895. Di Giovanni, Janine Leah McGrath Goodman, and Damien Sharkov. “How Does ISIS.” Fund Its Reign of Terror,” Newsweek. Published Nov. 6, 2014; accessed Dec. 4, 2015: http://www.newsweek.com/2014/11/14/how-does-isis-fund-its-reign-terror-282607.html
896. Simpson, Cam and Matthew Philips. “Why U.S. Efforts to Cut Off Islamic State’s Funds Have Failed,” Bloomberg. Published Nov. 19, 2015; accessed Dec. 4, 2015: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-11-19/why-u-s-efforts-to-cut-off-islamic-state-s-funds-have-failed
897. Brisard, Jean-Claude and Damien Martine. “Islamic State: The Economy-Based Terrorist Funding,” Thomson Reuters. Published Oct. 2014; accessed Nov. 26, 2015: https://risk.thomsonreuters.com/sites/default/files/GRC01815.pdf).
898. Levitt, Matthew. Terrorist Financing and the Islamic State. Submitted to the House Committee on Financial Services Nov. 13, 2014; accessed Nov. 24, 2015: http://financialservices.house.gov/uploadedfiles/hhrg-113-ba00-wstate-mlevitt-20141113.pdf
899. Simpson and Philips. “Why U.S. Efforts to Cut Off Islamic State’s Funds Have Failed,” Bloomberg.
900. Ibid.
901. Di Giovanni, McGrath Goodman, and Sharkov. “How Does ISIS.” Fund Its Reign of Terror,” Newsweek.
902. Northam, Jackie. “Hitting ISIS Where It Hurts By Striking Oil Trucks,” NPR. Originally aired Nov. 19, 2015; accessed Jan. 14, 2016: http://www.npr.org/sections/parallels/2015/11/19/456600398/hitting-isis-where-it-hurts-by-striking-oil-trucks
903. Middle East and Central Asia Department. Iraq: Selected Issues, International Monetary Fund, Washington, DC, Aug. 2015.
904. Smith, Grant, Ilya Arkhipov, and Henry Meyer. “Obama and Putin Agree on Bombing Islamic State’s Oil Pipeline,” Bloomberg. Published Nov. 19, 2015; accessed Nov. 26, 2015: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-11-19/obama-in-sync-with-putin-on-bombing-islamic-state-oil-riches
905. Ibid.
906. Hendawi, Hamza, and Qassim Abdul-Zahra. “ISIS is making up to $50 million a month from oil sales,” AP via Business Insider. Published Oct. 23, 2015; accessed Nov. 26, 2015: http://www.businessinsider.com/isis-making-50-million-a-month-from-oil-sales-2015-10.
907. Ibid.
908. Ibid.
909. US Central Command. “Nov. 21: Military airstrikes continue against ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq” press release. Published Nov. 21, 2015; accessed Jan. 14, 2016: http://www.centcom.mil/en/news/articles/nov.-21-military-airstrikes-continue-against-isil-terrorists-in-syria-and-i
910. Miklaszewski, Jim. “U.S. Destroys 280 ISIS Oil Trucks in Syrian City of Deir ez-Zor,” NBC News. Published Nov. 23, 2015; accessed Jan. 14, 2016: http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/isis-terror/au-s-destroys-280-isis-oil-trucks-syrian-city-deir-n468126
911. Simpson and Philips. “Why U.S. Efforts to Cut Off Islamic State’s Funds Have Failed,” Bloomberg.
912. Syrian4all World. “Syria, Aleppo, Al-Bab Neighbourhood Detailed Explanation of Refining Oil with Local Expertise,” YouTube. Published March 25, 2015; accessed Jan. 14, 2016: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgeD_nBIS9k
913. Ibid.
914. Ibid.
915. Simpson and Philips. “Why U.S. Efforts to Cut Off Islamic State’s Funds Have Failed,” Bloomberg.
916. Kiourktsoglou, George and Dr. Alec D. Coutroubis. “ISIS Export Gateway To Global Crude Oil Markets,” Marsec Review. Published March 20, 2015; accessed Aug. 18, 2015: http://www.marsecreview.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/PAPER-on-CRUDE-OIL-and-ISIS.pdf
917. Ibid.
918. Di Giovanni, McGrath Goodman, and Sharkov. “How Does ISIS Fund Its Reign of Terror,” Newsweek.
919. Simpson and Philips. “Why U.S. Efforts to Cut Off Islamic State’s Funds Have Failed,” Bloomberg.
920. Smith, Arkhipov, and Meyer. “Obama and Putin.” Agree on Bombing Islamic State’s Oil Pipeline,” Bloomberg.
921. Ibid.
922. “Life under the ISIS Caliphate,” The Week. Published Aug. 22, 2015; accessed Nov. 26, 2015: http://theweek.com/articles/572910/life-under-isis-caliphate
923. “ISIL mints ‘Islamic coin inspired by divine law,’” Euronews. Published June 24, 2015; accessed Nov. 26, 2015: http://www.euronews.com/2015/06/24/isil-mints-islamic-coin-inspired-by-divine-law/.
