Amazing Recipes For Home, Health & Healing
Brad Tomson
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Copyright © 2014
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Chapter 1. What Is Hydrogen Peroxide?
Historical Use Of Hydrogen Peroxide
Different Grades Of Hydrogen Peroxide
Chapter 2: Hydrogen Peroxide Usage
Teeth Whitening And Dental Hygiene
Method 1: Use Hydrogen Peroxide As A Toothpaste
Method 2: Use Hydrogen Peroxide As A Mouthwash
Chapter 5. The Risks And Drawbacks
Hydrogen Peroxide Is Cytotoxic
They Do Not Oxidize Most Biological Substances Readily
Hydrogen Peroxide Is Very Reactive
Exposure Causes Different Reactions To The Body
Exposure Of Cells To Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a colorless liquid that is used as a bleaching agent, as well as disinfectant. What makes this chemical compound interesting is that it is naturally occurring in nature and most living organisms, including animals, produce trace amounts of Hydrogen peroxide as part of their immune responses.
This is the reason why the Hydrogen compound has caught the attention of many people who are looking for environmentally-friendly, as well as safe, disinfectants to use at home.
However, Hydrogen peroxide is not only used as a surface cleaning agent, as it also has many interesting uses. This eBook will list all of the benefits that you can get from Hydrogen peroxide.
Hydrogen peroxide is also known as H 2 O 2 . It is a colorless liquid substance that is a bit more viscous than water. It is more often available in liquid form, for safety reasons. It is a strong oxidizer and is commonly used as a disinfectant and bleaching agent. As a living organism, we do produce minute amounts of hydrogen peroxide in our body during respiratory bursts, which is a portion of our immune response pathway.
Hydrogen Peroxide was first described by Louis Jacques Thenard in 1818. He came across the compound when he was treating barium peroxide with nitric acid. This process of creating Hydrogen Peroxide was used until the mid-1900s until an improved version of the process was discovered. The first pure Hydrogen Peroxide compound was isolated by Richard Wolffenstein almost 80 years after Thenard discovered the compound.
Hydrogen Peroxide is used by a lot of industries today—ranging from the medical field to the industrial field and even as a propellant. It is used in a lot of applications, which are detailed below:
As macabre as it sounds, Hydrogen Peroxide has been used to create lethal organic peroxide based explosives like acetone peroxide. This type of improvised explosive device degrades quickly and is not used as a military or commercial explosive. This type of explosive device was the type used in the London bombings of July 7, 2005.
Hydrogen Peroxide was once used to propel jetpacks. In the years between 1940and 1950, H2O2 was used in a Walter turbine to enable submarines to submerge. Torpedoes also made use of Hydrogen Peroxide as a propellant or an oxidizer. However, this use was completely eradicated once the Japanese Navy found out that Hydrogen Peroxide can also cause explosions in torpedoes and submarines, which they attributed to the cause of the sinking of Russian submarine Kursk and the HMS Sidon .
Advocates of alternative medicine were always on the go when it comes to the use of Hydrogen Peroxide to treat several health problems like cancer, AIDS, influenza, emphysema and many others. The practice enumerates that a patient should consume Hydrogen Peroxide whether through injection or through oral consumption. The idea behind this is based on two concepts: One, Hydrogen Peroxide is produced naturally by the body to fight infection; Two, that most of the disease causing agents in humans are anaerobic pathogens who cannot survive oxygen rich environments, such as cancer. Through this mechanism, people believe that Hydrogen Peroxide kills the disease’s agent by mimicking the immune response.
Hydrogen Peroxide is used in teeth whitening and is mixed with salt or baking soda to create toothpaste. The compound is also used to bleach hair to achieve a peroxide blonde. Hydrogen Peroxide is also a common liquid used in treating acne, but in recent years it was replaced with benzoyl peroxide.
In the yesteryears, Hydrogen Peroxide was a common disinfectant used to disinfect wounds because of its availability and low cost in comparison to other antiseptics. However, is now believed that it slows healing and can lead to scarring because it destroys the newly formed skin cells; only a very small concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide can induce healing and only if it is not applied repeatedly.
