
            ELEMENT: Light

            COLOR: Indigo

            MANTRA SOUND: SHAM

The sixth chakra is a special place on our chakra journey. Anatomically, we have arrived at the area of the third eye, which is located between the two eyebrows and the two physical eyes. The sixth chakra includes the eyes and the pineal gland. Ajna is our center of intuition and clairvoyance, or seeing things beyond the physical.

Relatively speaking, the descriptions of the first five chakras have been fairly grounded and hopefully relatable to your daily life. Please bear with me throughout the description of the sixth chakra, as it will be more esoteric.

The world we live in is made up of opposites. Where there is up, there is down. Where there is day, there is night. Where there is darkness, there is light. No matter how hard we try to only have half of something, its opposite always tends to show up somehow. As happy as you can be one day, you know in the back of your mind that something can happen to make you sad. But the upside is, when you’re sad, you can be fairly certain that it won’t last and that you will eventually experience happiness again, if you’re patient. This principle of opposites is called duality.

When you were born, you came into this world of duality. You began life on earth, and shortly thereafter you realized that you will die someday.

According to Tantra yoga philosophy, we can transcend this world of duality while we’re still living. We don’t have to experience death to appreciate our state of perfection wherein suffering no longer exists. We can have this experience while we’re alive.

In the first five chakras we’re stuck with the experience of our five senses, the tanmantras; with the five elements, the mahabhutas; and with the three gunas, or states of being. The first five chakras are also bound to the three doshas as well as the alternating energies of yin and yang, which are representative of the Ida and Pingala nadis. As you can see, up until this point, we were bound to the ebb and flow of many factors that influenced the experiences of our existence.

Not anymore. Once you reach the Ajna chakra, you’re able to go beyond all these factors. The Ida and Pingala nadis end in the nostrils. For the sixth chakra, the two physical eyes represent the Ida and Pingala nadis, and the third eye represents the Shushumna nadi. Remember that the Shushumna nadi is the central nadi that runs through the spinal cord connecting all seven main chakras. The physical eyes see the past and present, and the third eye sees the future. Lastly, the physical eyes represent the sun and moon, and the third eye represents fire or intense light.

This beautiful quote by Dr. K. O. Paulose portrays the essence of the sixth chakra: “Ajna is where time ceases to exist. There is no past, no present and no future. Ajna will help you break down the barriers between your individual self and teach you to blend with the cosmic mind in single-pointed consciousness. This is the chakra wherein duality ends. There is no light and dark; no good and evil. Unconditional truth is the essence of Ajna.”

The color we attribute to the third-eye chakra is indigo. The mantra, or bija (seed) sound, we vocalize for the sixth chakra is SHAM.

Sixth Chakra Ailments

Ailments of the Ajna chakra include blindness, eyestrain, blurred vision, headaches, hallucinations, difficulty concentrating, and nightmares. Memory problems can also be a sixth chakra disorder.

Sixth Chakra Energy

If you have never experienced a transcendent state, Ajna’s energy may be difficult to understand. You might even have a hard time believing that something like this exists. Let me give you an example to help you recognize that you have already experienced the transcendent quality of the sixth chakra.

Have you ever experienced your sense of intuition through a hunch or inner knowing? Have you had a clear sense about a person or situation but no idea how you knew it? Let’s say you’re in the market to buy a new car. You shop around and find a particular vehicle that you would like to buy. The car salesman shows you the top-of-the-line model with all the bells and whistles. You explain you want the basic model with heated front seats but nothing else extra. He convinces you that he can get you a great deal, fantastic trade-in value, and perfect financing on the car he showed you. Reluctantly you agree to let him write up the paperwork. Three hours later he says he’s crunched all the numbers and presents you with a bill that is $5,000 more than you wanted to spend. Defeated, you’re about to sign on the dotted line when something inside you says, “Stop!” You put down your pen and tell the salesman, “I think I need to shop around some more. I think I can get a better deal elsewhere.” He tries to convince you that you could never in a million years find a better deal on such a car. Listening to your intuition, you leave and head off to another dealership where you’re able to buy the same top-of-the-line model for $5,000 less, exactly what you wanted to pay in the first place and with more amenities. That is transcendence.

