


About the Book

About the Author

Title Page

Introduction – When you dead, you dead

1. I wasn’t whoopin’ or hollerin’, but I was chuffed

2. Best shit of my life

3. Only boys in the sheep game know that

4. 65 storeys up, looking the shitehawks in the eye

5. Brian the Chimp

6. No one cares who I am. I loved that

7. You can afford it

8. My farts could be one of your five a day

9. I had the confidence that my brain was cleverer than I was

10. I don’t want any regrets when I finally do stop racing

11. Steam-cleaning muck from under trucks

12. When Francis smacked the dog

13. Waiting for a dickhead like me

14. The Maws are my default setting

15. It’ll only get messy if it barrel rolls

16. Racing in my anorak. Not very corporate

17. Fair play to him, he gave me a cup of cold coffee with ice cubes in it

18. Bored to back teeth of riding through bloody chicanes

19. Blacking out is going to be the only problem

20. Turning down the biggest job in TV

21. If he says pork scratchings are the fuel of champions, I’m listening

22. I don’t want another podium

23. I don’t have time to be having a week off work with a broken back

Picture Section


