
This book offers you magic, healing, and spiritual teaching from the trees. The tree rituals that you will find here have come out of my own practice, developed through years of work with the wisdom of the Celtic tree ogham and the Celtic tree calendar—they keep me close to nature. I have found that the calendar (which is composed of a portion of the alphabet) provides a meaningful doorway into the Celtic cosmology. It is a powerful body of wisdom and teaching for today’s seekers. Many goddess worshippers, Neopagans, Wiccans, tree lovers, and native European spiritualists have based their spiritual practice upon these teachings. I hope it can be useful to you the reader.

The Tree Ogham

The tree ogham (oh-am, ohm) is a medieval alphabet of twenty-five sigils/letters/trees that we can still find on stone monuments throughout the British Isles today. The alphabet consists of a set of straight lines that were etched upon sticks called staves, or on stones, and used for markers or monuments. Each line forms a sigil and can be written vertically (usually read from bottom to top) or horizontally (usually read from left to right). The markings are made along a stem line called the druim.

The Tree Ogham

The alphabet was not used for writing or speech as we know it; it was mainly used for mundane and practical communications. However, it is likely that it was also used to indicate ideas and beliefs related to the more ancient Celtic cosmology and philosophy.

The Celtic Tree Calendar

The Celtic tree calendar is a modern adaptation and is based on the concept that the letters in the ancient Celtic ogham alphabet corresponded to a tree, and that each of these trees is associated with the themes of the ancient Celtic culture and mythology. This calendar is used as a time-keeping device for moving through what modern Pagans call “the Wheel of the Year,” celebrating the holidays and using ritual and ceremony to honor the healing energies of the tree portals known as the tree months. Each tree month has its own special teachings, totems, guides, and deities.

There are two versions of the calendar. One is solar and begins just after the Winter Solstice and has a slightly different order: Beth, Luis, Nuin, and so on. The other is lunar and begins on November 1, the Celtic New Year, and ends on October 31, Samhain. This follows the order Beth, Luis, Fearn, and so on, and it is the one I choose to work with.

The Celtic tree calendar that I use is a lunar calendar consisting of thirteen twenty-eight-day months plus a day—amounting to 365 days in total. It is made up of the first fifteen ogham of the twenty-five-ogham tree alphabet (two trees are shared to fit into the thirteen months) plus ogham twenty-one, which represents the extra day. Thus, the calendar consists of fifteen phonetic consonant sounds and covers all the days of the year up to October 30. October 31 has its own special phonetic sounds and ogham, number twenty-one: the Koad/Grove/the Day. The calendar provides a powerful framework for spiritual practice with the trees through the thirteen moon months of the year and a day—and I have written rituals, ceremonies, and stories out of my experiences with it.

The Gifts of the Calendar

The gifts of Celtic symbolism and mythology—which come through in the tree teachings of the calendar—with their profound connection to the natural world and to the mysteries, have fostered in me a deeper connection to nature and have provided important and meaningful guidance. So, by following the teachings of the trees and the Celtic wisdom within this form, the calendar has proven to be the foundation of my practice.

By following the monthly sequence of the tree teachings, I have come to be a better steward of the planet and a more conscious human. This tree lore from the British Isles connects me to my ancestors and to their wisdom. This powerful teaching from the ancients can help us to survive today and encourage us to take care of our planet. I am ever grateful. I believe that this information is sourced in the ancient knowledge that was passed on orally and lost to us—and yet has reawakened like the phoenix. It is my hope that the calendar will be useful to you for your own spiritual growth and enjoyment.

How to Use this Book

The Celtic tree calendar is based on thirteen moon months and begins the new year on November 1 with the Birch tree and ends on October 31 with the Grove. I like to begin my year with a ceremony on November 1 with this first lunation cycle. If this is where you choose to start, it may be useful to begin your study and focus on the portal of Birch, which runs from November 1 to November 28. Otherwise you can find the appropriate month that you want to focus on. I like to begin a month and use the whole time for learning about the tree and its teaching, then culminate the time spent by inviting a few friends to share a ceremony. You can also modify the ceremonies to do them solo. It’s also wonderful to choose a ceremony to honor the celebration of each of the eight holiday sabbats, which I have included in this book.

