Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.
“Against the Rhapsody in Praise of West Lake” (poem; Pham Thai), 242
Agrarian Reform Law (1953), 496
agriculture: Chinese introduction of, 25, 26; collectivization of, 448–49, 496–99, 518; in French colonial period, 348, 352–53, 370, 373, 417, 428–29; in independence period, 448–49, 488, 496–99, 504, 506, 517–22; in Le dynasty, 91, 103–5, 123–24, 166–67, 496; in Ly-Tran-Ho period, 29, 30, 41, 42, 71; in Mac dynasty, 92; in Nguyen dynasty, 273, 274; reforms of, 370, 373, 504, 506, 518–19; taxation of, 273–74, 352–53; in Tay Son dynasty, 166–68; in Trinh-Nguyen period, 175n.18, 199; and war against France, 462; and Westernization, 428–29
Aleni, Giulio, 173
American war (1960–1975): bombing in, 454, 469; and Cambodia, 467; and Catholicism, 550; and Geneva Agreements, 455; Ho Chi Minh on, 454–57; and Japan, 471; and Laos, 465, 467; literature on, 542–47; and NLF, 454, 455, 478, 484–85, 550; opposition to, in U.S., 456, 468–69, 472; and Paris peace talks, 467, 468, 469, 470; Phoenix program in, 467; and reunification, 487, 489; Tet Offensive in, 448, 463–73, 543; Vietnamese military in, 448, 570–76; Vietnamization policy in, 466, 469, 470, 552n.56; women in, 472, 478, 482–83, 547, 551, 553
An Duong (Thuc Phan; king of Au Lac), 13–14, 243n.101, 314
An Lushan, 207, 339n.3, 340n.7
Analects (Confucius), 59, 191n.35, 296n.21, 321n.44
Annam (Annan), 1, 12, 16, 72, 154, 258, 259, 260; French protectorate of, 337, 348, 382. See also Vietnam: names for
ancestor worship, 26, 74, 92, 107, 111, 130, 136, 439, 442–43, 500, 552
Angkor, kingdom of (Cambodia), 29, 33, 46, 54, 83–84
aristocracy, 20, 426; in Le dynasty, 89, 91–93, 116, 118, 127–28; vs. literati, 119–20; in Ly-Tran-Ho period, 29, 31, 46, 51, 54, 63, 73, 75, 78–79, 83, 87–88, 226; in Mac dynasty, 92. See also elites
Aristotle, 407n.48
Army for National Salvation. See Vietnam, Democratic Republic of: People’s Army of Vietnam
art, artists, 351, 406, 450–51, 525–27, 530, 532–35
Association for Annamese Intellectual and Moral Development (AFIMA), 403
August Revolution (1945), 447, 459, 473–76, 518, 549, 553, 575–76
Bac Ho Bich, 365
Bac Thuan, 282
Bach Dang River, battles of, 36, 37, 38
Bach Xuan Nguyen, 281
Bamboo Grove (Truc Lam) school (Thien Buddhism), 30, 54–56, 151–52, 174, 176–80
Bamboo Manual (Dai Kaizhi), 173
Bao Dai emperor (Nguyen dynasty), 475
Barbusse, Henri, 529
“Bell of Thien Mu, The” (poem; Nha Ca), 543, 546–47
bells, 114, 295, 322, 329–31, 361, 369, 543–44, 546–47
Binh Thuan, 262
Bo De (king of Champa), 141
Bodhidharma, 49
Bong (Ai Lao chief), 87
Book of Good Government of the Hong Duc Era (Hong Duc thien chinh thu), 110, 133, 135, 136, 522
Britain: colonialism of, 255, 275, 276, 384; democracy in, 380; press in, 373
Buddhism, 2, 10, 16; and Cao Dai, 429, 430, 432; vs. Catholicism, 329; in Champa, 10, 30; and China, 18–19, 49–50, 180; and Confucianism, 57–58, 95, 108–9, 113–15, 174–75, 177, 182–83, 329; and Daoism, 114–15; and education, 434, 437; and enlightenment/release, 44, 46, 48–49, 55; and festivals, 223, 225–26; and filial piety, 322, 435; in French colonial period, 336–37, 351, 434–38; and government, 60, 61, 69; in Le dynasty, 90, 93, 106, 138; and literati, 53–54, 57–58, 113–15, 124–25; and ly, 177–80; in Ly-Tran-Ho period, 28–31, 37, 44–46, 48–60, 77, 83, 85, 176; in Mac dynasty, 92; Mahayana, 434, 554, 559; and mindfulness, 554–61; in modern Vietnam, 449, 554–61, 565; in Nguyen dynasty, 264, 269, 300, 304–6, 321, 322–23, 329–30; pagodas of, 329–31; in poetry, 18–19, 35–36, 45–46, 300, 304–6; Pure Land, 225; restrictions on, 109, 228, 567, 569; revival of, 300, 434–38, 554; sounds in, 175–77; in south, 294, 448; vs. spirit cults, 56, 324, 329; and Tay Son dynasty, 165, 231; Theravada, 434; as “third force,” 554–61; in Three Teachings, 114–15, 175, 429; Tiantai, 49; in Tran dynasty, 47, 54–56, 174, 176; in Trinh-Nguyen period, 151, 153, 170, 173–86, 227; in U.S., 554; and women, 293. See also Bamboo Grove (Truc Lam) school; Hoa Hao; Thien (Chan, Zen) Buddhism
Bui Cam Ho, 107
Bui Duong Lich, 152
Bui Quang Chieu, 385
Bui Si Tiem, 188–91
Bui Thi Xuan (Bui Nguyen Xuan), 312n.36, 365
bureaucracy: vs. aristocracy, 90–92; in China, 89–90, 92, 94; in Le dynasty, 90–92, 94, 109, 120, 137; in Socialist Republic of Vietnam, 520; in Trinh-Nguyen period, 149–51, 153, 188, 192–93, 195–200. See also government
Burma. See Myanmar
calendars, 245nn.117–21, 313–14
Cam Thanh (queen mother, Ly dynasty), 75
Cambodia (Kampuchea), 29, 259, 357; and American war, 467; economic cooperation with, 507, 582; in French colonial period, 319; in Trinh-Nguyen period, 149, 218. See also Angkor, kingdom of; Funan, state of; Khmer people; Zhenla
Can Vuong (Save the King) movement, 340, 369
Canh (prince, Nguyen dynasty), 254
Canh Hung. See Le Hien Tong
Cao Bang, 293, 475, 572–74, 576
Cao Cao (Tao Thao), 206n.51
Cao Dai (Great Way of the Third Period of Salvation), 337, 429–34, 449, 485
Cao Duc Sieu, 331
Cao Hoang. See Le Thai To
Cao Lo, 13–14
Cao Van Vien, 464
Cao Zhi, 362n.29
capitalism, 488, 530; and democracy, 495; and global economy, 337, 449, 579–83; and imperialism, 487; and Marxism, 488; and reform, 494–95, 507
Castro, Guilhem de, 403
Categorized Records of the Institutions of Successive Dynasties (Lich trieu hien chuong loai chi; Phan Huy Chu), 4, 112, 265, 273–74, 277–80, 315–17
Categorized Sayings from the Van Terrace (Van dai loai ngu; Le Quy Don), 170–74
Catholicism, 223, 329; in American war, 482, 550; vs. Buddhism, 329; in French colonial period, 360, 363; and Marxism, 561–64; in Nguyen dynasty, 256, 284, 325–26; in Republic of Vietnam, 447–48, 476, 482; in reunified Vietnam, 449, 569
Celestial South’s [Records Made] at Leisure (Thien Nam du ha tap), 130, 132, 241
Chaisson, John, 466
Champa, 1, 263–64; Buddhism in, 10, 30; and China, 10–11, 27, 140–41; culture of, 43, 82–83; in French colonial period, 357; in independence period, 576; and Le dynasty, 91–92, 94, 138, 139–42, 143; in Ly-Tran-Ho period, 29, 31, 33, 40, 47–48, 68, 82–84, 87, 89; and Nguyen dynasty, 261–63, 316; in Trinh-Nguyen period, 148–50, 154, 241
Chat Da Tu Na, 264
Che Bong Nga, 141
Chen dynasty (China), 154
Chen Shi, 178
Chen Shou, 10–12, 15, 17, 21–22, 26
Cheng (Chinese ruler of antiquity), 32
Cheng Hao, 59
Cheng Tang, 246n.124
Cheng Yi, 59
Chi Dam (prince). See Minh Mang emperor
Chi Thanh (Cam Thanh; Buddhist monk), 62
Chieu Linh Queen Mother (Ly dynasty), 84–85
“Child-Giving Guanyin, The,” 180–86
children: Le Code on, 133–34; in Marriage and Family Law, 539–40
