5.6    Configuration Scenario

After you’ve configured different Integration Directory objects, you might need to logically group them together, for example, if the different interfaces are part of the same business process or scenario. You can think about this grouping as a folder in your file system that contains objects that logically belong together.

Typically, you’ll want to include ICOs and the objects that they depend on, such as communication components and communication channels. You can then transport a configuration scenario and thus transport all objects included in it.

When you create a new configuration scenario, you can choose to create it from scratch (manually) or create it based on a model in the ES Repository.

5.6.1    Creating a Configuration Scenario from Scratch (Manually)

You can manually create a configuration scenario from the Integration Directory (see Figure 5.21) by following these steps:

  1. Launch the Integration Directory from the SAP PO landing page.
  2. Select the configuration scenario object group, right-click, and select New.
  3. In the Type of ES Repository Model field, select the No model radio button, and then click on the Create button.
  4. Specify the name, description, and folder (optional) for your new configuration scenario.
  5. You’ll then see a new object. Go to the Objects tab.
  6. Click on the Add object(s) to Scenario button in the top-left menu.
  7. Choose the category of the object that you want to add to the configuration. You’re then prompted with a new screen that allows you to select the object.
  8. Save and activate the configuration scenario.

Note that you can also remove the object by selecting it and clicking on the Remove Object(s) from Scenario button.

Configuration Scenario Screen in the Integration Directory

Figure 5.21    Configuration Scenario Screen in the Integration Directory

5.6.2    Creating a Configuration Scenario from a Model

If you used a model (process integration scenario) in the ES Repository to represent your scenario, then you can use it as a basis for creating a configuration scenario. To create a new configuration scenario based on a model, follow these steps:

  1. Launch the Integration Directory from the SAP PO landing page.
  2. Select the configuration scenario object group, right-click, and select New.
  3. In the Type of ES Repository Model field, select the Process Integration Scenario radio button, and click on the Create button.
  4. You’re then presented with the option to choose a model to reference. Select the appropriate integration process from the ES Repository, and click on the Create button.
  5. Save and activate the configuration scenario.