Ubiquity of Innate Immunity

Determined searches among plant and invertebrate animal phyla for the signature proteins of the highly efficient vertebrate adaptive immune system—antibodies, T-cell receptors, and MHC proteins—have failed to find any homologs. Yet without them multicellular organisms have managed to survive for hundreds of millions of years. The interior spaces of organisms as diverse as the tomato, fruit fly, and sea squirt (an early chordate, without a backbone) do not contain unchecked microbial populations. Careful studies of these and many other representatives of nonvertebrate phyla have found arrays of well-developed processes that carry out innate immune responses. The accumulating evidence leads to the conclusion that multiple immune mechanisms protect all multicellular organisms from microbial infection and exploitation (Table 4-8).

TABLE 4-8 Immunity in multicellular organisms

Taxonomic group Innate immunity (nonspecific) Adaptive immunity (specific) Invasion-induced protective enzymes and enzyme cascades Phagocytosis Anti-microbial peptides Pattern recognition receptors lympho-cytes Variable Lympho-cyte receptors Anti-bodies

Higher plants










Invertebrate animals

  Porifera (sponges)

  Annelids (earthworms)

  Arthropods (insects, crustaceans)





































Vertebrate animals

  Jawless fish (hagfish, lamprey)

  Elasmobranchs (cartilaginous fish; e.g., sharks, rays)

  Bony fish (e.g., salmon, tuna)













































































Some Innate Immune System Components Occur across the Plant and Animal Kingdoms

In contrast to the adaptive immune system, components of the innate immune system are evolutionarily ancient, as evidenced by their presence in a virtually all multicellular organisms studied. For example, as mentioned early in this chapter, virtually all plant and animal species, and even some fungi, have antimicrobial peptides similar to defensins. Most multicellular organisms have pattern recognition receptors containing leucine-rich repeats (LRRs), although many organisms also have other families of PRRs. While the innate immune responses activated by these receptors in plants and invertebrates show both similarities and differences compared to those of vertebrates, innate immune response mechanisms are essential for the health and survival of these varied organisms.

Despite plants’ tough outer protective barrier layers, such as bark and cuticle, and the cell walls surrounding each cell, plants can be infected by a wide variety of bacteria, fungi, and viruses, all of which must be combatted by the plant innate immune system. Plants do not have phagocytes or other circulating cells that can be recruited to sites of infection to mount protective responses. Instead, they rely on local innate immune responses for protection against infection. As described in Evolution Box 4-4, some resemble innate responses of animals, while others are quite distinct.

Invertebrate and Vertebrate Innate Immune Responses Show Both Similarities and Differences

Additional innate immune mechanisms evolved in animals, and we vertebrates share a number of innate immunity features with invertebrates (Table 4-8). PRRs (including relatives of Drosophila Toll and vertebrate TLRs) that have specificities for microbial carbohydrate and peptidoglycan PAMPs are found in organisms as primitive as sponges. Together with soluble opsonin proteins (including some related to complement components), some of these early invertebrate PRRs function in promoting phagocytosis. Innate signaling has been well studied in Drosophila, and signaling proteins in flies have been identified that are homologous to several of those downstream of vertebrate TLRs (including MyD88 and IRAK homologs).

One significant difference is that fly Toll does not bind to PAMPs directly. Instead, pathogen binding to soluble pattern recognition proteins activates an enzymatic cascade, the end product of which activates fly Toll. The signaling pathways downstream of Toll are similar to those activated by plasma membrane TLRs of vertebrates. Thus, through the Toll pathway bacterial and fungal infections lead to the degradation of an IkB homolog and activation of NF-κB family members Dif and Dorsal, which induce the production of drosomycin, an insect defensin, and other antimicrobial peptides.

In addition to these and other pathways activated by PRRs, Drosophila and other arthropods employ other innate immune strategies not found in vertebrates, including the activation of phenoloxidase cascades that result in melanization—the deposition of a melanin clot around invading organisms that prevents their spread. Thus invertebrates and vertebrates have common as well as distinct innate immune response mechanisms.