China: and Buddhism, 18–19, 49–50, 180; bureaucracy of, 89–90, 92, 94; calendar of, 313–14; and Champa, 10–11, 27, 140–41; culture of, 10, 17, 232, 235, 241, 245nn.120–21, 383; dominance of, 9–28, 153–55; envoys to, 263, 270, 300; and European colonialism, 255, 275–76, 284, 320; in French colonial period, 373–75, 404; geography of, 4, 96–97; influence of, 25–26, 81, 84, 116, 295, 297–98, 306–7, 407–8, 522; and Le dynasty, 93, 121–22, 138–39, 202, 217; literature of, 95, 239–41, 403, 405; in Ly-Tran-Ho period, 32, 36, 40, 67, 93; and names for Vietnam, 258–60; and Nguyen dynasty, 254, 277, 286, 288, 290; People’s Republic of (PRC), 577, 579; and Tay Son, 148, 167–69; trade with, 43, 150, 162–64, 167, 210, 370; in Trinh-Nguyen period, 149–50, 154, 217. See also classics, Chinese; poetry, Chinese; specific dynasties
Chinese, ethnic, 152, 230n.86, 269, 314–15; in north, 308, 576–77; and PRC, 577; and rebellions, 148, 282; in south, 448, 576
Chinese language, written, 11, 369, 403, 418, 429; in south, 298–99; vs. Vietnamese script 3, 336, 374
Christianity: and Cao Dai, 429; vs. Confucianism, 256; vs. filial piety, 256, 326, 328; in French colonial period, 257, 318, 320, 363; and Le Van Khoi rebellion, 281–82, 327n.50; opposition to, 254, 256, 321, 324–28; Protestant, 449, 567; restrictions on, 162, 256–57, 325–28, 567; in reunified Vietnam, 449, 562, 567, 569. See also Catholicism
Chronicle of Dai Viet (Dai Viet su ky; Le Van Huu), 27, 103, 122; on Ly-Tran-Ho period, 32–33, 41, 44, 46, 53, 67, 80, 82–83, 84–86
Chronicle of Dai Viet, Continued (Dai Viet su ky; Phan Phu Tien), xxxvi, 108, 118–19
Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms (San guo zhi; Chen Shou), 11, 15, 26
Chronicle of the Wu Dynasty (Chen Shou), 11, 15, 17, 21
Chronicles of the Prefectural Borders (Phu bien tap luc; Le Quy Don), 163–64
Chu Cong. See Zhou, Duke of
chu nom (Vietnamese script), 3, 153, 205, 242
Chu Van An, 31, 57–58, 70, 109, 266
Chu Van Tan, 570–76
Churchill, Winston, 475n.23
Cid, Le (Corneille), 403
civilization, discourses on, 48–51, 112, 342, 370, 375
“Civilization of New Learning, A” (Tonkin Free School), 369–75
Classic of Changes (Yijing): and Buddhism, 175n.19; and Confucianism, 170, 172, 418; in Nguyen dynasty, 270, 316; and southern culture, 295; in Tay Son dynasty, 208n.60, 245n.119; in Trinh-Nguyen period, 189n.30, 216, 240
Classic of Documents (Shujing), 17, 114, 219n.71, 242n.94, 270n.6, 316, 321
Classic of Poetry (Shijing), 76, 83, 161n.7, 204n.46, 216, 239, 247nn.128–30
Classic of Rites (Liji), 245n.117, 249, 251, 296n.23
classics, Chinese: Five, 16–17, 240, 273; and Le dynasty, 90, 241; in Ly-Tran-Ho period, 30, 32, 39–40, 53, 76, 79–80; vs. modern education, 371–72; vs. Neo-Confucianism, 111–12; in south, 298; translations of, 194; in Trinh-Nguyen period, 151
Clifford, Clark, 468
Cloche fêlée, Le (newspaper), 382
clothing, 43, 107, 138, 226, 536; in north, 308–9; regulation of, 227; in south, 294, 295–96; and Westernization, 427
Cochinchina (French colony), 1, 308, 337, 344n.17
Collected Poems from a Journey to the North (Bac hanh thi tap; Nguyen Du), 404
Collection of Viet Verse, 236
colonialism: and Christianity, 257, 318, 320, 363; and culture, 522–24, 526. See also Britain: colonialism of; France: colonialism of
Communist Party, Chinese (CCP), 457
Communist Party, Indochinese, 447–48; and morality, 396–402; and war against France, 458–61. See also Vietnam Workers’ Party
Communist Party of Vietnam, 530, 553, 565, 571; and August Revolution, 576; and Catholics, 561–62; and class struggle, 458, 480, 497; and corruption, 491–92, 518; and democracy, 493–96; and economy, 509–17, 518; and Fifth Party Congress (1982), 504; and global economy, 579, 585; and one-party government, 493–95, 508; and Sixth Party Congress (1986), 504–9, 584; and Third Party Congress (1960), 487
Compiled Poetry of the Song and Yuan, 237
Complete Anthology of Vietnamese Literature, The (Le Quy Don), 36, 39, 58, 70, 235–39, 277
Complete Chronicle of Dai Viet (Dai Viet su ky toan thu; Ngo Si Lien): on foreign peoples, 85–88; on Ly-Tran-Ho period, 40, 42–43, 53, 58, 65–66, 78–81; on mapping, 90; revised edition of (1479), 111, 120, 134
Complete Chronicle of Dai Viet, Continued (Dai Viet su ky toan thu; 1540s), xxxvi, 94, 106, 120, 134, 139, 143; on Le dynasty, 97, 101, 109, 118, 121–23, 128, 132. See also Phan Phu Tien
Complete Compilation of the Geography of Dai Viet, The (Dai Viet dia du toan bien; Nguyen Van Sieu), 263–65
Complete Poetry Collection of the Viet (Le Quy Don), 18
Complete [Record of] Institutions, 241
Complete Tang Poetry, 237
Confucianism: and Buddhism, 57–58, 95, 108–9, 113–15, 174–75, 177, 182–83, 329; and Cao Dai, 429–30; vs. Christianity, 256; and culture, 383, 415; and Daoism, 174; and education, 415, 421–24; Five Human Relationships in, 124–25, 216; in French colonial period, 335, 372, 375, 389, 396; and government, 69, 109–10, 124–25, 422; in independence period, 447; in Le dynasty, 92–93, 103, 105, 109–12, 130, 135, 200–203; and literature, 239, 241, 405; in Ly-Tran-Ho period, 30–31, 48, 53, 57–58, 83, 108; in Mac dynasty, 92, 96; and modernization, 336, 414–24; on morality, 110–12, 305, 419, 421, 424, 439; in Nguyen dynasty, 254, 256, 277, 280, 284, 294, 306–7; in Republic of Vietnam, 476; in reunified Vietnam, 449; vs. spirit cults, 324; in Trinh-Nguyen period, 153, 170, 173–74, 232; and women, 110, 111, 292. See also Neo-Confucianism
Confucianism (Nho giao; Tran Trong Kim), 414–24
Confucius: in French colonial period, 376, 420–21; and literature, 241–42, 277; in Ly-Tran-Ho period, 58–59; in Nguyen dynasty, 328; and revival of Buddhism, 436; in Trinh-Nguyen period, 174, 215n.65, 244n.104. See also Analects
Constitutionalist Party, 385n.46
Continuation of the Chronicle of Dai Viet, A (Dai Viet su ky tuc bien; 1780s), xxxvii, 94, 97, 101, 106, 109, 118, 120–21, 123, 128, 132
Coomaraswami, Ananda, 384
Corneille, Pierre, 403
corvée. See labor service
Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA), 507, 583–84
“Courtesan” (poem; Xuan Dieu), 409–11
criticism, self-criticism, 397, 401–2
culture: of Champa, 43, 82–83; Chinese, 10, 17, 232, 235, 241, 245nn.120–21, 383; and colonialism, 522–24, 526; Confucian, 383, 415; and ethnic relations, 138–39; European, 313–15, 382, 388, 425; foreign, 82–83, 87–88, 91, 523; French, 336, 402–3, 407–8, 522–24, 526; in independence period, 522–54; Indian, 383–84; Japanese, 383, 425; in Le dynasty, 126–37; in Ly-Tran-Ho period, 73–81; Marxism on, 522–30; in modern Vietnam, 521–22; and modernization, 336, 415–24; and nationalism, 384, 389, 523–25; in Nguyen dynasty, 255, 257, 266, 292–310, 320; of north, 308–10; in period of Northern empire, 25–27; reform of, 374, 382–89; in reunified Vietnam, 449, 521; socialist, 487–88; of south, 281, 294–99; in Trinh-Nguyen period, 223–51; and Vatican II, 561; Western, 403, 406–9, 417, 424–29, 450
currency: in Le dynasty, 97–98, 165; in modern Vietnam, 510, 514, 516; in Nguyen dynasty, 274; in Trinh-Nguyen period, 150, 165–66
