Abdurishit, Abulahät 68

Abdushukur, Emir 119121, 126, 156, 188

Afghanistan 245

relations with China 108109

US invasion of 64, 88

aircraft hijacking 158

Aksu 172173, 180181

alphabet, choice of 4546, 5152

Alptekin, Isa Yüsüp 4142

Al-Qaeda 60, 6366, 7172, 7579, 82, 84, 87, 89, 9295, 98, 106111, 114115, 118120, 125127, 188190, 196

in the Islamic Maghreb 92

Amnesty International 134

Anand, Dibyesh 23

Anti-Rightist Campaign (1957) 45

Armitage, Richard 77

assassinations 180

assimilation and assimilationist policies 48, 25, 3132, 4751, 56, 59, 129, 137142, 149150, 153, 154, 156, 158, 163, 174178, 195, 200, 204, 211213, 222, 226228, 230, 231, 234, 237, 238

Associated Press 214

Ata-Jurt organization 240

‘Axis of Evil’ speech (2002) 64, 79

Bäg system 28, 30

‘Baren incident’ (1990) 5354, 74, 100104, 117, 166167

Barmin, Valery 39

Becquelin, Nicholas 136137, 153

Beijing 143145

see also Olympic Games

Bekali, Omär 216217

Bellar-Hann, Ildiko 138

Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) 174175, 195, 228

‘big data’ 249

Bilal, Sheikh 106, 113

bin Laden, Osama 7072, 75, 77, 119

biometric data 206

biopolitics 16, 203, 209, 237, 244


alleged planned attack on US embassy (2002) 79, 205

alleged attack on Chinese embassy (2016) 204205

Bolsonaro, Jair 250

Bovingdon, Gardner 56, 141

Brazil 250

Brophy, David 36

Bush, George W. 6364, 69, 76, 79

Byler, Darren 182, 206, 226, 231, 235

Cambodia 183

cemeteries 229

Chatterjee, Partha 23

checkpoints 154, 158, 167168, 181, 224225, 238

Chen Quanguo 1, 204209, 212, 224, 232

children of internees 232233

China Electronic Technology Group 202, 206

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) 4248, 51, 54, 146, 153, 175, 177, 204, 209

CCP Cadres

as Uyghur ‘family members’ 3, 167168, 206, 225226

ethnic Uyghur 45, 208210

Chinese New Year 231

civil liberties 52

civilians, violent targeting of 13, 74, 99, 128, 169173, 195196

Cliff, Thomas 147, 150, 153

closed-circuit television (CCTV) 3, 161, 167, 172, 181, 204, 216218, 225

CNN 161162

coerced labour 220222, 231233

collectivization of agriculture 4647

colonial relationships 2327, 32, 5761, 137, 139, 150, 154, 158, 195, 243244

see also settler colonialism

Confucian thought 31

‘convenience police stations’ 204205, 238

counterterrorism 15, 6566, 76, 81, 88, 90, 129, 132134, 139, 154, 159, 163165, 168172, 174179, 200, 208210, 221, 227, 243, 247

counterterrorism industrial complex 82, 91, 94, 116

‘Counterterrorism Law’ 178179, 206

Craner, Lorne 76

crimes against humanity 1112, 251

cultural renaissance, Uyghur 51

Cultural Revolution 4752, 58

Daesh 127, 189, 191

database of Uyghurs 1, 3, 202, 206207

see also Integrated Joint Operations Platform (IJOP)

Davis, Elizabeth Van Wie 89

Davud., Mikael 125

Davut, Rahilä 228229

decolonization processes absent in the case of Xinjiang 25, 27, 5053, 5859

De-extremification Regulations 210213, 223, 234

dehumanization 1418, 165, 200201, 245

demonization of the Uyghurs 147, 150, 159

Deng Xiaoping 5053, 56

diasporas, Uyghur 239241

discriminatory hiring practices 152

displacement of populations 153, 220221

‘Document No. 7’ (1996) 5556, 132

‘Document No. 11’ (2013) 167

drugs, administration of 217

Dubai 124125, 128

Dwyer, Adrienne 139

Eastern Turkistan Education and Solidarity Association (ETESA) 187, 190

Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM) 7172, 75, 8095, 97116, 127, 133, 142, 164165, 187, 205

designated as a terrorist group 7780

Eastern Turkistan Islamic Party (ETIP) 100101, 116117

Eastern Turkistan Liberation Organization (ETLO) 71

Eastern Turkistan People’s Revolutionary Party (ETPRP) 49

Eastern Turkistan Republics (ETRs)