You might argue that your decision to leave the first dealership was pure logic since you know through life experience when you’re being taken to the cleaners. But your hunch wasn’t based on factual information, not unless you had called every single car dealership in your area with the specs on that same car and had already gathered the information before declining the first deal. It came from an inner knowing, a small voice that told you to get out while you still could.

If you’ve ever experienced telepathy or meaningful coincidence, you’ve also tapped into your sixth chakra. Have you ever thought about someone you hadn’t seen or spoken to in a long time, and the mere experience of thinking about her caused her to call you out of the blue? Or maybe you thought about a book you really wanted to read, and a friend walked up to you and said, “I was out shopping, saw this book, and thought of you. Would you like to have it?” That happened to me while I was living in France. I was helping my father-in-law, who was having some health issues. I was thinking about a book I had read several years before, 8 Weeks to Optimum Health by Dr. Andrew Weil. I knew that if I could give it to him, it might change his life. But I didn’t know where to find it or if it was even translated into French. That day I went to the supermarket and walked past a bargain bin full of books. I glanced down and there was 8 Weeks to Optimum Health in French and on sale. It was crazy. That is what happens when you access your sixth chakra fully.

Many people brush off events like that as mere coincidence or happenstance. My answer to them is, “Really?” What are the chances that a book, originally published in 1997, would find itself in a bargain bin in a grocery store in France in 2006, among all the hundreds of thousands of books that exist, and at the exact same time that I was at that grocery store? I would bet that the probability is close to zero. That event was divinely orchestrated as a result of my meditating and living in a higher state of consciousness.

Meaningful coincidences or synchronistic events begin to occur when you align yourself with the spiritual energy that resides in the Ajna chakra. Life becomes easier and more fulfilling. You experience more joy, and your life becomes more meaningful.

Our Societal Relationship with the Sixth Chakra

We have not yet reached a point in our society where sixth chakra consciousness exists for the majority. If that were the case, there would be no such thing as good people and bad people, therefore no wars would formulate. There would be no push-pull of the ego, and thus we wouldn’t be concerned with competition or getting ahead of other people. A mind-set of abundance would reign everywhere as we would realize that there is enough on this planet for everyone. Crime would be nonexistent as a result of wealth consciousness. If everything was light, then there would be no darkness.

The feeling of interconnectedness would end the debate as to whether or not we need to take care of our planet. The answer would be obvious. Daily life would flow in greater peace and harmony.

The emergence of spiritual enlightenment is in its infancy in the West. There is certainly more awareness than in the past one hundred years, but greater darkness as well. We have shifted from world wars to wars on ourselves and our health. Illness in society as a whole reflects the state of consciousness of its people. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, half of all US adults, or 133 million people, suffer from at least one chronic disease. Disease cannot exist in sixth chakra consciousness. By synchronizing with mind, body, spirit, and the entire universe, you are vibrating at such a fast speed that the lower energies of disease cannot take hold in you.

Let me give you an example. Perhaps there has been a time in your life when you were living in bliss. Your career was great. You were deeply in love. Your family life was balanced, and you woke up every morning feeling fantastic. You felt on top of the world. Maybe that time lasted for a week, a month, or a year. But do you remember that during that time, when you felt like you could take on the world, you didn’t get sick? People around you were getting colds or the flu, but not you. You were untouched by disease even though you were exposed to it. Inversely, perhaps there was a time when everything was going wrong. You lost your job, your car broke down, and your dog died all in one week. You were stressed, sad, and worried, and on top of it all you got hit with a killer bronchial infection.

