Note: Names of people beginning with “al-” ignore it for alphabetization (e.g. Maliki, Nuri al-). Names of organizations and places do not (e.g. al Qaeda).


Aaron, Mohammed Bakri, 88

Abaaoud, Abdellhamid, 141, 142, 143, 145

Abaya, 228

Abbasid caliphate, 201202

Abdallah Azzam Brigade, 72, 74

Abdelli, Hussam al, 114

Abdeslam, Brahim, 141

Abdeslam, Salah, 144

Abduction methodologies, 369

Abdullah II, King, 78

Abha, 171

Abrini, Mohammed, 144

Absi, Abu al-Athir Amr al-, 3839

Absi, Firas al-, 38

Absi, Omar al-, 52

Abu Ghraib prison, 19

Abu Ghraib prison scandal, 1213, 370

Abuja, 129

Abu Refaei checkpoint, 359360

Abu Salim Martyrs Brigade, 99

Aden, 175

Adhaim, 63

Admiration, in radicalization, 211

Adnani, Sheikh Abu Mohammad, 35, 59

Adultery, 254

Afari, Abdul Rahman al-, 50

Afghanistan, 11, 17, 18, 46, 162168, 192, 310

Aggad, Fouad Mohamed Fuad, 142

Agriculture tax, 275

Ahmed, Muhammed, 203

AIDS, 240

Aircraft, weapons against, 334335

Akindele, Kayode, 128

Aknaf Bait al-Maqdis, 55, 56

Akr, Nasser, 100, 105

Akrouh, Chakib, 141

Alaqqal, Ahmed, 54

Alawites, 248, 429

Albania, 45

Alcohol, 254

Aleppo, 38, 5253, 346

al-Furqan, 387, 394

Algeria, 47, 108, 115117, 118

al-Hayat Media, 44, 105, 152, 381, 384, 386, 391, 396, 398

al-Hisabah, 227

Ali (Caliph), 200

Ali, Aayan Hirsi, 188

al-Khansaa brigades, 223224, 227

al-Khansaa magazine, 224

Allam, Shawki Ibrahim, 438

al-Medina souk, 279

Al-Minbar al-I’lami al-Jihadi, 79

al-Mourabitoun, 117, 119, 120

al-Muayad Mosque bombing, 175

al-Murabitoun, 5

al-Nusra Front (ANF), 19, 52, 54, 56, 58, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77, 304305, 315, 346, 369, 387

Alpine-style hybrid terror combat, 346347

al-Qaeda, 95, 110

birth of, 17

Boko Haram and, 122, 134

breaks with ISIS, 19

Egypt and, 84

emergence of, 190

from, to ISIS, 1718

ISIS vs., 1516

rivalry with, 118

Wahabism and, 192193

al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), 4, 6, 12, 13, 14, 27, 30, 138, 393394

al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), 108, 109, 116, 117, 126, 135

al-Qaeda of the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), 5, 18, 172173

al-Qaeda of the Indian Sub-Continent (AQIS), 5, 163

al-Qaeda of the Islamic Maghreb, 5

al-Qasr Hotel bombing, 176

al-Shaabab, 5, 6, 39, 156, 225

Alwani, Walid Mohammed al-, 50

Amara Cultural Center, 149

Amer, Ahmed Mostafa, 363

Amimour, Samy, 142

Amiri, Abu Arkan al-, 3435

Amirli, 66

Anbar, 6062

Anbar, Abu Abdul-Rahman al-Bilawi al-, 37

Anbar Campaign, 61

Anbari, Abu Ali al-, 37, 50, 52, 97, 106

Ankara, 149

An Nawfaliyah, 100

Anonymous (hacker group), 401, 402

Ansar al-Islam, 1112

Ansar al-Shari’a (AAS), 95, 96, 99, 101, 104, 110

Ansar al-Sunnah, 5

Ansar Beit al-Maqdis (ABM), 21, 80, 81, 84, 85, 86, 88, 287, 355, 358, 363

Ansar Dine, 118, 119

Anti-aircraft guns, 334335

Antiquities, 288295. See also Cultural cleansing

Ant-tank weaponry, 333334

Apocalypticism, 187188, 191, 302306, 309. See also Eschatology

Apostasy, 209, 210, 254

Arab-Israeli War, 8

Arab Spring, 18, 84, 172

Araj, Mahmoud Abdul Aziz Ahmed al-, 87

Arar, 170

Armored fighting vehicles, 324

Ar-Raqqa, 5960

Arsal, 57, 73, 7475

Art, 278. See also Cultural cleansing

Artillery, 330332

Asdullah Balawi, 246

Ashbal Khalifa, 236

Ashour, Mohamed Taha Mustafa, 88

ash-Sheikh, Abdul-Aziz ibn Abdullah Al, 437438

Ashurnasirpal, 283

Assad, Bashar al-, 57, 72

as-Sahab, 386, 387

Asymmetrical warfare, 350, 412420

Atallah, Walid, 90

Attallah, Walid Waked, 88

Aum Sunrikyo, 197, 206, 207

Austin, Kathie Lynn, 147

Australia, 48, 157159

Austria, 44

Awad, Ahmed Rahman, 87

Azdi, Abu al-Baraa el-, 97

Azerbaijan, 46

Azzam, Abdullah, 17


Baalbek, 73, 75

Baanu, 132

Ba’athists, 6, 29, 33, 97, 435

Backyard refineries, 266267

Badjoudj, Abdelhalim, 138

Baghdad, 62, 65

Baghdadi, Abu Bakr al-, 5, 18, 19, 2529, 34, 50, 72, 75, 80, 85, 87, 97, 125126, 151, 152, 169, 176, 211