Hydrogen Peroxide was also once used to disinfect surfaces in homes, medical institutions and hospitals because it is environmentally benign and is a good alternative to chlorine based bleaches. But, studies have concluded that Hydrogen Peroxide is ineffective for use in hospitals and medical institutions—but it is still effective for home use.
Majority of Hydrogen Peroxide production is used for paper and pulp bleaching. The next major use of Hydrogen Peroxide is in the creation of sodium perborate and sodium percarbonate , which are used in laundry detergents as mild bleaches.
Hydrogen Peroxide is also used in some processes of waste water treatment in order to eradicate impurities. One such process is the Fenton reaction, which readily destroys organic contaminates that are normally hard to eradicate. With the use of Hydrogen Peroxide in waste water treatment, it can also decrease the odor.
Hydrogen Peroxide also has other uses , like for fish aeration. Fish culturists have found an innovative way to provide oxygen for small fish—safely. The Hydrogen Peroxide releases its oxygen when subjected to manganese dioxide.
In horticulture, a weak hydrogen peroxide solution can kill off a variety of plant pests and even treat root rot. Aside from that, Hydrogen Peroxide enhances a plant’s root development with the release of oxygen when the compound decomposes in the soil.
Did you know that glow sticks are made from Hydrogen Peroxide? Yep, they are. With the addition of esters like phenyl oxalate ester or cyalume, Hydrogen Peroxide produces chemiluminiscence or glow sticks.
There are different grades of Hydrogen Peroxide but not all grades are available in the market. These include:
#1) 90% - this Hydrogen Peroxide grade is often used a source of oxygen for rocket fuel.
#2) 35% Food Grade - This grade of Hydrogen Peroxide is normally used in food production, especially in whey-containing products, eggs and cheese. It is also used to spray aseptic packages lining in containers that hold milk products and fruit juices. This is the only grade of Hydrogen Peroxide that is recommended for internal use.
#3) 30% to 32% Electronic Grade – As its name implies, this Hydrogen Peroxide grade is not fit for internal use, but is used to clean electronic parts.
#4) 30% Reagent Grade – Again like #3, this grade of Hydrogen peroxide is not suitable for consumption, but is perfect for use in different scientific experiments.
#5 ) 6% Beautician Grade – Another unsuitable grade of Hydrogen peroxide for consumption, but is mostly used to color hair in beauty salons.
#6) 3.5% Pharmaceutical Grade – Again, this product is also not recommended for internal use. This is the usual Hydrogen peroxide sold at the supermarket or drugstores and contains a lot of stabilizers which makes it unsuitable for consumption. Examples of these stabilizers used in this marketed product are: tetrasodium phosphate, sodium stanate, phenol and acetanilide.
Hydrogen peroxide is known to be a potent disinfectant agent that can kill different kinds of virus, bacteria and fungi. In the medical field, Hydrogen peroxide is known to disinfect surface wounds as it is effective in killing foreign cells without causing the damage to your tissues.
However, aside from treating surface wounds, there are many people who vouch for the efficacy of Hydrogen peroxide in treating different kinds of diseases. This section will deal with the benefits of Hydrogen peroxide as a treatment for different types of diseases.
Emphysema is a condition wherein the alveoli or the small air sacs found in the lungs are destroyed , which causes patients to find it difficult to breathe. There are many known causes why emphysema occurs, but doctors indicate that fumes and other irritants can cause emphysema. As this disease progresses, the patient needs to heavily rely on supplemental oxygen in order to breathe.
The lack of enough oxygen supply forces the heart to pump more and this leads to the enlargement of the heart and high blood pressure, which can eventually lead to heart failure. Unfortunately, there is no direct treatment for emphysema and patients can only rely on drugs for symptomatic relief.
This is where Hydrogen peroxide comes in. Hydrogen peroxide is a known oxidizer, thus it promotes the production of Oxygen within the cells.