The phenomenal healing power I have witnessed in the teachings of the trees—which shows up for folks in ceremony, meditation, and journeying—has left me in awe time after time. Divinity cannot be found in dogma. It shows up through the magical, the mystical, and the unexplained, and it is simply beautiful. It is to be experienced. All we need to do is extend the invitation, open to the energy, and make some time, whether this be individually or with a group.

We can also communicate with our ancestors and our loved ones that have passed over and receive the loving support and guidance of the totems, guides, and deities in the unseen world. This is our birthright, and the Celts understood that this communication is meant to help us to live well and live in harmony with all life on our planet. I have found this to be true. Thank you for opening yourself up to the tree teachings and their healing power. This spiritual practice, which moves you through the cyclical changes of the seasons and the years, will surely enhance your life.

Please take note that some of the totems, guides, and deities that I have included are modern additions to the teachings and that from time to time I use other mystery school totems, guides, and deities. They became part of my practice when I opened myself up to the energies of the ceremonies through the years. Egyptian, Norse, Native American, Greek/Roman, and other influences have shown up. To me they just add richness to the medicine that we are creating. I hope that I will not ruffle any feathers for not sticking strictly to the Celtic mythology and knowledge. When I talk about a deity from another culture, I will show a parenthetical notation alongside and share where it comes from. If it is bothersome to you, the reader, simply substitute a Celtic totem, guide, or deity that you are familiar with.

As for the stories, I wanted to share with the reader my real life experiences with the unseen help offered by the trees—the tree spirits themselves, as well as the totems, guides, and deities that show up. I also wanted to demonstrate the truth—that the ancestors and our loved ones who have passed on are alive and well, albeit in other dimensions, and will act on our behalf if we just ask. Indeed, the veil between the worlds is thin. I want to share ways that you can invite these healing relationships into your life. You’ll find these methods at the end of each story.

It is my work with the trees that brought me to these experiences and enriched my life. The energies and healing teachings of the trees will also communicate with you if you but ask and offer them your interest and attention. The more time you spend communicating with them, the better the relationship you establish. As such, you create a better connection for receiving their wisdom, healing, and magic.

I invite you to trust your dreams, intuitions, yearnings, synchronicities and serendipity, visions, daydreams, and inner guidance. Listen for that quiet voice within. Take note of books, movies, people, and events that attract you. These can act as guideposts along the way. Use meditation, guided journeying, and creativity as well, as a means of connecting you to Source wisdom. Create art, write poems and prose, keep a journal, write songs, play music, move, sing—allow the creative spirit to dance through you. Pay attention to body symptoms. Ask specific symptoms for their messages.

The tree spirits and their wisdom and knowledge are accessible. Ask the totems, guides, and deities for their help. Guidance and support is offered. They offer us healing. We do live in a paradise of beauty, mystery, and magic, and there are doorways between the worlds built to ensure communication. This communication can strengthen character, lead you through dark places, and support you to be a better steward of our Mother Earth. This pathway can help you with creativity and community. You can create a daily walk with peace and joy and gratitude.

How to Create a Tree Ceremony

Welcome and Greetings

Welcome your participants to your ceremony and thank them for taking the time to join with you in sacred ritual. Begin with greetings and introductions and state the purpose of the ceremony. Pass the talking stick and have each person say their name and why they came to the circle. Take a moment for silence and have your participants close their eyes and breathe together. Ask them to leave their daily concerns behind as they enter sacred space.

The Talking Stick

Choose a special stick to use in your ceremonies. You can decorate it with shells and colored ribbon if you so desire. Alternately, respectfully gather a stick of the tree that you will be honoring in each ceremony.

