Mobile Devices

In this chapter, you will

•  Examine the connection methods used by mobile devices

•  Study mobile device management concepts

•  Understand mobile device policy and enforcement

•  Identify deployment models based on a given scenario

There has been an amazing convergence of business and individual usage of mobile devices. The convergence of cloud storage capabilities and Software as a Service (SaaS) is dramatically changing the landscape of mobile device usage. The ubiquitous presence of mobile devices and the need for continuous data access across multiple platforms have led to significant changes in the way mobile devices are being used for personal and business purposes. In the past, companies provided mobile devices to their employees for primarily business usage but they were available for personal usage. With continuously emerging devices and constantly changing technologies, many companies are allowing employees to bring their own devices (BYOD: bring your own device) for both personal and business usage.

Certification Objective   This chapter covers CompTIA Security+ exam objective 2.5, Given a scenario, deploy mobile devices securely. This chapter contains topics under exam objective 2.5 that can be tested with performance-based questions. It is not enough to simply learn the terms associated with the material. You should be familiar with how to deploy mobile devices securely based on a given scenario. The scenario will provide the necessary information to determine the best answer to the question.

Connection Methods

Mobile devices, by their mobile nature, require a non-wired means of connection to a network. Typically, this connection on the enterprise side is via the Internet, but on the mobile device side a wide range of options exist for connectivity. Where and how mobile devices connect to a network is manageable by the enterprise in architecting the mobile connection aspect of their wireless network.


Cellular connections use mobile telephony circuits, today typically fourth-generation (4G) or LTE in nature, although some 3G services still exist. One of the strengths of cellular is that robust nationwide networks have been deployed, making strong signals available virtually anywhere with reasonable population density. The corresponding weakness is that gaps in cellular service still exist is remote areas.


Wi-Fi (listed as WiFi under exam objective 2.5) refers to the radio communication methods developed under the Wi-Fi Alliance. These systems exist on 2.4- and 5-GHz frequency spectrums and networks are constructed by both the enterprise you are associated with and third parties. This communication methodology is ubiquitous with computing platforms and is relatively easy to implement and secure. Securing Wi-Fi networks is covered extensively in this and other chapters, as it is a mainstream method of constructing networks today.


SATCOM (satellite communications) is the use of terrestrial transmitters and receivers and satellites in orbit to transfer the signals. SATCOM can be one way, as in satellite radio, but for most communications two-way signals are needed. Satellites are expensive, and for high-density urban areas, both cost and line-of-sight issues make SATCOM a more expensive option. But in rural areas or remote areas, such as in the wilderness or at sea, SATCOM is one of the only options for communications.


Bluetooth was originally developed by Ericsson and known as multi-communicator link; in 1998, Nokia, IBM, Intel, and Toshiba joined Ericsson and adopted the Bluetooth name. This consortium became known as the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG), which now has more than 24,000 members and drives the development of the technology and controls the specification to ensure interoperability. Bluetooth is a short-range, low-power wireless protocol that transmits in the 2.4-GHz band, the same band used for 802.11. The concept for this short-range (approx. 32 feet) wireless protocol is to transmit data in personal area networks (PANs).

Bluetooth transmits and receives data from a variety of devices, the most common being mobile phones, laptops, printers, and audio devices. The mobile phone has driven a lot of Bluetooth growth and has even spread Bluetooth into new cars as a mobile phone hands-free kit.

Bluetooth has gone through a few releases. Version 1.1 was the first commercially successful version, with version 1.2 released in 2007 and correcting some of the problems found in 1.1. Version 1.2 allows speeds up to 721 Kbps and improves resistance to interference. Version 1.2 is backward-compatible with version 1.1. With the rate of advancement and the life of most tech items, Bluetooth 1 series is basically extinct. Bluetooth 2.0 introduced enhanced data rate (EDR), which allows the transmission of up to 3.0 Mbps. Bluetooth 3.0 has the capability to use an 802.11 channel to achieve speeds up to 24 Mbps. The current version is the Bluetooth 4.0 standard with support for three modes: classic, high speed, and Low Energy.

Bluetooth 4 introduces a new method to support collecting data from devices that generate data at a very low rate. Some devices, such as medical devices, may only collect and transmit data at low rates. This feature, called Low Energy (LE), was designed to aggregate data from various sensors, like heart rate monitors, thermometers, and so forth, and carries the commercial name Bluetooth Smart.

