5.2. Figuring Out Which Encryption Algorithm Is Best

You need to figure out which encryption algorithm you should use.

Use something well regarded that fits your needs. We recommend AES for general-purpose use. If you're willing to go against the grain and are paranoid, you can use Serpent, which isn't quite as fast as AES but is believed to have a much higher security margin.

If you really feel that you need the fastest possible secure solution, consider the SNOW 2.0 stream cipher, which currently looks very good. It appears to have a much better security margin than the popular favorite, RC4, and is even faster. However, it is fairly new. If you're highly risk-adverse, we recommend AES or Serpent. Although popular, RC4 would never be the best available choice.

There are two general types of ciphers:

There are many different ways of using block ciphers; these are called block cipher modes . Selecting a mode and using it properly is important to security. Many block cipher modes are designed to produce a result that acts just like a stream cipher. Each block cipher mode has its advantages and drawbacks. See Recipe 5.4 for information on selecting a mode.

Stream ciphers generally are used as designed. You don't hear people talking about stream cipher modes. This class of ciphers can be made to act as block ciphers, but that generally destroys their best property (their speed), so they are typically not used that way.

We recommend the use of only those ciphers that have been studied by the cryptographic community and are held in wide regard.

There are a large number of symmetric encryption algorithms. However, unless you need a particular algorithm for the sake of interoperability or standards, we recommend using one of a very small number of well-regarded algorithms. AES, the Advanced Encryption Standard, is a great general-purpose block cipher. It is among the fastest block ciphers, is extremely well studied, and is believed to provide a high level of security. It can also use key lengths up to 256 bits.

AES has recently replaced Triple-DES (3DES), a variant of the original Data Encryption Standard (DES), as the block cipher of choice, partially because of its status as a U.S. government standard, and partially because of its widespread endorsement by leading cryptographers. However, Triple-DES is still considered a very secure alternative to AES. In fact, in some ways it is a more conservative solution, because it has been studied for many more years than has AES, and because AES is based on a relatively new breed of block cipher that is far less understood than the traditional underpinnings upon which Triple-DES is based.[2]

Nonetheless, AES is widely believed to be able to resist any practical attack currently known that could be launched against any block cipher. Today, many cryptographers would feel just as safe using AES as they would using Triple-DES. In addition, AES always uses longer effective keys and is capable of key sizes up to 256 bits, which should offer vastly more security than Triple-DES, with its effective 112-bit keys.[3] (The actual key length can be either 128 or 192 bits, but not all of the bits have an impact on security.) DES itself is, for all intents and purposes, insecure because of its short key length. Finally, AES is faster than DES, and much faster than Triple-DES.

Serpent is a block cipher that has received significant scrutiny and is believed to have a higher security margin than AES. Some cryptographers worry that AES may be easy to break in 5 to 10 years because of its nontraditional nature and its simple algebraic structure. Serpent is significantly more conservative in every way, but it is slower. Nonetheless, it's at least three times faster than Triple-DES and is more than fast enough for all practical purposes.

Of course, because AES is a standard, you won't lose your job if AES turns out to be broken, whereas you'll probably get in trouble if Serpent someday falls!

RC4 is the only widely used stream cipher. It is quite fast but difficult to use properly, because of a major weakness in initialization (when using a key to initialize the cipher). In addition, while there is no known practical attack against RC4, there are some theoretical problems that show this algorithm to be far from optimal. In particular, RC4's output is fairly easy to distinguish from a true random generator, which is a bad sign. (See Recipe 5.23 for information on how to use RC4 securely.)

SNOW is a new stream cipher that makes significant improvements on old principles. Besides the fact that it's likely to be more secure than RC4, it is also faster—an optimized C version runs nearly twice as fast for us than does a good, optimized assembly implementation of RC4. It has also received a fair amount of scrutiny, though not nearly as much as AES. Nothing significant has been found in it, and even the minor theoretical issues in the first version were fixed, resulting in SNOW 2.0.

Table 5-1 shows some of the fastest noncommercial implementations for popular patent-free algorithms we could find and run on our own x86-based hardware. (There may, of course, be faster implementations out there.) Generally, the implementations were optimized assembly. Speeds are measured in cycles per byte for the Pentium III, which should give a good indication of how the algorithms perform in general.

On a 1 GHz machine, you would need an algorithm running at 1 cycle per byte to be able to encrypt 1 gigabyte per second. On a 3 GHz machine, you would only need the algorithm to run at 3 cycles per byte. Some of the implementations listed in the table are therefore capable of handling gigabit speeds fairly effortlessly on reasonable PC hardware.

Note that you won't generally quite get such speeds in practice as a result of overhead from cache misses and other OS-level issues, but you may come within a cycle or two per byte.

As we mentioned, we generally prefer AES (when used properly), which is not only a standard but also is incredibly fast for a block cipher. It's not quite as fast as RC4, but it seems to have a far better security margin. If speed does make a difference to you, you can choose SNOW 2.0, which is actually faster than RC4. Or, in some environments, you can use an AES mode of operation that allows for parallelization, which really isn't possible in an interoperable way using RC4. Particularly in hardware, AES in counter mode can achieve much higher speeds than even SNOW can.

Clearly, Triple-DES isn't fast in the slightest; we have included it in Table 5-1 only to give you a point of reference. In our opinion, you really shouldn't need to consider anything other than AES unless you need interoperability, in which case performance is practically irrelevant anyway!

[1] Or some other in-group operation, such as modular addition.

[2] Most block ciphers are known as Feistel ciphers, a construction style dating back to the early 1970s. AES is a Square cipher, which is a new style of block cipher construction, dating only to 1997.

[3] This assumes that a meet-in-the-middle attack is practical. Otherwise, the effective strength is 168 bits. In practice, even 112 bits is enough.