Baghdadi, Abu Umar al-, 12, 27, 3132

Bahrain, 178, 201

“Bahrain Province,” 171

Baiji, 66

Bajji, 67

Bakr, Haji, 27, 3234

Bama Town, 131

Banditry, 254

Bangladesh, 179181

Banking, 273274

Barakah, 5455

Barakat, Hisham, 92

Bardo Museum attack, 111113

Barnawi, Khalid al-, 126

Bassat, Abed al-Daim al-, 81

Bataclan theatre, 140, 142. See also Paris

Batirashvili, Tarkhan Tayumurazovich, 37, 38, 50, 150

Battar Brigade, 96

Battle of Aleppo, 5253

Battle of Al-Qaryatayn, 57

Battle of al-Taqba Air Base, 59

Battle of Arsal, 57

Battle of Deir ez-Zor, 58

Battle of Homs, 5657

Battle of Khandaq, 214

Battle of Mahin, 57

Battle of Markadah, 55

Battle of Mosul, 6465

Battle of Qadisiyyah, 224

Battle of Ramadi, 6162

Battle of Ras al-Ayn, 5455

Battle of Sadad, 57

Battle of Sirte, 100102

Battle of Vengeance, 356358

Battle of Zumar, 65

Battu, Mohammed, 103

Bauchi, 129

Bayyah, Sheikh Abdullah Bin, 440

Beatings, 258

Behavior control, in cults, 207

Beheading, 10, 20, 3940, 54, 80, 89, 92, 115, 126, 128, 138, 165, 238, 255, 392394