Cuu Chi, 45
Da Bao, 62–63
Da Bia Mountains, 155
Da Shan, 151
Dai (king of Zhou), 340
Dai Hanh empress, 187
Dai Kaizhi, 173
Dai La, xxiii, 13, 28, 32, 35, 268. See also Hanoi
Dai Viet, 1, 72, 258, 260. See also Vietnam: names for
Dam Di Mong, 77
Dame aux camélias, La (Dumas), 393
Dang Trung marquis, 213
Dao Duy Anh, 424–29
Dao Huang, 27
Daoism, 16, 54, 175nn.17–18, 295; and Buddhism, 114–15; and Cao Dai, 429–30; and Confucianism, 174
Dat Khuat, 264
Declaration of Independence (U.S.), 473–74, 495
Declaration of Independence (Vietnam), 473–76, 495
democracy: in French colonial period, 336, 353, 375–82; and Mencius, 375, 376; vs. monarchy, 376–78, 381; new socialist, 522–24; in Republic of Vietnam, 476–78; in reunified Vietnam, 449, 490–91, 493–96, 580; and war against France, 462–63, 574
Democratic Republic of Vietnam. See Vietnam, Democratic Republic of
Departed Spirits of the Viet Realm (Viet dien u linh tap; Ly Te Xuyen), 19, 23, 33, 37, 47, 56, 68, 242, 324
Di Renjie, 323
Diao Gan of Qin, 341n.11
Dien Bien Phu, battle of (1954), 447, 457, 460, 481, 530
Dieu Nhan, 46
dikes, 30, 42, 91, 197, 303, 329
Dinh Dat, 326
Dinh dynasty, 93, 156, 218, 261, 277, 316
Dinh Hang Lang, 44
Dinh Khuong Lien, 44
Dinh Thu Cuc, 517–22
“Dirge for All Ten Classes of Beings, A” (poem; Nguyen Du), 299–304
Do Anh Vu, 51–52, 63–65, 67, 73–75, 83–84, 122–23
Do Tu Binh, 109
Doi Moi (Renovation), 449, 490, 504–9, 517, 565. See also reform
Dong Ho paintings, 450–51
Dong Kinh Nghia Thuc. See Tonkin Free School
Duhamel, Georges, 527
Duong Duc Nhan, 238
Duong Thanh, 154
Duong Thi Bi, 118
Duong Van An, 92, 96–97, 125–26, 189, 279
economy: and foreign relations, 507, 579–85; in French colonial period, 337, 387; global, 337, 449, 579–85; in independence period, 496–522; inflation in, 510, 513–17; of Le dynasty, 91, 97–106; of Liberated Zone, 574; in Ly-Tran-Ho period, 29, 41–43, 97; of Nguyen dynasty, 253, 273–76; in period of Northern empire, 15–16; reforms of, 191–93, 394, 491–93, 496, 504–9; in reunified Vietnam, 449, 486–89; in Trinh-Nguyen period, 150–51, 162–70, 191–95
Edison, Thomas, 370
education: Catholic vs. socialist, 563–64; classical vs. modern, 371–72; and Confucianism, 415, 421–24; in French colonial period, 336, 390–93, 399, 415–18, 421–24; in Japan, 391–92; in Le dynasty, 133; in Liberated Zone, 574–75; and Marxism, 396, 524; and morality, 422–24; in Nguyen dynasty, 256, 308; reforms of, 284, 369–75, 390–93, 394; in Republic of Vietnam, 477; in reunified Vietnam, 449, 521–22, 563–64, 568; and revival of Buddhism, 434, 437; in science, 422–23; and Tonkin Free School, 284, 336, 369–75, 386, 449; in Trinh-Nguyen period, 227; Western, 369, 372, 382, 414, 418, 426, 429
elephants, 15, 20, 104–5, 140, 164, 192, 201, 211, 224, 264–65, 282, 303, 311, 325, 379
elites, 2, 4; and Buddhism, 180; and Chinese culture, 10, 17, 415; in French colonial period, 336, 390–93, 406, 414, 420–21; in Nguyen dynasty, 258; and reform, 387–93; in Republic of Vietnam, 476; in Trinh-Nguyen period, 223, 226–27, 235. See also aristocracy; literati
Eminent Monks of the Thien Community (Thien uyen tap an), 18, 35, 38, 45, 60–61, 69, 236
Engels, Friedrich, 526
Essential Poetry Collection (Duong Duc Nhan), 238
ethnic minorities, 11, 23, 29, 30, 69, 81–82, 84–88, 137, 143–44; Nung, 570
ethnic relations: and Communist Party, 448; in Democratic Republic of Vietnam, 542; in Le dynasty, 137–44; in Liberated Zone, 574; in Ly-Tran-Ho period, 43, 81–88; and names, 93, 143; in period of Northern empire, 27; in Republic of Vietnam, 576–79; in reunified Vietnam, 449, 568, 570. See also Chinese, ethnic
Europeans, 173; and Confucianism, 423; culture of, 378, 425; as model, 372–73, 375, 429; and Nguyen dynasty, 254–56, 258, 286–87; observations of, 313–15; and Tay Son, 167, 168–70; trade with, 148–50, 162–63, 167–70, 275–76; vs. Vietnamese culture, 382, 388; and war against France, 353, 356. See also Britain: colonialism of; France: colonialism of; Westernization
examination system: in French colonial period, 336, 372, 374, 406, 415, 424, 426; in Le dynasty, 90, 108, 119, 200–203; in Nguyen dynasty, 254, 266, 269, 278, 284; reform of, 189, 284, 372, 374; in Trinh-Nguyen period, 153, 161, 174, 188–89, 209, 227, 240, 244n.103; and women, 292–93
family, 26, 31, 34, 43–44, 76, 110–11, 129, 131–36, 164, 184, 193, 198, 215–16, 218, 225, 227–29, 232–33, 248, 249–51, 255, 288, 294–95, 297–99, 305, 327–28; and class structure, 426–27; divisions of, 215–16; in French colonial period, 345, 363, 366, 379; and lack of social progress, 407–8; and legal equality of women, 436–42; and moral education, 390, 439, 477; and national heritage, 357; and patrilineality, 110, 136; and rituals, 198, 225, 227–28, 249–51, 255, 294–98
Family Instructions (Yan Zhitui), 173
Family Rituals of Wen Gong (Van Cong Gia Le; Zhu Xi), 295
festivals, 187, 201, 223–28, 308–9, 429; weddings and funerals, 131, 134–35, 350, 443, 521
feudalism, 457–58, 487, 489, 497, 518, 520
filial piety, 34, 68; and Buddhism, 322, 435; and Cao Dai, 430; vs. Christianity, 256, 326, 328; in French colonial period, 392, 404, 419; and Hoa Hao, 438–39, 443; in Le dynasty, 111, 124–25, 130, 134, 137, 190; in Trinh-Nguyen period, 155, 191n.35, 199, 216, 224n.76, 227
Five Classics. See classics, Chinese: Five
Five Emperors (Yellow Emperor, Emperor Zhuanxu, Emperor Ku, Emperor Yao, Emperor Shun), 217, 218n.69
five phases, 171–72
Following the Brush Amid the Rains (Vu trung tuy but; Pham Dinh Ho), 186–88, 248–50
food, shortages of, 166–67, 195, 354, 378; in modern Vietnam, 509–17
foreign relations: and global economy, 507, 579–85; of Le dynasty, 90–93, 143; of Nguyen dynasty, 311–20; and religion, 569–70; of Socialist Republic of Vietnam, 579–85
Four Books, 240
France: collaborators with, 345–47, 362, 395; colonialism of, 1, 256–57, 317–20, 335–444, 379, 461, 486, 518, 522–24, 526; conquest of Cochinchina by, 308; culture of, 336, 373, 402–3, 407–8, 522–24, 526; demands of, 317–20; exploitation of Vietnam by, 347, 363, 387, 393; government of, 380–81; influence of, 402–3, 407–8, 424, 425, 429; and Japanese occupation, 447, 474–75; language of, 374; literature of, 405–6, 527–28; missionaries from, 255–56, 275; and Nguyen dynasty, 219–22, 255–56; and Nguyen family, 168–69; and reform, 386–87, 393–94; resistance against, 342, 359–69, 413, 452–54, 457–63, 475; trade with, 221–22, 370; travelers in, 284, 382; war against (1945–1954), 335, 337, 402, 448, 450–54, 456–63, 473, 547, 550–51, 553, 570, 573–74
From the Land of Tien Giang (Tu dat Tien Giang; Nguyen Thi Thap), 547–54
Fu Chai, 366
Fu Xi, 249
Fukuzawa Yukichi, 369
Funan, state of (Cambodia), 27, 154, 263–64
Gao Pian (Cao Bien, Cao Vuong), 13–14, 24, 28, 32–33, 35, 67, 243, 267, 268