As Bluetooth became popular, people started trying to find holes in it. Bluetooth features easy configuration of devices to allow communication, with no need for network addresses or ports. Bluetooth uses pairing to establish a trust relationship between devices. To establish that trust, the devices advertise capabilities and require a passkey. To help maintain security, most devices require the passkey to be entered into both devices; this prevents a default passkey–type attack. The Bluetooth’s protocol advertisement of services and pairing properties is where some of the security issues start. Bluetooth should always have discoverable mode turned off unless you’re deliberately pairing a device. The following table displays Bluetooth versions and speeds.

Bluetooth Data Rates

Different versions of Bluetooth have differing maximum data transfer rates.



Near Field Communication (NFC) is a set of wireless technologies that enables smartphones and other devices to establish radio communication when they are within close proximity to each other, typically a distance of 10 cm (3.9 in) or less. This technology did not see much use until recently when it started being employed to move data between cell phones and in mobile payment systems. NFC is likely to become a high-use technology in the years to come as multiple uses exist for the technology, and the next generation of smartphones is sure to include this as a standard function. Currently, NFC relies to a great degree on its very short range for security, although apps that use it have their own security mechanisms as well.


ANT is a multicast wireless sensor network technology that operates in the 2.4-GHz ISM band. ANT is a proprietary method, but has open access and a protocol stack to facilitate communication by establishing standard rules for co-existence, data representation, signaling, authentication, and error detection within a PAN. ANT is conceptually similar to Bluetooth Low Energy, but is oriented toward usage with sensors, such as heart rate monitors, fitness devices, and personal devices. ANT uses a unique isosynchronous network technology that allows it to manage communications in a crowded 2.4-GHz spectrum, and to work well with multiple devices without interference.


Infrared (IR) is a band of electromagnetic energy just beyond the red end of the visible color spectrum. IR has been used in remote-control devices for years. IR made its debut in computer networking as a wireless method to connect to printers. Now that wireless keyboards, wireless mice, and mobile devices exchange data via IR, it seems to be everywhere. IR can also be used to connect devices in a network configuration, but it is slow compared to other wireless technologies. IR cannot penetrate walls but instead bounces off them. Nor can it penetrate other solid objects, so if you stack a few items in front of the transceiver, the signal is lost. Because IR can be seen by all in range, any desired security must be on top of the base transmission mechanism.


Universal Serial Bus (USB) has become the ubiquitous standard for connecting devices with cables. Mobile phones can transfer data and charge their battery via USB. Laptops, desktops, even servers have USB ports for a variety of data connection needs. USB ports have greatly expanded users’ ability to connect devices to their computers. USB ports automatically recognize a device being plugged into the system and usually work without the user needing to add drivers or configure software. This has spawned a legion of USB devices, from music players to peripherals to storage devices—virtually anything that can consume or deliver data connects via USB.

The most interesting of these devices, for security purposes, are the USB flash memory–based storage devices. USB drive keys, which are basically flash memory with a USB interface in a device typically about the size of your thumb, provide a way to move files easily from computer to computer. When plugged into a USB port, these devices automount and behave like any other drive attached to the computer. Their small size and relatively large capacity, coupled with instant read-write ability, present security problems. They can easily be used by an individual with malicious intent to conceal the removal of files or data from the building or to bring malicious files into the building and onto the company network.

USB connectors come in a wide range of sizes and shapes. For mobile use there is USB mini, USB micro, and now USB Type-C, which is faster and reversible (does not care which side is up).


EXAM TIP    The various mobile device connection methods are conducive to performance-based questions, which means you need to pay attention to the scenario presented and choose the best connection methodology. Consider data rate, purpose, distances, and so forth in picking the best choice.

Mobile Device Management Concepts

Knowledge of mobile device management (MDM) concepts is essential in today’s environment of connected devices. MDM began as a marketing term for a collective set of commonly employed protection elements associated with mobile devices. When viewed as a comprehensive set of security options for mobile devices, every corporation should have and enforce an MDM policy. The policy should require

•  Device locking with a strong password

•  Encryption of data on the device

•  Device locking automatically after a certain period of inactivity

•  The capability to remotely lock the device if it is lost or stolen

•  The capability to wipe the device automatically after a certain number of failed login attempts

•  The capability to remotely wipe the device if it is lost or stolen

Password policies should extend to mobile devices, including lockout and, if possible, the automatic wiping of data. Corporate policy for data encryption on mobile devices should be consistent with the policy for data encryption on laptop computers. In other words, if you don’t require encryption of portable computers, then should you require it for mobile devices? There is not a uniform answer to this question because mobile devices are much more mobile in practice than laptops, and more prone to loss. This is ultimately a risk question that management must address: What is the risk and what are the costs of the options employed? This also raises a bigger question: Which devices should have encryption as a basic security protection mechanism? Is it by device type, or by user based on what data would be exposed to risk? Fortunately, MDM solutions exist, making the choices manageable.