I would suggest that if you want to live a life that is disease-free, along with following the other principles offered in this book, stay away from disease consciousness. Turn off the TV or radio when prescription drug ads come on, and even try to avoid advertisements for hospitals, cancer treatment centers, and other medical centers. You don’t want any of that energy anywhere near you. It will lower your vibrational frequency. If friends or family talk about the flu epidemic or the Zika virus, ask them to please change the subject. If you feel a minor ache or pain, try not to surf the internet looking for diseases. Instead, do some yoga breathing, meditate, or change your diet. I know people who feel a small pain, and after browsing disease possibilities, they’re off to their doctor with a self-diagnosis. Other than getting yearly checkups, wouldn’t it be better to not have to rely on doctors so much? Your body is a healing machine. Consider it as such.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if instead of medical advertisements, we had motivational advertisements? Imagine where your thoughts would go if you saw a big billboard that read “Your body is a healing machine. You’re healthy now,” then you opened your internet browser and a pop-up ad read “You have extraordinary energy!” Most medical companies would go out of business.

When we let go of the belief that disease is a given, we can then evolve in consciousness as a society.

Living Life in the Ajna Chakra

The person who dwells in the Ajna chakra lives a magical but disciplined life. The gifts that come with sixth chakra consciousness only come with the greatest amount of austerity and adherence to steadfast principles. It’s no wonder that only a select few ever attain this level of consciousness. The work required to gain these gifts is a tough and often lonely road. Others around you may not understand why you need to meditate for an hour a day or practice yoga daily. They may not get why you buy only organic food, recycle, or consistently give to charities. They might tease you for never drinking alcohol, using drugs, or taking any substances that will harm your body. They may find you weak for never arguing with others or trying to prove that you’re right. And they certainly won’t understand why you prefer silence to blaring music or a loud television.

By living in the Ajna chakra you give up a great many things, but you gain much more in return. You live in bliss and joy every day of your life. The resources you need seem to appear out of nowhere. You begin to see into the future and know the places and people to avoid. Your life unfolds effortlessly and easily. Many people living in this state have the power to heal. And when you are in the presence of others, they feel at peace.

Recognizing Sixth Chakra Imbalances

Practicing meditation and living a life of austerity are not the only ways to obtain the level of transcendence most people seek. Beware of fast tracks to transcendence. Some people will try to obtain sixth chakra transcendence by destructive means such as extreme fasting, drugs, alcohol, and other types of addictive behavior. You can have momentary journeys into bliss by flooding your brain with addictive substances or by depriving the brain of oxygen, food, or water. But these things always come with a price. By forcing yourself into higher states of consciousness, you create a karmic debt that must be repaid. Often the lows include plummeting back into the most primal and basic areas of the first chakra, where you’re surrounded by fear, shame, and guilt. Since all of us are seeking a greater spiritual connection on some level, it can be tempting to try to take a shortcut to transcendent bliss. However, anything worth having is also worth working toward.

Accepting Sixth Chakra Gifts

If you’re not already living in the sixth chakra state of consciousness at least some of the time, it can be scary to accept the gifts of this chakra. You may be reluctant to follow your intuition or trust your visions, whether they come from within or as outer visual experiences.

Accepting sixth chakra gifts can give you an edge over others who don’t accept them. Your power of intuition can save you a lot of pain and heartache. It can help you make better choices and guide you along your life path with greater ease. The power of dreaming and visualization can get you to your desires and life purpose at lightning speed. The sixth chakra transcends time and space. In the universal realm, manifestation is not linear. It does not await the perfect time and place. You can take quantum leaps in progress through the power of visualization, daydreaming, and following your intuition.

I met this woman at a meeting of Al-Anon, a recovery group for people who are affected by someone else’s drinking. She was a nice person with a big heart. She shared with me that she had been in the program for over forty-nine years. She said she was still working on the issues that plagued her from the beginning. Many other women in the program seemed to be experiencing the same. They had spent years and often decades in the program, going over the mistakes of the past and often repeating the same mistakes in the present. I often hear this story of people who stay in therapy for many years. I don’t believe in getting stuck in this sort of holding pattern. For true spiritual development to occur, you must continually grow. Programs and self-help books are wonderful and great. There are layers to personal growth that can and do unfold with repetition. However, if you find yourself repeating the same destructive behavior or mulling over past behavior, feelings, or emotions, you will find it difficult to reach the sixth chakra level of consciousness. Instead of daydreaming about how you have this defect or that ingrained behavior or emotion, visualize yourself as healed and strong. Spend time daydreaming about living in a different mind-set and staying there. Living your life differently is as easy as a decision. My philosophy: get the lesson and move on.