Gao Xin, 323
General History of Dai Viet (Dai Viet thong su), 239–42
Geneva Agreements (1954), 455, 476, 478, 548
Geographical Records of the Unified Imperial South, The (Hoang Viet nhat thong du dia chi; Le Quang Dinh), 261–62
geography: in Le-Mac period, 93–97; in Ly-Tran-Ho period, 31–41; and mapping, 90, 94, 261; in Nguyen dynasty, 257, 258–73, 308; in period of Northern empire, 11–14; and personality, 96–97; and tides, 271–72; in Trinh-Nguyen period, 152, 153–61
Geography (Du dia chi; Nguyen Trai), 138
geomancy, 130–31, 209, 243nn.97, 99, 270, 371
Gia Dinh, xxviii, xxix–xxx, xxxvii, 148, 164–65, 253, 257, 262, 269–73, 280, 294, 297, 299, 311–12, 318–20, 326, 378n.42
Gia Dinh Citadel Records (Gia Dinh thanh thong chi; Trinh Hoai Duc), 96, 257, 264, 269–73, 294–99, 324–25
Gia Du emperor. See Nguyen Hoang
Gia Long emperor (Nguyen Anh; Nguyen dynasty), 32, 93, 229, 253–54, 261, 281, 404; and Buddhism, 109; and Christianity, 254, 256; and defeat of Tay Son, 148–49, 253, 262, 299, 311–13; edicts of, 255, 257, 320–24, 377; and France, 169, 219–22, 256; on names of Vietnam, 72, 258–59
Giao Chi. See Jiaozhou/Jiaozhi
government: and Buddhism, 60, 61, 69; Chinese influence on, 10; and Confucianism, 69, 109–10, 124–25, 422; and education, 390, 392–93; of France, 380–81; in independence period, 473–96; of Le dynasty, 89–92, 116–24, 126, 128; and literati, 116, 119–21, 126; of Ly-Tran-Ho period, 60–72, 79–80; of Mac dynasty, 124–25; and morality, 414; of Nguyen dynasty, 120, 253–55, 259, 273, 277–92; and omens, 61; in period of Northern empire, 20–24; queen mothers in, 122–23; reforms of, 79–80, 390, 392–93, 493–96, 509; representative, 355, 375–82; by sage-kings, 69, 70; of Tay Son dynasty, 120; in Trinh-Nguyen period, 203–22
Gu Yuan, 341
Guan Chong, 301
Guangdong, 9, 22n.9, 25n.12, 97n.3, 168–69, 258, 309, 320
Guangxi, 21n.9, 25n.12, 97n.3, 168–69, 258
Guanyin. See Quan Am
Guiding Diagram to Zen Schools (Luoc Dan Thien Phai Do), 174
Guo Ziyi, 341
Ha Tien, xxviii, 152, 162, 325
Ha Van My, 345
Hai Duong, 214, 266, 292–93, 319
Hai Ty, 550
Hai Van (pass), 155, 209, 210, 358
Ham Nghi emperor (Nguyen dynasty), 339–42, 343, 379n.43
Han dynasty (China), 9, 11–12, 17; clothing of, 295; currency in, 166; histories of, 21, 25, 245nn.120–21; and India, 286; influence of, 14, 16; and Le dynasty, 93, 138; and Ly-Tran-Ho period, 67, 72; and Nguyen dynasty, 316; and Trinh-Nguyen period, 154, 206, 236, 240; and Trung sisters, 56; and Western calendar, 314
Han Gaozu (Liu Bang; Chinese emperor, Han dynasty), 207n.55, 236, 361n.24, 362n.28
Han Guangwu (Chinese emperor, Eastern Han dynasty), 56, 208n.59, 312
Han Lam (Hanlin) Academy, 79
Han Wudi (Chinese emperor, Western Han dynasty), 142, 173, 236
Hanoi, xxii, xxiv, xxx, xxxii, 3, 13, 20n.8, 26, 34n.3, 40, 61, 232, 257, 263, 308–9, 329, 337n.4, 373, 426–27, 455, 469, 473, 478, 486, 513, 530, 548–49, 551, 571n.63, 576. See also Thang Long
heroes, heroines, 72, 112, 346, 361–68, 398, 459, 470, 472, 476. See also Le Thai To; Quang Trung (emperor); Tran Quoc Tuan; Trung sisters
Hesse, Herman, 559
Hien Chi Queen Mother (Ly dynasty), 64
Hien Mai, 573
Hieu Vu emperor. See Nguyen The Tong
“History of the Country of Annam” (Lich su nuoc Annam; Bento Thien), 123, 223–26
History of the Han Dynasty (Hanshu; Ban Gu), 245n.121
History of the Later Han Dynasty (Hou Han shu; Fan Ye), 21, 25
“History of the Loss of the Country, The” (Viet Nam vong quoc su; Phan Boi Chau), 342–53
Ho Chi Minh (Nguyen Ai Quoc), 396–402, 447, 470–71; on American war, 454–57; and August Revolution, 575, 576; on culture, 525; Declaration of Independence of, 473–76; and democratic reform, 495; on land reform, 496–99; and Marriage and Family Law, 536; on reunification, 486–87; and Viet Minh, 571, 573
Ho Chi Minh Trail (Truong Son trail), 467, 576
Ho dynasty, 31, 40, 89, 97, 118, 241
Ho Hao Nghia, 485
Ho Quy Ly (Le Quy Ly; emperor, Ho dynasty), 31, 72, 90, 165; and literati, 58–60, 81, 111–12
Ho Xuan Huong, 305–6
Hoa Hao (Peace and Harmony; Buddhist sect), 337, 438–44, 449
Hoang Cam, 450–54
Hoang Cao Khai, 346
Hoang Dao, 406–9
Hoang Dieu, 337–39
Hoang To, 204
Hoang Van Thai, 575
Hoanh, Mount, 140, 155, 165, 312, 358
Hoi Luong, 282
Hon Dien, 263
Hong Kong, 396
Hongwu. See Ming Taizu
Hou Chi (Hau Tac), 51
household registers. See village registers
Huang Fu, 267
Huang Gai, 365
Hue, xxxvi, 40, 92, 96, 125, 253–55, 280, 306, 340, 372, 543, 562. See also Phu Xuan
Hue Lam, 47–48
Huineng, 53
Huizong Tangxiu, 239
Hung kings, xxi, 31, 39–40, 59, 156, 436
hunger, 73, 117, 123–24, 474, 510
Huong Hai, 239
huong hoa (incense and fire) ritual land, 130, 136, 137, 500
Huy Quan, 210
Huyen Thien, 267
Huynh Cong Ly, 281
Huynh Phu So, 438–44
“Ideal of Annamese Youth, The” (L’idéal de la jeunesse annamite; Nguyen An Ninh), 382–89
Imperial Rescript on Education (Japan), 391–92
imperialism, 518, 526–28, 581; war against, 457–59, 474. See also Britain: colonialism of; France: colonialism of
Imperially Ordered Mirror and Commentary on the History of the Viet, The (Kham dinh Viet su thong giam cuong muc), 290–92
India, 264, 286; in Ly-Tran-Ho period, 48, 49, 50; trade with, 15, 18; vs. Vietnamese culture, 383–84, 405
individualism, 390, 406–9, 426, 524, 542; vs. collectivism, 398–402, 522, 524
industrialization, 373, 417, 493, 584; and new working class, 427–28; and reform, 374, 394, 504–6; and socialism, 487–88
“Intellectual and Moral Reform” (Réforme intellectuelle et morale; Pham Quynh), 389–93
Italy, 284
Japan: and American war, 471; and August Revolution, 576; culture of, 383, 425; currency from, 165; and French colonialism, 367, 447, 474–75; and global economy, 582; modernization of, 375, 391; occupation of Vietnam by, 414, 447, 474–75; press in, 373; and reform, 389, 391–93; representative government in, 355; and Russo-Japanese War, 365, 391; trade with, 150, 162; Vietnamese in, 335, 342; war against, 456, 473, 475, 572–75
Jiaozhou/Jiaozhi (northern Vietnam), 1, 11–13, 21, 27, 31, 50, 273, 295
Jie (tyrant, Xia dynasty), 346, 362
Jin dynasty (China), 27
Jin Wen Gong, 224n.76
Jing Ke, 364
Jiuzhen (Cuu-chan), 22, 25, 56, 80
Johnson, Lyndon B., 454–55, 468
Kang Senghui, 49–50
Kangxi (Chinese emperor, Qing dynasty), 306
Kelley, Liam, 94
Kham Clan Book of Protocol (Kham Thi Nghi Tiet), 295
Khanh Duc emperor (Le dynasty), 143, 162–63
Khanh Phuong, 573
Khanh Thai, 263
Khao Vuong, 204
khi (essence). See qi
Khuyen Luong, 162
Kinh (lowland Vietnamese), 2
Korea (Chosŏn), 139
Ky Dao, 224
La San, 207
labor service, 100, 228, 324; in French colonial period, 348, 350; in south, 297–98; in Tay Son dynasty, 166–67
labor unions, 428
Lac Long, kingdom of, 265
Lam, Mount (Lam Son), 89–92, 116, 128, 132–33, 156, 205, 290, 358
Lam Ap. See Champa
“Lament for the South” (poem; Hoang Quang), 153, 229–31
