BB—Bundesarchiv, Berlin

BGA—Ben-Gurion Archives

CAHJP—The Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People, Jerusalem

CZA—Central Zionist Archives

GSA—Kibbutz Gan Shmuel Archive

HIJC—Avraham Harman Institute of Contemporary Jewry

HIJC-OHA—Avraham Harman Institute of Contemporary Jewry, Oral History Archive

IDFA—Israel Defense Forces Archives

ISA—Israel State Archives

JFK—John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum

JIA—Jabotinsky Institute Archives

LEA—Levi Eshkol Archives

LMA—Labor Movement Archives, Pinhas Lavon Institute

LPA—The Moshe Sharett Israel Labor Party Archives

NA (UK)—National Archives, United Kingdom

YBZ—Yad Ben-Zvi Archives

YNA—Yitzhak Navon Archive

YTA—Yad Tabenkin Archives

YY—Yad Yaari Research and Documentation Center


1. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Jan. 30, 1940, BGA.

2. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Feb. 5, 1940, and Nov. 29, 1940, BGA.

3. Ben-Gurion to Hazaz, July 10, 1968, BGA.

4. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 2, June 10, July 16, 20, 1953, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Allon, May 11, 1953, BGA; Yehuda Erez, interview transcript, BGA.

5. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Feb. 5, 1940, BGA.

6. Ma’ariv, Jan. 6, 1967; Ben-Gurion to Rachel Mishal, Jan. 19, 1967; Ben-Gurion to Alexander Peli, Jan. 26, 1967; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Aug. 1, 1960, BGA.

7. Davar, Sept. 28, 1967.

8. Mordechai Ben-Tov, interview transcript, BGA.

9. Ben-Gurion to Shmuel Fuchs, Dec. 18, 1904, in Erez 1971, p. 39.

10. Yitzhak Lamdan 1955. The number of dead is computed according to

11. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 8, 1948, BGA.

12. Whartman 1961.

13. Shachar 2002, p. 523ff.; Feldstein 1998, p. 354ff.

14. Ben-Gurion at the Mapai Council, Jan. 12, 1949, in Rafi Mann 2012, p. 247.

15. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, July 15, 1958, ISA.

16. Ben-Gurion at the Zionist Congress, Dec. 10, 1946, in Ben-Gurion 1993a, p. 249.

17. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 14, 1948, BGA; Ben-Gurion 1969b, 1, p. 106; Cabinet meeting, Oct. 20, 1953, ISA.

18. Moshe Carmel, interview transcript, p. 54, BGA.

19. Ben-Gurion, Diary, March 1, 29, 1948, BGA.

20. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, Sept. 29, 1936, BGA; Ben-Gurion at the Zionist Executive, Feb. 11, 1945, BGA.

21. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, Sept. 29, 1936, BGA.

22. Ratner 1978, pp. 347ff., 382; Yanait, interview transcript, July 17, 1975, p. 13, BGA; Carmel, interview transcript, BGA.

23. Carmel, interview transcript, BGA.

24. Yanait, interview transcript, Jan. 11, 1978, p. 11, BGA.

25. Ben-Gurion with writers, March 27, 1949, BGA.

26. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 25, 1948, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Halperin, Sept. 21 and Oct. 10, 1948, BGA; Ben-Gurion 1954b; Ever Hadani 1955, p. 162.

27. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 26, 1953; Ben-Gurion 1954b; E. A. Simon to Ha’aretz, Dec. 24, 1953; Panim el Panim, Dec. 22, 1954.

28. Ben-Gurion 1958, pp. 92ff., 155ff.

29. Ben-Gurion, Cabinet meeting, July 7, 1957, ISA; Ben-Gurion at an IDF ceremony, April 27, 1955, BGA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 18, 1967, BGA.

30. Ben-Gurion, Cabinet meeting, March 29, 1955; Babylonian Talmud, Megilah 16a.

31. Ben-Gurion to Moshe Sharett, June 25, 1937, in Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 25, 1937, BGA.

32. Peres and Landau 2011; Shilon 2013; Anita Shapira 2014; Goldstein (in process).


1. Ben-Gurion interviewed by Yosef Avner, Avraham Kushnir, and Tom Segev, Nitzotz, April 28, 1968.


1. Ben-Gurion interview with Ya’akov Ashman, Nov. 25, 1963, BGA.

2. Friedman 1994, p. 175ff.; Ben-Gurion 1963a, p. 31; Lavi 1957, p. 59.

3. Bartal and Gutman 2001.

4. Ben-Gurion 1974b, p. 18ff.; N. M. Gelber 1963, p. 24ff.

5. Ben-Gurion 1963a, p. 34; Lavi 1957, p. 15ff.; Ben-Gurion, eulogy for Lavi, July 12, 1964, BGA; Zemach 1983, p. 21; Michelson 1963, p. 125.

6. Zemach 1983, pp. 10, 18; Krieger testimony, Bracha Habas Archive, NL.

7. Habas 1952, p. 16; Memoirs of Avigdor Gruen, p. 9, BGA, subject file 470-1-18; Ben-Gurion, 1974b, pp. 9, 16, 19; Zemach 1983, p. 19; Ben-Gurion 1963a, p. 32.

8. N. M. Gelber 1963, esp. p. 169; Teveth 1977, p. 26.

9. Zemach 1983, pp. 20, 11, 23; Ben-Gurion 1974b, p. 14; Lavi 1957, p. 28.

10. Ben-Gurion, Cabinet meeting, Oct. 20, 1953, ISA.

11. Ben-Gurion 1961; Ben-Gurion at the Anglo-American Commission, March 11, 1946, in Ben-Gurion 2014, p. 939.

12. Ben-Gurion to Haim (last name not identified), Oct. 27, 1953, BGA, p. 31ff.; Philip Cruso, Yehudit Simhoni, Rachel Yanait Ben-Zvi, Geulah Ben-Eliezer, Emmanuel Ben-Eliezer, Yariv Ben-Eliezer, interview transcripts, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Golda Meir, Aug. 28, 1952; Ben-Gurion to Ehud Avriel, Sept. 11, 1952, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Shimon Shetreet, Aug. 2, 1961, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Knesset, July 2, 1951, in Ben-Gurion 1957, p. 166; see also BGA, Shabtai Teveth collection, concepts, motherhood; Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, March 7, 1948, BGA.

13. Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, Nov. 21, 1945, BGA; Teveth 2004, 4, p. 181.

14. Kavshana, interview transcript, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Knesset, July 2, 1951, in Ben-Gurion 1957, p. 166; Ben-Gurion 1974b, pp. 8–32; Ben-Gurion 1963a, p. 31; on fights with non-Jewish children, see also Gruenbaum 1963, p. 94.

15. Ben-Gurion 1974b, p. 30; Zemach 1983, pp. 11, 16, 20.

16. Ben-Gurion 1974b, p. 31.

17. Ben-Gurion to Shmuel Fuchs, Dec. 14, 1904, in Erez 1971, p. 36; Ben-Gurion to Yitzhak Hildesheimer, Jan. 15, 1960, BGA; Teveth 1999, p. 29.

18. Ben-Gurion interview with Malcolm Stuart, April 1, 1968, BGA; Nitzotz, April 28, 1968; Ben-Gurion at the Sejera celebration, Sept. 25, 1962; Ben-Gurion interview with Ya’akov Ashman, Nov. 25, 1963, BGA; Bar-Zohar 1977, p. 26; Ben-Gurion to his wife and children, May 14, 1942, BGA.

19. Goldstein 2016; Laqueur 1972, p. 75ff.; Laskov 1999, 1, p. 393ff.

20. Ben-Gurion 1974b, p. 7.

21. Hamelitz, June 18, 1886.

22. Ben-Gurion 1974b, p. 16.

23. Hamelitz, May 12, 1898.

24. Zemach 1983, p. 24; Lavi 1957, p. 51.

25. Zemach 1983, p. 25; Ben-Gurion 1974b, p. 31ff.; Ben-Gurion to Hildesheimer, Jan. 15, 1960, BGA.

26. N. M. Gelber 1963, p. 24; Zemach 1963b, p. 168; Klinitz-Vigdor 1963, p. 228; Zalkin 2001, 2, p. 402.

27. Ben-Gurion to Shmuel Fuchs, June 28, 1904, in Erez 1971, p. 18.

28. Zemach 1983, p. 25; Lavi 1957, pp. 29, 63ff.; Shlomo Zemach to Shmuel Fuchs, Oct. 23, 1904, courtesy of Yoram Verete.

29. Zemach 1983, pp. 22, 19, 27; Shlomo Zemach to Shmuel Fuchs, two undated letters, courtesy of Yoram Verete.

30. Zemach 1983, p. 18; Zemach 1996, p. 225.

31. Shlomo Zemach to Shmuel Fuchs, June 1, 1904, and June 2, 1904, courtesy of Yoram Verete.

32. Ben-Gurion to Shmuel Fuchs, June 14, 1904, BGA, correspondence.

33. Zemach 1983, p. 21.

34. Lavi 1957, p. 30.

35. Lavi 1957, p. 49.

36. Lavi 1957, p. 30ff.; Zemach 1983, p. 20.

37. Shlomo Zemach to Shmuel Fuchs, June 13, 1904, and June 2, 1904, courtesy of Yoram Verete; Ben-Gurion 1974, p. 30; Lavi, “LeZikhro shel Simcha Isaac,” Davar, April 20, 1936; see also Habas, “Ehad veDoro,” Dvar Hashavua, Jan. 19, 1950.

38. Lavi 1957, pp. 63, 33ff.

39. Shlomo Zemach to Shmuel Fuchs, June 13, 1904, and Oct. 23, 1904, courtesy of Yoram Verete; Zemach 1983, p. 24.

40. Shlomo Zemach to Shmuel Fuchs, June 26, 1904, and Oct. 23, 1904, courtesy of Yoram Verete.

41. Zemach 1983, p. 30; Shlomo Zemach to Shmuel Fuchs, June 26, 1904, courtesy of Yoram Verete.

42. Habas 1952, facing p. 33; Ben-Gurion 1974b, p. 33.

43. Zemach 1983, pp. 24, 26; Ben-Gurion 1974b, p. 7; Habas, “Ehad veDoro,” Dvar Hashavua, Feb. 6, 1950.

44. Hamelitz, June 18, 1896.

45. Zemach 1963a, p. 60; Zemach 1983, p. 25.

46. Zikhronot shel Avigdor Gruen, p. 4, BGA, subject files 470-1-18; Yatziv 1963, p. 235.

47. Avigdor Gruen to Theodor Herzl, 1901, in Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 6; Zikhronot shel Avigdor Gruen, p. 4, BGA, subject files 470-1-18; Zemach 1963a, p. 41; Ben-Gurion 1974b, p. 27.

48. Ben-Gurion 1963a, pp. 35, 22; Ben-Gurion to Shmuel Fuchs, Feb. 6, 1905, in Erez 1971, p. 47.

49. Taub memoirs, LI, IV-104-543-1; Hatzefirah, Sept. 27, 1900.

50. Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 10ff.; Ben-Gurion 1974b, p. 32ff.; Ben-Gurion to Emanuel Ben-Gurion, Aug. 11, 1968, BGA; Lavi 1957, p. 62; Holtzman 1993, p. 191ff.; Berdichevsky 1897.

51. Zemach 1983, pp. 24, 29.

52. Alroey 2008, p. 65.

53. Herzl 1989, p. 45.

54. Hamelitz, April 4, 1899; Stefan Zweig 2012, p. 158.

55. Stefan Zweig 2012, p. 158.


1. Ben-Gurion 1974b, p. 51.

2. Ben-Gurion to Shmuel Fuchs, June 2, 1904, in Erez 1971, p. 3.

3. Ben-Gurion 1974b, p. 37; Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 11.

4. Ben-Gurion to Shmuel Fuchs, June 14, 1904, in Erez 1971, p. 13.

5. Ben-Gurion to Shmuel Fuchs, July 2, 1904, in Erez 1971, p. 3.

6. Avigdor Gruen to Theodor Herzl, 1901, in Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 6.

7. Ben-Gurion to Shmuel Fuchs, Nov. 6, 1904, in Erez 1971, p. 31.

8. Ben-Gurion to Shmuel Fuchs, June 14, 15, 18, Nov. 6, 1904, in Erez 1971, p. 11ff.; Shlomo Zemach to Shmuel Fuchs, June 2, 1904, and July 13, 1904, courtesy of Yoram Verete; Zemach 1983, p. 30; Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 11.

9. Zemach 1983, p. 30; Lavi 1957, p. 70.

10. Habas 1952, p. 40.

11. Ben-Gurion to Shmuel Fuchs, July 16, 22, 1904, in Erez 1971, pp. 21ff., 25.

12. Ben-Gurion to Shmuel Fuchs, Sept. 27, 1904, in Erez 1971, p. 29; Teveth 1977, p. 494.

13. Ben-Gurion to Shmuel Fuchs, Sept. 24, 27, Nov. 6, Dec. 14, 1904, in Erez 1971, pp. 28, 29, 31, 37.

14. Ben-Gurion to Shmuel Fuchs, Dec. 18, 1904, in Erez 1971, p. 39.

15. Ben-Gurion to Shmuel Fuchs, Jan. 22, 1905, in Erez 1971, p. 40.

16. Ben-Gurion to Shmuel Fuchs, Feb. 6, 14, 1905, in Erez 1971, pp. 47, 49.

17. Zemach 1983, pp. 28, 31; Shlomo Zemach to Shmuel Fuchs, Oct. 23, 1904, and Sept. 12, 1904, courtesy of Yoram Verete.

18. Lavi 1957, p. 66ff.

19. Lavi 1957, p. 73.

20. Zemach 1983, p. 23; Ben-Gurion to Shmuel Fuchs, Feb. 14, 1905, in Erez 1971, p. 49; Ben-Gurion to Shmuel Fuchs, July 22, 1904, in Erez 1971, p. 25.

21. Ben-Gurion to Shmuel Fuchs, July 22, 1904, in Erez 1971, p. 25.

22. Zemach 1996, p. 225.

23. Ben-Gurion to Shmuel Fuchs, Sept. 27, Nov. 6, 1904, in Erez 1971, pp. 29, 32.

24. Ben-Gurion to Shmuel Fuchs, Nov. 6, 1904, in Erez 1971, p. 31.

25. Ben-Gurion to Shmuel Fuchs, Nov. 20, 1904, Jan. 22, 1905, in Erez 1971, pp. 35, 41.

26. Ben-Gurion to Shmuel Fuchs, Nov. 6, 1904, Jan. 22, April 2, 1905, in Erez 1971, pp. 31, 41, 55.

27. Ben-Gurion to Yitzhak Fuchs and Lipa Taub, Feb. 21, 1905, in Erez 1971, p. 43; Ben-Gurion 1949, 3, p. 140; “Mah Helkenu,” Hatzefirah, May 4, 1905; Ascher 1994, p. 157ff.; Ury 2012; Alroey 2008, p. 47; Ben-Gurion to Shmuel Fuchs, May 9, 1905, in Erez 1971, p. 57.

28. Ben-Gurion to Ussishkin, March 30, 1905; Ben-Gurion to Shmuel Fuchs, April 2, Jan. 2, 1905, in Erez 1971, pp. 52, 55, 40; Alroey 2011, p. 170ff.

29. Shlomo Zemach to Shmuel Fuchs, undated; Shlomo Zemach to Shmuel Fuchs, Aug. 17, 1906; Shlomo Zemach to Shmuel Fuchs, Oct. 23, 1904, all courtesy of Yoram Verete.

30. Shlomo Zemach to Shmuel Fuchs, Oct. 21, 1906, courtesy of Yoram Verete.

31. Ben-Avram and Nir 1995, pp. 96, 80; Segev 2000, p. 249ff.; Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 372ff.; Ben-Gurion interview with Oryan, Nov. 12, 1969, HICJ.

32. Shlomo Zemach to Shmuel Fuchs, June 2, 1904, courtesy of Yoram Verete; Ben-Gurion to Shmuel Fuchs, June 2, July 22, 24, 1904, in Erez 1971, pp. 8, 25, 27.

33. Ben-Gurion to Shmuel Fuchs, Nov. 6, 14, Dec. 14, 1904, and Ben-Gurion to Shmuel Fuchs, Feb. 14, 1905, in Erez 1971, pp. 31, 36, 50; Zemach 1963, p. 38; Shlomo Zemach to Shmuel Fuchs, June 2, 1904, courtesy of Yoram Verete; Shlomo Zemach to Shmuel Fuchs, Jan. 9, 1906, courtesy of Yoram Verete.

34. Blatman 2001, 2, p. 493ff.; Frankel 1990, p. 147ff.

35. Mintz 1986a, p. 33ff.; Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 16; Teveth 1977, p. 75.

36. Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 16; Ben-Gurion to Shmuel Fuchs, Feb. 6, 14, April 2, 1905, in Erez 1971, pp. 47, 49, 55; Zoref 1965, p. 266ff.

37. Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 13; Ben-Gurion 1974b, p. 41.

38. Ben-Gurion to his wife and children, May 14, 1942, BGA; Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 8.

39. Ben-Gurion to Shmuel Fuchs, May 9, 1905, in Erez 1971, p. 58.

40. Lavi 1957, pp. 68, 75ff.

41. Shlomo Zemach to Shmuel Fuchs, two undated letters, courtesy of Yoram Verete; Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 16.

42. Yosifon 1963, p. 197ff.; Ben-Gurion interview with Ya’akov Ashman, Nov. 25, 1963, p. 7, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Moshe Nahmanowitz, Oct. 15, 1961, BGA; Teveth 1977, p. 75; Ben-Gurion 1974b, p. 41; Ben-Gurion to his wife and family, May 14, 1942, BGA.

43. Hirsch Nelkin to Rachel Nelkin, March 23, 1906, and Elazar Nelkin to Rachel Nelkin, March 27, 1906, in Rachel Beit Halahmi 2006, p. 40ff.; Rachel Beit Halahmi 1963, p. 363.

44. Hirsch Nelkin to Rachel Nelkin, March 23, 1906, and Elazar Nelkin to Rachel Nelkin, March 27, 1906, in Rachel Beit Halahmi 2006, p. 40ff.; Rachel Beit Halahmi 1963, p. 363.

45. Ben-Gurion to his wife and children, May 14, 1942, BGA.

46. Habas 1952, facing p. 32.

47. Elazar Nelkin to Rachel Nelkin, March 27, 1906, in Rachel Beit Halahmi 2006, p. 45ff.

48. Ben-Gurion to Emmanuel Ben-Gurion, Aug. 11, 1968, BGA.

49. Ben-Gurion to Rachel Beit Halahmi, Dec. 26, 1953, BGA.

50. Lavi 1957, p. 75.

51. Ben-Gurion 1949, 3, p. 140.

52. Rachel Beit Halahmi 2006, p. 79; Yehezkel Beit Halahmi 1963, p. 369; Zoref 1965, p. 103ff.

53. Translator’s note: The passages from Bialik’s poem are quoted, with minor revisions, from Atar Hadari’s translation of the poem in Songs from Bialik, Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press, 2000.

54. Bialik 1942, p. 88; Ratosh 1974; Fichman 1974, pp. 309ff., 314ff.; Moked 2014, p. 23.


1. Zemach 1983, p. 61; Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 18.

2. Ben-Gurion 1974b, p. 57ff; Teveth 1977, p. 502, note 34; Alroey 2004, p. 79ff.

3. Ben-Gurion to his father, Aug. 21, 28, 1906, in Erez 1971, p. 65ff.

4. Ben-Gurion to his father, undated, in Erez 1971, p. 70.

5. Ben-Gurion to his father, undated and Oct. 1, 1906, in Erez 1971, pp. 71, 75.

6. Ben-Gurion to his father, undated, in Erez 1971, p. 70.

7. Memoirs of members of the Second Aliyah, BGA, subject file 377, M.T. 62; Memoirs of Tuvia Solomon, in Yaari 1974, p. 245ff.; Mordechai Eliav 1978, p. 3ff.

8. Ben-Arieh 1999, p. 120.

9. Carmel 1999, p. 143ff.; Laskov 1999, 1, p. 351ff.

10. Ben-Arieh 1999, pp. 78ff., 113; Ben-Arieh 1977, p. 317ff.

11. Laskov 1999, 1, p. 354.

12. Carmel 1973, p. 198ff.

13. Berlowitz 2010, p. 100ff.; Dinur 1954–61, 1, p. 194ff.

14. Tzachor 1994, p. 15.

15. Laskov 1999, 1, p. 387; Ben-Artzi 1999, 2, p. 356.

16. Kressel 1953, p. 12.

17. Ben-Gurion to his father, undated and Oct. 11, 1906, in Erez 1971, pp. 71, 75; Lavi 1957, pp. 15ff., 168; Zemach 1965, p. 62ff.; Kavashna, interview transcripts, BGA.

18. Rachel Beit Halahmi 2006, p. 79; Ben-Gurion to his father, Sept. 7, 1906, in Erez 1971, p. 69.

19. Ben-Gurion interview with Malcolm Stuart, 1968, interview transcripts, p. 48, BGA; Ben-Gurion interview with Avraham Avi-hai, HIJC-OHA, p. 49.

20. Ben-Gurion to his father, undated, in Erez 1971, p. 70; Ben-Gurion 1971a, pp. 23, 69, 76; Ben-Gurion to Hazaz, July 10, 1968, BGA.

21. Alroey 2002, p. 33ff.

22. Alroey 2004, pp. 169, 128, 208ff.; Yanait Ben-Zvi 1962, p. 86; Ben-Gurion interview with Levi Yitzhak Hayerushalmi, Feb. 28, 1972, BGA; Zemach 1983, p. 33.

23. Yanait Ben-Zvi 1962, p. 86; Yanait interview, July 17, 1975, p. 2, BGA; Erez 1971, p. 76.

24. Teveth 1977, p. 503, note 17; Alroey 2004, p. 27; Ben-Artzi 1999, 2, p. 358; Lavi 1957, p. 176; Anita Shapira 1980, 1, pp. 100, 272.

25. Zemach 1965, p. 196.

26. Ben-Gurion interview with Malcolm Stuart, 1968, p. 48, BGA.

27. Ben-Artzi 2002, 2, p. 356.

28. Yanait Ben-Zvi 1962, p. 94.

29. Ben-Gurion to his father, Oct. 11, Dec. 16, 18, in Erez 1971, pp. 75, 89, 91.

30. Ben-Gurion 1916a.

31. Ben-Gurion to Shmuel Fuchs, Jan. 2, 1907, in Erez 1971, p. 93.

32. Ben-Gurion to his father, Sept. 13, Nov. 8, 1906, in Erez 1971, pp. 74, 82; Yanait Ben-Zvi 1962, p. 94; Ben-Gurion 1916a; Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 18; Ben-Gurion 1974b, p. 30.

33. Ben-Gurion 1916a.

34. Ben-Gurion to his father, Dec. 16, 1906, in Erez 1971, p. 89; Ben-Gurion 1916a.

35. Ben-Ami, interview transcript, BGA.

36. Philip Cruso, Shaul Avigur, and Ya’akov Katzman, interview transcripts, BGA; Zemach 1996, p. 226.

37. Katzman, interview transcripts, BGA.

38. Ben-Gurion to his father, July 24, May 5, 1907, in Erez 1971, pp. 108, 120.

39. Ben-Gurion to his father, Oct. 16, 1906, Aug. 25, 1909, in Erez, 1971, pp. 80, 140; Ben-Gurion to Ralph Goldman, Sept. 3, 1951, BGA.

40. Ben-Gurion to his father, Feb. 8, May 23, 1907, in Erez 1971, pp. 103, 107.

41. Ben-Gurion to Shmuel Fuchs, Jan. 2, 1907, in Erez 1971, p. 94.

42. Ben-Gurion to his father, Oct. 15, 1909, in Erez 1971, p. 145.

43. Ben-Gurion to his father, Aug. 4, 1907, in Erez 1971, p. 109.

44. Zemach 1965, p. 107ff.

45. Lavi 1957, pp. 253, 257ff. 329.

46. Rachel Beit Halahmi 2006, p. 76.

47. Ben-Gurion to his father, Oct. 16, 1906, in Erez 1971, p. 80.


1. Ben-Gurion to his father, Oct. 19, Nov. 8, 1906, in Erez 1971, pp. 76, 83.

2. Ben-Gurion to Shmuel Fuchs, Jan. 2, 1907, in Erez 1971, p. 93.

3. Ben-Gurion to his father, Dec. 18, 1906, May 13, Nov. 7, 1907, in Erez 1971, pp. 91, 105, 112; Ben-Gurion 1916a.

4. Ben-Gurion to Shmuel Fuchs, Jan. 2, 1907, and Ben-Gurion to his father, May 13, 1907, in Erez 1971, pp. 93, 106.

5. Ben-Gurion to Shmuel Fuchs, Jan. 2, 1907, in Erez 1971, p. 93.

6. Ben-Gurion to his father, June 30, 1909, in Erez 1971, p. 133.

7. Ben-Gurion interview with Malcolm Stuart, 1968, p. 44, BGA.

8. Ben-Gurion to his father, Oct. 19, 1906, in Erez 1971, p. 77.

9. Ben-Gurion interview with Levi Yitzhak Hayerushalmi, 1972, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Israel Shohat, Jan. 15, 1956, BGA; Habas 1952, p. 108.

10. Ben-Zvi 1945.

11. Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 23ff.

12. Gorny 2002, p. 440; Karlinsky 2000, p. 149ff.

13. Ben-Gurion 1916a; Ben-Gurion at the Sejera celebrations, Feb. 25, 1962, BGA.

14. Yitzhak Kavashna, interview transcript, BGA.

15. Ben-Gurion during Education Month, 1941; Ben-Gurion 2008, p. 379.

16. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 20, 1927, BGA.

17. Lavi 1957, pp. 219, 254ff.

18. Lavi 1957, p. 334ff.

19. Horwitz 1981, p. 124ff.

20. Ben-Gurion 1925; Ben-Gurion 1931, p. 92; Ben-Gurion, “Hapo’el Ha’ivri Veha’aravi,” in Ben-Gurion 1931, p. 105; Sheffer 2015, p. 34.

21. Ludvipol 1901.

22. Hatzefirah, April 25, 1890, June 9, 1890, April 7, 1891, April 11, 1891, Dec. 9, 1891, Jan. 31, 1892, and more; Israel memorial website for fallen soldiers,, and the National Insurance Institute of Israel’s memorial website for victims of terror and hate crimes,

23. Anita Shapira 1992, p. 84ff.

24. Ahad Ha’am, “Emet Mi’eretz Yisra’el” and “Hayishuv Ve’apotrosav,” 1949, pp. 29, 236; Gorny 1975, p. 82; Rokach to Levontin, May 20, 1886, quoted in Anita Shapira 1992, p. 507, note 14.

25. Giladi 1999, 1, p. 503ff.; Ahad Ha’am, “Hayishuv Ve’apotrosav,” 1949, p. 225.

26. Gorny 1975, p. 72ff.; Yosef Lamdan 1999, p. 215ff.; Frankel 1990, p. 149; Segev 2000, pp. 150–51.

27. Epstein 1907, p. 193ff.

28. Anita Shapira 1992, p. 95ff; Moshe Smilansky to Ahad Ha’am, Sept. 6, 1913, National Library of Israel, Ahad Ha’am Archive, 7912119.

29. Moshe Smilanksy 1936a, p. 42; Anita Shapira 1992, p. 509, note 48.

30. Herzl 1989, p. 52.

31. Anita Shapira 1992, pp. 89, 91.

32. Ben-Gurion 1971a, pp. 49, 470, 516.

33. Yosef Haim Brenner, quoted in Anita Shapira 1992, p. 85; Moshe Smilansky 1936b, p. 214; Zemach 1965, p. 105; Horwitz 1981, p. 122; Eliezer Ben-Yehuda and Yehiel Mihal Pines to James Finn, Aug. 17, 1883; Druyanov 1909, 1, p. 96.

34. Ben-Gurion 1932, p. 7; Kressel 1953, p. 13.

35. Ben-Gurion 1932, p. 4; Ussishkin, “Haprogramah Shelanu,” 1934, p. 118; Ben-Gurion to Shmuel Fuchs, Jan. 22, 1905, in Erez 1971, p. 41.

36. Moshe Smilansky 1936b, p. 214.

37. Moshe Smilansky 1936a, p. 214.

38. Ben-Gurion 1911c.

39. Ben-Gurion 1910a.

40. Hapo’el Hatza’ir, Aug. 31, 1908; Zemach 1965, p. 154.

41. Ben-Gurion 1932, p. 3; Ben-Gurion 1916a, p. 102ff.; Penslar 1991.

42. Ussishkin, “Haprogramah Shelanu,” 1934, p. 117ff.

43. Vladimir Dubnow to Simon Dubnow, Oct. 20, 1882; Laskov 1982, pp. 507, 522.

44. Ben-Gurion 1972, 2, p. 48ff.; Teveth 1977, p. 583ff.

45. Teveth 1977, p. 101.

46. Ben-Gurion to his father, Oct. 19, 1906, in Erez 1971, p. 78; Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 25.

47. Yanait Ben-Zvi 1962, p. 86.

48. Teveth 1977, p. 581ff.

49. Ben-Gurion to his father, Dec. 18, 1906, in Erez 1971, p. 91.

50. Ben-Gurion to his father, Jan. 15, May 13, 1907, in Erez 1971, pp. 97, 107; Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 32.

51. Yiddisher Kempfer, Jan. 18, 1907, in Teveth 1997, p. 104.

52. Dinur 1954–64, 1, p. 203ff.; Tsoref 1998, p. 15; Lev 1983, p. 135ff.

53. Habas 1952, p. 108.

54. Lazar 2012, p. 49ff.

55. Ben-Gurion interview with Levi Yitzhak Hayerushalmi, 1972, BGA; Erez 1971, p. 77.

56. Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 35.

