These visualizations are actual transcripts of some of my most effective live visualizations. I find that group visualizations are extremely powerful. When I practice in a group I do not script the visualizations, I just set an intention for what the theme of the visualization will be, get into a deep meditative state, and then I simply describe what I see.
You’ll find that some of the wording might seem redundant and the tone overly conversational, but I’ve left them so intentionally to keep the text as true to the actual visualization as possible. The redundancy can be extremely effective in reinforcing positive suggestions.
You can record these visualizations yourself if you like for your own practice or simply take the gist of the visualization and practice it on your own. Or listen to the three recordings I’ve made. You can also get tremendous benefit by simply reading the visualizations to yourself or someone else. Throughout the text you’ll see a series of periods in a row like this “…”. When you see those marks just break from reading for a few seconds.
The first couple of paragraphs of each visualization are always similar as they are all subtle variations on the Ocean of Energy and Spinning the Spine techniques for getting into SMART Mode.
For this reason I’ve deleted them from the transcripts. We talk about these techniques for getting into SMART Mode in Chapters 2 and 11. Here they are again for your review. Simply choose either one of them (unless I specify which one to use) and spend a couple of minutes getting into SMART Mode in the beginning of each visualization.
(Note: I’ve recorded three of these visualizations for you. To access these audio tracks for free, please visit
Technique 1: Spinning the Spine (Reproduced from Chapter 11)
Imagine a glowing ball of white light, about the size of a golf ball, starting at your navel, then going down to the base of the spine and spinning around each vertebra, one at a time. You have 24 vertebrae in your spine. Don’t worry about exactly where each vertebra is; just imagine the ball of light spinning around the base of your spine a few times and then going up one notch at a time, 24 times. After you’ve gone up about five notches, you should imagine the ball of light to be around the middle of your stomach, then after about 12 to 14 vertebrae, behind your heart. When it gets to 17, you’re in your neck, and when you get to 24 you’re at the base your skull. Then imagine the ball of light going into your head, then your face, front of your neck, your heart, and then again into your stomach. By the time the ball gets back to your stomach, you should be in SMART Mode.
Technique 2: The Ocean of Energy (an expanded version of the technique we discussed in Chapter 2)
When you’re ready, just sit up straight, take a deep breath in and take a deep breath out, and relax. Imagine that there’s a bright ball of bright white light circulating around your navel. Maybe it’s the size of a large softball or a volleyball. And it’s just circulating around your navel like a spiral or vortex of a galaxy of light. Just beautiful, bright, healing white light. And as it’s circulating around your navel, it’s getting brighter and brighter. And as this beautiful, bright ball of white light is circulating around your navel, I’d like you to also imagine that you’re in an infinite ocean of beautiful, bright, healing white light.
It’s an infinite ocean as far as you can possibly see in all directions of bright white healing light. And this light has the power to heal your body.
And I’d just like you to imagine that as you’re sitting there in this ocean of bright white light, that the pores of your skin open up, and this bright white healing light comes rushing into your body from all directions. It’s covering your body, energizing your body, and filling your body with bright white light. You can feel bright white light rushing into your torso, your chest, your neck, your head, and your arms and legs. You can feel this bright white healing light rushing into the bones of your body, filling your bones with bright white vibrant life force energy. So the bones in your arms and in your legs and all over your body, all of your bones, are glowing with bright white light. And your muscles are glowing with bright white light, and your organs are being filled with bright, healing, energizing light. Imagine the ocean of energy filling your chest and your lungs with light, feel it going into your stomach and digestive tract. See the energy filling your liver, kidneys, spleen, pancreas, gall bladder, and your entire torso with bright white healing light.
Now imagine the energy going into your heart and filling your heart with healing bright white light. And as your heart is filled with bright white light, it energizes the blood that passes through your heart. So supercharged bright glowing blood is circulating through your body now, from your left side to your right, filling every cell of your body with a luminous, glowing, healing energy. And you can now imagine every cell of your body glowing, with beautiful bright white healing energy.
Now as you’re sitting there with your entire body glowing with energy and this ball of bright white light in your navel, imagine that any excess weight you have becomes white light and gets sucked into the center of your navel, into the center of the vortex never to be seen again. So any excess weight on your thighs or your stomach or your chest or your arms or your face is all being sucked into this whirlpool, this vortex in your navel.
And as that’s happening and as you’re sitting there, you’re starting to realize that you’re in your most perfect, ideal shape. Any excess weight that you’ve had has now been sucked into this vortex never to be seen again, and you’re sitting there and you’re in your most perfect, ideal shape. You can feel your stomach firm, flat, and tight; your legs light and strong; and your whole body glowing with health, fitness, and vitality.
Now that every cell of your body is glowing with energy, you are now ready to continue with your desired visualization.
NOTE—Use either the Ocean of Light or Spinning the Spine visualization to get into SMART Mode. End this part of the visualization imagining a ball of bright white light circulating around your navel …
And as that ball of energy is spinning around your navel, I’d like you to imagine that it becomes like a whirlpool or a vortex and it starts pulling energy into it …
Imagine that all the excess weight on your body has become liquid energy. It’s no longer physical; it’s just energy. So imagine any excess weight on your body has become like a liquid energy that’s being sucked into this whirlpool never to be seen again … So any excess weight on your thighs or your stomach or your chest or your arms or your face is all being sucked into this whirlpool, this vortex in your navel.
And as that’s happening and as you’re sitting there, you’re starting to realize that you’re in your most perfect, ideal shape … Any excess weight that you’ve had has now been sucked into this vortex never to be seen again, and you’re sitting there in your most perfect, ideal shape.
Just feel what that feels like for a minute, to be in your most perfect, ideal shape …
Now imagine that as you’re sitting there in your most perfect, ideal shape, you stand up (in your mind’s eye) and you’re walking on the beach …
… It’s a beautiful sunny day and you’re in your most perfect, ideal shape; the sun is out and you’re walking and the water is caressing your ankles and you can feel the cool water on your feet and the warm sun on your shoulders.
Maybe as you’re walking in your most perfect, ideal shape, you put some sun lotion on your skin and you feel how tight your stomach is, and your arms and your body, and you’re feeling light and you’re moving really quickly and easily …
Now imagine that as you’re walking, you start to move faster and faster and faster, and pretty soon for no reason at all you just start running just because you can and just because it feels so amazing …
And you can feel that you’re in your most perfect, ideal shape, and you’re running out of just pure joy and energy and passion …
Remember this is a visualization … and you can have whatever you imagine, so simply just imagine that you’re running, gliding, skipping effortlessly like the wind …
You’re just imagining that you’re in your most perfect, ideal shape and you’re running on the beach, and you’re kicking the water as you run, and after a while maybe you turn and face the water and you jump over one wave and then a second wave; then you dive into the water just because it feels so good, and you feel the cool refreshing water on your skin.
Then imagine that you jump up in the air and you raise your hands just out of pure joy, and you say, “This is me. This is my ideal shape. This is who I am. My body wants to be like this; my body wants to be fit!” And you’re feeling that in every cell, at every level of your being that this is your most perfect, ideal self, and you’re creating that for yourself now.
Then bringing your attention back to your body, as you’re sitting there now back in this room, you can sort of still feel the sun that was on your skin …
You can feel that you’re in your perfect, ideal shape.
You feel a little bit tighter and stronger.
And now I’d just like you to imagine the rest of your day, and I’d like you to imagine how the rest of your day you’re being filled with energy and vitality and passion and inspiration and how incredibly well it’s going for you, and you’re making new friends and the sun is shining and the food is delicious and you’re feeling beautiful and healthy and happy and understanding your body and your mind, and knowing that your body now wants to be thin.
Imagine, how the next couple of days go, where as each day goes you’re feeling healthier and happier and fitter … and maybe you’re not as hungry and maybe have just a little bit more spring in your step. And people are looking at you and they’re saying, “Wow, you look amazing … You look so different … Something is different about you.”
