On your chakra healing journey, remember to have faith that you can heal. Your body is an amazing healing machine that is designed for perfect health. However, you have been raised in a family, social system, and society with certain beliefs about health and healing, including skepticism of nontraditional modalities. Chances are you have unconsciously adopted limiting thoughts about what is possible, and this type of social conditioning is not easy to overcome. Perhaps you can understand and feel the possibilities of energy healing, yet at times living in this world of disbelief weighs heavily on your newfound freedom. The solution: just keep practicing.
In chakra healing, as in anything you’d like to get good at, you need practice. Practice adopting these principles. Reread each chapter thoroughly. You may need to put yourself on a program to gradually change your mind-set. As mentioned in the beginning of the book, you can take seven days to begin healing your chakras with one chakra for each day. Or you can take one chakra per week or per month. Each time you repeat the exercises for a given chakra, your healing and understanding will deepen. Gradual awakening will take place as you uncover the layers of your existence.
Be Patient with Your Healing Process
Remember how long it has taken you to get to this point in your life. You may have spent twenty, thirty, forty, fifty years or more thinking and behaving in a certain way. Disease is not formed overnight. Imbalances are created over time. Likewise, healing them takes time. Also, keep in mind that the feeling of wellness often precedes improvement of physical symptoms. Have you ever had a cold or flu and started to feel better in your mind and noticed that your body was starting to heal, but your nose was still running like crazy? That’s because physical matter takes time to catch up. Stay the course, and even though you can’t see anything in the physical world, know that changes are taking place within you.
As you begin to see life with a wider perception, you may notice that other people in your immediate circle are not on the same spiritual path. Not only is this realization difficult, but it can also be downright frustrating. At those moments, it’s important to remember that each person has his or her own path and life purpose. It’s counterproductive to try to drag a loved one off his or her path and onto yours. The best way you can help others is to show by example. When you attain greater peace, compassion, and love, you attract others to your path. Even if your spouse, best friend, or child never joins you on your path, the relationship will change as you reach higher states of awareness.
The practices outlined and suggested in this book are designed for you to adopt for a lifetime. There may have been a time in your life when you started a new practice such as yoga, meditation, healthy eating, or exercise, and you began to see results. But for some reason, you stopped, went back to your old ways, and started to feel bad again. To experience a lifetime of health, allow yourself enough time to not only feel fantastic but also adopt each practice as a habit.
When I started my meditation practice in November 2007, I meditated every day. I kept at it faithfully for months. I trained my brain, mind, and body to expect meditation and to need it. After a few months my body began to crave meditation. If I didn’t do it, I felt terrible. You want your body to have this type of response. You want to fill it with many good, healthy practices so that when you don’t do them, you crave them. Then and only then will you know that you’ve made permanent and lasting changes.
I’m with you on your healing journey, and so are all the other people who have accepted this healing path. You can draw from our energy when you’re feeling weak or that something isn’t working. We meet in the infinite field when meditating. Our energy extends outward to you. Remain open to receiving. Stay strong, flexible, and rooted. Your light is needed so we can reach critical mass and raise the consciousness of the world. Love and light to you always. Om shanti, shanti, shanti. Namasté.