

What Is a Chakra?

The Philosophy of the Chakras

The Marriage of Tantra, Ayurveda, and the Yoga Sutras

Awakening Kundalini Energy

Understanding the Dual Nature of the Chakras — and of Life Itself

Reasons the Chakras Might Get Blocked


Balancing Your Chakras

1. The Root Chakra: Muladhara

First Chakra Ailments

First Chakra Energy: Solid Like a Rock

Our Societal Relationship with the Earth Element

Living Life in the Muladhara Chakra: Security

Recognizing First Chakra Imbalances

Accepting First Chakra Gifts

Healing Muladhara: Daily Affirmation

Healing the Physical Body

Eating as a Sacred Act

Practicing Body Acceptance

Yoga Asanas and Pranayama Exercises to Heal the First Chakra

Balancing the First Chakra through Food

Weight Lifting to Balance Muladhara

Healing the Emotional and Energetic Body




Healing the Spiritual Body

Muladhara Guided Meditation

Energy-Body Healing with Gems and Colors

First Chakra Mindfulness Ideas to Ponder

2. The Sacral Chakra: Svadhisthana

Second Chakra Ailments

Second Chakra Energy

Our Societal Relationship with the Second Chakra

Women Working the Second Chakra

Living Life in the Svadhisthana Chakra

Recognizing Second Chakra Imbalances

Accepting Second Chakra Gifts

Sex Transmutation

Sexual Intimacy

Healing Svadhisthana: Daily Affirmation

Healing the Physical Body

Enhancing Your Sense of Taste

Embodying Water

Focusing on Proper Breathing

Honoring Your Menstrual Cycle

Foods to Enhance Reproductive Tissue

Yoga Asanas and Pranayama Exercises to Heal the Second Chakra

Healing the Emotional and Energetic Body

Building Self-Esteem

Nurturing Yourself

Healing from Addictions

Emotional Healing

Healing the Spiritual Body



Svadhisthana Guided Meditation

Energy-Body Healing with Gems and Colors

Second Chakra Mindfulness Ideas to Ponder

3. The Solar Plexus Chakra: Manipura

Third Chakra Ailments

Third Chakra Energy

Inner Power


Radiant You

Our Societal Relationship with the Third Chakra

Men Working the Third Chakra

Living Life in the Manipura Chakra

Recognizing Third Chakra Imbalances

Accepting Third Chakra Gifts

Healing Manipura: Daily Affirmation

Healing the Physical Body

Proper Digestion and Assimilation of Nutrients

Yoga Asanas and Pranayama Exercises to Heal the Third Chakra

Healing the Emotional and Energetic Body



Owning Your Story

Healing the Spiritual Body

Writing Down Your Intentions and Desires

Being Honest with Yourself

Manipura Guided Meditation

Energy-Body Healing with Gems and Colors

Third Chakra Mindfulness Ideas to Ponder

4. The Heart Chakra: Anahata

Fourth Chakra Ailments

Fourth Chakra Energy

Our Societal Relationship with the Fourth Chakra





Living Life in the Anahata Chakra

Recognizing Fourth Chakra Imbalances

Accepting Fourth Chakra Gifts

Healing Anahata: Daily Affirmation

Healing the Physical Body

Yoga Asanas and Pranayama Exercises to Heal the Fourth Chakra

Healing the Emotional and Energetic Body

Letting Go of Past Hurt


Healing the Spiritual Body

Choosing Peace

Opening Your Heart

Practicing Compassion

Anahata Guided Meditation

Energy-Body Healing with Gems and Colors

Fourth Chakra Mindfulness Ideas to Ponder

5. The Throat Chakra: Vishuddha

Fifth Chakra Ailments

Fifth Chakra Energy

Our Societal Relationship with the Fifth Chakra

Living Life in the Vishuddha Chakra

Recognizing Fifth Chakra Imbalances

Accepting Fifth Chakra Gifts

Healing Vishuddha: Daily Affirmation

Healing the Physical Body

Chanting and Singing

Head and Neck Exercises

Yoga Asanas and Pranayama Exercises to Heal the Fifth Chakra

Healing the Emotional and Energetic Body

Living in Truth

Being Authentic versus Being Nice

Reflecting on Speaking Truth

Healing the Spiritual Body

Awakening to the Truth

Vishuddha Guided Meditation

Energy-Body Healing with Gems and Colors

Fifth Chakra Mindfulness Ideas to Ponder

6. The Third-Eye Chakra: Ajna

Sixth Chakra Ailments

Sixth Chakra Energy

Our Societal Relationship with the Sixth Chakra

Living Life in the Ajna Chakra

Recognizing Sixth Chakra Imbalances

Accepting Sixth Chakra Gifts

Healing Ajna: Daily Affirmation

Healing the Physical Body

Yoga Eye Exercises

Light Therapy

Yoga Asanas and Pranayama Exercises to Heal the Sixth Chakra

Healing the Emotional and Energetic Body

Healing the Spiritual Body

Ajna Guided Meditation

Energy-Body Healing with Gems and Colors

Sixth Chakra Mindfulness Ideas to Ponder

7. The Crown Chakra: Sahaswara

Seventh Chakra Ailments

Seventh Chakra Energy

Our Societal Relationship with the Seventh Chakra

Living Life in the Sahaswara Chakra

Recognizing Seventh Chakra Imbalances

Accepting Seventh Chakra Gifts

Healing Sahaswara: Daily Affirmation

Healing the Physical Body

Yoga Asanas and Pranayama Exercises to Heal the Seventh Chakra

Healing the Emotional and Energetic Body

Peak States


Healing the Spiritual Body

Established in Being

Cocreating with God

Sahaswara Guided Meditation

Energy-Body Healing with Gems and Colors

Seventh Chakra Mindfulness Ideas to Ponder

Conclusion: Maximize Your Healing Power

Be Patient with Your Healing Process

Be Patient with Others

Adopt a Lifetime of Healing

Know That I Am with You


Glossary of Sanskrit Terms



Index of Yoga Asanas and Pranayama Practices

Index of Ailments Related to the Chakras

About the Author