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abstraction, 61

advertising, 33, 109–10

ammonia, 62–63

anger, 29

animals, 47

Anthropocene epoch, 9, 24

anticipated loss, 34–35

anxiety: defense mechanisms for, 36–39; security and, 20; transformation and, 25; with anticipated loss, 34–35; with change, xi, 17–18, 20, 77–78; with climate change, 28–42; with death, 60; with world’s end, 60

apartheid, 131–32

Apollo 8, 45

archetypes: complexes from, 32; of disunion, 67–68; of feminine, 65–66; gods as, 108; of harmony seekers, 21–24; of hero and heroine, 50–54; interconnectedness of, 124; on Internet, 90; in Jungian psychology, xii, 5, 19–21; of masculine, 64–66; meaning and, 108–9; of old person, 19–21; of opposites, 59–60, 65–68; of security, 21–24; transformation and, 136–37; of union, 67–68; within unconscious, 32; of young person, 19–21

Arctic sea ice, loss of, 28

Armstrong, Neil, 47

arts, 10, 53; intuition in, 62; meaning and, 110

attention deficit disorder, 89

Augustine (Saint), 135

authentic life, 98–99, 111–12

authority, 74–75; hierarchical, 21

autonomy, 35, 111–12

awakening: to interconnectedness, 117–37; to One World, 138–42; transpersonal and, 129–37. See also transformation

awareness: for balance, 80–81; of beauty, 100; Buddhism and, xii; of change, 25; of defense mechanisms, 41; of interconnectedness, 127, 134

Bach, Johann Sebastian, 125

bacteria, 63

balance: awareness for, 80–81; change and, 73–74; of complexes, 75; of energy, 76; in future, 79; of imagination, 80; of opposites, 72–82; overconsumption and, 78–79; psyche and, 79; restoration of, 79; in social systems, 74–75; transformation of, 79; unconscious and, 79

beauty: being in the world and, 99–104; belief systems for, 140; imagination and, 103; meaning in, 103; in science, 100–101; technology and, 101–2; transformation and, 102, 134–35

behavior patterns: change and, 17–18. See also self-defeating behaviors

being in the world: beauty and, 99–104; body and, 93–95; of Christians, 88; exploration of, 85–98; God and, 88; gods and, 87; of Greeks, 87–88; Heidegger and, 86; meaning and, 105–14; mood, 95–96; of Romans, 88; space and, 91–92; technology and, 88–93; transformation of, 134. See also sense of being

belief systems, 74–75, 100, 140

Big Bang, 139

body: being in the world and, 93–95; dysmorphia, 93

Buddhism, xiii, 71, 122, 135

Campbell, Joseph, 3, 45, 50–52

Capra, Fritjof, 9

carbon dioxide, 3–4, 92; energy and, 76; Faint Young Sun paradox and, 63; from fossil fuels, 8, 12–13, 76; global warming from, 14; as greenhouse gas, 13

categorization, of science, 48

Catholic Church, in Middle Ages, 75

change: anxiety with, xi, 17–18, 77–78; awareness of, 25; balance and, 73–74; behavior patterns and, 17–18; defense mechanisms and, 36–40; dis-ease and, 77–78; harmony seekers and, 21; learning to embrace, 16–27; positive outcomes from, 24–25; psyche and, 77; sense of being and, 17–18; tipping points and, 124; transformation and, 26. See also climate change

Christians, 75, 88, 108

classification, of science, 48

climate change: anxiety with, 28–42; compassion and, 143–44; disunion and, 68; energy and, 73; ethics and, 6; Europe and, 23; extinction events and, 7; fugues and, 125–27; in hierarchy of needs, 121; images and, 45–56; loss from, 29–31; morality and, 6; from nuclear war, 130–31; oceans and, 92; opposites and, 57–82, 72–82; in past two decades, 28; polarity with, 59; psychology and, 3–15; religion and, 35; science on, 4, 29; spirituality and, 6; United States and, 23

clock, of Union of Concerned Scientists, 47

cognitive dissonance, 21

Cold War, 130–31

collective consciousness, 119

commitment, 20, 78

compartmentalization, 38

compassion, xii, 143–44

complexes: from archetypes, 32; balance of, 75; in Jungian psychology, xii; from loss, 31–34; meaning and, 107–8