57. Ben-Gurion to his father, Dec. 16, 1906, Feb. 8, May 13, 1907, in Erez 1971, pp. 96, 101.

58. Ben-Gurion to Yitzhak Ziv-Av, July 13, 1964, BGA.


1. Hareuveni 1999, p. 33; Burkhardt 1822, p. 333; Yankelevitch 2001, p. 97ff.

2. Ben-Gurion to his father, Feb. 1, 1909, Feb. 1, 1908, in Erez 1971, pp. 166, 124.

3. Ben-Gurion to Shimon Kesselman, Feb. 28, 1962, BGA; Ben-Gurion 1916a, p. 106.

4. Anita Shapira 1992, p. 89; Kayla Giladi testimony, Bracha Habas Archive, NL; Yankelevitch 2001, p. 111ff.

5. Ben-Avram and Nir 1995, pp. 96, 80; Segev 2000, p. 249ff.

6. Ben-Gurion 1916a, p. 102, BGA; Ben-Gurion to his father, Nov. 7, 1907, in Erez 1971, p. 112; Ben-Gurion at the Sejera celebrations, Sept. 25, 1962, BGA.

7. Ben-Gurion at the Sejera celebrations, Sept. 25, 1962, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Yitzhak Ziv-Av, Sept. 2, 1973, BGA; Ever Hadani 1955, p. 222.

8. Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 34; Ben-Gurion at the Sejera celebrations, Sept. 25, 1962, BGA; Zemach 1983, p. 33.

9. Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 32, Teveth 1977, p. 137.

10. Zemach 1983, p. 68ff.; Ben-Gurion at the Sejera celebrations, Sept. 25, 1962, BGA; Kayla Giladi testimony, Bracha Habas Archive, NL.

11. Yankelevitch 2001, p. 108ff.; Ben-Gurion to his father, May 5, 1908, in Erez 1971, p. 120.

12. Ben-Zvi et al. 1962, p. 17; Ben-Gurion 1911, “Reshit haShmirah ha’Ivrit,” BGA, Sejera subject file; Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 36; Alroey 2009, p. 77ff.

13. Ben-Gurion at a party in honor of Eliyahu Krause, Nov. 15, 1951, BGA.

14. Ben-Gurion 1955b, p. 311ff.; Ever Hadani 1955, p. 223ff.; Ben-Gurion 1971a, pp. 17, 37, 44ff.; Ben-Gurion at the Sejera celebrations, Sept. 25, 1962, BGA.

15. Ben-Gurion at the Sejera celebrations, Sept. 25, 1962, BGA; Ben-Gurion to his father, Feb. 1, 1908, in Erez 1971, p. 116; Hador, Jan. 24, 1950; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Jan. 21, 1955, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Larna Yashar, Dec. 6, 1970; Ben-Gurion to David Goldman, March 2, 1969, BGA.

16. Michaeli 1991, p. 136.

17. Ben-Gurion to his father, Nov. 7, 1907, May 5, 1908, in Erez 1971, pp. 112, 120; Rachel Beit Halahmi 2006, p. 90.

18. Rachel Beit Halahmi 2006, pp. 76, 80ff.; Ben-Gurion to his father, May 13, 1907, in Erez 1971, p. 106; Teveth 1977, pp. 502, 148, 520, note 28.

19. Teveth 1977, p. 147ff.; Zemach 1983, p. 68.

20. Ben-Gurion to his father, June 30, 1909, Jan. 21, 1910, in Erez 1971, pp. 136, 149.

21. Teveth 1977, p. 143.

22. Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 44ff.; Yanait Ben-Zvi 1962, p. 96ff; Ben-Zvi et al. 1962, p. 20; Michaeli 1991, p. 42ff.

23. Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 46ff.; Ya’akov Webman testimony, BGA, subject file 34/242405; Korngold, Ministry of Defense Memorial site,; Shweiger, Ministry of Defense Memorial website,; Melamed, Ministry of Defense Memorial website,

24. Ben-Zvi et al. 1962, p. 20; Lev 1983, p. 135ff.

25. Yanait Ben-Zvi interviewed by Nahum Barnea, Davar, Nov. 23, 1979.

26. Yanait Ben-Zvi and Avigur, interview transcripts, BGA.

27. Ben-Gurion, Cabinet meeting, Sept. 23, 1952, NA; Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, April 6, 1941, in Ben-Gurion 2008, p. 342.

28. Search for the Hashomer Archive, Ben-Gurion subject file; Ben-Gurion to Israel Shohat, Jan. 15, 1956; Israel Shohat to Ben-Gurion, April 12, 1957, BGA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, April 26, 1957, BGA.

29. “Israel Shohat Mesaper al Manya,” Davar, Nov. 27, 1959.

30. Ben-Gurion to his father, July 29, Sept. 26, Oct. 15, 1909, in Erez 1971, pp. 138ff., 112, 142, 143; Ben-Gurion to his father, Jan. 21, 1910, in Erez 1971, p. 149.

31. Ben-Gurion to his father, Aug. 21, 1909, in Erez 1971, p. 140; Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 48.

32. Ben-Gurion to his father, Nov. 14, Dec. 25, 1909, Jan. 21, 1910, in Erez 1971, p. 146ff.

33. Ben-Gurion to his father, May 9, 1909, in Erez 1971, p. 128; Ben-Gurion 1916a, p. 103ff. Ben-Gurion to donors, Sept. 24, 1970, interview transcript, BGA, file 39, “Ben-Gurion with journalists”; Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 34.


1. Ben-Gurion to his father, March 31, 1909, in Erez 1971, p. 127.

2. Naor and Giladi 1993, p. 60ff.; Bloom 2008, p. 212ff.

3. Naor and Giladi 1993, p. 72ff.

4. Ben-Gurion, “Reshit Avodati Hasifrutit,” April 1920, BGA, general chronological documentation 206; Ben-Gurion at the jubilee celebration for Ha’ahdut, July 10, 1960, and March 25, 1962, BGA; Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 50ff.; Yanait Ben-Zvi, 1962, p. 85; Zerubavel 1953.

5. Yanait, interview transcript, July 17, 1975, p. 10, BGA; Witztum and Kalian 2013, p. 46.

6. Yanait Ben-Zvi 1962, p. 134.

7. Ben-Gurion 1910c.

8. “Telegram,” Ha’ahdut, March 31, 1911.

9. Ben-Zvi 1967, p. 174ff.

10. “Megamatenu,” Ha’ahdut, July–Aug. 1910; Yanait Ben-Zvi 1962, p. 133; Ben-Zvi at the Po’alei Zion Convention, April 23, 1910; Tsoref 1998, p. 34.

11. Hatzvi, Jan. 27, 1909.

12. Bloom 2008, p. 112ff.; Rosenman 1992, p. 27.

13. Bloom 2008, p. 318ff.

14. Ben-Gurion at the Council of the Po’alei Zion organization, Ha’ahdut, Nov. 11, 1910; Nini 1996, p. 18ff.; Ben-Gurion 1912; Ben-Gurion 1971a, pp. 34, 324.

15. Gorny 1988, p. 75.

16. Yehoshua 1971, 4, p. 32; Kroyanker 2005, p. 264; Genichovsky 1993; Josephus, 1956, 2, p. 539, 3, p. 105; Yanait Ben-Zvi 1962, p. 103; Holtzman 1993, p. 193.

17. Reuveni 1932, pp. 41, 151, 165, 211, 214.

18. Ben-Gurion 1911a; Ben-Gurion 1911b; Ben-Gurion 1911c.

19. Zemach 1983, p. 75.

20. Ben-Gurion and Shlomo and Hemda Zemach to Rachel Beit Halahmi, undated, GSA, Rachel and Yehezkel Beit Halahmi file; Yehoshua 1971, 4, p. 32.

21. Ben-Gurion 1910a; Yosef Lamdan 1999, 1, p. 225.

22. Haver 1910.

23. Ben-Gurion 1911b.

24. Yanait Ben-Zvi 1962, p. 156.

25. Ben-Gurion 1910b.

26. Ben-Gurion to Po’alei Zion in the United States, Dec. 25, 1906, BGA.

27. Ben-Gurion to Rachel Beit Halahmi, undated, GSA, Rachel and Yehezkel Beit Halahmi file.

28. Ben-Gurion to his father, Aug. 6, 1911, in Erez 1971, p. 156.

29. Ben-Gurion to his father, Oct. 11, 1911, in Erez 1971, p. 156.

30. Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 50ff.; Ben-Gurion to Hazaz, July 10, 1968, BGA.

31. Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 52; Ben-Gurion to Eliyahu Elyashar, May 19, 1964, BGA.

32. Ben-Gurion to his father, March 3, 1912, in Erez 1971, p. 203.

33. Stroumsa, interview transcript, p. 40, BGA; Ben-Gurion (“Dan”) 1911e.

34. Ben-Gurion to his father, April 21, 1912; Ben-Gurion to Ben-Zvi, March 31, June 28, 1912, in Erez 1971, pp. 212, 216, 220; Ben-Gurion, “Reshit Avodati Hasifrutit,” April 1920, p. 3, BGA, general chronological documentation, 1919–20; copy of forged diploma, “Ishur Limudim Vetziyunim shel Ben-Gurion Miturkiyah Beshanim 1912–1914,” BGA.

35. Memoirs of Avigdor Gruen, p. 9, BGA, subject file 470-1-18; Ben-Gurion to his father, Jan. 28, 1912, in Erez 1971, p. 188.

36. Ben-Gurion to his father, Sept. 28, Nov. 25, Dec. 7, 1911, Jan. 18, Jan. 28, Aug. 12, Sept. 2, 1912, in Erez 1971, pp. 163, 179, 183, 176, 186, 221, 231, 234.

37. Ben-Gurion to his father, Nov. 25, 1911, July 26, 1912, in Erez 1971, pp. 176, 228.

38. Stroumsa, interview transcript, p. 9, BGA; Yanait Ben-Zvi, interview transcript, Nov. 16, 1976, p. 6, BGA; Ben-Gurion to his father, Feb. 5, 1914, in Erez 1971, p. 295.

39. Ben-Gurion to his father, July 15, 1912, in Erez 1971, p. 226.

40. Ben-Gurion to Zerubavel, Jan. 26, 1912, in Erez 1971, p. 184.

41. Stroumsa, interview transcript, p. 3, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Ben-Zvi, Feb. 11, March 8, March 31, 1912, BGA; Ben-Gurion to David Bloch-Blumenfeld, June 6, 1913, in Erez 1971, pp. 194, 210, 273, and editor’s note, p. 170.

42. Ben-Gurion to his father, April 1, May 3, 1912, in Erez 1971, pp. 194, 214, 217.

43. Ben-Gurion to his father, July 15, June 28, Aug. 12, 1912, in Erez 1971, pp. 219, 226, 235.

44. Ben-Gurion to his father, July 13, 15, Oct. 15, 1912, in Erez 1971, pp. 225ff., 241.

45. Ben-Gurion to his father, Oct. 15, Nov. 5, Nov. 12, 1912, in Erez 1971, pp. 241ff., 245, 246.

46. Stefan Zweig 2012, p. 115.

47. Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 56.

48. Ben-Gurion to Bloch-Blumenfeld, Dec. 21, 1912, in Erez 1971, p. 250.

49. Ben-Gurion to his father, June 28, 1912, in Erez 1971, p. 220.

50. Ben-Gurion to his father, Dec. 29, 1913, in Erez 1971, p. 293.

51. Ben-Gurion to his father, Dec. 11, 1913, Feb. 5, 1914, in Erez 1971, pp. 291, 294.

52. Yanait Ben-Zvi, interview transcript, Nov. 16, 1976, p. 6, BGA; Ben-Zvi 1967, p. 201ff.; Ben-Gurion 2008, editor’s note, p. 300.

53. Ben-Gurion to his father, Sep. 23, 1912, March 2, April 3, April 20, 1913, in Erez 1971, pp. 239, 263, 264, 268.

54. Ben-Gurion to his father, April 23, May 21, 1913, in Erez 1971, pp. 269, 272.

55. Ben-Gurion to his father, July 26, 1912, July 12, 1914, in Erez 1971, pp. 228, 317; transcript of grades, May 15, 1952, BGA, personal documents; Baron 2008, p. 80ff.; Ben-Gurion to Rachel Beit Halahmi, Oct. 5, 1913, GSA, Rachel and Yehezkel Beit Halahmi file.

56. Baron 2008, p. 92ff.

57. Stroumsa, interview transcript, p. 8, BGA.

58. Israel Shohat, “Shelichut Vaderech,” in Ben-Zvi et al. 1962, p. 35ff.; Ben-Gurion to Bloch-Blumenfeld, June 6, 1913, in Erez 1971, p. 237; Ben-Gurion to his father, July 31, 1913, in Erez 1971, p. 276; Ben-Zvi 1967, p. 201ff.

59. Ben-Gurion, “Likrat He’atid,” in Ben-Gurion 1931, p. 1ff.

60. Y.Z., “Michtav Miyafo,” Ha’ahdut, Dec. 30, 1914; Hapo’el Hatza’ir, Jan. 1, 1915, p. 16; Giladi and Naor 2002, p. 457ff; Teveth 1977, p. 265.

61. Ben-Gurion 1914; Mintz 1988, p. 69ff.

62. Reuveni 1932, pp. 105, 151ff.

63. Ben-Bassat 2014, p. 52ff.

64. Y.Z., “Michtav Miyafo,” Ha’ahdut, Dec. 30, 1914; Ben-Zvi 1967, p. 201ff.

65. Memorandum to Djemal Pasha, Feb. 21, 1915, BGA; Ben-Gurion 1972, p. 50; Ben-Gurion 1971a, pp. 50, 76ff.; Ben-Zvi 1967, p. 217ff.; Yanait Ben-Zvi, interview transcript, Dec. 6, 1976, p. 7, BGA.

66. Morgenthau to Louis Marshall, Sept. 16, 1914, and other documents, LPA P3/710; Ben-Gurion and Ben-Zvi to Glazebrook, end of 1917 (?), BGA, correspondence 1915–1917; Ben-Gurion, Diary, March 29, 1915, BGA; Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 73; Ben-Zvi 1967, p. 217ff.; Teveth 1977, p. 293; Friedman 1991, p. 168ff.

67. Elam 1984, p. 22ff. Shmuel Katz 1993, p. 37.

68. Ben-Gurion and Ben-Zvi to Djemal Pasha, Feb. 21, 1915, BGA; Ben-Gurion and Ben-Zvi to Brandeis, 1916, BGA, general chronological documentation; Ben-Zvi 1967, p. 223; Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 222.

69. New York Passenger Lists 1820–1957, Patris, David Bengorion [sic], May 16, 1915,; David Green-Ben-Gurion Registration Card, June 5, 1917, United States World War I Draft,

70. Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 75; Ben-Gurion to Eliezer Canaani, May 13, 1964, BGA.

71. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 3, 1915, BGA.

72. Ben-Gurion, Diary, April 3, 13, 14, 28, May 15, 1915; Ben-Gurion to Shmuel Fuchs, Jan. 2, 1907, in Erez 1971, p. 93; Ben-Gurion, “LeYahadut America,” Sept. 3, 1950, in Ben-Gurion 1962a, 2, p. 366.


1. Ben-Gurion 1971a, pp. 79ff.; Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 17, June 2, 1915, BGA.

2. Ben-Gurion interview with Avraham Avi-hai, Aug. 23, 1972, HIJC.

3. Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 76.

4. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 27, 1915, BGA.

5. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 15, 17, June 1, 5, 7, 9, BGA; Mintz 1983, p. 181ff.

6. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 27, 1915, BGA.

7. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 26, 1915, BGA.

8. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 29, July 4, 5, 1915, BGA; handwritten correction to the diary, BGA, Shabtai Teveth collection, people; Ben-Gurion to Shmuel Fuchs, Jan. 29, 1955, BGA; Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 16; Berl Cohen 1986.

9. Shmuel Fuchs to Ben-Gurion, May 14, 1955, BGA.

10. Jonathan Shapiro 1971, p. 90ff.; Tuchman 1981, p. 208ff.

11. Po’alei Zion communication 18, June 28, 1915, BGA, general chronological documentation; Ben-Gurion and Ben-Zvi, “Hehalutz: Printsipn un Aufgaben,” in Basok 1940, p. 14; “Di Yesodos fun ‘Hekhalutz,’” 1917, BGA, general chronological documentation; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Aug. 9, 1915, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Ben-Zvi, Aug. 9, 1915, BGA; Ben-Zvi 1967, p. 230.

12. Guttman, interview transcript, p. 17, BGA; Cruso interview transcript, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Ben-Zvi, Dec. 13, 1915, March 8, July 19, 1916, BGA, general chronological documentation; Ben-Gurion to Hirsch Ehrenreich, Jan. 6, 1916, in Erez 1971, p. 333.

13. Ben-Gurion and Ben-Zvi to Brandeis, 1916, BGA, general chronological documentation.

14. Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 81; Ben-Zvi 1967, p. 226.

15. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 9, 1940, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Ben-Zvi, Feb. 3, 1918, BGA, general chronological documentation.

16. Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 8, 1915, BGA.

17. Ben-Gurion to Hirsch Ehrenreich, Jan. 6, 7, 1916, BGA; Erez 1971, pp. 333, 334; Teveth 1977, p. 552.

18. Y. Z. Rabinowitz, “Hakdamah,” p. D, and Yehoshua Tohn, “Mesirut Nefesh,” p. 17ff.; Frankel 1958, p. 88ff.

19. Zerubavel et al. 1916.

20. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 15, 1916, BGA.

21. Ben-Gurion to Ben-Zvi, June 22, May 9, 1916, BGA.

22. Ben-Gurion, “Likrat He’atid,” in Ben-Gurion 1931, p. 1ff.

23. Ben-Gurion to Ben-Zvi, May 9, 1916, BGA; Chashin and Ben-Gurion 1916, p. 8ff.; Ben-Gurion to his father, July 1919, BGA.

24. Mordechai Eliav 1980, p. 13.

25. “Peace Army for Palestine,” New York Times, April 27, 1917; Ben-Zvi 1967, p. 232.

26. Ben-Gurion to his father, Dec. 5, 1919, in Erez 1971, p. 442; Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 85.

27. Reinharz 1993, pp. 31, 114; Segev 2000, p. 33ff.; Teveth 1977, p. 374.

28. “Britain Favors Zionism,” New York Times, Nov. 9, 1917; “Zionists Get Text of Britain’s Pledge,” New York Times, Nov. 14, 1977; Segev 2000, p. 50.

29. Ben-Gurion at the Po’alei Zion Convention, Yiddisher Kempfer, Oct. 27, 1916.

30. Ben-Gurion 1971a, pp. 92, 98ff.

31. Ben-Gurion 1971a, pp. 86, 97ff.; Samuel Schulman, “Jewish Nation Not Wanted in Palestine,” New York Times, Nov. 25, 1917.

32. “Jewish Socialists Acclaim Zionism,” New York Times, Nov. 30, 1917; Ben-Gurion to his father, Dec. 5, 1919, in Erez 1971, p. 445.

33. Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 86; Avrech 1965, p. 13; Erez 1953.

34. Avrech 1965, pp. 13, 21; Yiddisher Kempfer, Dec. 14, 1917.

35. Mordechai Eliav 1980, p. 19.

36. Ben-Gurion and Ben-Zvi 1918; Ben-Gurion to his father, July 1, 1919, BGA.

37. Ben-Gurion and Ben-Zvi 1918, p. 318ff.; Ben-Gurion, “Livirur Motza Hafalahin,” “Letoldot Hafalahin,” Ben-Gurion 1931, pp. 13ff., 26ff.

38. Ben-Gurion and Ben-Zvi 1980, pp. 44ff., 122, 228; Ben-Gurion, “Gevulei-Artzeinu Ve’admatah,” Ben-Gurion 1931, p. 34ff.

39. Ben-Gurion to his father, July 1, 1919, BGA; Ben-Gurion to his father, Dec. 5, 1919, in Erez 1971, p. 445.

40. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Aug. 9, 1949, NA; Reinharz 1993, pp. 81ff., 167ff.; Shmuel Katz 1993, p. 103ff.; Elam 1984.

41. Ben-Zvi 1967, p. 237; Elam 1984, p. 183ff.

42. Ben-Gurion to Kaplansky, Oct. 21, 1918, BGA; Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 155; Ben-Gurion to the Po’alei Zion Central Committee, Jan. 18, 1918, in Erez 1971, p. 335.

43. Ben-Zvi 1967, p. 237; Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 98.

44. Ben-Gurion to Paula, June 25, 1918, in Erez 1971, p. 369.

45. Elam 1984, p. 190; Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, March 7, 1941, in Ben-Gurion 2008, p. 252ff.

46. Ben-Zvi to Yanait, June 14, 1918, in Tsoref 1998, p. 81; Ben-Gurion to Paula, June 1, 3, 13, 20, 24, 1918, April 15, 1919, in Erez 1971, pp. 348, 350, 353, 367, 416; Paula to Ben-Gurion, June 5, 28, 1918, April 15, 1919, BGA; quoted also according to Ben-Gurion to Paula, June 1, 1919, letters by Ben-Gurion to Paula from his period of service in the British Army and the Jewish Legion, May 30, 1918–July 20, 1919, BGA, personal archive of Yehuda Erez.

47. Ben-Gurion to Paula, Aug. 6, 1918, April 15, 1919, in Erez 1971, pp. 348, 416, quoted also according to Ben-Gurion to Paula, April 15, 1919, letters from Ben-Gurion to Paula from his period of service in the British Army and the Jewish Legion, May 30, 1918–July 20, 1919, BGA, personal archive of Yehuda Erez.

48. Paula Ben-Gurion, July 9, Aug. 17, 8, 29, June 29, Aug. 17, July 21, 1918, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Paula, June 13, 1918, in Erez 1971, p. 353.

49. Ben-Gurion to Paula, June 14, 21, 15, Sept. 7, 1918, in Erez 1971, pp. 355, 364, 357, 389, quoted also according to Ben-Gurion to Paula, June 15, 1918, letters by Ben-Gurion to Paula from his period of service in the British Army and the Jewish Legion, May 30, 1918–July 20, 1919, BGA, personal archive of Yehuda Erez.

50. Ben-Gurion at a gathering of recruits, April 20, 1943, in Ben-Gurion 1949, 3, p. 132.

51. Tsoref 1998, p. 78; Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 16, 23, 1918, BGA; Segev 2000, p. 74.

52. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Sept. 7, 1950, ISA.

53. Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 96.

54. Ben-Gurion to Kaplansky, Oct. 21, 1918, BGA.

55. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Aug. 12–28, 1918, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Tzipora and Moshe Koritani, Dec. 29, 1918, in Erez 1971, p. 408.

56. Ben-Gurion to Yanait, Oct. 21, 1918, in Erez 1971, p. 399.

57. Ben-Gurion to Paula, Sept. 17, 1918. Note that a photocopy of the original, preserved in BGA, bears the date Sept. 5, 1918, and is corrected in Ben-Gurion’s handwriting to October 5. Several words cannot be deciphered. Ben-Gurion to Paula, Sept. 23, Oct. 2, 3, 1918, in Erez 1971, pp. 389, 390, 392, 394; Paula to Ben-Gurion, Sept. 13, 1918, BGA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 2, 1918, BGA.


1. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 7, 1923, BGA; “Red Moscow a Whirl on Revolution Day,” New York Times, Nov. 8, 1923.

2. Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 181; Histadrut Council, Nov. 8, 1921, BGA; David Zakai, interview transcript, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Histadrut founding convention, Nov. 28, 1920, in Erez 1972, p. 41.

3. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 18, 19, 1918, BGA; Anita Shapira 1988, p. 48; Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Convention, Aug. 23, 1946; Ben-Gurion 1993a, p. 154.

4. Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 110; Tzachor 1981, p. 17ff.; Anita Shapira 1980, p. 121ff.

5. Shiloni 1985; Segev 2000, p. 65ff.; Ben-Gurion to Paula, July 16, 1919, in Erez 1971, p. 426.

6. Ben-Gurion to Paula, Nov. 18, 1918, in Erez 1971, p. 400.

7. Ben-Gurion to the Thirteenth Congress of Po’alei Zion, version 2, p. 25, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Paula, March 3, 1919, in Erez 1971, p. 414.

8. Ben-Gurion to the Thirteenth Congress of Po’alei Zion, Feb. 22, 1919, BGA.

9. Tzachor 1981, p. 38.

10. Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 118.

11. Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 116ff.; Yitzhak Ben-Zvi to Rachel Yanait, Nov. 24, 1918; Ben-Zvi 1967, p. 263.

12. Tzachor 1981, pp. 25, 140.

13. Ben-Gurion to Paula, March 3, 1919, in Erez 1971, p. 413.

14. Paula to Ben-Gurion, Sept. 14, 1918, March 1, Nov. 15, Sept. 24, July 30, 1919, Sept. 30, Oct. 30, 1918, BGA.

15. Paula to Ben-Gurion, April 7, 1919, Nov. 15, 1918, June 23, 1919, Nov. 22, 26, 1918, June 26, 1919, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Paula, May 17, July 16, 1919, in Erez 1971, pp. 420, 426.

16. Paula to Ben-Gurion, April 11, 1919, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Paula, April 15, May 17, 1919, in Erez 1971, pp. 415, 420; Ben-Gurion to his sister Tzipora, Dec. 29, 1918, in Erez 1971, p. 409; Ben-Gurion to Paula, May 8, 1919, Nov. 18, 1918, in Erez 1971, pp. 400, 409, 418; Ben-Gurion to his father, July 1, 1919, BGA.

17. Teveth 1977, p. 19; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 7, 8, 12, 13, 1918.

18. Teveth 1977, p. 476; Ben-Gurion to his father, Nov. 24, 1919, in Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 153.

19. Ben-Gurion to the Provisional Committee, July 9, 1919, CZA J1/8777.

20. Intelligence reports from meetings, copies in English, BGA, general chronological documentation, 1919–1920.

21. Ben-Gurion 1971a, pp. 130, 143; Segev 2000, p. 122ff.

22. Teveth 1980, p. 65; Barnea 1981, p. 156.

23. Minutes of the Ahdut Ha’avodah Executive, Jan. 20, 1921, BGA, minutes, Ahdut Ha’avodah; Ben-Gurion to Po’alei Zion in New York, Oct. 10, 1920, in Erez 1972, p. 8.

24. Ben-Gurion to David Eder, Sept. 12, 1919; Ben-Gurion to David Blumenfeld, Sept. 16, 1919; Eder to Ben-Gurion, Sept. 17, 1919; Ben-Gurion to the Provisional Committee, Sept. 30, 1919, BGA.

25. David Yizraeli to Ya’akov Ettinger, Nov. 28, 1919, BGA; Glass 2002, p. 199ff.

26. Ben-Gurion, Diary, April 12, 1919, Oct. 19, 24, 1924, BGA.

27. Segev 2000, p. 133ff.

28. Ben-Zvi, Diary, ed. Rachel Yanait Ben-Zvi, manuscript in YBZ, p. 4ff.; Moshe Smilansky 1921; Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 13, 1922, BGA; Kontres 19, Jan. 1923.

29. Ben-Gurion to the Executive of the Provisional Committee, June 23, 1919, Hadashot Miha’aretz, July 4, 1919; Ben-Gurion 1919.

30. Doar Hayom, April 28, 1920.

31. Y.K., “Aleinu Levater Hapa’am,” Doar Hayom, April 20, 1920.

32. Yemima Rosenthal 1979, p. 43; Teveth 1980, p. 59.

33. Dinur 1954–1964, 1, 2, p. 665; Ben-Gurion to Po’alei Zion, New York, Oct. 19, 1919, in Erez 1972, p. 8.

34. Minutes of the Eighth Session of the Provisional Committee, Oct. 22–23, 1919, CZA J1/8782.

35. Yemima Rosenthal 1994, p. 165ff.

36. Kontres 47, July 1920; Ben-Gurion to Po’alei Zion in America, Jan. 6, Feb. 10, 1921, in Erez 1972, pp. 2, 5; Segev 2000, p. 144.

37. Ben-Gurion to his father, Sept. 7, 1920, in Erez 1972, p. 17; Ben-Gurion at a press conference, July 27, 1946, in Ben-Gurion 1993a, p. 91; Ben-Gurion to his father, Oct. 5, 1920, in Erez 1972, p. 24; Ben-Gurion to Rachel Yanait Ben-Zvi, Oct. 9, 1910, in Erez 1972, p. 26; Ben-Gurion to Shlomo Kaplansky, April 24, 1923, in Erez 1972, p. 125; Reader’s card, BGA, general chronological documentation, 1921–22.

38. Ben-Gurion to Rachel Yanait and Ytizhak Ben-Zvi, Jan. 21, 1921, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Rachel Yanait, Oct. 9, 1920, in Erez 1972, p. 26; Berl Katznelson to Ben-Gurion, Oct. 2, Nov. 22, 1920, BGA; Moshe Shertok to Ben-Gurion, June 1, 1921, in Moshe Sharett 2003, p. 190; Teveth 1980, p. 119.

39. Dinur 1954–64, 2, 1, pp. 128ff., 148; Moshe Shertok to Ben-Gurion, June 1, July 24, 1921, in Moshe Sharett 2003, pp. 190, 274; Rivka Hoz to Eliyahu Golomb, July 25, 1921, in Moshe Sharett 2003, p. 276.

40. Tomaszewski 2001, p. 421.

41. Final report, Jan. 1, 1922, JDC Archive, AR 1921/1932, file 130.

42. Ben-Gurion to Zalman Rubashov, Dec. 14, 1921, in Erez 1972, p. 92.

43. Ben-Gurion to his father, June 6, 1921, March 23, 1922, in Erez 1972, pp. 66, 97.

44. Hatzefirah, May 3, 4, 1921; Zemach 1983, p. 116.

45. Moshe Shertok to Geula and Yehuda Shertok, May 7, 1921, in Moshe Sharett 2003, p. 166; Segev 2000, p. 173ff.

46. “Lefanim Ulahutz,” Ha’aretz, May 9, 1921; “Lechol Beit Yisra’el,” May 1921, Knesset Yisra’el, 1949, p. 45.

47. Ben-Gurion to the Zionist Executive, July 12, 1921, in Yogev and Freundlich 1984, p. 283; Ben-Gurion to his father, Aug. 5, 1921, in Erez 1972, p. 76; Moshe Shertok to Eliyahu Golomb, May 19, 1971, in Moshe Sharett 2003, p. 229.

48. Berl Repetur, Zvi Lieberman, Walter Preuss, interview transcripts, BGA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, April 3, 1922, BGA; Ben-Gurion to his father, March 28, 1922, in Erez 1972, p. 97; Teveth 1980, p. 619, note 34.

49. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Feb. 11, 13, 15, 16, March 20, April 5, 1922, BGA.

50. Ben-Gurion to the Council of the World Union of Po’alei Zion in Vienna, Sept. 1, 1921, in Erez 1972, p. 80ff.; Tzachor 1981, p. 206ff.