924. Alarabi Albakri, Mohammed. “ISIL promotes for its new currency,” Syrian Economic Forum. Published Sept. 2, 2015; accessed Nov. 26, 2015: http://www.syrianef.org/En/2015/09/isil-promotes-for-its-new-currency/.
925. Ibid.
926. Ibid.
927. Ibid.
928. Ibid.
929. “ISIL mints ‘Islamic coin inspired by divine law,’” Euronews.
930. Alarabi Albakri, Mohammed. “ISIL promotes for its new currency.” Syrian Economic Forum.
931. Ibid.
932. Di Giovanni, McGrath Goodman, and Sharkov. “How Does ISIS.” Fund Its Reign of Terror,” Newsweek.
933. Swanson, Ana. “How the Islamic State makes its money,” Washington Post. Published Nov. 18, 2015; accessed Nov. 26, 2015: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/11/18/how-isis-makes-its-money/.
934. Di Giovanni, McGrath Goodman, and Sharkov. “How Does ISIS Fund Its Reign of Terror,” Newsweek.
935. Hendawi and Abdul-Zahra. “ISIS is making up to $50 million a month from oil sales,” AP via Business Insider.
936. Rosenberg, Matthew, Nicholas Kulish, and Steven Lee Myers. “Predatory Islamic State Wrings Money from Those It Rules,” New York Times. Published Nov. 30, 2015; accessed Dec. 4, 2105: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/29/world/middleeast/predatory-islamic-state-wrings-money-from-those-it-rules.html?_r=0.
937. Hendawi and Abdul-Zahra. “ISIS is making.” up to $50 million a month from oil sales,” Business Insider.
938. Di Giovanni, McGrath Goodman, and Sharkov. “How Does ISIS Fund Its Reign of Terror,” Newsweek.
939. Ibid.
940. Simpson and Phillips. “Why U.S. Efforts to Cut Off Islamic State’s Funds Have Failed,” Bloomberg.
941. Rosenberg, Kulish, and Myers. “Predatory Islamic State.” Wrings Money from Those It Rules,” New York Times.
942. Di Giovanni, McGrath Goodman, and Sharkov. “How Does ISIS Fund.” Fund Its Reign of Terror,” Newsweek.
943. Rosenberg, Kulish, and Myers. “Predatory Islamic State Wrings Money from Those It Rules,” New York Times.
944. Long, Matthew. “Jizya,” in The Princeton Encyclopedia of Islamic Political Thought, Princeton, Princeton University Press 2012, 283–284.
945. Zarra-Nezhad, Mansour and Muhammad Reza Alam. “Estimation of Total Revenue of the Early Muslim Governments,” Journal La Pensée, 76(3) (2014): 143, 152-153.
946. Peri, Oded. Ottoman Palestine, 1800-1914 : Studies in Economic and Social History, ed. Gad G. Gilbar, Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1990, 287–288.
947. Baker, Aryn. “Al Qaeda Rebels in Syria Tell Christians to Pay Up or Die,” Time. Published Feb. 28, 2014; accessed Dec. 4, 2015: http://world.time.com/2014/02/28/al-qaeda-in-syria-extorts-christians/.
948. “The Islamic State (Full Length),” Vice. Published Dec. 26, 2014; accessed Jan. 14, 2016: https://news.vice.com/video/the-islamic-state-full-length
949. “2 Iraqi Christians, a father and a husband, Committed Suicide After ISIS Mercenaries Rape Wife and Daughter in Front of Them Because They Couldn’t Pay the Jizya,” Syrian Free Press. Published July 31, 2014; accessed Dec. 4, 2015: https://syrianfreepress.wordpress.com/2014/07/31/2-iraqi-christians-a-father-and-a-husband-commited-suicide-after-isis-mercenaries-rape-wife-and-daughter-in-front-of-them-because-they-couldnt-pay-the-jizya/ | the title of the article is in error; the source that the article quotes at length says that the “father” and “husband” are, in fact, the same person.
