

All those whose hearts are an inkblot in a child’s copybook all those whose word is an embrace broken in a final effort of terrestrial gigantism

either manifest on their hands a moon scored by the friction of glacial moraines or show in their gait an evil serpent that by right of initiation crosses a zebra of circles and ellipses

All those who know how to show on imperial purple great blots of dark sperm accompanied by a diagram of their fall

all those whose fingers are an unprecedented sumptuousness of butterflies curved according to the earth’s axis

O all those whose gaze is a carousel of birds born of a superhuman balance of sponges and of fragments from a galaxy extinguished beneath a small railway station’s heel

Tous ceux qui savent dessiner sur la pourpre impériale de grandes taches de sperme sombre accompagnées du diagramme de leur chute

tous ceux dont les doigts sont une somptuosité inédite de papillons courbés selon l’axe de la terre

Ô tous ceux dont le regard est un carrousel d’oiseaux nés d’un équilibre surhumain d’éponges et de fragments de galaxie éteinte sous le talon d’une petite gare

1. The 1948 text and the 1970 Kraus Reprint ed. both had “élipses” here.