How To Treat Emphysema With 35% Food Grade H2O2
If you suffer from symptoms of emphysema, here is a simple recipe to try out:
1 oz. 35% Hydrogen Peroxide
1 gallon non-chlorinated water
Fungal infections on the foot are very common among adults. The foot harbors all types of fungi and under normal circumstances; the body has the ability to control the microflora in the foot. Fungal infection commonly occurs among people who have decreased immune functions.
Examples of diseases where people will likely suffer foot fungal infection are HIV/AIDs and diabetes. These diseases are characterized by having a weak blood flow on the lower extremities. On the other hand, foot trauma also causes fungi to develop on the foot.
Foot and nail fungus usually begins as a white spot that develops underneath the toenails. During the disease progression, the skin around the nails becomes swollen and irritated. If not treated properly, the nail may eventually detach from the toes.
There are many treatments that are used for foot fungus, but many people attest to the efficacy of Hydrogen peroxide in ridding them of fungal infections. What Hydrogen peroxide does is that it creates a very hostile environment for the fungal agent by decreasing the pH on the foot, thus making the environment of the fungi more acidic.
How To Treat Foot Fungus With 35% Food Grade H 2 o 2
If you are suffering from fungal infections on your foot, then here are the steps that you need to undertake using Hydrogen peroxide to treat your foot condition.
1 cup 35% Hydrogen peroxide
6 drops essential oil
1 cup sea salt
1 cup apple cider vinegar (optional)
Warm water
When you do this treatment, make sure that you avoid wearing nail polish as they contain compounds that encourage the growth of fungus. Moreover, disinfect all of your footwear as well as other items that are constantly in contact with your feet to avoid the disease from spreading.
Canker sores are mouth ulcers that appear white-gray or yellow and are characterized by a painful sensation. They occur on the tissues inside the mouth. Although not contagious, canker sores are very painful and patients find it difficult to eat or drink anything while they are suffering from it. Canker sores are caused by different factors which include stress, poor immune system, poor diet, vitamin deficiencies and trauma in the mouth.
You can buy commercial treatments for canker sores in your local pharmacy, but if you are looking for effective solutions at home, then you can use Hydrogen peroxide. There are many reasons why Hydrogen peroxide is effective in treating canker sores and below are the properties of this chemical compound that makes it effective in treating canker sores.
How To Treat Canker Sores With H 2 o 2
There are many ways of using Hydrogen peroxide to treat canker sores and this section will give you the list on the different ways that you can use Hydrogen peroxide to ease canker sores.
Method 1: Hydrogen Peroxide With Water
1 cup 3% Hydrogen Peroxide
3 cups water
Method 2: Hydrogen Peroxide, Salt And Baking Soda
1 tsp . salt
1 tbsp. baking soda
¼ tsp . 35% Hydrogen Peroxide
1 cup non-chlorinated water
Method 3: Hydrogen Peroxide And Milk Of Magnesia
Saline solution
1 cup water
1 cup 35% Hydrogen peroxide
Milk of magnesia
Method 4: Gargle Made From Hydrogen Peroxide And Zinc Lozenges
1 cup + 2 tbsps. 35% Hydrogen peroxide
1 cup non-chlorinated water
2 zinc lozenges
Hydrogen peroxide is an effective way to treat canker sores. The best thing about this treatment is that there are no known side effects , thus making it very safe to use. However, it is important to avoid swallowing Hydrogen peroxide as it can cause the stomach to become upset. Moreover, make sure to rinse your mouth with water to remove the traces of Hydrogen peroxide. If you use this treatment, then ensure that you are also eating well and avoiding stress, and you will see drastic improvement a few days after treatment.
Sinus infections are very painful and they can affect the quality of life of the patient suffering from it. This particular disease is caused by the irritation on the sinus linings and if it gets aggravated, it can cause difficulty in breathing. There are many ways to treat sinus infections and one of the best home remedies that you can administer is to use Hydrogen peroxide. The Hydrogen peroxide that you can find in stores needs to be diluted in order to treat sinus infections.
Nasal flushing using Hydrogen peroxide is a great way to fix a sinus infection. However, this particular procedure requires the use of a lot of saline water and hydrogen peroxide to flush out the entire nasal cavity.