Lan Xuyen, 266
land reform: in Democratic Republic of Vietnam, 448, 496–99; in Republic of Vietnam, 448, 499–503; in reunified Vietnam, 449; and war against France, 457–59, 461–62. See also property
Land to the Tiller Program, 499–503
landlordism, 480, 497–503, 518, 520, 574
Lao people, 1, 23, 69, 87, 138
Lao Qua, 143
Laos, 86, 91, 259, 357; and American war, 465, 467; economic relations with, 507, 582
Laozi, 175n.19
Laozi (Lao Tu), 115
laws: Chinese, 11, 21, 89; and democracy vs. monarchy, 376–78, 381; European, 314–15; extraterritorial, 318; and festivals, 224; on foreign trade, 101–3; on land reform, 496, 499–503; Marriage and Family, 536–42; in Nguyen dynasty, 277–78, 307, 317, 377–78; on property, 98–100; and reforms, 189–90, 495, 509; on religion, 565–70; of Republic of Vietnam, 576–79; of Socialist Republic of Vietnam, 565–70; in south, 281, 283, 299; vs. spirit cults, 323; sumptuary, 226, 321; in Trinh-Nguyen period, 196–97, 241. See also Le Code
Le Ba Ngoc, 74
Le Chieu Tong (emperor, Le dynasty), 126, 156–57, 217
Le Code, 89–90, 92, 98–106, 126–37, 277; on children, 133–34; on ethnic relations, 137–38, 143; on marriage, 131, 134–35, 249, 536; and morality, 133, 306; on property, 91, 98–100, 117, 126–27, 129, 132–33, 136–37, 496; on religion, 320; and ritual, 136–37, 186; on taxes, 117–18, 273; on trade, 162; on women, 134–36
Le Du Tong (emperor, Le dynasty), 190, 205
Le dynasty: agriculture in, 91, 103–5, 123–24, 166–67, 496; and China, 93, 121–22, 138–39, 202, 217; Christianity in, 328; currency of, 97–98, 165; economy of, 97–106, 274; and Europeans, 275; expansion of, 261–62; former, 60–61, 89–92; government of, 116–24, 120; and land reform, 98, 448; legends about, 265; and literati, 90–94, 128, 202–3, 242; literature of, 239, 241; loyalists of, 404; military of, 315–17; and names for Vietnam, 260; and Nguyen dynasty, 253, 254, 277, 278, 289–92, 404; and Nguyen family, 149, 159–60, 203–5, 218; overthrow of, by Mac, 125–26, 156–57, 189, 292; overthrow of, by Tay Son, 148, 208–15, 217; poetry of, 93, 236, 311; and resistance against France, 358; Restoration of, 92, 147, 190, 200–201, 207, 236, 242, 278, 290, 316–17, 340; ritual of, 90, 106–8, 139, 187; taxation in, 98, 105, 117–18, 273; and trade, 150, 162–63; and Trinh family, 91–93, 151, 188, 201, 205–15, 218. See also Le Code
Le Hien Tong (Canh Hung; emperor, Ledynasty), 91, 266, 268, 291
Le Huu Trac (Hai Thuong Lan Ong), 73, 232–35
Le Loi. See Le Thai To
Le Man De (emperor, Le dynasty), 291
Le Nganh, 200
Le Nghi Dan (emperor, Le dynasty), 90, 118, 121
Le Ngoa Trieu, 61
Le Nhan Tong (emperor, Le dynasty), 90, 106, 119, 121, 128, 140, 156
Le Ninh. See Le Trang Tong
Le Quang Dinh, 261–62
Le Quy Don, 94, 123, 151–52, 209–10, 239–42, 308; anthologies compiled by, 18, 36, 39, 58, 70, 163–64, 170–74, 235–39, 277
Le Quy Ly. See Ho Quy Ly
Le Thai To (Cao Hoang, Le Loi, Thai To Cao Hoang De; emperor, Le dynasty), 139–40, 156, 205, 267, 311; and Buddhism, 115; and economy, 97, 117; government of, 116, 202, 290; in legend, 61, 268; and Ming, 89–90, 93; and poetry, 236; and ritual, 107–8
Le Thai Tong (Thai Tong Van Hoang De; emperor, Le dynasty), 90, 106–8, 118, 138–40, 156
Le Thanh Tong (emperor, Le dynasty), 90–94, 156, 160, 266, 290; on Champa, 139–42; and Confucianism, 103, 105, 109–11, 241; and foreigners, 101, 143; on government, 119–21, 123–24, 196; and Mac dynasty, 92; on morality, 112, 132–36, 226; on names, 93, 143, 576; and poetry, 236; and ritual, 186
Le Thi Hong Gam, 551
Le Thi Trinh Minh (queen, Ly dynasty), 68
Le Tien Hoang, 236
Le Trang Tong (Le Ninh; emperor, Le dynasty), 156–57, 291, 311
Le Uy Muc (emperor, Le dynasty), 91, 291
Le Van Huu, 27, 46–48, 57, 103, 111; on foreigners, 82–83, 84–85, 86; on government, 122; on Ly-Tran-Ho period, 32–33, 41, 44, 46, 53, 66–67, 80, 83, 85
Le Vinh To, 200
Lei Gong, 233
“Letter from Abroad Written in Blood, A” (Hai ngoai huyet thu; Phan Boi Chau), 353–69
Li Guangbi, 341
Li Jue, 236
Li Mengyang, 179
Li Qingzhao, 239
Li Tong, 59
Liang dynasty (China), 154, 236
Liang Qichao, 375
Lien Trung marquis (Dinh Tich Nhuong), 213
Lieu Diep, 263
Lieu Thang, 206
Linh River, 148, 155, 212n.63, 312–13, 325
Linyi. See Champa
literacy, 371–72, 387, 436, 574
literati: vs. aristocracy, 119–20; and Buddhism, 53–54, 57–58, 113–15, 124–25; and China, 81, 89; and Confucianism, 111–12; criticisms from, 188–91, 194; and foreigners, 85–86, 87–88; in French colonial period, 335, 344, 354; and government, 116, 119–21, 126, 422–23; and Ho dynasty, 58, 59–60, 81, 111, 112; in Le dynasty, 90–94, 128, 202–3, 242; in Ly-Tran-Ho period, 30–31, 51–54, 57–60; in Mac dynasty, 92; in Nguyen dynasty, 254, 258, 277, 279–80; and poetry, 58–59, 70–72, 235, 238; in south, 149–50, 204, 281, 283, 294; and Tay Son, 194, 215–17, 242, 404; in Tran dynasty, 42, 66–67, 70, 79–80; in Trinh-Nguyen period, 149, 151–52, 196; and Vietnamese antiquity, 39–40, 58, 67
literature: and American war, 542–47; Chinese, 95, 239–41, 403, 405; and Communist Party, 448, 522; and Confucianism, 239, 241–42, 277, 405, 424; criticism of, 526–28, 529; “following the brush” (tuy but) genre of, 152, 248; French, 405–6, 527–28; in French colonial period, 336, 372, 374, 527–28; Indian, 405; in Le dynasty, 239, 241; in Nguyen dynasty, 257, 277; in reunified Vietnam, 449; socialist realism in, 524, 525–30; in Trinh-Nguyen period, 152, 239–42; Vietnamese, 3, 235–41, 277, 383, 405–6; Western, 406. See also Temple of Literature
Liu Bang. See Han Gaozu
Liu Long, 56
Liu Qin, 179
Liu Xu, 16
Liu Zhu of Qin, 341n.8
Local Records (Trung), 212
Lotus Sutra, 51
Louis XVI (king of France), 219–22, 256
loyalty, 44, 74, 93, 124, 125, 339, 341, 419
Lu (empress, Han dynasty), 362n.28
Lu Dongbing, 207n.52
Lu Donglai, 237
Lu Jiuyuan, 176
Lu Wen, 240
“Lullaby of Cannons for the Night, A” (song; Trinh Cong Son), 543, 545–46
Luo Congyan, 59
Luu Van Lang, 385
ly (li; proper principle), 123, 124, 152, 170–74; and Buddhism, 177–80
Ly Anh Tong (emperor, Ly dynasty), 42, 57, 64, 74, 76, 83, 84
Ly Cao Tong (emperor, Ly dynasty), 42, 77, 83, 84
Ly Cong Uan. See Ly Thai To
Ly dynasty, 28–29, 39–40, 119, 156, 218; and Buddhism, 29, 46, 176, 180; and China, 33, 154, 316; court society in, 73; defeat of, 65, 85; and geography, 261; government of, 63–65; and Le dynasty, 93; literature of, 200, 241–42; medicine in, 73–74; military of, 316; and neighbors, 81–82; and Nguyen dynasty, 277–78, 290; and poetry, 35–36, 95, 236, 239; ritual in, 106, 186–87; spirit cults in, 28, 33, 61–63; taxation in, 274; and trade, 42, 150; and Tran dynasty, 66–67, 78; women in, 73–77
Ly Hoang, 68–69
Ly Manh Thu, 154
Ly Nhan Tong (emperor, Ly dynasty), 29, 41, 63–64, 74, 77n.28, 316; poetry of, 35–36, 236; and tiger, 243n.100, 268
Ly Phat Tu (king), 122