You’re calmer … and you’re more centered … and you’re more focused … and people are so engaged by you. You’ve got a powerful magnetic presence and people are riveted when you’re talking to them … Maybe you’re in a sales meeting or maybe you’re meeting with clients … and they’re totally captivated by your energy and your power and your presence.
Maybe it’s midday and you’ve got lots of energy, you’re not tired, you’re not exhausted.
You’re craving healthier foods and positive things are flowing in your family and your relationships and you’re feeling safer and more centered.
And as each day goes by, you’re losing weight, you’re feeling fitter, more successful, having more energy, more light, and more vitality, and your energy is bursting with light. And you can imagine how in six months from now everything in your life has changed.
You’ve lost the weight that you need to lose and it’s effortless and you’re on an incredible high and there’s momentum in your life.
And now you can imagine how a year from now, and two years from now, how everything’s changed because you now have health and energy and vitality and calmness and passion and inspiration and you’re effortlessly fit and you feel safe and supported by everyone and everything in your life.
And in your own time and space, when you’re ready, just open your eyes and know that you’ve just planted a seed so that forever your life will be changed positively and forever you’ll be thinner, fitter, more positive, more successful, happier, and have a more joyous life, and you will lose weight easily, naturally, and effortlessly, because your body now wants to be thin.
NOTE—Use the Ocean of Energy visualization to get into SMART Mode. End this part of the visualization imagining a ball of bright white light circulating around your navel and your body in an infinite ocean of energy …
And as every cell in your body is charged with this superbright white healing light, you can imagine that every cell of your body is saying at the same time the words … “Nourished, nourished, nourished, I feel nourished, nourished, nourished. I feel complete, whole, satisfied, alive, healthy, fit, vibrant.” Just every cell of your body … 70 trillion cells in your body, saying at the same time like a chorus, “Nourished, nourished, nourished, nourished. I feel alive. I feel vibrant. I feel satisfied. I feel whole, complete, loved, supported.”
And as every cell in your body feels nourished, you can imagine now that any excess weight on your body just disappears. It just gets washed away into this ocean of white light, never to be seen again. And you’re sitting there in your most perfect, ideal weight, in your most perfect, ideal body, feeling whole, complete, nourished, supported, protected, loved … And you can imagine yourself walking down the street later today or maybe tomorrow, and feeling the same feeling of being totally nourished and energized … glowing with a beautiful bright white light … So much energy … And you can imagine yourself walking on the street in your most perfect, ideal shape, feeling totally energized, satisfied, loved, nourished, supported, totally complete.
And maybe you pass a bakery or some other shop that you might normally stop in to get a quick hit of energy, and you just look at it and you smile and you think to yourself, “I don’t need that. I have so much energy right now.” You’re glowing with energy. You’re like your own sun, totally glowing with energy. You don’t need the energy. You don’t need the short-term, addictive fix of junk food anymore. You have energy, and you are so nourished. And you can see yourself day after day, getting fitter, healthier, happier, feeling more loved, more supported, more nourished …
And you can also imagine how this beautiful bright white light is nourishing your head and your mind. Every brain cell and every particle of your consciousness is just being bathed in this beautiful white healing light, and you feel calm, centered, secure, powerful, relaxed, totally satisfied, and totally nourished …
And you can imagine yourself now during the day, what your day is going to be like. Maybe you’ll be at the office, maybe you’ll be with friends or family or kids, and you can see yourself feeling calm and radiant and relaxed, feeling safe, strong, protected, nourished, loved, supported, energized … You don’t need the excess weight anymore … You don’t crave those foods anymore, just because you feel so totally energized, so totally supported. It’s like the universe has just plugged you into an infinite stream of energy, and you feel always supported and you’re radiating divine light; your very bones are glowing with this beautiful bright white healing light, and life is effortless. Life is so easy, and there’s so much flow …
You’re vibrating at a higher frequency. And so you’re having higher-frequency experiences. And when you are hungry, you’re craving higher-frequency foods. So you can see yourself throughout your day, when you do eat, eating, real, live, super-high-vitality foods … Foods that are glowing with life force vitality. And when you eat them you feel truly nourished, sustained, and supported. You can see yourself eating and craving real, live, high-vitality foods, loving them, having a bite or two and feeling your entire body be instantly nourished and instantly satisfied. Dead foods seem coarse and impure to you, and your body now naturally rejects them and favors real, live, high-vitality foods. And as you eat these foods you’re being charged with life force vitality. See how the food travels through your body, filling your every cell with nourishment, vitality, and life force energy. See your energy radiating and flowing through your body as you get brighter and healthier …
Your energy is flowing and so your life is flowing. You can see how your life is flowing day after day, as you’re getting fitter and healthier and happier. You’re losing weight effortlessly and easily, and you’re feeling calm, centered, supported, radiant, totally nourished, totally energized, and in every way possible feeling like life and your body and your mind are pure, divine, perfection.
And in your own time and space, when you’re ready, you can open your eyes, knowing that you have just plugged into an infinite source of energy that’s nourishing you. It’s nourishing your body. It’s nourishing your mind. It’s nourishing your being. It’s nourishing you at every level. And because it’s nourishing you, you don’t need the weight anymore, and you’re calm, centered, protected, and secured. And every day you lose weight and get fitter effortlessly, until you have reached your ideal weight …
And in your own time and space, when you’re ready, you can open your eyes.
NOTE—Use either the Ocean of Light or Spinning the Spine visualization to get into SMART Mode. End this part of the visualization imagining a ball of bright white light circulating around your navel …
Imagine your whole body now is just a liquid energy, and you’ve got this ball of light circulating around your navel—and it’s spinning like a vortex or a whirlpool, and any extra weight you have on your body is also like a liquid light, and that liquid light, that excess weight, is being sucked into the vortex in your navel, so that any extra weight you have is being transformed into liquid energy. It’s being sucked into your navel, where it can be stored invisibly as liquid energy, whenever you need it.
And so you’re sitting there in your most perfect, ideal shape, all the excess weight is gone, it’s all been sucked into your navel never to be seen again, only to be used as liquid energy when you need it, invisible life force energy … You’ve transformed the fat in your body into invisible life force energy that you can use whenever you need energy …
And you’re sitting there in your most perfect, ideal shape, and you’re calm and you’re centered and you’re secure and you’re confident and you’re fit and your entire body is glowing with a beautiful bright white life force energy.
And as you’re sitting there in your most perfect, ideal shape, I’d like you to imagine what the rest of your day is going to be. Whether you’re going to be at an office or home, or out with friends and family, I’d like you to imagine your day flowing smoothly, easily, and successfully. Imagine this ocean of energy is always around you, filling your body with life force energy and making you feel calm and relaxed …
People are moving around and everyone is as busy as always and you’re incredibly productive, but you’re also calm and relaxed and people are noticing it. And it’s almost like people are gravitating to you because of your calmness. They’re all moving around, they’re unsure, they might be stressed out, but you’re calm, you’re relaxed, and you can even see that you’re actually glowing with a bright, beautiful life force energy that helps you be extremely focused and extremely creative.
So as people are coming up to you at work perhaps, you can easily solve their problems—whatever the issue is, you find a creative approach instantly, easily, effortlessly. You find a creative approach to whatever the problem is, and nothing can bother you because you feel so confident, so relaxed … and you feel so confident and so relaxed because you’ve got this powerful, bright life force energy protecting you and guiding you and nourishing you and helping you find extremely creative solutions in all situations. You’re under control, you’re relaxed and confident and radiating health, beauty, confidence, and life force vitality …
So you might be in a business meeting, and you’re easily asserting whatever is the point that you might want to make, and people are listening and they’re almost spellbound by your energy and your confidence. They want to do business with you because they feel so amazing around you. You just feel so calm, and people want that. People want to be around you, because you are calm and confident and centered, and the day goes by easily and effortlessly. You have so much energy.
