect to the server, the text between the // and / identifies the server by name, and the text after the / identifies the web page.

An overview of the structure of a URI along with the fields used to retrieve a web page is illustrated.

Figure 1-11 Structure of a URI Used to Retrieve a Web Page

In this case, the protocol is Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), the hostname is, and the name of the web page is blog.

Finding the Web Server Using DNS

A host can use DNS to discover the IP address that corresponds to a particular hostname. URIs typically list the name of the server—a name that can be used to dynamically learn the IP address used by that same server. The web browser cannot send an IP packet to a destination name, but it can send a packet to a destination IP address. So, before the browser can send a packet to the web server, the browser typically needs to resolve the name inside the URI to that name’s corresponding IP address.

To pull together several concepts, Figure 1-12 shows the DNS process as initiated by a web browser, as well as some other related information. From a basic perspective, the user enters the URI (in this case,, resolves the name into the correct IP address, and starts sending packets to the web server.

Key Topic.
An architecture summarizes the steps involved in the DNS resolution process and an overview of requesting a web page.

Figure 1-12 DNS Resolution and Requesting a Web Page

The steps shown in the figure are as follows:

  1. The user enters the URI,, into the browser’s address area.

  2. The client sends a DNS request to the DNS server. Typically, the client learns the DNS server’s IP address through DHCP. Note that the DNS request uses a UDP header, with a destination port of the DNS well-known port of 53. (See Table 1-3, earlier in this chapter, for a list of popular well-known ports.)

  3. The DNS server sends a reply, listing IP address as’s IP address. Note also that the reply shows a destination IP address of, the client’s IP address. It also shows a UDP header, with source port 53; the source port is 53 because the data is sourced, or sent, by the DNS server.

  4. The client begins the process of establishing a new TCP connection to the web server. Note that the destination IP address is the just-learned IP address of the web server. The packet includes a TCP header, because HTTP uses TCP. Also note that the destination TCP port is 80, the well-known port for HTTP. Finally, the SYN bit is shown, as a reminder that the TCP connection establishment process begins with a TCP segment with the SYN bit turned on (binary 1).

The example in Figure 1-12 shows what happens when the client host does not know the IP address associated with the hostname but the enterprise does know the address. However, hosts can cache the results of DNS requests so that for a time the client does not need to ask the DNS to resolve the name. Also, the DNS server can cache the results of previous DNS requests; for instance, the enterprise DNS server in Figure 1-12 would not normally have configured information about hostnames in domains outside that enterprise, so that example relied on the DNS having cached the address associated with hostname

When the local DNS does not know the address associated with a hostname, it needs to ask for help. Figure 1-13 shows an example with the same client as in Figure 1-12. In this case, the enterprise DNS acts as a recursive DNS server, sending repeated DNS messages in an effort to identify the authoritative DNS server.

A figure depicts an example of recursive DNS lookup process.

Figure 1-13 Recursive DNS Lookup

The steps shown in the figure are as follows:

  1. The client sends a DNS request for to the DNS server it knows, which is the enterprise DNS server.

  2. The (recursive) enterprise DNS server does not know the answer yet, but it does not reject the client’s DNS request. Instead, it follows a repetitive (recursive) process (shown as steps 2, 3, and 4), beginning with the DNS request sent to a root DNS server. The root does not supply the address either, but it supplies the IP address of another DNS server, one responsible for the .com top-level domain.

  3. The recursive enterprise DNS sends the next DNS request to the DNS server learned at the previous step—this time the TLD DNS server for the .com domain. This DNS also does not know the address, but it knows the DNS server that should be the authoritative DNS server for domain, so it supplies that DNS server’s address.

  4. The enterprise DNS sends another DNS request, to the DNS server whose address was learned in the previous step, again asking for resolution of the name This DNS server, the authoritative server for, supplies the address.

  5. The enterprise DNS server returns a DNS reply back to the client, supplying the IP address requested at step 1.

Transferring Files with HTTP

After a web client (browser) has created a TCP connection to a web server, the client can begin requesting the web page from the server. Most often, the protocol used to transfer the web page is HTTP. The HTTP application layer protocol, defined in RFC 7230, defines how files can be transferred between two computers. HTTP was specifically created for the purpose of transferring files between web servers and web clients.