EXAM TIP    Mobile device management (MDM) is a marketing term for a collective set of commonly employed protection elements associated with mobile devices.

Application Management

Most mobile device vendors provide some kind of application store for finding and purchasing apps for their mobile devices. The vendors do a reasonable job of making sure that offered apps are approved and don’t create an overt security risk. Yet many apps request access to various information stores on the mobile device as part of their business model. Understanding what access is requested and approved upon installation of apps is an important security precaution. These are all potential problems for mobile users concerned over data security and drive the need for a mobile application management solution. Your company may have to restrict the types of applications that can be downloaded and used on mobile devices. If you need very strong protection, your company can be very proactive and provide an enterprise application store where only company-approved applications are available, with a corresponding policy that apps cannot be obtained from any other source. Another method is to restrict apps through the use of an MDM solution, discussed in the previous section.

Content Management

Applications are not the only information moving to mobile devices. Content is moving as well, and organizations need a means of content management for mobile devices. For instance, it might be fine to have, and edit, some types of information on mobile devices, whereas other, more sensitive information should be blocked from mobile device access. Content management is the set of actions used to control content issues, including what content is available and to what apps, on mobile devices. Most organizations have a data ownership policy that clearly establishes their ownership rights over data, regardless of whether the data is stored on a device owned by the organization or a device owned by the employee. But enterprise content management goes a step further, examining what content belongs on specific devices and then using mechanisms to enforce these rules. Again, MDM solutions exist to assist in this security issue with respect to mobile devices.

Remote Wipe

Today’s mobile devices are ubiquitous and are very susceptible to loss and theft. When enterprise data exists on these devices, management of the data, even if the device is lost is a concern. Further, it is unlikely that a lost or stolen device will be recovered by the owner, thus making even encrypted data stored on a device more vulnerable to decryption. If the thief can have your device for a long time, he can take all the time he wants to try to decrypt your data. Therefore, many companies prefer to just remotely wipe a lost or stolen device. Remote wiping a mobile device typically removes data stored on the device and resets the device to factory settings. There is a dilemma in the use of BYOD devices that store both personal and enterprise data. Wiping the device usually removes all data, both personal and enterprise. Therefore, a corporate policy that requires wiping a lost device may mean the device’s user loses personal photos and data. The software controls for separate data containers, one for business and one for personal, have been proposed but are not a mainstream option yet.

For most devices, remote wipe can only be managed via apps on the device, such as Outlook for e-mail, calendar and contacts, and MDM solutions for all data. For Apple and Android devices, the OS also has the ability to set the device up for remote locking and factory reset, which effectively wipes the device.


Geofencing is the use of the Global Positioning System (GPS) and/or radio frequency identification (RFID) technology to create a virtual fence around a particular location and detect when mobile devices cross the fence. This enables devices to be recognized by others, based on location and have actions taken. Geofencing is used in marketing to send messages to devices that are in a specific area such as near a point of sale, or just to count potential customers. Geofencing has been used for remote workers, notifying management when they have arrived at remote work sites, allowing things like network connections to be enabled for them. The uses of geofencing are truly only limited by one’s imagination.

Turning off geofencing is possible via the device. On Apple devices, just turn off location services. Although to completely prevent tracking of the device, you must turn off the radio using airplane mode.


Most mobile devices are now capable of using GPS for tracking device location. Many apps rely heavily on GPS location, such as device-locating services, mapping applications, traffic monitoring apps, and apps that locate nearby businesses such as gas stations and restaurants. Such technology can be exploited to track movement and location of the mobile device, which is referred to as geolocation. This tracking can be used to assist in the recovery of lost devices.


EXAM TIP    Know the difference between geofencing and geolocation. These make great distractors.