How To Treat Sinus Infections With H 2 o 2
Try this simple solution to treat your sinus infections.
Ingredients :
½ cup 35% Hydrogen Peroxide
½ cup saline solution
Ear infection such as otitis media is a common malady that people suffer from. It is caused by the abnormal buildup of bacteria in the ear that leads the ear to release a foul-smelling viscous liquid. In most cases, treatment of ear infection involves the application of liquid antibiotics, but if you do not have access to that, a more natural method of treating ear infection is by using Hydrogen peroxide.
How To Treat Ear Infection With H 2 o 2
This solution can help alleviate the discomfort of ear infections.
3% Hydrogen peroxide
Cotton balls or dropper
Hydrogen peroxide is a great home remedy for those who are suffering from a toothache. Since it is a weak acid, it helps disinfect the mouth, thus it can reduce pain in the infected tooth. Below are the methods that you can use in order to help you to rid yourself of your toothache by using Hydrogen peroxide.
How To Treat Toothache With H 2 o 2
Try these two simple homemade remedies to treat your next toothache.
Method 1: Mouthwash
2 tbsps. 3% Hydrogen peroxide
Warm water
Method 2: Hot Or Cold Compress
2 tbsps. 3% Hydrogen Peroxide
Wash cloth
The thing is that Hydrogen peroxide is a great way to help remove bad bacteria in your mouth that might be causing a toothache. However, if the symptoms still persist, then visiting your dentist might be a good idea to check what needs to be done to fix your toothache.
If you are experiencing flu-like symptoms such as cough, fever or sore throat, then you can stop the progression of these symptoms into a full-blown disease by improving your immune system. This is where Hydrogen peroxide comes in. The bacteria or virus that causes flu take up residence in the middle ear because of its crevices and warm space. To ease yourself from flu-like symptoms, you need to do ear canal flushing.
How To Treat Flu With H 2 o 2
Try out this canal flush to help relieve the discomforts of flu symptoms.
½ tsp. 3% Hydrogen Peroxide
Using Hydrogen peroxide for cancer treatment is the newest application for this chemical compound. Since cancer cells love anoxic environment (environments with low levels of Oxygen), the use of Hydrogen peroxide can be very effective in killing cancer cells , as it oxidizes unhealthy cells to eliminate the cancer cells without harming the healthy ones.
It has been demonstrated in many clinical trials that the metastasis of cancer cells is inversely proportional to the amount of Oxygen in the cells. This means that the more Oxygen surrounding the cells, the slower the spread of cancer and vice versa. What Hydrogen peroxide does is that it increases the amount of Oxygen in the body, thus inhibiting the growth and spread of cancer cells.
Some people advocate the internal ingestion of Hydrogen peroxide to increase the Oxygen levels in the body, but there have been studies that indicate that Hydrogen peroxide, when taken internally, can react with superoxide to form the most active free radicals called Hydroxyl ions (-OH) which can be dangerous to the cells.
However, there have been studies that indicate that a diluted form of Hydrogen peroxide is not dangerous considering that the body produces a small amount of Hydrogen peroxide as part of its immune responses.
Treatment dosage for internal use of Hydrogen peroxide for cancer treatment should be precisely observed. The thing is that if you use too much of this chemical compound, you will end up experiencing nausea and stomach discomfort.
How To Treat Cancer With H 2 o 2
Below is the recommended dosage that you can take in to use Hydrogen peroxide in cancer treatment.
Start with the smallest dosage first unless you are dealing with an emergency situation and you cannot help but take in a larger dosage of Hydrogen peroxide. The reason why you need to start small is to acclimatize your body and ensure that you will not experience serious side effects while trying this treatment.
Yeast infection is a common malady among many adult women. However, women find it embarrassing to admit that they have a yeast infection. There are many feminine washes or douched that are available to prevent yeast infection, but the problem with these feminine washes is that they are very strong. A good alternative treatment for yeast infection is Hydrogen peroxide.