51. Ben-Gurion to a Po’alei Zion delegation, March 16, 1920, in Haim Golan 1989, p. 189ff.; Gorny 1973, p. 175.

52. Ben-Gurion to his father, Aug. 5, 1921, March 28, 1922, in Erez 1972, pp. 76, 98; Moshe Sharett to Eliyahu Golomb, Nov. 20, 1921, in Sharett 2003, p. 92.

53. Paula to Ben-Gurion, Sept. 10, 1921, BGA.

54. Ben-Gurion to his father, June 6, Aug. 5, 1921, March 28, 1922, in Erez 1972, pp. 66, 76, 97; Binyamin Ben-Gurion interview with Shabtai Teveth, BGA, Teveth collection, file 1100.

55. Ben-Gurion, Diary, April 8, 7, 24, 5, 29, June 26, 1922, BGA.

56. Ben-Avram and Nir 1995, p. 10.

57. Adams, Frank, et al. 1928, pp. 14, 707.

58. Nordheimer 2014.

59. Avraham Tarshish interview transcript, BGA; Anita Shapira 1989, p. 157ff.

60. Lavi 1968, p. 8.

61. Lavi 1947, pp. 58, 63.

62. Lavi 1947, pp. 67, 115, 120; Stein 1984, p. 56ff.

63. Ben-Gurion eulogy for Shlomo Lavi, 1963,

64. Lavi 1947, pp. 129, 287, 156, 162.

65. Lavi 1947, p. 193; Avraham Tarshish, interview transcript, BGA.

66. Lavi 1947, pp. 135, 136, 193; Ben-Gurion to the Histadrut Executive, May 15, 1923, BGA.

67. Lavi 1947, p. 189; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Jan. 14, 1922, BGA; Avraham Tarshish interview transcript, BGA; Dov Hoz to Rivka Golomb, Pesach 1921, BGA, Dov Hoz personal archive.

68. Tzachor 1990, p. 128ff.

69. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 9, 1922, BGA.

70. Ben-Gurion to the Histadrut Executive, Dec. 13, 1922, April 11, 1923, BGA; Lavi 1947, pp. 185, 195; Ein Harod, Tel Yosef, and [Jezreel] Valley Settlement file 1921–23, BGA, Yehuda Erez personal archive.

71. Miheienu—Iton Gdud Ha’avodah 40, June 21, 1923, Labor Archive edition, 1971.

72. Ben-Zvi and others at the secretariat of the Histadrut Executive, June 15, 1923, BGA; Sternhell 1986, p. 262ff.

73. “10,000 Men Working on Moscow’s Big Fair,” New York Times, July 22, 1923.

74. Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 220ff.; Frederick Kisch to the first secretary, July 6, 1923; Ben-Gurion to Paula, Aug. 14, 1923; Ben-Gurion to the members of the Histadrut Executive, Aug. 14, 1923, Ben-Gurion to the Histadrut Executive, Aug. 24, 1923, BGA.

75. Gorny 1971, p. 120; Ben-Gurion to a Po’alei Zion delegation, Nov. 11, April 11, 1920, in Haim Golan 1989, p. 46.

76. Ben-Gurion interview with Dov Goldstein, Ma’ariv, Sept. 28, 1966; Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 380.

77. Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 453; Ben-Gurion at a gathering of enlistees, April 20, 1943, in Ben-Gurion 1949, 3, pp. 142, 155.

78. Ben-Gurion to the Provisional Committee, Feb. 24, 1920, CZA J1 8785/6; Ben-Gurion to the Fourth Congress of Ahdut Ha’avodah, Sept. 7, 1924, in Ben-Gurion 1955a, p. 221; Ben-Gurion to a Po’alei Zion delegation, March 17, 1920, in Haim Golan 1989, p. 201; Ben-Gurion 1925; Kolatt 1988, p. 118ff.; Sternhell 1986, p. 269.

79. Ben-Gurion to a rally in Tel Aviv, Davar, April 18, 1928; Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Council, March 7, 1941, in Ben-Gurion 2008, pp. 248, 376; Berl Repetur, interview transcript, BGA.

80. Berl Repetur, Akiva Govrin, interview transcripts, BGA.

81. Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 228ff.; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 1, 1923, BGA.

82. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Aug. 30, 31, Nov. 7, 1923, BGA; “Red Moscow a Whirl on Revolution Day,” New York Times, Nov. 8, 1923.

83. Ben-Gurion 1971a, pp. 232, 237, 241; Rotberg report on the Moscow Fair, secretariat of the Histadrut Executive, Feb. 8, 1924, BGA.

84. Elazar Galili 1988, pp. 27, 31; Elazar Galili interview, Jan. 4, 1976, conversation 14, HIJC-OHA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Jan. 26, 1924, BGA.

85. Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 262ff.

86. Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 245.

87. Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 268.


1. Ben-Gurion, Diary, March 20, 1926, Oct. 17, 1924, BGA.

2. Ben-Gurion to the offices of the World Union of Po’alei Zion, March 8, 1926, in Erez 1972, p. 309; Ben-Gurion to Meir Sheli-Bogdan, March 15, 1926, in Erez 1972, p. 311; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Jan. 21, Feb. 2, BGA.

3. Teveth 1980, p. 180ff.; Tzachor 1981.

4. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 7, 1922, BGA.

5. Ben-Gurion, “Haroshet,” in Ben-Gurion 1955a, p. 216ff.

6. Ben-Gurion to the Zionist Executive, May 27, 1924, BGA, general chronological documentation; Ben-Gurion to the secretariat of the Histadrut Executive, June 30, 1924; Ben-Gurion 1925.

7. Yitzhak Lufban, “Hasbarah,” Hapo’el Hatza’ir, Dec. 26, 1924.

8. Ben-Gurion to the secretariat of the Histadrut Executive, April 26, 1924, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Ben-Zvi, July 18, 1924, BGA, general chronological documentation; Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 313.

9. Ben-Gurion, Diary, April 3, July 6, 1924, BGA.

10. Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 5, 1924, BGA.

11. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Feb. 17, 1922, BGA; Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 205.

12. Berl Repetur, interview transcript, BGA.

13. Berl Repetur, interview transcript, BGA.

14. Ben-Gurion, Diary, March 22, 24, 25, 27, 1924, BGA.

15. Erez 1953.

16. Mordechai Ish Shalom and Yehiel Duvdevani, interview transcripts, BGA.

17. Ben-Gurion to David Zakai, Oct. 26, 1924, in Erez 1972, p. 242; Ben-Gurion to Meir Sheli-Bogdan, Dec. 17, 1924, in Erez 1972, p. 282.

18. Ben-Gurion to MacDonald, July 25, 1923, in Erez 1972, p. 140; Ben-Gurion to the National Council, Aug. 21, 1923, in Erez 1972, p. 149; Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 220; Shchori 1990, p. 272ff.

19. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 9, 10, 1926, BGA.

20. Ben-Gurion to David Zakai, Oct. 26, 1924, in Erez 1972, p. 240; Ben-Gurion to Ze’evi, Nov. 19, 1924, in Erez 1972, p. 262; Ben-Gurion to Meir Sheli-Bogdan, Dec. 31, 17, 1924, in Erez 1972, pp. 288, 282; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Jan. 7, May 26, 1925, BGA; Teveth 1980, pp. 186, 252.

21. Isser Harel, interview, GMA, LMA, oral documentation, fourth interview, p. 18; Anita Shapira 1988, p. 63.

22. Nakdimon and Mayzlish 1985, p. 241ff.; Dinur 1954–1964, 2, 1, pp. 227, 252; Segev 2000, p. 208ff.; Ben-Gurion to the Assembly of Representatives, Ha’aretz, March 8, 1922; Barzilay 1985; Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 1, 1924, BGA.

23. Nakdimon and Mayzlish 1985, pp. 197ff., 224ff.; Katzman 1985.

24. Ben-Gurion, Diary, April 28, 1924, BGA.

25. Decisions of the Histadrut Council, April 27–29, 1924, minutes, June 14, 1924, p. 2, BGA, Teveth collection, concepts, faction; Ben-Gurion, Diary, April 28, 1924, BGA.

26. Sprinzak to the Histadrut Convention, Feb. 20, 1923, BGA, Teveth collection, concepts, faction; Ben-Gurion and Sprinzak to the secretariat of the Histadrut Executive, June 25, 1924, BGA.

27. Ben-Gurion to the Histadrut Executive, May 26, 1922, BGA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 10, 1929, BGA; Ben-Gurion to David Zakai, April 24, 1924, BGA.

28. Manya Shohat to Ben-Gurion, July 23, 1926, and Ben-Gurion to Manya Shohat, July 26, 1926, in Reinharz et al. 2005, p. 184.

29. Shohat 1962, p. 69ff; Shaul Avigur, interview transcript, p. 7ff.; BGA; Dinur 1954–64, 2, 1, p. 234ff.

30. Ben-Gurion to the Third Histadrut Convention, July 10, 1927, BGA.

31. Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 317.


33. Tomaszewski 2001, p. 422; Ben-Avram and Nir 1995, pp. 107, 193; Lissak 1994, 2, p. 173ff.

34. Ben-Gurion to the Agricultural Center, March 7, 1924, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Hehalutz Central Committee, April 9, 1924, in Erez 1972, p. 205.

35. Ben-Gurion, Diary, April 7, 1924, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Hehalutz Central Committee, Berlin, April 9, 1924, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Hehalutz Central Committee in Russia, June 26, 1924, in Erez 1972, p. 221; Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 5, 1924, BGA.

36. Ben-Gurion to the Zionist Executive, Nov. 18, 1924, in Erez 1972, p. 260.

37. Giladi 1973, p. 47.

38. David Izmozhik, “Lo Yoshieinu Zeh,” Hayishuv, Aug. 6, 1926; Giladi 1973, p. 47.

39. Ben-Gurion 1949, 5, pp. 58–59.

40. Ben-Gurion to his sister Tzipora, Nov. 19, 1924, in Erez 1972, p. 263.

41. Ben-Gurion to his father, Aug. 5, 1921, in Erez 1972, p. 76.

42. Ben-Gurion interview with Noah Orian, Nov. 12, 1969, HIJC; Teveth 1980, photographs; Giladi 1971, p. 131; Geula’s report card, 1927, BGA, general chronological documentation.

43. Yigael Yadin, interview transcript, BGA.

44. Barel 2014, p. 68ff.

45. Ohana 2003, p. 57ff.; Keren 1988, p. 112ff.

46. Ben-Gurion to a gathering of fishermen, Dec. 23, 1943, in Ben-Gurion 1949, 3, p. 193.

47. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 13, Nov. 6, 1924, BGA.

48. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 3, 1925, BGA.

49. Moshe Smilansky to the Assembly of Representatives, according to Davar, Jan. 18, 1926; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Jan. 8, 1926, BGA.

50. Zemach 1983, pp. 76, 92, 102ff., 108, 115, 130; Zemach to Ben-Gurion, April 12, 1920, BGA; Ben-Gurion to his father, Aug. 5, 1921, in Erez 1972, p. 76.

51. Zemach to Ben-Gurion, Feb. 22, 1926, LMA 104IV, file 6; Ben-Gurion, Diary, March 3, 1926; BGA subject file, Smilansky, Moshe, suit against Ben-Gurion.

52. Avodah Ivrit Bamoshavot 1911–34, BGA, subject files; Davar, Dec. 28, 1927; Ha’aretz, Dec. 29, 1928.

53. Ben-Gurion, “Hapoe’l Ha’ivri Veha’aravi,” “Avodah Ivrit o Me’urevet Bamoshavot,” in Ben-Gurion 1931, p. 105ff.; “Al Bit’hon Hayishuv Vetafkid Hasochnut Basha’ah Zo,” Oct. 20, 1929, BGA.

54. Ben-Gurion, “Avodah Ivrit o Me’urevet Bamoshavot,” in Ben-Gurion 1931, p. 170; Ben-Gurion 1932.

55. Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 13, 1922, BGA; Ben-Gurion at the Ahdut Ha’avodah Convention, Kontres 119, Jan. 21, 1923; Teveth 1985, p. 100ff.

56. Ben-Gurion, “Al Hafelah Ve’admato,” in Ben-Gurion 1931, p. 61.

57. Ben-Gurion, “Gevulei Artzenu Va’admatah,” Ben-Gurion 1931, p. 34; Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 1, 1924, BGA; Tsoref 1998, p. 56.

58. Ben-Gurion, “Al Hafelah Ve’admato,” “Al Gevulei Ha’aretz,” “El Hapo’alim Ha’aravim,” “Shnei Gormim,” in Ben-Gurion 1931, pp. 61, 62, 67ff., 72ff., 98; Ben-Gurion to the secretariat of the Histadrut Executive, March 30, June 16, 1924, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, July 18, 1934, BGA; Ben-Gurion 1971a, pp. 269ff., 312.

59. Ben-Gurion, Diary, April 3, 1924, BGA.

60. Ben-Gurion, Diary, March 20, 21, Dec. 1, 1924, Jan. 10, 1925, BGA.

61. Berl Repetur, interview transcript, p. 130, BGA.

62. Memoirs of Avigdor Gruen, p. 16, BGA, subject file 470-1-18.

63. Ben-Gurion to his father, Nov. 24, 1919, in Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 154ff.

64. Ben-Gurion to his father, Oct. 5, 1920, in Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 159ff.

65. Ben-Gurion to his father, Sept. 17, 1920, in Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 159ff.

66. Ben-Gurion to his father, Sept. 30, 1931, in Erez 1972, p. 90; Ben-Gurion to Tzipora, Aug. 23, 1922, in Erez 1972, p. 112; Ben-Gurion to Tzipora, Aug. 8, 1922, BGA; Hagani 2010, p. 16ff.

67. Ben-Gurion to his father, March 28, 1922, in Erez 1972, p. 99.

68. Ben-Gurion to his father, Aug. 4, 1923, BGA; Ben-Gurion to his father, July 2, 1924, in Erez 1972, p. 225ff.

69. Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 12, 14, 18, 1925, BGA.

70. Ben-Gurion, Diary, April 5, 1926, BGA.

71. Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 6–7, 1926, BGA.

72. Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 12, 1924; Dov Hoz to his wife, Pesach 1921, BGA.

73. Giladi 1971, p. 128ff.

74. Lissak 1994, 2, p. 214ff.

75. Ben-Gurion to an Ahdut Ha’avodah assembly, Oct. 26, 1926, in Greenberg 1989, p. 24ff.; Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 22, 1924, BGA.

76. Ha’aretz, Jan. 17, 1926; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 30, 1925, BGA; Cahan, “The Palestine Labor Movement,” Forverts, Dec. 10, 1925.

77. Giladi 1971, p. 138ff.

78. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Jan. 16, May 22–25, 1924.

79. Kontres 290, Jan. 21, 1927; Histadrut Council, Feb. 2, 1972, BGA, general chronological documentation; Ben-Gurion to Sprinzak at the Histadrut Council, Feb. 1927, BGA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Feb. 2, 1927, BGA.

80. Ben-Gurion, Diary, March 10, 1927, BGA; Ben-Gurion, Yosef Sprinzak, et al. at the Histadrut Executive, March 24, 1927, BGA; Davar, March 11–14, 1927.

81. Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 20, 1922, BGA; Teveth 1980, p. 242ff.

82. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Jan. 7, 1926, BGA; Accounting Department to Ben-Gurion, July 1, 1924, BGA, general chronological documentation.

83. “Al Dargat Hamaskoret Vetashlumeha Bamosdot Hahistadrut,” Davar, June 13, 1927; Teveth 1980, pp. 356, 381ff.

84. Ben-Gurion 1971a, pp. 569, 334, 546, 311, 333ff.; Ben-Gurion, “Likrat Have’idah,” in Greenberg 1989, pp. 44–49; Ben-Gurion to the Zionist Executive, Nov. 18, 1924, in Erez 1972, p. 260; Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 22, 1924, BGA.

85. Erez 1972, p. 368; Segev 2000, p. 2.

86. Yemima Rosenthal 1979, p. 136.

87. Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 14, 1927, BGA.

88. The Third Histadrut Convention, July 1927, Ben-Gurion, minutes, pp. 14, 27, 36, 42, 43.

89. Arlosoroff and Katznelson at the Third Histadrut Convention, July 7, 1927, BGA minutes, pp. 30ff., 45.

90. Proceedings of the Third Histadrut Convention, July 22, 1927, BGA, minutes, p. 265; Avizohar 1990, p. 71.


1. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 12, July 9, Sept. 8, 1935, BGA.

2. Haim Israeli, interview transcript, BGA.

3. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 25, 1928, BGA; Ze’ev Sherf, interview transcript, BGA; Anita Shapira 1980, p. 295.

4. Data from the National Insurance Institute Memorial Site,

5. Ben-Gurion and Jabotinsky at the National Council, Oct. 16, 1928, CZA J1/7232; Davar, Oct. 18, 1928; Ben-Gurion, “Al Hakotel Veha’ikar,” in Ben-Gurion 1931, p. 256; Doar Hayom, Oct. 17, 1928; Jabotinsky 1953, pp. 251–60.

6. Doar Hayom, July 4, 1929; Jabotinsky 1932.

7. Lavi 1947, p. 277.

8. Hillel Cohen, 2013; Segev 2000, p. 295ff.

9. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 4, 8, 9, Oct. 11, 1929, BGA; Ben-Gurion, “Al Me’ora’ot Av,” “Birurim,” “Darkeinu Hamedinit la’ahar Hame’ora’ot,” “Hamediniyut Hahistzonit shel Ha’am Ha’ivri,” “Avtonomiah Le’umit Vayahasei Shekhenim,” in Ben-Gurion 1931, pp. 173, 181, 165, 224, 129, 264, 214, 130; Ben-Gurion to the Histadrut Executive, Sept. 5, 1929, BGA.

10. Ben-Gurion 1971a, pp. 388, 472; Ben-Gurion, “Al Me’ora’ot Av,” “Darkeinu Hamedinit la’ahar Hame’ora’ot,” “Nokhah Ha’emet,” in Ben-Gurion 1931, pp. 175, 125, 142.

11. Ben-Gurion, Diary, April 11, 19, May 12, June 28, July 2, 28, 1933, BGA; Davar, March 21, 1933; Hazit Ha’am, Nov. 4, 1932; Teveth 1980, p. 541ff.; Shmuel Katz 1993, p. 825ff.; Bechor et al. 1985, p. 39ff.

12. Ben-Gurion, “Hasihah,” Ben-Gurion 1931, p. 151; Ben-Gurion 1971a, pp. 337ff., 298ff.

13. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 5–7, 1929, May 5, 1930, March 11, 1936, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the National Council, Oct. 15, 1928, CZA J1/7232; “Darkeinu Hamedinit la’ahar Hame’ora’ot,” in Ben-Gurion 1931, pp. 226, 168; Teveth 1985, p. 152ff.

14. Ben-Gurion, “Autonomiyah Le’umit Vayahasei Shechenim,” in Ben-Gurion 1955a, p. 79ff.; Teveth 1985, p. 118ff.

15. “Al Bit’hon Hayishuv Vatafkid Hatziyonut Basha’ah Zo,” Oct. 20, 1929, BGA.

16. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 3, 8, 1929, BGA; Ben-Gurion, “Hanahot Lekevi’at Mishtar Mamlachti Behetem Latvi’ot Hamandat Leshe’ifot Ha’am Ha’aravi Veletzarchei Ha’aravim in Ba’aretz,” Nov. 23, 1929, BGA; Ben-Gurion, “Hamediniyut Hahitzonit shel Ha’am Ha’ivri,” in Ben-Gurion 1931, p. 182ff.; “Al Bit’hon Hayishuv Vatafkid Hatziyonut Basha’ah Zo,” Oct. 20, 1929, BGA.

17. Ben-Gurion to the Ein Harod Convention, 1924, in Ben-Gurion 1931, p. 7.

18. Ben-Gurion, “Tazkir Lava’adat Hahakirah,” Dec. 24, 1929, in Ben-Gurion 1931, p. 208.

19. Dinur 1954–64, 2, 1, pp. 298, 359, 417ff.; Dinur 1954–64, 2, 1, p. 1296; Segev 2000, p. 194.

20. Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 14, 1924, Nov. 3, 5, 1925, May 10, 1929, BGA; Dinur 1954–64, 2, 1, p. 258ff.; Dinur 1954–64, 2, 3, p. 1294.

21. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 21, 1929, BGA.

22. Dinur 1954–64, 2, 1, p. 424ff.

23. Ben-Gurion, “Hakamat Ko’ah Tzva’i Yehudi” (Sept. 6, 1963), in Ben-Gurion 1963b.

24. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 9, 1929, BGA; Ve’idat Ha’ihud, 1/1930/-5-7, BGA; Davar, Jan. 8, 9, 1930; Teveth 1980, p. 482; Gorny 1973, p. 315ff.; Avizohar 1990, p. 62ff.; Erez 1971, p. 95, editor’s note.

25. Segev 2000, p. 335ff.

26. Ben-Gurion, “Shtei He’arot Lavikuah Hapolitit,” “Nochah Ha’emet,” “Mizrah Uma’arav,” in Ben-Gurion 1931, pp. 234, 241, 247; Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Council, Oct. 25, 1930, BGA.

27. Ben-Gurion et al. at the Mapai Council, Oct. 25, 1930, BGA.

28. Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 10, 17, 1930, BGA; Ben-Gurion to his father, June 5, 1929, in Erez 1974, p. 50; Ben-Gurion to Paula, July 17, 1939, in Erez 1974, p. 97; Ben-Gurion to Golomb, July 17, 1930, in Erez 1974, p. 112; Ben-Gurion to his father, July 29, 1930, in Erez 1974, p. 113.

29. Ben-Gurion to Paula, Aug. 27, 1930, in Erez 1974, p. 53; Elam 1990, pp. 211ff., 292ff.; Segev 2000, p. 332.

30. Teveth 1980, 2, pp. 492, 639.

31. Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 29, 1929, BGA.

32. Paula to Ben-Gurion, Aug. 10, 1930, BGA.

33. Elam 1990, p. 125.

34. Ben-Gurion to Paula, Aug. 12, 1929, in Erez 1974, p. 66; Ben-Gurion, “Al Bit’hon Hayishuv Ubitzrono,” in Ben-Gurion 1931, p. 187.

35. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 26, 1930, BGA; “Me’eretz-Yisrael,” Ha’olam, July 26, 1929; Elam 1990, pp. 139, 353.

36. Fisher 1994, p. 286; Weizmann to Felix M. Warburg, Jan. 16, 1930, in Litvinoff 1978, p. 201.

37. Elam 1990, pp. 266, 361; Ben-Gurion to colleagues, Sept. 2, 1930; Erez 1974, p. 134.

38. Ben-Gurion interview with Noah Orian, Nov. 12, 1969, HIJC-OHA 10 (56), p. 7; Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 29, 1930, July 11, Aug. 15, 1931, BGA; Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 480ff.; Ben-Gurion 1973, p. 140.

39. Elam 1990, p. 360ff.

40. Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 578; Ben-Gurion 1932, p. 16ff.

41. Ben-Gurion to Paula, May 11, 1933, in Erez 1974, p. 252; Teveth 1980, p. 578.

42. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 10, April 29, 1931, BGA; Teveth 1980, p. 574ff.

43. Ben-Gurion, Diary, April 19, 23, 29, 1931, BGA.

44. Ben-Gurion to Klapholz, Sept. 27, 1932, BGA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 10, 1932, BGA.

45. Ben-Gurion to Heschel Frumkin, Sept. 16, 1930, in Erez 1974, p. 145; Davar, Feb. 13, 1933; Daniel Heller 2017, pp. 16ff.

46. Davar, March 21, 1933.

47. Ben-Gurion to Klapholz, June 26, 1933, BGA.

48. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 10, 1933, BGA.

49. Haim Ya’ari, interview transcript, BGA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Aug. 26, 1932, April 22, 1933, BGA.

50. Ben-Gurion, Diary, March 1, April 8, May 9, 18, June 6, 1933, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Israel Marminsky, June 5, 1933, in Erez 1974, p. 296.

51. Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 7, 1933, BGA.

52. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 26, 27, 1933, BGA; Baruch Azanya, Haim Ya’ari, interview transcripts, BGA.

53. Yemima Rosenthal 1979, pp. 222, 295.

54. Oznia, interview transcript, BGA.

55. Ben-Gurion to Paula, April 25, June 2, 1933, in Erez 1974, pp. 240, 192; Hillel Dan, interview transcript, BGA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 6, 1934.

56. Ben-Gurion, Diary, April 7, 24, May 24, 30, 1933, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Klapholz, April 29, 1933, BGA.

57. Ben-Gurion 1933; Ben-Gurion, Diary, April 22, 23, May 1, 7, 9, 24, 27, 29, June 15, 3, 1933, BGA; Dan, interview transcript, BGA.

58. Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 27, 1933, BGA.

59. Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 17, 23, 27, 1933, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Paula, March 26, 1933, in Erez 1974, p. 317; Bechor et al. 1985, pp. 17, 39ff.; Eliyahu Dobkin, Anshel Reiss, interview transcripts, BGA.

60. Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 17, 23, 27, 28, July 3, 1933, BGA.

61. Ben-Gurion to Klapholz, July 7, 1933, BGA.

62. Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 3, 1936.

63. Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 26, 1933, BGA; Dan, interview transcript, BGA.

64. Teveth 1987b, p. 25ff.

65. Ben-Gurion to Klapholz, August 19, 1932, BGA.

66. Ben-Gurion to Klapholz, Dec. 18, 1933, BGA.

67. Ben-Gurion to Klapholz, Feb. 19, July 8, 1934, BGA.

68. Teveth 1987b, p. 98; Rega Klapholz, subject file, Shabtai Teveth archive, BGA.

69. Klapholz to Baratz, Feb. 15, 1936, courtesy of the Degania Alef Archive; Baratz’s letters to Klapholz, 1932–34, courtesy of Oren Baratz.

70. Ben-Gurion, pocket diary, Aug. 28, 1933, BGA; Teveth 1987, p. 68; Ben-Gurion to Klapholz, July 1, 1933, BGA.


1. Ben-Gurion, Diary, April 16–20, 1935, BGA; Katznelson, Diary, April 16–20, 1935, CAHJP, 4-006-1924-263; Padeh 1993, p. 203; “Be’ayat Hakarka’ot: Hanegev Ve’akabah,” submitted to Louis Brandeis, June 4, 1935, in Ben-Gurion 1972, p. 321ff.

2. Ben-Gurion to Paula, Sept. 6, 1933, in Erez 1974, p. 354.

3. Ben-Gurion 1972, p. 435ff.; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 14, 1935, BGA; Ben-Gurion 1971c.

4. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Aug. 30, Sept. 7, 1935, BGA.

5. Ben-Gurion to the Histadrut Convention, Jan. 10, 1934, in Ben-Gurion 1972, pp. 11, 13; Davar, Jan. 14, 1934; Ben-Gurion to Edmond de Rothschild, Jan. 5, 1934, in Ben-Gurion 1972, p. 4ff.; Ben-Gurion to Louis Brandeis, Jan. 5, 1934, BGA.

6. Ben-Gurion to the National Council, Dec. 12, 1938, BGA.

7. Ben-Gurion to Edmond de Rothschild, Jan. 5, 1934, in Ben-Gurion 1972, p. 4ff.; Ben-Gurion to Louis Brandeis, Jan. 5, 1934, BGA.

8. Ben-Gurion to Shmuel Fuchs, Dec. 14, 1904, in Erez 1971, p. 391; Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 312.

9. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Council, Oct. 26, 1933, BGA; Ben-Gurion to members of Hano’ar Ha’oved, Dec. 4, 1937, in Ben-Gurion 1974a, p. 460; Ben-Gurion to Zionist emissaries in Warsaw, April 19, 1933, and Ben-Gurion to Mapai members, July 9, 1933, in Ben-Gurion 1971, pp. 611, 644; Ben-Gurion, Diary, April 22, 1933, BGA.

10. Ben-Gurion to Chaim Weizmann, Oct. 26, 1933, in Erez 1974, p. 360; Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry 1946, 1, p. 185.

11. Segev 1993, p. 18ff.

12. “Mistorei Hatransfer,” “Ervat Haha’avarah,” Hayarden, Nov. 10, 13, 1935.

13. Ben-Gurion to the National Council, Davar, Dec. 17, 1935; Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, Nov. 23, 1935, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Political Committee, May 4, 1936, in Ben-Gurion 1973, p. 143.

14. Ben-Gurion to the Political Committee, April 7, 1936; Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, May 19, 1936; Ben-Gurion to Zalman Shazar, May 31, 1936, in Ben-Gurion 1973, pp. 113, 203, 225; Segev 1993 pp. 42–43, 31ff.

15. Ben-Gurion to the National Council, May 5, 1936, p. 164; Ben-Gurion and Moshe Shertok to the high commissioner, July 9, 1936, in Ben-Gurion 1973, pp. 162, 322.

16. Ben-Gurion to the Zionist Executive, Dec. 29, 1935, in Ben-Gurion 1972, p. 566; Ben-Gurion to the National Council, Dec. 12, 1938, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Zionist Executive, Oct. 3, 1938, in Ben-Gurion 1982b, p. 290; Davar, Nov. 16, 1938.

17. Ben-Gurion to the Zionist Congress, Aug. 24, 1933, in Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 661.

18. Ben-Gurion at the Mapai Council, Jan. 19, 1933, BGA.

19. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 12, 1933, June 1, 1935, June 11, 1937, BGA.

20. Halamish 1993, p. 98ff.

21. Segev 2000, p. 394ff.; Katznelson to the Mapai Central Committee, July 18, 1934, in Ben-Gurion 1972, p. 127.

22. Ben-Gurion to Simon Marks, Dec. 31, 1935, in Ben-Gurion 1972, p. 570.

23. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 19, 1938, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Paula, March 23, 1938, Ben-Gurion 1982b, p. 168.

24. Davar, March 1, 1935.

25. Jabotinsky, “Der Krieg,” Der Moment, April 14, 1933, JIA, articles, 119/1933.

26. Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 27, 1933, BGA; Teveth 1982; Bechor et al. 1985; Shmuel Katz 1993, p. 885ff.; Yemima Rosenthal 1979, pp. 276, 277, 279; Segev 1994, p. 16ff.

27. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 13, Oct. 3, 4, 9, 1934, BGA; Shmuel Katz 1993, p. 885ff.

28. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, Oct. 28, 1934, BGA.