Screen Locks

Most corporate policies regarding mobile devices require the use of the mobile device’s screen-locking capability. This usually consists of entering a passcode or PIN to unlock the device. It is highly recommended that screen locks be enforced for all mobile devices. Your policy regarding the quality of the passcode should be consistent with your corporate password policy. However, many companies merely enforce the use of screen-locking. Thus, users tend to use convenient or easy-to-remember passcodes. Some devices allow complex passcodes. As shown in Figure 9-1, the device screen on the left supports only a simple iOS passcode, limited to four numbers, while the device screen on the right supports a passcode of indeterminate length and can contain alphanumeric characters.


Figure 9-1   iOS lock screens

Some more advanced forms of screen locks work in conjunction with device wiping. If the passcode is entered incorrectly a specified number of times, the device is automatically wiped. Apple has made this an option on iOS devices. Apple also allows remote locking of a device from the user’s iCloud account. Android devices have a wide range of options including the use of apps as screen locks.


EXAM TIP    Mobile devices require basic security mechanisms of screen locks, lockouts, device wiping, and encryption to protect sensitive information contained on them.

Push Notification Services

Push notification services are services that deliver information to mobile devices without a specific request from the device. Push notifications are used by a lot of apps in mobile devices to indicate that content has been updated. Push notification methods are typically unique to the platform, with Apple Push Notification service for Apple devices and Android Cloud to Device Messaging as examples. Many other back-end server services have similar server services for updating their content. As push notifications enable the movement of information from external sources to the device, this has some security implications, such as device location, and potential interaction with the device. For instance, it is possible to push the device to emit a sound, even if the sound is muted on the device.

Passwords and Pins

Passwords and pins are common security measures used to protect mobile devices from unauthorized use. These are essential tools and should be used in all cases, and mandated by company policy. The rules for passwords covered throughout this book apply to mobile devices as well, in fact maybe even more so. Having a simple gesture-based wipe on the screen as a pin can at times be discovered by looking at the oil pattern on the screen. If the only swipes are for unlocking the phone, then you will see the pattern and security is lost via this method. Either cleaning or dirtying the whole screen is the obvious solution.


Biometrics are used across a wide range of mobile devices as a means of access control. Many of these devices have less than perfect recognition, and various biometric sensors have proven to be hackable, as demonstrated in many security presentations at conferences. The newest biometric method, facial recognition, based on a camera image of the user’s face while they are holding the phone, offers some promise, but similar concerns. Because these biometric sensors have been shown to be bypassable, they should be considered convenience features, not security features. Management policies should reflect this fact and should dictate that these methods not be relied upon for securing important data.

Context-Aware Authentication

Context-aware authentication is the use of contextual information such as who the user is, what resource they are requesting, what machine they are using, how they are connected, and so on, to make the authentication decision as to whether to permit the user access to the requested resource. The goal is to prevent unauthorized end users, devices, or network connections from being able to access corporate data. This approach can be used, for example, to allow an authorized user to access network-based resources from inside the office but deny the same user access if they are connecting via a public Wi-Fi network.


Containerization on mobile devices refers to dividing the device into a series of containers, one container holding work-related materials, the other personal. The containers can separate apps, data … virtually everything on the device. Some mobile device management solutions support remote control over the work container. This enables a much stronger use case for mixing business and personal matters on a single device. Most MDM solutions offer the ability to encrypt the containers, especially the work-related container, providing another layer of protection for the data.

Storage Segmentation

On mobile devices, it can be very difficult to keep personal data separate from corporate data. Storage segmentation is similar to containerization in that it represents a logical separation of the storage in the unit. Some companies have developed capabilities to create separate virtual containers to keep personal data separate from corporate data and applications. For devices that are used to handle highly sensitive corporate data, this form of protection is highly recommended.

Full Device Encryption

Just as laptop computers should be protected with whole disk encryption to protect the data in case of loss or theft, you may need to consider full device encryption for mobile devices used by your organization’s employees. Mobile devices are much more likely to be lost or stolen, so you should consider encrypting data on your organization’s mobile devices. More and more, mobile devices are used when accessing and storing business-critical data or other sensitive information. Protecting the information on mobile devices is becoming a business imperative. This is an emerging technology, so you’ll need to complete some rigorous market analysis to determine what commercial product meets your needs.


EXAM TIP    Protection of data on a mobile device is accomplished via multiple tools and methods. For the exam, pay careful attention to the details of the question to determine which protection method is applicable, as each defends against a different issue. Full device encryption offers completely different protection from screen locks, and the details of the question will steer you to the correct answer. Don’t jump on the choice that appears to be obvious; take a moment to understand the details.