concepts, of science, 61

consumption, 78, 93, 144; as meaning, 111; in One World, 140; sense of being and, 18. See also overconsumption

contrast, of opposites, 60

creation, myths about, 60

creativity, 79; from imagination, 81; Jung on, 81; meaning and, 106; transformation and, 135

crises, transformation and, xi

cynicism, 79

Dante, 46

death, 60

decision making: emotions and, 7; opposites and, 59, 64

defense mechanisms, 36–40, 77–78; for anxiety, 36–39; awareness of, 41; compartmentalization as, 38; denial as, 37–38; dissociation as, 39; distortion as, 38; projection as, 39; rationalization as, 38

Demeter, 49

Democrats, 71

denial, 29, 37–38

Descartes, René, 88, 89, 96

destruction, myths about, 60

diabetes, 93

dinosaurs, 7, 9

Dis, 69–70

dis-ease, 31, 71, 77–78

dissociation, 29, 39

distortion, 38

disunion, archetype of, 67–68

Divine Comedy (Dante), 46

Dreyfus, Hubert, 87

dualism, 88, 89, 96

Earth-Destroyer, 49, 112

emotions: advertising and, 33; decision making and, 7; opposites and, 70–71; with loss, 31–39

empathy, 61, 123–24

emptiness, 30, 67, 78

energy: balance of, 76; carbon dioxide and, 76; change and, 25; climate change and, 73; consumption of, 78; fossil fuels for, 78, 121–22; interconnectedness of, 121–22; for lifestyle, 18; in oceans, 13, 92; in One World, 140; overconsumption of, 78, 111; renewable, 52

equality, 21, 74–75

ethics, 6, 22

Europe, 23

experienced loss, 35

extinction events, 7

Faint Young Sun paradox, 62–63

fairy tales, 66

Famine, 49

father, xii, 32

fear. See anxiety

feeling, 30, 60–61

feminine: archetype of, 65–66; patriarchy and, 94

fight-or-flight response, 36

fossil fuels: carbon dioxide from, 8, 12–13, 76; commitment to, 78; Dis and, 70; discovery of, 8; for energy, 78, 121–22; global warming from, 14–15; for lifestyle, 24

fossils, 7–8

Freud, Sigmund, 28, 37

Frodo (fictional character), 53–54

fugues, 125–27

future, xi–xiv, 4, 9, 24, 46, 133; balance in, 79; consumption and, 144; opposites in, 57

Galileo, 45–46

Gandhi, Mahatma, 123, 132

GDP. See gross domestic product

genetics, 139–40

globalization, 24, 122, 127–28

global warming: from carbon dioxide, 14; from fossil fuels, 14–15; in future, 133; from greenhouse gases, 4; Jungian psychology and, 5; from overconsumption, 111; science of, 90; United States and, 121

GNH. See gross national happiness

God, xiii, 35, 48; being in the world and, 88; as transpersonal, 135

gods, 87, 108; meaning from, 112–13

Greeks: being in the world of, 87–88; Ideas of, 87–88; kairos of, 136; myths of, 66, 112; natural world and, 48–50

greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide as, 13; Faint Young Sun paradox and, 62–63; global warming from, 4

grief, 35

Grof, Stanislav, 129

gross domestic product (GDP), 9, 103

gross national happiness (GNH), 103

harmony seekers: archetypes of, 21–24; change and, 21; ethics of, 22; inclusivity of, 21; social psychology and, 21–24

health, 9, 25

Heidegger, Martin, 85, 86

helplessness, 29

Heraclitus, 16, 138

hero and heroine, 50–54

hierarchical authority, 21

hierarchy of needs, 120–21

Higher Power, 135

Hollis, James, 106

Holocaust, 109

Homer, 46, 87

hopelessness, 29

humanities, 10

Hurricane Katrina, 77

Hurricane Sandy, 121

Ideas, 87–88

identification, 107, 109–10

images: of animals, 47; art and, 53; climate change and, 45–56; for future, 46; on Internet, 90; in Jungian psychology, 6; in prescientific world, 47–48; in psyche, 46; for transformation, 45–56

imagination, 35, 46; balance of, 80; beauty and, 103; creativity from, 81

inclusivity, 21

Indra’s net, 122

Industrial Revolution, 4, 8, 12

infrared energy, 13

intellect, 101

interconnectedness, 9, 80–81; of archetypes, 124; awakening to, 117–37; awareness of, 127, 134; empathy and, 123–24; of energy, 121–22; globalization and, 127–28; hierarchy of needs and, 120–21; from Internet, 134; of music, 124–26; of One World, 138–42; resilience and, 118, 122; science on, 118; of social systems, 119; transformation and, 117–37; wholeness and, 127