29. Weizmann to the Zionist Congress, Aug. 10, 1937, in Ben-Gurion 1974a, p. 416.

30. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 4, 1934, July 20, 1936, BGA; Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 477; Yegar 2011, p. 163ff.

31. Jabotinsky 1949, p. 207.

32. Jabotinsky 1953, p. 251ff.; Ben-Gurion, “Al Me’ora’ot Av,” in Ben-Gurion 1931, p. 177ff.

33. Ben-Gurion to Jabotinsky, Oct. 28, 1934, and Jabotinsky to Ben-Gurion, Oct. 29, 1934, in Ben-Gurion 1972, pp. 199, 214; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 31, 1934, BGA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 28, 31, 1934, BGA; Jabotinsky to Edna Ya’akobi, Nov. 4, 1934, JIA, letter 2393; Shmuel Katz 1993, p. 927ff.

34. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 1, 1934, BGA; Shaltiel 1990, p. 437.

35. Ben-Gurion to Berl Katznelson at the Mapai Central Committee, Feb. 21, 1934, BGA; Ben-Gurion 1972, p. 182ff.; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 24, 29, Nov. 8, 1934, BGA; Berl Katznelson, Diary, Nov. 8, 1934, LPA, 4-006-1924-263.

36. Ben-Gurion to Amos, Nov. 8, 1934, in Ben-Gurion 1972, p. 229; Ben-Gurion to Amos, May 7, 1935, BGA.

37. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Jan. 23, 1951, ISA.

38. Ben-Gurion to Paula, June 18, 1936, in Ben-Gurion 1968, p. 154.

39. Mary Ben-Gurion, interviewed by Shabtai Teveth, May 6, 1974, BGA, Teveth collection, file 361.

40. Amos Ben-Gurion interviewed by Dov Goldstein, Ma’ariv, Oct. 17, 1986; Ahuvia Malchin, Haim Cohn, Geula Ben-Eliezer, interview transcripts, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Paula, June 4, to Amos, July 27–28, to Renana, March 1, 1938, and Jan. 8, 1939, in Ben-Gurion 1968, pp. 171, 220, 274; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Jan. 23, 1951, ISA.

41. Renana Leshem–Ben-Gurion interviewed by Ze’ev Segal, Bamahaneh, Nov. 24, 1976.

42. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 7, 1934, BGA; Shmuel Katz 1993, p. 923.

43. Yemima Rosenthal 1979, p. 296; Davar, March 26, 1935; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept 7, 1935, Aug. 16, 1939, BGA.

44. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, July 6, 1938, BGA.

45. Ben-Gurion, Diary, April 20, 1936, BGA.

46. Teveth 1985, p. 285ff.

47. Ben-Gurion, Diary, April 20, May 31, 1936, Dec. 16, 1938, BGA; “Od Kever Ahim,” Davar, April 20, 1936; Heschel Yeivin 1937, p. 1ff.

48. Yemima Rosenthal 1979, pp. 259, 265.

49. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, Sept. 29, 1936, in Ben-Gurion 1973, p. 443.

50. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, July 6, 1938, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Moshe Sharett, in Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 26, 1937, BGA; Teveth 1987b, p. 155ff.; Segev 2000, pp. 370–71.

51. Stern 1974, p. 15; Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, May 19, 1936, in Ben-Gurion 1973, p. 200; A Survey of Palestine, 1946, 1, pp. 141, 185.

52. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, Sept. 29, 1935, BGA; Segev 2000, p. 350ff.; Ben-Gurion to the members of the Zionist Executive in London, Nov. 2, 1933, CZA S25/4224; Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 25, 1937, BGA.

53. Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency, May 19, 1936, and to Moshe Sharett, Aug. 2, 1936, in Ben-Gurion 1973, pp. 198, 356.

54. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 4, 1934, BGA; Ben-Gurion 1972, p. 163ff.; Ben-Gurion to Arthur Wauchope, July 29–30, 1934; Ben-Gurion to Judah Magnes, Sept. 7, 1934, in Ben-Gurion, Diary, BGA; Moshe Glickson to Moshe Shertok, Feb. 28, 1946 (Conversations with Arabs, 1934–45), CZA S25/8085; Meetings with Arabs, April 23, 1936, CZA S25/10188; Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, May 19, 1936, in Ben-Gurion 1973, p. 198ff.; Ben-Gurion 1967, p. 19; Lazar 2012, p. 11ff.; Ben-Gurion to the German and Austrian Immigrants Association, March 20, 1941, in Ben-Gurion 2008, p. 299; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Jan. 20, 1952, and April 26, 1953, NA; Ben-Gurion to Martin Buber, Feb. 24, 1958, in Ben-Gurion, Diary, Feb. 24, 1958, BGA; Ben-Gurion interview with Walter Laqueur, 1960, BGA; Ben-Gurion, interview with Nitzotz, April 28, 1968.

55. Ben-Gurion with the high commissioner, July 29–30, 1934, CZA S25 17/1; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Aug. 11, 1936, Nov. 26, 1938, BGA; Segev 2000, pp. 365, 382.

56. Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 18, Aug. 16, 1936, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, July 6, 1938, BGA.

57. Elam 1979, p. 58ff.

58. Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 1, May 20, 1935, April 22, 1936, BGA.

59. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 17, 1935, July 23, 1936, June 6, 1935, BGA; Ben-Gurion 1973, p. 380; Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 19, 1935, BGA.

60. Ben-Gurion, Diary, March 6, Aug. 22, 1936, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, Sept. 11, 1936, in Ben-Gurion 1973, p. 430.

61. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 23, July 1, June 11, 1935, BGA.

62. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 21, July 1, Oct. 12, 1935, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Amos, July 27, 1937, in Ben-Gurion 1968, p. 176; Segev 2000, p. 397ff.

63. Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 30, 1937, BGA.

64. Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 8, 1936, June 9, 1937, BGA.

65. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 16, 1935, BGA.

66. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 15, 1935, BGA.

67. Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 14, 1936, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Paula, June 14, 1936, in Ben-Gurion 1968, p. 151.

68. Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 10, 11, 1936.

69. Weizmann and Ben-Gurion conversation with William Ormsby-Gore, June 30, 1936, in Ben-Gurion 1973, p. 308ff.; Rose 1990, p. 200.

70. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, July 9, 1936, in Ben-Gurion 1973, p. 326ff.; Ben-Gurion to the Histadrut Convention, Davar, Jan. 14, 1934.

71. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, Sept. 29, 1936, in Ben-Gurion 1973, p. 445.

72. Segev 2000, pp. 387–88.

73. Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 10, 11, 14, 17, 1936, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, Sept. 29, 1936, in Ben-Gurion 1973, p. 445.

74. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 23, 24, 1936, BGA.

75. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Jan. 25, June 2, 23, 1937, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Paula, June 22, 29, 1937, in Ben-Gurion 1968, p. 174; Ben-Gurion to Chaim Weizmann, Aug. 22, 1937, in Ben-Gurion 1974a, p. 422ff.

76. Royal Commission 1937, pp. 306, 394.

77. Ben-Gurion to Amos, Oct. 5, 1937, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, June 12, 1938, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, Feb. 5–6, 1937, in Ben-Gurion 1974a, pp. 26, 60ff., 370.

78. Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 3, 1937, BGA.

79. Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 6, 23, 1937, BGA.

80. Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 11, 12, 3, 1937, BGA.

81. Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 12, 1937, BGA.

82. Royal Commission 1937, p. 390ff.

83. Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 4, 6, 1937, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Amos, July 27, 1937, BGA.

84. Dotan 1979; Avizohar and Friedman 1984.

85. Davar, July 13, 1937.

86. Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 3, 1937, BGA.

87. Ben-Gurion to Moshe Sharett, June 26, 1937, BGA.

88. Rachel Yanait, interview transcript, July 17, 1975, BGA.

89. Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 11, 1937, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, July 1, 1937; Ben-Gurion to the World Union of Po’alei Zion, July 29, in the Congress plenum, Aug. 7, Dec. 12, 1937, in Ben-Gurion 1974a, pp. 165, 334ff., 392; Ben-Gurion to the Zionist Executive, March 10, 1938, in Ben-Gurion 1982b, p. 132.

90. Herzl 1960, 2, p. 74.

91. Ben-Gurion to the World Union of Po’alei Zion, July 29, 1937, in Ben-Gurion 1974a, p. 366.

92. Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 17, 1937, BGA; lists by Ben-Gurion of Arab villages in the north, BGA, subject files 19, 27; Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, June 12, 1938, BGA; Yossi Katz 2000, p. 68ff.

93. Ben-Gurion to members of Brit Shalom, in “Hapo’el Ha’ivri Veha’aravi,” in Ben-Gurion 1931, pp. 105, 182ff.

94. Ben-Gurion to Berl Katznelson, Nov. 19, 1930, in Erez 1974, p. 166.

95. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 12, 1935, BGA; Ben-Gurion and Moshe Sharett to the high commissioner, July 9, 1936, in Ben-Gurion 1973, p. 324.

96. David Hacohen, interview transcript, BGA; Anita Shapira 1980, pp. 559, 608; Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 12, 1937, BGA.

97. Lavi 1947, p. 283; Lavi to his sister, Aug. 13, 1937, in Lavi 1968, p. 311.

98. Zemach 1983, p. 153ff., 164; Anita Shapira 2004, p. 78ff.

99. Zemach 1983, pp. 153ff., 164, 174; Anita Shapira 2004, p. 78ff.; Govrin 2008, 3, p. 365ff.

100. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Aug. 12, 1937, BGA.

101. Ben-Gurion to Paula, Nov. 7, 1937, in Ben-Gurion 1968, p. 214.

102. Ben-Gurion to Geula, Feb. 18, Sept. 26, 1938, BGA.

103. Segev 2000, p. 413; Wolfensohn 2014, p. 189.

104. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 7, 1937, Jan. 2, 1939, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, June 12, Dec. 11, 1938, BGA; Segev 2000, p. 403ff.; Teveth, “Gilgulei Hatransfer Bamahshavah Hatziyonit,” in Teveth 1999, p. 245ff.; Morris 2000, p. 23ff.; Messer 1996, p. 19.

105. Ben-Gurion to Paula, March 1, Oct. 1, 1938, in Ben-Gurion 1968, pp. 219, 235; Ben-Gurion to Renana, Sept. 30, 1938, BGA.

106. Paula to Ben-Gurion, Oct. 25, 1938, in Teveth 1987b, 3, p. 266.

107. Doris May to Ben-Gurion, June 9, 1938, BGA.


1. Yitzhak Avneri 1987, p. 126ff., 1929; David H. Shapiro 1994, p. 165ff.; Zertal 1990, p. 87ff.; Ofer 1988, p. 474.

2. Ben-Gurion at a party with colleagues, Sept. 8, 1939, BGA.

3. Elam 1979, pp. 74ff., 101ff.; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 19, 1935, April 11, 1937, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the International Union of Zionist Labor Parties Council, Aug. 18, 1936, in Ben-Gurion 1973, p. 381, BGA.

4. Ben-Gurion, Diary, April 19, 1939, BGA.

5. Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 1, 7, 1935, Feb. 24, Dec. 5, 1936, May 5, 1939, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Zionist Executive, March 22, 1937, in Ben-Gurion 1974a, p. 103.

6. Ben-Gurion, Diary, April 7, 1939, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the National Council, Dec. 12, 1938, BGA; Golani 2008, p. 340ff.

7. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Jan. 16, 1939, BGA.

8. Ben-Gurion to Paula, Sept. 14, 1937, in Ben-Gurion 1968, p. 196; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Jan. 15, 1939, BGA.

9. Ben-Gurion to Zalman Shazar, in Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 31, Dec. 9, 1936, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Paula, Oct. 7, 1938, in Ben-Gurion 1968, p. 238.

10. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 16, 1938, April 30, June 13, 1939, BGA.

11. Shoshana Vardinon interviewed by the author, Feb. 23, 2013.

12. Ben-Gurion, Diary, March 20, April 27, 1937, BGA; Binyamin Eliav 1990, p. 101ff.

13. Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 4, 1939, BGA; Davar, July 5, 6, 1939.

14. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, Jan. 31, Feb. 5, 1934, in Ben-Gurion 1972, p. 17ff.; Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, June 29, 1938, in Ben-Gurion 1982b, p. 220ff.

15. Ben-Gurion at a party with colleagues, Sept. 8, 1939, BGA.

16. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 16, 1938, BGA.

17. Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 22, 1937, Sept. 27, 29, 30, Oct. 17, 1938; Binyamin Eliav 1990, p. 134ff.; Dinur 1954–64, 2, p. 1063ff.

18. Dinur 1954–64, 2, p. 833ff.; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 16, 1938; June 6, 13, 1939, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the International Union of Zionist Labor Parties Council, Aug. 18, 1936, in Ben-Gurion 1973, p. 380; Ben-Gurion to the Zionist Congress, Aug. 18, 1939, in Ben-Gurion 1987, p. 505.

19. Ben-Gurion to Arthur Wauchope, April 2, 1936, BGA.

20. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 12, 1938, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, Dec. 15, 1938, in Ben-Gurion 1982b, p. 416.

21. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 10, 1938, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, Dec. 11, 1938, in Ben-Gurion 1982b, p. 408.

22. Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, June 26, 1938, in Ben-Gurion 1982b, p. 219ff.; Davar, July 12, 1938.

23. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, Dec. 10, 1938, BGA, Mapai minutes; Ben-Gurion at the Zionist Congress, Aug. 18, 1939, and at the World International Union of Zionist Labor Parties Council, April 26, 1939, in Ben-Gurion 1987, pp. 506, 271.

24. Davar, Aug. 7, 1938; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 20, Oct. 14, 1939, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Paula, Sept. 20, 1938, in Ben-Gurion 1968, p. 231.

25. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 20, 1938, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Paula, Sept. 20, 1938, in Ben-Gurion 1968, p. 225.

26. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 23, 27, 1938.

27. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 30, Oct. 1, 1938, including Ben-Gurion to Amos and Geula, BGA.

28. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, Dec. 7, 1938, in Ben-Gurion 1982b, p. 397; Avizohar 1987, “Hatziyonut Halohemet,” in Ben-Gurion 1987, p. 22.

29. Yitzhak Avneri 1987, p. 129; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 10, 1938, Jan. 3, 1939; David H. Shapiro 1994, p. 165ff.

30. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Feb. 16, 1939, BGA; Segev 2000, p. 415ff.; “Policy in Palestine on the Outbreak of War,” Sept. 26, 1938, NA (UK) FO 371/21864 E5603/G; Chamberlain to the Ministerial Committee on Palestine, April 20, 1939, NA (UK) CAB 24/285 C.P. 8939.

31. Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 18, 1936, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, Nov. 6, 1939, in Ben-Gurion 1997, p. 237.

32. Ben-Gurion, Diary, March 7, 1939, BGA.

33. Ben-Gurion, Diary, March 13, Nov. 8, 1939, and Ben-Gurion to the Zionist Congress, Aug. 28, 1939, in Ben-Gurion 1987, pp. 200ff., 507.

34. Ben-Gurion to youth organizations, May 24, 1939, in Ben-Gurion 1987, p. 327ff.; Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, Oct. 20, 1938, in Ben-Gurion 1982b, p. 346; Ben-Gurion to the Zionist Congress, Aug. 21, 1939, in Ben-Gurion 1987, p. 523.

35. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 4, 1939, BGA; Yitzhak Maor, interview transcript, BGA.

36. Ben-Gurion to the Zionist Congress, Aug. 19, 1939, in Ben-Gurion 1987, p. 512.

37. Davar, Jan. 31, 1939.

38. Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, Sept. 17, 1939, BGA.

39. Ben-Gurion at a Zionist assembly for the unity of the Jewish community, April 13, 1941, in Ben-Gurion 2008, p. 350.

40. Ben-Gurion to Paula, Jan. 1, 1939, BGA; Ben-Gurion to security personnel, Sept. 8, 1939, in Ben-Gurion 1949, 3, p. 14; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 11, 1939, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Histadrut Executive, Sept. 11, 1939, in Ben-Gurion 1997, p. 71.

41. “Some Notes on the Jewish Military Effort,” July 31, 1940, BGA, general chronological documentation; Ben-Gurion 2008, p. 63ff.

42. Ben-Gurion, Diary, April 1, 1939, BGA; Ben-Gurion to youth organizations, May 24, 1939, in Ben-Gurion 1987, p. 328; Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, Sept. 12, 1939, in Ben-Gurion 1997, p. 76.

43. Undated data, CZA J1/6283/1; Volunteer Declaration, May 18, 1939, CZA J/1 33.549; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 15, 1939, BGA.

44. Ben-Gurion, Diary, April 30, 1939, BGA; Ben-Gurion et al. to the Jewish Agency Executive, Sept. 17, 1939, BGA.

45. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 28, Oct. 9, 1939, BGA.

46. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 7, 1939, Jan. 21, 1940, BGA.

47. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 18, 1939, BGA; Avizohar 1997, p. 6ff.

48. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 14, 15, 1939, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Eliyahu Golomb, in Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 23, 1939, BGA.

49. Stern 1974, p. 100ff.

50. Menachem Ussishkin to the Zionist Executive, March 14, 1940, BGA.

51. Avizohar 1997, p. 27ff.

52. Slutsky 1973, 3, p. 141.

53. Avizohar 1997; Werner Senator to the Jewish Agency Executive, April 8, 1940, in Ben-Gurion 1997, pp. 17, 488.

54. Avizohar 1997, p. 27; Slutsky 1973, 3, p. 137.

55. Avizohar 1997, p. 29; Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, Dec. 7, 1938, in Ben-Gurion 1982b, p. 397; Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 20, 1939, BGA.

56. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 12, 1939, BGA.

57. Rachel Yanait, March 8, 1978, p. 10ff., interview transcript, BGA.

58. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Jan. 31, 1940, BGA.

59. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 30, 1939, BGA; Organization Department to the Jewish Agency Executive, Jan. 24, 1940, Richard Lichtheim reports, Jan. 1, 1940, BGA, subject file: Holocaust of European Jewry.

60. Ben-Gurion to the Smaller Zionist General Council, March 14, 1940, in Ben-Gurion 1997, pp. 469, 475.

61. Ben-Gurion to a meeting of the Smaller Zionist General Council, Feb. 29, 1940, in Ben-Gurion 1997, p. 457ff.

62. Avizohar 1997, p. 26; Teveth 1987b, 3, p. 341.

63. Mortimer 2010, p. 28.

64. Ben-Gurion to Paula, Sept. 8, 1941, in Ben-Gurion 2008, p. 81.

65. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 11, 12, 14, 15, 1940, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, Feb. 19, 1941, in Ben-Gurion 2008, p. 199.

66. Ben-Gurion to Paula, May 31, Sept. 16, 1940, in Ben-Gurion 2008, pp. 38, 91.

67. Ben-Gurion 2008, p. 81.

68. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, Feb. 19, 1941, and Ben-Gurion to Paula, July 1, 1940, in Ben-Gurion 2008, pp. 5, 51, 81, 230; Arthur Lourie, June 7, 1976, interview transcript, BGA.

69. Ben-Gurion to Paula, Sept. 8, 1940, and Ben-Gurion to the Smaller Zionist Executive, Feb. 24, 1941, in Ben-Gurion 2008, pp. 5, 81, 230; Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 7, 1940, BGA.

70. Ben-Gurion to Blanche Dugdale, Sept. 21, 1940, BGA, Teveth collection, subject file: Churchill; Ben-Gurion interview with Noah Orian, Nov. 12, 1969, p. 11, HIJC-OHA; Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, Feb. 19, 1941, in Ben-Gurion 2008, p. 205.

71. Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, Feb. 16, 1941, in Ben-Gurion 2008, p. 185.

72. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 22, 1940, BGA; Wolfensohn 2014, p. 189.

73. Ben-Gurion to Paula, Sept. 16, 1940, in Ben-Gurion 2008, p. 91.

74. Arthur Lourie interview with Teveth, July 18, 1977, and Lourie to Teveth, Aug. 18, 1977, BGA, Teveth collection, people; Teveth 1987, p. 351; Doris May to Lourie, March 31, 1942, July 2, 1944, Shabtai Teveth collection, files 1198, 1205, 1206, BGA.

75. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 12, 13, 19, 1940, BGA; Ofer 1988, p. 50ff.; Slutsky 1973, 3, p. 152ff.

76. Ben-Gurion to members of Hashomer Hatza’ir, March 13, 1941, in Ben-Gurion 2008, p. 279.

77. Ben-Gurion to Paula, Sept. 8, 1940, in Ben-Gurion 2008, p. 81, and the note on p. 200; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 22, 1940, BGA.

78. Ben-Gurion with members of Hakibbutz Ha’artzi and with the German and Austrian Immigrants Association, March 11, 13, 1941, in Ben-Gurion 2008, pp. 279, 273ff., 289.

79. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 11, 18, 1940, BGA; Meeting at the Jewish Agency office, Sept. 18, 1940, in Ben-Gurion 2008, p. 92ff.; Ben-Gurion 2012, pp. 520, 526, editor’s note no. 6.

80. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 15, 1940; Ben-Gurion to Paula, Nov. 9, 1940, and Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, Feb. 16, 1941, in Ben-Gurion 2008, pp. 138, 197; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 6, 1940, BGA.

81. Ben-Gurion to Paula, July 1, 1940, and Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, Feb. 16, 23, 1941, in Ben-Gurion 2007, pp. 51, 182, 222; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 4, 7, 1940, BGA; “Excambion Brings Mrs. Ratherborne, M.P.,” New York Times, Nov. 25, 1941.


1. Davar, Feb. 21, 23, 1941; Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, March 5–8, 1941, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the General Zionists, April 10, 1941, Ben-Gurion 2008, p. 348.

2. Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, March 14, 1941, in Ben-Gurion 2008, p. 292; Ben-Gurion 2012, p. 305.

3. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, Feb. 19, 1941, BGA; Ben-Gurion 2008, p. 274.

4. Segev 1991, p. 60; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 19, 1939, Nov. 22, 1940, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, Feb. 19, 1941, in Ben-Gurion 2008, p. 207; Ben-Gurion to Paula, May 31, 1940, BGA; Weizmann to Moyne, June 21, 1941, Letters and Papers of Chaim Weizmann 1979, p. 156ff.; Litvinoff 1988, p. 377ff.

5. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 22, 1940, BGA; Moshe Sharett to the Jewish Agency Executive, April 27, 1941, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Zionist Executive, May 7, 1941, and Ben-Gurion to members of the Haganah, March 26, 1941, in Ben-Gurion 2008, pp. 397, 324.

6. Segev 1993, p. 68; Moshe Sharett and Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, April 27, 1941, BGA.

7. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, March 5, 1941, and at a meeting of the Mapai Central Committee, Feb. 19, 1941, in Ben-Gurion 2008, pp. 244, 208.

8. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, Feb. 19, 1941, in Ben-Gurion 2008, p. 244.

9. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Council, March 5, 1941, in Ben-Gurion 2008, p. 244ff.; Ben-Gurion 1949, 3, p. 58.

10. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Council, March 7–8, 1941, to the General Zionists, April 10, 1941, at a monthly seminar, April 1941, in Ben-Gurion 2008, pp. 254, 252, 249, 349, 378, 299.

11. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Council, March 8, 1941, to the Jewish Agency Executive, April 6, 1941, to the Mapai Council, March 7–8, 1941, to the German Immigrants Association, March 11, 1941, to Hitahdut Bnei Hamoshavot, April 14, 1941, in Ben-Gurion 2008, pp. 253, 342, 252ff., 254, 273, 347, 360, 255.

12. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Convention, June 22, 1941, and to the Jewish Agency Executive, March 16, 1941, in Ben-Gurion 2008, pp. 426, 291.

13. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Council, March 5, 1941, to members of the Haganah, March 26, 1941, to the Jewish Agency Executive, May 16, 1941, in Ben-Gurion 2008, pp. 243, 324, 408.

14. Ben-Gurion to the German Immigrants Association, March 20, 1941, to Rabbi Berlin, April 2, 1941, to the Jewish Agency Executive, April 6, 1941, in Ben-Gurion 2008, pp. 306, 337, 343.

15. Ben-Gurion to the General Zionists, April 10, 1941, and to the Mapai Central Committee, Feb. 19, 1941, in Ben-Gurion 2008, pp. 348, 218.

16. Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, March 23, 1941, in Ben-Gurion 2008, p. 309ff.

17. Ben-Gurion to the German Immigrants Association, March 11, 1941, and to Hashomer Hatza’ir, March 13, 1941, in Ben-Gurion 2008, pp. 264ff., 281.

18. Ben-Gurion 2008, p. 148, editor’s note; Ussishkin and Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, March 16, May 16, 1941, in Ben-Gurion 2008, pp. 292, 409.

19. Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, March 23, 1941, to Hitahdut Bnei Hamoshavot, April 14, 1941, to the Jewish Agency Executive, June 15, 1941, Yitzhak Gruenbaum to the Jewish Agency Executive, April 6, 1941, in Ben-Gurion 2008, pp. 313, 361, 427, 340ff.; Elam 1979, p. 150ff.

20. Shlomo Zemach to Ben-Gurion, undated, BGA, Shabtai Teveth collection, persons; Zemach 1983, p. 171; Zemach 1996, p. 289.

21. Ben-Gurion and Eliezer Liebenstein to the Mapai Central Committee, June 25, 1941, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Paula, Aug. 19, 1941, BGA; Ben-Gurion 2012, p. 258, editor’s note; Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, Oct. 4, 1941, BGA; Rose 1990, p. 234; Davar, Feb. 14, 1964.

22. Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 9, 29, 1942; Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, Oct. 6, 1942, BGA.

23. Ben-Gurion to Moshe Sharett, Feb. 8, 1942, in Ben-Gurion 2012, p. 337.

24. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 30, 1941, BGA.

25. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 21, 31, 1941, and Shabtai Teveth collection, people, Nyles, BGA.

26. “A Zionist Army?” New York Times, Jan. 22, 1942.

27. Ben-Gurion to Berl Locker, Dec. 27, 1941, BGA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 27, 1941, BGA.

28. Conversation with Henry Morgenthau, Jan. 6, 1942, Ben-Gurion to Langer, Jan. 19, 1942, interview with members of the staff of the coordinator of information, Jan. 13, 1942, in Ben-Gurion 2012, pp. 276, 315, 304.

29. Ben-Gurion, Diary, December 2, 1941, Jan. 6, 1942, BGA; conversation with Ambassador Bullitt, Feb. 10, 1942, in Ben-Gurion 2012, p. 348.

30. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 28, 1941, Jan. 2, 10, 1942, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Arthur Lourie, Jan. 27, 1942, BGA.

31. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 6, 27, 1941, BGA.

32. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 5, 1942, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Berl Locker, Jan. 26, 1942, and Ben-Gurion to Doris May, Feb. 13, 1942, in Ben-Gurion 2012, pp. 324, 372.

33. Ben-Gurion to Arthur Lourie, Jan. 1, 1942, in Ben-Gurion 2012, p. 257.

34. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 8–11, 1935, July 14, 1936, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Miriam Cohen, April 24–27, 1942, BGA, Shabtai Teveth collection, 1206, 1205; Teveth 1987b, p. 402ff.

35. Ben-Gurion to Fritz Simon, Jan. 11, 1942, Ben-Gurion to Paula, Jan. 25, April 22, 1942, in Ben-Gurion 2012, pp. 288, 323, 428; Paula Ben-Gurion’s will, May 19, 1942, BGA, general chronological documentation, April–May 1942.

36. Ben-Gurion to Renana, Feb. 18, 1942, Ben-Gurion to Paula, March 24, 1942, in Ben-Gurion 2012, pp. 370, 396.

37. Weizmann 1949, p. 426ff.; passage from Trial and Error that was not included in the book, Weizmann Archive, 1-2948; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 1, 2, 1941, BGA; Ben-Gurion, memorandum, Dec. 5, 1941, in Ben-Gurion 2012, p. 169ff.

38. Ben-Gurion to John Winant, Jan. 19, April 15, 1942; Ben-Gurion to Felix Frankfurter, April 16, 1942; Ben-Gurion to Moshe Sharett, Feb. 8, 1942; Ben-Gurion to Samuel Rosenman, Feb. 10, 1942; Ben-Gurion to Berl Locker, Jan. 4, 1942, in Ben-Gurion 2012, pp. 414, 418, 337, 342.

39. Chaim Weizmann to Vera Weizmann, April 29, 1920, in Reinharz 1978, p. 347.

40. Letters and Papers of Chaim Weizmann 1977, pp. 342–43.

41. Meeting in Wise’s office, June 27, 1942, in Ben-Gurion 2012, p. 518ff.; Biltmore Program, May 10, 1942, BGA, general chronological documentation, April–May 1942; Ben-Gurion to the Biltmore Conference, May 10, 1942, in Ben-Gurion 2012, p. 435ff.; Test of Fulfillment, BGA; Ofer 1988, p. 235ff.; Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, Oct. 4, 1942, BGA.

42. Davar, May 14, 1942; Ben-Gurion to Paula, May 14, 1942, and to Geula, May 19, 1942, BGA; Ben-Gurion, 2012, p. 449ff.; Hagani 2010, p. 169ff.

43. Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, May 12, 1942, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Chaim Weizmann, June 11, 1942, BGA.

44. Chaim Weizmann to Ben-Gurion, June 15, 17, 1942, Ben-Gurion to Chaim Weizmann, June 16, 1942, in Ben-Gurion 2012, pp. 495ff., 500ff., 507.

45. Ben-Gurion to Stephen Wise, June 19, 1942, in Ben-Gurion 2012, p. 501; Chaim Weizmann to Stephen Wise, June 20, 1942, in Michael Cohen 1979, p. 311ff.; Nahum Goldmann, interview transcript, BGA.

46. Meeting in Wise’s office, June 27, 1942, in Ben-Gurion 2012, p. 518; English original, “Special Meeting, June 27, 1942,” BGA.

47. Weisgal 1971, p. 175.

48. Louise Levinthal, interview transcript, BGA, p. 6.

49. Weizmann to Lewis Namier, June 27, 1942, in Michael Cohen 1979, p. 317.

50. Ben-Gurion to American members of the Zionist Executive, Aug. 3, 1942, in Ben-Gurion 2012, p. 585; Chaim Weizmann to Stephen Wise, June 20, 1942, and to the Jewish Agency Executive, Oct. 22, 1942, in Michael Cohen 1979, pp. 312ff., 359ff.