Beiruit, 75, 76, 313314, 317

Belgium, 44, 141, 144147

Belmokhtar, Mokhtar, 119, 120

Ben Ali, Zein el-Abidine, 108109

Benghazi attack, 9697

Berg, Nick, 393

Bergen, Peter, 190, 191, 197

bin Laden, Osama, 6, 7, 11, 1415, 17, 2930, 134, 192193, 211, 395

Biological weapons, 337338

Blasiol, Len A., 301

Blaspheming, 254

Blood antiquities, 288295

Blood donation, 236

Bloom, Mia, 127, 230, 235

Bogdanos, Matthew, 289

Bojinka, 17

Boko Haram, 56, 20, 117, 122135, 209210, 229

Bongo, 327

Bontinck, Jejoen, 374

Booker, Cory, 424

Borno State, 132

Bosnia, 45

Boulahcen, Hasna Aït, 143

Brachman, Jarrett, 186

Brainwashing, 235239

Brazil, 44

Bremer, L. Paul, 435

Britain, 44

Brutality, 311

Bunkering, of oil, 134

Burial, death by, 256

Burj al-Barajneh, 75, 76

Bush, George W., 7, 8, 9, 10, 14


Cabinet-level councils, 5051

Caliphate, 5, 24, 193, 312313

Cambodi, Abu Khaled al-, 158

Cambodia, 47, 294

Cameroon, 125, 131, 132

Camp Bucca, 26, 32, 33, 36

Camp Speicher Massacre, 66

Canada, 44, 153154

Canadian Parliament attack, 154

Cantlie, John, 370, 388, 389

Car bombs, 325329

Carlton Citadel Hotel, 285

Carter, Ashton, 415

Caucasus, 150153

Cement mixer, 327328

Center for Strategic Counterterrorism Communications (CSCC), 421422

Chad, 125, 133

Charity, 273274

Charlie Hebdo attacks, 5, 146, 396397

Chechnya, 3738, 150153, 310, 372373

Chemical weapons, 337338

Cheney, Dick, 7

Chibok, 131, 135


brainwashing of, 235239

in cult of Jihad, 231233

rape of, 248249

as soldiers, 233235

as suicide bombers, 236, 330

Chile, 44

China, 47

Choudary, Anjem, 239

Chourabi, Sofien, 103

Christian Militia, 72

Christians, 105, 124125, 248, 275, 375377

Chronology, 1921

Churchill, Winston, 203204

Cirillo, Nathan, 154

Clapper, James, 44

Clinton, Hillary, 171

Clothes, for women, 227229

Coalition of the Nobility, 12

Cohen, David, 260

Cole bombing, 18

Collect, Suppress, Breach, and Shick (CSBS), 353354, 357

Combat medicine, 365366

Committee for the Support of Virtues and the Prevention of Vice (CSVPV), 221

Competence, combat, 347350

Confession videos, 390391

Cordesman, Anthony, 321

Corinthia Hotel, 103

Corpse manipulation, 392

Coulibaly, Amedy, 146, 392, 397

Counter-Ideological Operations and Warfare (CIDOW), 191, 421428

Couture-Rouleau, Martin, 153, 154

Criminality, terrorism as, 189

Crucifixion, 257


behavior control in, 207

changes to Islam in, 215

characteristics of, in ISIS, 205210

emotional control in, 208210

history of, 200210

information control in, 207208

thought control in, 208

Cult of Jihad (CoJ), 191193, 197198, 205, 209, 216

Cultural cleansing

defeating, 295298

drones in fight against, 298

in Egypt, 286287, 287288

genocide and, 278

in Iraq, 279284

looting in, 288295

looting vs., 290

public opinion and, 295296

in Syria, 285286

Currency, 272276

Curtis, J.M., 206

Curtis Culwell Center, 155


Dabiq (magazine), 38, 8687, 93, 216, 242, 249, 352, 375, 400401

Dagestan, 152

Dala Kabompi, 130

Dammam, 170

Dar al-Harb, 209

Dar al-Ifta, 438


Dark web, 147

Daulat, Hafiz Quran, 162

Deby, Idriss, 126

Decapitation, 255. See also Beheading

Dedication, in radicalization, 212

Defeats, 356363

Defection, 176178

Deir ez-Zor, 5859, 286

de Maiziere, Thomas, 45

Denmark, 44

Deputies, 3440, 50

Derby, Salim, 105

Derna, 97, 99100

Dhaka, 181

Dijlah, 63

Dimashq, 5556

Dinars, 272

Diplomacy, 411412, 428432

Dirbas, Abdel Latif al-, 204

Diyala, 63

Doctors, 239243, 365366

Doctors Without Boarders, 369

Doherty, Glen, 96

Dorrie, Peter, 127

Dos Santos, Michael, 138

Douri, Izzat al-, 36

Dragging, death by, 255

Dress code, for women, 227229

Drinking, 254


in fight against cultural cleansing, 298

ISIS use of, 340342

Droukdal, Abdelmalek, 108

Drowning, death by, 255

Druze, 248, 429

Dujana, Abu, 104

Dulaimi, Adnan Ismail Najm al-Bilawai al-, 50

Dulaimi, Saja al-, 75

Duman, Zehra, 226227

Dumptruck, 327328

Dura Europos, 285286

Durri, Izzadin al-, 89



banking in, 273274

looting in, 289291

monetary system in, 272276

oil in, 262271

private donors in, 273274

revenue in, 274275

taxes in, 274275

theft portfolio in, 260262

Education, 232233

Egypt, 18, 47, 8493, 287288, 359360, 363364

Eilat, 8889

Einein, Abdul Rahman Mohammed Sayed Mohamed Abou, 88

Elias, Edward, 374

Emancipation, of slaves, 250

Embassy bombings, in Africa, 1718

Emerson, Robert, 335336

Emirati, Saad, 162

Emotional control, in cultism, 208210

Emwazi, Mohammed, 20, 3940. See also “Jihadi John”