Hydrogen peroxide occurs naturally in the vagina, but because of diseases and low immunity, the population of yeast overwhelms the production of natural Hydrogen peroxide, thus causing irritation.
How To Treat Yeast Infection With H 2 o 2
Mix up this easy solution to help eliminate the embarrassing effects of yeast infections.
1 tsp. Hydrogen peroxide
1 cup water
Aside from using it as a douche, you can also use Hydrogen peroxide as a bath. Mix a cup of hydrogen peroxide in a tub of water and soak your body for at least ten or 15 minutes before rinsing off your body.
Colon detoxification is another application of Hydrogen peroxide. In recent years, many alternative health practitioners have noted that 50% of the immune system points are located around the digestive system, particularly near the large intestines. The colon is one of the most important parts of the body where toxins are stored and eventually removed. If the colon is not functioning properly, the detoxification process of the body is also affected.
The use of Hydrogen peroxide in cleansing the colon is gaining traction. There are two methods of cleaning the digestive system and this is by using colon irrigation or hydrotherapy and intake of oral colon cleanse liquid. Below are detailed discussions on how you can cleanse your colon using the two methods:
How To Detoxify The Colon With H 2 o 2
Try these two easy methods to help cleanse your colon.
Method 1: Colon Irrigation Using Hydrogen Peroxide
2 oz. 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide
1 liter distilled water
Method 2: Oral Hydrogen Peroxide Cleanse
¼ tsp . 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide
1 cup distilled water
Mites can cause different kinds of diseases such as mange and skin irritation. If you suspect yourself from being infected by tiny mites, then you can use Hydrogen peroxide to effective ly kill the mites on your skin.
The best thing about using Hydrogen peroxide to treat mite infection is that this chemical compound also kills the bacteria associated with the mice that can cause different diseases to humans and animals. Aside from human use, Hydrogen peroxide can also be used to treat mite infection on dogs and other pets.
How To Treat Mite Infection With H 2 o 2
Try this simple solution to treat mites infections for humans, as well as on your beloved household pets.
1 bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide
Spray bottle
Hydrogen peroxide can be used to cleanse the kidneys from bacterial infections. In fact, people who suffer from urinary tract infection can take advantage of Hydrogen peroxide to improve their conditions.
How To Cleanse Your Kidneys With H 2 o 2
Use this remedy to help treat and cleanse your kidneys.
¼ tsp. 35% food grade Hydrogen peroxide
1 cup distilled water
Aside from the healing properties of Hydrogen peroxide, it is also valued for its efficacy in personal care. The best thing about using this chemical compound is that you will be able to address different hygiene needs without the need to spend money on different products.
Aside from saving a lot of money, you will also be able to save a lot of space in your bathroom with Hydrogen peroxide. Below is the personal care regimen where you can use Hydrogen peroxide.
Bathing in a Hydrogen peroxide solution is a good practice because it helps you maintain healthy microflora in your body. To make a Hydrogen peroxide bath, make a 3% solution from a 35% solution of Hydrogen peroxide that you can usually buy from the supermarket. This means that you need to mix one ounce of 35% Hydrogen peroxide to 11 ounces of distilled water. To make it easier for you, you can add ½ cup of 35% Hydrogen peroxide to a bath tub filled with warm water. To make your bath more enjoyable, you can add essential oils and herbal infusions to give your body a calming effect.
Immersing in a Hydrogen peroxide bath allows your body to absorb the peroxide through skin. Moreover, if you use warm water, it opens the pores on your skin to let the Hydrogen peroxide enter. It is crucial that you immerse for at least 30 minutes to give the Hydrogen peroxide enough time to enter your skin.
Once the Hydrogen peroxide enters the bloodstream through osmosis, it loses one of the Oxygen molecule , thus becoming water and free oxygen. The oxygen then binds to the red blood cells, thus increasing the Oxygen supply of your body.
You do not need to go to your dentist and get expensive teeth whitening treatments. You can use Hydrogen peroxide to make your teeth look like they have been professionally whitened. Today, there are many types of toothpaste that contain Hydrogen peroxide so you do not need to mix your own teeth whitening concoction.