We all have a limited amount of time on this planet. You might have seventy, eighty, ninety, or one hundred years total. With the knowledge that your time is limited, why not make the best use of it by working with universal energy instead of against it? When you make the decision to accept this spiritual aspect of who you are, you will see yourself grow by leaps and bounds.

Healing Ajna


I follow the path of truth.


Healing the Physical Body

To help relieve blockages or imbalances in the sixth chakra, it’s important to choose life-affirming foods, clean water, and a healthy, toxin-free living environment. Move your body daily and practice meditation. Living in this manner is essential as you awaken each of the chakras. However, if you wish to experience the physical lightness that brings to you the gifts of the sixth chakra, you must keep your body free of toxins. Of course, you can’t control everything in your environment, but try to control what you can.

You will have increased ability to access your intuition if you spend time in nature. Your body will sync up with the rhythms of nature, and you will experience more flow in your life.


Great for strengthening the cones and rods in the eyes as well as stimulating the brain, these yoga eye exercises take only two to three minutes to do. Remove your glasses or contact lenses. Sit tall with your palms on your lap facing up. Keep your head steady. Repeat each of the following three exercises ten times:

Look up to the right and down to the left. Then look up to the left and down to the right.

Look side to side, as if you were trying to look at each ear.

Look up between your eyebrows, and look down toward your chin.

Finally, look toward your nose, and hold for twenty to thirty seconds. When you’re finished, rub your hands together to create friction and heat. Place the heels of your hands over your eyes, and hold for about thirty seconds. Still holding your hands over your eyes, gently move the heels of your hands in a circular motion over your eyes to massage them. When you’re finished, remove your hands and open your eyes.


In addition to eye exercises, you can strengthen your sense of sight and help heal a whole host of diseases by using light therapy. The best source of light therapy, of course, is the sun. Never stare directly at the sun. However, you can stare at the sun with your eyes closed. You can also try circular eye motions: with your eyes closed, look toward the sun and trace its shape by moving your eyes in a clockwise motion and then switching to counterclockwise. Do this sunning therapy for ten minutes daily. In the winter you can achieve a similar effect by using a full-spectrum light box designed for light therapy. According to a Mayo Clinic article, the light box should provide an exposure to 10,000 lux of light and emit as little ultraviolet light as possible to avoid skin and eye damage. In the same way that you wouldn’t look directly at the sun for your eye exercises, avoid staring directly at the light box. Consult your eye doctor before using any type of light therapy for your eyes if you have glaucoma, cataracts, or eye damage from diabetes.


Practice these breathing techniques and poses to help balance the Ajna chakra.


To view a video demo of these exercises, go to


Click on the Playlists tab, and select

Chakra Healing Asanas & Pranayamas.

Scroll down the list until you find the one you’re looking for.


Alternate-Nostril Breathing — Nadi Shodhana: The practice of nadi shodhana synchronizes the hemispheres of the brain. Begin by sitting with your back straight and your eyes closed. Place your left hand on your lap, with your palm facing up. Take your right hand and place your index and middle fingers on the third eye in between your eyebrows. Gently rest your right thumb on your right nostril. Rest the inside of your folded ring finger on your left nostril. To begin, inhale through both nostrils and exhale through both nostrils with your lips closed. Block your right nostril with your thumb, and inhale through your left nostril for the count of two. Block both nostrils and hold for six. Then exhale through your right nostril for the count of four. Inhale through your right nostril for two, hold both for six, and then exhale through your left nostril for four. Keep the same counts as you alternate. Repeat this breathing pattern for two to five minutes.