Ly Te Xuyen, 19, 23, 33, 37–38, 47, 56–57, 68–69, 242, 324
Ly Thai To (Ly Cong Uan; emperor, Ly dynasty), 28, 31–33, 35, 40, 60–63, 242
Ly Thai Tong (emperor, Ly dynasty), 45–46, 68, 74, 316; and foreigners, 81, 83, 85
Ly Thanh Tong (emperor, Ly dynasty), 46–47, 64, 69, 73, 75; and Champa, 53–54, 83; poetry of, 236
Ly Ton, 154
Ma Nhai inscription (1336), 86–87
Ma Yuan (Ma Vien), 9, 20–21, 56, 268
Mac Dang Dung (emperor, Mac dynasty), 92, 156–57, 217, 293
Mac Dinh Chi, 80
Mac dynasty, 92, 157–60, 189, 206; and Confucianism, 114; and Le dynasty, 157, 201, 316; and literature, 241; and Nguyen dynasty, 147, 291; regionalism in, 96–97; success of, 125–26; women in, 92, 136, 250, 292–93
Mac Thien Tu, 152
MacMahon, Patrice de, 380
Mahakasyapa, 49
Mai Thuc Loan, 154
Maitreya Buddha, 329
mandarins. See literati
Mandate of Heaven, 86, 117, 142, 217, 291, 422
Mang Thi Kinh, 180–86
Manjusri, 49
marriage, 26; and divorce, 540–41; and Hoa Hao, 444; Le Code on, 131, 134–35, 249, 536; and mourning, 135, 250, 537; in south, 294–95; in Trinh-Nguyen period, 180, 226–27, 248–51; and Westernization, 427. See also Marriage and Family Law
Marriage and Family Law (1959), 536–42
martyrdom, 364
Marx, Karl, 583
Marxism-Leninism: and Buddhism, 554; and Catholicism, 561–64; and culture, 522–30; language of, 564; in reunified Vietnam, 449, 489, 494, 580; and war against France, 336, 447, 462
Master Lu’s Spring and Autumn Annals (Lushi chunqiu), 245n.120
Mazu, 50
Medical Practices of the Lazy Master of Hai Thuong, The (Hai Thuong Lan Ong y tong tam linh; Le Huu Trac), 232–35
medicine, 298, 323; and five phases, 171–72; in Ly dynasty, 73–74; modern, 523; in Nguyen dynasty, 272–73; in Trinh-Nguyen period, 232–35
Meiji Restoration (Japan), 391
Mekong Delta, xxvii–xxix, 262, 438, 547, 572
Melaka, 143
Meng Bi, 345
Meritorious Subjects (Cong Than), 132–33
Miao Shan (Dieu Thien, Guan Yin of the Southern Seas), 115
“Mighty River, The” (poem; Huy Can), 409, 411–12
military. See American war; France: war against; Tet Offensive; warfare
Millerand, Alexandre, 380
Milner, Joaquim António, 169
Ming dynasty (China): clothing of, 295; defeat of, 33, 93, 98, 205, 311, 316; and foreigners, 143, 276; influence of, 87, 88, 90, 103, 106, 108–9, 121; laws of, 117, 376; and Le dynasty, 89–91, 93–94, 121, 128, 138; and Ly-Tran-Ho period, 31, 89; and Mac dynasty, 92; and morality, 306; and names for Vietnam, 260; and Nguyen dynasty, 287, 290; occupation of Vietnam by, 89, 97, 116, 156, 241
Ming Taizu (Hungwu, Zhu Yuanzhang; Chinese emperor, Ming dynasty), 139, 306, 376
Minh Mang emperor (Prince Chi Dam; Nguyen dynasty), 72, 257; on Christianity, 256, 325–28; on morality, 110, 255, 306–7, 396; and names for Vietnam, 258–60; and reform, 277; on south, 280–84; succession of, 254; on trade with foreigners, 275–76
Minh Mieu, 204
Miracle of Mindfulness, The (Thich Nhat Hanh), 554–61
Mirror of Song Literature (Lu Donglai), 237
missionaries: French, 255–56, 275; and Nguyen dynasty, 255–56, 284, 308, 325–26; and script, 223
modernization: and Confucianism, 335–36, 414–24; and democratic reform, 493; and education, 371–72; of Japan, 375, 391; and morality, 408, 416–17; and Westernization, 406–9
“Modernize Completely and Without Hesitation” (Theo moi hoan toan theo moi khong chut do du; Hoang Dao), 406–9
monarchy: as lackeys of France, 343–44, 354–58; and Le dynasty, 107, 116, 122; and loyalty to emperor, 204, 292, 337–39; and Ly-Tran-Ho period, 32, 60, 67, 69–70, 84–85; and Neo-Confucianism, 109, 120–23, 422
“Monarchy and Democracy” (Phan Chau Trinh), 375–82
Mongols: defeat of, 24, 36, 37, 40, 54, 56, 79, 316; invasions by, 30, 43, 85, 341n.10. See also Yuan dynasty
Montmorin, Count Émile de, 220
morality: and Cao Dai, 430–31; Communist, 396–402; Confucian, 110–12, 305, 419, 421, 424; and education, 422–24; and French colonialism, 336, 339, 341, 343, 345–46, 354–56, 365, 367; and government, 376, 414; and Hoa Hao, 439; Le Code on, 133, 306; in Le dynasty, 112, 124, 128, 132–36, 203, 226; and medicine, 232–34; Minh Mang emperor on, 110, 255, 306–7, 396; and modernization, 408, 416–17; in Nguyen dynasty, 110, 255, 257; and reform, 389–93; in reunified Vietnam, 449; and revival of Buddhism, 436; and Tay Son, 219; in Trinh-Nguyen period, 152, 226–28; and Westernization, 428
Moteng (Kasyapa Matanga), 49
mourning: and Hoa Hao, 443–44; in Le dynasty, 130–32, 135; and marriage, 135, 250, 537; in Nguyen dynasty, 299; in north, 309; in south, 295; in Trinh-Nguyen period, 226, 228
Mozi, 175n.18
Mu Lian, 322
Muc Chan, 268
Muhammad (Mac Duc Na king), 173
Mundane and Random Records (Pham Dinh Ho and Nguyen An), 248
music and dance, 249, 371; of Champa, 82–83; in China, 245n.120; in Le dynasty, 90, 106–8, 124, 128, 131, 139; in south, 281, 294, 295
Musset, Alfred de, 404
Myanmar (Burma), 29, 46, 91, 139, 255, 286
Nanzhao (Yunnan), 10–11, 13, 24
national culture: and Confucianism, 416; decline of, 521; and intellectual and moral reform, 388–90; and Marxism, 523–30; and Tale of Kieu, 405–9; and Westernization, 425; and youth, 383–84
National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam (National Liberation Front [NLF]), 448; and American war, 454, 455, 478, 484–85, 550; and Cao Dai, 485; Five-Point Position of, 455; founding of, 478, 484–85; and Paris peace talks, 469–70; and People’s Liberation Armed Forces (PLAF), 570–76; and People’s Revolutionary Party, 485; and Phoenix program, 467n.15; tactics of, 465, 476–86; and Tet Offensive, 465–73; and women militants, 478, 547–54
nationalism, 336; and Communist Party, 399, 447; and culture, 384, 389, 523–25; and Hoa Hao, 440–41; and reform, 391–92; in Republic of Vietnam, 476. See also American war; Tet Offensive
Nationalist Party. See Vietnam Nationalist Party
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), 580
Neo-Confucianism, 58–59, 89–90, 111–12, 215, 476
neotraditionalism, 336, 389–93; and Marxism, 393
New Poetry movement, 409–14, 542
New Year festival (Tet Nguyen Dan), 105, 107, 108, 223–24, 294, 296–97. See also Tet Offensive
Nghe An Province, 47, 54, 64, 68–69, 86, 97, 157, 193–94, 213, 261, 313, 316, 352, 497
Ngo Chi Lan, 239
Ngo Dinh Diem, 447–48, 476–78, 552; and ethnic Chinese, 576; and land reform, 499; and NLF, 478, 484–85
Ngo Dinh Nhu, 476
Ngo Si Lien, 48, 78–81, 289; and Confucianism, 92; on government, 121–23. See also Complete Chronicle of Dai Viet
Ngo The Long, 208n.61
Ngo Thi Chi, 208
Ngo Thi Nham (Hai Luong), 116, 151–52, 174–78, 208, 215–17, 554
Ngo Tuong Dao, 215
Nguyen, Lady (concubine of Minh Khang), 158–59
Nguyen Ai Quoc. See Ho Chi Minh
Nguyen An, 248
Nguyen An Ninh, 382–89
Nguyen Anh. See Gia Long emperor
Nguyen Binh Khiem, 114–15, 124–25, 170, 193, 292–93
Nguyen Canh, 219
Nguyen Cao, 345
Nguyen Co Thach, 579
Nguyen Cong, 206
Nguyen Cong Binh, 164