51. Ben-Gurion to Felix Frankfurter, June 22, 1942, in Ben-Gurion 2012, p. 511; unidentified signature to Sir George Gater, July 14, 1942, NA (UK) CO 733/462/7; Weizmann to Lewis Namier, June 27, 1942, in Michael Cohen 1979, p. 317; Lord Halifax to the Foreign Office, June 1, 1942, NA (UK) FO 371/31379.

52. Ben-Gurion to Arthur Lourie, July 1, 1942, BGA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 1, 1942, BGA.

53. Memorandum on the Defense of Palestine and the Jews, July 2, 1942, BGA, general chronological documentation, June–Aug. 1942.

54. Ben-Gurion to Felix Frankfurter, July 6, 1942, in Ben-Gurion 2012, p. 550.

55. Ben-Gurion to Moshe Sharett, July 8, 1942, in Ben-Gurion 2012, p. 555.

56. “May We Present,” The Rotarian, Jan. 1942, p. 5; New York Times, April 1, 1976; Watts 1942.

57. Kettaneh 1942.

58. Minutes of conversation with Francis Katany [sic], July 29, 1942, BGA, general chronological documentation, June–Aug. 1942.

59. Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, Oct. 6, 1942, BGA.

60. Anshel Reiss, Shraga Netzer, Baruch Azanya, Rose Halprin, interview transcripts, BGA.

61. Apolinary Hartglas to the Jewish Agency Executive, Sept. 11, 1940, BGA; Porat 1986, p. 30.

62. “Extinction Feared by Jews in Poland,” New York Times, March 1, 1942.

63. Ben-Gurion to convention of Pioneer Women, June 14, 1942, BGA, record of meetings.

64. “Allies Are Urged to Execute Nazis,” New York Times, July 2, 1942; Bauer 1987, p. 61ff.

65. Press conference, July 20, 1942, and Ben-Gurion to Eliezer Kaplan, July 8, 1942, in Ben-Gurion 2012, pp. 572, 556; “Nazi Punishment Seen by Roosevelt,” New York Times, July 22, 1942.

66. Elam 1979, pp. 166, 139; Weizmann to Moshe Sharett, Aug. 12, 1942, Michael Cohen 1979, p. 344; Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive (USA), Aug. 3, 1942, and to the Emergency Committee, Sept. 17, 1942, in Ben-Gurion 2012, pp. 586, 619.

67. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Council, March 5–8, 1941, in Ben-Gurion 1949, 3, p. 58.

68. Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, Oct. 6, 1942, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Emergency Committee, Sept. 17, 1942, in Ben-Gurion 2012, p. 620.

69. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 20, 1942, BGA.


1. Goldblum report, undated, BGA, general chronological documentation; Ben-Gurion to Miriam Cohen, Feb. 1, 1943, BGA; Avihu Ronen 1986, p. 76ff.

2. Yitzhak Gruenbaum and Moshe Shapira to the Jewish Agency Executive, June 30, 1942; Y. Eshed to the Council of Hakibbutz Hameuchad, July 5, 1942, in Brenner 1984, pp. 106, 129, 180; “Hatza’ah Letochnit Hibul Ba’aretz Lemikreh Shetikabesh al yedei Ha’oyev,” Jan. 19, 1942, BGA, general chronological documentation; Yoav Gelber 1990a; Kanaan 1974, pp. 137, 139, 168, 209; Davar, Nov. 5, 1942.

3. Ben-Gurion with representatives of party branches, Oct. 13, 1942, BGA; Ben-Gurion at the Moshavim Convention, Oct. 10, 1942, Davar, Oct. 11, 1942; Ben-Gurion to Katznelson, Oct. 5, 1942, BGA, general chronological documentation.

4. Anita Shapira 1980, p. 674ff.; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 23, 1942, BGA.

5. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Council, Jan. 1944, in Ben-Gurion 1949, 4, p. 102ff.; Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, Oct. 11, 1942, BGA.

6. Zemach 1983, p. 172; Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Council, March 6, 1944, BGA.

7. Ben-Gurion on Herzl Day, July 10, 1944, BGA; Ben-Gurion at the Am Ve’admato exhibition, March 2, 1945, in Ben-Gurion 1949, 3, p. 225; Ben-Gurion to Ben-Zion Katz, Sept. 1, 1957, BGA.

8. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Convention, June 12, 1941, and to the General Zionists, April 10, 1941, in Ben-Gurion 2008, pp. 426, 348; Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Convention, Oct. 25, 1942, in Ben-Gurion 1949, 4, p. 89; Ben-Gurion to a gathering of Mapai activists, Sept. 8, 1942, BGA.

9. Zemach 1983, p. 174.

10. Ben-Gurion with party branch representatives, Oct. 13, 1942, BGA.

11. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Convention, Oct. 25, 1942, and with party branch representatives, Oct. 13, 1942, BGA.

12. Lavi 1968, pp. 322ff., 355.

13. Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, Nov. 22, 1942, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Miriam Cohen, Nov. 23, 1942, BGA; “Yediot al Ma’asei Hazeva’ot Lehashmadat Yehudim Ba’artzot Hakibutsh mipi Anshei Hakevutzah Sheba’ah Misham,” Nov. 23, 1942, BGA, general chronological documentation.

14. Porat 2009, p. 449ff.

15. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 11, Dec. 21, 1942, July 6, 1943, Sept. 14, 1944, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Agudat Israel, Oct. 29, 1944, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Mapai activists, Dec. 8, 1942, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Yehoshua Kastner, Feb. 2, 1958, BGA; Morgenstern 1971, p. 60ff.

16. Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, Dec. 6, 1942, BGA; Segev 1993, p. 99.

17. Ben-Gurion with Mapai activists, Dec. 8, 1942, BGA.

18. Ben-Gurion with Mapai activists, Dec. 8, 1942, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, Aug. 24, 1943, BGA.

19. Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, July 23, 1944, BGA.

20. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, Aug. 24, 1943, BGA.

21. Gruenbaum to the Zionist Executive, Jan. 18, 1943; Dobkin to the Histadrut Executive, Dec. 12, 1942, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, July 23, 1944, BGA; Porat and Weitz 2002, p. 119; Segev 1993, p. 97ff.; Porat 1986, p. 173ff.; Friling 1998, p. 350ff.

22. Ben-Gurion to the Economic Research Institute, Nov. 24, 1942, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Convention, Oct. 25, 1942, in Ben-Gurion 1949, 3, p. 98ff.; Dvora Hacohen 1994b; Ben-Gurion to Mapai activists, Dec. 8, 1942, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Convention, Oct. 25, 1942, BGA.

23. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 23, Aug. 2, 1943, BGA.

24. Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, Jan. 16, 1942, BGA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 25, April 7, May 2, 1943, BGA; Segev 1993, p. 102ff.; Ben-Gurion, “Teshuvah Ledivrei Hashalit,” Assembly of Representatives, March 24, 1943, p. 3, BGA.

25. Porat 1986, p. 201ff.; Segev 1993, p. 84.

26. Ofer 1988, p. 470ff.; Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Convention, Oct. 25, 1942; Segev 1993, p. 86ff.

27. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Convention, Oct. 25, 1942, in Ben-Gurion 1949, 4, p. 66.

28. Eban 1977, p. 43.

29. Friling 1998, p. 421ff.; A. Gasner to Ben-Gurion and Ben-Gurion to Gasner, Sept. 1, 14, 1943, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Assembly of Representatives, Nov. 30, 1942, BGA.

30. Ehud Avriel, interview transcript, p. 32, BGA; Friling 1998, p. 381ff.

31. Porat 2011, p. 119ff.; Ben-Gurion to industrialists and business leaders, Sept. 23, 1943, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, Nov. 10, 1935, in Ben-Gurion 1972, p. 504; Ben-Gurion to the Mapai secretariat, Feb. 10, 1942, BGA.

32. Friling 1998, p. 335; Bauer 1994, p. 100.

33. Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, Oct. 26, 1943, BGA.

34. Ben-Gurion to the Political Committee, June 16, Nov. 3, 1943, BGA; “Zionist Disagreements: Mr. Ben-Gurion Resigns,” Times (London), Oct. 29, 1943, NA (UK) CO 733/462/7; Reuven Rubik Rosenthal, personal communication with the author; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Feb. 18, 1943, BGA; Moshe Sharett 1978, 1, p. 184.

35. Bauer 1994, p. 191ff.; Friling 1994, p. 229ff.; Attorney General v. Adolf Eichmann, 1962, p. 133; Himmler, memorandum, Dec. 10, 1942, BB Sammlung Schumacher R 187/240.

36. Yitzhak Gruenbaum to the Jewish Agency Executive, April 2, May 1, 25, 1944, BGA.

37. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Council, May 31, 1944, BGA.

38. Porat 1986, p. 401.

39. Yitzhak Gruenbaum, Ben-Gurion, et al. to the Jewish Agency Executive, June 11, 1944, BGA; Bauer 2015; Friling 1998, p. 771; Frister 1987, p. 289; Ben-Gurion to Binyamin Nahari, Feb. 10, 1965, BGA.

40. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 13, 1944.

41. Ben-Gurion on Herzl Day, July 10, 1944, BGA; Ben-Gurion at the “Am Va’admato” exhibition, March 2, 1945, in Ben-Gurion 1949, 3, p. 225.

42. Stern 1974, p. 191ff.

43. David Hacohen 1974, p. 85; Amos Ben-Gurion interview with Dov Goldstein, Ma’ariv, Oct. 17, 1986; Shlomo Lavi to Leah Meron-Katznelson et al., Aug. 1944, Ma’arachot 1968, p. 350ff.; Ze’ev Sherf, interview transcript, cassette 97, p. 5, BGA.

44. Joel Brand and Ben-Gurion to the Mapai secretariat, Oct. 17, 1944, BGA.

45. Segev 1993, p. 76ff.; Ben-Gurion to Mapai activists, Dec. 8, 1942, BGA; Anita Shapira, “Berl, Ha’antishemiyut Vehasho’ah,” in Porat 2009, p. 237ff.

46. Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, Sept. 8, 1944, afternoon, BGA.

47. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, March 29, 1955, ISA; Segev 1993, p. 97.

48. Ben-Gurion to Israel Galili, Jan. 29, 1960, BGA.

49. Ben-Gurion 1964a, pp. 167, 177.

50. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 8, 1945, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Paula, May 11, 1945, BGA.


1. Ben-Gurion interviewed by Yosef Avner, Avraham Kushnir, and Tom Segev, Nitzotz, April 28, 1968.

15. MAPS

1. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Council, Aug. 8, 1947, and to the Assembly of Representatives, Oct. 2, 1947, in Ben-Gurion 1993b, pp. 278, 379.

2. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Feb. 13, 14, 1947, BGA; Ben-Gurion 1993a, p. 364ff.; Ben-Gurion 1969b, p. 65; Watching report, March 17–20, 1945, NA (UK) FO 141/1056.

3. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 21, 1945, BGA; Ben-Gurion 1963b, April 24, 1964; Slater 1970, pp. 21–28ff.; Rudolf Sonneborn to Amalie Katz, April 4, 1919,; Ben-Gurion to the Mapai secretariat, Nov. 22, 1945, BGA; Ben-Gurion 2014, p. 574; Haim Slavin, Adolf Robison, Ira Eisenstein, interview transcripts, BGA.

4. Paula to Ben-Gurion, date unclear, 1945, IDFA, Ben-Gurion deposit, selected documents from file 3469-800/1973.

5. Ben-Gurion 2014, p. 130.

6. Ben-Gurion 2014, p. 227ff.

7. Judah Nadich, interview transcript, BGA.

8. Weitz 1980, p. 53ff.; Ben-Gurion to the Mapai secretariat, Nov. 22, 1945, BGA; Judah Nadich, interview transcript, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, Feb. 24, 1946, BGA; Segev 1993, pp. 115ff., 120; Zerach Warhaftig, interview transcript, BGA.

9. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, Nov. 22, 1945, BGA; Moshe Sharett to Moshe Sneh and Shaul Avigur, Sept. 27, 1945, courtesy of the Moshe Sharett Heritage Association; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 20, 26, 1945, BGA; Kenan 1991, p. 343ff.

10. Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, Nov. 21, 1945, BGA; Ben-Gurion 2014, p. 544ff.; Ben-Gurion to Paula, Feb. 9, 1946, in Ben-Gurion, Diary, BGA.

11. Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, Nov. 21, 1945, BGA; Ben-Gurion 2014, p. 544ff.; Ben-Gurion to Paula, Feb. 9, 1946, in Ben-Gurion, Diary, BGA.

12. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 27, 1945, BGA; Zoirav to Ben-Gurion, Nov. 2, 1947, BGA.

13. Avriel, interview transcript, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Mapai secretariat, Nov. 22, 1945, and to the Jewish Agency Executive, Nov. 21, 1945, BGA.

14. Ben-Gurion 2014, p. 398; Ben-Aharon, interview transcript, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Histadrut Convention, Feb. 1, 1945, BGA.

15. Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, Nov. 22, 1945, BGA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Feb. 3, 1946, and Ben-Gurion to Paula, Feb. 9, 1946, BGA; Ben-Gurion at the final session of the International Union of Zionist Labor Parties Convention, Dec. 24, 1946, BGA, Shabtai Teveth collection, file 162, item 256192.

16. Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, Feb. 11, 1945, BGA.

17. Ben-Gurion to the Zionist General Council, Dec. 11, 1945, BGA; Kenan 1991, p. 351ff.; Slutsky 1973, 3, p. 1036; Dobkin to the Jewish Agency Executive, April 30, 1946, BGA; Segev 1993, p. 123ff.

18. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai secretariat, Nov. 22, 1945, BGA; Bauer 1974, pp. 120, 126, 304; “Hagolah Hayehudit be-1946,” Davar, Feb. 4, 1947.

19. Bauer 1974, pp. 269, 262; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 3, 1945, Jan. 20, 22, 25, June 24, Sept. 24, 1946, BGA.

20. Ben-Gurion 1993a, p. 192.

21. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 13, 26, 1945, BGA; Nachmani 1987, p. 65ff.

22. Ben-Gurion 2014, p. 692; Segev 2010, p. 79; Crossman 1946, p. 102; Kenan 1991, p. 343ff.

23. Crossman 1946, p. 71.

24. Segev 2000, p. 348.

25. Ben-Gurion to the Anglo-American Commission, March 26, 1946, Public Hearings Before the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, in the possession of the author, p. 11ff.

26. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Feb. 13, 1946, BGA.

27. Ben-Gurion to the Anglo-American Commission, March 11, 1946, Public Hearings Before the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, in the possession of the author, p. 3.

28. The Jewish Case, 1947, pp. 69, 64.

29. Ben-Gurion to the Anglo-American Commission, March 26, 1946, Public Hearings Before the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, in the possession of the author, pp. 13, 19, 15; Ben-Gurion to a public assembly, Oct. 10, 1946, in Ben-Gurion 2014, p. 1030.

30. Ben-Gurion to the Anglo-American Commission, March 11, 1946, Public Hearings Before the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, in the possession of the author, pp. 9, 15, 16, 20; The Jewish Case, p. 74.

31. Ben-Gurion to the Anglo-American Commission, March 11, 1946, Public Hearings Before the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, in the possession of the author, p. 25ff.

32. Crossman 1946, p. 138.

33. Crossman 1946, p. 115ff.

34. Ben-Gurion, “Teshuvah Lidvar Hashalit,” Assembly of Representatives, March 24, 1943, p. 6, BGA; Public Hearings Before the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, in possession of the author, p. 5ff.

35. Ben-Gurion to the Anglo-American Commission, March 11, 1946, Public Hearings Before the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, in the possession of the author, pp. 24ff, 30, 36.

36. Kaplan to the Jewish Agency Executive, May 29, 1946, BGA; Crossman 1946, p. 156ff.

37. Hoffman 2015, p. 298ff.

38. Alfasi 1994, 3, p. 172ff.

39. Ben-Gurion to Harold MacMichael, April 21, 1944, CZA S25/197.

40. Slutsky 1973, 3, p. 531.

41. Slutsky 1973, 3, p. 530ff.; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 24, 1946, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Histadrut Convention, Nov. 26, 1944, in Ben-Gurion 1949, 2, p. 289ff.; Lapidot 1994.

42. Stern 1974, p. 210.

43. Moshe Sneh and Menachem Begin, Oct. 9, 1944, CZA S25/206.

44. Responses to questions from the public, April 18, 1947, p. 10, BGA.

45. Shaltiel 2000, pp. 213, 255, 257, 277.

46. Avriel testimony, in Ben-Gurion 1993a, p. 60; Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 8, 1946, BGA.

47. Shaltiel 2000, pp. 276, 268.

48. Ben-Gurion to Moshe Sharett, July 24, 1946, CZA S25/10016; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 12, 1946, and Ben-Gurion to Paula, July 8, 11, 1946, BGA.

49. Ben-Gurion to Felix Frankfurter, July 17, 1946, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Convention, Aug. 23, 1946, BGA 1993a, p. 158.

50. Ganin 1978, p. 227ff.; Ben-Gurion 1993a, p. 98ff.; Segev 2000, p. 49.

51. Mordechai Surkis, interview transcript, p. 2, BGA; Ben-Gurion at Zeilsheim DP camp, Oct. 14, 1946, in Ben-Gurion 2014, p. 1043; Proceedings of the 22nd Zionist Congress, p. 21, CZA J28.

52. Harry S Truman to Clement Attlee, Oct. 3, 1946, FRUS, Vol. VII, document 544, p. 703.

53. Ben-Gurion to Chaim Weizmann, Oct. 28, 1946, in Ben-Gurion 1993a, p. 221ff.

54. Ben-Gurion to Zalman Rubishov, Dec. 20, 1946, in Ben-Gurion 1993a, p. 288; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 14, Oct. 1, 1946, BGA; Mordechai Surkis, interview transcript, BGA; Moshe Gurari, interview transcript, p. 2, BGA.

55. Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, Dec. 29, 1946, Ben-Gurion 1993a, pp. 297, 232; Chaim Weizmann to the Zionist Congress, Dec. 11, 1946, in Proceedings of the 22nd Zionist Congress, p. 341, CZA J28.

56. Ben-Gurion 2014, p. 1030ff.

57. Ben-Gurion with George Henry Hall, June 20, 1946, BGA, Shabtai Teveth collection, people, Crossman; Ben-Gurion to Arthur Creech Jones, Jan. 2, 1947, in Ben-Gurion 1993a, p. 309; Ben-Gurion at the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Oct. 12, 1945, BGA.

58. Meir 1975, p. 154; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Aug. 28, 1947, BGA.

59. “Palestine: A Study of Partition,” April 1947, NA (UK) CO 537/2344.

60. Brook at Cabinet, Feb. 14, 1947, NA (UK) CAB/195/5; colonial secretary to high commissioner, Feb. 17, 1947, NA (UK) FO 371 618736; John Gutch to Trefford Smith, Feb. 25, 1947, NA (UK) CO 537 2326; Horowitz 1951, p. 172ff; Segev 2000, p. 482ff.

61. Ben-Gurion to Ernest Bevin, Feb. 12, 1947, in Ben-Gurion 1993a, p. 354.

62. Ben-Gurion to Paula, in Ben-Gurion, Diary, Feb. 14, 15, 1947, BGA; Cabinet, Feb. 14, 1947, NA (UK) CAB/195/5; Ben-Gurion to William Jowitt, Feb. 13, 1947, BGA; Lord Chancellor memorandum, Feb. 14, 1947, NA (UK) PREM 8/627; Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Council, Aug. 9, 1947, 1993b, p. 284.


1. Ha’aretz, Davar, Nov. 30, 1947; Ben-Gurion to Eliezer Whartman, memoirs of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Haganah personnel, Jan. 15, 1948, in Ben-Gurion 1951, p. 37; Ben-Gurion 1993b, p. 503, editor’s note.

2. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Council, Aug. 8, 1947, BGA.

3. Ben-Gurion to the Security Committee, June 7, 1947, BGA; letter to members of the Palmach, Oct. 17, 1948, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the UN Committee, July 7, 1947, in Ben-Gurion 1993b, p. 263; Ben-Gurion 1963b, Aug. 2, 1964.

4. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai secretariat, March 15, 1947, BGA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 4, 1947, BGA; Directives to the Haganah Command, June 18, 1947; Avizohar 1993, p. 48; Ben-Gurion 1993b, p. 305ff.

5. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai secretariat, Oct. 30, 1947, in Ben-Gurion 1993b, p. 440; Zvi Ayalon, interview transcript.

6. Barel 2014, p. 91ff.

7. Ben-Gurion, Diary, March 26, April 9, 25, May 6, Dec. 29, 1947, March 28, 1948, BGA; Ben-Gurion 1993b, p. 143, editor’s note 3; Ben-Gurion 1969b, p. 69ff.

8. Ben-Gurion to Paula, Oct. 7, 1938, in Ben-Gurion 1968, p. 238; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 16, 1938, BGA.

9. Ben-Gurion, Diary, March 26, 1947, BGA; Ben-Gurion 1993b, p. 142ff.; Ben-Gurion 1969b, p. 78.

10. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 27, 1947, March 2, 1948, BGA.

11. Moshe Shapira and Ben-Gurion to the Security Committee, Oct. 23, 1947, BGA; Rabin 1979, p. 37.

12. Ben-Gurion, Diary, April 16, 1947; Ben-Gurion to the Security Committee, Oct. 23, June 8, 1947; Ben-Gurion 1969b, pp. 69, 271.

13. Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 27, 1947, BGA.

14. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai secretariat, March 25, Oct. 30, 1947, BGA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 6, 1947, BGA; Ben-Gurion at a gathering of Palmach commanders, Sept. 14, 1948, in Ben-Gurion 1951, p. 241.

15. Ben-Gurion to the Zionist Congress, Dec. 18, 1946, and to the Zionist General Council, April 6, 1948, in Ben-Gurion 1969b, pp. 68ff, 78; Ben-Gurion to a meeting of Palmach commanders, in Ben-Gurion 1951, p. 242.

16. Meir, June 13, 1978, p. 20, interview transcript, BGA.

17. Ben-Gurion to the Security Committee, June 8, 1947, BGA.

18. Stern 1974, p. 263ff.

19. Ben-Gurion to the Security Committee, Dec. 4, 1947, BGA.

20. Avizohar 1993b, p. 32; Ben-Gurion, Diary, April 17, 1947, BGA.

21. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai secretariat, Oct. 30, 1947, to the Mapai Council, Aug. 9, 1947, to the Zionist General Council, Aug. 26, 1947, to the Histadrut Executive, Aug. 6, 1947, in Ben-Gurion 1993b, pp. 445, 332, 341, 317.

22. Stern 1974, pp. 268, 263, 271; Avizohar 1993b, pp. 27, 81.

23. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai secretariat, April 21, Aug. 2, 1947, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Histadrut Executive, Aug. 6, 1947, and to the Mapai Council, Aug. 8, 1947, in Ben-Gurion 1993b, pp. 316ff., 277.

24. Ben-Gurion to the Histadrut Executive, Aug. 6, 1947, and to the Mapai Council, Aug. 8, 1947, in Ben-Gurion 1993b, pp. 316ff., 277; Stern 1974, p. 271; Halamish 1990, p. 302ff.

25. Ben-Gurion to the Histadrut Executive, March 26, 1947, and to the Mapai Council, Aug. 9, 1947, Ben-Gurion 1993b, pp. 66, 328.

26. Ben-Gurion 1993b, p. 126, editor’s note 13, and p. 417, editor’s note 3.

27. Zemach 1947; Zemach 1983, p. 182.

28. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai secretariat, April 21, 1947, BGA.

29. Replies to questions from the public, April 18, 1947, and Ben-Gurion to the Mapai secretariat, April 24, 1947, BGA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, April 18, 1948, BGA; Naor 1988, p. 182ff.; Bein 1982, p. 271ff.

30. Ben-Gurion, Diary, March 6, 1938, BGA; Ben-Gurion to UNSCOP, July 7, 1947, in Ben-Gurion 1993b, p. 256.

31. Halamish 1990, p. 302.

32. Eban 1997, pp. 92–93; Ben-Gurion to Paula, Sept. 2, 1947, Ben-Gurion to a public meeting, Nov. 25, 1947, Ben-Gurion to the Assembly of Representatives, Oct. 2, 1947, and Ben-Gurion statement, Nov. 30, 1947, in Ben-Gurion 1993, pp. 349, and editor’s note there, 493, 382, 502; Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, Nov. 30, 1947, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Histadrut Executive and Mapai Central Committee, Dec. 3, 1947, in Ben-Gurion 1982a, p. 20; Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, Dec. 13, 1947, and to the Mapai secretariat, Dec. 30, 1947, in Ben-Gurion 1949, 5, p. 255; Sheffer 2015, p. 345.

33. Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, May 22, 1947, BGA.

34. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai secretariat, Dec. 3, 1947, in Ben-Gurion 1949, 5, p. 259.

35. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Council, Aug. 9, 1947, in Ben-Gurion 1993b, p. 284.

36. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, Oct. 11, 1947, and the Jewish Agency Executive, Oct. 26, 1947, in Ben-Gurion 1993b, pp. 394, 428; Ben-Gurion to the Histadrut Executive, Dec. 3, 1947, in Ben-Gurion 1982a, p. 21.

37. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, Dec. 3, 1947, in Ben-Gurion 1982a, p. 22; Ben-Gurion to the Zionist General Council, March 10, 1948, in Ben-Gurion 1982e, p. 132.

38. “Tokhnit Likrat Pelishah,” Oct. 6, 1947, in Ben-Gurion 1993b, p. 390, also Shabtai Teveth collection, people, BGA; Davar, Jan. 24, 1946; Ben-Artzi, interview transcript, BGA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 13, 1947, BGA.

39. “Hatkafah al Shnei Ha’otobusim,” Dec. 4, 1947, BGA; Segev 2007.

40. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 22, 1947, BGA.

41. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 23, 1947, BGA; Moshe Kol, interview transcript, BGA.

42. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Oct. 19, 1953, BGA.

43. Ben-Gurion 1993b, p. 147, editor’s note 2, p. 440, editor’s note 5; Slutsky 1973, 3, pp. 1325, 1372.

44. Davar, Dec. 12, 1947.

45. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 1, April 3, 1947.

46. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 11, 1947, BGA.

47. Galili to the Security Committee, Dec. 11, 1947, BGA; Amarami and Maletzky 1981, p. 154ff.; Operations Branch report, Dec. 19, 1947, in Ben-Gurion 1982a, Dec. 20, 1947, Jan. 1, 1948, pp. 61, 97.

48. Golda Meir with the high commissioner, Dec. 17, 1947, in Yogev 1979, p. 79ff.

49. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 19, 1947, BGA.

50. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 25, 27, 1947, BGA.

51. Ben-Gurion to the Council of the International Union of Zionist Labor Parties, Aug. 18, 1936, in Ben-Gurion 1973b, p. 381; Davar, Dec. 12–28, 1947; Slutsky 1973, 3, p. 1383.

52. Ben-Gurion to the Council of the International Union of Zionist Labor Parties, Aug. 18, 1936, in Ben-Gurion 1973c, p. 381; Ben-Gurion to the Security Committee, Jan. 1, 1947, in Ben-Gurion, Diary, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, Jan. 8, 1948, in Ben-Gurion 1951, p. 29.

53. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Feb. 23, 1948, BGA.

54. Ben-Gurion, Diary, March 11, 1948; Segev 2000, pp. 515–16.

55. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Council, Feb. 7, 1948, in Ben-Gurion 1951, p. 62.

56. Ben-Gurion to the Zionist General Council, April 6, 1948, in Ben-Gurion 1949, 3, p. 288.

57. Ben-Gurion, Diary, March 20, 1948, BGA; press release, in Ben-Gurion 1982a, p. 313; Joseph Heller 2010, p. 61ff.

58. Ben-Gurion 1969b, p. 79.

59. Ben-Gurion, Diary, April 23, May 24, 1948, BGA; Morris 2008, p. 140ff.

60. Sapir and Ben-Gurion at the Security Committee, Oct. 23, 1947, March 30, April 4, 1948, BGA.

61. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 2, 1947, BGA; Avizohar 1993b, p. 13.

62. Avizohar 1993b, pp. 12, 41; Ben-Gurion to the Security Committee, Oct. 23, 1947, BGA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 22, 30, 1947, March 7, April 20, 1947, BGA.

63. Ben-Gurion 1969b, p. 86; Generals’ revolt, Israel Galili’s version, July 1948, BGA, general chronological material; Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 3, 5, 1948, BGA.

64. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 1, 1948, BGA.

65. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 11, 1947, BGA.

66. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 10, 1947, March 10, 1948, BGA.

67. Ezra Danin, interview transcript, BGA.

68. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 1, 1948, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Nov. 7, 1948, ISA; Morris 2008, p. 140ff.

69. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 11, 1947, Feb. 10, April 30, May 21, 1948, BGA.

70. Ben-Gurion with invited guests, Jan. 21, 1948, and Ben-Gurion to the Zionist General Council, April 6, 1948, in Ben-Gurion 1951, pp. 41ff., 86ff.

71. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Council, Feb. 7, 1948, and to the Zionist General Council, April 6, 1948, in Ben-Gurion 1951, pp. 68ff., 92.

72. Ben-Gurion to the Zionist General Council, April 6, 1948, in Ben-Gurion 1951, p. 92.

73. Gouri 1982, p. 11ff.

74. Ben-Gurion to the Security Committee, Feb. 3, 1948, BGA.

75. Ben-Gurion to UNSCOP, July 7, 1947, and Ben-Gurion to the Mapai secretariat, June 11, 1947, in Ben-Gurion 1993b, pp. 264, 213; Ben-Gurion to the Zionist General Council, April 6, 1947, in Ben-Gurion 1982a, p. 345; Ben-Gurion to S.E., Feb. 5, 1954, in Ostfeld 1988, p. 241.

76. Shtiftel 2008, pp. 291, 298, 318ff., 330.

77. Summary of meeting, May 6, 1948, BGA, Shabtai Teveth collection, concepts, Plan Dalet; Slutsky 1973, 3, p. 447.

78. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Jan. 2, 1948, BGA; Messer 1996, pp. 118, 121; Shtiftel 2008, pp. 375, 299, 217; Morris 2008, p. 146.