950. Winter Women of the Islamic State.
951. Jones, Christopher. “What is the Tomb of the Prophet Jonah?” Gates of Nineveh blog. Published July 11, 2014; accessed April 7, 2015: https://gatesofnineveh.wordpress.com/2014/07/11/what-is-the-tomb-of-the-prophet-jonah/
952. Ibid.
953. Ford, Dana and Mohammed Tawfeeq. “Extremists destroy Jonah’s tomb, officials say,” CNN. Published July 25, 2014; accessed April 7, 2015: http://www.cnn.com/2014/07/24/world/iraq-violence/
954. Jones. “What is the Tomb of the Prophet Jonah?” Gates of Nineveh blog.
955. Ibid.
956. Ibid.
957. Ibid.
958. Ibid.
959. Ibid.
960. Ibid.
961. Fadhil, Muna. “Isis destroys thousands of books and manuscripts in Mosul libraries” Guardian. Published Feb. 26, 2015; accessed April 7, 2015: http://www.theguardian.com/books/2015/feb/26/isis-destroys-thousands-books-libraries
962. Ibid.
963. Ibid.
964. Haq, Husna. “ISIS burns Mosul library: Why terrorists target books,” Christian Science Monitor. Published Feb. 25, 2015; accessed April 7, 2015: http://www.csmonitor.com/Books/chapter-and-verse/2015/0225/ISIS-burns-Mosul-library-Why-terrorists-target-books
965. Ibid.
966. Mohammad, Riyadh. “ISIS Burns 8000 Rare Books and Manuscripts in Mosul,” Fiscal Times. Published Feb. 23, 2015; accessed April 8, 2015: http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/2015/02/23/ISIS-Burns-8000-Rare-Books-and-Manuscripts-Mosul
967. Ibid.
968. Tawfeeq, Mohammad, Hamdi Alkhshali, and Susannah Cullinane. “Tracking a Trail of Historical Obliteration: ISIS Trumpets destruction of Nimrud,” CNN. Published April 13, 2015; accessed April 14, 2015: http://www.cnn.com/2015/03/09/world/iraq-isis-heritage/
969. Reuters. “ISIS Destroys Another Monument at Palmyra Ruins in Syria” New York Times. Published Oct. 4, 2015; accessed April 15, 2015: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/05/world/middleeast/isis-destroys-another-palmyra-ruins-monument-in-syria.html?_r=0
970. Evans, Dominic. “Islamic State ransacks Assyrian capital as Iraq appeals for help,” Reuters. Published March 11, 2015; accessed April 13, 2015: http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/03/11/us-mideast-crisis-iraq-destruction-idUSKBN0M726Q20150311
971. Ibid.
972. Ibid.
973. World Heritage Convention. “Nimrud,” UNESCO. Published July 7, 2000; accessed April 3, 2015: http://whc.unesco.org/en/tentativelists/1463
974. Ibid.
975. Shaheen, Kareem. “Outcry over Isis destruction of ancient Assyrian site of Nimrud,” Guardian. Published March 6, 2015; accessed April 3, 2015: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/mar/06/isis-destroys-ancient-assyrian-site-of-nimrud
976. Ibid.
977. Shaheen. “Outcry over Isis destruction of ancient Assyrian site of Nimrud,” Guardian.
978. World Heritage Convention. “Hatra,” UNESCO. Accessed April 7, 2015: http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/277, Unknown
979. Ibid.
980. Shaheen, Kareem. “Isis video confirms destruction at Unesco world heritage site in Hatra,” Guardian. Published April 5, 2015; accessed April 7, 2015: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/apr/05/isis-video-confirms-destruction-at-unesco-world-heritage-site-on-hatra, 5th April 2015, Web, 7th April 2015
981. Winsor, Morgan. “ISIS Demolishes Hatra, 2,000-Year-Old City In Ancient Iraq,” International Business Times. Published March 7, 2015; accessed April 5, 2015: http://www.ibtimes.com/isis-demolishes-hatra-2000-year-old-city-ancient-iraq-1839750