Nguyen Cong Hoan, 187
Nguyen Cu Trinh, 152, 191–93, 518
Nguyen Dang So (Hai Hoa), 177
Nguyen Dinh Thi, 528
Nguyen dynasty, 253–331; Buddhism in, 264, 269, 300, 304–6, 321, 322–23, 329–30; Catholicism in, 256, 284, 325–26; and China, 254, 278, 286, 288, 290; and colonialism, 255, 258, 284, 287, 313–14; Confucianism in, 254, 256, 277, 280, 284, 294, 306–7; culture of, 255, 257, 266, 292–310, 320; economy of, 253, 273–76; foreign relations of, 311–20; and France, 219–22, 255–56; geography of, 257, 258–73, 308; government of, 120, 253–55, 259, 273, 277–92; and land reform, 448; laws of, 277, 278, 307, 317, 377–78; and Le dynasty, 253–54, 277–78, 289–92, 404; literati in, 254, 258, 277, 279–80; missionaries in, 255–56, 284, 308, 325–26; and morality, 110, 255, 257; reform in, 255–56, 284, 314; spirit cults in, 321–25; taxation in, 257, 273–74, 277, 320; and Tay Son, 261, 269–70, 290–91
Nguyen Hoang (Gia Du emperor, Nguyen dynasty), 147, 155–59, 160, 229, 260, 262; and Buddhism, 329–30
Nguyen Hue (Binh). See Quang Trung emperor
Nguyen Huu Chinh, 208–14, 291, 464
Nguyen Huy Binh, 214
Nguyen Huy Luong, 36, 153, 242–48
Nguyen Khoa Chiem, 152, 156–59
Nguyen Kim (An Tinh marquis, King Chieu Huan Tinh), 157–58, 291
Nguyen Minh Triet, 293
Nguyen Nhu Thuyet, 40
Nguyen Phan Long, 385
Nguyen Phi Khanh, 70–72
Nguyen Phuc Chu (Hien Tong), 330
Nguyen Phuc Hoang, 158
Nguyen Phuc Khoat. See Nguyen The Tong
Nguyen Phuc Tan (Thai Tong), 330
Nguyen Phuc Thuan, 164
Nguyen Quang Cu, 345
Nguyen rule (south; 1627–1788): and Buddhism, 151; economy of, 163–64, 191–93, 273; and France, 168–69; history of, 156–59, 290; and Le dynasty, 91–93, 203–5; and literati, 149–50; and literature, 152; and Mac dynasty, 92; overthrow of, 229–31; and Tay Son, 208; and Trinh, 147–49, 152, 155, 159–62, 196, 218, 281
Nguyen Tan, 346
Nguyen Thanh, 345
Nguyen The Tong (Nguyen Phuc Khoat; Hieu Vu emperor, Nguyen dynasty), 150, 163, 191, 203–5, 217, 295
Nguyen Thi Thap, 547–54
Nguyen Thiep, 193–95
Nguyen Thong (Ky Xuyen), 378
Nguyen Trai, 61, 70, 87, 88, 241, 266, 294; on currency, 97–98, 165; on foreigners, 138–39; on government, 116–17; on Ming, 33, 93, 311; on ritual, 106–8
Nguyen Trat (Nguyen Quang Toan), 201, 242, 312
Nguyen Tri Phuong, 339
Nguyen Trung Ngan, 86–87
Nguyen Truong To, 255–56, 284–89, 342, 369
Nguyen Van Binh, 561–64
Nguyen Van Que, 281
Nguyen Van Sieu, 262–65
Nguyen Van Thanh, 377
Nguyen Van Thinh, 385
Nguyen Xi, 120
Nhan Van Giai Pham affair (1956–1957), 530
Nhat Linh, 406
Nhuong Hoi, 214
Nie Zheng, 364
Ninh Thon (Vi Phai marquis), 211
No Other Road to Take (Nguyen Thi Dinh), 478–86
Norodom Sihanouk (prince and king of Cambodia), 467
nuclear weapons, 582
Nung, kingdom of (Tai), 81–82, 85
Nung Tri Cao, 85
Office of Strategic Services (OSS; U.S.), 473
Old History of the Tang Dynasty (Jiu Tang shu; Liu Xu), 16
“On the Other Side of the Duong River” (Ben kia song Duong; Hoang Cam), 450–54
Opium Wars (1839), 255, 275–76
Outline of Vietnamese Culture, An (Viet Nam van hoa su cuong; Dao Duy Anh), 424
Pagan, kingdom of (Myanmar), 29, 46
Patrenotre Treaty (1884), 339
Peach Blossom Spring, The (Taohuayuan ji; Tao Yuanming), 244n.109
peasants, peasantry, 41, 66, 78, 127, 166, 283, 316; as a class, 428–29, 518; effects of colonialism on, 474; and food shortages, 71, 511; and land reform, 497–503; and Marxist cultural policy, 525; and resistance against France, 341, 394, 461, 533, 553, 574; and resistance against U.S., 479–86; and Thai Binh revolt, 490–93, 518
“Peasants and Countryside in Vietnam Today, The” (Nong dan va nong thon Viet Nam hien nay; Dinh Thu Cuc), 517–22
Pham Dinh Ho, 109, 152, 186–88, 248–51, 294, 305
Pham Doan, 345
Pham Quynh, 382, 389–93, 402–6, 414, 476
Pham Sung, 35
Pham Tam, 263
Pham Thai, 242
Pham Viet Huy, 326–27
Phan Boi Chau, 335, 342–69, 375
Phan Chau Trinh, 336, 353, 375–82
Phan Dinh Phung, 345
Phan Doan Nam, 579–85
Phan Huy Chu, 98, 122, 152, 255, 257, 265–69, 313–17. See also Categorized Records of the Institutions of Successive Dynasties
Phan Phu Tien, xxxvi, 108–9, 111, 118–19, 121, 241
Phan Trong Muu, 345
Phan Xich Long, 379
Phap Hien, 50
Phap Thuan, 60
Phat Lam (Fu Lin, Byzantium), 286
Phu Thanh Cam Linh Nhan (queen mother, Ly dynasty), 48–51
Phu Xuan, xxviii, 159, 188, 191, 209–11, 213, 217–18, 229, 312, 329. See also Hue
Phung An, 23–24
Phung Hung (Cu Lao, Bo Cai), 23–24, 37–38, 244
Phung Thanh Lady, 75–77
Phung The Trung, 201
Pigneau de Béhaine, Pierre, 219–20, 325
pirates, Japanese, 276
Plain Questions, 171–72
“Plan for Making the People Wealthy and the Country Strong, A” (Nguyen Truong To), 284–89
poetry, Chinese, 11, 139, 235–37, 239; vs. Vietnamese, 94–95, 405. See also Classic of Poetry
poetry, Vietnamese: and American war, 542–47; anthologies of, 3, 18, 36, 39, 58, 70; and Buddhism, 18–19, 35–36, 45–46, 300, 304–6; vs. Chinese, 94–95, 405; in French colonial period, 336, 372, 404; in independence period, 530–36; in Le dynasty, 93, 236, 311; and literati, 58–59, 70–72, 235, 238; in Ly dynasty, 35–36, 95, 236, 239; of New Poetry movement, 409–14, 542; in Nguyen dynasty, 302–3, 305–6; and printing, 95; prison, 409, 412–14; royal, 36–37; on Tay Son, 311–13; in Tran dynasty, 95, 236–39; in Trinh-Nguyen period, 152–53, 235–39, 242–48; and wars of independence, 450–54
poverty, 41, 347, 428, 474, 496, 510
“Prison Thoughts” (poem; To Huu), 409, 412–14
property: Le Code on, 91, 98–100, 117, 126–27, 129, 132–33, 136–37, 496; in Marriage and Family Law, 537–38, 541; and Ngo Dinh Diem, 480; public, 98–99, 132–33; taxation of, 348
qi (khi; energy, force), 54, 96, 115, 125, 152, 170–74, 240
Qianlong (Chinese emperor, Qing dynast y), 217, 295, 376–77
Qin dynasty (China), 9, 190n.32, 207, 316
Qin Shihuang di (Chinese emperor, Qin dynasty), 341n.9
Qing dynasty (China), 150, 217, 295, 358; and European colonialism, 255, 275–76; laws of, 376–77; and morality, 306–7; and names for Vietnam, 258, 260; and Tay Son rebellion, 148, 168–69
Quai Vac (diking) system, 42
Quan Am (bodhisattva Guanyin), 46, 180–86, 269, 329, 557
Quang Nam, xxiii–xxiv, 148, 155, 158–59, 163–64, 169, 192, 281, 352
Quang Ngai, 164, 192, 378, 572
Quang Trung (soldier), 573
Quang Trung emperor (Nguyen Hue [Binh]; Tay Son dynasty), 32, 116, 174, 311, 464, 551, 553; on agriculture, 166–68; ascension of, 217–19; and China, 258; and literati, 194; and Nguyen, 148, 168–70; and resistance against France, 358; and resistance against U.S., 551, 553; and script, 151; and Trinh, 209, 211–14
Quat Nguyen, 225
Qui Nhon (Thi Nai), xxiv, xxviii, 29, 141, 148, 218, 312
quoc ngu (romanized alphabet), 3, 223, 336, 371–72, 374, 429
Quoc Tu Giam (academy), 372n.37
rebellions: against China, 154; in Democratic Republic of Vietnam, 497; and ethnic Chinese, 148, 282; Le Van Khoi, 254, 280–82, 327n.50; and Nguyen dynasty, 253; Tay Son, 148, 153, 156, 168–69, 219, 231n.87; Thai Binh, 490–93, 518; in Trinh-Nguyen period, 148–49; by women, 478, 482–84; Yen Bai, 393–95