First (1933–34) 3739, 52, 104, 241

Second (1944–49) 4044, 46, 49, 52

Eastern Turkistan Youth League 71

East-West Center 85

economic growth relied on to ease ethnic tensions 136, 149

education 31, 139141, 231233

see also ‘re-education’ campaigns

Elishqu massacre (2014) 180

emigration see exodus of Uyghurs

ethnic cleansing 186

exodus of Uyghurs 4748

to USSR 4748

to Turkey 124, 182186, 193

motivations for 183184

extradition 182183, 189190

‘extremism’ 6, 1415, 6364, 132134, 156, 163, 166168, 173178, 203, 209211, 215, 222, 231, 234, 244

family members abroad 226

Financial Times 148

flags 123, 241

forced labor 219220, 231232

see also coerced labor

Foreign Policy (journal) 215

Foucault, Michel 16

‘freedom fighters’ 11

frontiers of settlement 2526, 33, 59, 153

Ganor, Boaz 1214

Geneva Convention 13


definition of 199200

objectives of 199

genocide, cultural 26, 15, 1820, 175, 194197, 199201, 204, 212, 221, 230, 232, 236239, 243251

logical conclusion to the PRC’s action against the Uyghurs 23643

Ghulja 401, 5556, 67, 74, 131, 179

The Global Times 161

Global War on Terror (GWOT) 6, 1012, 1520, 23, 60, 6366, 6970, 9899, 127, 132, 158159, 171, 196, 200, 243251

identification of enemies 6365

implications of Uyghur experience for the future of 243246

mutations gone through by 245

‘Golden Period’ in Uyghur history 5152

Great Leap Forward (GLF) 4647

Grose, Timothy 140, 229

Guantanamo Bay 17, 78, 81, 8586, 9091, 106, 110114, 247

The Guardian 155, 224, 228

guerilla warfare 13, 104, 126

Guma 208

Gunaratna, Rohan 8384, 8788, 9293

Hage, Mohanad Ali 192

Hague Convention 13

Han migration into Xinjiang 4647, 50, 58, 131132, 136137, 142, 237, 245

Häq, Abdul 9091, 96, 106, 111, 117121, 142, 156, 172, 188, 192, 241242

Haqqani, Jalaluddin 105, 108

Hastings, Justin 141142

homeland for the Uyghurs 810, 2728, 52, 5759, 129

house-to-house searches 167, 179180, 184

housing 152153

Hu Jintao 149

Hu Yaobang 5152

Huawei (company) 108

human rights 90, 132, 134, 183, 196, 200, 244, 247250

Human Rights Watch (HRW) 148, 206, 213

Hundred Flowers Campaign (1956) 45

Hungary 250

identity, Uyghur 2, 4, 8, 20, 140141, 175, 196197, 203, 208, 212213, 218223, 227228

Idlib 189, 192, 242

Ili valley 2930, 47

imprisonment, threat of 222227, 230, 238

India 250

indigenous peoples 45, 89, 25, 60

indigenous texts 103

Integrated Joint Operations Platform (IJOP) 206207, 224225, 249

integration of Uyghurs into China 2627, 43, 5060, 135141, 146, 149150, 153, 177, 195, 237