982. Shaheen. “Isis video confirms destruction at Unesco world heritage site in Hatra” Guardian.
983. Blumberg, Antonia. “Islamic State Reportedly Destroys 7th Century Green Church In Tikrit, Iraq. One Of Middle East’s Oldest Christian Sites,” Huffington Post. Published Sept. 26, 2014; accessed April 14, 2015: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/09/26/islamic-state-green-church_n_5887806.html
984. “Islamists Destroy 7th Century Church, Mosque in Tikrit, Iraq,” Assyrian International News Agency. Published Sept. 25, 2014; accessed April 16, 2015: http://www.aina.org/news/20140925012701.htm
985. Ibid.
986. Mar Dinkha II, and his successors Daniel, Thomas, Basilious III, and John II
987. Blumberg. “Islamic State Reportedly Destroys 7th Century Green Church In Tikrit, Iraq. One Of Middle East’s Oldest Christian Sites,” Huffington Post.
988. Vartanian, Hrag. “Cultural Destruction by Islamic State Continues with No End in Sight,” Hyperallergic. Published Aug. 25, 2014; accessed May 1, 2015: http://hyperallergic.com/143910/cultural-destruction-by-islamic-state-continues-with-no-end-in-sight/
989. Richter, Ash M. “Syria, in Ruins,” All Day. Accessed April 18, 2015: http://allday.com/post/1426-syria-in-ruins
990. “UN: 300 cultural heritage sites destroyed, looted in Syria,” Al-Akhbar. Published Dec. 23, 2014; accessed April 3, 2015: http://english.al-akhbar.com/node/22995
991. Ibid.
992. “Damage to Syria’s Heritage 18 May 2014,” Heritage for Peace. Published May 18, 2014; accessed June 9, 2015: http://www.heritageforpeace.org/syria-culture-and-heritage/damage-to-cultural-heritage/previous-damage-newsletters/damage-to-syrias-heritage-18-may-2014/
993. Ibid.
994. Ibid.
995. “Dura Europos, Syria,” Sacred Destinations. Published 2005; accessed April 7, 2015: http://www.sacred-destinations.com/syria/dura-europos
996. Mack, David. “Here’s A Look At Some Of The Ancient Sites Destroyed By ISIS And The Syrian Civil War,” Buzzfeed. Published March 11, 2015; accessed April 3, 2015: http://www.buzzfeed.com/davidmack/a-look-at-some-of-the-world-heritage-sites-destroyed#.fi80GEPYx
997. Ibid.
998. [No Note Text]
999. Wood, Graeme. “Kuwaiti preacher, ISIS call for demolition of Egypt’s Sphinx, pyramids,” Russia Today. Published March 9, 2015; accessed Nov. 24, 2015: https://www.rt.com/news/239093-islamist-calls-destroy-pyramids/
1000. “Suicide attack outside Karnak temple in Egypt’s Luxor,” BBC. Published June 10, 2015; accessed Nov. 23, 2015: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-33077862
1001. Ibid.
1002. “Giza bomb detonated by security forces causes 4 injuries,” Daily News Egypt. Published Oct. 24, 2015; accessed Nov. 23, 2015: http://www.dailynewsegypt.com/2015/10/24/giza-bomb-detonated-by-security-forces-causes-4-injuries/
1003. Howard, Brig. Gen. Russell, Jonathan Prohov, and Mark Elliott. “Combating Terrorism Center, Digging In and Trafficking Out: How the Destruction of Cultural Heritage Funds Terrorism,” Combating Terrorism Center. Published Feb. 27, 2015; accessed Nov. 29, 2015: https://www.ctc.usma.edu/posts/digging-in-and-trafficking-out-how-the-destruction-of-cultural-heritage-funds-terrorism
1004. Ibid.
1005. Wiser, Daniel. “Marine colonel: ISIS is institutionalizing the looting game,” Business Insider. Published Sept. 14, 2015; accessed Nov. 23, 2015: http://mobile.businessinsider.com/isis-is-institutionalizing-the-looting-game-2015-9
1006. Ibid.
1007. Levitt. Terrorist Financing and the Islamic State.
1008. Loveluck, Louisa. “Islamic State sets up ‘ministry of antiquities’ to reap the profits of pillaging,” Telegraph. Published May 20, 2015; accessed Nov. 29, 2015: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/islamic-state/11640670/Islamic-State-sets-up-ministry-of-antiquities-to-reap-the-profits-of-pillaging.html
1009. “Following the trail of Syria’s looted history.” CBS News. Published Sept. 9, 2015; accessed Nov. 23, 2015: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/isis-looted-syrian-ancient-artifacts-black-market-us-and-europe/
1010. Howard, Prohov, and Elliott. “Digging In and Trafficking Out: How the Destruction of Cultural Heritage Funds Terrorism,” Combating Terrorism Center.
