Aboobaker, Aziz, 113

aging, 111117, 126

Altman, Russ, 6364

Alzheimer’s disease, 8586, 121

amino acids, 3536, 43

amyloid plaques, 38, 107

Andraka, Jack, 122

antibiotics, 46, 50, 123

antibodies, 8182

antigens, 81

antisense therapy, 93, 107

atherosclerosis, 37

Babbage, Charles, 2021

bacteria, 28, 33, 4445

biomarkers for disease, 29, 74, 119

blood proteins, 28, 54, 5658, 9091

Borchers, Christoph, 58

brain, 109111, 124

Brown, Louise, 97

Burnet, Frank Macfarlane, 95

cancer. See also cancers, specific

detection, 39, 65, 95, 121122, 130

treatment, 67, 60, 76, 7881, 8890, 9597, 123, 130

cancers, specific

breast, 76, 82, 8485

leukemia, 6, 89, 96

lung, 82, 9091, 101, 122

ovarian, 121

pancreatic, 121122

Carleton, Bruce, 78

CD47 (protein), 123124

cell differentiation, 3940

cells, 1517, 33, 112114, 124

cells, specific

B cells, 96

dendritic cells (DCs), 95

natural killer (NK) cells, 95

stem cells, 35, 4042, 108, 113114, 125

T cells, 9596

Cerrato, Paul, 127

chemotherapy. See cancer: treatment

children, 67, 7880, 96, 97, 105, 125126

cholesterol, 3637. See also LDL; statins

cholesterol, “bad.” See LDL

chromosomes, 34

Church, George, 111

clinical decision support systems (CDSS), 7778

Clinton, Bill, 106

cloning, 4041

Coley, William, 95

computers, 2024

connectome, 110

copy number variants (CNVs), 37, 124

Crick, Francis, 27

CRISPR (clustered regularly interspersed short palindromic repeats) technology, 108

cyberchondria, 72

cystic fibrosis, 83, 108

Dalton, John, 1617

Darwin, Charles, 1718

Dawes, Martin, 77

dementia, 108

democratization of medicine, 127

deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). See DNA

diabetes, 64, 70, 133

diagnostics, molecular-level, 121123

Diamandis, Peter, 117

“digital you,” 32, 52, 66, 6874


age-related, 113

autoimmune, 49

brain-related, 109

genetic, 9, 2627, 36, 63

hereditary, 7475, 8586, 102, 106107

neurological, 38

prion, 38

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). See also antisense therapy;

genome; noncoding DNA

bases (G, C, A, T), 3436

function, 8, 18, 34

methylation, 40, 116

mutations, 2627, 34

and nanosurgery, 108

sequencing, 2728, 5556

doctors, 8, 7274, 134136.