Bee Breath — Bhramari: This breathing technique helps clear sinuses, alleviate headaches, and calm nerves. Sit in a comfortable position with your spine tall, and close your eyes. Gently press the middle and ring finger of each hand against your eyes, covering them completely. Press your thumbs into your inner ears to close off your hearing. Rest your pinkies on your upper cheeks and your index fingers slightly above your eyebrows. Take a deep breath through your nose and into your belly, and exhale by saying HUM or OM, emphasizing the mmmmm sound and prolonging it for the entire exhalation. You will feel the vibration throughout your head. Repeat for at least ten breaths. You will feel invigorated after completing the bee breath.

Eagle Pose — Garudasana: Eagle pose is great for cultivating focus and one-pointed attention. Begin by standing on your mat with your feet parallel. Bend your knees and lift your right leg up to cross it over your left. If you can, wrap your toes behind your left calf. You will now be in a seated-chair squat with one leg wrapped around the other. If it’s too difficult to wrap your toes, place your right foot on the side of your left leg. You can also place a yoga block next to your left foot and place your right toes on the block. Next, bring your arms up and bend them so they look like goalposts. Wrap your right arm underneath your left, and thread it around until your two hands meet at the top. Your arms will be interlaced together like your legs. With your arms wrapped, bring both palms together. Your focal point will be your hands. Bring your elbows up and your shoulders down. Hold the pose for four to six breaths, and then repeat on the other side.

Dolphin Pose — Ardha Pincha Mayurasana: Dolphin pose is a mild inversion, or a yoga pose in which the head is at a lower position than the heart. As a general rule, inversions are good for all the upper chakras. Even though dolphin pose looks easy, it’s actually quite challenging as it requires some upper body strength. You can work your way up to holding dolphin pose by taking frequent breaks. Dolphin pose is also good practice to build your strength for a yoga headstand.

Begin on your hands and knees on your mat. Lay your forearms on the mat with your elbows directly underneath your shoulders. Fold your hands together in front of you, and lock your shoulders back to create a stable base. Your hands and elbows will form a triangle. Gently lift your knees off the floor and walk your feet toward your elbows until you’re in an upside-down letter V. Your head will float above the floor. Lift your tailbone high into the sky. To enhance the energy toward the Ajna chakra, lift your head so the third eye is facing directly down toward the earth. Stay in the pose for four to six breaths, then lower your knees to the floor and take a child’s pose as a counterpose: lower your hips to the floor, and then extend your torso forward and rest it between your thighs, with your forehead on the floor.

Healing the Emotional and Energetic Body

Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.

And God saw that the light was good.

Then he separated light from the darkness.

— GENESIS 1:3–4

A great obstacle in healing the emotional body, especially at the sixth chakra level of consciousness, is the struggle of light versus dark. Earnest spiritual seekers can be so interested in attainment of enlightenment that they forget some crucial steps along the path.

In the beginning of the chapter I discussed the duality dynamic of this world. The push-pull of the world of opposites doesn’t only live in your environment; it also lives in you. There are aspects within you that seem to work against everything you stand for on your spiritual path. Yet there they are, either ever present or looming around the corner. The novice on the spiritual path will try to push them away, hoping that they will never return. But these shadows must be confronted and accepted in order to experience the light fully. A perfect example is if you never saw darkness, you could never experience the night sky filled with stars, planets, and other astral bodies.

Often it is through your own darkness that you discover the light. In the Bible, God created light out of the darkness since the darkness came first. My experience with cancer enabled me to help countless people through my writing about healing. When I talk to people in recovery from alcohol and drug addiction, they all say that they would never have arrived at the spiritual lives they now live if it weren’t for the dark days of addiction.

We have all seen instances in the media demonstrating that pushing away the darkness only makes things worse. Look at the sex scandals of politicians, stories of embezzlement, and improper use of campaign funds.