1011. Cultural Heritage Center. “ISIL Leader’s Loot,” Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Published 2015; accessed Nov. 25, 2015: http://eca.state.gov/cultural-heritage-center/iraq-cultural-heritage-initiative/isil-leaders-loot
1012. Howard, Prohov, and Elliott. “Digging In and Trafficking Out: How the Destruction of Cultural Heritage Funds Terrorism,” Combating Terrorism Center.
1013. Levitt. Terrorist Financing and the Islamic State.
1014. Mulder, Stephennie. “The blood antiquities funding ISIL,” AlJazeera. Published Nov. 12, 2014; accessed Nov. 24, 2015: http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2014/11/blood-antiquities-funding-isil-2014119113948461658.html
1015. Shiloach, Gilad. “ISIS opens its own social network,” Vocativ. Published Aug. 3, 2015; accessed Nov. 29, 2015: http://www.vocativ.com/world/isis-2/isis-opens-its-own-social-network/
1016. Spargo, Chris. “ISIS sells priceless ancient artifacts on FACEBOOK: Gold statues, scrolls written in Aramaic and coins up to 10,000 years old being peddled online by terror,” Daily Mail. Published June 11, 2015; accessed Nov. 23, 2015: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3120941/Facebook-purges-pages-offering-priceless-ISIS-plunders-sale-including-gold-statues-ancient-coins-Hebrew-scrolls-clay-tablets.html
1017. Cox, Simon. “The men who smuggle the loot that funds IS,” BBC. Published Feb. 17, 2015; accessed Nov. 26, 2015: http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-31485439
1018. St. Hilaire, Rick. “Conflict and the Heritage Trade: Rise in U.S. Imports of Middle East ‘Antiques’ and ‘Collectors’ Pieces” Raises Questions,” Cultural Heritage Lawyer blog. Published Oct. 6, 2014; accessed Nov. 24, 2015: http://culturalheritagelawyer.blogspot.ro/2014/10/conflict-and-heritage-trade-rise-in-us.html
1019. Cox. “The men who smuggle the loot that funds IS,” BBC.
1020. Ibid.
1021. Ibid.
1022. Ibid.
1023. Caulderwood, Kathleen. “How ISIS Pillages, Traffics And Sells Ancient Artifacts On Global Black Market,” International Business Times. Published June 18, 2014; accessed Nov. 24, 2015: http://www.ibtimes.com/how-isis-pillages-traffics-sells-ancient-artifacts-global-black-market-1605044
1024. Mulder. “The blood antiquities funding ISIL,” AlJazeera.
1025. Ibid.
1026. Cultural Heritage Center. “ISIL Leader’s Loot,” Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.
1027. Chulov, Martin. “How an arrest in Iraq revealed ISIS’s $2bn jihadist Network,” Guardian. Published June 15, 2014; accessed Nov. 24, 2015: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jun/15/iraq-isis-arrest-jihadists-wealth-power
1028. Howard, Prohov, and Elliott. “Digging In and Trafficking Out: How the Destruction of Cultural Heritage Funds Terrorism,” Combating Terrorism Center.
1029. Watson, Andrea. “Islamic State and the ‘blood antique’ trade,” BBC. Published April 2, 2015; accessed Nov. 24, 2015: http://www.bbc.com/culture/story/20150402-is-and-the-blood-antique-trade
1030. Ibid.
1031. Ibid.
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1033. Ibid.
1034. Agg, Cpr. J. “Marines Capitalize on Lessons Learned,” Marine Corps News. Published May 5, 2005; accessed Jan. 14, 2016: http://www.military.com/NewsContent/0,13319,usmc1_050505.00.html
1035. Lawrence, Thomas E. “A Report on Mesopotamia” The Times of London. Published Aug. 2, 1920.
1036. Al-Tamimi, Aymenn Jawad and Johnathan Spyer, ISIS’ use of Hudud punishments,” Aymenn Jawad al-Tamimi blog. Published May 29, 2014; accessed Jan. 13, 2016: http://www.aymennjawad.org/14852/isis-use-of-hudud-punishments
1037. Naji, Abu Bakr, Adara al-Tawhish, Management of Savagery, translation by William McCants, John M. Olin Institute for Strategic Studies, Harvard University
1038. AFP “IS executes 3,500 in Syria since declaring ‘caliphate’: monitor,” MSN. Published Nov. 29, 2015; accessed Jan. 14, 2016: http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/is-executes-3500-in-syria-since-declaring-caliphate-monitor/ar-AAfMYgC?li=BBnbcA1&ocid=SK2IDHP
1039. Priest, Ana. “Iraq New Terror Breeding Ground” Washington Post. Published Jan. 14, 2005; accessed Jan. 14, 2016: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A7460-2005Jan13.html
1040. Naji, Abu Bakr and Adara al-Tawhish. Management of Savagery, translation by William McCants, John M. Olin Institute for Strategic Studies, Harvard University.
