


1 The Trial of Charles I and the Last Judgement

2 The Trial of Louis XVI and the Terror

3 War Guilt after World War I

4 Defeat in the Dock: the Riom Trial

5 Justice as Purge: Marshal Pétain Faces his Accusers

6 Treachery on Trial: the Case of Vidkun Quisling

7 Nuremberg: Making War Illegal

8 Creating Legitimacy: the Trial of Marshal Antonescu

9 Ethnic Cleansing and National Cleansing in Czechoslovakia, 1945–1947

10 People’s Justice in Liberated Hungary

11 From Mass Execution to Amnesty and Pardon: Postwar Trials in Bulgaria, Finland, and Greece

12 Politics as Conspiracy: the Tokyo Trials

13 The Yassıada Trial, the Greek Colonels, Emperor Bokassa, and the Argentine Generals: Transitional Justice, 1960–2007

14 Revolution Returns: the Trial of Nicolae Ceauşescu

15 A State on Trial: Erich Honecker in Moabit

16 Jean Kambanda, Convicted without Trial

17 Kosovo and the New World Order: the Trial of Slobodan Milošević

18 Regime Change and the Trial of Saddam Hussein

19 The Trial of Charles Taylor

20 The Punishment Ethic in International Relations


Bibliography and Further Reading