One of the greatest teachers I ever had, Dr. David Simon, used to say, “You can do all the meditation in the world, but if you don’t work on emotional healing, you can’t reach enlightenment.” Emotional healing doesn’t mean you have to spend twenty years in therapy. It simply means facing your demons, the shadow aspects of you that aren’t fun to look at. Invite them in and have a conversation with them. Tell them they aren’t going to rule your life anymore.

I used to have quite an issue with anxiety. At different periods in my life, it ruined my daily experiences. I became paralyzed by stories in my head that, for the most part, simply weren’t true. But I let my mind entertain those stories. I used to say in jest that the great thing about being a writer is that I have a wild imagination, and the worst thing about being a writer is that I have a wild imagination. Learning and practicing meditation saved me because I learned that I can control my thoughts and their direction.

The best way to face your shadows is to transmute them. Transform the shadow energy into something great that can help humanity. Send light into the darkness. For example, if your shadow is that you succumb to obsessive cleaning and organizing in your home, you could start a business where you help others organize closets and living spaces. If you’re a shopaholic, you can contact your local women’s shelter and ask them what they need in a care box. You can then use your shopping skills to find the best prices to make care boxes for women and children in a safe home. The greatest thing about being human is that you are human. There is no reason to be ashamed of your weaknesses or your shadows as long as you are not harming anyone, including yourself. In fact, it’s often when we bring our shadows into the light that their power dissipates. Professional help can assist you in this process, but sometimes a simple decision to act is all you need.

Healing the Spiritual Body

Meditation is the primary practice that will help you attain the sixth chakra level of awareness. Talk about meditation is bubbling under the surface of American culture these days, and efforts to include meditation in daily activities are popping up in hospitals, corporations, and even schools. More than the word meditation, you may hear the word mindfulness, which refers to a type of meditation. As a meditation teacher, I find the word mindfulness to be a bit of a misnomer when it comes to the ultimate goal of meditation. Awareness is certainly the key to everything we have discussed up until now. You must be aware of your thoughts, words, and actions, as well as your body and mind. However, when I think of mindfulness, I think of concentration or fullness of the mind. To meditate, you need focus instead of concentration, and release of the mind rather than fullness of it.

Most people come to meditation saying, “I’m too much in my mind! Get me out of it!” You are literally going out of your mind in meditation. (That pun was completely intended.) Everyone has experienced the effects of monkey mind. Your mind flits from thought to thought like a monkey swinging from branch to branch. Without awareness that you are the thinker of your thoughts, you become subject to the mind’s unwieldy habit of flitting about with no sense of control. It comes as no surprise that millions of people suffer from anxiety and depression. If you are under the impression that you have no control over your thoughts and the strong impulses of the mind, of course you have reason to feel anxious. However, the good news is that you do have control. You simply need to learn tools to exercise the control muscle.

By realizing that there are separate roles at play inside you, you can harness the forces of your mind and get it to do what you want. You achieve this by cajoling your mind rather than forcing it to go in the direction you desire. How do most of us try to control the mind? Let’s suppose you’re trying to break a bad habit, such as eating a chocolate bar every night. You may try to break this habit by setting a goal such as not eating chocolate at all or eating chocolate only once per week. Then you might try to abstain from chocolate by not purchasing it, distracting yourself in other ways, or replacing it with something else. All these ways can and do work. But they all involve forcing the mind into distraction. If you have ever tried doing something like this, you know that it’s difficult and tiring. You really have to fight the mind frequently. Your mind will tell you things such as “Chocolate isn’t that bad. Studies have shown it has antioxidants that make you healthy” or “You’ve had a rough day today; don’t you deserve a little chocolate?” And on and on goes the mind with great arguments to separate you from your goal. The thing about fighting or using strong resolve to get to where you want to go is that it’s fatiguing rather than empowering. Eventually you will get tired of the battle and give up.

