
Absolute, The

attachment to, 117

Christian theology and, 315

logical philosophy and, 67, 74, 76

Mahayana Buddhism and, 110111

representation of, 5462

Upanishads and, 110

See also First Cause; God; Reality

Adams, R. M., 3


marriage and, 206210, 212214

See also Eros

agnosticism, 170

atheist-agnostic mentality, 292

Agron, Michael, 286

Alice in Wonderland (Carroll), 55, 186

Amida, 95100, 102, 104

American Academy of Asian Studies, 1, 5, 7, 11, 15, 23, 24, 25

American Oriental Society, 5

Anjin-ketsujo-sho, 98, 99

Aquinas, Thomas, 18, 180n2, 211, 230

five proofs of God, 186188

Aristotle, 46, 82, 230

Aristotelian idea, 348

Atman. See Self

Augustine, Saint, 58, 66, 253, 319

Avatamsaka Sutra, 95, 96, 160161

avidya, 93, 110, 156, 304, 308

Baird, Reed, 28

Bankei, 131, 148

Bateson, Gregory, 15, 24

Behold the Spirit (Watts), 12, 9, 17, 18

Benedict, Ruth, 144

Bertelannfy, Ludwig von, 162

Beyond Theology (Watts), 9, 20

Bible, the, 224, 233, 243, 245

Acts, 197

Genesis, 230, 235, 295n7

Proverbs, 237, 259

New Testament, 225

Old Testament, 178, 198, 209, 233

Blake, William, 147, 294, 324325

Block, Marguerite, 5

Bodhidharma, 108, 109, 131

Bokuju (Mu-chou), 101, 116, 130

Bollingen Foundation, 7

Bontempo, C. J., 12

Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are, The (Watts), 9, 20


Buddhism and, 92, 93, 109110

logical philosophy and, 70, 73, 74

maya and, 312

negation and, 63, 64, 65, 66, 76, 254

See also Hinduism

Brannigan, Michael C., 6, 9, 10

Braun, H., 3, 16, 151, 152, 153

Brown, Norman O., 25, 320325

Brown, Spencer, 8485, 87

Buddha. See Buddhism; Siddhartha

Buddhism, 63, 64, 72, 74, 76

anatman doctrine, 162

Indian, 110, 115, 145

Japanese, 96, 105

psychedelics and, 23, 297299

Pure Land School, 95, 96, 97, 99

Tibetan, 297

See also Ch’an Buddhism; Dhyana Buddhism; Hinayana Buddhism; Mahayana Buddhism; Zen Buddhism