When it’s time to eat, you eat relaxed. There’s no hurry. And you can see yourself choosing vibrant, healthy, nutritious, and delicious foods, eating them slowly … And as the day goes by, at the end of the day, you’re calm and you walk out of work, slowly, relaxed. There’s no hurry … You’re not hungry … You’re still glowing with life force energy …
Imagine the day going incredibly successfully—so much more successfully than you could have ever thought possible … and it just seems like, now that you’re glowing with life force energy, that opportunities just come to you. It’s like you’re a flame, and opportunities are drawn to the flame like moths drawn to a fire … Opportunities just come to you effortlessly, because you have life force energy glowing through your body.
And so work is incredibly successful and effortlessly successful, successful beyond your wildest imaginations. And you can imagine six months from now, how you’re doing so much better at work than you ever possibly imagined. You’re selling so much more, you’re producing so much more, you’re healing so much more, you’re teaching so much more. Whatever it is that you’re doing, it’s so much more powerful than you ever could have possibly imagined. You can see yourself glowing and confident … You’ve built up this positive spiral momentum, where the more successful you are, the more energy you have, the more people want to do business with you, and it keeps growing and growing and growing and growing, and all the while you are relaxed and effortlessly creative and successful …
And you can imagine yourself coming home at the end of the day and you’re meeting your family or your friends or just relaxing. And you’re feeling wonderful, so much energy. It’s almost like you didn’t go to work at all, or it’s almost like the work energized you because it was so successful and so creative and so relaxing and so enjoyable. And so at the end of the day you’re not tired. You have energy to go for a walk or a swim or go to the beach or play with your kids, go out to dinner with your loved one or your friends and family … You’ve got energy throughout the day, life force energy, and you can even see yourself glowing with this life force energy from the beginning of the day to the end of the day, every single day, and you know now that life will never be the same because you’ve awakened this incredible, powerful, relaxing, healing, and creative life force that’s coursing through your veins, and you’re living a different life now … Successful, fit, confident, healthy, happy, creative beyond your wildest imagination, and calm, confident.
And so in your own time and space, when you’re ready, you can open your eyes, knowing that you have forever changed your life for the better and that your life will forever be incredibly successful, powerful, and fulfilling, for you and everyone in your life, and that you will continue to get healthier, fitter, happier, and more successful in every way possible … So in your own time and space, please open your eyes.
NOTE—Use either the Ocean of Light or Spinning the Spine visualization to get into SMART Mode. End this part of the visualization imagining a ball of bright white light circulating around your navel …
Now imagine a column of light coming down from the sky and surrounding your body. Just a large column of light about arm’s length wide, coming from the infinite sky, surrounding your body and going deep into the earth … As this column of light surrounds your body, it protects you and supports you and fills your body with bright white healing light. And this column is totally impenetrable. Nothing could possibly touch you that you didn’t want to touch you as long as this column of light is around you. Just to demonstrate how powerful this column of light is, imagine it in the distance on some train tracks. A train could smash into this column of light and it could never even touch you. You wouldn’t even feel the slightest tremor.
You can even imagine it. You can see this column of light on train tracks in the distance. The train has no passengers. You can see the train smash into the column of light and the train rolls off the tracks. The column of light is totally unaffected. It doesn’t even budge …
So this incredibly, unbelievably powerful, impenetrable column of light is coming from the sky, and it’s wrapping around you, going deep into the center of the earth. And as it wraps around you, it protects you, nourishes you, and supports you. It fills your body up with light and it feels really good. Your whole body is glowing with this protective white light. And you can feel that column of white light, you can touch it with your hands if you want. You can even put your hand through it if you wanted to, and then bring it back out. Imagine yourself touching the sides of the column of light, putting your hand through it and then bringing it back.
And then if you’re willing, I’d like you to also imagine there is a big, beautiful bright white angel 12 feet high coming down from the sky. It’s a bright, beautiful, extremely powerful guardian angel. And he or she is wrapping his or her wings around you and wrapping his or her wings around the column of light …
So you’ve got this impenetrable column of light that nobody can touch. No thought, no words, no action—nothing—nobody can touch. And then you’ve got this bright, beautiful, enormously powerful angel wrapping its wings around that column of light and around you, supporting you and protecting you and nourishing you and loving you and going with you wherever you go throughout your day …
And as you’re in this column of light and these angel wings are around you supporting you and protecting you, I’d like you to imagine that any excess weight on your body just melts off you and goes into the ground. It just becomes part of the white light and just falls into the earth. So you’re sitting there or standing there (in your mind’s eye) and you’re in your most perfect, ideal weight, most perfect, ideal shape. And you’re totally safe and totally relaxed and totally calm and totally protected and totally nourished and loved and supported and energized … Loved, energized, supported, protected, and calm. You’re feeling safe. Safe to let go of the excess weight and safe to live in your most perfect, ideal body and to live your most perfect, ideal life.
And you can imagine walking through your day, maybe tomorrow or the next day when you go home … you’re walking down the street and you’re in your most perfect, ideal shape feeling totally fit, totally happy, and totally protected. And wherever you go, this powerful, bright, supportive, nurturing, impenetrable column of light is with you, surrounding and protecting you … And this bright, beautiful, enormously powerful guardian angel is wrapping its wings around you, energizing you, nourishing you, supporting you, and protecting you …
And maybe you go to the office, and what you notice is that there’s no stress because you just feel safe and protected. People might be upset and you’re smiling at them. You’re calm and protected and supported and thin and fit. And as you’re smiling at them, even though they might be upset, they start to smile back and things start to flow …
And maybe you’re at a meeting and you’re relaxed and calm and protected and projecting this powerful, beautiful white love energy out at the meeting, and people are spellbound … they’re mesmerized by you. And whatever it is that you’re speaking about—they’re so interested, and it’s received so well and you’re successful. And the meeting is successful and the workday’s successful and you’re energized, happy, calm, content, and at peace …
And maybe can imagine going home … you’re in the house with the people you love and you’re feeling safe and calm and protected and nurtured and you’re able to nurture them and they’re just feeling incredible around you. Everyone’s safe, protected, nurtured. There’s no conflict because there’s such an incredible, beautiful radiance coming out of you that anyone that’s anywhere near you can feel. So everyone feels happy, safe, nourished, protected, loved, secure, and loving toward you …
It’s contagious. It’s a vibration. You’re projecting the energy of love, safety, happiness, health, contentment, success, and it’s contagious … People start vibrating at your frequency. So your children are happy, healthy, successful, safe, protected. Your spouse is loving, supportive, happy, protected. Your parents, if they’re around, are in the room, too, and they’re feeling happy, supportive, and loving … They know how amazing you are and they can’t help but feel it … And there’s no limit to how much love and happiness and safety and support that’s emanating from you. It’s infinite and it’s endless. And those angel wings are supporting you and that column of light is there and you’re in this ball of energy that’s just radiating love and protection.
And anybody else that’s important to you or anyone else you might have a challenging relationship with—imagine them in the room with you and you feeling calm, safe, supported, and protected … maybe imagine how they might have been uncomfortable to start with, but now they’re smiling, they’re accepting, they’re happy, they’re loving. They actually want to hug you and you can actually let them hug you because nothing can hurt you, no negative energy. And you’re relaxed and you’re just emanating love …
And all the excess weight is gone. You don’t need it anymore. You have an extra spring in your step as you’re walking down the street. You can run as fast as you want and those angel wings will be there all the time. This column of light will be there all the time. They’re always with you. You don’t need the weight anymore. You don’t need it anymore and it’s gone. You allow it to just simply melt into the earth …
You’ve got energy, you’ve got protection, you’ve got safety and security, and you’ve got love and nourishment and support … Support is all around you. Every cell of your body is being bathed in support. The earth is supporting you. The column of light is supporting you. The angel wings are wrapped around you, loving you, supporting you, adoring you, protecting you, and nurturing you. You are the essence of love and you just allow that to be …
And all the stress, tension, fear, or worry that you’ve ever had all melts away. It’s all gone now. You have everything you need now, and life will just get more successful and more prosperous …
You’re vibrating at a higher frequency and so you’re living a higher-frequency life, which means you have higher-frequency experiences—experiences of joy, of success, of abundance, of fitness, of flow, of happiness, of super love, and of joy and peace. Because you’re vibrating at such a high frequency, no harm could ever touch you. Harm is at a much lower frequency. You’re at a much higher frequency. You’re 100 stories above any type of harm. You’re floating in protection and love.