Now let’s compare the above method with cajoling the mind by going out of your mind. When you meditate, you are not in your mind. You are accessing your spirit or the part of you that was never born and therefore can never die. Your spirit is the part of you that is eternal. My guru Dr. Wayne W. Dyer used to say that when you talk to yourself, there are two people: you and your Self. The Self with a capital S is the higher self I’m speaking of. The other self, known as the ego, is the one who tries to push through toward your goals and leaves you tired. The higher self is the part of you who only wants good and can harness the power of intuition. When you get out of your mind through meditation, you gain greater access to your higher self.

One common misconception about meditation is that you’re stopping all the activities of the mind. The job of the mind is to think thoughts. It will always do that, no matter what. Through meditation you can lower the number of thoughts and evolve your thoughts to get you closer to what you desire, but you will not stop all thought. As you get out of your mind, also referred to as transcendence, you strengthen your relationship with your spirit or higher self. Then you return back to the mind with love and acceptance. With these higher qualities of spirit, you cajole the mind into thinking thoughts that lovingly, effortlessly, and easily help you.

The chaos of the monkey mind subsides, and you are left with a mind that thinks more clearly. The more you meditate, the clearer your mind can think and the more in touch you become with your intuition.



Sit or lie comfortably and close your eyes. Place your awareness on the area between your eyebrows at the third eye. If you want to make your awareness clearer, lick your thumb, and then press the moisture on the third eye. Take in a couple of deep belly breaths, exhaling completely. With your focus still on the third eye, ask your higher self to step forward. Your higher self, also referred to as the witness, is the one who has always been there. It is the still, small voice inside you that always gives you truth. It is the aspect of you that was there before you were born and that will be with you after you die. Your higher self is ever present, ever witnessing, and always acts according to your higher good. Greet your higher self and welcome it in.

You are going on a journey with your higher self from the time of your earliest memory. Think back to your first memory. What was it? Who was there? What did the scenery look like? What were you wearing? What were others wearing? Do you remember your witnessing presence being there? What wisdom did it share with you then?

Next, go to a memory in your early childhood years, between the ages of six and twelve. Is there a particular moment that sticks out for you? Do you remember your higher self being there and letting you know what you should do? Did you follow your inner witness, or did you go against it?

Next, fast-forward to your teenage years between the ages of thirteen and nineteen. What moment comes to mind during these years? Who was there? What were you wearing? What were others wearing? What did your surroundings look like? How did you feel? Do you remember your higher self being there with you at that time?

Take a few moments to continue through the decades of your life, going through one event per decade that stands out and noticing your higher self in them all.

Now come back to the present moment. Bring your awareness to challenges you’re currently having. Maybe there is a decision you need to make or a relationship you need to heal. Whatever it is, ask your witness or your higher self, “What choice is it in my highest good to make?” Then scan your body for an inner tug or a sense of knowing. Your mind will instantly go to a thought or a solution that hadn’t occurred to you before. Your higher self is now directing your thoughts and helping you through the power of your intuition.

Your inner witness is always loving, truthful, and kind. Your higher self will never ask you to do anything or make any choice that is unloving. If you hear an unloving voice, that is your ego. When you hear your ego, thank it and then send it away so you can feel the voice of your higher self. Continue to do this with every problem you have, and feel the answer come through your witness.

When you’re finished, thank your higher self for its guidance. You can ask it to help you be more present with it each day. You can seal your meditation by chanting the mantra sound SHAM three times. Take a few moments before opening your eyes.

You can always come back to this meditation anytime you need to reignite your connection with your higher self.



Indigo, or bluish-purple, is the color of the sixth chakra. You can wear indigo or adorn a room with this color.

Amethyst, lapis lazuli, and azurite are great stones and crystals to help align the third-eye chakra. Indigo kyanite stimulates the pineal gland and may help awaken psychic abilities.

Sixth Chakra Mindfulness Ideas to Ponder

1.    My sense of intuition is as reliable as my senses of sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste.

2.    I will get in touch with my witness or my higher self, and I will practice watching myself in all aspects of life.

3.    As I recognize my shadows, they will dissipate, and I will live stronger in the light.

4.    Meditation is my path to knowingness and enlightenment.