
abortion, 83, 117, 154, 193, 194, 199, 200, 212, 214, 221, 285

adventure, search for, 141, 143

agriculture: alternative, 310; and Third World women, 231-45; state controls over, 238; subsistence, 316

akadi crop, 170

amniocentesis, 193, 194, 305

auto industry, 253, 255, 278, 279

bathua, as food, 81

Bhopal disaster, 82, 83, 85

Bikini Island tests, 84

bio-mass: growth of, 310-11; use of, 315

biodiversity, 29, 30, 240, 241, 267, 270; conservation of, 164-73; destruction of, 81, 164

biotechnology, 7, 16, 31, 32, 138, 172, 241, 267, 273; amorality of, 183-4

birth control, 182, 287

body: sale of parts of, 206 (ban on, 208-9); as area of investment, 175; as property, 205-7, 214, 215

breeding male, 193-5

cash crops, 72, 74, 78, 308

catching-up development, 8, 55-69, 119, 127-30, 298, 300; and liberation of women, 64-8; impossibility of, 59

Chernobyl disaster, 15, 62, 67, 90-7, 155, 159, 314; reactions to, 90-3, 95

child-bearing, 186; right to, 190

childbirth, 23, 83, 84, 200; medicalization of, 26-8

children: deaths of, 77; economically active, 85; newness of, 139; playing with, 256; sensitivity to toxic contamination, 82

Chipko movement, 12, 85, 248-50, 303

colonialism, 10, 12, 45, 56, 71, 74, 105, 126, 180, 285

colonization, 2, 7, 29, 32, 43, 44, 47, 56, 59, 64, 106, 143, 144, 147, 178, 223, 244, 264, 274, 284, 302; intellectual, 271-6; of women, 29, 119, 120-1, 135, 136

commodity production, 298-312, 319

commons: destruction of, 12, 86, 105, 129, 150, 269, 283, 284; intellectual, privatization of, 238

composting technology, 315, 316

conscientization, 41, 42

conscious partiality, 38

consumer liberation, 251-62

consumption, patterns of, 252, 258

contraceptives, 188, 189, 191, 192, 199, 200, 227, 279, 282, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 291, 294; hormonal, 289, 293; injectable, 192, 193, 291

costs, externalization of, 58, 59

cultural relativism, 10-13

dams: building of, 12, 101, 151; people’s, 306-12

Darwinism, social, 148, 180

Debt-for-Nature swaps, 153

decolonization: identity and, 56; of North, 266-76

development, 2, 11, 55-69, 70, 71, 108, 111, 152, 251, 270, 284, 303, 305; aid, 62; as uprooting, 98-9; people-centred, 302

dichotomization of reality, 5, 8

dividual, person as, 215-16

division of labour, sexual, 120, 232, 257, 293, 295, 319

eco-colonialism, 68

eco-marketing, 300

ecofeminism, 1, 6, 13-16, 116, 160, 293, 295, 321

ecology, definition of, 104

ecology movement, 158; in South, 99

embryo: freezing of, 201, 213; protection of, 211 (against mother, 154); research on, 48; separate from mother, 49, 211, 226

Enlightenment, 151, 152, 156, 178-80, 224-6

environmental degradation, 6, 14, 57, 58, 61, 70, 116, 153, 252, 253, 267, 285, 290, 303

esoteric movement, 19

essentialism, 160

ethics, 48, 50, 52, 67, 94, 184, 257, 259, 265

eugenics, 180-3, 210

family planning, 191, 192, 280, 290, 291

family policy, 120, 121

farmers, small, displacement of, 233-8

fascism, 156-61

fatherland, 116-31

femicide, 190, 193, 305

fertility: ‘natural’, 286, 295; as disease, 188-9, 191; awareness of, 294; control of, 120, 286, 290

foetus: as person, 214; damage to, 292; defective, 212; protection of, 87; rights of, 213; well-being of, 87

food: crisis of, 78-81; pollution of, 260; power around, 231; preparation of, 61, 166; surplus, dumping of, 235, 236; women as producers of, 166

forestry: scientific, 25; women and, 167

freedom, 6-8, 66, 140, 244; concept of, 248-50

fuelwood, search for, 153, 167

Gaia, 272

Gandmardhan movement, 100

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 231-45, 274; Uruguay Round, 237, 275

genetic engineering, 16, 28, 31, 48, 65, 94, 96, 122, 154, 172, 174, 185, 186, 198