Bunnell, Sterling, 286

Campbell, Joseph, 20

Camus, Albert, 354

Ch’an Buddhism, 96, 108

See also Dhyana Buddhism; Zen Buddhism

Chatterjee, S. C., 12

Chaudhuri, Haridas, 24, 25, 310n1

Chesterton, G. K., 259

Chopra, Samir, 4

Chou-chu, 113, 119

See also Joshu

Chuang-tzu, 20, 111, 117, 143, 164n3, 307, 310

Chung-yung, 144

Christ, Jesus

Divine humanity of, 167168, 177, 188

marriage and, 18, 205208, 214215

priesthood and, 194196, 198203

See also Christianity

Christianity, 26, 64, 69

Anglican Communion, 16, 193

Catholic Church, 193, 194, 244

contemplative prayer, 168, 173175

Holy Communion, 199200, 203, 225227

Holy Trinity, 111, 176, 193, 198, 226

Incarnation, 195, 197, 198, 203, 253

marriage, 18, 205215

mystical theology, 18, 167180

priesthood, functions of, 18, 193204

Watts, Alan, and, 1618

worship in, 224228

See also Christ; Church of England; Saint Dionysius pseudo-Areopagite

Church of England, 1, 16, 229, 230

Chrysanthemum and Sword (Benedict), 144

Clark, David K., 6

Cohen, S., 2223

Columbus, Peter J., 1, 2, 6, 14

comparative religion, 241

contemplation, 251260

Hebrew-Christian morality, 242244

myth, 229239

new concepts of religion, 244246

religions of the future, 246249

Watts and, 1921

compassion, 16, 111, 163

Amida’s, 9799, 103

Confucius, 119, 143

Cunningham, E., 23

Dante, 245, 325

Daoism, 1, 15, 20, 21, 24, 25

See also Taoism

death, 26, 136, 157, 233

of God, 233

of Alan Watts, 2, 26

mysticism and, 84, 85

psychedelics and, 287, 290

psychoanalysis and, 321322, 324

psychotherapy and, 354360

spiritual death, 172, 175, 181n7

Dewey, John, 160

transactional theory of, 161

dharma, 100, 102, 105, 134, 156, 162

Dharmadhatu, 103, 160, 162, 270, 299

Dharmakaya, 92, 111, 159, 162, 163

Dhyana Buddhism, 85, 86, 108, 109, 248, 252

See also Zen Buddhism; Ch’an Buddhism

Dictionary of American Religious Biography, 3

Dictionary of Modern American Philosophers, 17

Dionysius pseudo-Areopagite, Saint, 18, 76n4, 167, 180n2, 220

“Epistle I, To Gaius Therapeutes,” 179

“Epistle V, To Dorotheus Liturgus,” 179180

mystical theology of, 168175

“On Mystical Theology,” 176179

See also mystical experience

Ditman, Keith, 286

Divine Names, The (Dionysius pseudo-Areopagite), 168, 177178

Doubt and Certainty in Science (Young), 351

Drake, Francis, 335

duhkha, 304, 306

dvaita, 304305

Earle, William, 81

Eddington, A. S., 7071

Ego, 73, 76, 80

as an abstraction, 306307, 308

agency of, 162, 163, 246, 309

concept of, 312313

illusion of, 254256, 258, 340341, 353

psychedelics and, 277, 280281

social role, 146, 291191, 341342

Zen and, 132135

Einstein, Albert, 47, 48, 292

Eka, 129, 131

Ellwood, Robert S., 17

Enlightenment, 15, 117, 239, 356

Awakening, 125n8

bodhi, 93, 103

Buddhist life-goal, 92

freedom in, 104

Japanese Buddhism and, 96, 98

kali-yuga and, 95

pratyeka-buddhas and, 105

satori, 100

epistemology, 70, 72, 73, 79, 81

Epistle to the Romans (St. Paul), 95, 197, 251

See also the Bible


and Logos, 325, 335

marriage and, 206, 207, 208, 214

and Thanatos, 321322, 323

Essays in Persuasion (Keynes), 322

Evolution of Physics, The (Einstein & Infeld), 47

Faber, F. W., 104

Farber, Seymour M., 25

Ferlinghetti, Lawrence, 16

First Cause

Absolute, The, 5658, 61

God as, 186189

Fox, George, 241

Freud, Sigmund, 25

dualism of the instincts, 322

on “oceanic feeling,” 248, 359

on psycho-hydraulics, 234235

and psychoanalysis, 321, 323325

unitary view of man, 319320

Frye, Northrop, 86

Fuller, Buckminster, 83, 347

Furlong, Monica, 2

Gainsborough, Louis, 24

Galileo, 86, 276

Gehart, Diane, 6


difference, 331333

feminine within, 336337

neglect of the feminine, 333336

Ginsberg, Allen, 146

Gnosis, 182n19, 239

Gnostic heresy, 168

God, 183185, 191

Buddhism and, 91, 95, 102, 104, 107

death of, 233

evidence for, 185186

Hindu conception of, 242

logical analysis of, 6769

monarchical image of, 224, 238, 241243, 245246, 290292, 295, 341, 346

nature of, 188191

organic image of, 237238

popular belief in, 76

proofs of, 186188

relations to the world, 167176

Zen and, 117118, 119, 145, 148, 151153

See also The Absolute; Brahman; Christianity; comparative religion; First Cause; Ground of Being