79. Shtiftel 2008, pp. 275, 299; Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, April 11, 1948, BGA; Jewish Agency to Abdullah, April 12, 1948, in Yogev 1979, p. 625ff; Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 1, 1948, BGA; Morris 2005, p. 79ff.

80. Morris 1991, p. 405.

81. Sharett and Ben-Gurion to the People’s Administration, May 12, 1948, in People’s Administration (Minhelet Ha’am) 1978, p. 47ff; Ben-Gurion, Diary, March 16, 1948; Sheffer 2015, p. 367; Ben-Gurion to the Histadrut Executive, May 10, 1945, BGA.

82. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 11, 1948, BGA; Nakdimon 2011, p. 33ff; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Sept. 26, 1948, ISA.

83. Ben-Gurion 1993b, p. 5, editor’s note 1.

84. Ben-Gurion to the Security Committee, Feb. 10, 1948, BGA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 6, 1947, July 20, 29, 1948, BGA; Ehud Avriel, Golda Meir, interview transcripts, Aug. 7, 1977, p. 11, BGA.

85. Ben-Gurion, Diary, April 24, May 11, 24, 1948, BGA.

86. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, May 11, 1948, BGA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 7, 1948, BGA.

87. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 11, 1948, BGA; Shlaim 2007, p. 25ff.

88. Avizohar and Bareli 1989, p. 480ff.

89. Tzachor 1994, p. 183ff.

90. Yigael Yadin, Ben-Gurion, and Pinchas Rosen at the People’s Administration, May 12, 1948, in Minhelet Ha’am 1978, pp. 6, 28; Elam 201, p. 150ff; Ben-Gurion, Diary, April 25, 1948, BGA.

91. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 14, 1948, BGA.

92. Davar, May 14, 1948; Lavi 1968, p. 167.

17. WAR

1. Mann 2012, p. 69.

2. Davar, Sept. 9, 1948; Gurari, interview transcript, BGA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, March 8, 1948, BGA; Levy 1986, p. 77ff.; Reuven Grossman dedication to Ben-Gurion, courtesy of the Ben-Gurion House Library; Ben-Gurion to Hannah and Reuven Grossman, Aug. 1, 1948, BGA.

3. Yigael Yadin, interview transcript, BGA.

4. Ben-Gurion, Diary, March 20, 1948, BGA.

5. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, Jan. 6, 1948, Ben-Gurion 1949, 5, p. 275.

6. Yigael Yadin, interview transcript, BGA.

7. Ben-Gurion, Diary, March 28, Oct. 16–18, 20, Nov. 17, 1948, inter alia, BGA; Ben-Gurion 1982a, p. 331, editor’s note 6; Moshe Carmel, interview transcript, BGA.

8. Moshe Carmel, interview transcript, BGA.

9. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, May 26, June 20, Dec. 19, 1948, BGA; Yigael Yadin, interview transcript, BGA; Yigael Yadin interview with Dov Goldstein, Ma’ariv, May 6, 1973; Rabin 1979, p. 55.

10. Moshe Sharett, Ben-Gurion, and Ze’ev Haklai at the Mapai Council, June 19, 1948, BGA.

11. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 16, 1948, BGA.

12. Ben-Gurion et al. in the Cabinet, June 20, 1948, ISA.

13. Ben-Gurion et al. in the Cabinet, June 22, 1948, ISA; Nakdimon 1978, p. 257.

14. Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 22, 1948, BGA; Yigael Yadin, interview transcript, BGA; Rabin 1979, p. 566ff.

15. Ben-Gurion to the Committee of Five, July 3, 1948, in Anita Shapira 1985, p. 128.

16. Ben-Gurion to the Committee of Five, July 6, 1948, in Anita Shapira 1985, p. 239ff.; Oren 1985, p. 50ff.

17. Anita Shapira 1985, p. 240; Yigael Yadin, interview transcript, BGA.

18. Ben-Gurion to the Provisional State Council, June 23, 1948, courtesy of Shlomo Nakdimon; Ben-Gurion to the Knesset, Jan. 4, 1949, Divrei Haknesset, 1949, p. 434; Davar, Jan. 5, 1950.

19. Moshe Shapira, Aharon Zisling, and Mordechai Bentov in the Cabinet, July 7, 1948, ISA.

20. Ben-Gurion et al. in the Cabinet, July 11, 1948, ISA.

21. Ben-Gurion to Moshe Dadashov, Oct. 17, 1948, BGA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 14, 16, 1948, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Aharon Zisling in the Cabinet, Oct. 18, Dec. 12, 1948, ISA.

22. Ben-Gurion, Diary, March 21, May 28, May 14, 1948, Oct. 30, 1947, BGA.

23. Jaffe 2015, p. 50ff.; Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 16, 17, 1948, BGA.

24. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 11, 24, 30, 1948, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, May 30, June 16, 1948, ISA.

25. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 17, 24, 27, 31, June 1, 6, 1948, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, May 20, 1948, ISA; Arieh Levontin to Ha’aretz, Dec. 13, 2000; Mula Cohen 2000, p. 142ff.

26. Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 4, 1948, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, July 14, 1948, ISA.

27. Yitzhak Rabin interview with Shabtai Teveth, Jan. 8, 1989, and Yigal Allon interview with Elhanan Oren, Sept. 10, 1970, BGA, Teveth collection, concepts, Lod and Ramla, BGA; “Allon: The Arabs of Lod and Ramla Were Not Expelled,” Davar, Oct. 25, 1979.

28. Zvi Ayalon to brigade commanders, July 6, 1948, YTA, Zisling archive, division 9, container 9, file 1.

29. Allon and Rabin to the Yiftach and 8th Brigades, July 12, 1948, BGA, Shabtai Teveth collection, concepts, Lod and Ramla.

30. Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 12, 1948, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, July 14, 1948, ISA.

31. Ben-Gurion 1982a, p. 513, editorial comments, and p. 589, editorial note 2.

32. Ben-Gurion 1982a, p. 589, editorial note 2; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, July 14, 1948, ISA.

33. Segev 1986, p. 27; Aharon Zisling to the Political Committee of Mapam, July 14, 1948, BGA, Teveth collection, concepts, Lod and Ramla; Oren 1976, p. 123ff.

34. Avi-Yiftah (Shmaryahu Gutman) 1948, p. 452ff.

35. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 26, 1948, BGA.

36. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 17, 22, 1948, BGA; Ben-Gurion et al. in the Cabinet, Sept. 18, 19, 20, 1948, ISA.

37. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Sept. 29, 1948, BGA.

38. Ben-Gurion to the Security Committee, July 20, 1948, BGA; Ben-Gurion in the Cabinet, Sept. 20, 21, 1948, ISA.

39. Ben-Gurion et al. in the Cabinet, Sept. 26, 1948, ISA; Lavid 2012, p. 68ff.; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 26, 1948, BGA. For a later plan to expel Christian Arabs from the Galilee, see Walter Eitan to Moshe Sharett, December 4, 1948; Ha’aretz, December 21, 2018.

40. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Sept. 20, 1948, ISA.

41. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, June 16, 1948, ISA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 19, July 12, June 9, 17, 18, 1948, BGA.

42. Ben-Gurion to the Security Committee, July 20, 1948, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Aug. 1, 1948, ISA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 8, 1948, BGA.

43. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Oct. 6, 1948, ISA.

44. Ben-Gurion et al. in the Cabinet, Oct. 6, 1948, ISA.

45. Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 16, 17, 1948, BGA; Levy 1986, p. 313ff.

46. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai secretariat, Oct. 11, 1947, and to the Jewish Agency Executive, Oct. 26, 1947, in Ben-Gurion 1993b, pp. 394, 428.

47. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Jan. 3, 1950, ISA.

48. Ben-Gurion to the People’s Administration, May 12, 1978, and to the Cabinet, Dec. 19, 1948, ISA.

49. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, June 16, Sept. 12, 26, 1948, ISA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 2, 1948, BGA.

50. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Oct. 26, 31, 1948, ISA.

51. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 11, 29, 1948, BGA; Yigael Yadin et al. in the Cabinet, Nov. 18, 1948, ISA.

52. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Oct. 4, 18, 1949, ISA.

53. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 22, 1948, BGA; Baruch Rabinov, interview transcript, BGA; Gilad 1953, p. 935.

54. Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 3, 1937, June 16, 1948, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Security Committee, Feb. 3, 1948, ISA.

55. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 6, 8, 1948, in Ben-Gurion 1982a, p. 739, editorial note 6; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, June 16, Oct. 31, 1948, ISA.

56. Mann 2012, p. 229, note 2.

57. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, June 16, Dec. 30, 1948, ISA; Ben-Gurion conversation with an unidentified member of Mapam, 1969, BGA, division of minutes and meetings, p. 31; Anita Shapira 2004, p. 425ff.

58. Ben-Gurion, Diary, March 11, June 9, 12, 28, 1949, BGA.

59. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 24, 1948, BGA; Ben-Gurion 1982a, p. 824, editorial note 6; Haim Gvati, interview transcript, BGA.

60. Gershon Zak, interview transcript, BGA.

61. Baruch Azanya, interview transcript, cassette 173, p. 29, BGA.

62. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 3, 1948, Jan. 8, 1949, BGA.

63. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 25, 1948, BGA.

64. Ben-Gurion lecture, Jan. 21, 1948, in Ben-Gurion 1951, p. 50; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 27, 1948, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Security Committee, June 8, 1947, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Sept. 26, 1948, ISA; Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, Jan. 6, 1948, in Ben-Gurion 1949, p. 275; Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee with the Knesset faction, July 22–23, 1949, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, June 22, 1948, ISA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 15, 1948, BGA.

65. Baruch Rabinov, interview transcript, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Sept. 20, 1948, ISA.

66. Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 14, 1948, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, July 14, 1947, ISA.

67. Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 2, 7, 18, July 20, 1948, BGA; Segev 1986, p. 68ff.; Sheetrit and Gruenbaum in the Cabinet, June 19, 1948, ISA; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Nov. 11, 1956, ISA.

68. Aharon Zisling to the Cabinet, May 10, 1949, BGA; Segev 1986, p. 27ff., Ben-Gurion 1969b, p. 165; Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Council, Feb. 7, 1948, in Ben-Gurion 1951, p. 65.

69. Aharon Zisling to the Cabinet, June 27, 1948; Aharon Zisling and Mordechai Bentov to the Cabinet, July 14, 1948; Ben-Gurion, Aharon Zisling, et al. in the Cabinet, Nov. 14, 17, 1948; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, May 6, 1949, ISA; Ben-Gurion to Moshe Shapira, Nov. 19, 1948, BGA; Riftin report, YTA, Israel Galili collection, 116488; Ben-Gurion 1982a, p. 812.

70. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 1, Nov. 11, 1948, BGA.

71. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Aug. 22, 1949, BGA.

72. Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 15, 1948, BGA; Ben-Gurion 1982a, p. 835ff.

73. Allon to Ben-Gurion, March 24, 1949, in Anita Shapira 2004, p. 445ff.

74. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, March 16, 1949, ISA.

75. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Nov. 7, 1948, ISA.

76. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Jan. 31, 1950; Kroyanker 2002, p. 92ff; David Kroyanker to the author; Davar, Feb. 12, 17, 1948; Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 25, 1948.

77. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Oct. 17, 1951, ISA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 16, 1948, Jan. 14, 1952, BGA; Morris 2008, p. 406.

78. Segev 1986, p. 45; Lavi to the Mapai Central Committee, July 24, 1948, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, June 16, 1948, ISA.

79. Ben-Gurion 1979, p. 22; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Oct. 11, 1949, BGA; Morris 1991, p. 179ff.

80. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 18, 1948; and Jan. 1, 1949, BGA; Shraga Netzer, interview transcript, cassette 14, p. 6, BGA.

81. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, May 19, 1948, ISA; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, July 21, 1948, Dov Yosef, Diary, notebook 2, photocopy in possession of the author.

82. Ben-Gurion to the Security Committee, July 20, 1948, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Provisional State Council, May 4, 1948, in Ben-Gurion 1982a, p. 387; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, June 16, 1948, ISA.

83. Segev 2000, p. 514ff.

84. Yitzhak Ben-Zvi to the Mapai Central Committee, April 15, 1937, in Ben-Gurion 1974a, p. 158.

85. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Jan. 20, June 25, 1948, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, June 14, 1948, ISA; Dov Yosef to the Cabinet, April 26, 1953, ISA.

86. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 19, 21, 1948, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, May 19, 23, 1948, ISA.

87. Cohen-Levinovsky 2014, p. 231.

88. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, June 16, 1948, Oct. 17, 1951, ISA.

89. Segev 1986, p. 31; Aharon Zisling to the Cabinet, June 16, 1948, ISA.

90. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Sept. 12, June 16, 1948, Aug. 5, 1956, Jan. 5, 1949, ISA; Ben-Gurion interview with Avraham Avi-hai, Dec. 25, 1969, HICJ-OHA, p. 21; Segev 1986, p. 30; Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 18, 1948, Jan. 4, 11, 1949, BGA.

91. Ben-Gurion 1969b, p. 264; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, March 15, 1949, ISA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Jan. 4, 1949, BGA.

92. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, June 16, 1948, ISA.

93. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Jan. 6, 1948, BGA; Yehudit Simhoni, interview transcript, p. 11, BGA.

94. Press release, Jan. 1, 1948, in Ben-Gurion 1951, p. 20; Ben-Gurion to the Zionist General Council and to the Mapai Council, Aug. 15, Aug. 8, 1947, in Ben-Gurion 1993b, pp. 338, 324.

95. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 18, June 3, 1948, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Oct. 20, 1953, ISA.

96. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, June 2, July 28, 1948, ISA; Shraga Netzer, Aharon Beker, interview transcripts, BGA.

97. Mordechai Bentov to the Cabinet, July 9, 1948, ISA.

98. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Feb. 8, 29, 1948, BGA.

99. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 27, 1947, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, June 16, 1948, and to the Mapai Council, June 19, 1947, in Ben-Gurion 1982a, pp. 526, 534.

100. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Jan. 3, 1949, BGA.

101. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Dec. 19, 1948, ISA; Bar-On 2015, p. 79ff.; Kadish and Kedar 2005, p. 74; Ben-Gurion 1959, p. 3; Ben-Gurion to Shimon Shershevsky, Sept. 16, 1969, BGA.

102. Ben-Gurion to Yehoshua Manoah, July 30, 1961, BGA.

103. Directive to the Haganah Command, June 18, 1947, in Ben-Gurion 1993b, p. 304; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Aug. 1, 1948, ISA.

104. Ben-Gurion to UNSCOP, in Ben-Gurion 1993b, p. 264; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Oct. 17, 1951, ISA.

105. Directive to the Haganah Command, June 18, 1947, in Ben-Gurion 1993b, p. 304; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Oct. 21, 1948, June 12, 1949, ISA.

106. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Aug. 1, 1948, ISA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 19, 1948, BGA; Ben-Gurion 1982a, p. 814, editors’ introduction; Golda Meir, interview transcript, Aug. 7, 1977, p. 11, BGA.

107. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, March 20, 1949, ISA.

108. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Jan. 18, 1949, BGA.

109. Ben-Gurion, Diary, April 27, 1953, BGA; Sivan 1991.

110. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Nov. 14, 1948, ISA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, April 7, 1950, BGA.

111. Ben-Gurion to Meir in the Cabinet, March 20, 1949, BGA.


1. Alterman 1949; “Hagigat Siyum Hamilyon Harishon,” Davar, Dec. 16, 1949; BGA, Shabtai Teveth collection, concepts, “Avak Adam”; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, July 20, 1952, ISA.

2. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 23, 1950, July 2, 1951, BGA: Segev 1986, p. 95; Ben-Gurion to the Knesset, March 8, 1949, in Divrei Haknesset, 1, p. 54; Ben-Gurion to the Knesset, April 26, 1949, Divrei Haknesset, 1, p. 399.

3. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Jan. 1, 1948, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, April 26, July 12, Dec. 13, 1949, ISA; Ben-Gurion, “Netzah Yisra’el,” “Yisra’el Vehatefutzah,” in Ben-Gurion 1964a, p. 133ff.; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Aug. 17, 1948, BGA; Segev 1986, p. 96ff.

4. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Aug. 9, 1953, BGA.

5. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, July 20, 1952, ISA.

6. Ben-Gurion, “Netzah Yisra’el,” in Ben-Gurion 1964a, p. 177.

7. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, June 16, 1948, ISA.

8. Duach al Matzavam shel Yehudei Iraq,” Feb. 3, 1943, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, Feb. 24, 1943, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, March 7, 1943, BGA; Ben-Gurion, “Al Mediniyutenu Hatziyonit,” in Ben-Gurion 1949, 3, p. 133ff.; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 18, 1943, BGA: Anita Shapira 1980, p. 685; Slutsky 1973, 3, p. 163ff.; Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, Feb. 11, 1945, BGA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 10, 1945, BGA.

9. Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, Feb. 11, 1946, BGA; “Netzah Yisra’el,” in Ben-Gurion 1964a, pp. 143, 148.

10. Segev 2000, p. 150ff.

11. Jabotinsky 1981, p. 91.

12. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, July 22–23, 1949, BGA; Segev 1993, p. 153ff.; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Jan. 10, 1950, ISA; Dvora Hacohen 1994a, p. 301ff.; Segev 1986, pp. 116, 139; Ben-Gurion 1954a, p. 37.

13. Ben-Gurion, “Netzah Yisra’el,” in Ben-Gurion 1964a, p. 157; Ben-Gurion to the Knesset, Feb. 14, 1951, Divrei Haknesset, 8, p. 1102; Ben-Gurion, “Otonomiyah Leumit Veyahasei Shechenim,” in Ben-Gurion 1931, p. 130; Ben-Gurion with the IDF high command, April 6, 1950, BGA.

14. Segev 1986, p. 156ff.

15. Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 30, 1945, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Yigael Yadin, Nov. 27, 1950, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Aug. 5, 1956, March 6, 1955, ISA.

16. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 9, Nov. 23, 1951, BGA; Ben-Gurion and Golda Meir to the Cabinet, May 24, 1949, ISA; Ben-Gurion with the IDF high command, April 6, 1950, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Yigael Yadin, Nov. 27, 1950, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Knesset, Aug. 18, 1952, in Ben-Gurion 1962a, 4, p. 90.

17. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, March 3, 1949, ISA; Ben-Gurion and Yigael Yadin to the Cabinet, July 20, 1952, ISA; Ben-Gurion to the IDF high command, April 6, 1950, BGA.

18. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Jan. 27, July 20, 1952, ISA.

19. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Aug. 6, 1948, BGA.

20. Yadin to the Cabinet, April 26, 1950, Feb. 15, 1951, ISA.

21. Ben-Gurion to the IDF high command, April 6, 1950, BGA; Yigael Yadin and Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, April 26, 1950, and Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Aug. 3, 1952, ISA.

22. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Dec. 2, 1951, ISA; Segev 1986, p. 155ff.

23. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, April 26, Oct. 18, 1953, ISA; Moshe Shapira, Yosef Serlin, and Israel Rokach to the Cabinet, Feb. 4, Nov. 15, 1953, ISA.

24. Morris 1993, p. 54ff.

25. Ben-Gurion, “Netzah Yisra’el,” in Ben-Gurion 1964a, p. 148.

26. Ben-Gurion at the Sejera celebrations, Sept. 25, 1962, BGA; Ben-Gurion, “Beyehuda Uvegalil,” in Ben-Gurion 1931, p. 271; Ben-Gurion to the Histadrut Convention, Feb. 7, 1923, in Ben-Gurion 1971a, pp. 216; Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 6, 12, 1939, BGA; Shabbetai Pinhas to Ben-Gurion, March 17, 1941, BGA; “Metzukat Hakurdim Yotzei Sejera,” BGA, subject files, Sejera; Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Council, June 19, 1948.

27. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Aug. 1, 1948, ISA.

28. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 14, 1949, Jan. 9, May 28, 1950, March 4, 1951, BGA.

29. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, July 22, 1949, BGA.

30. Ben-Gurion to the Knesset, Jan. 16, 1950, Divrei Haknesset, 3, p. 536; Ben-Gurion, Diary, April 8, 1950, ISA.

31. Ben-Gurion, Diary, March 28, 1950, BGA.

32. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, July 12, 1950, ISA.

33. Ben-Gurion to the Knesset, Aug. 15, 1949, Divrei Haknesset, 2, p. 1339.

34. Ben-Gurion 1971b, p. 135; Ben-Gurion at the Sejera celebrations, Sept. 25, 1962, BGA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Aug. 29, 1950, BGA.

35. Segev 1986, p. 155ff.; Lissak 1986, p. 109ff.

36. Davar, May 23, 1950; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 29, 1950, June 29, Sept. 9, Nov. 23, 1951, April 22, Oct. 15, 1952, April 24, July 11, 1953, BGA.

37. Segev 1986, p. 190ff.; “Din Vaheshbon Va’adat Hahakirah Hamamlachtit be’inyan Parshat Hi’almutam shel Yeladim Mivein Olei Teman Bashanim 1948–1954,” p. 27, ISA.

38. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 28, 1949, BGA.

39. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Feb. 9, 1953, BGA.

40. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 3, 27, 1949, BGA; Segev 1986, p. 128ff.; Ben-Gurion to the Mapai secretariat, April 22, 1949, BGA.

41. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Feb. 1, 1951, ISA.

42. Immigration emissaries to the Jewish Agency, Feb. 25, 1950, in possession of the author.

43. Segev 1986, p. 296ff.

44. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Aug. 31, Sept. 7, 1950, Jan. 20, Feb. 7, 10, 1952, July 19, 1953, ISA.

45. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, June 7, 1950, Oct. 11, 1951, ISA; Eliezer Kaplan to the Cabinet, Aug. 31, 1950, ISA.

46. Ben-Gurion to the Knesset, Aug. 8, 1950, Divrei Haknesset, 6, p. 2499; Ben-Gurion to the Knesset, Oct. 8, 1951, Divrei Haknesset, 10, p. 251.

47. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Sept. 24, Oct. 5, 1950, Sept. 26, 1951, ISA; Segev 1986, p. 310ff.

48. Yosef 1975, p. 228ff.; Segev 1986, p. 145ff.

49. Ben-Gurion to Yoel Hanohi, Aug. 27, 1965, BGA.

50. Dvar Hashavua, Nov. 10, 1949; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept 28, 1949, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Knesset, Feb. 14, 1951, Divrei Haknesset, 8, p. 1102; Segev 1986, p. 185ff.

51. Ben-Gurion to Yisrael Yeshayahu, Sept. 21, 1954, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, March 18, 1953, ISA; Gershon Zak, interview transcript, BGA.

52. Ben-Gurion to Yigael Yadin, Nov. 27, 1950, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Jan. 18, March 29, 1951, ISA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, March 28, June 29, 1950; Ben-Gurion to Yigael Yadin, June 29, 1951, BGA.

53. Ben-Gurion to Yigael Yadin, Nov. 27, 1950, BGA.

54. D. Ben Dov to the executive of the Jewish Agency’s Absorption Department, Nov. 20, 1949, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Knesset, Feb. 14, 1951, Divrei Haknesset, 8, p. 1102; Ben-Gurion et al. to the Cabinet, Jan. 10, May 10, June 14, Dec. 6, 1950, Jan. 3, 1951, ISA; Aryeh Dayan 2002.

55. Ben-Gurion to Yehuda Leib Maimon, Jan. 12, and to Yitzhak-Meir Levin and Yehuda Leib Maimon, Feb. 20, 1950, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Jan. 17, 1950, ISA.

56. Moshe Shapira and Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Jan. 18, 1951, ISA.

57. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Jan. 18, 1951, ISA; Zameret 1997, p. 141ff.

58. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Jan. 18, 1951, June 7, 1953, July 8, 1962, ISA; Brown 2011, p. 267.

59. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 20, 1952, BGA; Navon 2015, p. 113ff.

60. Yitzhak-Meir Levin to the Cabinet, July 12, 1950, April 17, 1953, ISA; Ben-Gurion to Yitzhak-Meir Levin, April 10, 1949, BGA.

61. Ben-Gurion to Dov Tzvi Rothstein, Jan. 29, 1954, BGA; Golda Meir to the Cabinet, July 12, 1950, ISA.

62. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Jan. 17, 1950, ISA.

63. Yeshayahu Leibowitz, interview transcript, BGA, p. 19ff.; Ostfeld 1988, p. 209ff.

64. Ben-Gurion, Moshe Shapira, Yehuda Leib Maimon, and Golda Meir to the Cabinet, July 12, 1950; Yitzhak-Meir Levin to the Cabinet, Nov. 28, 1948; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Jan. 17, 1950, March 1, 1951, ISA.

65. “Dat Vemedinah Bamemshalah” 1953, ISA, including: Dec. 8, 15, 1948, May 24, 1949 (stores), March 23, 1952, July 5, 1953 (pork); Feb. 6, 1949 (prayer at the opening of Knesset sessions); July 12, 19, 1950 (public transportation and work on the Sabbath), Oct. 24, 1950 (special army units for religious soldiers), Jan. 25, 1951 (autopsies), May 16, 1948 (IDF swearing-in ceremony); June 1, 1952 (death penalty).

66. Ben-Gurion et al. to the Cabinet, Aug. 9, 1949, Jan. 17, Feb. 2, 1950, ISA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Jan. 9, May 31, 1950, ISA.

67. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 3, 1948, BGA.

68. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Feb. 21, 1950, ISA.

69. Elon 1951.

70. Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 15, July 2, 3, 10, 13, Jan. 26, 1951, BGA; Ziv 1958, p. 120.

71. Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 31, 1951, ISA.

72. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, July 12, 1950, ISA.

73. Dvora Hacohen 1994a, p. 314.

74. Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 25, 1953, BGA.

75. Ben-Gurion, Diary, March 11, Sept. 28, 1949; Ben-Gurion to Roni Baron, Sept. 28, 1949, BGA.

76. Ostfeld 1988, p. 9; Navon 2015, p. 95.

77. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Nov. 8, 1953, ISA.

78. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Dec. 20, 1948, ISA.

79. Ben-Gurion and Pinchas Rosen to the People’s Administration, May 12, 1948, in Minhelet Ha’am 1978, p. 28; Ben-Gurion, “Hadegel,” in Ben-Gurion 1951, p. 198; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, May 18, 1949, Jan. 10, 1950, ISA.

80. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, June 16, 14, July 12, 1949, Nov. 30, 1958, ISA.

81. Zerach Warhaftig, interview transcript, BGA.

82. Ben-Gurion to Ehud Sprinzak, Feb. 10, 1965, BGA.

83. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 14, 16, 17, 1949, BGA; Segev 1986, p. 40ff.

84. Dorit Rosen, Ruth Segal-Havilio, Sarah Meltzer, Malka Leef, Ehud Avriel, interview transcripts, BGA.

85. Dorit Rosen, Ruth Segal-Havilio, Sarah Meltzer, interview transcripts, BGA; Navon 2015, p. 111.

86. Navon 2015, pp. 110ff., 220.

87. Yitzhak Tunik, Yehuda Erez, interview transcripts, BGA.

88. Dorit Rozin, Ruth Sigal-Havilio, Sarah Meltzer, Malka Leef, interview transcripts, BGA.

89. Mazal Jibli, interview transcript, BGA.

90. Mazal Jibli, interview transcript, BGA; Yariv Ben-Eliezer, interview transcript, BGA.

91. Rivka Katznelson to Ben-Gurion, May 7, 1961, BGA.

92. Rivka Katznelson diary, Jan. 10, July 23, 1931, Feb. 8, 1949, Gnazim.

93. Rivka Katznelson Archive, Gnazim; Rivka Katznelson interview with Sarit Fuchs, Ma’ariv, July 22, 1988.

94. Rivka Katznelson to Simon Halkin, Nov. 25, 1974, Gnazim 175, 23484; Teveth 1987b, p. 27.

95. Rivka Katznelson interview with Shabtai Teveth, Oct. 2, 1977, BGA, Shabtai Teveth collection, subjects, Ben-Gurion and women.

96. Rivka Katznelson interview with Shabtai Teveth, Oct. 2, 1977, BGA, Shabtai Teveth collection, subjects, Ben-Gurion and women; Rivka Katznelson interview with Sarit Fuchs, Ma’ariv, July 22, 1988.

97. Rivka Katznelson interview with Sarit Fuchs, Ma’ariv, July 22, 1988; Rivka Katznelson to Simon Halkin, Nov. 25, 1974, Gnazim, 175, 23484 1; Ben-Gurion to Rivka Katznelson, Jan. 7, Feb. 17, March 1, June 1, 1963, Rivka Katznelson Archive, Gnazim, 894/15ff.; Rivka Katznelson diary, date unclear, and “Al Ben-Gurion,” Gnazim kaf-24972, kaf-25644; Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 7, 1963, BGA.


1. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 23, 1951, BGA; Yigael Yadin, interview transcript, p. 37, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Sept. 23, 1952, ISA.

2. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Aug. 30, 1950, BGA.

3. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 1, 1954, BGA.

4. Ben-Gurion interview with Ya’akov Ashman, Nov. 25, 1963, BGA; Bar-Zohar 1978, p. 1153; Dr. Moshe Rachmilevich to Batya Even-Shoshan, Feb. 4, 1970, BGA.

5. Ben-Gurion to the Zionist General Council, May 5, 1949, in Ben-Gurion 1962a, 1, p. 127; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Aug. 30, 1949, ISA.

6. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, June 28, 1950, Jan. 20, 1952, ISA.

7. Ben-Gurion to the Zionist General Council, May 5, 1949, in Ben-Gurion 1962a, p. 127; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Aug. 30, 1949, ISA.

8. Segev 1986, p. 294; Ze’ev Sherf, interview transcript, BGA.

9. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Jan. 3, 1950, May 6, July 12, 1949, ISA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Feb. 9, 20, 28, June 25, 1950, BGA; Ben-Gurion 1951, p. 7ff.

10. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Jan. 3, 1950, ISA; Ben-Gurion to Yigael Yadin, Nov. 27, 1950, BGA.

11. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 25, Dec. 19, 1950, BGA; Ehud Avriel, interview transcript, BGA; Ben-Gurion’s trip in the Israeli press, BGA, press clippings division, Nov.–Dec. 1950; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Dec. 20, 1950, ISA; Doris May to Ben-Gurion, Nov. 5, 1950, BGA; Sir Knox Helm to the Foreign Office, Nov. 27, 28, 1950, NA (UK), FO 371/82530.

12. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Feb. 15, 1951, ISA.

13. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Oct. 12, 25, 1951, ISA.

14. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Feb. 10, 1952, ISA.

15. Ben-Gurion to Moshe Sharett, Sept. 15, 1949, and to the Cabinet, Jan. 20, 1953, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Oct. 25, 1951, ISA.

16. Goschler 2005.

17. Ben-Gurion et al. in the Cabinet, Dec. 27, 1950; Bechor-Shalom Sheetrit to the Cabinet, March 2, 1949, ISA.

18. Moshe Shapira, David Remez, et al. to the Cabinet, March 2, 1949, ISA; Ya’akov Sharett 2007, p. 105ff.

19. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Jan. 3, 1951, ISA.

20. Ben-Gurion et al. to the Cabinet, Nov. 1, 1949, Feb. 15, Dec. 27, 1950, Jan. 3, Feb. 2, 8, Nov. 4, 1951, ISA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, April 21, 29, 1950, BGA; Weitz 2007, p. 11ff.

21. Ben-Gurion, Diary, April 29, 1950, BGA.

22. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 25, 1951, July 21, 1952, BGA; Segev 1993, p. 200ff.

23. Carlebach 1951; Ben-Gurion, Golda Meir, and Mark Dvorzhetski to the Mapai Central Committee, Dec. 13, 1951; Ya’akov Sharett 2007, pp. 253, 221ff., 237ff.

24. Herut, Jan. 8, 1952.

25. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Jan. 13, 1952, June 28, 1953, ISA; Ben-Gurion to Haim Gouri, June 16, 1961, BGA; Ya’akov Sharett 2007, p. 328; Segev 1993, p. 211ff.

26. Ya’akov Sharett 2007, p. 448ff.

27. Ben-Gurion, Diary, April 12, 1953; Davar, April 19, 1953.

28. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, March 23, 1952; Segev 1993, p. 230ff.

29. Moshe Sharett to the Cabinet, March 2, 1949; Golda Meir and Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, March 22, 1953; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Sept. 7, 23, 1953, ISA.

30. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Feb. 22, 1953, ISA.

31. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Feb. 22, 1953, ISA.

32. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, July 6, 1952, ISA.

33. Yitzhak Navon, Diary, Nov. 10, 1952, YNA.

34. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 6, 1950, July 1, 2, Sept. 16, 1949, BGA.

35. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 6, 1950, July 1, 2, Sept. 16, 1949, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, March 10, 1951, Feb. 6, 1953, BGA; Zameret 1997, p. 190ff.; Reshef 1987, p. 114ff.

36. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Jan. 13, 1952, Feb. 10, May 31, June 21, 1953, ISA.

37. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, May 31, 1953, ISA.

38. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Political Committee, Nov. 23, 1952, Jan. 16, 1953, BGA.

39. Ben-Gurion to Moshe Shapira, Oct. 16, 1949, BGA; Lahav 1999, p. 154ff.; Ben-Gurion to members of the Cabinet, Jan. 20, 1953, BGA.

40. Navon 2015, p. 137ff.

41. Yehoshua Cohen to Haim Israeli, June 17, 1984, BGA; Oded Bauman to Haim Israeli, April 18, 1984, BGA, Shabtai Teveth collection, people, Ben-Gurion and Sde Boker; Ben-Gurion to Baruch Zuckerman, Dec. 19, 1953, BGA.

42. Grisaru 1971; Davar, May 29, 1952; Ma’ariv, June 25, 1962; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 13, 1952; Ben-Gurion to Zuckerman, Nov. 18, 1953, BGA.

43. Ben-Gurion to Ehud Avriel, Sept. 11, 1952; Ben-Gurion to the Histadrut, Sept. 12, 1952, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency, Sept. 14, 1952, BGA.

44. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 5, 12, 23, 1952, BGA.

45. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 30, 1952, BGA.

46. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 14, 1953, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, April 26, May 24, July 5, 1953, ISA; Ben-Gurion to the members of the Cabinet, Jan. 20, 1953, BGA.

47. Ben-Gurion to the Knesset, Divrei Haknesset, 4, Jan. 1950, 3, p. 434ff.; Ben-Gurion to the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, June 20, 1950, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, May 24, 1953, ISA.

48. Yitzhak Navon, Diary, Nov. 9, 1952, YNA.

49. Golda Meir, interview transcript, cassette 392, p. 25, BGA.

50. Ben-Gurion to Leo Cohen, Nov. 16, 1948, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Feb. 2, 1949, ISA.

51. Weisgal 1971, p. 260ff.

52. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 15, 1952, BGA; Eban 1977, p. 166.

53. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 23, 1952; Golda Meir, interview transcript, cassette 269, p. 1, BGA.

54. Ben-Gurion to the members of Sde Boker, May 28, 1953, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, May 24, 1953, ISA.

55. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 14, 1949, BGA.

56. Yitzhak-Meir Levin and Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Jan. 20, 1952; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Feb. 1, May 24, 1953, ISA; Ben-Gurion, Oct. 19, 1952, in Freundlich 1981–92, p. 578; Ben-Gurion to the founding congress of Mapai, Jan. 6, 1930, in Ben-Gurion 1931, p. 226.

57. Moshe Sharett to the Cabinet, July 12, 1949, ISA; Segev 1986, p. 32.

58. Shlaim 2007, p. 47ff.

59. Shlaim 2000, p. 52ff.; Segev 1986, p. 18; Rabinovich 1991, p. 59ff.

60. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Jan. 20, 1952, April 26, June 7, 1953, ISA.

61. Davar, Feb. 7, 1951; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Feb. 6, 1952, BGA; Bar-On 2014, p. 90; Morris 1996, p. 221; Ziv 1958, p. 108.

62. Ben-Gurion to Moshe Shapira, April 10, 1949, BGA; Morris 1993, p. 143ff.

63. Morris 1993, pp. 40, 137ff.; Lt. Col. Yitzhak Shani to the Cabinet, Nov. 15, 1953, ISA.

64. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Dec. 3, 22, 1952, ISA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 17, 1952, Jan. 4, 1953, BGA.

65. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Jan. 4, 5, 1953, BGA.

66. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Feb. 4, 1953, ISA; Davar, Feb. 4, 1953.

67. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Feb. 4, Pinhas Rosen to the Cabinet, Feb. 24, Ben-Gurion et al. to the Cabinet, Feb. 9, 1953, ISA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, March 9, 1953, BGA.

68. Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 8, 19, 1953, BGA.

69. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 4, 1953, April 6, 1954, BGA; Sheleg 1998, p. 128.

70. Yehoshua Cohen, interview transcript, BGA.

71. Elron 2016, pp. 106, 129ff.

72. Moshe Dayan to the Cabinet, Jan. 25, 1953, ISA; Turgan 2015, p. 350; Drori 2006, p. 243ff.; Nevo study, July 1954, IDFA, 694/60/20.

73. Elron 2016, p. 37ff.; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, March 1, 8, 1953, ISA; Ben-Gurion to the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, March 10, 1953, ISA; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Oct. 17, 1960, ISA.

74. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, May 24, 1953, ISA.

75. Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 23, 1953, BGA.

76. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, May 24, 1953, ISA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Aug. 11, 1953, BGA.

77. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, May 24, April 26, May 7, 1953, ISA.

78. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 16, 1948, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Jan. 20, 1952, ISA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 6, 1953, BGA.

79. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Feb. 9, May 24, June 11, 1953, ISA.

80. Ben-Gurion to Moshe Sharett in the Cabinet, June 11, 1953, ISA.

81. Morris 1993, p. 256ff.

82. Davar, Oct. 14, 1953; Morris 1993, p. 227ff.

83. Ben-Gurion et al. in the Cabinet, Oct. 18, 1953, ISA; Moshe Sharett, Diary, Oct. 13, 1953 in Sharett 1978, 1, p. 49; Ben-Gurion 1965, p. 13.

84. Ben-Gurion et al. in the Cabinet, Oct. 18, Nov. 22, 1953, ISA; Morris 1993, p. 256ff.

85. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, June 11, 1953, ISA; Morris 1993, pp. 108, 124ff., 179ff.

86. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 22, 1953, BGA; Sharon at Ben-Gurion House, Oct. 20, 1997, BGA, item 242452.

87. Uri Even 1974, p. 75.

88. Ariel Sharon at a gathering of officers from Brigade 202, April 25, 1957, courtesy of the Sharon family; Ben-Gurion, Diary, April 25, 1957, BGA.

89. Moshe Dayan 1976, p. 115.

90. Moshe Sharett, Diary, Oct. 14, 1953, in Sharett 1978, 1, p. 34ff.; Moshe Sharett to the Cabinet, Oct. 18, 1953, ISA.

91. Moshe Sharett to Nahum Goldmann, June 15, 1948, in Freundlich 1992, p. 163.

92. Ben-Gurion to Mapai’s Political Committee, Nov. 2, 1953, BGA; Ben-Gurion 1972, p. 410; Ben-Gurion to Paula, Oct. 7, 1937, BGA.

93. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 19, 1951, BGA; Yechiam Weitz 2014a, p. 332ff.; Navon 2015, p. 144ff.; Elhanan Yishai, Shaul Avigur, interview transcripts, BGA.

94. Moshe Sharett, Diary, Nov. 17, 25, 1953, in Sharett 1978, 1, pp. 155ff., 193ff.; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Aug. 19, 1953, Oct. 4, 1951, BGA; Pinhas Rosen and Moshe Shapira to the Cabinet, Nov. 29, 1953, ISA.

95. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Oct. 19, 20, 1953, ISA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 19, 1948, BGA; Elron 2016, p. 410.

96. Ben-Gurion to Elimelech Avner, March 24, 1949, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Nov. 8, 15, 1953, ISA; Kafkafi 1998, p. 168ff.

97. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Nov. 15, 1953, ISA.

98. Ben-Gurion to Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, Nov. 2, 1953, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Oct. 17, 1960, ISA.

99. Navon 2015, p. 99; Ben-Gurion interview with Malcolm Stuart, April 1968, p. 86, BGA; Golda Meir, interview transcript, p. 8, BGA.

100. Moshe Sharett, Diary, Nov 19, 1953, in Sharett 1978, 1, p. 164.

101. Moshe Sharett, Diary, Nov. 11, 1953, in Sharett 1978, 1, p. 140.

102. Ben-Gurion and Yosef Serlin to the Cabinet, Dec. 6, 1953, ISA.

103. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 17, 1953, BGA.


1. Navon 2015, p. 139; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 14, 1953, BGA.

2. Berl Repetur, interview transcript, BGA; Rivka Hoz to Dov Hoz, April 19, 1940, BGA, Shabtai Teveth collection, people; Ben-Gurion to the Knesset, Jan. 16, 1950, Divrei Haknesset, 3, p. 536; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, July 12, 1950, ISA; Ben-Gurion to Baruch Zuckerman, Dec. 19, 1953, BGA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Jan. 8, 1951, BGA.

3. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Feb. 5, 1952; Davar, Dec. 11, 1951; Kafkafi 1993, p. 427ff.; Tzachor 1994, p. 211ff.; Davar, Dec. 11, 1951.

4. Ben-Gurion to Shlomo Lavi, Jan. 11, 1954, BGA.

5. Shlomo Lavi to the Knesset, July 11, 1950, Divrei Haknesset, 6, p. 2173.

6. Ma’ariv, June 11, Nov. 23, 1954; Ben-Gurion to Yehuda Erez, June 29, 1954, BGA.

7. Davar, May 29, 1952; Grisaru 1971, p. 7.

8. Minutes of Sde Boker members’ assembly, Oct. 17, 1953, Dvar Hashavua, Oct. 17, 1986.

9. Davar, Oct. 19, Nov. 11, 1953; Ma’ariv, Dec. 15, 1953; Yehoshua Cohen, interview transcript, BGA: Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 17, 18, 1953, Jan. 4, 7, 1954; Ben-Gurion to Amos, Dec. 22, 1953, BGA.

10. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 1, 1954, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Marcus Winter, Dec. 23, 1954; Ben-Gurion to Moshe Sharett, Dec. 14, 1953, BGA: Ben-Gurion to Zalman Aran, Dec. 26, 1953, BGA.

11. Ben-Gurion to Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, Nov. 2, 7, 1953, BGA; Nehemiah Argov to the Mapai Central Committee, Nov. 4, 1953, BGA: Ben-Gurion on the radio and in a farewell letter to the IDF, Dec. 7, 1953, in Ben-Gurion 1958, pp. 14, 21; Shaul Avigur, interview transcript, BGA, p. 30.

12. Gordon (no date), Sefer Iyov.

13. Ben-Gurion to Dov Yosef, March 4, 1954, BGA.

14. Ben-Gurion, Diary, and Ben-Gurion to the Knesset secretariat, Dec. 26, 1953, BGA.

15. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 19, 1953, Jan. 18, 1954, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Dov Yosef, Jan. 23, 1954, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Teddy Kollek, Aug. 15, 1954, BGA.

16. Ben-Gurion, Diary, March 10, Sept. 19, 1954, BGA.

17. Ben-Gurion, Diary, March 6, 1954, BGA; Ben-Gurion 1954c; Dvar Hashavua, Jan. 21, 1954.

18. Dorit Rosen, interview transcript, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Amos, Dec. 22, 1953, BGA.

19. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 14, 1953, BGA; Navon 2015, p. 139; Yeshoshua Cohen, Dorit Rosen, Baruch Zuckerman, Mazal Jibli, interview transcripts, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Amos, Dec. 22, 1953, BGA; Paula to Renana, Jan. 20, 1954, BGA; Moshe Sharett, Diary, Jan. 29, 1954, in Sharett 1978, p. 329.

20. Ben-Gurion to Paula, Jan. 13, 18, 1954, BGA; Navon 2015, p. 111.

21. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 5, 1954, BGA.

22. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 18, 1953, Feb. 23, 24, 1954, BGA.

23. Moshe Sharett, Diary, Jan. 29, Feb. 1, 1954, in Sharett 1978, pp. 329, 333.

24. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Jan. 9, 16, 18, 27, Feb. 6, 27, 1954, BGA; Moshe Dayan 1976, p. 120ff.; Moshe Sharett, Diary, Jan. 29, 1954, in Sharett 1978, p. 329.

25. Amos Oz to Ben-Gurion, April 23, and Ben-Gurion’s reply, March 28, 1954, BGA (one of them apparently recorded the month incorrectly).

26. Navon 2015, p. 142.

27. Ben-Gurion to Ben-Zion Dinur, March 20, 1954, BGA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, March 10, April 1, May 5, 1954, BGA.

28. Kafkafi 1998, p. 200; Moshe Sharett, Diary, June 9, 1954, in Sharett 1978, p. 539.

29. Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 22, 1954, BGA.

30. Dvar Hashavua, June 17, 1954.

31. Moshe Sharett, Diary, Jan. 4, 7, 1955, in Sharett 1978, pp. 624, 632.

32. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Feb. 27, Sept. 4, 17, 1954, BGA.

33. Ben-Gurion, “Pahot Miflagot Ufahot Miflagtiyut,” in Ben-Gurion 1958e, p. 135ff; Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, Sept. 16, 1954, in Ben-Gurion 1958, p. 140ff.; Moshe Sharett, Diary, May 17, 25, 1954, in Sharett 1978, pp. 488, 516; Ben-Gurion with Mapai leaders, Dec. 16, 1954; Ehud Avriel, interview transcript, BGA; Goldberg 1992, p. 51ff.; Kedar 2015, p. 198ff.

34. Aryeh Nehemkin, interview transcript, BGA.

35. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 29, 1947, June 19, 22, 1951, BGA.

36. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Aug. 7, 1954, BGA; Ben-Gurion to A. S. Stein, Aug. 17, 1955, BGA.

37. Moshe Sharett, Diary, Jan. 31, Feb. 15, June 8, 1954, in Sharett 1978, pp. 331, 358, 535.

38. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Aug. 24, 1954, BGA.

39. Moshe Sharett, Golda Meir, and Pinhas Lavon to the Ministerial Defense Committee, July 19, 1954, ISA gimmel-4/1269.

40. Mordechai Bentzur to the acting IDF intelligence chief, Oct. 5, 1954; IDF General Staff meeting, Nov. 1, 1954; copies of orders handed down without dates, quoted on the IDF Archives website,, May 2015; Eshed 1979, p. 17ff.

41. Israel Rokach, Peretz Bernstein, and Pinchas Rosen to the Cabinet, Feb. 6, 1955, ISA.

42. Nehemiah Argov, Diary, Oct. 18, 1954, quoted on the IDF Archives website,, May 2015.

43. Rabin 1979, p. 95.

44. Yehoshafat Harkabi to Binyamin Gibli, Dec. 3, 1954, Davar, Oct. 16, 1994.

45. Kafkafi 1998, p. 128ff.; “Mah Ha’emet al Parshat Baghdad,” Yediot Aharonot, June 17, 1966; Israel Galili, “Haruei-Baghdad Venidoni Kahir,” Lamerhav, Dec. 17, 1954; Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 19, 1963, BGA; Hillel 1985, p. 329ff.; Segev 2006; Moshe Dayan to the Cabinet, Jan. 1, 1960, ISA; Ben-Gurion 1965, p. 40.

46. Copies of documents in Eshed 1979, p. 260ff., on Dayan’s trip, p. 63.

47. Moshe Sharett, Diary, Jan. 12, 1954, in Sharett 1978, p. 666.

48. Moshe Sharett, Diary, Jan. 12, 1954, in Sharett 1978, p. 666.

49. Moshe Sharett, Diary, Jan. 25, 1955, quoted from the online edition of the Moshe Sharett Heritage Society,, Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 9, 1964, BGA.

50. Moshe Sharett, Diary, Jan. 25, 18, Feb. 12, 1953, in Sharett 1978, pp. 683, 671, 722.

51. Moshe Sharett, Diary, Feb. 10, 1955, Dec. 8, 1954, in Sharett 1978, p. 718.

52. Moshe Sharett, Diary, Jan. 10, 13, Feb. 7, 1955, and Moshe Sharett to Pinhas Lavon, Dec. 22, 1954, in Sharett 1978, pp. 638, 649, 709, 606; Moshe Sharett, Pinhas Lavon, Moshe Dayan, et al. to the Cabinet, Jan. 16, 1955, Jan. 1, 1961, ISA; “Lo Bagadeti: Parashat Uri Ilan, Helek Rishon—Sipur Hama’aseh,” ISA website,

53. Moshe Sharett, Diary, March 29, May 23, Aug. 26, 1954, in Sharett 1978, pp. 419, 511, 570; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Aug. 7, 1954, BGA; Nehemiah Argov, Diary, Aug. 7, 1954, BGA, Shabtai Teveth collection, people.

54. Ben-Gurion to Shmuel Fox, Jan. 29, May 14, 1955; Shmuel Fox to Ben-Gurion, April 19, 1954, BGA.

55. Dayan at a meeting of the General Staff, Nov. 1, 1954, quoted on the IDF Archives website,, May 2015.

56. Gaon 2008.

57. Moshe Sharett, Diary, Jan. 8, 1955, in Sharett 1978, p. 634ff.

58. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Feb. 17, 18, 1955, BGA.

59. Moshe Sharett, Diary, Feb. 21, 1955, in Sharett 1978, p. 748ff.

60. Ben-Gurion et al. to the Cabinet, May 3, 1949, ISA; Toubi 2003, p. 139ff.

61. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Feb. 27, 1954, BGA; Moshe Sharett, Diary, April 23, Sept. 26, 1954, in Sharett 1978, pp. 477, 582; Pinhas Lavon, Moshe Dayan, et al. to the Cabinet, April 11, May 2, 30, 1954, ISA; Pinhas Lavon to the Ministerial Committee on Defense, July 19, 1954, ISA, gimmel-4/1269.

62. Moshe Sharett, Diary, Feb. 27, March 1, 1955, in Sharett 1978, p. 748ff.

63. Ben-Gurion with Ariel Sharon, March 1, 1955, courtesy of the Sharon family.

64. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, March 6, 1955; Ben-Gurion to the chief of staff, March 8, 1955, BGA.

65. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, March 6, 1955, ISA.

66. Sharon to a gathering of officers, April 25, 1957, courtesy of the Sharon family.

67. Moshe Sharett, Diary, March 13, 1955, in Sharett 1978, p. 840.

68. Moshe Sharett, Diary, March 5, 11ff., in Sharett 1974, p. 816ff.; Moshe Dayan to the General Staff, March 7, 1954, BGA; Seckbach 2013, p. 37ff.; Blum and Hefetz 2005, p. 117ff.

69. Moshe Sharett, Diary, March 8, 13, 1953, in Sharett 1978, pp. 832, 840.

70. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, March 6, 13, 1955, ISA: Ben-Gurion to the General Staff, March 7, 1954, BGA.

71. Tamir 2002, p. 1129; Moshe Sharett, Diary, March 16, 1955, in Sharett 1978, p. 847.

72. Ben-Gurion and Pinchas Rosen to the Cabinet, July 10, 1955, ISA; Moshe Sharett, Diary, March 16, July 10, 1955, in Sharett 1978, pp. 847, 1087.

73. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Feb. 21, 1955, BGA; Binyamin Gibli, interview transcript, BGA; Teveth 1992, p. 217.


1. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, March 29, 1955, ISA; Ben-Gurion to the chief of staff, March 31, 1955, in Bar-On 1992, p. 428; Meir Rabinowitz, interview transcript, BGA; Davar, March 27, 28, 19, 1955.

2. Moshe Dayan 1976, pp. 185, 190ff.

3. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 18, 1956, BGA; Procopius p. 179.

4. Ben-Gurion Diary, April 6, 1955, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, March 29, 1955, ISA; Moshe Dayan 1976, p. 143.

5. Moshe Sharett, Diary, March 27, 29, April 3, 1955, in Sharett 1978, pp. 865, 874, 894; Pinchas Rosen to the Cabinet, Nov. 25, 1956, ISA; Ben-Gurion et al. to the Cabinet, March 29, April 4, 1955, ISA; Moshe Dayan 1976, p. 143; Weitz 2015, 20, 3, p. 131ff.

6. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Jan. 6, 1955, BGA; Moshe Sharett, Diary, Jan. 6, 1966, in Sharett 1978, p. 631.

7. Ma’ariv, July 5, 1955; Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 7, 23, 1955, BGA.

8. Ziv 1958, p. 274; Ma’ariv, May 30, July 17, 1955; Moshe Sharett, Diary, July 10, 1955, in Sharett 1978, p. 1086; Davar, July 18, 24, 25, 1955; New York Herald Tribune, July 18, 1955.

9. Davar, July 18, 1955; Ma’ariv, July 17, 22, 24, 25, 1955.

10. Ben-Gurion to Israel Levin, Aug. 14, 1955, BGA.

11. Moshe Sharett, Diary, Oct. 19, 1955, in Sharett 1978, p. 1211.

12. Burns 1962, p. 69ff.

13. Tzipora Sharett to her children, Aug. 24, 1955, in Moshe Sharett 1978, p. 1149.

14. “Elmore Jackson, 78, Quaker Mideast Envoy,” New York Times, Jan. 19, 1989.

15. Moshe Dayan 1976, p. 151; Morris 1993, p. 349; BGA, subject file, Elmore Jackson; Golani 1997, p. 57ff.

16. Ben-Gurion et al. to the Cabinet, Aug. 28, Sept. 24, 1955, ISA; Moshe Dayan 1976, p. 143; Toubi 2003, p. 157; Morris 1993, p. 358ff.

17. Golani 1997, p. 63ff.; Bar-On 1992, p. 83; Sharett and Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Oct. 3, 1955, ISA; Moshe Sharett, Diary, Oct. 3, 1955, in Sharett 1978, p. 1185.

18. Moshe Sharett, Diary, Oct. 13–15, 21, 1955, in Sharett 1978, pp. 1208ff., 1235.

19. Moshe Dayan 1976, p. 162; Moshe Sharett, Diary, June 10, 1956, in Sharett 1978, p. 1423; Golani 1997, p. 63ff.

20. Elron 2016, p. 146ff.; Golani 1997, p. 84ff.

21. “Nevo,” July 1954, IDFA, 20/694/1960.

22. Dov Tamari to the author, Aug. 26, 2016.

23. Moshe Dayan 1976, pp. 169, 174ff.

24. Moshe Dayan in the journal of the Bureau of the Chief of Staff, Oct. 23, 1955, in Bar-On 1992, p. 64; Shalom 1991, p. 141ff.

25. Moshe Sharett, Diary, Oct. 19, 1955, in Sharett 1978, p. 1211.

26. Moshe Sharett, Diary, Nov. 2, 3, 1955, in Sharett 1978, pp. 1281, 1284; Davar, Nov. 3, 1955; Morris 1993, p. 360ff.

27. Bar-On 1992, p. 429; Bar-On 2012, p. 69; Moshe Dayan 1976, pp. 153, 162ff.

28. Moshe Sharett, Diary, Oct. 22, 1955, in Sharett 1978, p. 1239.

29. Burns 1962, p. 69ff.; Moshe Sharett to the Cabinet, Aug. 21, 1955; Ben-Gurion et al. to the Cabinet, Sept. 9, 1955, ISA.

30. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, July 22, 1956, ISA; NA (UK) FO 371/115884; Bar-On 1992, p. 107ff.; Ben-Gurion 1979, p. 11ff.

31. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Jan. 15, 17, 1956, BGA.

32. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Feb. 26, Oct. 7, 1956, ISA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Aug. 2, 1956ff., BGA.

33. Bar-On 2007, p. 87ff.; Moshe Sharett, Diary, Dec. 25, 27, 1955, Jan. 8, 1956, in Sharett 1978, pp. 1314, 1316ff., 1328; Ha’aretz, Dec. 16, 1955; Tzipora Sharett to her children, Dec. 25, 1955, Jan. 5, 1956, in Moshe Sharett 1978, pp. 1315, 1327; Eban 1978, p. 187.

34. Ben-Gurion, Golda Meir, Moshe Shapira, et al. to the Cabinet, April 8, 1956, ISA; Bar-On 1991, p. 87ff.; Morris 1993, pp. 371ff., 628.

35. Israel National Insurance Institute, Atar Hantzahah Lezecher Ha’exrahim Halelei Pe’ulot Ha’evah,; Ma’ariv, April 12, 13, 1956.

36. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, April 13, 1956, ISA.

37. Ben-Gurion et al. to the Cabinet, April 13, 1956, ISA; Moshe Sharett, Diary, April 13, 1956, in Sharett 1978, p. 1392ff.

38. Moshe Sharett, Diary, April 13, 1956, in Sharett 1978, pp. 1392ff, 1405.

39. Moshe Sharett, Diary, June 14, 10, 28, 1956, in Sharett 1978, pp. 1436, 1423, 1504.

40. Moshe Sharett, Diary, June 28, 1956, in Sharett 1978, p. 1505, 1517 in the Ideological Circle, June 10, 16, 1956, in Sharett 1978, pp. 1423, 1496.

41. Ma’ariv, July 27, 1956.

42. Moshe Dayan 1976, p. 217; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Aug. 18, 1956, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Aug. 19, 1956, ISA.

43. Moshe Dayan to the Cabinet, Aug. 22, 1954, ISA; Moshe Dayan to a gathering of Northern Command officers, April 8, 1956, Eyal Kafkafi papers, Kibbutz Ravid Archive.

44. Ben-Gurion 1969b, p. 518.

45. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, April 29, 1956, ISA.

46. Ben-Gurion, Diary, April 29, 1956, BGA; Isser Harel, interview for the LMA (Golda Meir Archive).

47. Bar-Zohar 2006, p. 174.

48. Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 31, 1956, BGA.

49. Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 25, 28, 29, Aug. 4, 1956, BGA.

50. Moshe Dayan 1976, p. 217; IDF Operations Branch planning, Jan. 1955, Eyal Kafkafi papers, Kibbutz Ravid Archive.

51. Ben-Gurion with representatives of the Working Intelligentsia, Dec. 12, 1955, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Israel Shohat, Jan. 15, 1956, BGA.

52. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Aug. 4, 1956ff., BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Aug. 5, 1956, ISA; Doris May to Ben-Gurion, March 27, 1953, BGA.

53. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Aug. 4, 13, Sept. 19, 1956, BGA.

54. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 3, 1956, BGA; Moshe Dayan 1976, p. 223.

55. Golani 1994, p. 117ff.

56. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Aug. 3, 1956ff., BGA.

57. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 22, 25, 1956, BGA.

58. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 17, 19, 22, BGA.

59. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 3, 1956, BGA.

60. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 22, 1956, BGA; Golani 1994, p. 117ff.; Bar-Zohar 2006, p. 210ff.; Bar-On 1992, p. 276ff.; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Oct. 28, 1956, ISA; Gazit 2016, p. 94.

61. Ben-Gurion et al. to the Cabinet, Oct. 28, 1956, ISA; Navon 2015, p. 178ff.

62. Moshe Dayan 1965, p. 84; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 7, 1956, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the victory ceremony, Nov. 6, 1956, BGA; Navon 2015, p. 180; Gazit 2016, p. 98ff.

63. Davar, Nov. 6, 1956; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Nov. 11, 1956, ISA; Ben-Gurion to the Knesset, Nov. 12, 1956, Divrei Haknesset, 21, p. 462; Navon 2015, p. 180; Reuven Rubik Rosenthal 2000, p. 11ff.

64. Ben-Gurion to the Knesset, Dec. 7, 1956, Divrei Haknesset, 21, p. 197ff.; Shaltiel 1996, p. 348; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 8, 1956, BGA; Moshe Dayan 1976–82, p. 317.


1. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, April 13, 1958, ISA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Feb. 24, April 24, 1958, BGA; Davar, April 24, 1958.

2. Ben-Gurion, introduction to Harman and Yadin 1948, no page numbers; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Jan. 18, 1953, BGA; Ziv, Statistical Appendix, no page numbers; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, June 16, 1957, ISA.

3. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, June 16, 1967, ISA.

4. Ben-Gurion et al. to the Cabinet, Nov. 25, Dec. 23, 1956, ISA.

5. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 12–13, 1956, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Jan. 13, Feb. 25, 27, March 1, 1957, ISA; Lavi, open letter to BGA, Nov. 28, 1956, BGA; Ziv 1958, p. 430.

6. Flexer 1980, p. 192ff.; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 5, 1954, BGA.

7. Nehemiah Argov to Ben-Gurion, Nov. 2, 1957, BGA; Nehemiah Argov to his acquaintances, Nov. 2, 1957, and Nehemiah Argov, Diary, Oct. 16, 1954, in Argov 1959, pp. 182, 206.