Enforcement and Monitoring

Your organization’s policies regarding mobile devices should be consistent with your existing computer security policies. Your training programs should include instruction on mobile device security. Disciplinary actions should be consistent. Your monitoring programs should be enhanced to include monitoring and control of mobile devices.

Third-Party App Stores

Many mobile devices have manufacturer-associated app stores from which apps can be downloaded to their respective devices. These app stores are considered by an enterprise to be third-party app stores, as the contents they offer come from neither the user nor the enterprise in nature. Currently there are two main app stores, the Apple App Store for iOS devices and Google Play for Android devices. The Apple App Store is built on a principle of exclusivity, and stringent security requirements are highly enforced for the apps that are offered. Google Play has fewer restrictions, which has translated into some security issues stemming from apps. Managing what apps a user can add to the device is essential because many of these apps can create security risks for an organization. This issue becomes significantly more complex with employee-owned devices and access to corporate data stores. The segmentation options discussed earlier to separate work and personal spaces are offered on a limited number of mobile devices, so the ability to control this access becomes problematic. Virtually all segmentation is done via an additional app, the MDM solution. Devices permitted access to sensitive corporate information should be limited to company-owned devices, allowing more stringent control.


A common hack associated with mobile devices is the jailbreak. Jailbreaking is a process by which the user escalates their privilege level, bypassing the operating system’s controls and limitations. The user still has the complete functionality of the device, but also has additional capabilities, bypassing the OS-imposed user restrictions. There are several schools of thought concerning the utility of jailbreaking, but the important issue from a security point of view is that running any device with enhanced privileges can result in errors that cause more damage, because normal security controls are typically bypassed.

Rooting a device is a process by which OS controls are bypassed, and this is the term frequently used for Android devices. Whether the device is rooted or jailbroken, the effect is the same: the OS controls designed to constrain operations are no longer in play and the device can do things it was never intended to do, good or bad.


EXAM TIP    Rooting is used to bypass OS controls on Android and jailbreaking is used to escalate privileges and do the same on iOS devices. Both processes stop OS controls from inhibiting user behaviors.


Sideloading is the process of adding apps to a mobile device without using the authorized store associated with the device. Currently, sideloading only works on Android devices, as Apple has not enabled execution of any apps except those coming through the App Store. Sideloading is an alternative means of instantiating an app on the device without having to have it hosted on the requisite app store. The downside, simply put, is that without the vendor app store screening, one is at greater risk of installing malicious software in the guise of a desired app.

Custom Firmware

Custom firmware is firmware for a device that has been altered from the original factory settings. This firmware can bring added functionality, but it can also result in security holes. Custom firmware should be used only on devices that do not have access to critical information.

Carrier Unlocking

Most mobile devices in the United States come locked to a carrier, while in other parts of the world they are unlocked, relying upon a subscriber identity module (SIM) for connection and billing information. This is a byproduct of the business market decisions made early in the mobile phone market lifecycle and has remained fairly true to date. If you have a carrier-locked device and you attempt to use a SIM from another carrier, the device will not accept it unless you unlock the device. Carrier unlocking is the process of programming the device to sever itself from the carrier. This is usually done through the inputting of a special key sequence that unlocks the device.

Firmware OTA Updates

Firmware essentially is software. It may be stored in a chip, but like all software, it sometimes requires updating. With mobile devices being literarily everywhere, the scale does not support bringing the devices to a central location or connection for updating. Firmware OTA (over the air) updates are a solution to this problem. Similar to adding or updating an app from an app store, you can tap a menu option on a mobile device to connect to an app store and update the device firmware. All major device manufacturers support this model, for it is the only real workable solution.

Camera Use

Many mobile devices include on-board cameras, and the photos/videos they take can divulge information. This information can be associated with anything the camera can image—whiteboards, documents, even the location of the device when the photo/video was taken via geo-tagging (discussed in the upcoming “GPS Tagging” section). Another challenge presented by mobile devices is the possibility that they will be used for illegal purposes. This can create liability for the company if it is a company-owned device. Despite all the potential legal concerns, possibly the greatest concern of mobile device users is that their personal photos will be lost during a device wipe originated by the company.