Share the rules of the talking stick. The holder of the stick has the floor for however long they need it to express themselves. There is no cross talk while someone is holding the stick. If someone needs clarification or has a comment to add, they must ask the holder of the stick if they might do so. There is no need for the speaker to say yes to this. The speaker can respond with “No, not at this time.” There is an agreement that no one talks about another’s story outside of the circle without permission. They agree to hold this circle as sacred and private.

Call in the Directions

Call in the directions and invite the guides, totems, deities of the tree, and the tree dryad. When you are done calling in the directions, stand together. Visualize a forest of trees. Tone together as you feel the power of the Grove.

Here is an example that you might use for calling in the directions. Simply read it out loud. After you are comfortable with calling the directions you can write up your own or simply wing it.

“I call the East, the rising sun, and springtime. I call new beginnings and new ideas. I call the Winged Ones. I call a higher perspective to all our endeavors. I call the element of air, and I honor the four winds. I honor intelligence, inspiration, and communication. I honor the trees of the East and their deities, totems, guides, and guardians.

“I call the South, the midday sun, and summer. I call fertility and creativity, passion and activity. I call the plants, flowers, and trees. I call the element of fire and honor our passions, sexuality, and desires. I honor purpose and will, action and creative endeavor. I honor the trees of the South and their deities, totems, guides, and guardians.

“I call the West, the setting sun, and autumn. I call the dreamtime and inner reflection. I call all water creatures. I call the element of water, and I honor all the waters of the earth. I honor our tears, emotions, and feelings. I honor flow and receptivity. I honor the trees of the West and their deities, totems, guide, and guardians.

“I call the North, the midnight sun, and winter. I call the wisdom of the ancestors and the knowledge of our lineages. I call the element of earth, and I honor our bodies that house our spirits. I honor the rocks, minerals, crystals, gems, mountains, valleys, prairies, fields, and deserts. I honor two-legged and four-legged animals and all the creepy crawlers. I honor the trees of the North and their deities, totems, guides, and guardians.

“I call Above. I call the star nations, higher dimensions of consciousness and love. I call the gods, goddesses, and the angelic realm that participate one hundred percent in love and protection for all. Welcome to our circle.

“I call Below. I call Mother Earth and give great gratitude for all she does to sustain our lives. I give great gratitude for all creatures and the unseen domain that nourished us. Without her permission, there would be no flora or fauna to sustain us. She is a paradise and it is a privilege to walk upon her.

“I call Within. I honor our heart’s altar, and I feed the flame of love. From this inner place we receive everything we need to know. This is the home of our own inner world tree and our knowledge and love. The heart is the true master organ, where our true eyes and ears live. This is our master message center that connects us to all that is: past, present, and future. This is the place outside time and space, and the emptiness within which all potential and possibility rest. And so it is!”


Teach about the meaning of the month. Your intention is always to open to the portal of the tree to receive its teaching and guidance, or to celebrate one of the eight high/holy days of the Wheel of the Year. State the intention for the celebration. Examples could be inspiration, healing, connecting with the ancestors, or giving gratitude.


Pass out papers with song lyrics. I suggest that you buy a few of the CDs listed in the Appendix A so that you can make your own list of songs. You can also go to the internet for women’s circle songs or Pagan songs. I also recommend recordings from these performers: Jennifer Berezan, Susan Osborn, Jami Sieber, Holly Near, Cris Williamson, Libby Roderick, Charlie Murphy, Rhiannon, and Feron. Once you are familiar with some songs, make copies for your participants. In Appendix B, I have mentioned songs that will fit well into the ceremony themes.

Introduce the drum as the connection to Mother Earth. She is the heartbeat of Mother Earth. Practice drumming together and teach songs or play CDs or tapes if you are too shy to sing. Music is always a wonderful addition to ceremony. I have also written chants that you may use, or you may create your own.


The chants included are meant to be read out loud by the leader. These can be repeated many times to build up the energy.


These sections are an indication that the leader of the ceremony is to read the text out loud for the group.