HTTP defines several commands and responses, with the most frequently used being the HTTP GET request. To get a file from a web server, the client sends an HTTP GET request to the server, listing the filename. If the server decides to send the file, the server sends an HTTP GET response, with a return code of 200 (meaning OK), along with the file’s contents.


Many return codes exist for HTTP requests. For example, when the server does not have the requested file, it issues a return code of 404, which means “file not found.” Most web browsers do not show the specific numeric HTTP return codes, instead displaying a response such as “page not found” in reaction to receiving a return code of 404.

Web pages typically consist of multiple files, called objects. Most web pages contain text as well as several graphical images, animated advertisements, and possibly voice or video. Each of these components is stored as a different object (file) on the web server. To get them all, the web browser gets the first file. This file can (and typically does) include references to other URIs, so the browser then also requests the other objects. Figure 1-14 shows the general idea, with the browser getting the first file and then two others.

An architecture diagram illustrates the flow of multiple HTTP GET request/responses.

Figure 1-14 Multiple HTTP GET Requests/Responses

In this case, after the web browser gets the first file—the one called “/go/ccna” in the URI—the browser reads and interprets that file. Besides containing parts of the web page, the file refers to two other files, so the browser issues two additional HTTP GET requests. Note that, even though it isn’t shown in the figure, all these commands flow over one (or possibly more) TCP connection between the client and the server. This means that TCP would provide error recovery, ensuring that the data was delivered.

How the Receiving Host Identifies the Correct Receiving Application

This chapter closes with a discussion of the process by which a host, when receiving any message over any network, can decide which of its many application programs should process the received data.

As an example, consider host A shown on the left side of Figure 1-15. The host happens to have three different web browser windows open, each using a unique TCP port. Host A also has an email client and a chat window open, both of which use TCP. Both the email and chat applications use a unique TCP port number on host A as shown in the figure.

An architecture diagram shows how a host chooses the App to receive the data from the server.

Figure 1-15 Dilemma: How Host A Chooses the App That Should Receive This Data

This chapter has shown several examples of how transport layer protocols use the destination port number field in the TCP or UDP header to identify the receiving application. For instance, if the destination TCP port value in Figure 1-15 is 49124, host A will know that the data is meant for the first of the three web browser windows.

Before a receiving host can even examine the TCP or UDP header, and find the destination port field, it must first process the outer headers in the message. If the incoming message is an Ethernet frame that encapsulates an IPv4 packet, the headers look like the details in Figure 1-16.

Key Topic.
An illustration depicts how a host can identify the TCP or UDP header fields on receiving a message.

Figure 1-16 Three Key Fields with Which to Identify the Next Header

The receiving host needs to look at multiple fields, one per header, to identify the next header or field in the received message. For instance, host A uses an Ethernet NIC to connect to the network, so the received message is an Ethernet frame. The Ethernet Type field identifies the type of header that follows the Ethernet header—in this case, with a value of hex 0800, an IPv4 header.

The IPv4 header has a similar field called the IP Protocol field. The IPv4 Protocol field has a standard list of values that identify the next header, with decimal 6 used for TCP and decimal 17 used for UDP. In this case, the value of 6 identifies the TCP header that follows the IPv4 header. Once the receiving host realizes a TCP header exists, it can process the destination port field to determine which local application process should receive the data.

Chapter Review

One key to doing well on the exams is to perform repetitive spaced review sessions. Review this chapter’s material using either the tools in the book or interactive tools for the same material found on the book’s companion website. Refer to the “Your Study Plan” element for more details. Table 1-4 outlines the key review elements and where you can find them. To better track your study progress, record when you completed these activities in the second column.

Table 1-4 Chapter Review Tracking

Review Element

Review Date(s)

Resource Used

Review key topics


Book, website

Review key terms


Book, website

Repeat DIKTA questions


Book, PTP

Review memory tables


Book, website

Review All the Key Topics

Key Topic.

Table 1-5 Key Topics for Chapter 1

Key Topic Element


Page Number

Table 1-2

Functions of TCP and UDP


Table 1-3

Well-known TCP and UDP port numbers


Figure 1-5

Example of TCP connection establishment



Definitions of connection-oriented and connectionless


Figure 1-12

DNS name resolution


Figure 1-16

Header fields that identify the next header


Key Terms You Should Know

connection establishment

error detection

error recovery

flow control

forward acknowledgment


ordered data transfer



sliding windows


web server

DNS server

recursive DNS server