Short Message Service (SMS) and Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) are standard protocols used to send messages, including multimedia content in the case of MMS, to and from mobile devices over a cellular network. SMS is limited to short, text-only messages of fewer than 160 characters and is carried over the signaling path of the cellular network when signaling data is not being sent. SMS dates back to the early days of mobile telephony in the 1980s, while MMS is a more recent development designed to support sending multimedia content to and from mobile devices. Because of the content connections that can be sent via MMS in particular, and SMS in certain cases, it is important to at least address these communication channels in relevant policies.

External Media

External media refers to any item or device that can store data. From flash drives to hard drives, music players, smartphones, even smart watches, if it can store data, it is a pathway for data exfiltration. External media can also deliver malware into the enterprise. The risk is evident: these devices can carry data into and out of the enterprise, yet they have become synonymous with today’s tech worker. The key is to develop a policy that determines where these devices can exist and where they should be banned. And then follow the plan with monitoring and enforcement.


Universal Serial Bus is a common method of connecting mobile devices to computers and other host-based platforms. Connecting mobile devices directly to each other required changes to USB connections. Enter USB OTG (USB On-The-Go), an extension of USB technology that facilitates direct connection between USB OTG–enabled mobile devices. USB OTG allows those devices to switch back and forth between the roles of host and device, including deciding which provides power (host) and which consumes power across the interface. USB OTG also allows the connection of USB-based peripherals, such as keyboards, mice, and external storage, to mobile devices. Although USB OTG is relatively new, most mobile devices made since 2015 are USB OTG compatible.

Recording Microphone

Many of today’s electronic devices, from smartphones and smartwatches to devices such as the online assistants from Amazon and Google, even toys, have the ability to record audio information. Recording microphones can be used to record conversations, collecting sensitive data without the parties under observation even being aware of the activity. As with other high-tech gadgets, the key is to determine the policy of where recording microphones can be used and the rules for their use.

GPS Tagging

Photos taken on mobile devices or with cameras that have GPS capabilities can have location information embedded in the digital photo. This is called GPS tagging by CompTIA, and geo-tagging by others. Posting photos with geo-tags embedded in them has its use, but it can also unexpectedly publish information that users may not want to share. For example, if you use your smartphone to take a photo of your car in the driveway and then post the photo on the Internet in an attempt to sell your car, if geo-tagging was enabled on the smartphone, the location of where the photo was taken is embedded as metadata in the digital photo. Such a posting could inadvertently expose where your home is located. There has been much public discussion on this topic, and geo-tagging can be disabled on most mobile devices. It is recommended that it be disabled unless you have a specific reason for having the location information embedded in the photo.

Wi-Fi Direct/Ad Hoc

Wi-Fi typically connects a Wi-Fi device to a network via a wireless access point. Other methods exist, namely Wi-Fi direct and Wi-Fi ad hoc. In Wi-Fi direct, two Wi-Fi devices connect to each other via a single-hop connection. In essence, one of the two devices acts as an access point for the other device. The key element is the single-hop nature of a Wi-Fi direct connection. Wi-Fi direct connects only two devices, but these two devices can be connected with all of the bells and whistles of modern wireless networking, including WPA2.

Wi-Fi direct uses a couple of services to establish secure connections between two devices. The first is Wi-Fi Direct Device and Service Discovery. This protocol provides a way for devices to discover each other based on the services they support before connecting. A device can see all compatible devices in the area and then narrow down the list to only devices that allow a specific service, say printing, before displaying to the user a list of available printers for pairing. The second protocol used is WPA2. This protocol is used to protect the connections and prevent unauthorized parties from pairing to Wi-Fi Direct devices, or intercepting communications from paired devices.

The primary difference with Wi-Fi ad hoc is that in the ad hoc network, multiple devices can communicate with each other, with each device capable of communicating with all other devices.


Tethering is the connection of a device to a mobile device that has a means of accessing a network for the purpose of sharing the network access. Connecting a mobile phone to a laptop to charge the phone’s battery is not tethering. Connecting a mobile phone to a laptop so that the laptop can use the phone to connect to the Internet is tethering. When you tether a device, you create additional external network connections.

Payment Methods

Twenty years ago, payment methods were cash, check, or charge. Today we have new intermediaries; smart devices with Near Field Communication (NFC) linked to credit cards offer a convenient alternative form of payment. While the actual payment is still a credit/debit card charge, the payment pathway is through the digital device. Utilizing the security features of the device, NFC, biometrics/pin, this form of payment has some advantages over the other methods as it allows additional specific security measures, such as biometric-based approval for the transaction, before accessing the payment method.