Guided Meditation

Take a guided journey. You may create your own guided journey or use the sample journeys I have included here. Always set the mood by asking your participants to close their eyes and go within. Allow them some time to pay attention to their breath and let go of their daily concerns. Allow them time to be with the silence before you lead them through the journey. Then read the meditation provided out loud. Allow them time at the end of their journey to come back and ground and center before moving on to sharing. The unconscious can use the imaginal realm to provide information, guidance, and healing. Thus, what is offered spontaneously within a guided journey can provide amazing results.


Make time for your participants to share. Giving them time to write their experiences in their journals helps them to remember better. Journeys are like dreams; the details can fade quickly.


Here you might plant seeds or draw or do any number of other exercises. Choose something that grounds the teachings. Recommended activities are provided in each ceremony, but feel free to experiment with your own connected ideas.

celtic tree calendar
celtic tree calendar


End with gratitude for your tree dryads and all the spirit helpers. Release the directions by saying: “We release the Center, Above, and Below; the North, the West, the South, and the East with our gratitude. Thank you for blessing our ceremony. The circle is now open.”

The dark half of the year begins officially on Samhain or October 31 and was given special attention in the Celtic cosmology. It marks a time to communicate with the ancestors and to reconnect with one’s spiritual path. The Celtic New Year begins on November 1. The light half of the year begins on Beltane or May 1.

There are four winter trees that span the Winter Solstice: the Birch, the Rowan (which rules the Winter Solstice), the Alder, and the Willow (which rules Imbolc). This north quadrant in the Wheel of the Year represents the earth, winter, and the Pentacles in the tarot.

There are three spring trees that span the Spring Equinox: the Ash, the Hawthorn (which rules the Spring Equinox), and the Oak (which rules Beltane). The east quadrant represents the air, spring, and the Swords in the tarot.

There are four summer trees that span the Summer Solstice: the Holly, the Hazel and the Apple (which share a month and rule the Summer Solstice), and the Vine (which rules Lammas). The south quadrant represents fire, summer, and the Wands in the tarot.

There are three fall trees that span the Fall Equinox: Ivy, Reed, and Blackthorn (the latter two share a month and rule the Fall Equinox). The west quadrant represents water, fall, and the Cups of the tarot.

The final thirteenth tree month is ruled by Elder. The Elder is a corridor month and represents your uniquely personal magical tools and your personal allies.

wheel of the year

The last day of the year is October 31 and is its own special day. It is ruled by the Grove. It can be celebrated as The Day or as Samhain. This is a time to renew spiritual commitments and honor the ancestors.

The Sabbats/Holy Holidays

There are four lunar holidays or cross-quarter celebrations and four solar holidays within the modern Pagan Celtic Wheel of the Year. As you move through the calendar chapters, you will find ceremonies for the holidays at the end of the tree month that they fall in. Thus, some of the months have two ceremonies: one for the honored tree and one for the holiday. Please check the dates of the solstices and equinoxes each year, as they fluctuate.

As we move through the Wheel of the Year and encounter the teachings of each tree, we also work with totems and guides and with god and goddess energies. These are central to the themes of death and rebirth. The ancient people of the British Isles all honored the Triple Goddess in her many forms and names and she is embedded in their stories and mythology. The Goddess represents the feminine initiations through life, the lunar cycles, and Gaia’s seasonal changes. Today in Pagan traditions it is common to refer to her as mother, maiden, and crone. The Goddess retreats in winter to the underworld to join the crone, emerges as the maiden in the spring, and becomes the mother by summer, only to retreat again in the fall.

The White Stag, Herne the Hunter, Cernunnos the Great Stag God, and the Green Man are found in Britain’s folklore. Today in Pagan traditions, this quaternity reflects the special relationship between man and animals and the masculine path of initiation into the mysteries. The story emphasizes man’s responsibility as the protector of nature and symbolizes his willingness to sacrifice himself for the good of his people.