And once more, coming back into the room, feeling that ball of energy in your stomach and the energy coming out from the earth and the energy coming down from the sky, and the column of light that’s wrapped around you and the angel wings that are wrapped around you …
In your own time and space, when you’re ready, you can open your eyes and know that you are forever loved and supported and protected, and the weight will now simply dissolve. And when you know that to be true, in your own time and space, and when you feel better, and you can feel it now, you can just simply open your eyes.
NOTE—Use the Ocean of Energy visualization to get into SMART Mode. End this part of the visualization imagining a ball of bright white light circulating around your navel and your body in an infinite ocean of energy …
I’d like you to imagine again that any excess weight you have becomes just a liquid light that gets sucked into this ball of light in your navel, never to be seen again.
Very quickly now this time, all the excess weight, like in a second, gets sucked into this navel. And you’re sitting there in your most perfect, ideal shape.
And as you’re sitting there in your most perfect, ideal shape, I’d like you to imagine again that you’re going for a walk on the beach and you see yourself walking and you’re fit and you’re healthy and you’re happy and you’re vibrant.
It’s a beautiful sunny day—take this image of you being fit and healthy and happy and imagine this image goes into one of the cells of your body, like a little mini-image of you, perfectly fit, healthy, happy, ideal, in your most ideal shape, is in one of the cells of your body, a little mini-version of you.
It actually goes into the DNA in your cells.
It’s standing next to one of the strands of the DNA in your cells, and it walks over to the DNA and it moves into it, and the second it does you feel your DNA vibrate like a string and with this vibration your DNA has just changed … You’ve just reprogrammed yourself on a genetic level to be genetically thin. You’ve just changed the genetic structure of that cell, so that that cell is now genetically thin, your exact, perfect, ideal body … That DNA has just been changed …
And now just imagine in an instant, every single cell in your body changes exactly the same, like a wave, it spreads from one cell to the next … In an instant, every cell has changed, so that you’ve just reprogrammed yourself on a cellular level, at the level of your DNA, to be genetically thin.
Feeling that change—knowing that something has just changed on a genetic level, that somehow genetically, at the level of the DNA, you have changed ever so slightly so that your body now wants to be thin, and so weight loss is effortless, easy, and natural.
You can imagine now the rest of the day, feeling healthy, fit, vibrant, energetic, full, and content … Not wanting anywhere near as much food, because your body is now effortlessly burning fat … And you can imagine the coming weeks and months, how your body starts to morph into that naturally thin person you’ve just programmed yourself to be …
It’s automatic now, it’s just a matter of time … six weeks, six months down the road, one year, you can see yourself getting fitter and fitter and feeling energetic, successful, healthy, vibrant, and full of life. It’s all happening now automatically, now that you’re a naturally thin … effortlessly thin … genetically thin person.
And in your own time, open your eyes and know forever that your body has just been changed on a genetic level and you are now a naturally thin, effortlessly thin person.
I’d like you to imagine a ball of white light circulating around your navel and this ball of white light is getting brighter and brighter and brighter …
It’s like a galaxy of ultrabright light in your navel and that bright light is energizing your stomach and revitalizing your stomach and purifying your stomach and detoxifying your stomach …
And then just imagine that that same bright light that’s inside your navel is also outside your body and you are actually in an ocean of bright white light and that light is all around you …
The bright light touches your skin and it enters your body and it purifies your skin and energizes your bones. And as that bright light then enters your body, it enters your digestive tract …
It enters your mouth … your esophagus … your stomach … your small intestines … and your large intestine … from one end to the other.
That ocean of bright white vitality energy is entering your digestive tract, it’s purifying your digestive tract, it is cleaning out the toxins in your digestive tract, and it’s purifying your digestive tract …
You’ve got this ball of white light that is spinning around your navel and I’d like you to imagine that all the excess weight in your body just dissolves into this energy …
It becomes an energy itself and rather than being fat it gets transmuted into a different type of energy … It gets transmuted into bright white liquid light that gets sucked into your navel, so all the excess weight in your body has gone and you are sitting there in your most perfect, ideal shape without an ounce of excess fat and you feel amazing …
Your whole digestive tract from your mouth down to your bottom, your whole digestive tract is glowing with bright white light and vibrance …
It’s being purified and any of the waste that hasn’t been eliminated turns into an energy and gets sucked into the center of your navel and never gets seen again … It gets evaporated … It gets washed clean so that you’ve got a brand-new digestive tract. Your whole digestive tract is brand new, all the impurities are eliminated and you are able to digest and assimilate nutrients much better.
So just image as you are sitting there in your most perfect, ideal shape with your digestive tract glowing with bright white light and being regenerated and purified and healed …
Then, in your mind’s eye, I’d like you to imagine that you stand up and you are walking through your day, and as you are walking through your day you can see your digestive tract from one end to the other glowing with bright white light …
You can see yourself healthy, fit, vibrant, and energetic, and you can see yourself in your most perfect, ideal shape so there is not an ounce of excess weight on you …
Your digestive tract is totally purified and as you go through your day you can see the foods that you are attracted to; you are attracted to healthy, light, vibrant, rich, colorful, live, beautiful foods …
You can see yourself sitting down; there’s a beautiful live, vibrant salad with sprouts, and it is glowing with bright white light and any other foods that you might want there …
And you’re sitting and you’re calm and centered and happy as you are about to have a meal and you take a bite of the food …
You hold it in your mouth and you chew your food slowly and you feel the energy of this ocean of white light going into the food and energizing it and digesting the food …
You see the food that is going into your digestive tract is glowing with white light and easily digested and transformed into energy, and that energy is going into your body and energizing you. You just have a little bit and you’re already feeling satisfied …
Magically you are feeling satisfied and energized. You can feel the food nourishing your body. It’s easily going through your digestion, it is getting into the cells of your body and the cells of your body are glowing with a bright white live vibrance …
You are eating live foods and your body is alive again and you feel safe and protected and energized and nourished from this live food and you have lots of energy and you get up and you go through your day and you are glowing; you are actually glowing.
You’ve got so much life force in your body and you are able to easily go through your work. It’s so easy and so effortless and you are fit and light and healthy …
And you see yourself in the morning now taking your probiotics and you see yourself eating your digestive enzymes with meals and eating lots of healthy, live salads and your life is flowing, your day is flowing; you have energy, power, amazing stamina and it’s just effortless …
Everything is so effortless you don’t need that much food anymore. You need a couple of bites of food, of real choice, live food and you are energized; your system kicks in and you can see your digestive tract glowing wherever you are …
You are at the office, you are with your family, you are playing sports, whatever you are doing. Your digestive tract is purified, glowing, live, vibrant, and healthy and renewed …
Your lifeline, your tube to life, your connection to life itself is renewed and energized and is now nourishing and your cells are glowing with bright white light and you have energy to finish your day and the weight is melting off you …
You don’t need the weight anymore, your body is nourished, it’s energized and it’s totally protected and so the weight falls off … and you only have desires now for the healthiest live food because you are getting energy all the time …
You don’t need that much energy from food, you are not dependent on dead foods anymore, they actually have no attraction anymore. What attracts you are live, healthy, beautiful, vibrant foods. They energize your body and you feel totally nourished.
Your day flows beautifully, successfully, happily and each day you are getting better and healthier and fitter and thinner and more amazing and more fantastic and more powerful and in every way possible you are living the life of your dreams …
And so in your own time and space when you are ready, you can open your eyes knowing that your digestive system is revitalized so that you’ll have amazing energy, be attracted to real, live, healthy foods and lose weight easily and effortlessly, now and always.