IntelCenter 9192

intermarriage 4, 176, 233234

international community 7, 12, 14, 66, 68, 132, 200, 245

internment centres and camps 13, 17, 20, 212220

daily life in 213219

Iraq 64, 79, 85, 245

Isa, Dolkun 80

Islam 78, 1718, 178179

re-emergence of 52

Islam Awazi 119121, 125126, 241242

Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) 72, 106107

Islamic movements in general 100101

Islamic Turkistan (magazine) 118119

Islamophobia 18, 147, 158159, 171

Israel 191, 250

Jacobs, Justin 2124

Jamestown Foundation 89, 91

Jarvis, Lee 6566

Jiang Zemin 68, 76

jihad 121, 166, 168172, 181, 193

jihadist groups 185

Jin Suren 34

Joscelyn, Thomas 90

Kadeer, Rabiya 146

Kanat, Omer 107, 109, 114

Karakash 181, 207209

Karakash List 224225

Kashgar 128, 132, 135138, 144, 151152, 155157, 167, 169, 180, 220, 239

Imam of 179

Kashmir 245, 250

Kayseri 184

Kazakhstan 109, 240, 246

Kelly, James 78

Khaksar, Abdul Samad 109

Khalifä, Muhämmad Zakir Akhnad 118

Khorgus 151

Khotan 131, 135, 155156, 181, 210

Khrushchev, Nikita 45

Korla 130, 158

Kumul Khanate 36


alleged bus bombing (2008) 89, 128, 143, 145

knife attack in train station (2014) 12, 20, 170173, 185, 196

Kuo, Raymond 88

Kyrgyzstan 240, 246

labor programs 220222, 230232

landscape transformation in Xinjiang 4, 20, 59, 149, 227230

language 2, 4, 7, 60, 139, 150, 177, 216, 231

Laos 183

Laqueur, Walter 1011

Legrand, Tim 66

Leibold, James 168, 207

Lemkin, Raphael 199200

lock-down 148

Lop 198

loyalty to the state and party 202, 209

Lukqun 165166

Mäkhsum, Abdulhäkim-Haji 100104, 118

Mäkhsum, Häsän 62, 72, 8586, 100101, 118, 242

community formed in Afghanistan by 101118, 126128, 192

death of 114116

Malaysia 183184

Mämät, Mämtimin 117

Manchus 28

Mansur, Abdullah 119121, 126, 188

Mao Zedong 45, 47

Maoist ideology 43

Maralbeshi event (2013) 166169

marginalization 60, 152, 165, 239

Ma Rong 153154

mass murder 199

Mäsud Sabri 4142

mega-projects 136137

‘melting pot’ approach to civic identity 154

Merton, Robert 164

militancy, Uyghur 1920, 82, 88, 159, 164, 185, 192, 242

Millward, James 21, 2324, 85

Modi, Narendra 250

moral authority 201, 247

mosques, demolition of 228

mujahidin 84, 102

Muslim communities 8, 1718, 212

Muslims working in internment centres 218

Myanmar 18, 245

national consciousness, Uyghur 33

national identity 175

nationalism 33, 38, 54, 101, 103, 133, 175, 177, 242, 250

Netanyahu, Benjamin 250

New York Times 144

‘9/11’ events 11, 15, 113, 161

Nine Eleven Finding Answers Foundation 91

North Korea 64

Norwegian law 9799

Oidtmann, Max 23

Olympic Games 8891, 117, 119, 128, 142147, 171

Omar, Mullah 108

‘Open Up the West’ campaign 135137, 141

Orban, Victor 250

Oslo 128

Pairing Assistance Program (PAP) 150153, 163, 222

Pakistan 156157

parades 209210

parenting 178, 211

passports 182, 185186, 189

peaceful protest 54, 74, 146, 159

People’s Liberation Army (PLA) 42

People’s Republic of China (PRC) 12, 511, 1415, 1819, 27, 4546, 5155, 6061, 6670

economic power of 246

motivations for action by 236237

putting pressure on 251

see also repression of the Uyghurs

‘People’s War on Terror’ 173182, 201202, 210211

Pereire, Kenneth 87

pilgrimage sites 229

police violence 157158, 169, 173, 183

post-colonial situation 43

post-liberal world, post-privacy world and post-rights world 248250

Powell, Colin 79

preschool 232233

Project Beauty (2013) 167, 175176

propaganda 2, 39, 9192, 121, 123, 126128, 216217, 220, 227

protection of society 1213, 1618

psychological torture 216218

purges 3839, 45

Qadir, Sheikh Abdul 102

Qadirkhan, Yüsüp see Bilal, Sheikh

Qarahaji, Abudullah 105107, 113114, 116117

Qing Empire 2834

quotas for detention 2, 215

Radio Free Asia (RFA) 100, 109, 113114, 117, 171, 213, 215

railway, Urumqi-Kashgar 58, 135

racial differences 8

racism 164

Red Guards 4849

‘re-education’ campaigns 203, 211216, 219, 238

refugees 154155, 183, 185, 189194

regime change 64, 245

religion and religiosity, suppression of 133, 176177, 201, 209211, 228230

‘Religious Affairs Regulations’ 178

repression of the Uyghurs 2, 10, 1819, 23, 5557, 75, 81, 99, 132134, 143148, 154159, 163, 165, 195, 200, 213, 236244

stopping it getting any worse 246248

resilience of the Uyghurs 243

resistance movements 36, 55, 60, 150, 155, 163, 166, 179, 195, 202, 210, 213, 227, 237239

Rippa, Alessandro 152

‘rogue states’ 64

rules-based international order 250251

Russia 2934, 3841, 44, 47, 250

Saraygul Sautbay 216, 218

Säyfullah, Commander 119120, 126

Schriver, Randall 78

secession from China 4445

Second Generation Nationalities Policy 154, 173174, 195, 230

securitization 1, 154155, 237238

security organs of the Chinese state 158159, 162166, 169170, 179181, 193

self-censorship 224

self-determination movements 32, 53, 55, 66, 68, 101, 133136, 164

‘self-fulfilling prophecy’ 159, 163, 164, 187, 194195

‘separatism’ 1415, 5455, 5960, 6869, 158, 177

September 11 2001 attacks see ‘9/11’ events

settler colonialism 19, 26, 5860, 129, 138, 150, 153, 158, 163, 194, 200, 204, 219, 221, 227, 237, 239, 245