We celebrate the Green Man at the Winter Solstice and thank him for protecting the deer family. At the Spring Equinox, the Stag emerges from the forest, and by the Summer Solstice the hunter comes to search for the Stag who will renew his divine power. At Lammas, the hunter mates with the representative of the great Goddess, the deer goddess Ker. By the end of summer, the Stag is killed and his horns are placed upon the hunter who becomes Cernunnos, the Stag God. He reigns through the fall, but by the Winter Solstice he must return the horns and the power back to the earth. Like the grains and the corn, the antlers are returned to the earth as compost. The hunter returns to the woods to become the Green Man once again. He becomes the protector of the spirit of the wild animal.

But foremost, it is the Goddess in her many forms that blesses and participates in this cycle with the masculine. She empowers it, and thus ensures the regeneration of life through the seasons. She is the creator and the Great Mother and central to the cosmology.

the holidays

How the Unseen Realm Communicates with Us:
A Story about Dragons, the Totem of Alder

Totem helpers, guides, and deities, as well as the spirits of the trees and plants, can come through dreams, synchronicity and serendipity, visions, daydreams, and guided meditation. They can also show up through art, spontaneous writing, dance, body symptoms, and unusual and unexplainable experiences. They can appear in your waking life and send you messages through inner dimensions. Sometimes you will want to connect with a healer to help you sort out the messages you receive. When you work with these guardians and helpers, you will begin to see actual results in your daily life. I share this story with you to demonstrate this reality and how it played out in my life.


Spirit helpers can come through dreams. They often come at times of stress or challenge, but sometimes they appear out of the blue. My initial involvement with dragon medicine came some thirty some years ago with a particularly lucid dream.

I was beginning to learn how to read the tarot and I dreamt that large tarot cards were sitting on the water in the large strait called Saratoga Passage that lies between what was once my father’s beach home on Whidbey Island and the opposing Camano Island in Washington State. This is one of my most favorite places on earth. These cards were very large and reminded me of the playing cards that became the bodies of the Queen and King of Hearts and their guards in the Disney movie Alice in Wonderland.

In the dream, the tarot cards were lying face down on the water. They began to ripple with the movement of the currents until they sat upright and arranged themselves in a row to form the undulating back of a huge water dragon. I could see her spikes roll and peak as she moved, and I was amazed at what I was watching. I was sitting in our little row boat. As the dragon became more lively and fierce, I began to feel afraid. I started to row for shore, and the dragon began to chase me.

When I got to shore, my husband helped me pull the little boat up onto the sand. I was fully expecting him, whom I considered my knight, to defend me. Instead he thought we should pull the dinghy over on top of us and hide. I didn’t have time to show my surprise because the dragon was almost there. We pulled the boat over us, hull-side up, and waited to see if the dragon would attack. She snorted, and a huge bolt of fire issued from her mouth. She pushed the boat aggressively with her huge snout. She was determined. I hoped my husband would try to defend us, but he was frozen.

It was up to me. I darted out from under the boat and jumped to my feet. In my hands I carried a double-edged ax, the kind that belongs to the Amazonian women fighters. As the dragon came forward I swung backward, and with all my might and determination, I swung the ax over my head and pulled down. I met the flesh of the mighty dragon at her neck. Her head fell at my feet. The huge body of the sea serpent dropped to the side with a loud, dead thump. As amazed as I was, I placed my foot upon her flank and claimed my victory. I had saved us!

I awoke from that dream very surprised. I was filled with power. I was the dragon slayer, but I was disappointed by the man in my dream. He was supposed to have defended me and saved me. It’s a shame I didn’t understand the guidance of the dream. No man could have fulfilled my need for him to be the perfect white knight. If he had tried I would have fought him tooth and nail. The truth was I didn’t need a protector and would never find my own power while I was looking to someone else for approval. It just took a long time for me to come to this truth.

In hindsight it was too bad I didn’t celebrate my own power then, but instead chose to keep it asleep and hidden. I wanted something from this man that he could never give to me: my own sense of self. Too bad I spent so long trying to get him to change. Too bad I spent so long being angry and frustrated and distraught. What a waste of life energy …

It took me a long time to put my attention on my own quest. It must have been a level of emotional development that I needed to grow through; it was just easier to blame others and I didn’t know any better at the time.