NOTE—Use the Ocean of Energy visualization to get into SMART Mode. End this part of the visualization imagining a ball of bright white light circulating around your navel and your body in an infinite ocean of energy …
And this bright white light goes into your mouth and into your stomach and it clears out any debris in your stomach, just vaporizes it into bright white light … And into your intestines … Any accumulated waste there is all being vaporized into bright white light. And into your colon and into your anus, it’s all being vaporized. Your whole intestinal tract, from your mouth down to your bottom is one glowing, bright white light of vibrancy. Any accumulated waste has been vaporized … you’ve got the most pure digestive tract now, able to easily digest and assimilate nutrients and remove any blockages.
And this bright white light goes into your hips and removes any accumulated waste in your hip joints and your knees and your bones and your ankles and your feet. All the joints of your body … it removes any waste, and you’re just sitting there in this infinite ocean of energy, this bright white energy, and you are just as bright; you are glowing with bright white light, inside and out … Everything is just one bright ball of energy.
And you can imagine this energy start to accumulate and swirl in your navel, like a mini-galaxy. It’s swirling around your navel. You’ve got this ball of bright white energy swirling around your navel, and your whole body is energy. Your whole body is glowing … And I’d like you to imagine that any excess weight that you have on your body is also just a glowing, bright light, and it’s being sucked into this vortex or this galaxy, this spinning ball of energy in your navel …
And so you’re sitting there in your most perfect, ideal shape, all the excess weight has been sucked into your navel, and you’re glowing with bright white light … You’ve been transmuted into pure, light, liquid energy … There’s no blockages. There’s no accumulated waste. And you can see yourself craving healthy, vibrant foods … foods that nourish, heal, and cleanse your body and your body is flushing out all the toxins … You can see yourself drinking lots of healthy green juices and water and eating live vibrant foods that are all cleaning your body, purifying it, healing it, and flushing out any accumulated waste … And you’re getting healthier, cleaner, purer, and fitter, day after day …
And wherever you go, you feel this infinite ocean of energy energizing you, running through the pores of your skin, purifying your body, detoxifying your body, and giving you energy all day long … You don’t need much food anymore, because you have so much energy and vibrance … And when you are hungry you crave healthy, live, vibrant foods … foods that energize you, nourish you, and purify and cleanse your body. You can see yourself day by day getting healthier, fitter, and purer … It’s like you’ve been plugged into a whole different energy system now. And so the weight is melting off you day by day, and you can see yourself glowing with life force vitality—so fit, so pure, and so healthy … and you can see the weight melting off you, each day getting thinner, fitter, healthier, more prosperous, happier, more vibrant, cleaner, fitter—craving healthy, live, vibrant foods and feeling amazing …
And in your own time and space, when you’re ready, you can open your eyes …
Now imagine that as you’re sitting there, you stand up and you go for a walk on the beach. And you have so much energy that you just start walking faster and faster and faster. And there’s no excess weight on your body, so you’re light and you’re fit and you’re strong and you’re healthy and you’re nourished and you’re confident and you’re secure. And you feel so light that you start walking and actually skipping and even running, and you start running really fast. You can’t help it because you’re just so light and full of energy now and it’s such an amazing feeling that you just can’t help but run really fast. So you start running on the beach and you’re kicking up water as you run and it’s effortless and you’re smiling.
And as you’re running on the beach, you notice that behind you something is chasing you. It doesn’t matter what it is, but you smile because you know that no matter what it is, you can easily outrun it. And you sprint like you have never sprinted in your life. And you smile as you sprint, because you’re running so fast and it’s so effortless and you’re so light and strong and fit, and you can feel as you’re running that there’s no excess weight on your body. And it feels amazing. You’re like an Olympic sprinter. There’s no excess weight and you’re moving like the wind, and you look back and you easily outrun whatever it is that was chasing you and you smile. And it gave up a long time ago, and you just start walking. And you feel amazing.
Now imagine that as you’re walking, you go to wherever it is that you’re going to have your exercise session, whether it’s the gym or the beach or for a bike ride or a walk or a swim, whatever it is you’re going to be doing, and imagine that movement experience right now and how powerful you are and how energetic and how effortless it is. And you just can’t stop running or walking or swimming or skipping or moving, and you have incredible strength and endurance and you can just see yourself in your most perfect, ideal shape glowing with energy. Your bones, your very bones are vibrating and glowing with energy you’ve got so much energy. And you know that you’re going to have an incredible workout and the weight is just going to melt off your body now and you’re going to finish your workout feeling calm, refreshed, energized, nourished, and effortlessly able to meet your weight loss goals and to have all the energy that you need to have an amazing day.
NOTE—Use the Ocean of Energy visualization to get into SMART Mode. End this part of the visualization imagining every cell of your body glowing with white light …
And as your whole body is glowing with life force vitality, imagine now the actual cells of your body becoming more sensitive to the hormones leptin and insulin. Just imagine that on the outside of the cell walls there are little tiny receptors, like little tiny antennae that pop up all over the cell that make the cell very sensitive to the hormonal messages of these two hormones … First imagine it happening in one tiny cell, the antennae pop up all over the cell; just imagine that the same thing happens to all the other cells and this phenomenon spreads all over your body … 70 trillion cells all instantly becoming very sensitive to these crucial fat-regulating hormones …
You’re using the power of your mind to reconfigure your cells, becoming like a naturally thin person, so you burn fat quickly and easily and you have effortless, boundless energy and you crave only the highest-quality, live, vibrant, nourishing foods.
As you imagine this sensitivity spreading to every cell, also imagine that the fat is now melting off your body. It’s just dissolving into the earth and you’re sitting there in your most perfect, ideal shape …
Imagine once again how every cell of your body now has more receptors, so the cells are very sensitive to the hormones leptin and insulin, and your body effortlessly burning fat and the weight, just melting off your body …
Now imagine yourself throughout the day, today and in the coming days and weeks, having lots of stable energy, craving only healthy, live, vibrant foods, and getting fitter, stronger, healthier, and more vibrant, day after day.
And in your own space and time, when you’re ready, you can open your eyes.
NOTE—Use the Ocean of Energy visualization to get into SMART Mode. End this part of the visualization imagining a ball of bright white light circulating around your navel and your body in an infinite ocean of energy …
And this light is so healing and protective and nurturing, and you feel safe being bathed in this beautiful white light. And you can imagine every cell of your body saying at the same time, “Safe, safe, safe, safe. I feel safe, safe, safe, safe. I feel safe. I feel safe.” And you can imagine every cell of your body saying at the same time, “Love, love, love, love,” like a concert or a chorus, 70 trillion cells all saying at the same time the words, “Love, love, love,” and you can feel every cell of your body being bathed in love, and every cell of your body feeling safe and protected.
And as every cell of your body is feeling safe and protected, you can just imagine that every cell of your body lets go of any pain, any emotional trauma that’s stored in the cells of your body; it just lets go and it gets washed away, in this beautiful ocean of bright white light. So you can imagine every cell of your body saying at the same time the words, “Let go, let go, let go. I let go, let go, let go. I release. I forgive. I forget. I move on.”
So if you’re willing, you can just allow every cell of your body to let go, to forgive, to move on. Forgiveness is really a gift that we give ourselves. Forgiveness is for us. Forgiveness is so we can move on. Forgiveness makes us lighter. Forgiveness makes life easier for us. Forgiveness is the ultimate healing tool that we have, to totally heal our body and to let go …
To let go of pain, to let go of trauma, and to let go of any additional weight that you’re carrying on your body … So you can imagine every cell of your body letting go, and all that pain and trauma being washed away in this ocean of bright white light, never to be seen again. You’ve forgiven, you’ve let go, you’ve moved on, and you can see yourself getting thinner and thinner and thinner …
And so you can imagine yourself now losing weight and getting thinner and thinner and thinner. You can imagine all the excess weight just melting off your body. You don’t need it anymore. You’ve let go. You’ve forgiven. You’ve moved on. You’ve released any emotional trauma out of the cells of your body, washed away never to be seen again. And you can see yourself walking on the street later today or maybe tomorrow, and you’re happy, healthy, confident, fit, safe, secure, protected, nourished, vibrating with life force vitality, smiling … You’re fit, happy, healthy. People can’t help but notice how incredibly vibrant you are, and you can’t help but notice how amazing you look and feel. You have so much energy, so much power, and the weight is just melting off your body.