8. Nehemiah Argov, Diary, May 26, 30, June 7, 9, July 7 (?), Aug. 10, 7, 23, Sept. 6, Oct. 18, 1954, Feb. 12, 1955, IDFA 383/1976/2208, 2181-890/1973.

9. Navon 2015, p. 93; Kollek 1979, p. 161; Yehuda Erez, Yigael Yadin, Yariv Ben-Eliezer, interview transcripts, BGA.

10. Rivka Katznelson, interview with Shabtai Teveth, Oct. 2, 1977, BGA, Shabtai Teveth collection, subjects, Ben-Gurion and women.

11. Navon 2015, p. 192ff.; Davar, Nov. 5, 1957; Ben-Gurion to the Knesset, Nov. 18, 1957, Divrei Haknesset, 23, p. 177.

12. Moshé Feldenkrais, interview transcript, BGA.

13. Yitzhak Navon, Diary, Nov. 18, 1957, YNA.

14. Alterman 1957; Navon 2015, p. 120; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 22, 1958, BGA.

15. Ben-Gurion to his friends, Nov. 5, 1957, in Yisraeli 2005, pp. 40, 49.

16. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 9, 1958, BGA.

17. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, May 5, June 8, 1958, ISA.

18. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Oct. 20, 1953, ISA.

19. Ben-Gurion to a Keren Hayesod gathering, Oct. 29, 1947, in Ben-Gurion 1993b, p. 436; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, June 16, 1948, ISA.

20. Israel Barzilai to the Cabinet, March 11, 1956, and Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, June 10, 1956, ISA; Yozgof-Orbach and Soffer 2016, p. 30ff.

21. Benziman and Monsour 1992, p. 101ff.; Segev 1986, p. 43ff.; Azriel Carlebach 1953; Bar-Yosef 2014, 2016.

22. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, May 27, 1962, ISA; Ben-Gurion to the Knesset, Feb. 20, 1963, Divrei Haknesset, 36, p. 1212ff.

23. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Feb. 26, 1956, ISA.

24. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 16, 17, 20, 1956, Nov. 2, 1958, BGA; Moshe Sharett, Diary, Dec. 19, 1956, in Sharett 1978, p. 1925.

25. Segev 1993, p. 299ff.

26. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Nov. 11, 1956, ISA.

27. Pinchas Rosen to the Cabinet, Nov. 23, 1958, ISA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 30, 1958, BGA.

28. Friedmann 2015, p. 243ff.; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Nov. 16, 1958, ISA.

29. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 24, 1958, April 25, June 6, 1959, Jan. 29, Feb. 5, 1960, BGA; Ariel Sharon at Ben-Gurion House, Oct. 20, 1997, BGA, item 242452.

30. Arie Lova Eliav 1983, 2, p. 99ff.

31. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 15, 1956, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Jan. 13, 1957, ISA.

32. Navon 2015, p. 103; Shlomo Zeira 1960, p. 147; Ben-Gurion to Shlomo Zeira, Oct. 15, 1961, BGA.

33. Ben-Gurion to Paula, Nov. 27, 1933, BGA.

34. Ben-Gurion to Ehud Avriel, March 4, 1948, BGA.

35. Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 1, July 16, Nov. 16, 1948, Sept. 28, 1949, BGA; Bachrach 2009.

36. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Aug. 15, 1945, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Sept. 14, 1950, ISA.

37. Ben-Gurion with members of Hakibbutz Hameuchad, Sept. 11, 1948, in Ben-Gurion 1951, p. 236; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 16, Dec. 12, 25, 1948, March 16, 1949, BGA.

38. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 14, 1948, BGA.

39. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 24, 1958, BGA.

40. Ben-Gurion to Yosef Schechter, June 20, 1957, BGA; Ratner 1978, p. 338; Keren 1988, p. 28ff.

41. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, June 14, 16, 1948, July 12, 1949, Nov. 30, 1958, ISA.

42. Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 16, 1949, Sept. 5, Dec. 13, 1951, BGA.

43. Ma’ariv, Nov. 16–17, 1954; Ha’aretz, Nov. 21, 1954.

44. Bamahaneh, Nov. 25, 1954; Avner Cohen 1998, p. 44ff.; Moshe Sharett to the Cabinet, May 22, 1955, ISA.

45. Ben-Gurion to Shlomo Fuchs, May 14, 1955, BGA.

46. Ben-Gurion, “Daroma,” Jan. 17, 1955, in Ben-Gurion 1958, p. 297.

47. Moshe Sharett, Diary, May 9, 23, 1954, in Sharett 1978, pp. 483, 508.

48. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Dec. 24, 1956, ISA.

49. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 20, 31, June 2, 3, 1958, BGA; Ben-Gurion et al. to the Cabinet, June 16, 1957, Feb. 2, June 1, 1958, ISA; Yitzhak Navon, Diary, May 3, June 1, 1958, YNA.

50. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 19, 1958, BGA.

51. Ben-Gurion, Diary, March 5, 1962, BGA.

52. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Dec. 1, 1957, ISA; Ernst David Bergmann to Meir Yaari, July 6, 1966, YY, 6 19.7-95.

53. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 19, 4, 3, 6, 23, Oct. 24, 1958, BGA; Davar, June 6, 1958.

54. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 26, 4, 1958, BGA.

55. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Jan. 27, 1959, BGA; Yitzhak Navon, Diary, Nov. 18, 1957, YNA.

56. Ben-Gurion to Dov Yermia, Sept. 14, 1959, IDFA, quoted from Ha’olam Hazeh, Jan. 5, 1972; Ben-Gurion to Dov Yermia, Oct. 2, Dec. 22, 1959, BGA.

57. Yitzhak Navon, Diary, July 20, 1958, YNA.


1. Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 16, 9, 1959; Navon 2015, p. 11; Yitzhak Navon, Diary, Aug. 23, 1960, YNA.

2. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, March 27, 1960.

3. Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 16, Nov. 12, 1959, Feb. 26, July 26, 1960, BGA; Yitzhak Navon interview with Shabtai Teveth, Sept. 19, 1980, and Malka Leef, interview transcript, BGA, Shabtai Teveth collection, people; Nevo 1993.

4. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, April 24, 1955, ISA; Israel Kargman, interview transcript, BGA, p. 15; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, June 18, 1961, ISA.

5. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Jan. 8, 1956, June 6, 16, Dec. 1, 22, 1957, ISA.

6. Ben-Gurion et al. to the Cabinet, Dec. 8, 15, 22, 24, 30, 1957, ISA.

7. Ben-Gurion et al. to the Cabinet, June 26, 1959, ISA; Ben-Gurion et al. to the Knesset, July 1, 1959, Divrei Haknesset, 27, p. 2403ff.; Shihor, 1958, p. 40ff.

8. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 29, 1957, April 4, 1958, BGA; Siebenmorgen 2015, p. 163ff.; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Dec. 15, 1957, ISA; Maurice Fischer to Golda Meir, July 18, 1958, ISA 130.02/2457/10.

9. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, March 27, 1960, ISA; Shalom 1996, p. 604ff.

10. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Dec. 6, 1959, BGA.

11. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 15, 1960, Dec. 6, 1959, BGA; Ben-Gurion and Isser Harel to the Cabinet, May 29, 1960, ISA; Mossad report on the pursuit of Nazi criminals, 2007, Yad Vashem Archive.

12. Levi Eshkol et al. to the Cabinet, July 12, 19, 27, Aug. 23, 1959, ISA.

13. Ben-Gurion to Moshe Etzioni, Aug. 3, 1959, BGA.

14. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, June 5, 1960, ISA.

15. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, July 3, 1960, ISA; Bar-Zohar 1978, p. 1371ff.; Raz 2015, p. 226.

16. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Jan. 3, 1960, BGA.

17. Ben-Gurion to Moshe Sharett, Oct. 26, 1960, in Sharett 1978, p. 764.

18. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 5, Sept. 26, 28, Oct. 10, 1960, BGA; Ma’ariv, Sept. 26–28, 1960; Teveth 1992, pp. 228, 373.

19. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 26, 28, Oct. 20, 1960, BGA; Davar, Oct. 21, 1960; Ma’ariv, June 20–26, 1960; Ben-Gurion to Levi Eshkol et al., Nov. 12, 1960, BGA, LEA, container 2, file 9.

20. Kafkafi 1998, p. 128ff.; “Mah Ha’emet al Parshat Baghdad,” Yediot Aharonot, June 17, 1966; Israel Galili, “Harugei-Baghdad Venidonei Kahir,” Lamerhav, Dec. 17, 1954; Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 19, 1963, BGA; Hillel 1985, p. 329ff.; Segev 2006; Moshe Dayan to the Cabinet, Jan. 1, 1960, ISA.

21. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Oct. 30, 1960, ISA.

22. Ben-Gurion et al. to the Cabinet, Oct. 30, 31, 1960, ISA.

23. Ben-Gurion to the Knesset, Dec. 21, 1960, Divrei Haknesset, 30, p. 545; Sharett to his son Ya’akov, Jan. 5, 1961, courtesy of the Moshe Sharett Heritage Society; Raz 2015, p. 55ff.; Avner Cohen 1998, p. 76ff.; Ma’ariv, Feb. 17, 1961.

24. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 13, 1961, BGA.

25. Sharett to his son Ya’akov, Jan. 5, 1961, courtesy of the Moshe Sharett Heritage Society.

26. Yitzhak Navon, Diary, Oct. 20, Dec. 25, 1960, YNA; Raz 2013, p. 114ff.

27. Pinchas Rosen, Ben-Gurion, et al. to the Cabinet, Dec. 25, 1960, ISA.

28. Yitzhak Navon, Diary, Nov. 13, 15, 23, Dec. 3, 1960, YNA.

29. “Carrot and Stick,” New York Times, Dec. 25, 1960.

30. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Jan. 30, March 29, 1961, BGA.

31. Ben-Gurion to Konrad Adenauer, Jan. 1, 1961, ISA, div. 43, gimmel-7229/11; Ben-Gurion to Felix Shinnar, May 16, 1961, ISA, Foreign Ministry, div. 130.09 2355/3; Felix Shinnar to Ben-Gurion, May 19, 1961, ISA, Foreign Ministry, div. 130.09 2355/6.

32. Carstens memorandum, June 12, 1961, AAPD 1965, Bd. 1 Dok 2; Bar-Zohar 2006, p. 239.

33. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, June 11, 1961, and to the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, June 11, 29, 1961, ISA; Avraham Harman interview with Reudor Manor, Feb. 3, 1975, Hebrew University, Institute of International Relations, quoted courtesy of David Harman; Memorandum of Conversation, May 30, 1961, FRUS, 1961–1963, 17, doc. 57; Avner Cohen 1998, p. 79ff.

34. Ben-Gurion et al. to the Cabinet, July 9, 1961, ISA; Raz 2015, p. 117.

35. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, July 9, 1961, ISA; Ben-Gurion to the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, Aug. 1, 1961, ISA.

36. Ben-Gurion et al. to the Cabinet, July 9, 16, 1961, ISA.

37. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Aug. 16, 1961, BGA.

38. David Hacohen to the Cabinet, March 11, 1956, ISA; Bar-Zohar 2006, p. 242.

39. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Dec. 31, 1961, ISA; “Ben-Gurion Examines the Buddhist Faith,” New York Times Magazine, April 29, 1962b.

40. Dvar Hashavua, Oct. 20, 1950; Cohen-Gil 2013, p. 21ff.; Ben-Gurion to A. Kalev, Oct. 11, 1957, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Eli Friedman, Feb. 8, 1967, BGA.

41. Moshé Feldenkrais, interview transcript, BGA.

42. Ben-Gurion to Dr. Chaim Sheba, May 16, 1962, BGA; Ohry and Tsafrir 2000.

43. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Feb. 16, March 2, 1966, BGA.

44. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 11, Oct. 26, 1957, May 20, Aug. 20, 21, Oct. 30, 1958, March 12, 1959, BGA; Yitzhak Navon to Ben-Gurion, Nov. 25, 1958, BGA; Teachers Seminar to Feldenkrais, March 17, 1958, BGA.

45. Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 4, 1957; Ben-Gurion to Renana, Sept. 15, 1957, BGA; Yediot Aharonot, Sept. 15, 1957; Ma’ariv, Sept. 17, 19, 1957.

46. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 23, July 23, 1958, BGA.

47. Lourie, interview transcript, Aug. 7, 1976, p. 8ff., and Aug. 25, 1977, p. 8ff., cassette 276, BGA.

48. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, June 11, 1961, ISA; Churchill 2009.

49. Ben-Gurion, “Ne’urei Be-Płońsk,” in Zemach 1963c, p. 35; Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 12; Zemach 1983, p. 32.

50. Ben-Gurion to Shlomo Zemach, Sept. 21, and Shlomo Zemach to Ben-Gurion, Sept. 28, 1961, BGA, Shabtai Teveth collection, people, Zemach.


1. Daniel M. Mich to Ben-Gurion, June 21, 1961, and Ben-Gurion to Daniel M. Mich, Aug. 4, 1961; Ben-Gurion to Zalman Shragai, Sept. 18, 1968, BGA.

2. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Dec. 23, 1962, ISA.

3. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, March 23, 1958, ISA.

4. Ben-Gurion to the high commissioner, Feb. 12, 1935, in Ben-Gurion 1972, p. 282; Ben-Gurion et al. to the Cabinet, June 7, 1949, June 28, 1950, Jan. 20, 1952, ISA.

5. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Nov. 30, 1952, ISA; Ben-Gurion, “Yetziyat Mitzra’im,” lecture to the Israel Press Association, May 12, 1960, in Ben-Gurion 1969a, p. 243ff.

6. Ben-Gurion, Diary, March 6, 26, Aug. 12, 1959, BGA; Golda Meir, interview transcript, Aug. 7, 1977, cassette 269, BGA, p. 12; Bar-Zohar 2006, p. 236ff.

7. Yitzhak Navon, Diary, March 27, 31, April 14, 17, 26, 1963, YNA.

8. Yitzhak Navon, Diary, April 19, May 13, 1963, YNA.

9. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Jan. 1, Feb. 24, June 5, 1963, BGA; Bar-Zohar 2006, p. 268.

10. Avner Cohen 1998, p. 115ff.

11. Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 14, 28, Aug. 1, 16, 1958, BGA; Yitzhak Navon, Diary, July 13, 24, 1958, YNA.

12. Gideon Rafael in a consultation on the dispatch of the prime minister’s letter to Kennedy, May 8, 1963, ISA, Foreign Ministry, 3377/9.

13. Goldstein 2012, p. 436; undated draft and Ben-Gurion to John F. Kennedy, April 12, May 12, 1963, ISA, Foreign Ministry, 4317/8.

14. Ben-Gurion to Mapai’s founding convention, March 6, 1930, in Ben-Gurion 1931, p. 219; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, April 3, 1955, ISA.

15. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 12, 1955, BGA; Ben-Gurion et al. to the Cabinet, April 30, 1963, BGA; Bialer 1998, p. 241ff.

16. Ben-Gurion et al. to the Cabinet, May 5, 1963, ISA.

17. Secretary of state to the ambassador of Israel, May 6, 1963, ISA, Foreign Ministry, 4317/8.

18. Ben-Gurion to Kennedy, May 12, 1963, ISA, Foreign Ministry, 4317/8.

19. Rafael 1981, p. 117; Avner Cohen 1998, p. 115ff.; Foreign Ministry to the embassy, April 25, 1963, ISA, Foreign Ministry, 4317/8; Yitzhak Navon, Diary, April 26, 1963, YNA.

20. Haim Yahil to Golda Meir, May 21, 1963, ISA, Foreign Ministry, 4317/8.

21. Gideon Rafael to Haim Yahil, May 8, 1963; Haim Yahil to Golda Meir, May 13, 1963; Discussion of Israel-American relations, headed by the foreign minister, June 13, 1963; Avraham Harmon and Mordechai Gazit to Golda Meir, June 25, 1963, ISA, Foreign Ministry, 4317/8; Avner Cohen and William Burr 2019.

22. Consultation on the exchange of letters with the president of the United States, Sept. 6, 1963, ISA, Foreign Ministry, 101177/10.

23. Ben-Gurion to Konrad Adenauer, May 15, 1963, BGA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 16, 1963, BGA; Ben-Gurion et al. to the Knesset, May 13, 1963, Divrei Haknesset, 17, p. 1821ff.; Ma’ariv, May 14, 1963; Segev 1993, pp. 374–75; Navon 2015, p. 254ff., Yitzhak Navon, Diary, May 13, 1963, YNA; Ha’aretz, May 14, 1963; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 28, 1964, BGA.

24. Gouri 1963; Ben-Gurion to Haim Gouri, May 15, 1963, BGA; Haim Gouri in conversation with the author.

25. Ma’ariv, June 16, 1963.

26. Goldstein 2012, p. 436ff.

27. Golda Meir et al. to the Mapai secretariat, Aug. 17, 1963, BGA; Medzini 2008, p. 394; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, June 16, 1963, ISA; Mapai secretariat, June 17, 1963, LPA 2-24-1963-73; Navon 2015, p. 267; Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 16, 1963, BGA; Isser Harel interview with Drora Beit-Or, Feb. 7, 1986, cassette 14, LMA; Moshé Feldenkrais, interview transcript, BGA.

28. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 18, June 18, 1963, BGA.

29. Zemach 1996, Jan. 8, 20, June 24, 1963, pp. 57ff. 81ff.; July 21–Aug. 9, 1963, p. 91ff.

30. Ben-Gurion, Diary, July 25, 1963, BGA; Davar, July 24, 26, 1963.

31. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 13, 1965, BGA.

32. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 1, 1965, BGA.

33. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 1, 1965, BGA.

34. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 1, 1965, BGA; Ben-Gurion 1965, p. 142; Ben-Gurion to Shaul Avigur, Jan. 7, 1967; Ben-Gurion to Davar, March 26, 1967, BGA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 22, 1967, quoted in Bar-Zohar 2006, p. 393.

35. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Oct. 17, 24, 1966, BGA; Segev 2007, pp. 90ff., 109; Ma’ariv, Oct. 3, 1966.

36. Ben-Gurion, interview with Geula Cohen, Ma’ariv, May 12, 1957; Ben-Gurion to Tzvi Ben-Arav, May 4, 1967, BGA; Segev 2007, p. 182ff.

37. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 21, 26, 1967, BGA.

38. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Oct. 19, 1953, Oct. 29, 1961, BGA.

39. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 21, 1967, BGA; Segev 2007, p. 247ff.

40. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 30, 1967.

41. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 28, 1967.

42. Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 1, 1967, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, July 2, 1961, BGA.

43. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 31, 1967; Bar-Zohar 2006, p. 399.

44. Yitzhak Navon, Diary, May 2, 1959, YNA.

45. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 6, 1967, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Yosef Givoli, June 6, 1967, BGA.

46. Levi Eshkol et al. to the Cabinet and the Ministerial Defense Committee, June 6–16, 1967, ISA; Segev 2007, p. 419ff.

47. Press release, June 18, 1967, BGA.

48. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Dec. 19, 1949, ISA.

49. Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 19, 1967, BGA.

50. Ben-Gurion to Yosef Weitz, June 12, 1967, BGA.

51. Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 17, 1967, BGA; Yitzhak Navon, Diary, Aug. 10, 1958, YNA.

52. Zemach 1996, Sept. 16, 1967, p. 230ff.

53. Segev 2007, p. 523ff.; Eshkol et al. to the Cabinet, June 14, 1967, ISA.

54. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Aug. 27, 1967, BGA; Ben-Gurion interviewed by Yosef Avner, Avraham Kushnir, and Tom Segev, Nitzotz, April 28, 1968; Ben-Gurion to Yehuda Ben-Azar, July 17, 1967, BGA.

55. Aharon Tamir, Yehoshua Cohen, interview transcripts, BGA.

56. Ben-Gurion, Diary, May 5, 1966, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Meir, Jan. 21, 1969, BGA.

57. Ben-Gurion interviewed by Yosef Avner, Avraham Kushnir, and Tom Segev, Nitzotz, April 28, 1968; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Feb. 29, 1969, BGA; Ma’ariv, May 3, 1968; Amos Elon 1981, p. 21.

58. Evening on Paula at Ben-Gurion House, May 15, 1968; Avrech 1965; Nina and Naomi Zuckerman, Ralph Goldman, Emmanuel and Yariv Ben-Eliezer, interview transcripts, BGA; Yehuda Erez, Diary, Jan. 3, 1973, BGA; Navon 2015, p. 265; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Jan. 6, 1970, BGA; Mary Ben-Gurion interview with Shabtai Teveth, BGA, Shabtai Teveth collection, file 361.


1. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, July 6, 1958, ISA.

2. Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 8, 1963, BGA.

3. Ben-Gurion, Diary, June 8, 1963, BGA; Shmuel Fox to Ben-Gurion, April 19, 1954, BGA.

4. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Nov. 26, 1938, BGA.

5. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, May 3, 1949, ISA.

6. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, May 10, 1950, ISA; Ben-Gurion to the Knesset, July 3, 1950, Divrei Haknesset, 6, p. 2037.

7. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Dec. 8, 1957, ISA.

8. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, July 6, 13, 1958, ISA; Ben-Gurion to Nisan Metzger, Oct. 3, 1964, BGA; Friedmann, 2015, p. 351ff.

9. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Dec. 8, 1957, July 12, 1958, ISA; Ben-Gurion to Yitzhak Malaka, Nov. 6, 1968, BGA.

10. Ben-Gurion et al. to the Cabinet, July 15, 1958, ISA; Ben-Refael 2001.

11. Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, Nov. 21, 1945, BGA.

12. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, May 3, 1949, ISA.

13. Ben-Gurion to Paula, Feb. 10, 1946, BGA.

14. Zemach 1983, p. 9; Ben-Gurion to Shmuel Fuchs, June 2, 1904, in Erez 1971, p. 35; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, March 5, 1949, Dec. 8, 1957, ISA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Feb. 13, 1936, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Committee for the Investigation of the Arab Problem, Feb. 6, 1940, in Ben-Gurion 1997, p. 406; Wolfensohn 2014, p. 80.

15. Ben-Gurion to Paula, Feb. 10, May 1, 1946, BGA; Amos Ben-Gurion interview with Dov Goldstein, Ma’ariv, Oct. 17, 1986.

16. Ben-Gurion to Rabbi Isser Yehuda Unterman, Jan. 28, 1946, BGA.

17. Prinz 2008, p. 237ff.

18. Ben-Gurion 1968, p. 235.

19. Anita Shapira 1980, pp. 529, 548; Yitzhak Navon, Diary, Sept. 29, 1952, YNA.

20. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, March 16, 1958, ISA; Yehuda Erez, interview transcript, p. 8, BGA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Feb. 4, 1949, Oct. 7, 1954, Jan. 28, 1955, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Y. Yerushalmi, Nov. 3, 1954, BGA.

21. Ben-Gurion 1954a, p. 43.

22. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Council, Jan. 19, 1933, p. 42, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Council, March 5–8, 1941, in Ben-Gurion 1949, 3, p. 60ff.

23. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, March 9, 1952, ISA.

24. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Feb. 2, 1950, ISA.

25. Ben-Gurion to Amos Frisch, May 4, 1967, BGA; Ben-Gurion 1953c; Ben-Gurion to Moshe Zilberg, Dec. 7, 1970, BGA.

26. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Jan. 28, 1955, BGA.

27. Ben-Gurion to Nisan Metzger, Oct. 3, 1964, BGA.

28. Ben-Gurion to Moshe Bernstein, Dec. 16, 1967.

29. Ben-Gurion interviewed by Yosef Avner, Avraham Kushnir, and Tom Segev, Nitzotz, April 28, 1968.

30. Ben-Gurion to Moshe Zilberg, Dec. 7, 1970, BGA.

31. Ben-Gurion interview with George Hall, June 20, 1946, BGA; Teveth 2004, p. 661ff.

32. Ben-Gurion interviewed by Yosef Avner, Avraham Kushnir, and Tom Segev, Nitzotz, April 28, 1968; Ben-Gurion oral history interview, JFK 1, 7/16/1965.

33. Ben-Gurion et al. to the Cabinet, Feb. 25, July 1, 8, 15, 22, 1962, ISA; Harel 1982a, p. 108ff.; Harel 1989, p. 412ff.

34. Moshe Shapira et al. to the Cabinet, Feb. 20, Nov. 26, 1950; Ben-Gurion et al. to the Cabinet, Feb. 2, 1958, ISA.

35. Ben-Gurion to Paula, Oct. 7, 1938, in Ben-Gurion 1968, p. 243; Ben-Gurion 1971a, p. 280.

36. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Knesset faction, Jan. 15, 1950, LPA 2-011-1950-10.

37. Letter to the Mapai Central Committee, July 1, 1937, in Ben-Gurion 1974a, p. 260; Heller 2017, p. 17ff.

38. Segev 2000, p. 47; Ben-Gurion, “Hamediniyut Hatziyonit,” July 5, 1943, in Ben-Gurion 1949–50, p. 272; Ben-Gurion to the Palestine Council, Dec. 21, 1918, CZA J1/8766/2; Ben-Gurion to Ernest Bevin, Feb. 14, 1947, NA (UK), CO 537/2405.

39. Ben-Gurion to Baruch Zuckerman, July 26, 1923, in Erez 1972, p. 142.

40. Ben-Gurion to the Mapai Central Committee, July 1, 1937, in Ben-Gurion 1974a, p. 265.

41. Ben-Gurion to a Po’alei Zion Smol delegation, March 17, 1941, in Ben-Gurion 2008, p. 293.

42. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Dec. 19, 1948, ISA; Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, Oct. 22, 1939, in Ben-Gurion 1997, p. 144; Ben-Gurion in a broadcast, Oct. 26, 1946, in Ben-Gurion 1993a, p. 221; Ben-Gurion at a gathering of Magbit Hahitgayesut, Feb. 17, 1948, in Ben-Gurion 1949, 5, p. 283; Raz 2015, p. 115.

43. Adolf Robison, interview transcript, BGA.

44. Liebman 1974, p. 271ff.

45. Rose Halprin, interview transcript, cassette 236, p. 2, BGA; Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, May 26, 1960, ISA; Ben-Gurion interview with Avraham Avi-hai, Aug. 23, 1972, HICJ-OHA 13513, p. 11: Ben-Gurion at the jubilee celebration of Ha’ahdut, July 10, 1960, BGA.

46. Elam 1990, p. 561; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Jan. 22, 1939, ISA.

47. Theodor Herzl, Diary, June 13, 1895, in Herzl 1960, 1, p. 83.

48. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, July 20, 1961, ISA.

49. Berl Repetur, interview transcript, BGA.

50. Ben-Gurion, “Darkeinu Hamedinit La’ahar Hame’ura’ot,” Ben-Gurion 1931, p. 213.

51. Ben-Gurion to Yehoshua Bertonov, Aug. 28, 1950, BGA.

52. Ben-Gurion to his father, Nov. 26, 1924, in Erez 1972, p. 270; Baruch Azanya, interview transcript, BGA.

53. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, June 16, 1948, April 26, 1949, July 18, 25, 1951, ISA.

54. Ben-Gurion to the Zionist General Council, March 14, 1940, in Ben-Gurion 1997, p. 468.

55. Ben-Gurion to the Jewish Agency Executive, May 16, 1941, in Ben-Gurion 2008, p. 405; Ben-Gurion to the Zionist General Council, March 14, 1940, in Ben-Gurion wnabtai Teveth collection, file 361; Golda Meir, interview transcript, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Golda Meir, Jan. 21, 1969, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Miriam Cohen, June 27, 1973, BGA, Shabtai Teveth collection, file 1205.

56. Ben-Gurion to the Cabinet, Nov. 10, 1948, ISA; Ben-Gurion, Diary, Jan. 22, 1950, BGA; Ben-Gurion at a party for the remaining members of the First Zionist Congress, Aug. 17, 1947, in Ben-Gurion 1949, 5, p. 214; Ben-Gurion to the Political Committee of the UN General Assembly, May 12, 1947, in Ben-Gurion 1993b, p. 114; Ben-Gurion to Dov Ben-Meir, Dec. 16, 1967, BGA; Holtzman 1993, p. 191ff.

57. Ben-Gurion agenda, Jan. 24–31, 1970, BGA.

58. Ben-Gurion interview with Mordechai Barkay, Davar, July 24, 1970.

59. Zemach 1996, Oct. 6, 1968, p. 249ff., March 17, 1969, p. 257, March 15, 1971, p. 290.

60. Yehuda Erez, Diary, Jan. 10, 1972, Feb. 13, 1973, BGA.

61. Aharon Tamir, interview transcript, BGA.

62. Yehuda Erez, Diary, Oct. 22, 1973, BGA.

63. Yehuda Erez, Diary, May 7, 1973, BGA; Aharon Tamir, interview transcript, BGA.

64. Ben-Gurion, Diary, Sept. 4, 1956, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Dr. Chaim Sheba, Nov. 11, 1969, and Dr. Chaim Sheba to Ben-Gurion, Nov. 19, 1969, BGA; Shilon 2013, p. 223; Yehuda Erez, Diary, Oct. 26, 1973, BGA; Israeli 2005, p. 225; Ben-Gurion interview with Mordechai Barkay, Davar, July 24, 1970; Mary Ben-Gurion interview with Shabtai Teveth, BGA, Shabtai Teveth collection, file 361; Golda Meir, interview transcript, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Golda Meir, Jan. 21, 1969, BGA; Ben-Gurion to Miriam Cohen, June 27, 1973, BGA, Shabtai Teveth collection, file 1205.

65. Yizhar Smilansky 1993, p. 2.

66. Quoted from the pages of a diary provided to the author.

67. Ben-Gurion to Hannah and Elhanan Yishai, Oct. 30, 1973, BGA.

68. Malka Leef, Ya’akov Grauman, Matilda Gez, Mordechai Surkis, interview transcripts, BGA.

69. Moshe Dayan 1982, p. 688.

70. Ma’ariv, Dec. 2, 1973; Ohana and Feige 2010; Mary Ben-Gurion interview with Shabtai Teveth, BGA, Shabtai Teveth collection, file 361; Ben-Gurion will, BGA, Shabtai Teveth collection, people, will.

71. Zemach 1996, Dec. 15, 1971, p. 290.