Endeavor Hills stabbings, 158

Enezi, Nawaf bin Sarif Samir al-, 170

Escape, of women from ISIS, 229230

Eschatology, 205206

Espinosa, Javier, 374

Euphrates, 63

European weapons network, 146147

Exchange, monetary, 272276

Execution methodologies, 254258

Expeditionary warfare, 346354

Explosive execution, 255256

Extremism, 186191


Falling, death by, 256

Fallujah, 4, 13, 61, 63

Fan Jinghui, 373, 375, 376

Fantasy, 213214, 220

Faraj, Mohammed Abdu Salam al-, 193, 215

Faraj, Tawfiq Mohammad, 84

Farook, Sayed, 156157

Faruq, Abu al-, 45

Fatah, 436

Fatimid caliphate, 202

Field hospitals, 366

Filistini, Abu Qaradah al-, 80


in Afghanistan, 166

of Boko Haram, 134135

in Libya, 107

in Saudi Arabia, 171

Financial warfare, 412

Finland, 45

Firdous Square, 10

First Battle of Bajji, 67

First Battle of Tikrit, 66

First contact, in radicalization, 212

Foley, James, 20, 3940, 370, 371, 373, 378, 393, 394

Forced marriage, 252

Fort Europos, 285286

France, 44, 115, 138144. See also Paris

Francois, Didier, 374, 377

Freed slaves, 250

Free Sunnis of Baalbek, 73

Free Syrian Army, 55, 320, 321, 322323

Fuel shortages, 271

Fujairy, Mohamed al-, 363

Full Spectrum Counter ISIS Warfare and Operations (FullSpec-CIWO), 408


Galbraith, Peter, 263

Gamal, Hossam, 360361

Gamboru, 125, 131

Garland, Texas, 155156

Gaza, 7981

Geller, Pamela, 188

General Natinal Congress (GNC) (Libya), 95

Genocide, 278

Georgia, 46, 150

Germany, 45

Gezira, 56, 63

Ghafiqi project, 351352

Gharabli, Hassanein, 88

Gharablys, Ashraf Ali Hasanain al-, 88

Ghazzawim, Abu Azzam Al-, 80

Gifford, Cameron, 157

Giza, 287, 288

Glaser, Daniel, 275

Global “long war” strategy, 306308

GoPro, 388, 396397

Gorbunov, Sergey, 373

Gordon, Charles “Chinese,” 202203

Goto, Kenji, 40, 371, 372, 373

Gourdel, Herve, 115, 372, 373

Gouré, Daniel, 325

Gouri, Abdelmailk, 116

Graham, Lindsey, 432

Grand Mosque (Mecca), 204

Green Church, 283284

Greenfield, Linda Thomas, 135

Grimsgaard-Ofstad, Ole Johan, 372, 373, 375, 376

Ground combat, 344346, 353354

Gujba, 131

Gulf Cooperation Council, 178, 430

Gulf War, 8

Gun execution, 255

Gwoza, 125


Hadfi, Bilal, 140141

Hadi, Abdu Rabbu Mansour, 172

Haider, Abdul Numan, 158

Haines, David, 370, 371, 373

Hakaymah, Muhammad Khalil al-, 303

Hakimand, Redouane el-, 138

Halab. See Aleppo

Hama, 56

Hamas, 79, 80, 81, 190, 436

Hamoud, Ali al-, 59

Handler, in radicalization, 212

Hand-over, in radicalization, 212

Haram, Selim Suleiman al-, 358

Hashimi, Hisham al-, 43

Hasina, Sheikh, 181

Hassan, Mohamed el-Sayed Mansour, 87

Hassan, Mufti, 162

Hassan, Muhammad Abdullahi, 156

Hassan, Ruqi, 441

Hassan, Steve, 206, 207

Hatra, 283

Hauchard, Maxime, 138

Hawala banking, 273274

Hawrami, Hemin, 362

Health service, 239243

Henderson, William, 90, 91

Henin, Nicholas, 374

Henning, Alan, 371, 372, 373

Hermant, Claude, 146

Hermer, Christopher, 341

Hezbollah, 56, 72, 75, 190, 368, 436

Higgins, Eliot, 321

Hijab, 229

Hijaz Privince of Islamic State, 171

Hijrah, 211, 212213, 383384

Hisbah, 221222

Historical events, 1921

History, 278. See also Cultural cleansing

“Hitler Youth,” 231


Hiyali, Fadl Ahmed Abdullah al-, 36

Homosexuality, 254, 256, 257258

Homs, 5657

Hospitals, 239243, 366


abduction methodologies for, 369

abuse of, 370

conditions of, 369370

confesssion videos of, 390391

executions of, 372374

ransoms for, 374375

release of, 375377

rescue of, 377378

torture of, 370

Houli, Sheikh Yasser Abu, 81

“House of War,” 209

Houthi tribes, 172, 174, 175

Hudud, 253

Humanitarian intervention, 432437

Human torch, 255

Human trafficking, 249251

Humvees, 324

Huseiniyat Dalan, 181

Hussain, Junaid, 155156

Hussein, Qusay, 89

Hussein, Saddam, 7, 89, 13, 36, 231

Hussein, Sakinah, 226

Hussein, Uday, 89


Ibrahim, Abbas, 72, 74

Ibrahim, Mohammed Mansour Hassan, 88

Ibrahim, Muhammad, 8889

Identification, in radicalization, 212

Immolation, 255

Improvised explosive devices (IEDs), 325330, 350352

India, 47, 140

Indonesia, 47

Induction, in radicalization, 212

Infectious disease, 240

Information control, in cults, 207208

Inspiration, in radicalization, 211

Insurgency, in Iraq, 1015, 395

Intelligence collection, 349, 353

Iran, 8, 172, 436

Iran-Iraq War, 178


cultural cleansing in, 279284

insurgency in, 1015, 395

oil in, 262

Sunnah in, 14, 15

Yazidis in, 247

Iraq Command, 6067

Iraqi, Abu Ayyub al-, 55

Iraqi, Abu Osama al-, 54

Iraqi, Abu Yehya, 56

Iraqi, Ukashah al-, 140

Iraqi embassy, Beirut, 75

Iraq War, 6, 716, 18, 302, 314315

Ireland, 45

Isa, 201


changes to, in ISIS cultism, 215

extremism and, 187188, 187189

re-engineering of, 216217

stakes for, in fight against ISIS, 437441

Islam for Humanity Against Terrorism, 438

Islamic Caucasus Emirate (ICE), 151

Islamic Emirate of Iraq (IEI), 12

Islamic State of Iraq (ISI), 12, 14, 19, 27, 32

Islamophobia, 188

Isolation, in radicalization, 211

Istanbul, 150

Istok magazine, 152

Italy, 45


Jabhat al-Nusra. See al-Nusra Front (ANF)

Jabouri, Ni’ima Abd Nayef al-, 64

Jama’at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad, 12, 30, 84

Japan, 47, 207

“Jasmine Revolution,” 107108

Jaysh al-ahli al-Sunnah wal Jamaa, 26

Jaysh al-Islam, 55, 99

Jazaa, Ahmed Abdel Kader al-, 62

Jazrawi, Abu Habib al-, 97

Jbin, Said Abdullah, 81

Jebhat al-Nusra, 27, 28, 34

Jeeps, 324

Jehbat al-Nusra. See al-Nusra Front (ANF)