And you can see over the next couple of days and weeks, how you’re effortlessly becoming your ideal weight, now and always, and also all the while feeling safe and protected and nourished. You can feel how every cell of your body has released any emotional trauma, how every cell of your body is clean, happy, healthy, pure, vibrant, vibrating with life force vitality … And how you lose weight effortlessly, today and every day, until you have reached your ideal weight.
And so as you see yourself over the next couple of weeks getting fitter and fitter and fitter and thinner and happier and healthier, you know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you’ve released any pain that you needed to release … It’s gone, never to be seen again—washed away in this ocean of light. And that ocean of light is bathing your cells, every minute of your day, giving you energy throughout the day and making you feel safe and protected, confident, happy, healthy, secure, and giving you vibrant health and vitality …
So in your own time and space, when you’re ready, you can open your eyes, knowing that you’ve just totally transformed on a cellular level, that you’ve released any emotional trauma or pain that you’ve ever stored in your body. You’ve let go. You’ve moved on. You’ve cleansed yourself on a cellular level, and now weight loss will be effortless and automatic. And all you need to do is let it happen, and you let it happen easily and effortlessly.
And so in your own time and space, when you’re ready, you can open your eyes, knowing that you’ve released any and all past issues that were holding you back, that on a cellular level, you’ve released and let go and your body has now transformed into a body that wants to be thin, fit, and vibrantly healthy and that loses weight easily and effortlessly and automatically.
Just sitting up straight, I’d like you to imagine that there’s a ball of bright white light in your navel, and it’s just circulating around your navel and it’s getting brighter and brighter and brighter. It looks like a galaxy of bright white light. And as this ball of bright white light is circulating around your navel, I’d like you to also imagine that you’re in an infinite ocean of bright white light. That same bright white light that’s in your navel is everywhere, as far as you can see, as far as you can imagine, in every direction is bright white healing light, ultrabright, and it’s infinite.
And as you’re sitting there, I’d just like you to imagine that the pores of your skin open up and all of this beautiful bright white light comes rushing into your body, filling your entire body with this beautiful, healing, luminescent energy … And this bright light is incredibly healing. So every cell of your body is being charged with this superbright white light. You can feel your bones and your arms being charged, and your bones and your hips and your legs starting to glow with bright white light. Your spine is glowing with bright light. Your ribs, your shoulders, your face, and all the bones in your head and your scalp are now glowing with superbright white light.
And your heart is getting charged with this light, and so your heart is glowing brighter and brighter, and all the blood that’s rushing out of your heart into all the different parts of your body is supercharged with this bright white luminosity. So your blood is glowing with bright white light. And as it travels all through your body and it feeds your cells, your cells start to glow with this bright light. And everywhere this light touches it heals … so that any blockages that you have, any diseases, anything that’s not functioning properly instantly vanishes as soon as this light touches it …
Like a bubble that’s bursting. The second the light touches whatever is not good in your body, whatever needs to go away bursts like a bubble … So this white light travels down the left side of your body and the right side of your body and all through your body, and you’re swimming in this ocean of bright light, and it’s healing every cell of your body.
All of your energy channels that circulate through your body are unblocked and flowing … superhighways of energy going up and down your spine and through every little capillary of your body there’s white light flowing. And it’s touching every cell, and any cell that’s not supposed to be there—pop—in an instant it vanishes, never to be seen again … Any bacteria that’s not supposed to be there—pop—in an instant it vanishes. Any yeasts, parasites, mutated cells, all instantly vaporized, never to be seen again …
So all the blockages are cleared out, all the negative things are cleared out, any diseases are cleared out. They’re all flushed out of your body, and you’re sitting there in this ocean of white light and you can see your body is glowing with bright white light, totally healed, full of vitality, functioning perfectly well. Any toxins are instantly vaporized in this bright white light. Your body is renewed, regenerated, reenergized. In essence, you’ve got a new body, a body of light, and it feels so amazing …
And as you’re sitting here totally charged, with superwhite, bright, healing life force light energy, as you’re sitting here, I’d like you to imagine that any excess weight on your body just gets instantly vaporized into this ocean of white light. And you’re sitting there in your most perfect, ideal shape … You don’t need any excess weight anymore, because you’ve got energy. You’re swimming in an ocean, an endless ocean of beautiful, bright energy. You don’t need any excess weight anymore. You’ve got boundless energy.
Your energy channels are open. They’re flowing all day long. You can imagine yourself all day long in your most perfect, ideal shape, having endless energy to be incredibly successful at work … to be productive and enjoy your family … to be out having fun with your friends, doing sports or just having fun, having a good time, traveling and just feeling happy, healthy, successful, and glowing with life force vitality …
And everyone you encounter feels this enormous energy that’s coming out of you and they see how incredible you look, and people want to do business with you, they want to hang out with you, they want to enjoy your company, they just want to bask in your beautiful essence, glow that’s coming out of you … They don’t know what it is, but it’s just radiating from you. You’re a beautiful being of light now, totally clean, totally cleansed, pure … your body, mind, emotions, energy, all purified, and you’re sitting there in your most perfect, ideal shape, just glowing with bright white light.
And as you’re sitting there in your most perfect, ideal shape, just glowing with bright white life force energy, I’d like you to imagine that anytime during the day that you feel like you need energy you can tap into this ocean, so you never, ever run out of energy. And so you’re no longer hungry for junk food. You don’t need junk food to give you energy anymore, because you’ve tapped into the infinite source of energy that’s all around you, and so you’re getting fitter and fitter and happier and healthier and more vibrant, more relaxed, feeling safe, confident, and able to effortlessly have an incredibly successful, fit, happy, healthy, and productive life.
And in your own time and space, when you’re ready, you can open your eyes, knowing that you forever transformed your body into a body of superlight life force energy, abundantly flowing, happy, infinitely healthy, peaceful, fit, successful, and content, now and forever.
So if you’re ready, just sitting up straight, take a deep breath in and a deep breath out and relax. I’d like you to imagine once again that there’s a ball a beautiful white light circulating around your navel. And it’s getting brighter and brighter and brighter. And as that ball of bright white light is circulating around your navel, I’d like you to imagine also that you’re in an ocean of bright white light, as far as you can see, it’s infinite in every direction, and it’s bright white healing light. It might even be a slightly rose-colored light, which is the light of the color of love.
And this ocean is a loving, beautiful, nourishing ocean—a healing ocean. And as you’re sitting there with this beautiful ball of bright white light in your navel and in this ocean of bright white and rose-colored light, I’d like you to imagine that the pores of your skin open up and this beautiful bright light, white and rose-colored light comes flooding into your body and fills your body with a beautiful, loving light.
You can feel every cell of your body being bathed with love. You can feel the bones in your feet being bathed with this loving light, and your knees and your thighs and the bones in your hips and your spine, as it runs up your spine into your shoulders and your arms. And your scalp and your face, your bones are just sucking it up, they’re just being charged with a beautiful, loving, healing light.
And this light is flowing through your body, and everywhere this light touches your body is healed. Any blockages, any darkness, any negativity all gets washed away in the ocean of love. So that your muscles in your arms and your legs and in your torso and chest and your neck and in your face and your head, your muscles and tendons are being bathed with love, and your organs, you can feel your kidneys behind your stomach in your back, your kidneys are being bathed with love … Just take a moment to bathe your kidneys with love. They work so hard … And your adrenal glands right above your kidneys, they work so hard pumping out stress hormones all the time. Let’s give them a moment of complete, utter love and bliss. Let’s bathe our adrenal glands with love. Let them know that we’re safe. They don’t have to pump out stress hormones all the time; everything’s okay now, just safety.
And feel that ocean of love going into your stomach and healing your stomach, clearing out any waste, unblocking any blockages, releasing any tension anywhere in your body. And your liver is being bathed with love, and your spleen and your lungs just being bathed with beautiful love, loving energy. It’s an ocean of energy and it’s going through you and around you and it’s caressing every cell of your body. And your heart is being filled with this loving energy. And it’s sending blood that’s charged with a loving energy to every cell of your body.
