
John Betjeman, ‘Longfellow’s Visit to Venice’, from Collected Poems © The Estate of John Betjeman 1955, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1968, 1970, 1979, 1981, 1982, 2001. Reproduced by permission of John Murray (Publishers). Robert P.Tristram Coffin, ‘One Who Knows His Sea-gulls’ reprinted with kind permission of Macmillan Publishers. Robert Graves, ‘Jonah’ reprinted with kind permission of Carcanet Press Limited. Joyce Grenfell, ‘Stately as a Galleon’ from George, Don’t Do That… by Joyce Grenfell, published by Hodder and Stoughton. Copyright © 1977 Joyce Grenfell. Reproduced by permission of Sheil Land Associates Ltd. Harry Kemp, ‘The Beach Comber’ reprinted with kind permission of the estate of Harry Kemp. Robert Lowell, ‘Dolphin’ reprinted with kind permission of Farrar, Straus & Giroux. Dorothy MacKellar, ‘The Open Sea’ reprinted with kind permission of the estate of Dorothy MacKellar. John Masefield, ‘Port of Holy Peter’ and ‘Sea-Fever’ reprinted with kind permission of The Society of Authors. Bernard O’Dowd, ‘Australia’ reprinted with kind permission of Lothian Books. Edwin John Pratt, ‘The Charge of the Swordfish’ reprinted with kind permission of the University of Toronto. Roderic Quinn, ‘The Hidden Tide’ and ‘Stars in the Sea’ reprinted with kind permission of Angus & Robertson. Edward Shanks, ‘Boats at Night’ reprinted with kind permission of Macmillan Publishers. Kenneth Slessor, ‘Beach Burial’ reprinted with kind permission of Angus & Robertson. James Stephens, ‘The Shell’ reprinted with kind permission of The Society of Authors. Derek Walcott, ‘Coral’ reprinted with kind permission of the Random House Group Limited. Andrew Young, ‘The Chalk-Cliff’ reprinted with kind permission of Carcanet Press Limited.

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