The dream had given me a blueprint for myself and I am sorry I didn’t see my first encounter with the sea serpent as an honoring and blessing. The dragon of the tarot, with all her archetypal secrets, had chosen to show herself to me! And I had responded with fear and suspicion. I was not mature enough at that time to understand her gifts. I had killed her and chosen to go back to sleep. However, it is impossible to kill important messengers from the unconscious, especially when they are intertwined with one’s destiny. She did not give up on me.


Surprising images can come through our artistic creations. It is a direct line of communication from our Source and our inner life. The purpose is to bring healing and understanding to guide and support us.

The next year, my husband and I moved to Alaska to teach school. It was in a remote Native American village that I painted my first dragon. I felt like I needed protection and I spontaneously painted a green dragon on a shield on my canvas.

This was a very intuitive act. There was a wild death in this place. Between the Baptist minister who thought that the dragon was a sign of Satan, the teachers who were doing their fair share of drugs and alcohol, and the Native people that told their own stories of killing witches, I felt threatened. So much alcoholism and drug use by the villagers as well as the white teachers, and so much suicide among the young Native people made me sad. Even the gigantic ravens spoke in unison of stark defeat and threat. Too much taboo, too much loss, too much conflict between Christianity and Native religion, and too much fear …

The dragon got me through. This is when I began to reconsider the meaning of my original dragon dream. There might have been another message, or I began to have a hint that I could have responded differently in my original dream.

We returned home to Seattle when I became pregnant with my son. During my pregnancy I painted a huge painting with a castle in the center, and all around it I placed symbols of fertility and fecundity, as well as a raven. At one side was a dragon’s tail, although I did not really understand that is what I was painting. I had always thought of it as a strange shape at the edge of the painting. The dragon seemed to live behind the scenes as I prepared to become a mother and a keeper of the hearth. This was in 1981.

Dragon didn’t awaken again until 2003 at a women’s workshop with my friend Starfeather. By this time much change had come into my life. I was divorced, remarried, and had another child. I created a mandala using collage and found the most wonderful, colorful dragon to place upon it. It was then that I was reminded that the shape in my painting was exactly the shape of this dragon’s tail. I created the mandala with the dragon’s tail on the right side and the head of the dragon appearing on the left side, with the idea that her great, powerful body was wrapping back behind the shield unseen. It was as if dragon had woken up and shown herself. I found this wonderfully pleasing. Perhaps she knew that I was ready now to welcome her into my life. She was patient, as it had only taken me twenty-two years to remember her! So here it was, so many years later and my dragon had returned.

It was as if once I recognized the dragon again through my art she made herself known. She came a few months later in my dreamtime in full force. I was asleep and she flew into my room with a huge whoosh of sound and air. Huge, green, and vibrant, she hovered above me and then transformed into a hooded cobra. This was a very strange dream indeed! The cobra entered my body and at that moment I was infused with the kundalini energy of dragon and cobra. It felt like a tremendous spiritual initiation, and again this felt real, very lucid. Was it a dream at all?

Body Symptoms and the Need for Helpers

Therapists, naturopaths, acupuncturists, and healers can become part of our healing team, and I encourage this. For many months after this experience I began to suffer incredible heat in my digestive tract. Sometimes we just have no idea what is happening to us and we need to get outside help. I finally went to an acupuncturist and he placed a needle into the place on my belly that was extremely tender. So much heat came out of the site that we both burst into sweat. It was like an erupting volcano. We were very surprised—astounded. After that I began to heal.

I went to another healer after this who suggested that we dialogue with what she sensed was my inner dragon. Through this dialogue, I discovered that my dragon had not realized that her natural heat was making me sick. Yet she did not want to come out of me because she thought I lacked the fire and fortitude to do the work she wanted me to do.

The healer also sensed that there was a knight inside who was fighting with the dragon because he believed she was evil and that his job was to slay her. He was acting as my protector. I invited both to come out of my body and I asked them if they would agree to work with me. Their job of course was to protect the realm and ensure that I would have the muster to fulfill my destiny. They agreed to help me restore balance. We also agreed to work as a team to help others, as this was the dragon’s greatest desire. She was there to help me with my mission and my destiny.