And as this supercharged blood goes to every cell of your body, you can feel every cell of your body saying at the same time, “Love, love. I am love. I am forgiveness. I am acceptance. I am gratitude. I am appreciation. I am love. I am love, I am love.” And feel every cell of your body say at the same time, “I am safe. I am safe. I am safe.” …
So, every cell of your body, like a chorus, is saying at the same time, “I am love. I am safe. I am forgiveness. I am acceptance. I am appreciation. I am gratitude. I am love.” And you can feel every cell of your body growing brighter and brighter. And healing, every cell of your body is being healed with love. And this love, like an ocean, is coursing through your body from all directions. And it’s in your heart, and your heart, like a spotlight, is radiating light to every part of your body …
And as your body feels safe with love, you notice also that any excess weight on your body starts to melt off. It just dissolves in the ocean of love. And you’re sitting there, in your most perfect, ideal shape … you’re fit, you’re strong, you’re healthy, you’re happy, you’re confident. You’re feeling tremendous love and support from the universe, from all directions. You’re in an ocean of love and support. There’s no way to escape it. Everywhere you turn, you’re feeling love and support and protection and bliss and approval and appreciation. Everywhere you turn, it’s an infinite ocean of love …
And as you’re sitting there, totally bathed in love and every cell of your body radiating love, and as you’re sitting there and all of your excess weight has been dissolved, I’d like you to imagine what your days are going to be like over the next couple of days, and over the next month as you’re getting fitter and healthier. You can see yourself talking to someone and you’re just radiating love, and they’re mesmerized by the love that’s coming out of you. And maybe you’re at work, at a business meeting, and you’re talking, and everyone is just spellbound by how beautiful you are and the beautiful energy that’s coming out of you. And your family is loving toward you; they’re reflecting the love back.
You’ve become a beacon of love. You’ve become a love generator. And everybody all around you is just basking in the glow of the beautiful love that you’re emanating. And because your body feels so safe now, because it’s being bathed in love, all the FAT programs are off, and the weight is just melting off your body. Your body wants to be thin and your body wants healthy foods, and you want to give your body the healthy foods that will love it even more, because it will nourish your body and make you feel even more loved …
And as the days go on and even the months, you’re getting fitter and more and more successful and happy and healthy and vibrant and peaceful and radiating energy, vitality, beauty, and love. This love is an ocean, and you feel it everywhere. And anytime you need to feel it, you just open up your pores and allow it to come in. It’s always there for you and you always feel it, and from now on you feel loved and supported and protected and nourished, now and forever. And your life is getting better and better and better … And you can see it from day to day, you’re getting fitter and healthier and more successful and happier and more in control. And in every possible way you’re improving.
So in your own time and space, when you’re ready, you can open your eyes, knowing that you’re forever bathed in an ocean of love … And that your body is radiating this love out into the world … And that this love is guiding you toward success, happiness, fitness, health, and vitality. So when you’re ready, please open your eyes and know that you have connected with a source of love that is forever there for you, and that you’re going to have a tremendous month of fitness, health, and vitality.
CAUTION—This visualization uses unpleasant imagery to create a negative association with foods and substances you’d like to avoid. Please only listen to this visualization if you feel it’s appropriate for you.
NOTE—Use the Ocean of Energy visualization to get into SMART Mode. End this part of the visualization imagining a ball of bright white light circulating around your navel and your body in an infinite ocean of energy …
And as you’re sitting there, with this ball of light in your navel, and it’s spinning around, like a whirlpool or a galaxy, I’d like you to imagine that any excess weight you have on your body is being sucked into this ball of light, never to be seen again. It’s pulling excess weight you have, in your legs, your arms, your back, your chest, your stomach, all getting sucked into this whirlpool, never to be seen again.
And you’re sitting there, in your most perfect, ideal shape … And as you’re sitting there in your most perfect, ideal shape, I’d like you to imagine that you’re going for a walk during the day. It could be a typical day. You’re walking down the street, you’re talking to your friends, and you’re feeling fit, healthy, vibrant, and happy … And you come across a store that has the type of food that you’d like to avoid. It could be a bakery or a fast-food restaurant, or just a convenience store, whatever it is. You see yourself walking into that store, and getting whatever the food is, and you open it up, and you take a bite of it … and the second you touch it to your tongue, you realize there’s something wrong with it. It tastes repulsive. You look at the food and you notice something is very wrong … Maybe there are some bugs or worms in the food or it’s moldy, or if it’s chocolate, you realize it’s actually dirt …
… Just take a moment to see the scene in as graphic detail as possible. Use your imagination and come up with a scenario that’s as repulsive as you can imagine … Then imagine instantly spitting the food out of your mouth and being disgusted by it … You can try this with a few different foods if you like … Just imagine that now if you want [30 second pause].
You can also imagine this with other substances, like smoking or drinking. Just take a moment now to do that if appropriate …
Now imagine that same scene on another day … You’re walking down the street and you’re feeling fit, happy, healthy, protected, nurtured, supported, loved, bursting with energy and life and vitality and you walk by the same store and you notice the food that you used to be attracted to and the second you look at it, you feel disgusted … Maybe your stomach knots up; you don’t want to be anywhere near it … You feel repulsed by that food or substance now. You can’t even walk near the store. You don’t want any part of that, and you walk past …
… And instead you see yourself craving healthy, live, vibrant, beautiful foods … foods that will sustain you, foods that will nourish you, and you feel your body being nourished and sustained by these foods—real, live, healthy, vibrant foods are what your body is now craving, and you can see yourself being sustained and nourished and supported by these foods, and energized all through the day …
And all the weight is just melting off you effortlessly. You love the food that you’re eating now—healthy, live, vibrant foods. You’re drinking lots of water, and you feel incredible. And you see how, day by day, you’re getting healthier, and fitter, and happier, and more vibrant. And the weight’s just melting off your body, day by day. And as each day goes by, you crave healthier foods, more live foods. The more vibrant you become, the healthier the foods you like; you can see yourself day after day, getting fitter, healthier, more energy, more alive, and more vibrant … You’re bursting with life, you’re bursting with vitality, you’re exploding with love for life and into the world, and everything in your life is flowing, now and always.
And in your own time and space, when you’re ready, you can open your eyes knowing that you just totally just transformed your body on a cellular level to crave healthy, live, vibrant foods, real foods. And so you’re feeling enormous energy and life force vitality in your body, and the weight is now effortlessly melting off your body. And any food that once gave you trouble is the furthest thing from your mind right now. In fact, it’s repulsive. You don’t want to be anywhere near it. And you just gravitate more and more toward healthy, live, beautiful, vibrant, fresh foods. And your body is transforming at every level.
And in your own time and space, you can open your eyes, and have a beautiful day.
NOTE—Use the Ocean of Energy visualization to get into SMART Mode. End this part of the visualization imagining a ball of bright white light circulating around your navel and your body in an infinite ocean of energy …
And as you’re sitting there, with your entire body just glowing with this beautiful bright white healing light, and with this ball of bright white light circulating around your navel like a vortex or a whirlpool of energy, I’d like you to imagine that any excess weight you have on your body just gets sucked into this whirlpool of energy. It’s like a black hole that sucks any excess weight into your body so you can feel any excess weight that you have on your legs getting sucked into this whirlpool or this vortex. You can feel any excess weight you have on your pelvis or your stomach just getting sucked into this vortex. And you can feel any excess weight you have on your chest or your arms, or your face; it’s all just becoming like a liquid light. It’s almost like a bright white light energy, and it’s just getting sucked into the vortex in your navel, never to be seen again. And you’re sitting there in your most perfect, ideal shape …
And as you’re sitting there, in your most perfect, ideal shape, in this ocean of energy, and with any excess weight just being sucked into the vortex in your navel, I’d like you to also imagine any excess skin you have on your body becomes like a rose-colored light that also gets sucked into this vortex in your navel; so this excess skin gets sucked in, gets pulled into this vortex. And your skin is tight and toned … So you can feel this vortex just pulling any excess loose skin from your stomach or your pelvis or your arms or your legs or your chest or your face, just pulling it into your navel. And you can feel, and you can imagine that your stomach is tight as a drum; there’s no excess skin. You can’t even pinch any excess skin on your wrist. There’s no excess skin. It’s just tight and toned …
And as you’re sitting there, in your most perfect, ideal shape, with your skin toned and tight, I’d like you to imagine, in your mind’s eye, that you go for a walk on the beach. And you can see and feel how your body is firm and toned … You can see your skin as tight against your body, super, super tight. And you can see yourself in your most perfect, ideal shape. And you’re just going for a walk on the beach, and just feeling what it feels like to have your most perfect, ideal body and your most perfect, ideal shape.