Gödel, Kurt, 75

Gödel’s theory, 272

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 48, 72, 153

Goso, 138

Ground of Being, 86, 223, 234, 244, 245, 247, 285

See also The Absolute; Brahman; God; Christianity

Guy, D., 13

Haeckel, Ernst, 235

Hakuin, 131, 147, 299

Harvard University, 1, 7, 22, 263

Heide, F. J., 6

Hekigan-shu, 105

Heraclitus, 51

Herbert, George, 99

Hilgard, Ernest, 21

Hinayana Buddhism, 91, 92, 93, 108, 156


acculturation and liberation, 314

immediate experience, 247

negation in, 74, 76, 253254

psychology and, 24, 25

Watts, Alan, and, 1, 3, 8, 12, 20, 21

See also comparative religion; Vedanta

Hokoji, 99, 133

Honen (Shonin), 96, 97

Housman, A. E., 235

Howe, Eric Graham, 23, 24

Hsi-yun, 113

Hugel, Friedrich von, 169

Hui-hai, 116, 137

Hui-neng, 100, 109, 117, 146

human potential movement, 2, 24

Humphreys, Christmas, 13, 14

ignorance. See avidya

Infeld, L., 47, 48

Jackson, Carl T., 23, 5, 8

John, Saint, 194, 198, 206

Jolicoeur, R., 9

Joshu, 101, 129130, 134, 135

See also Chao-chu

Joyous Cosmology, The (Watts), 9

Jung, C. G., 212, 349, 357

Kapleau, Phillip, 14

karma, 162

bondage of, 9697

meaning of, 91, 227, 238

resolution of, 92, 116, 120, 130

kensho, 290

Keynes, J. M., 322

King’s School, 1, 16

koan, 123, 134, 137, 152

study of, 120121

See also Zen Buddhism

Koestler, Arthur, 152153

Korzybski, Alfred, 159

Krippner, Stanley, 21


Absolute and, 5462

and ego, 254

epistemology and, 7980, 8187, 127128

of God, 259

problem of religious language, 10, 6466

problem of pure consciousness, 10, 117118

metaphysical experience and, 6777

and reasoning about the unseen, 4954

religious experience, 246249

social conventions and, 312313

wonder and, 4548, 49, 7274, 8283

Lankavatara Sutra, 92, 93, 96, 98, 99, 100, 102103

Lao-Tzu, 20, 83, 111, 119, 122, 143, 238, 243, 307

Leary, Timothy, 6, 22

libido, 235, 320, 321, 325, 350

Lieh-tzu, 20

lila, 111, 282

Lilly, John, 347

Lin-chi, 120, 144

See also Rinzai

logical philosophy, 79

contribution to metaphysics, 6771

technique of negation, 7476

Lotus and the Robot, The (Koestler), 152

Mahakasyapa, 109

Maha-parinibbana Sutta, 91

Mahayana Buddhism, 15, 16, 74

faith and works in, 91106

parallels in modern thought, 155163, 270

Zen and, 108, 11011, 112, 137

Mahoney, S., 16

Malraux, Andre, 231

Marxism, 328

Maslow, Abraham H., 25

Matchette Foundation, Franklin J., 7, 77

Maxwell, James Clerk, 47, 82

maya, 63, 273, 282, 311312, 314, 316

Milstead, C., 13

Milton, John, 237

Mitrinovic, Dimitrije, 19

moksha, 25, 72, 290, 314

mondo, 15, 100, 115116, 119, 120

See also Zen Buddhism


Buddhism and, 96, 102105

Christianity and, 206, 223, 242244

pantheism and, 223

personal, 340

Moses, 176, 195, 251

Mumonkon, 23, 100101, 119, 125n6

mushin (no-mind), 135137, 309, 310n3

mystical experience, 169, 260, 290, 329

components of, 72

philosophia perennis and, 19

psychedelics and, 285287, 292293, 294

role of language in, 10, 18

Self remembering itself, 282, 289

See also Saint Dionysius pseudo-Areopagite

Mystical Theology (Dionysius pseudo-Areopagite), 168

Myth and Ritual in Christianity (Watts), 9

Myth of Sisyphus, The (Camus), 354

Nansen, 101, 129

Nature, Man and Woman (Watts), 6, 9

Nature of the Physical World (Eddington), 70

Needham, Joseph, 8, 164

Newton, Isaac, 234

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 5, 322

Nineteen Eighty-Four (Orwell), 80

Nirvana, 72, 99, 103, 110, 116, 137, 220, 306

and Samsara, 92, 93, 100, 101, 111, 112113

nominalism, 265266, 270

Nordstrom, Louis, 8, 14, 27

Northrop, F. S. C., 68

Northwestern University, 1, 5, 7, 17, 227

Odell, E. H., 20

Odell, S. J., 12

Oldmeadow, H., 9

ontology, 70, 72, 73, 81, 322

organism-environment field

behaviorism and, 267271

existence and, 255257, 341

Mahayana Buddhism and, 157, 161162

man-as-whole, 266267

mystical experience and, 84, 281, 329

polarity and, 288

psychedelics and, 263, 271272, 279280, 291292

theory of, 21, 22, 247, 264

Zen and, 151152

Orwell, George, 80

Outlines of a Metaphysics (Matchette)