Jerusalem, 80

Jesus, 201

Jewish Museum of Belgium, 145


cult of, 191193

defensive, 189

defining, 189

offensive, 189

Jihad al-Nikah, 225227

“Jihadi John,” 20, 3940, 138139, 372, 378, 393

Jizya, 275276

Joint Arab Stability Command (JASC), 433

Jomaa, Imad Ahmad, 73, 74, 75

Jonah’s Tomb, 279280

Jones, Christopher, 284

Jones, Jim, 197

Jones, Sally, 226

Jonestown massacre, 197, 206207

Jordan, 1112, 46, 7779

Juhaishi, Ahmed Mohsen al-, 63

Julani, Abu Mohammad al-, 19

Jund al-Khailafa, 110, 111, 116117

Junoub, 64


Kabuki theater, 214216

Kaduna, 130

Kalong, 129

Kangeleri, 132

Kano, 125, 130

Karachi, 167

Karnak Temple, 91, 287288

Kasasbeh, Muath al-, 78, 372, 373, 439, 441

Kassig, Peter, 40, 138, 139, 370, 373

Kazakhstan, 46

Kennan, George, 411412, 424

Kenya, 17

Kerry, John, 293294

Kesinovic, Samra, 230231

Khachnaoui, Hatem, 111113

Khadem, Abdul Rauf, 167

Khair, al-, 5859

Khalaya, Ahmed Fadhil Nazzar, 30

Khalf al-Mutayibee, 31

Khamoush, Muafaq Mustafa Mohammed, 50

Khan, Hafiz Saeed, 163, 168

Khan Bani Saad bombing, 63

Kharaj, 275

Khartoum, 17

Khasiyev, Magomed, 372373

Khattala, Ahmed Abu, 96

Khatteeb, Luay al-, 270

Khawarij, 200201, 426, 440

Khazzani, Ayoub El, 145

Khelafabook, 291

Khmer Rouge, 197, 231, 294

Khorasan, 162168

Khorsabad, 282

Kirkuk, 64

Klintsevich, Frants, 270

Kobane, 53

Kohlin, Kevin, 41

Konduga, 131

Konstantiniyye magazine, 149

Koresh, David, 197

Kosovo, 46

Krak des Chevaliers, 279

Ktari, Nadhir, 103

Kurds, 9, 429

Kuwait, 46, 178

Kuweires Offensive, 53

Kyrgyzstan, 46


Laabidi, Yassine, 111113

Labweh, 75

Lake Chad, 132

Lal Masjid, 162

Lamassus, 281

Lashkar-e-Jhangvi Said, 162, 167

Lashkar-e-Taiba, 140

Lawrence, T.E., 302, 406

Leadership, 24, 5052

Lebanon, 46, 7276, 313314, 368

Leiter, Michael, 133

Lemkin, Raphael, 278

Liberation of Christian and Yazidi Children of Iraq (CYCI), 251

Libi, Abu Ahmad al-, 8586, 427

Libi, Abu Anas, 103

Library, in Mosul, 282

Libya, 5, 18, 47, 94107, 118, 286287

Libya Central Shield (LCS), 95

Libyan Dawn, 95, 101

Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), 95, 99

Libyan oil crescent, 102103

Libyan Revolutionary Operations Room (LROR), 95

Lifton, Jay, 205, 207, 208

Light infantry weapons, 338340

Lightning seizure, 353354

“Lion of God al-Balawi,” 20

Livoti, Tommy, 296297

Logistician, in radicalization, 212

London bombings (2005), 5, 18, 392

Looting, 288295

Lord’s Resistance Army, 231

Luxor, 91

Luxor bombing, 287288


Maan, Saad, 322

Ma’atqa, Sheta al-, 90

Mabruk, 104

Macedonia, 46

Madagascar, 47

Madalla, 130

Madrid train bombings, 5, 18

Magharamakint, 152

Mahdi, 201, 202, 302306

Mahdists, of Sudan, 202204

Mahdudi, Abu al-A’lal, 193

Mahin, 57

Mahmoud, Aqsa, 224

Maiduguri, 124

Majid, Saad Abdul Aziz Abdul, 88

Malaysia, 47

Maldives, 47

Mali, 117120

Malik, Tashfeen, 156157

Maliki, Nuri al-, 14

Malnsur, Omar al-, 162

Management of Savagery (Naji), 303304, 316317, 427

Mani, Shadi al-, 88

MANPADS, 335337

Manpower pool, 4248

Mansoor, Khalid, 162

Mansour, Mohamed, 88

Maqdisi, Abu Muhammed al-, 204

Maqdisi, Sheikh Abu Abdulah al-, 73

Marginedas, Marc, 374

Maritime attacks, 363364

Markadah, 55

Marquez, Enrique, Jr., 157

Marriage, forced, 252

“Marshall Plan,” 431432

Mashhadani, Abdullah Ahmed al-, 50

Mashih ad-Dijjal, 201

Mashing, death by, 256

Mashnuq, Nuhad, 76

Masked Men Brigade, 119

Masri, Abu Ayyub al-, 12, 27, 3031

Masri, Abu Osama al-, 87, 90, 91

Matthiesen, Toby, 169

Mayat, Adnan Khader, 81

McCain, Douglas McArthur, 4042, 41

McCain, John, 432

McCants, Will, 186, 302

Mecca, 169, 204, 206

Media. See Dabiq (magazine); Propaganda; Social media

Media council, 3839

Medicine, 239243, 365366

Medina, 169, 201, 206

Members, 4248

Menaei, Khaled el-, 93

Menei, Shadi al-, 85

Merah, Mohammed, 139

Mia, Asaduzzaman, 180

Milieu Control, 205206

Military strategy

against ISIS, 411

of ISIS, 308311

Minvan, 327

Modular refineries, 265266

Mogadishu on the Tigris, 910

Mohammad, Ahmad al-, 141

Mohammed, Mohammed Nar, 87

Moldova, 46

Molenbeek, 145146

Monetary system, 272276

Moniquet, Claude, 147

Monis, Man Haron, 158159

Monotheism and Holy War. See Jama’at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad

Montenegro, 46

“Monuments Men,” 296298

Moroccan embassy, in Tripoli, 105

Morocco, 47

Moscow attacks, 18

Mosque of the Prophet Yunus, 279280

Mostefai, Ismail Omar, 142

Mosul, 4, 20, 6465, 352

Mosul Central Museum, 280281

Mosul Dam, 65

Mosul Library, 282

Motka, Fedirico, 374

Moulin-Fournier, Tanguy, 131

Movement of Oneness and Jihad in West Africa (MUJAO), 118, 120, 126

Mu’awiya, 200

Mubarak, Hosni, 84, 107

Mueller, Kayla, 373

Muhajir, Abu Bakr al-, 120

Muhajir, Abu Hamza al-, 31

Muhammad, Ahmad al-, 140

Mujahideen Shura Council (MSC), 12, 27, 3132, 80

Mujahidin of Tunisia al-Qayrawan-Bayat, 111

Mujatweets, 389

Mumbai attacks, 18, 140

Murder, 254


Bardo Museum attack, 111113

Jewish Museum of Belgium, 145

Mosul Central Museum, 280281

Muta’ah marriage, 252

Mutawwa’, 221

Muthana, Hoda, 226

Mutilation, death by, 256

Mystical manipulation, 207

Mysticism, 392


Nagata, Michael, 186

Naima, Feres Reif al-, 50

Najdi, Abu-Muhammad al-, 177

Naji, Abu Bakr, 303, 316317, 427

Nakoula, Nakoula Bassely, 8889

Names, for ISIS, 20

Nangarhar Province, 167, 168, 310

Nasif, Muhammad Ali Afifi Bedawi, 88

Nayyan, Yazeed Mohammed Abdulrahman Abu, 170

Nemmouche, Mehdi, 145

Neoconservativism, 78

Netherlands, 45

Neukirch, Toni, 374

New Zealand, 48

Niger, 133

Nigeria, 56, 18, 20, 122, 209210. See also Boko Haram

Nimrud, 283

Nineveh, 6465, 281, 290

Niqab, 229

North Baghdad, 65

Northern Iraq Offensive, 61, 63, 6465, 66

Norway, 45

Novikov, Andrei, 152

Nujaifi, Asil, 281

Nur, Mamman, 126

Nurses, 242243


Obaid, Ahmed al-Mohammed, 58

Obama, Barack, 188, 191, 368, 375, 406407

Obeidi, Aasi ali Nasser al-, 63


bunkering of, 134

buyers of, 267

in economy, 262271

in Iraq, 262

in Libya, 102103

moving and transport of, 263

in NIgeria, 134

in plan to defeat ISIS, 434435

refining of, 265267

Syria and, 267268

tankers, destruction of, 264265

trading, 269

Turkey and, 267268

undermining, to defeat ISIS, 269271

Oman, 178

Omar, Mullah, 162, 167

Omar the Chechen. See Batirashvili, Tarkhan Tayumurazovich

Omerovic, Misrad, 231

Operation Bojinka, 17

Operation Breaking the Walls, 19

Operation Decisive Storm, 172

Operation Dignity, 95, 97, 100, 101

Operations, in radicalization, 212

Osman, Khaled Kamal, 93

Ottoman Empire, 202

Ottosen, Daniel Rye, 374, 377

Ottowa, 154

Ouinis, Tarek, 138

Ozar Hatorah school, 139


Pakistan, 17, 47, 162, 167

Palestine, 436437

Palestine Bridge, 363

Palestine Liberation Army, 55

Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), 190

Palmyra, 286


attacks (2015), 18, 21, 73, 117, 139144, 318

Charlie Hebdo attacks in, 5, 146, 396397

Pearl, Daniel, 393

Pedophilia, 248249

People’s Church, 206207

Peshwari, Ubaidah al-, 162

Philippines, 48

Pinotti, Roberta, 45

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), 55

Portugal, 45

Portughali, Abu Juwairiya al-, 45

Poulin, André, 44, 153

Private donors, in monetary system, 273274

Professional newsmedia teams (PNTs), 388389, 398

Project 111, 910

Project for a New American Century, 78

Propaganda. See also Dabiq (magazine); Social media

in Afghanistan, 165

al-Absi in, 3839

of Boko Haram, 128129

in Caucasus, 152

against ISIS, 422423

in Turkey, 149

of United States in Iraq, 13

Prophetic events, 305306

Prophetic method, 193196

Prostitution, 252

Psychological warfare, against ISIS, 411


Qaddafi, Mummar, 96, 102, 107

Qadeeh, al-, 170

Qadisiyyah, 224

Qadri, Abu Muhammad, 151

Qaeim, 4

Qahtani, Muhammed bin Abdullah al-, 204

Qaramat, Hamdan al-, 201

Qaramitah, 201202, 203

Qaryatayn, 57

Qasem, Leena al-, 210

Qatar, 46, 75, 178

Qath, Sirak, 103

Qatmah, Musa’id Abu, 85

Quebec, 153

Qureshi, Asim, 39

Qutb, Sayyed, 193


Radicalization methodology, 210216

Rafallah Sahati Brigade, 95

Rahman, Abd El, 359360

Ramadi, 4, 6162, 361362, 363

Ramazanova, Diana, 148

Ransoms, 374375

Rape, 124125, 246249

Raqqa, 36, 5960, 220, 222

Ras al-Ayn, 5455

Ras Baalbek, 72, 75

Rasheed, Qais, 282

Reconnaissance, 349

Refining, of oil, 265267

Refugees, Syrian, 428429

Refugee smugglers, 292293

Revenue, 274275

Rice, Condoleeza, 8

Rishawi, Sajida al-, 78

Riyadh, 170

Rodionov, Yevgeny, 392393

Rohde, David, 308

Romania, 46

Romanticism, 213214

Rouissi, Ahmed, 104

“RPG bounce,” 354355

Rumi, 229

Rumsfeld, Donald, 8, 10

Russia, 18, 46, 150153, 434