EXAM TIP    This section contains topics that can be tested with performance-based questions. It is not enough to simply learn the terms associated with the material. You should be familiar with how to determine the correct enforcement and monitoring solution based on a given scenario. The scenario will provide the necessary information to determine the best answer to the question. You should understand the differences between the items—from app stores, to OS protections, to connectivity options—sufficiently to be able to select the correct item based on the stated scenario.

Deployment Models

When determining how to incorporate mobile devices securely in your organization, you need to consider a wide range of issues, including how security will be enforced, how all the policies will be enforced, and ultimately, what devices will be supported. You can choose from a variety of device deployment models to support your security strategy, ranging from a pure employee-owned model (BYOD) to a strict corporate-owned model, with several hybrid models in between. Each of these models has advantages and disadvantages.


EXAM TIP    Be prepared for performance-based questions that ask you to determine the correct mobile deployment model based on a given scenario.


The bring your own device (BYOD) deployment model has many advantages in business, and not just from the perspective of minimizing device cost for the organization. Users tend to prefer to have a single device rather than carry multiple devices. Users have less of a learning curve on devices they already know how to use or have an interest in learning. This model is popular in small firms and in organizations that employ a lot of temporary workers. The big disadvantage is that employees will not be eager to limit their use of their personal device based on corporate policies, so corporate control will be limited.


The choose your own device (CYOD) deployment model is similar to BYOD in concept in that it gives users a choice in the type of device. In most cases, the organization constrains this choice to a list of acceptable devices that can be supported in the organization. Because the device is owned by the organization, it has greater flexibility in imposing restrictions on device use in terms of apps, data, updates, and so forth.


In the corporate owned, personally enabled (COPE) deployment model, employees are supplied a mobile device that is chosen and paid for by the organization, but they are given permission to use it for personal activities. The organization can decide how much choice and freedom employees get with regard to personal use of the device. This allows the organization to control security functionality while dealing with the employee dissatisfaction associated with the traditional method of device supply, corporate-owned business only (COBO).


In the corporate-owned deployment model, also known as corporate-owned, business only (COBO), the company supplies employees with a mobile device that is restricted to company-only use. The disadvantage of this model is that employees have to carry two devices, one personal and one for work, and then separate functions between the devices based on purpose of use in each instance. The advantage is that the corporation has complete control over its devices and can apply any security controls desired without interference from other device functionality.


EXAM TIP    Expect performance-based questions for the different deployment models: BYOD, CYOD, COPE, and corporate-owned. The correct answer to the question will lie in the details of the scenario, so look carefully at the details to determine the best answer.


While it seems the deployment models are only associated with phones, this is really not the case, for personal computers can also be external mobile devices requiring connections at times. In the case of laptops, a virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) solution can bring control to the mobile environment associated with non-corporate-owned equipment. The enterprise can set up virtual desktop machines that are fully security compliant and contain all the necessary applications needed by the employee, and then let the employee access the virtual machine via either a virtual connection or a remote desktop connection. This can solve most if not all of the security and application functionality issues associated with mobile devices. It does require an IT staff that is capable of setting up, maintaining, and managing the VDI in the organization, which is not necessarily a small task depending on the number of instances needed. Interaction with these VDI’s can be accomplished easily on many of today’s mobile devices because of their advanced screens and compute power.

Chapter Review

In this chapter, you became acquainted with the elements required to deploy mobile devices securely. The chapter opened with a description of the various communication connection methods. Specifically, the chapter covered cellular, Wi-Fi, SATCOM, Bluetooth, NFC, ANT, infrared, and USB connection methods. From there, the chapter explored the concepts of mobile device management. In this section the topics included application and content management, remote wiping, geofencing and geolocation, screen locks, push notification services, passwords and pins, biometrics, context-aware authentication, containerization, storage segmentation, and full device encryption. The chapter next examined the enforcement and monitoring requirements for third-party app stores, rooting/jailbreaking, sideloading, custom firmware, carrier unlocking, firmware OTA updates, camera use, SMS/MMS, external media, USB OTG, recording microphones, GPS tagging, Wi-Fi direct/ad hoc, tethering, and payment methods. The chapter closed with a discussion of the deployment models, including BYOD, CYOD, COPE, corporate-owned, and VDI.


To help you prepare further for the CompTIA Security+ exam, and to test your level of preparedness, answer the following questions and then check your answers against the correct answers at the end of the chapter.