However, if you cannot find a toothpaste that contains Hydrogen peroxide, you can make your own whitening toothpaste by mixing Hydrogen peroxide with baking soda to form a paste. Mix two teaspoon s of Hydrogen peroxide with 3 teaspoons of baking soda. You can add a bit of mint toothpaste to give the paste a fresh flavor. You can also mix in a dash of salt to help exfoliate your teeth and gums while you brush. Use the paste generously and make sure that you rinse your mouth well right after.
Aside from making a paste, you can also use Hydrogen peroxide as an alternative to commercial mouthwash. Dilute 2 tablespoon of Hydrogen peroxide in half a cup of warm water. Swish it around in your mouth for one minute. The solution will begin to foam and this is an indication that it is reacting to the bacteria in your mouth. Spit out the solution and rinse your mouth with water.
Going to a hair salon to lighten your hair can be very costly and if you are looking for a cheap way to brighten your hair, then bleaching it with Hydrogen peroxide is your best solution. If you want to add highlights to your hair, make sure that you start with healthy hair. Bleaching damaged hair will result in having more brittle hair and you will end up having very unattractive hair.
To bleach your hair using Hydrogen peroxide, you need a 3% Hydrogen peroxide solution. Do not use a solution that is higher than 3% because it is too strong for your hair and you might end up losing most of your hair. You also need to condition your hair before you start bleaching just for added protection. Below are the steps in successfully lightening your hair:
To add more shine as well as to protect your hair, make sure that you apply deep conditioning treatment to prevent your hair from breaking. Moreover, it is also very important that you take care of your hair by avoiding too much exposure to heat.
Hydrogen peroxide can also be used to disinfect contact lenses. So if you run out of cleaning solutions , dilute Hydrogen peroxide with water and it can easily break down the proteins that have built up on the lenses.
Hydrogen peroxide can also be used as a facial cleanser to prevent skin breakouts such as acne. In fact, it is the most inexpensive way to treat acne breakouts. Before you apply Hydrogen peroxide on your face, make sure that you wash your face with non-abrasive soap and water. This will help to remove the dirt and other oils that have adhered on your face. Moreover, using gentle soaps also prevents the Hydrogen peroxide from reacting to it.
When applying the Hydrogen peroxide, dip a cotton ball into Hydrogen peroxide and simply swab your face with the cotton ball covered with Hydrogen peroxide. If you have skin breakouts, pay more attention to it. On the other hand, make sure to avoid the eye area, including the eyebrows, because Hydrogen peroxide can irritate the eyes and bleach your eyebrows.
Leave the Hydrogen peroxide on for only a few minutes because it can dry up not only your acne, but also your skin. After applying, rinse the Hydrogen peroxide off and apply moisturizer to bring back your skin’s moisture.
Hydrogen peroxide is also used in household s to disinfect surfaces. Because it is a naturally-occurring disinfectant, many people are using it to clean every aspect of their homes. For this section, the different household uses for Hydrogen peroxide will be discussed.
Mold is a common problem among all homeowners and they do not only make homes unsightly , but it is also detrimental to the health. If you have a big mold problem in your home, particularly in the kitchen and toilet, then you can use Hydrogen peroxide to disinfect your home safely. Below are the steps on how you can remove mold using Hydrogen peroxide.
Hydrogen peroxide and dish soap can help disinfect dishes and other kitchen utensils. Instead of buying toxic cleansers, you can use hydrogen peroxide to clean your dishes. Moreover, if you use it in your dishwashing machine, it can also help disinfect your machine.
To prepare Hydrogen peroxide dishwashing solution, you need to mix one cup of 3% Hydrogen peroxide with 3 drops of dish soap in a small bowl. Use it to wash your kitchen utensils and let them sit for five minutes before rinsing using cold water.