definition of 60, 232233, 250

sexual abuse 218219

Shanghai 152

Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) 56, 6668

Shanghai Five 6768, 71

Sharia law 192

Sheng Shicai 3542

Shenzhen 151

Silk Road Economic Belt 174

Sino-Soviet split 4447

social life of the Uyghurs 44, 46, 49, 140, 226

socialization 4, 221

society, definition of 16

soft power 247

South Africa 247248

South China Morning Post 155

Soviet Union (USSR) 25, 3241, 4347, 49, 52, 5455, 67, 153

see also Russia

Sovietization of Xinjiang 3739

Special Economic Trading Areas (SETAs) 151

stability, establishment and maintenance of 174175

‘staged development’ 153

Stalin, Joseph 38

Steele, Liza 88

Steenberg, Rune 152

StratFor 89

‘Strike First’ campaign 172

suicide and suicide attacks 181, 204, 217

Al-Suri Abu Musab 87

surveillance 34, 20, 55, 154155, 176, 181, 184, 186, 204207, 224227, 238

Syria 185196

Taklamakan Desert Highway 135

Taliban regime 65, 7172, 75, 98, 105111, 114115, 118120, 126127

Tang Jiaxuan 70

Tarim Basin 2529, 37, 50, 58, 134, 157158, 181, 195

Taylor, Francis 76


accusations against the Uyghurs 6695

definition of 1014, 74, 94, 155, 169170, 178179, 245246

lack of legitimate grievances 21

terrorism analysts 9094, 98, 100, 106, 120, 185

terrorism lists 6566, 99, 116

‘Consolidated List’ 80, 97, 127

terrorist ‘label’ 6, 23

terrorist organizations 127129

‘terrorist threat’ 67, 1011, 14, 1819, 60, 63, 6694, 9799, 127129, 133, 141143, 161165, 171, 187, 194197, 200, 204205, 209, 237, 244, 249

branding of ETIM as 7582

international recognition of ETIM as 6975

Thailand 183

‘three evils’ 3, 15, 6768, 73, 94, 133, 186, 205

‘three news’ 229230

Thum, Rian 28, 44, 46, 147

Tiananmen Square

car crash (2013) 161162, 165, 168169

protests (1989) 51

Tibet 1, 23, 32, 136, 143144, 204

Tohti, Ilham 177, 201

torture 2, 217218

tourism 239

trafficking, human 182186, 189, 193

Trump, Donald 18, 250

Turkey 154, 183193, 246

relations with China 240

‘Turkistan’, use of the name 41

Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP) 8695, 9799, 105106, 116129, 143, 145, 156157, 162165, 168172, 185196, 241242

Turkistan National Congress 69

United Committee of Uyghurs’ Organizations 71

United Nations 5, 9, 13, 79, 244, 246, 250251

United States 56, 246247, 250251

State Department 14, 116

urban development 137138, 151

Urumqi 25, 36, 40, 49, 5758, 104, 108, 131132, 135138, 141142, 152, 158, 182183, 209, 252

Urumqi bus bombings (1992) 5354, 60, 74

Urumqi bus bombings (1997) 56, 60, 67, 74, 170

Urumqi riots (2009) 20, 92, 121, 124, 129, 145150, 153155, 159, 171, 183

Urumqi train station and market attacks (2014) 20, 172173, 196

Uyghur Human Rights Project (UHRP) 138, 140141, 228

Uyghur people, origins and physical appearance of 78

Uyghur region, alternative names for 910

Uyghur relations with the modern Chinese state 19, 23, 193

‘Uyghurness’ 228

Uzbeks 7

veils, wearing of 155, 167, 169

Veracini, Lorenzo 26

villages, Uyghur, transformation of 229

violent incidents involving the Uyghurs 153, 156, 162166, 169170, 179181, 203, 207208, 237238, 244

virtual private networks (VPNs) 206

Wang Enmao 47

Wang Lequan 145

war crimes 1314

war on terror, Chinese 194

see also Global War on Terror


between sovereign states 1516

goals of 1617

rules of engagement in 1213, 16

see also ‘People’s War on Terror’

Wayne, Martin 88

Waziristan 114120, 122127, 156, 159, 188, 241, 255

‘weapons of mass destruction’ 64

work programs 140141, 146, 153

World Uyghur Congress 92, 180, 184

Xhang Xhunxian 180

Xi Jinping 5, 171175, 195, 204, 227, 234


history of relations with countries other than China 28

map of province viii

origin of name 910, 3031

‘Xinjiang Class’ schools 140, 153154

‘Xinjiang Papers’ 172

Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (XPCC) 4651, 136

Xinjiang University 139

Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) 1, 7, 4446, 5156, 239

closed off from the rest of the world 48

Xinjiang Work Forums

First (2010) 149154

Second (2014) 174175, 227

Yakub Beg 29

Yüsüp, Zäydin 53, 100, 102104

Zenn, Jacob 120

Zenz, Adrian 202203, 211214, 219221, 232233

Zhang Chunxian 149, 173175, 181, 186, 204

Zhang Zhizhong 41

Zhu Hailun 210

Zizek, Slavoj 1517

Zunghar Empire 2729