1 The Trial of Charles I and the Last Judgement
2 The Trial of Louis XVI and the Terror
4 Defeat in the Dock: the Riom Trial
5 Justice as Purge: Marshal Pétain Faces his Accusers
6 Treachery on Trial: the Case of Vidkun Quisling
7 Nuremberg: Making War Illegal
8 Creating Legitimacy: the Trial of Marshal Antonescu
9 Ethnic Cleansing and National Cleansing in Czechoslovakia, 1945–1947
10 People’s Justice in Liberated Hungary
11 From Mass Execution to Amnesty and Pardon: Postwar Trials in Bulgaria, Finland, and Greece
12 Politics as Conspiracy: the Tokyo Trials
14 Revolution Returns: the Trial of Nicolae Ceauşescu
15 A State on Trial: Erich Honecker in Moabit
16 Jean Kambanda, Convicted without Trial
17 Kosovo and the New World Order: the Trial of Slobodan Milošević
18 Regime Change and the Trial of Saddam Hussein
19 The Trial of Charles Taylor
20 The Punishment Ethic in International Relations