Doing the laundry is a very challenging task especially if you have to remove stubborn stains from your clothes. Instead of buying bleach and strong laundry detergents, you can use Hydrogen peroxide mixed with dishwashing soap (1 cup of Hydrogen peroxide and 3 drops of soap) to remove the stains from your clothes. The best thing about Hydrogen peroxide is that, unlike Sodium hydroxide such as commercial bleaches are made from, clothes do not get color fast, and thus you can use Hydrogen peroxide and not fear about your colored clothes getting faded.
Aside from removing stains from your laundry, you can also use the Hydrogen peroxide soap solution to remove stains from upholsteries and carpets. This is very convenient, especially if you have pets and they accidentally urinate in your carpets. Basically, Hydrogen peroxide is a great stain remover for getting rid of stains that contain protein such as blood and urine.
There are food-grade Hydrogen peroxide that are available in the market and you can use them to disinfect your food items safely. To disinfect fruits, vegetables and eggs, you can mix ¼ cup of 3% Hydrogen peroxide to a sink full of cold water. Soak the vegetables for 20 to 30 minutes and drain them. You can also spray undiluted Hydrogen peroxide onto your produce and let it stand for a few minutes before you rinse and dry them. You can also use diluted Hydrogen peroxide to disinfect your meats, as well as your salad greens. Be sure to rinse them carefully before cooking them.
Plants can also benefit from Hydrogen peroxide. In fact, what makes rainwater better for plants is the presence of Hydrogen peroxide. The amount of Hydrogen peroxide present in rainwater reacts with the air-borne toxins and removes them, thus plants get pure water instead. If you notice that your plants are dying, you can mix 1 ounce of 3% hydrogen to every quart of water and spray this onto your plants to rejuvenate them.
Aside from rejuvenating plants, Hydrogen peroxide is also an effective way to kill insect pests that might have harbored in your plants. Spray your plant with 8 ounces of 3% Hydrogen peroxide mixed with 8 ounces of white sugar and a gallon of water. The mixture is potent against different kinds of insect pests. You can also use it to fix fungal problems that are attacking your plants.
When you use Hydrogen peroxide in your garden, make sure that you prepare only enough solution for all of your plants. Once your Hydrogen peroxide is exposed to light, it breaks down, thus you will no longer be able to use in the future.
There are tremendous ways that you can benefit from Hydrogen peroxide and aside from using it for health and personal care, you can also find uses for it in your household. The thing is that why would you buy different kinds of cleansers to use at home if you can just do it all with just one. By using Hydrogen peroxide, you not only free up a lot of space in your house, but you can also save a lot of money on your grocery bills.
Hydrogen peroxide is considered as one of the safest disinfectants as it occurs naturally in nature. However, just because it is naturally occurring does not mean that it is also 100% safe. There are many researchers that validate the risks of using this chemical compound , especially if it is ingested. This chapter will give you a thorough discussion on the drawbacks of using Hydrogen peroxide. It is imperative that we discuss this to give you information on how it is on the other side of the coin.
Hydrogen peroxide can cross cell membranes easily and this compound is cytotoxic. Cytotoxicity refers to the quality of a substance that makes it toxic to cells that are foreign from the body. Cytotoxicity is common among all living organisms and they make up one of the immune responses of the body. Examples of cytotoxic include the immune system and venoms in most reptilian animals.
When Hydrogen peroxide enters the body through the semi-permeable membrane, the body automatically detects it and rapidly eliminates it by using enzymes like peroxidase and catalase. The body needs to rapidly eliminate Hydrogen peroxide because it becomes very toxic in vivo (within or inside the body) and the body also needs to maintain only a small amount of it.
While living organisms have evolved mechanisms to seize the by-products of Hydrogen peroxide, it still leads to the oxidative damage of the cells in some degree. Moreover, the presence of Hydrogen peroxide on sites of inflammation also leads to the necessary apoptosis (cell death) of the affected area.
Having said this, whatever amount of Hydrogen peroxide you introduce to your body, the body only uses up traces of it that it needs. The rest is simply broken down and eliminated from the bloodstream as urine or feces.
In the previous chapter, we have discussed about the efficacy of Hydrogen peroxide in removing protein fragments from contact lenses , as well as getting rid of stains. Moreover, the efficacy of Hydrogen peroxide in disinfecting surfaces is only applicable to the presence of proteins on the surfaces in question.