Russian airliner bombing, 21, 93, 318


Saad, Nicholas, 292

Sadad, 57

“Saddam Cubs,” 231

Saddam Fedayeen, 9, 344

Saeed, Hafiz Khan, 162, 167

Saeed, Imad, 88

Sahraoui, Adnan Abu Walid, 119

Sahwah Campaign, 16

Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, 153

Salafism, 12, 33, 79, 84, 122123, 198, 204, 209210, 305, 306307

Salah, Agila, 104

Salah, Amro Ahmad, 359

Salahuddin, 6667

Saleh, Ali Abdullah, 172

Salman, Mahmoud Mohammed, 87

Salopek, Tamislov, 92, 371, 373

Samarra, 66

Samir, Mohamed, 357

Sana’a, 174, 175

San Bernardino, 156157, 318

Saqlaqiya, 61

Saqr, Ali, 210

Satar, Ahmed Abdel, 93

Saudi Arabia, 18, 46, 168171, 172, 192, 221, 253, 437438

Sayyaf, Abu, 291

Sayyed, Ali al-, 7475

Schools, 232233

Scorpion bombs, 338

Scouting, in radicalization, 212

Second Battle of Bajji, 67

Second Battle of Tikrit, 66

Sedan, 327

Selimovic, Samina, 230231

September 11 attacks, 5, 67, 11, 13, 18, 304306, 314

Serbia, 46

7/7 bombings, 5, 18, 392

17 February Martyrs Brigade, 95

Sex Jihad, 225227

Sexual violence, 246249

Shaer Gas Field, 57

Shahada, 203

Shahbander, Oubai, 323

Shahid, Shahidullah, 163

Shaib, Khalid al-, 110

Sharia Camps, 233234

Sharia law, 73, 96, 110, 118, 220, 239, 253, 375

Shatter, Alan, 45

Sheikh Abdul Salam al-Asmari shrine, 287

Sheikh Abu Suhab al-Ansari, 356358

Sheikh Qadeeb al-Ban al-Mosuli, 284

Shekau, Abu Muhammed Abn Muhammed Abu Bakr al-, 124, 125126, 129, 133, 135, 209210

Shia Shabaks, 248


background of, 200

Iraq War and, 9

in Yemen, 172

Shishani, Omar al-, 151. See also Batirashvili, Tarkhan Tayumurazovich

Shock value, 315316

Shura Council, 3435, 5152

Shura Council of Benghazi Revolutionaries (SCBR), 95

Shura Council of Islamic Youth (MSSI), 97

Shura Council of Mujahideen in Durna, 99100

Siam, Saber, 81

Siege of Amirli, 66

Siege of Kobane, 53

Siege of Saqlawiya, 61

Sifayya, Abu, 44

Siffin, 200

Sigini, Muhammad Abdel Aziz al-, 88

Silk Road, 147

Simpson, Elton, 155

Sinai Peninsula airliner bombing, 21, 93, 318

Singapore, 48

Sinjar Offensives, 65

Sirte, 100102

Slander, 254

Slavery, 246251

Small arms, 338340

Social media. See also Propaganda

as advantage, 15

in Afghanistan, 162

al-Absi and, 38

al-Qaeda/ISIS rivalry and, 118

and baiting of United States, 309

beheading on, 392394

blood antiquities and, 291

confession videos in, 390391

defeating, 401403

devotion demonstrated through, 391392

distribution, 399401

as force multiplier, 308

for internal consumption, 383

against ISIS, 426

messaing typology in, 389

narrative control in, 389390, 394395

production units, 386388

professional newsmedia teams in, 388, 398

and projection of power, 391

in radicalization, 212, 383384

for spectacle, 384386

Thrill Kill Cult and, 385386

video support teams in, 388, 397

Social-psychological warfare, against ISIS, 411

Social punishments, 253

Sodomy, 254, 257258

Somalia, 6, 47

Sons of Iraq, 12

Soofi, Nadir, 155

Sotloff, Steven, 20, 40, 371, 373

Soufan Group, 43, 108

Sousse Beach attack, 113114

South Africa, 47

Soviet Union, 17

Spain, 45

Spencer, Robert, 188

Spying, 254

Squashing, death by, 257

Stade de France, 140142. See also Paris

St. Andrew Military Protestant Church, 130

Steinfield, Matt, 291292

Stoning, 256

Storm, Morten, 208209

Street fighters, 344345

St. Teresa Catholic Church bombing, 130

Sudan, 17, 47, 202204

Sufi shrines, destruction of, 286287

Suicide bombers, 236, 329330

Suicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices (SVBIEDs), 325329

Sulamlyah, Tumāir bint Amrāibn al-Harth ibn al-Sharld al-, 224

Suleimane, Khaled Abu, 117

Suleyman Shah tomb, 149

Sunnah, 14, 15, 248

Sunnis, in Lebanon, 72

Surface-to-air missiles, 335337

“Surge, the,” 13

Suruc, 149

Suwaidawi, Adnan Latif Hamed, 64

Sweden, 45

Sweidawi, Adnan Latif Hamid, 50

Switzerland, 45

Sydney, 158159

Syria, 18, 20, 27, 43, 72, 267268, 285286, 294, 320321, 346, 428432

Syrian Command, 5260

Syrian Martyrs Brigade, 34


Taba, 89

Taey, Khairy Abed Mahmoud, 50

Tajikstan, 46

Takfiri, 122, 209

T’alai Jund al-Khilafah, 110

Taliban, 162, 166, 308

Tamimi, Mohammed ibn Abdul Wahab, 192

Tanks, 330332

Tanzania, 17

Taqba Air Base, 59

Taresh, Abdul Mohsen al-Zaghilani, 54

Tavella, Cesare, 180

Tawheed wal-Jihad. See Jama’at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad

Taxes, 274275

“Technicals,” 322323

Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), 163, 167

Telli, Abu Malek al-, 72

Tenzim al-Qaeda al-Jihad, 17

Termos, Adel, 76


classes of, 317318

as crime, 189

global impact, 317

as operation tool, 316317

regional, 317318

as strategy, 313318

Terror Shock Value (TSV), 315316

Thani, Abdullah al-, 95

Thbada, Hussein Hamis al-, 81


in economy, 260262

punishment for, 254

“Think Again Turn Away,” 421422

Thornberg, Anders, 45

Thought control, in cults, 208

Thrill Kill Cult (TKC), 385386

Tigris, 63

Tikrit, 4, 10, 66

Tobruk, 103

Tokyo subway attacks, 207

Tomb of Sheikh Qadeeb al-Ban al-Mosuli, 284

Torres, Pierre, 374

Toukhi, Muhammad al-Said Hassan Ibrahim al-, 88

Toulouse, 139

Toyota vehicles, 322323


antiquities, 292295

human, 249251

Training, 345346

Tribal aspects, of military strategy, 310311

Trinidad and Tobago, 44

Tripoli, 103, 105

Trwanshi, Sarbast, 362

Tunis bus bombing, 114

Tunisi, Abu Abdallah, 114

Tunisi, Abu Aisha al-, 111

Tunisi, Abu Osama al-, 52

Tunisi, Abu Yahya al-, 111

Tunisia, 18, 47, 107115, 318

Tunnel bombs, 350351

Turkey, 46, 147150, 247, 267268, 294295

Turki, Muhammad Al-Sayyid Mansur Al-, 84

Turkmani, Abu Muslim al-, 50, 60

Turkmen, 248, 429

Turkmenistan, 46

Twitter, 389, 402. See also Social media


Umm Rayhan brigades, 223224, 227

United Arab Emirates, 46, 178

United Kingdom, 44

United States

Abu Ghraib prison scandal and, 1213

Benghazi embassy of, 9697

citizens in ISIS, 4042, 44

embassies of, bombings in Africa, 1718

hostage rescue by, 377378

Iraq invasion by, 6, 716, 314315

Iraq War and, 6, 716, 18, 302

ISIS in, 154157

is ISIS military strategy, 309310

looted antiquities in, 293294

September 11 attacks in, 5, 67, 11, 13, 18, 304306, 314

Turkey and, 148

Uqaba ibn Nafi Brigade, 110

Uqba ibn Nafi Battalion, 111

USS Cole, 18

Uteybi, Juhayman bin Seif al-, 204

Uteybists, 204

Uthman, 273

Uzbekistan, 46


Van Ostaeyen, Pieter, 44

Vazquez, Bastian, 44

Vehicles, 322323

Videos. See Social media

Video support teams (VSTs), 388, 397

Vilanova, Ricardo Garcia, 374

Vincent, Patrice, 153154

Voltaire, 440

Volunteer wives, 225227


Wahabism, 192193, 198

Wallace, Mark, 323

Warren, Steve, 270

Water tanker, 327328

Waza National Park, 131

Weaknesses, 354356


in Afghanistan, 166

anti-tank, 333334

biological, 337338

of Boko Haram, 132134

chemical, 337338

European network for, 146147

in Gaza, 81

history of, 320321

in Jordan, 79

in Libya, 107

light infantry, 338340

in Yemen, 176

Weidley, Thomas, 325

Wheeler, Joshua, 378

Whippings, 258

Wilayat Aden, 175

Wilayat Fezzan, 101, 105

Wilayat Ifriqiya, 110

Wilayat Tripoli, 103, 104

Winter, Charlie, 239

Wives, wolunteer, 225227

Wolfowitz Paul, 8


dress code for, 227229

escape attempts of, 229230

in forced marriage, 252

in prostitution, 252

as religious enforcers, 223224

role of, 223224

sexual violence against, 246249

as suicide bombers, 127128, 330

trafficking of, 250251

as volunteer wives, 225227

Women in the Islamic Stae: Manifesto and Case Study, 227228

Wood, Graeme, 187188, 197

Woods, Tyrone, 96

World Trade Center bombing (1993), 17


Yacoubi, Seifeddine, 113114

Yarmouk Camp, 5556

Yassin, Sufian, 149

Yazidis, 236, 246248, 378

Yemen, 5, 18, 171178

Yobe, 131

YouTube, 403. See also Social media

Yukawa, Haruna, 40, 371, 372, 373

Yusuf, Mohammed, 122123, 129


Zadyi Shi’ites, 172

Zaman, Gul, 162

Zanun, Yasser Fathi, 81

Zarqa, 77

Zarqawi, Abu Mussab al-, 6, 1112, 16, 30, 204, 393, 395

Zawahiri, Ayman al-, 17, 19, 28, 31, 84, 192, 386, 424, 439

Zawar Kili camp, 18

Zehaf-Bibeau, Michael, 154

Zeyabi, Khalaf al-, 73

Zhuravlev, Konstantin, 372, 373

Zubaydi, Wissam Abdul Zayd al-, 66

Zumar, 65