1041. Ibid.
1042. Naji, Abu Bakr, Adara al-Tawhish, Management of Savagery, translation by William McCants, John M. Olin Institute for Strategic Studies, Harvard University
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1045. Ibid.
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1047. “Modren [sic] military hardware and Cold War weapons: Inside the ISIS arsenal,” Reveille. Published Sept. 15, 2015; accessed Dec. 2, 2015: http://www.thereveillenwu.com/2015/09/15/modren-military-hardware-and-cold-war-weapons-inside-the-isis-arsenal/
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1049. “ISIS Driving Toyotas a Little too often: US Treasury wonders why,” Russia Today. Published Oct. 7, 2015; accessed Dec. 1, 2015: https://www.rt.com/usa/317886-toyota-isis-trucks-treasury/
1050. Engel, Pamela. “These Toyota trucks are popular with terrorists – here’s why,” Business Insider. Published Oct. 7, 2015; accessed Dec. 1, 2015: http://www.businessinsider.com/why-isis-uses-toyota-trucks-2015-10
1051. Pickard, Gabrielle. “Here’s Why ISIS Terrorists Mostly Drive Toyota Trucks,” Top Secret Writers. Published Oct. 25, 2015; accessed Dec. 1, 2015: http://www.topsecretwriters.com/2015/10/heres-why-isis-terrorists-mostly-drive-toyota-trucks/
1052. Snyder, Stephen. “This one Toyota pickup truck is at the top of the shopping list for the Free Syrian Army – and the Taliban,” Public Radio International. Originally aired April 1, 2014; accessed Dec. 1, 2015: http://www.pri.org/stories/2014-04-01/one-toyota-pickup-truck-top-shopping-list-free-syrian-army-and-taliban
1053. Cartalucci, Tony. “The Mystery of ISIS’ Toyota Army Solved,” New Eastern Outlook. Published Sept. 10, 2015; accessed Dec. 1, 2015: http://journal-neo.org/2015/10/09/the-mystery-of-isis-toyota-army-solved/
1054. Snyder. “This one Toyota pickup truck is at the top of the shopping list for the Free Syrian Army – and the Taliban,” Public Radio International.
1055. Engel. “These Toyota trucks are popular with terrorists – here’s why,” Business Insider.
1056. “Technical (Vehicle),” World Heritage Encyclopedia via Project Gutenberg Self-Publishing Press. Published 2002; accessed Dec. 1, 2015: http://self.gutenberg.org/articles/Technical_(vehicle)
1057. Wikiwand, “Forces Armées Irakienne,” Wikipedia. Accessed Dec. 3, 2015: http://www.wikiwand.com/fr/Forces_arm%C3%A9es_irakiennes
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1059. Mehta, Aaron. “General: ISIL Using IEDs as Guide Munitions,” Defense News. Published June 19, 2015; accessed Dec. 2, 2015: http://www.defensenews.com/story/defense/land/weapons/2015/06/19/isis-isil-ied-iraq-syria-coalition-pgm-suicide-truck-bomb/28984469/
1060. “Vehicles and equipment captured, operated and destroyed by the Islamic state inside Iraq,” Oryx Blog. Published Nov. 22, 2014; accessed Dec. 2, 2015: http://spioenkop.blogspot.com/search/label/Iraq
1061. “Exclusive: Peshmerga hunt down ISIS artillery ace,” Rudaw. Published May 28, 2015; accessed Dec. 3, 2015: http://rudaw.net/english/kurdistan/28052015
1062. Bender, Jeremy. “ISIS Militants Captured 52 American Made Artillery Weapons That Cost $500,000 each,” Business Insider. Published July 15, 2014; accessed Dec. 2, 2015: http://www.businessinsider.com/isis-has-52-american-weapons-that-can-hit-baghdad-2014-7
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