Internet, 90, 134

intuition, 60–61, 62; in Jungian psychology, 63–64; senses and, 64

isotopes, 13

job security, 35

Jung, C. G., 57; on creativity, 81; on meaning, 105; on psyche, 75–76; on transformation, 136–37

Jungian psychology: archetypes in, xii, 5, 19–21; complexes in, xii; global warming and, 5; images in, 6; intuition in, 63–64; on meaning, 6, 107; metaphor in, 6; overpopulation and, 6; spirituality and, 6; unconscious and, xii, 5–6, 124; visibility from, 69

kairos, 136

Kelly, Sean, 87

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 47, 123, 131

knowing, opposites and, 61

knowledge, with wisdom, 11

Lao Tzu, 16

law of conservation of energy, 13

lifestyle: energy for, 18; fossil fuels for, 24; health in, 25; meaning and, 109–10; in One World, 140; renewable energy and, 52; of self-defeating behaviors, 112. See also consumption

Living Myth, 142

Lord of the Rings, The (Tolkien), 50, 53–54, 66

loss: anticipated, 34–35; of autonomy, 35; from climate change, 29–31; complexes from, 31–34; emotions with, 31–39; emptiness and, 30; of feminine, 66

MAD. See mutually assured destruction

masculine, 65–66

Maslow, Abraham, 120–21

materialism: authentic life and, 111–12; autonomy and, 111–12; consumption and, 93; meaning from, 111, 113; myth of, 113

meaning: archetypes and, 108–9; arts and, 110; in beauty, 103; being in the world and, 105–14; complexes and, 107–8; consumption and, 111; creativity and, 106; emptiness and, 78; in feeling, 30; from gods, 112–13; from identification, 107; Jungian psychology on, 6, 107; lifestyle and, 109–10; from materialism, 111, 113; from power, 113; from religion, 106–7; security from, 106; from status, 109; symbols and, 47, 106; from transpersonal, xiii; from wealth, 113; in wholeness, 110–11

Merchant, Carolyn, 66

metaphor, 6, 53, 90; art and, 53; of Greeks, 49–50; for transformation, 55

methane, 63

Middle Ages, 75, 109

militarism, 107

mood, 95–96

morality, 6

mother, xii

mourning, 35

Muir, John, 121

multitasking, 89

music, 46, 124–26

mutually assured destruction (MAD), 130–31

myths: about creation, 60; about destruction, 60; of Greeks, 66, 112; Living Myth, 142; masculine/feminine dyad in, 66; of materialism, 113; about opposites, 60

nationalism, 107

natural resources, 78, 133

natural world, Greeks and, 48–50

Nature, as transpersonal, 135

nuclear war, 130–31

obesity, 93

oceans, 13, 92

O’Donohue, John, 99

Odyssey (Homer), 46

old person (senex), 19–21

one-sidedness, 58, 79

One World, 138–42

opposites: archetypes of, 59–60, 65–68; balance of, 72–82; of climate change, 57–82; contrast of, 60; creation/destruction dyad, 60; decision making and, 59, 64; Dis and, 69–70; emotions and, 70–71; of equality/authority dyad, 74–75; in future, 57; intuition and, 60–61, 62; masculine/feminine dyad, 65–66; myths about, 60; polarity of, 58, 71; psyche and, 75–76; in science, 58–59; senses and, 60, 61–62; transformation of, 71

overconsumption: balance and, 78–79; of energy, 78, 111; global warming from, 111; of natural resources, 133

overpopulation, 6

Pascal, Blaise, 117

patriarchy, 94

phenomenology, 10

philosophy, xii–xiii

Plato, 87–88

polarity, 58, 59, 71

population growth, 6, 78

poverty, 25

power, 102, 113

powerlessness, 33

prescientific world, 47–48

projection, 39

psyche: balance and, 79; change and, 77; images in, 46; Jung on, 75–76; opposites and, 75–76; overconsumption and, 78; self-regulation of, 75–76; transformation and, xii

