1.7. Executing External Programs Securely

Your Unix program needs to execute another program.

On Unix, one of the exec*( ) family of functions is used to replace the current program within a process with another program. Typically, when you're executing another program, the original program continues to run while the new program is executed, thus requiring two processes to achieve the desired effect. The exec*( ) functions do not create a new process. Instead, you must first use fork( ) to create a new process, and then use one of the exec*( ) functions in the new process to run the new program. See Recipe 1.6 for a discussion of using fork( ) securely.

execve( ) is the system call used to load and begin execution of a new program. The other functions in the exec*( ) family are wrappers around the execve( ) system call, and they are implemented in user space in the standard C runtime library. When a new program is loaded and executed with execve( ), the new program replaces the old program within the same process. As part of the process of loading the new program, the old program's address space is replaced with a new address space. File descriptors that are marked to close on execute are closed; the new program inherits all others. All other system-level properties are tied to the process, so the new program inherits them from the old program. Such properties include the process ID, user IDs, group IDs, working and root directories, and signal mask.

Table 1-2 lists the various exec*( ) wrappers around the execve( ) system call. Note that many of these wrappers should not be used in secure code. In particular, never use the wrappers that are named with a "p" suffix because they will search the environment to locate the file to be executed. When executing external programs, you should always specify the full path to the file that you want to execute. If the PATH environment variable is used to locate the file, the file that is found to execute may not be the expected one.

The two easiest and safest functions to use are execv( ) and execve( ) ; the only difference between the two is that execv( ) calls execve( ), passing environ for the environment pointer. If you have already sanitized the environment (see Recipe 1.1), it's reasonable to call execv( ) without explicitly specifying an environment to use. Otherwise, a new environment can be built and passed to execve( ).

The argument lists for the functions are built just as they will be received by main( ). The first element of the array is the name of the program that is running, and the last element of the array must be a NULL. The environment is built in the same manner as described in Recipe 1.1. The first argument to the two functions is the full path and filename of the executable file to load and execute.

As a courtesy to the new program, before executing it you should close any file descriptors that are open unless there are descriptors that you intentionally want to pass along to it. Be sure to leave stdin, stdout, and stderr open. (See Recipe 1.5 for a discussion of file descriptors.)

Finally, if your program was executed setuid or setgid and the extra privileges have not yet been dropped, or they have been dropped only temporarily, you should drop them permanently before executing the new program. Otherwise, the new program will inherit the extra privileges when it should not. If you use the spc_fork( ) function from Recipe 1.6, the file descriptors and privileges will be handled for you.

Another function provided by the standard C runtime library for executing programs is system( ) . This function hides the details of calling fork( ) and the appropriate exec*( ) function to execute the program. There are two reasons why you should never use the system( ) function:

The system( ) function works differently from the exec*( ) functions; instead of replacing the currently executing program, it creates a new process with fork( ). The new process executes the shell with execve( ) while the original process waits for the new process to terminate. The system( ) function therefore does not return control to the caller until the specified program has completed.

Yet another function, popen( ) , works somewhat similarly to system( ). It also uses the shell to launch the program, passing the command to execute to the shell and leaving the task of breaking up the command's arguments to the shell. What it does differently is create an anonymous pipe that is attached to either the new program's stdin or its stdout file descriptor. The new program's stderr file descriptor is always inherited from the parent. In addition, it returns control to the caller immediately with a FILE object connected to the created pipe so that the caller can communicate with the new program. When communication with the new program is finished, you should call pclose( ) to clean up the file descriptors and reap the child process created by the call to fork( ).

You should also avoid using popen( ) and its accompanying pclose( ) function, but popen( ) does have utility that is worth duplicating in a secure fashion. The following implementation with a similar API does not make use of the shell.

If you do wish to use either system( ) or popen( ), be extremely careful. First, make sure that the environment is properly set, so that there are no Trojan environment variables. Second, remember that the command you're running will be run in a Unix shell. This means that you must ensure that there is no way an attacker can pass malicious data to the shell command. If possible, pass in a fixed string that the attacker cannot manipulate. If the user must be allowed to manipulate the input, only very careful filtering will accomplish this securely. We recommend that you avoid this scenario at all costs.

The following code implements secure versions of popen( ) and pclose( ) using the spc_fork( ) code from Recipe 1.6. Our versions differ slightly in both interface and function, but not by too much.

The function spc_popen( ) requires the same arguments execve( ) does. In fact, the arguments are passed directly to execve( ) without any modification. If the operation is successful, an SPC_PIPE object is returned; otherwise, NULL is returned. When communication with the new program is complete, call spc_pclose( ), passing the SPC_PIPE object returned by spc_popen( ) as its only argument. If the new program has not yet terminated when spc_pclose( ) is called in the original program, the call will block until the new program does terminate.

If spc_popen( ) is successful, the SPC_PIPE object it returns contains two FILE objects:

Unlike popen( ), which in its most portable form is unidirectional, spc_popen( ) is bidirectional.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
typedef struct {
  FILE  *read_fd;
  FILE  *write_fd;
  pid_t child_pid;
SPC_PIPE *spc_popen(const char *path, char *const argv[], char *const envp[]) {
  int      stdin_pipe[2], stdout_pipe[2];
  SPC_PIPE *p;
  if (!(p = (SPC_PIPE *)malloc(sizeof(SPC_PIPE)))) return 0;
  p->read_fd = p->write_fd = 0;
  p->child_pid = -1;
  if (pipe(stdin_pipe) =  = -1) {
    return 0;
  if (pipe(stdout_pipe) =  = -1) {
    return 0;
  if (!(p->read_fd = fdopen(stdout_pipe[0], "r"))) {
    return 0;
  if (!(p->write_fd = fdopen(stdin_pipe[1], "w"))) {
    return 0;
  if ((p->child_pid = spc_fork(  )) =  = -1) {
    return 0;
  if (!p->child_pid) {
    /* this is the child process */
    if (stdin_pipe[0] != 0) {
      dup2(stdin_pipe[0], 0);
    if (stdout_pipe[1] != 1) {
      dup2(stdout_pipe[1], 1);
    execve(path, argv, envp);
  return p;
int spc_pclose(SPC_PIPE *p) {
  int   status;
  pid_t pid;
  if (p->child_pid != -1) {
    do {
      pid = waitpid(p->child_pid, &status, 0);
    } while (pid =  = -1 && errno =  = EINTR);
  if (p->read_fd) fclose(p->read_fd);
  if (p->write_fd) fclose(p->write_fd);
  if (pid != -1 && WIFEXITED(status)) return WEXITSTATUS(status);
  else return (pid =  = -1 ? -1 : 0);

Recipe 1.1, Recipe 1.5, Recipe 1.6