Outlines of Mahayana Buddhism (Suzuki), 16, 155, 158

Pagel, W., 86

Pali Canon, 91, 93

pantheism, 8, 110, 119120, 134, 198, 223

Paradise Lost (Milton), 237

Patmore, Coventry, 175, 206

Paul, Saint, 95, 184, 198, 205, 212, 238, 251, 253, 319

Perry, W. N., 20

Phillips, Bernard, 252

Pilgrim, Richard, 4, 8, 14, 27

polarity, 144, 288, 321

Ponce, D. E., 3

Prajnaparamita-hrdaya Sutra, 129

Pratt, James Bissett, 158

Prebish, Charles, 3

Pribram, Karl, 351

Psalm 139, 170171

See also the Bible

psychedelic experience

description of, 7, 276279, 287290, 297299

illusion and, 282283

organism-environment field, 263, 271272, 279280, 291292

psychiatric nomenclature, 263, 275276

study of, 273275, 285287

resistance to, 290295

Watts, Alan, and, 2123, 286


contemporary approaches in, 342345

fallibility of the will, 148

transformations of mind, 304

unexamined assumptions of, 308, 315316

See also psychoanalysis, psychology, psychotherapy

psychoanalysis, 307, 327, 344, 350

function of, 320

Howe, E. Graham, and, 23

id, 321, 325

Oedipus complex, 237

as science of culture, 324

repression, 320323

success of, 323

symbolism, 332

superego, 325

Watts, Alan, and, 24, 25

See also ego; Freud; libido


behaviorism, 267271

Buddhism as, 94, 9699, 101, 103, 143, 304306, 309

Hindu psychology, 304

human ecology and, 339342

human nature and, 327330

Oriental psychology, 304, 306, 307, 308

Watts, Alan, and, 2326

Western psychology, 304, 309

See also psychiatry; psychoanalysis; psychotherapy


and acculturation, 314315

Buddhist “psychotherapy,” 306

death and dying, 354360

function of, 315

Oriental (Asian) philosophy and, 303304, 311

surrender of the ego, 306307

unconscious assumptions of, 349354

See also psychiatry; psychoanalysis; psychology

Psychotherapy East and West (Watts), 6, 9, 15, 1920, 24, 153

realism, 265


Amida and, 95

Christianity and, 170, 191, 215

Hinayana Buddhism and, 72, 110

Hinduism and, 76, 92, 109110, 248

logical analysis of, 67, 69, 7071, 74

Mahayana Buddhism and, 74, 92, 99, 103104, 110111, 158159

Taoism and, 111112

Zen and, 107, 109, 113115, 118121, 124, 125n8, 158

See also The Absolute


awareness of, 288289

Mahayana Buddhism and, 158

the world as, 5152, 5556, 58

Zen and, 152

Rice, Donadrian L., 1, 2, 6

Richards, W. A., 7

Rinzai, 100, 130, 138

See also Lin-chi

Rinzai-Roku, 98, 100

Robinson, John-David, 21

Roszak, Theodore, 26

Ruland, V., 8

Sadler, A. W., 2, 9

Saikontan, 139

Samadhi, 247, 248, 290, 359

Samsara, 128, 130, 138

escape from, 93, 116, 137

karma and, 125n4

Nirvana and, 92, 93, 100, 101, 111, 112113

wheel of existence, 64, 76, 93, 101, 128, 304

Saptasatikaprajnaparamita Sutra, 103

Sasaki, Ruth Fuller, 1314, 15

Sasaki, Sokei-an, 13, 15

satori, 100, 121, 145, 147148, 290

koans and, 121

Science and Human Behavior (Skinner), 267

Seabury-Western Theological Seminary, 1, 7, 16, 17

Self, 76, 111, 117, 157, 282, 289

Atman, 316, 330, 358

Shinjinmei, 127, 134

Shinran (Shonin), 95, 96, 97, 98, 100, 101, 103

Siddhartha, Gautama (Buddha), 91, 94, 109, 110

Skinner, B. F., 267271

Smith, David L., 4

Solomon, David, 22

Solomon, Lawrence N., 25

Spiegelberg, Frederic, 23, 24, 25

Spirit of Zen, The (Watts), 5, 9, 13, 14, 15

Stuart, David, 2

Subbiondo, Joseph L., 24

Sukhavativyuha Sutra, 9495, 97

