The Irremediable


My great wounded statue a stone to the forehead my great flesh inattentive by day to pitiless seeds my great nocturnal day-seed flesh my night that is a forest of scimitars at the surface of the haystack of the summer of desire my great wellspring sprouted from unexpected ancestors from unexpected flesh whose every pore is a nest of swallows a loophole an america all the women who slumbered at the bottom of the subterranean corridor took to the road with their herbaceous walking-sticks

It’s all over Beautiful as the day that has only three days’ worth of provisions in the holds of the future

Well and truly as though lit cicindella blue the red sea urchin of the yes in the citadel without hope of virgin water and of fermenting words

Well and truly as the shark to whom I signalled and whom I caress with puerile segments (too rapid thinkers of the water of life atlantic and royal)

C’en est fait Beau comme le jour qui n’a plus que trois jours de vivres dans les soutes de l’avenir

Bel et bien comme éclairé bleu de cicindelle l’oursin rouge du oui dans la citadelle sans espoir de l’eau vierge et des paroles qui fermentent

Bel et bien comme le requin auquel je fais signe et que je caresse par tronçons puérils (penseurs trop vite de l’eau de vie atlantique et royale)

In the water in the water my basuto* image playing an agrarian game of serpent and water in the water in the water well and truly the closest of your body to a dozen million light years of near words and of clear grass

In the water in the water my basuto weddings of minutes without semen without first performances without faces well and truly without bleaks lacking catastrophes paying out against the breasts of weather-stripping

Well and truly. . .

Dans l’eau dans l’eau mon image bassouto jouant au jeu agraire du serpent et de l’eau dans l’eau dans l’eau bel et bien de ton corps le plus proche à une dizaine de millions d’années-lumière de paroles proches et d’herbe claire

Dans l’eau dans l’eau mes noces bassouto de minutes sans semences sans premières sans figures bel et bien d’ablettes manquées de catastrophes filant contre les seins du calfeutrage

Bel et bien…

The wheelbarrows full of red earth the peasant women in blue and white camisoles of dead sky are dumped dump me in conglomerates at the bottom of time into the sea of my ears then only of your eyes wealth of conger eels in the sleeping seas very far in time with no fraternal cartridge of yellow leafless night with no fishing pole autumn fishing in the eternal river of earth brown green white and wounded the climates that mount imperturbable ponies very fast outside all agriculture

Les brouettes pleines de terre rouge les paysannes en caraco bleu et blanc de ciel mort se déposent me déposent au fond du temps en conglomérats dans la mer de mes oreilles puis seulement de tes yeux richesses des congres dans les mers endormies très loin dans le temps sans cartouche fraternel de la nuit sans feuille jaune sans automne de cannes à pêche pêchant sur le fleuve éternel de la terre brune verte blanche et blessée les climats qui chevauchent des poneys imperturbables très rapides hors de toute agriculture

Well and truly of blue niger snatched by caymans

Bel et bien de niger bleu happé de caïmans

by my free body (my behemoth word among the great white boles of silence or of lie)

by the light killing clean (the vein of your neck throughout the night)

by my pure-germinated heart (my great statue of the new year in mistletoe and of the waters of forever)

At the last stop frantic life unfolded before which the highest serenity and the hottest passion cease to exclude one another hands held out and hollows fleshy and green for the harvest (at term) of the vortex of furious and allied flames in the name of which Hope and Despair sharpen their tears then place them back in their sheath so as not to wound themselves

It’s all over: words have lost their fishbones words are polished for needlessly words avoid vexing themselves words play at a harvest where there is no place either for vanquished or victor

Words surpass themselves that’s fine toward a heaven and an earth that high and low do not permit diversion it’s all over too with the old geography: waterway maps inclining toward even high lands their sleighs of greenish reindeers grazing on palm trees and star apples on the contrary a curiously breathable terracing is created real but on the level On the gaseous level of the organism solid and liquid white and black day and night

Of course some revolutionary details shot up the calendar

Great mad ship unmasted mad in the hall of my shipwrecks forest laid out on your coal flanks—all the canvases short of oxygen at the windows of the shipwreck and of irresistible wellsprings—bespangled gods in the sand welcoming to the communal table and sweet algae the grand wised-up gestures of the drowned who build for me our faces by force of captured cities

It’s all over: the barge of the sun on your neck which for 1000 mornings has burned its landing stages

It’s all over at the first whistle of the guard and the angels the drydock harbor will come running its pockets full of the glory of God

It’s all over: the stinking treason of the earth closing gently downward the urinary mist of the padlock with its chains and its friendship clear as the tear where my scandalous face shall not hide itself

It’s all over: the giraffe-necked lacuna the pendulum-necked nonsense the ebb and flow with its face of time its face of steppes of wheat the catalyser tasting of river and destiny the sandal of the wind whispered in the ear the word that man will not break his toy just to see and you will pass through life with a great flaming cry in the whittling you will pass through the sea with a step of island and of carib (and the earth which by definition could not be a future) the offensive and the inoffensive the phalanx the phalange the baker’s wife and his little assistant very well will undo very well the words very well the knots of strangulation

At the last stop that I obstinately call “The Levee”* Love lapping its blood fortified by its own tearings and non-dangerous colostrum of the necessary and futile Encounter yes Love completing its tissue denied by new cells (cancer of life and of survival) Love bread-fruit of minutes Love banyan tree of seconds with just in between the great un-measured hours the three strokes henceforth absurd of the alarm clock—memory of ancient disharmony always atrocious—as though to recall from time to time the new nobility to rupestrine modesty and to still warn that the least reticence is fragile in hearts of iron of blood of glass: the True Hearts

1. We have made two corrections to probable typographic errors in this poem : “à grain de jour” for unaccented “a” and “une amérique” since “amérique” is always feminine in French.