Dolly the sheep, 4041

Down’s syndrome, 102

“Dr. Google,” 62, 7274

drugs. See also antibiotics

adverse interactions, 6364, 126

adverse reactions, 27, 77, 118

development and testing, 9192, 101

and genetics, 7577

n-of-1 trials, 101102

personalized, 9495

rate of prescriptions, 4, 75

drugs, specific

acetaminophen (Tylenol), 76

arsphenamine, 4

bucindolol (Gencaro), 101

cisplatin, 7879

codeine, 81

doxorubicin, 2, 67, 80

Glybera, 107

Herceptin, 76, 82

Kalydeco, 8384

Kynamro, 93, 107

patisiran, 107

penicillin, 4, 46

sunitinib, 8990

Warfarin, 76

Xalkori, 8283

Ebola virus, 94

Edwards, Steven, 117

Ehrlich, Paul, 4

electricity, 1819

electronic medical record (EMR), 6869

epigenetics, 3940

ethics, 9798

“evidence-based” medicine, 3

evolution, 1718, 3738

exercise, 8687, 114115

familial hypercholesterolemia, 3637, 92

Faraday, Michael, 19

FDA (Federal Drug Administration). See Federal Drug Administration

fecal transplants, 4647

Federal Drug Administration (FDA), 75, 93, 99100, 107, 112

Feynman, Richard, 2223

Fleming, Alexander, 4, 46

Flockhart, David, 77

folk remedies, 12

Francesco, Angela, 87

Galilei, Galileo, 1314

Gaucher’s disease, 7475

Gelsinger, Jesse, 106


actionable defects, 119120

copy number variants (CNVs), 3738

and drug effects, 7577, 79

expression, 36, 3940

mutations, 27, 34, 60, 87

patenting of, 9899

silencing, 93, 107

genes, specific

ApoE, 8586

BRCA1, 84, 98

CD44, 76

COMT (catechol-O-methyltransferase), 79

HTT (Huntington’s), 87

PCSK9, 108

RET (receptor tyrosine kinase), 89

TTR (transthyretin), 107

VKORC1, 76

gene therapy, 105109

genetic screening, prenatal, 75, 102


about, 8, 3436

analysis of, 7172

and data storage, 5960, 111

and health questions, 54

sequencing, 9, 28, 32, 51, 5556, 71, 106

genotype, 61, 98

Genotype-Specific Approaches to Therapies in Childhood (GATC), 78

Ginsburg, Geoffrey, 123

Grupp, Stephan, 96

Hayden, Michael, 78

Hayflick, Leonard, 112

Hayflick limit, 112

health devices, embedded, 65

health devices, mobile, 6465

Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act, 68

heart disease, 37, 108, 130

Heimler, Richard, 8283

Helminthic therapy, 49

herbal remedies, 12


homeopathic medicine, 12

Hood, Leroy, 118120

Horvath, Steve, 116

Huntington’s disease, 87

“hygiene hypothesis,” 49

imaging, medical. See medical imaging

immune system, 4849, 95, 106, 123

integrative personal omics profile (iPOP), 70

Internet health research, 62, 7274

in vitro fertilization, 97

Jolie, Angelina, 8485

“junk DNA.” See noncoding DNA

Kearns-Sayre syndrome, 97

Keller, Andreas, 121

kidney function, 126

Kurzweil, Raymond, 138

Lavoisier, Antoine, 16, 22

LDL (low-density lipoproteins), 36, 93

LDL-R (low-density lipoprotein receptor), 36

Lee, Gabsang, 125

Leeuwenhoek, Antonie van, 1516

life span, average, 4

longevity. See aging

low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDL-R), 36

low-density lipoproteins (LDL), 36, 93

magical thinking, 1113

Martin, Keith, 124125

mass spectrometry, 28, 5759

Maxwell, James, 19

Mazzone, Peter, 122

McConnell, Michael, 124

medical imaging

computed tomography (CT), 25

functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), 110

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 25

ultrasound, 26

X-ray, 25

medical profession, 6869.

medicine, personalized. See personalized medicine

Meese, Eckart, 121

mental health, 109

messenger RNA (mRNA), 36

metabolites, 43

metabolome, 33, 4344

microbiome, 33, 4450, 58

microRNA (miRNA), 39, 121122

microtechnology, 22

Milstein, César, 81

misfolded proteins, 38

mitochondria, 17, 97

modern science, 1320

molecular information, categories of, 3233

molecular medicine. See personalized medicine

“molecular you,” 32

monoclonal antibodies (MAbs), 8182

Montaner, Julio, 85

multiple sclerosis, 49

nanotechnology, 22

nerves, 87

neurons, 110, 124, 125

Newton, Isaac, 1415

noncoding DNA, 38

oligomers, 93

optogenetics, 110

ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) deficiency, 106

oxidation, 16

Parker, Alex, 83

Pasteur, Louis, 46

patient networks, 6263

Pauling, Linus, 26

personalized medicine

about, 3, 13

and aging, 111117

and the brain, 108111, 124

consequences of, 136141

and data mining, 61, 117120

in the future, 130141

and gene therapy, 105108

and physical monitoring, 910

and preventative care, 118120, 133134

and technology, 20, 6465, 124, 131133

pharmaceutical industry, 4

pharmaceuticals. See drugs

pharmacogenomics, 7577

phenotype, 61, 98

population-based medicine, 4

precision medicine. See personalized medicine

prenatal genetic screening, 75, 102

prescription drugs. See drugs

privacy, 69

proteins, 9, 2628, 3539, 43, 7677.

proteome, 9, 3233

proteomics, 9, 5658

pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE), 63

public-health initiatives, 4, 120

PXE (pseudoxanthoma elasticum), 63

reproduction, 35, 97

ribonucleic acid (RNA). See RNA

Riley-Day syndrome, 125

RNA (ribonucleic acid), 36, 9394. See also messenger RNA (mRNA); microRNA (miRNA); RNA interference (RNAi); short interfering RNA (siRNA)

RNA interference (RNAi), 39

Roden, Dan, 98

Röntgen, Wilhelm, 25

Sanger, Fred, 2728

Schork, Nicholas, 102

Schultz, Nicolai, 121

science, modern, 1320

Shockley, William, 2324

short interfering RNA (siRNA), 94, 107

sickle-cell disease, 26

singularity, 138

Sloan, John, 126

Snyder, Michael, 70

social media, 6263, 74

Spector, Tim, 115

statins, 56, 37

stem cells. See under cells, specific

stratified medicine. See personalized medicine


defined, 20

developments in, 2029, 5253

and personalized medicine, 20, 6465, 124, 131133

telomerase, 113115

telomeres, 111115

Terry, Patrick, 63

Terry, Sharon, 63

Thomas, Lewis, 95

three-dimensional (3D) printing, 124

three-parent children, 97

toll-like receptors (TLRs), 48

transistors, 24

Turing, Alan, 2022

23andMe (genetic testing company), 63, 99100

Ulam, Stanislaw, 138

Venter, Craig, 117

viruses, 105–107.

vision, 1718

volatile organic compounds (VOCs), 122

Wartman, Lukas, 8990

Watson, James, 27

Weissman, Irving, 123124

X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency (X-SCID), 105

Yuste, Rafael, 111

Zhang, Feng, 108