Suligoj, H., 9

sunyata, 74, 92, 123, 158

application of, 163

ground of human consciousness, 111

meaning of, 63, 160

ultimate reality of, 64, 92, 111, 129, 159

Supreme Identity, The (Watts), 9, 17, 153

Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro, 94, 98, 100, 101, 106n5, 156, 158

Sasaki, Ruth Fuller, and, 13

Watts, Alan, and, 15, 16, 24, 155

Suzuki, Shunryu, 14

Taber, Grieg, 16

Takakusu, Junjiro, 160, 163n1

Tannisho, 98

Tao, 101

liberation and, 129130

unconscious process of, 307

unity and, 137138, 143144, 148, 238

Zen and, 111114, 116119

See also Taoism

Tao te Ching (Lao-Tzu; Lao-tse), 336

Tao: The Watercourse Way (Watts), 9, 20

Taoism, 146, 156, 247, 303

acculturation and, 314

identity and, 80, 325

influence on Zen, 109, 111113

gender and, 336

See also Tao

Tathata, 111, 112, 129

meaning of, 74, 159, 160

non-duality of, 99, 103

reality as, 92, 111


alienation and, 144145, 292, 339340, 346347, 354

basic premise of, 236

and control, 308, 320, 328

hostility and, 246

misuse of, 264, 280

ideal of, 239

science and, 83, 233234

Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 289290

Theological Outlines (Dionysius pseudo-Areopagite), 177, 178

This is IT, and Other Essays on Zen and Spiritual Experience (Watts), 9, 16

Tillich, Paul, 86, 286

Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (Wittgenstein), 81

trishna, 107, 110, 111, 112

Two Hands of God, The (Watts), 9

Ummon, 121, 137

unconscious, the, 73, 306

Freud and, 234235, 309, 321, 323

Oriental psychologies and, 306307

psychiatry and, 308, 350

trust in, 354

See also mushin

Ungerer, Philip D., 25, 339348

United States of America

gender stereotypes, 332

monarchical image of God, 229, 230, 241, 293

use of psychedelics, 293, 295

University of Vermont, 1, 19

Upanishads, 87n1, 93, 109110

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, 70

Kena Upanishad, 66, 70, 76

upaya, 109, 137

Van Eyck, Jan, 234

Vedanta, 11, 6364, 80, 92

See also Hinduism

Vedanta and the West (Watts), 11

Versluis, Arthur, 3

Wallia, C. S., 21

Watts, Alan W.

biography, 12

Buddhism and, 1216

Christianity and, 1618

comparative religion and, 1921

death of, 2, 3, 26

mysticism and, 1012

psychedelics and, 2123

psychology and, 2326

relevance of, 510

reputation of, 25, 2628

reviews of, 345

Way of Zen, The (Watts), 9, 14, 15

Wisdom or Insecurity, The (Watts), 9, 11

White, Lynn, 333

Whitehead, Alfred North, 155, 160, 246247

Whitman, Walt, 82

Whittemore, Alan Griffith, 12

Wilson, Roger H. L., 25

Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 81, 85, 144, 155, 159, 267

wonder, 4548, 49, 7274, 8283, 257


Buddhism and, 105

faith and belief, 219220

marriage and, 210, 213, 214

mythological terms of, 221224

radial view of, 223, 225228

Yoga, 81, 156, 258, 296, 303

breathing, 134

meaning of, 87, 251

nirvikalpa samadhi, 359

siddhi, 239

Young, J. Z., 351

Zen Buddhism, 107109, 123125

Beat Zen, 143149

Chinese religion and, 111113

cultural effects of, 122123

direct pointing of, 115120

harmony in, 113115

Indian religion and, 109111

liberation in, 119, 127139

meditation, 85, 120121

and politics, 151153

Watts, Alan, and, 1216, 345346

See also Ch’an Buddhism; Dhyana Buddhism; koan; mondo

Zen Dust (Sasaki & Miura), 14

Zenrin-kushu, 76n2, 131, 132, 138