In Chapter 5, we discussed primitives for symmetric encryption. Some of those primitives were capable of providing two of the most important security goals: secrecy and message integrity. There are occasions where secrecy may not be important in the slightest, but you'd still like to ensure that messages are not modified as they go over the Internet. In such cases, you can use a symmetric primitive such as CWC mode, which allows you to authenticate data without encrypting any of it. Alternatively, you can consider using a standalone message authentication code (MAC).
This chapter focuses on MACs, and it also covers two types of one-way hash functions: cryptographic hash functions and "universal" hash functions. Cryptographic hash functions are used in public key cryptography and are a popular component to use in a MAC (you can also use block ciphers), but universal hash functions turn out to be a much better foundation for a secure MAC.
Many of the recipes in this chapter are too low-level for general-purpose use. We recommend that you first try to find what you need in Chapter 9; the recipes there are more generally applicable. If you do use these recipes, please be careful, read all our warnings, and consider using the higher-level constructs we suggest.
You would like to understand the basic concepts behind hash functions as used in cryptography and message authentication codes (MACs).
See Section 6.1.3. Be sure to note the possible attacks on these constructs, and how to thwart them.
One common thread running through the three types of primitives described in this chapter is that they take an arbitrary amount of data as an input, and produce a fixed-size output. The output is always identical given the exact same inputs (where inputs may include keys, nonces, and text). In addition, in each case, given random inputs, every output is (just about) equally likely.
These are the three types of primitives:
MACs are hash functions that take a message and a secret key (and possibly a nonce) as input, and produce an output that cannot, in practice, be forged without possessing the secret key. This output is often called a tag . There are many ways to build a secure MAC, and there are several good MACs available, including OMAC, CMAC, and HMAC.
These functions are the simplest of the primitives we'll discuss (even though they are difficult to use securely). They simply take an input string and produce a fixed-size output string (often called a hash value or message digest ). Given the output string, there should be no way to determine the input string other than guessing (a dictionary attack). Traditional algorithms include SHA1 and MD5, but you can use algorithms based on block ciphers (and, indeed, you can get more assurance from a block cipher-based construction). Cryptographic hash functions generally are not secure on their own. They are securely used in public key cryptography, and are used as a component in a type of MAC called HMAC.
These are keyed hash functions with specific mathematical properties that can also be used as MACs, despite the fact that they're not cryptographically secure. It turns out that if you take the output of a keyed universal hash function, and combine it with seemingly random bits in particular ways (such as encrypting the result with a block cipher), the result has incredibly good security properties. Or, if you are willing to use one-time keys that are securely generated, you don't have to use encryption at all! Dan Bernstein's hash127 is an example of a fast, freely available universal hash function. Most people don't use universal hash functions directly. They're usually used under the hood in a MAC. For example, CMAC uses a hash127-like function as its foundation.
Generally, you should prefer an encryption mode like CWC that provides both encryption and message integrity to one of these constructions. Using a MAC, you can get message integrity without encryption, which is sometimes useful.
MACs aren't useful for software distribution, because the key itself must remain secret and can't be public knowledge. Another limitation is that if there are two parties in the system, Alice and Bob, Alice cannot prove that Bob sent a message by showing the MAC value sent by Bob (i.e., non-repudiation). The problem is that Alice and Bob share a key; Alice could have forged the message and produced the correct MAC value. Digital signature schemes (discussed in Chapter 7) can circumvent these problems, but they have limitations of their own—the primary one is efficiency.
There are numerous classes of problems that you need to worry about when you're using a cryptographic hash function or a MAC. Generally, if an attacker can find collisions for a hash function (two inputs that give the same output), that can be turned into a real attack.
The most basic collision attack is this: given a known hash function {input, output} pair, somehow produce another input that gives the same output. To see how this can be a real attack, consider a public key-based digital signature scheme where the message to "sign" gets cryptographically hashed, and the hash gets encrypted with the private key of the signer. In such a scenario, anyone who has the associated public key can validate the signature, and no one can forge it. (We'll discuss such schemes further in Chapter 7.)
Suppose that an attacker sees the message being signed. From that, he can determine the hash value computed. If he can find another message that gives the same hash value, he can claim that a different message is being signed from the one that actually was. For example, an attacker could get someone to sign a benign document, then substitute a contract that is beneficial to the attacker.
Of course, we assume that if an attacker has a way to force collisions in a reasonably efficient manner, he can force the second plaintext to be a message of his choice, more or less. (This isn't always the case, but it is generally a good assumption, particularly because it applies for the most basic brute-force attacks.)
To illustrate, let's say that an attacker uses a hash function that is cryptographically strong but outputs only a 16-bit hash. Given a message and a digest, an attacker should be able to generate a collision after generating, on average, 32,768 messages. An attacker could identify 16 places where a one-bit change could be made without significantly changing the content (e.g., 16 places where you could put an extra space after a period, or refrain from doing so).
If the attacker can control both messages, collisions are far easier to find. For example, if an attacker can give the target a message of his choosing and get the target to sign it, there is an attack that will find a collision after 256 attempts, on average.
The basic idea is to take two model documents, one that the target will sign, and one that the attacker would like the target to sign. Then, vary a few places in each of those, and generate hashes of each document.
The difference between these two attacks is that it's statistically a lot easier to find a collision when you don't have to find a collision for a particular message.
This is canonically illustrated with something called the birthday paradox. The common analogy involves finding people with the same birthday. If you're in a room of 253 people, the odds are just about even that one of them will share your birthday. Surprisingly to some, if there are a mere 23 people in a room, the odds of finding two people with the same birth date is also a bit over 50 percent.
In both cases, we've got a better than 50% chance after checking 253 pairs of people. The difference is that in the first scenario, a fixed person must always be a part of the pairings, which seriously reduces the number of possible combinations of people we can consider. For this reason, the situation where an attacker can find a collision between any two messages is called a birthday attack .
When a birthday attack applies, the maximum bit strength of a hash function is half the length of the hash function's output (the digest size). Also, birthday attacks are often possible when people think they're not. That is, the attacker doesn't need to be able to control both messages for a birthday attack to apply.
For example, let's say that the target hashes a series of messages. An attacker can precompute a series of hashes and wait for one of the messages to give the same hash. That's the same problem, even though the attacker doesn't control the messages the target processes.
Generally, the only reliable way to thwart birthday attacks is to use a per-message nonce, which is typically done only with MAC constructs. Indeed, many MAC constructs have built-in facilities for this. We discuss how to use a nonce with a hash function in Recipe 6.8, and we discuss how to use one with MACs that aren't built to use one in Recipe 6.12.
Another problem that occurs with every practical cryptographic hash function is that they are susceptible to length extension attacks . That is, if you have a message and a hash value associated with that message, you can easily construct a new message and hash value by extending the original message.
The MACs we recommend in this chapter avoid length-extension problems and other attack vectors against hash functions.[1] We discuss how to thwart length extension problems when using a hash function outside the context of a MAC in Recipe 6.7.
[1] While most of the MACs we recommend are based on block ciphers, if a MAC isn't carefully designed, it will still be susceptible to the attacks we describe in this section, even if it's built on a block cipher.