Unfortunately, Hydrogen peroxide is poorly reactive and it does not oxidize most biological molecules readily except for proteins. This means that Hydrogen peroxide will not work on other biological substances like lipids (fats), lignins (cellulose), amino acids (precursor to proteins) and saccharides (carbohydrates).
The reactive property of Hydrogen peroxide can be a disadvantage. This is especially true if Hydrogen peroxide is mixed with highly volatile substances like gasoline which can form bubbles and eventually explode , especially if it is subjected to high temperatures (between 70 and 100 degrees Celsius).
For those who are planning to use Hydrogen peroxide for its health benefits, you need to be aware of the risks involved in too much exposure to Hydrogen peroxide. In this section, a detailed discussion on how Hydrogen peroxide affects the different functions of the body will be highlighted.
Hydrogen peroxide is produced by the body through a wide range of enzymatic reactions and pathways and all tissues need Hydrogen peroxide to function properly. However, the mitochondria in most tissues , except the heart, have a limited capacity in removing Hydrogen peroxide. If the body gets too much Hydrogen peroxide, it will be difficult for the body to be able to remove the Hydrogen peroxide fast, thus a person might suffer from slight toxicities such as upset stomach or nausea.
There are many commercial beverages that contain Hydrogen peroxide at concentrations higher than 100 micro-M and when these beverages are ingested, the Hydrogen peroxide immediately diffuses into the oral cavity as well as in the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract. Hydrogen peroxide is a very corrosive substance at high concentrations , thus if you use a strong Hydrogen peroxide as a mouthwash, you are endangering your oral cavity as it may cause your mouth to burn. It is therefore important that you only use a diluted solution of Hydrogen peroxide to rinse out your mouth.
Although the respiratory tract lining are exposed to high concentrations of Hydrogen peroxide from the air we breathe, too much exposure of Hydrogen peroxide can cause irritation in the respiratory tract , thus causing inflammation on the lungs. When preparing Hydrogen peroxide to relieve yourself from emphysema, make sure that you inhale diluted form to protect your airways and prevent them from being irritated.
The ocular tissues refer to the eyes. It is dangerous to expose your eyes to high concentrations of Hydrogen peroxide because it can impair the capacity of the lenses, retina, epithelium and other ocular tissues to remove Hydrogen peroxide that have accumulated in the eyes. Moreover, it also causes irritants to the eyes , as well as the mucus membranes so it is important not to use Hydrogen peroxide as an eye drop. Although in the previous chapter, it was mentioned that Hydrogen peroxide is a good way to clean contact lenses, but make sure that you rinse them thoroughly to remove the traces of the chemical compound before placing the lens in the eyes.
Exposure of high concentrations of Hydrogen peroxide to the skin can cause a condition called Vitiligo. Vitiligo is a condition wherein there is heavy depigmentation on the skin due to the impairment of the melanocytes , which are the pigment cells. The reason why exposure to high concentrations of Hydrogen peroxide can cause Vitiligo is that the peroxidase causes oxidative stress to the melanocytes, thus rendering the pigment cells useless. For this reason, it is important to handle Hydrogen peroxide carefully.
Hydrogen peroxide is a ubiquitous molecule and just because we get it from our environment, as well as in our diet, it is still crucial that you we do not expose ourselves to high concentrations of this compound. The thing is that exposure to high concentrations of Hydrogen peroxide can cause system poisoning, which can result in severe symptoms of vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, edema and shock. It is therefore important that you become aware of the amount of Hydrogen peroxide that you are being exposed to.
I hope that you learned a lot in this eBook on the many benefits and uses of Hydrogen peroxide to treat ailments, for personal hygiene and for home use. I also hope that you have also been warned that the excessive and high dose use of hydrogen peroxide is not a good thing for the body.
Most of all, I hope that you will enjoy and reap the benefits of the hydrogen peroxide recipes and treatment methods that we have provided you.
I wish you the best of luck!
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