Unfortunately, I had also developed frozen shoulder during this time. My body was so uncomfortable. I began to receive two-hour massages to heal my shoulder pain, and during one of those sessions I went into a trance. Within the session I experienced the birthing of a baby dragon from my shoulder. In my mind’s eye this little fledgling was wet and new, and her wings did not open yet. I began to move and stretch my shoulders and arms, as if I was the newly born dragon. My arm became unstuck and I began to unfurl my wings. There was a healing that day. I was unfrozen! And it felt like a miracle!

Attention Is Your Coin

Attention is your entrance fee into the unseen realm. The more attention you give to your totem, the better the relationship you build. You can do this by setting an intention to meet up with your totem, before you dream or before meditation. You can draw and paint your totem. You can learn all you can about your totem through books and classes. You can dialogue with your totem in your journal. You can write up your own guided journeys and record them. Join with others and lead them on a guided meditation to meet their totem helpers.


When things start coinciding straight out of the blue, you know you are on the right track. When things come together in surprising ways that get your attention, you can bet that your helpers and guides are wanting to communicate with you.

At a used bookstore, I found some books on sale about the Celtic mysteries and the Celtic tree calendar. When I got home I began to read a section on dragons. Then the mail came and in a large manila envelope sent from my friend Maxine was a beautiful colored picture of a maiden and her dragon. It was the same exact picture of a dragon that I had chosen for my collage when I was at Starfeather’s workshop! Synchronicity! I felt that this set of synchronicities was encouraging me on with my work with the trees. And my dragon guide seemed pleased.

To this day, in January every year, I love to honor the Alder tree and her totem, the amazing dragon. As such, the dragon has become an important guide for me. Dragon is of the earth and represents the ancients. I deeply appreciate her persistence, guidance, and protection. From my ancestry and my dreams and my own experience, I have come to know the dragon. Now I court my own dragon guide and call on her. The dragon was most gracious not to abandon me for my early immaturity. I hope to keep strengthening my connection to the dragon and to dragon medicine.

I have been drawing more and more dragons and studying them as time goes on; I feel they are my friends. In another guided meditation, one became small and sat in my lap and purred! To me, the dragon is a great protector—she helps me to stay in touch with my own ancestral heritage. She carries the elemental power of the earth herself. She also represents the element of spirit and creative fire. For the Chinese, she is good luck. She is a symbol of impersonal power, wild and free, yet she is willing to guard and protect you. She is a symbol for vigilance and will safeguard your possessions, your home, and your life. She helps to keep me on track and reminds me to continue to open to all that I can be.

I am happy to have dragon as a helping totem. She comes from the unseen world of what may have once been. She offers teaching and guidance. Although she lives in other realms she offers herself. She only needs to be asked. Perhaps dragon has information for us that could be helpful for our survival as a species. Perhaps dragons know how to help with this because they have lived since the beginning of time.

I just feel the dragons urge me forward. They say, “keep writing, keep teaching, keep listening, and keep knowing that you are one with all.” They say, “keep believing in magic and enchantment and involve yourself in the very mystery of your true nature.”

Go back through your own recurring dreams and look for totem helpers that have shown up through the years. Look at synchronicities. Check out the art you are attracted to and the movies or song lyrics that you like. Are there recurring totems that show up? What about body symptoms? What messages have you received?

We know that these are ways that our unconscious—our inner life—communicates with us, as well as the larger cosmos and spiritual realms that we are a part of. We each have our own guardian angel and our own set of helpers. They will answer if you ask. They cannot help us without our permission. They will show up for you if you want to meet them. There are workshops for finding your totem. Or you can get together with friends and lead a guided meditation for finding your helpers. As you move through the ceremonies you will also be led through the meditations to meet some of the totems, guides, and deities as well as the dryads of the trees. It is like getting new friends and adding them to your family. They will enrich your life!
