Chapter 4
Knowing the risks of working with electricity
Protecting yourself from the perils of stray electricity
Safeguarding your gear from static electricity
When I was a kid, I helped a good friend named Barry who built a Tesla coil. By “helped,” I mean that I hung out in his garage and watched while he meticulously wrapped thousands of turns of bare copper wire around a huge glass milk bottle, painted it with dozens of coats of lacquer, and polished the brass ball that attached to the very top of the coil. I’m quite certain he couldn’t have done it without me.
When it was done, we plugged it in and marveled at what it could do. Sparks flew at random a foot or two into the air from the ball at the top of the coil. If you held a crowbar in one hand, you could draw a spark several feet from the ball to the crowbar. The current coming off the ball flew through the air and into the crowbar, and then passed through our bodies and into the ground. You could also light up a fluorescent light tube simply by holding the tube in your hand within a few feet of the coil.
To this day, I cannot believe Barry’s parents let him build it. I know my parents wouldn’t have let me build one. My mom was kind of like the mom in A Christmas Story, who wouldn’t let her son Ralphie have a Red Ryder BB gun (the one with a compass in the stock and this thing that tells time) because “you’ll shoot your eye out.”
That was my mom. No Tesla coils for me. Too dangerous.
None of the electronic projects described in this book are anywhere near as dangerous as a Tesla coil. In fact, most of them pose no threat at all. That being said, it’s important to remember that whenever you’re working with electricity, you’re working with something that’s potentially very dangerous.
The possibility of electric shock is always present whenever you work with electricity, but there are other potential dangers as well. You probably won’t shoot your eye out, but if you’re not careful, you might start a fire or otherwise injure yourself or someone else.
The purpose of this chapter, then, is to keep you safe while you experiment with electronics. Please read it well, and please heed every bit of advice I give here.
There’s no escaping the simple fact that an electric shock, if strong enough, can kill you. So whenever you work with electricity, you must be sure to take every precaution you can to avoid being the recipient of a shock strong enough to do damage.
In the United States, somewhere between 500 and 1,000 people die every year from accidental electrocutions. Many of those are industrial or weather-related accidents in which people come into contact with downed power lines. But many of them are completely avoidable accidents that happen in the home. In the sections that follow, I give you specific guidelines for avoiding accidental electrocution.
Too many people are under the false impression that the 120 volts of alternating current running through household electrical wires isn’t enough to kill. So let’s start by getting one fact straight:
You’re exposed to household electrical current primarily in two places: in electrical outlets and in the lamp sockets within light fixtures. As a result, you should be extra careful whenever you plug or unplug something into or from an electrical outlet, and you should be careful whenever you change a light bulb. Specifically, you should follow these precautions:
Most of the projects in this book work with AA batteries, usually two or four of them tied together to produce a total of three or six volts. That’s not enough voltage to do serious harm. Even if you do get a shock with three or six volts, you will probably barely feel it.
However, it’s possible to injure yourself with voltages even as low as three or six volts. If you accidentally create a short circuit between the two poles of a battery, a lot of current will flow very fast. This will very likely cause the wire connecting the two ends of the battery to get very hot, and the battery itself may also heat up. The heat may be enough to inflict a nasty burn.
As a result of this danger, you should take the following precautions when working with the battery-powered circuits described in this book:
One of the biggest shock risks in electronics comes from voltages that you didn’t expect to be present. It’s easy enough to keep your eye on the voltages that you know about, such as in your power supply or batteries, but some electronic circuits are designed to amplify voltages. So even though your circuit runs on 6-volt batteries, there may be much larger voltages at specific points within your circuit.
In addition, some electrical devices can actually store electric charge long after the power from your circuit has been disconnected. The most notorious device with this characteristic is the capacitor, which alternately builds up and then releases electrical charges. Thus, you should be wary of any circuit that contains capacitors — especially if the capacitors are large. Common ceramic-disk capacitors, which are typically smaller than a tiddlywink, don’t store much charge. However, if your circuit has capacitors the size of batteries, you should be very careful when working around them. Such capacitors can hold large charges long after the power has been cut off.
Here are some safety points concerning capacitors:
One of the most common places to find large capacitors is in the power-supply circuit.
Any electronic device that plugs into a household electrical outlet has a power-supply circuit that may contain a large capacitor. Be very careful around these capacitors. In fact, if the power-supply circuit is
inside its own enclosed box, don’t open the box
. Instead, replace the entire power supply if you suspect it’s bad.
If you don’t feel completely confident in what you’re doing where large capacitors are concerned, walk away from the project.
Electric shock isn’t the only danger you’ll encounter when you work with electronics. The following paragraphs summarize a few of the other risks you may be exposed to and describes the precautions you should take to minimize those risks:
Watch out for the soldering iron’s electrical cord. Obviously, you want to avoid burning the cord with the soldering iron. As ridiculous as it sounds, I did this myself once when I carelessly set the soldering iron aside, directly on top of its own power cord. Fortunately, I noticed my mistake before the soldering iron melted much of the power cord’s insulation.
Make sure the soldering iron’s power cord is placed safely away from your stuff so that you won’t bump it as you work, knocking it out of its stand and perhaps causing a burn.
Be sure to wear eye protection when you solder.
As solder melts, it occasionally boils and splatters little globules of hot solder through the air. You really don’t want molten metal anywhere near your eyes.
FIGURE 4-1: A soldering iron resting on a stand.
In spite of every precaution you might take, accidents are bound to happen as you work with electronics. Other than preventing an accident from happening in the first place, the best strategy for dealing with an accident is to be prepared for it, so I recommend you keep the following items nearby whenever you’re working with electronics:
Static electricity — more properly called electrostatic charge — results when electric charges (that is, voltage) builds up in the absence of a circuit that allows current to flow. Your own body is frequently the carrier of static charge, which can be created by a variety of causes. The most common is friction that results from simple things such as walking across a carpet. Your clothes can also pick up static charge, and usually do when you toss them around in a clothes dryer.
Static charge accumulated in your body usually discharges itself over time. However, if you touch a conductor — such as a brass doorknob — while you’re charged up, the charge will dissipate itself quickly in an annoying shock.
If the conductor happens to be a sensitive electronic component such as a transistor or an integrated circuit rather than a brass doorknob, the discharge can be more than annoying; it can fry the innards of the component, rendering it useless for your projects. For this reason, it’s wise to protect your stuff from static discharge when you work on your electronic projects. The easiest way to do that is to make sure you’re properly discharged before you start your work. If you have a metal workbench or a large metal tool such as a drill press or grinder near your workbench, simply reach out and touch it after you’ve settled in to your seat and before you begin your work.
A more reliable way to protect your gear from static discharge is to wear a special antistatic wristband on one wrist, as shown in Figure 4-2 . Wear the wristband tightly so that it’s in good solid contact with your skin all the way around your wrist. Then, plug the alligator clip into a metal surface such as your workbench frame or that nearby drill press.
FIGURE 4-2: An antistatic wristband.