genetic screening, 201, 209, 210

germ plasm, seen as free resource, 30, 31

Germany, unification of, 63, 116, 118, 119, 300

global view, 8-10, 122

global village, 98-107

global warming, 277, 278

globalization, 109-11

GNP, paradigm of, 57, 61, 71, 74, 75, 251, 268, 270

grassroots movements, 87-8

green capitalism, 300

green consumerism, 33

green movement, 18, 117, 158, 159

Green Revolution, 28, 81, 112, 113, 167, 305, 308

growth see GNP

Gulf War, 9, 62; movement against, 159

Hegelianism, 5, 157, 178, 224, 225

holistic viewpoint, 6, 211

homeland, 158; search for, 141

homelessness, 99-107

homesickness, 141

homo scientificus, 47

household technology, 7

housewifeization, 118, 120, 258

housework, 40, 120, 166, 225, 257, 258

ignorance, 22; spread of, 271-6

immanence, 225

indigenous knowledge, of women, 164-73

industrialization, 25, 55-9, 139, 142, 147, 153, 274, 300

intellectual property rights, 31, 32, 110, 122, 231, 238-42, 243, 273, 275

irrationality, 159, 161

IVF technology, 27, 49, 138, 139, 185, 187, 188, 200

Kinder und Kuche, 118

knowledge: fragmentation of, 26; related to violence, 46, 51

land: degradation of, 277; privatization of, 74; right to, 242

life, right to, 77

life-style, 55, 61, 142, 254, 318; changes of, 57, 254; of North, 63, 123, 253, 259, 279

living relation, recreation of, 226-9

local view, 8-10

Love Canal disaster, 4, 82-3, 85

malnutrition, 79, 80, 236

market economy, 63, 71, 121, 122, 206

Marxism, 5, 16, 19, 157, 160, 318

materialism, 16, 18, 19

mati, 99

migration, forced, 284, 304

militarization, 43, 64, 109, 114, 124, 128, 129, 177, 257

Minamata disaster, 83, 260, 305

mobility, world-scale, 98

modernity, 145, 152, 155

modernization, 2, 11; violence of, 144

monocultures, 113, 164, 166, 169

Mother Earth, 19, 44, 52, 129, 130, 249; dependence to, 18

Mother India, 108, 111

Mother nation, 124-7

motherhood, 159, 186

motherland, masculinization of, 108-15

multinational corporations, 9, 108, 231, 233

Narmada Valley movement, 4, 10, 306

nation state, 124, 125; formation of, 109

national identity, 127-30

nationalism, 112, 128; rise of, 109-11

nature, 25, 26; as enemy, 90-7; as goddess, 266; as illusion, 155; as living organism, 44; as Mother, 144, 156, 157, 161; concept of, 156; control of, 140; distancing from, 156; domination of, 45; emancipation from, 180; fear of, 144; flight into, 132; protection of, 154; respect for, 319; warfare against, 155; nostalgia for, 152

navdanya, 169-71

needs, fundamental human, 254, 255

New Age movement, 19

North-South relations, 60, 76

nostalgia, 142; for the rural, 133

nuclear contamination of foodstuffs, 91

nuclear energy, 15, 22, 94, 95; movement against, 96, 158

nuclear hazards, 83-4

nutrition crisis, 78-81

overpopulation, 189

parenthood, multiple, 201

patents, 31, 110, 122, 172, 239, 243; laws, 275

patriarchy, 2, 4, 14, 16, 44, 46, 64, 74, 119, 126, 186, 204, 255, 295; as business, 193-5

pharmaceuticals, 7, 288

plurality, 111-15

population, 277-96; as problem, 268; control of, 189-91, 219, 292-3; growth of, 86, 278; ‘law’ of, 285; surplus, 86, 235

pornography, 135-6, 137, 143, 145

post-modernism, 11, 160

poverty, 253; as cause of environmental degradation, 268; as deprivation, 72; as subsistence, 72; creation of, 70-3; dealing with, 78; feminization of, 77; growth of, 268-71; in industrialized world, 77; trap, 76

praxis, 40

pregnancy, 93; tests, 186, 213

progress, 143-5, 164; as myth, 93; model of, 70

prostitution tourism, 135-6

racism, 185, 178-80, 189-91

radioactive contamination, 92

ragi millet, 67-8

Rambo image, 123, 257

rape, 123, 126

reductionism, 22-35

regeneration, 22-35

reproduction: ecology of, 277-96; human, reduction of, 26-8; manipulation of, 121; of plants, reduction of, 29-32; state control of, 295

