
Cover    1

Modern-Day Map of the Holy Land    2

Modern-Day Map of Jerusalem    4

Title Page    6

Copyright Page    7

Endorsement    8

Dedication    9

Symbol Key    10

Introduction    13

A Brief History of the Land    17

The Geography and Climate of the Promised Land    25

Geographical Zones    25

The Agricultural Year    27

Seasons and Culture    27

Winds    28

Water    29

Rainfall    30

Itineraries    31

Things Travelers Need to Know    39

1. Jerusalem: Walkable Sites in and near the Old City    41

2. Jerusalem and Beyond: Drivable Sites outside the Old City    87

3. Coastal Plain    105

4. Central Mountains South    115

5. Central Mountains Center    159

6. Central Mountains North    177

Maps: The Promised Land in the Time of the Bible    233

Old Testament and New Testament Cities    235

Road Systems in the Promised Land    236

Tribal Divisions    237

The United Kingdom    238

The Divided Kingdom    239

Israel in the Time of the New Testament    240

Galilee in the Time of the New Testament    241

Bible Time Line    243

Index of Locations    247

Back Ads    253

Back Cover    259