psychology, 3–15. See also Jungian psychology; social psychology

puer (young person), 19–21

purpose (telos), 140

quality, quantity with, 80

quantification, of science, 48

quantity, with quality, 80

racial inequality: transformation in, 131–32; in United States, 123, 131

rationalization, as defense mechanism, 38

religion: climate change and, 35; meaning from, 106–7. See also Christians

renewable energy, 52

Republicans, polarity of, 71

resilience, 17; interconnectedness and, 118, 122; from security, 19

rock and roll, 46

Romans, being in the world of, 88

sadness, from experienced loss, 35

Sagan, Carl, 62–63

Sam (fictional character), 53–54

science, xi–xii; arts and, 53; beauty in, 100–101; on climate change, 4, 29; concepts of, 61; Descartes and, 88; of global warming, 90; as ground for understanding, 143; on interconnectedness, 118; intuition in, 62; opposites in, 58–59; symbolic language of, 48; uncertainty and, 61; visibility from, 68–69

scripts, 40–41; transformation and, 41. See also complexes

sea level rise, 77

security, 17; anxiety and, 20; archetypes of, 20–24; defense mechanisms for, 77–78; ethics of, 22; from hierarchical authority, 21; from meaning, 106; need for, 18; of old person, 19–20; resilience from, 19; social psychology and, 21–24; young person and, 20

Self, 110–11; as transpersonal, 135

self-defeating behaviors, 113; lifestyle of, 112

self-protection, importance of, 21

self-regulation, of psyche, 75–76

senex (old person), 19–21

sense of being, change and, 17–18

senses: beauty in, 100; intuition and, 64; opposites and, 60, 61–62

separation. See disunion

sex, feminine and, 94

Shakespeare, William, 46

shared responsibility, harmony seekers and, 21

social justice, 25

social media, 90

social psychology: harmony seekers and, 21–24; security and, 21–24

social systems: balance in, 74–75; collective consciousness in, 119; empathy in, 123–24; interconnectedness of, 119

Socrates, 87–88

South Africa, 131–32

space: being in the world and, 91–92; Big Bang and, 139; technology and, 91–92

spirituality, 6, 136. See also religion

stability. See security

status, 109

surprise, 17

symbolic language, 48

symbols: for Christians, 108; meaning and, 47, 106

Tao, 135

Tao Te Ching, 72

technology: beauty and, 101–2; being in the world and, 88–93; space and, 91–92; time and, 92–93

telos (purpose), 140

theory, beauty and, 100–101

thinking, opposites and, 60–61

thinking beings, transformation into, 11

time: being in the world and, 92–93; carbon dioxide and, 92; opposites and, 60; technology and, 92–93

tipping points, 124

Tolkien, J. R. R., 50, 53–54, 66

transformation: anxiety and, 25; archetypes and, 136–37; of balance, 79; beauty and, 102, 134–35; of being in the world, 134; change and, 26; creativity and, 135; crises and, xi; of hero and heroine, 51–52; images for, 45–56; interconnectedness and, 117–37; metaphor for, 55; from music, 46; of opposites, 71; psyche and, xii; in racial inequality, 131–32; scripts and, 41; spirituality and, 136; into thinking beings, 11; transpersonal and, 129–37; Vietnam War and, 132

transpersonal: awakening and, 129–37; Buddhism and, xii; God as, 135; meaning from, xiii; Nature as, 135; Self as, 135

Tyndall, John, 13

type 2 diabetes, 93

uncertainty, 61

Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 46

unconscious: archetypes within, 32; balance and, 79; Jungian psychology and, xii, 5–6, 124; overconsumption and, 78

union, 67–68

Union of Concerned Scientists, 47

United States: climate change and, 23; global warming and, 121; racial inequality in, 123, 131; sea level rise in, 77

Vietnam War, 132

visibility: from Jungian psychology, 69; from science, 68–69

wealth, 113

“what-if” experiments, 14

wholeness, 110–11, 127

wisdom, 11, 17, 20

witch burning, 109

young person (puer), 19–21