reproduction technology, 138-9, 154; new, 174-97, 198-217

reproductive alternatives, 198-217

reproductive rights, 190, 220, 282, 285

research: basic, 50; feminist, 36-54; fundamental, funding of, 46; funded by military, 94, 95

resettlement, 114; impossibility of, 104

right to life movements, 214, 215

sacredness: of life, 17; as conservation category, 169-72

salinization, 28, 113

savages, 178, 180, 266; romanticization of, 150-2, 147; women as, 177, 179

Schlage Lock development, 4

science, 3, 6, 18, 36-54, 223, 272; and responsibility, 50; Chinese, 177; crisis in, 22-35; European, 177; irresponsibility of, 51; military, 51; modern, 3; sacredness of, 273

Scientific Revolution, 22, 29, 267

seed: corporate, 29, 308; handling of, 167; hybrid, 172; ownership of, 238-42; patented, 241; sacred, 169

Seikatsu Club, 259-62, 305

selection, 176-8

self-determination, 66, 128, 218-19; concept of, 223; criticism of, 220; male, 226

sentimentalism, 143-5

Seveso incident, 14

sex determination, 194

sexism, 178-80, 185, 186, 204

sexuality, 14, 15, 17, 143, 282, 288, 294; and nature, 136-8; as consumer good, 138; as sacred refuge, 137; control of, 120, 293; in industrialized societies, 137

shakti, 250

shopping, 141, 255, 258 Shringar Bhum, 102

simplicity, voluntary, 253-4

slavery, 178, 179, 242, 266, 285

social science, 37; critique of, 43

socialist countries, 8, 55, 63, 116, 124, 127, 298, 301

soil: as sacred mother, 98, 104; desacralization of, 103, 106; sacredness of, 99, 102, 104; sovereignty in, 106

spiritualism, 17, 18, 19

squatter movement, 312-18

SSK movement, 312-18

state control, of reproduction, 209-15

sterility, as disease, 188-9

sterilization, 87, 182, 190, 191, 192, 200, 219, 289, 291, 292

Structural Adjustment, 77, 233, 235, 289, 300, 302

struggle, involvement in, 39, 40

subsistence, 55-69, 151, 232, 261

subsistence perspective, 8, 242-4, 297-323

surrogate motherhood, 16, 200, 202-5

survival strategies of women, 84-6

sustainable development, 60, 84, 270, 299, 300

symbiosis, 228

technology, 3, 6, 56, 65, 223, 273; military, 51

Three Mile Island incident, 13

tourism, 132, 134, 145 see also prostitution toxic dumping, 4, 12, 82-3, 252, 314

Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), 238, 239, 274

tribal peoples: annihilation of, 149; as responsible for environmental degradation, 153; brutality against, 148; rights of, 149

ultrasound scanning of foetus, 27

uniformity in production, 24, 165

uprooting of peoples, 99, 103, 112, 114

utopia, of self-determination, 218-19

violence, 24, 113, 128, 134-5, 143-5, 176, 313; and the state, 122-4; as methodological principle, 47; related to knowledge, 46, 51

wakomonoyado, tradition of, 126

war, logic of, 123, 124

water: preservation of, 306; supplies of, 306-12

water crisis, 81-2

wheat: exports by US, 236; production of, 233; subsidisation of, 234

White Man, model of, 46, 52, 56, 93, 105, 132-63

wholeness, search for, 142-3

Whyl movement, 3, 15

wildness: of fertility, 138; of nature, 140, 143, 156 (search for, 132); of woman’s body, 226

witch hunts, 16, 134, 176, 287; study of, 145

witches, 36, 45

woman, romantic image of, 134, 146

womb: artificial, 188; as child’s environment, 87

women’s liberation, 2, 64, 228

Women’s Liberation Movement, 36, 37

women’s movement, 65, 145

Women’s Studies, 36-54; academization of, 43

women’s work, invisibility of, 167

women: as internal colony, 119; as Mother, need for, 140; killed as witches, 145 see also witch hunts; naturization of, 151; romantic image of, 147

World Bank, 9, 10, 86, 101, 104, 151, 191, 231, 233, 235, 270, 302