1. Which of the following is a weakness of cellular technology?

A. Multiple vendors in a nationwide network

B. Less availability in rural areas

C. Multiple cell towers in close proximity in urban areas

D. Strong signals in areas of reasonable population

2. What frequency spectrum does Wi-Fi use?

A. 1.9 Hz

B. 2.7 GHz

C. 5 GHz

D. 5.4 GHz

3. What is the most common scenario for the use of satellite communications (SATCOM)?

A. In densely populated areas

B. Rural and remote areas or at sea

C. As a backup for cell phone coverage

D. Where line-of-sight issues exist

4. What frequency spectrum does Bluetooth use?

A. 1.7 GHz

B. 2.4 GHz

C. 5 GHz

D. 6.4 GHz

5. Which of the following is the data rate for Bluetooth 4.0?

A. 768 Kbps

B. 1 Mbps

C. 3 Mbps

D. 24 Mbps

6. Which of the following are the three modes supported by Bluetooth 4.0?

A. Classic, low speed, high energy

B. Enhanced data rate, backward compatible, high energy

C. Classic, high speed, Low Energy

D. Synchronous, high speed, Low Energy

7. What mechanism does Bluetooth use to establish a trust relationship?

A. Pairing

B. Kerberos


D. Public key

8. What is the primary use of Near Field Communication (NFC)?

A. Establish radio communications over a short proximity

B. Communication in sparsely populated areas

C. Long-distance connectivity

D. Communication in noisy industrial environments

9. Which of the following correctly describes ANT?

A. It is similar to Bluetooth enhanced mode.

B. It operates in the 5-GHz spectrum.

C. It encrypts HTTP traffic.

D. It functions well in the crowded 2.4-GHz spectrum.

10. What is a disadvantage of infrared (IR) technology?

A. It has a high data rate.

B. It cannot penetrate solid objects.

C. It can penetrate walls.

D. It uses a slow encryption technology.

11. What is the main security concern with Universal Serial Bus (USB) technology?

A. It connects to cell phones for easy charging.

B. It uses proprietary encryption.

C. It automounts and acts like a hard drive attached to the computer.

D. It uses older encryption technology.

12. Which of the following is not an element of a good Mobile Device Management (MDM) policy?

A. The ability to decrypt data on the device

B. The ability to lock the device if it is lost or stolen

C. The ability to remotely wipe the device if it is lost or stolen

D. The ability to wipe the device automatically after several failed login attempts

13. Which of the following correctly defines Mobile Device Management (MDM)?

A. A marketing term for commonly employed protections for mobile devices

B. The ability to lock mobile devices after a period of inactivity

C. A method of locking devices with a strong password

D. The set of standard protocols for communicating with mobile devices

14. Why is it important to establish policies governing remote wiping of mobile devices?

A. Mobile devices typically do not mix personal and business data.

B. Mobile devices are more easily secured.

C. Thieves cannot decrypt mobile devices.

D. They are more susceptible to loss than other devices.

15. What is the purpose of geofencing?

A. It can be used to remotely wipe a lost device.

B. It makes securing the mobile device simpler.

C. It enables devices to be recognized by location and have actions taken.

D. It can enforce device locking with a strong password.


1. B. A weakness of cellular technology is that it is less available in rural areas.

2. C. Wi-Fi uses both 2.4-GHz and 5-GHz frequency spectrums.

3. B. SATCOM usage is most common in rural and remote areas or at sea, where other technologies are not available.

4. B. Bluetooth uses the 2.4-GHz frequency spectrum.

5. D. 24 Mbps is the data rate for Bluetooth 4.0.

6. C. The three modes supported by Bluetooth 4.0 are classic, high speed, and Low Energy.

7. A. Bluetooth uses pairing to establish a trust relationship.

8. A. The primary use of NFC is to establish radio communications over a short proximity.

9. D. ANT functions well in the crowded 2.4-GHz spectrum.

10. B. A disadvantage of IR technology is that it cannot penetrate solid objects.

11. C. The main security concern with USB technology is that it automounts and acts like a hard drive attached to the computer.

12. A. Decryption of data on the device is not an element of a good MDM policy.

13. A. MDM is a marketing term for commonly employed protections for mobile devices.

14. D. It is important to establish policies governing remote wiping of mobile devices because they are more susceptible to loss than other devices.

15. C. The purpose of geofencing is to enable devices to be recognized by location and have actions taken.