And you can imagine your day tomorrow, or later today, going beautifully and you in your most perfect, ideal shape. You can imagine your skin getting tighter and more toned and the weight just melting off your body, and you’re craving only healthy, live, vibrant foods … And you’re feeling super alive and vibrant and having an amazing day, whether you’re at work in business, or with your family and friends, everything flowing beautifully; lots of energy, or excitement, or vitality, and the weight just melting off your body …
And you can imagine the coming days, the coming weeks, and this weight just melting off your body day by day, and your skin is getting toned and tight and firm. And how you have this vortex in your navel all the time, always pulling your skin in tighter and more toned. Your skin is alive, vibrant, superhealthy, superelastic. It’s growing with beautiful life force vitality. Your whole body is glowing with life force vitality … Your bones are glowing, your muscles and your ligaments and your organs and your skin, all glowing with a beautiful, live, vibrant life force vitality. And you can even just imagine, day after day, and week after week, how you’re getting fitter, healthy, stronger, and your skin is getting more toned and more tight, until you easily and naturally reach your ideal body …
And in your own time and space, when you’re ready, you can open your eyes, knowing that you’ve just used the power of your mind to create a body that’s toned and tight and firm … That your skin will now become tighter and more elastic and more vibrant; that you’ve got this vortex in your navel that’s always pulling excess weight into it and always pulling your skin tighter and tighter, and that you will lose weight, easily and naturally … And your skin will get tighter and more elastic easily, and you’ll get fitter effortlessly and easily, day after day, until you have reached your most perfect, ideal body.
NOTE—Use the Ocean of Energy visualization to get into SMART Mode. End this part of the visualization imagining a ball of bright white light circulating around your navel and your body in an infinite ocean of energy …
Now imagine that this ocean of energy you are in is actually an ocean of infinite abundance. And anything you’d like to achieve, whether it’s more financial freedom, more loving relationships, more success in business or in personal life, or more health and vitality and happiness, this ocean of abundance instantly transforms into the very thing you would like to achieve.
So if it’s financial freedom you want, imagine you’re in an ocean of prosperity, and just one drop of that ocean is more financial freedom, more success financially than you could ever imagine or ever need in an entire life, just one drop … If it’s a more loving relationship you want, imagine one drop is more love than you could ever possibly need or want in your entire life … If it’s success in business, one drop is more success than you ever imagined possible; just one drop and you’re in an infinite ocean of success, abundance, happiness, wealth, prosperity, and fitness …
And I’d like you to imagine that you open the pores of your skin and all that prosperity, success, wealth, happiness, and fitness comes rushing into you. All you need to do is allow it in. It’s everywhere. It’s an ocean of success and fitness. It’s infinite and it’s everywhere, and all you need to do is allow that to come in … And you open up the pores of your skin and you allow that energy to come through you, and it comes through you and it rushes into your life, creating success in every aspect of your life—financial success, success in business, success in relationships, fitness, family life, health, and vitality, success in every aspect of your life …
This ocean floods through you, energizing and empowering every aspect of your life. And now you’re using the power of your mind to create everything you want in your life, and now all you have to do is let it in …
So imagine now, this ocean of abundance rushing into your body and out into the world, creating success in every way possible … And now imagine yourself and your life in six months from now … See how you’ve lost all your excess weight, and you’re successful in every aspect of your life … Professionally you’re doing exactly what you would like to be doing. Your relationships and your family life are harmonious. Your friendships are fun and joyful. If there are any career changes you’d like to make, if there are any career goals that you have, imagine all of them have been achieved times 10 million … So much more than you ever thought possible, and you can’t even imagine how successful you are … And you’ve got happiness and energy and vitality and people are coming up to you and they’re listening to you and they’re respecting you and they’re getting the information you’re giving them and it’s helping them, and you’re directing them and you’re in charge of the life you want to be in charge of and you’re amazingly successful … You’re doing the business you want to do with them, and there’s love between you and your family members and your relationships …
And as you’re looking at this picture that you’ve just created of this ideal life, that’s being energized by this ocean of abundance that you’re in, imagine that this scene of your ideal life is like a magnet that’s drawing you, so that every decision you make from now on, whether you turn left or whether you turn right, whether you talk to this person or go on this vacation or go to this restaurant … every single decision you make you’re making because that magnet is pulling you to your most ideal, successful, happy, fit, prosperous, enjoyable, energetic, healthy, and happy life.
And in your own time and space, you can open your eyes knowing that forever, for the rest of your life, you will be bathing in this infinite ocean of abundance and you will be tremendously successful in every aspect of your life.
NOTE—Use the Ocean of Energy visualization to get into SMART Mode. End this part of the visualization imagining a ball of bright white light circulating around your navel and your body in an infinite ocean of energy …
And you can imagine every cell of your body saying at the same time the words, “Success, success, success. I am success, success, success. I allow, I allow, I allow.” And you can imagine every cell of your body saying at the same time, “I allow greatness into my life. I allow myself to be great. I allow greatness. I allow every cell of my body to become great.” …
And you can imagine how this greatness is manifesting. And you can see yourself in the coming days being enormously successful in whatever it is that you’re passionate about … You’re living up to your true potential, in every aspect of the word, and you can see how day after day you’re becoming healthier, happier, and more successful.
And you can see yourself being successful and losing weight. How day after day, the weight is just melting off your body, and professionally how your career is growing in enormous ways. How you’re giving and learning and sharing and following your true purpose. You can see how your purpose is being manifested in the world, and you just allow it to come through … And it’s almost as if this ocean of energy that’s coming through your body is guiding you and coming through you, to manifest greatness and to help you be and become your full potential, in every aspect of life.
So you can see yourself, day after day in the coming days and months, getting fitter and healthier … And you can see how you’re truly living up to your potential. In fitness—becoming superfit, superhealthy, superhappy. You can see yourself living up to and becoming your full potential in your relationships with your loved ones—as a parent if you’re a parent, as a lover, as a friend, as a member of your community …
Professionally, your life is expanding in ways that you never thought possible … growing and expanding. You’re on a mission. You see this energy coming through you, and you can see yourself maybe in six months from now, being fit, healthy, happy, and living your full potential … You can see the energy, this ocean of energy, coming through you, and you’re just exploding with life force and love and passion for everything it is that you want to be and do and give to the world … You’re just exploding with light and love, and everyone you touch, everyone you see, feels it, and they’re bathed in this life and they’re transformed …
And you can see yourself just spreading this enormous light and beauty and power throughout the world … This is your full potential. It’s coming through you like an explosion of energy, manifesting in so many incredible ways, in creativity … in productivity … in health … in happiness … in guidance … in transformation …
… Transformation for yourself and transformation for the world. You’ve become a light for the world, a beacon for the world. You are a beacon of light for this world and this universe, and this beautiful light comes through you and it transforms everything, from trees to people to birds, entire countries are being transformed because this light is coming through you and you are living up to your full potential in every conceivable way.
So in your own time and space, when you’re ready, you can open your eyes, knowing that you’ve just connected with this infinite ocean of energy, and this infinite ocean of energy is coming through you and exploding through you, to help you become your full potential, in every aspect of the word … To become fitter, healthier, happier, smarter, more loving, more giving … To be exploding with passion in every aspect of your life, and to be a light for yourself, your family, your loved ones, and the world. And to be your full potential in every sense of the word, now and always …