Recent Record of O Chau, A (O Chau can luc; Duong Van An), 96–97, 125–26
Recent Records of Trieu Chau, 331
Recorded Tales of the Founding of the Country (Viet Nam khai quoc chi truyen; Nguyen Khoa Chiem), 152, 156–59
Records Declaring the Ultimate, 33–34, 37, 47, 56, 61–62
Records of Jiao Province (Duke Zhao), 23, 34
Records of the Customs and People of Hai Duong (Hai Duong phong vat chi; Tran Dam Trai), 292–93
Records of the Grand Historian (Shiji; Sima Qian), 247n.131
Records of the Imperial Viet Territory (Hoang Viet dia du chi; Phan Huy Chu), 265–69
Records of Upper Son Nam, 267
Red River, xxi–xxiii, xxv, 9–11, 13, 18n.5, 19, 23, 25, 27–32, 34n.3, 40–43, 59, 61, 64–65, 72, 89, 92, 96, 103, 118, 148, 337, 450, 513, 574
reform: of agriculture, 370, 373, 504, 506, 518–19; of Buddhism, 434; and Confucianism, 415; cultural, 374, 382–89; and democratization, 375–82; economic, 191–93, 394,491, 492–93, 496, 504–9; educational, 284, 369–75, 390–93, 394; and elites, 387–93; of examination system, 81, 189, 284, 372, 374; in French colonial period, 335–36; of government, 79–80, 390, 392–93, 493–96, 509; and industry, 374, 394–95, 504–6, 584; intellectual, 30–31, 57–58, 90, 108–9, 375, 382–93; in Nguyen dynasty, 255–56, 284, 314; in reunified Vietnam, 449, 490–96; vs. revolution, 353; of script, 371–72; social, 25–27, 31, 39–40, 58–59, 109–11, 130–32, 134–35, 415; in Trinh-Nguyen period, 152, 188–203
Reforming the Way We Work (Ho Chi Minh), 397
regionalism, 28, 32, 40, 93, 96–97, 253–55, 281
reincarnation, 432–33, 438. See also Buddhism
religion: European, 149; and evangelization, 433–34; in French colonial period, 336, 429–44; in Le-Mac period, 106–15; in Ly-Tran-Ho period, 44–60; in modern Vietnam, 449, 487, 500, 554–70; in Nguyen dynasty, 320–31; in period of Northern empire, 16–20; in Trinh-Nguyen period, 149, 170–88. See also Buddhism; Cao Dai; Catholicism; Christianity; Hoa Hao; Protestantism; spirit cults
Reminiscences on the Army for National Salvation (Chu Van Tan), 570–76
Ren Yan, 25–26
Republic of Vietnam. See Vietnam, Republic of
“Resurrection” (poem; Thanh Tam Tuyen), 542, 544–45
revolution: and class struggle, 497; and foreign affairs, 579–80; and modernity, 408–9; and postwar changes, 547–54; and remorse, 530–36; and resistance against France, 394–402, 450–54, 457–63, 518; and resistance against U.S., 470–72, 486, 518
“Revolutionary’s Code of Conduct, The” (Tu cach mot nguoi cach mang; Ho Chi Minh), 396–97
“Rhapsody on West Lake” (poem; Nguyen Huy Luong), 36, 153, 242–48
Ricci, Matteo, 173
rights, 368, 395, 448–50, 490, 495
Rights of Man and the Citizen (France), 473–74, 495
Rinan (Nhat-nam), 21, 56, 80, 84
ritual: in family, 407, 500; and Hoa Hao, 438, 442–44; Le Code on, 136–37, 186; in Le dynasty, 90, 106–8, 130–32, 139, 187; in Ly dynasty, 106, 186–87; marriage as, 248–51; in Nguyen dynasty, 254–57, 278, 320–24; in north, 308, 310; and revival of Buddhism, 436; Sacrifice to Heaven, 107, 109, 186–88, 223; in south, 294–96; and spirits, 324–25; taxation of, 350; in Tay Son dynasty, 186–88; in Tran dynasty, 65, 106, 186–87; in Trinh-Nguyen period, 186–88, 223–26, 249
Road to Revolution, The (Ho Chi Minh), 396
Romance of the Three Kingdoms, 208n.57
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 475n.23
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 369
Russia, 373. See also Soviet Union
Russo-Japanese War (1904–1905), 365, 391
Sacrifice to Heaven (Nam Giao, Giao Le) ritual, 107, 109, 186–88, 223
Saigon, xxxi–xxxii, 148, 308, 339n.4, 348–49, 351, 374, 379n.43, 382, 385n.46, 426–27, 455n.4, 466, 468–69, 472n.21, 478, 481, 486, 548–49, 551–52, 562
San Francisco Conference (1945), 475
schools, 26, 30, 57–58, 80, 81, 89, 90, 188, 372, 394, 426, 429, 436–37
science: and Confucianism, 424; and education, 370, 422–23; and global economy, 579, 581–82, 584; and intuition, 417, 420–21; and modernization, 417; in new democracy, 522–24; and reform, 391; Western, 414, 419, 425
“Secret Scent” (poem; Phan Thi Thanh Nhan), 542–44
Selecting the Beautiful Poetry Collection (Hoang Duc Luong), 94, 238, 241
self-cultivation, 419–21, 434, 436, 438
Self-Reliance Literary Group, 336, 406–9
Sengcan, 50
sericulture, 123–24, 131, 182, 199, 207, 275, 370, 373, 428
sexuality, 132–33, 305–6, 410–11, 420, 435
Shang dynasty (China), 32, 116, 241, 246n.124
Shaokang (Chinese emperor, Xia dynasty), 291
Shi Xie (Si Nhiep, Si Vuong King Si), 11, 12, 15, 17, 21–22, 39, 67
Short History of Dai Viet (Viet su luoc), 39, 58, 77
Short Record of Annan (An Nam chi luoc; Le Tac), 12, 24–25, 54, 61
Shun (Chinese sage-ruler of antiquity), 218n.69, 235, 245, 246nn.125, 127
Siam. See Thailand
Siddartha (Hesse), 559
Sima Guang, 120–21
Sima Qian, 247n.131
Singapore, 313
Small Chronicle of Things Seen and Heard (Kien van tieu luc; Le Quy Don), 18, 94
Soaring-to-Heaven Spirit, 54, 63
social Darwinism, 335
social progress and development, 371, 408, 497, 505, 580, 584
social structure: and Confucianism, 421–22; Le Code on, 126–27, 130; and medicine, 232; in modern Vietnam, 520–21; and modernization, 407, 416; new classes in, 426–28. See also aristocracy; elites; literati
socialism: and Catholics, 562–64; in countryside, 518; and global economy, 579–81, 583–84; and reform, 504–9; and reunification, 486–89; and war against France, 462; and war against U.S., 456–57
socialist realism, 524–30
Socialist Republic of Vietnam. See Vietnam, Socialist Republic of
Song dynasty (China), 10, 81, 84, 93; defeat of, 38–39, 316; influence of, 81, 84; and Le dynasty, 139, 202; literature of, 236, 240; and Ly-Tran-Ho period, 28–29, 33, 44, 58; and names for Vietnam, 260
Song Taizong (Chinese emperor, Song dynasty), 236
Sound of the True Great and Perfect Enlightenment from the Bamboo Grove, The (Ngo Thi Nham), 176–78; preface to, 174–76
“Sounds of Autumn, The” (poem; Luu Trong Lu), 409, 411
Southeast Asia, 11, 29, 31, 90, 582; trade with, 15, 41–42. See also specific countries
Southern Ethos (Nam Phong; journal), 389
Southern Han dynasty (China), 32, 36
Soviet Union, 507, 575, 580, 582
Spain, 319–20
spirit cults, 10, 19–20, 65, 93, 242; vs. Buddhism, 56, 324, 329; and Cao Dai, 429–30; and festivals, 226; in Le dynasty, 111–12; in Ly-Tran-Ho period, 28–29, 31, 33, 47–48, 56, 61–63; in Nguyen dynasty, 321–25; in north, 309, 310; in south, 294–95, 296; of Trung sisters, 111, 112; Whale, 324–25
Spring and Autumn Annals (Chunqiu), 17, 142, 212, 216n.66, 311
Stalin, Joseph, 475n.23
Strange Tales from South of the Passes (Linh Nam chich quai; Vu Quynh), 112–13, 243nn.97–98, 267
Su Shih (Su Dongpo, To Dong Pha), 270, 295
Sui dynasty (China), 10, 49–50, 122, 240
Sui Dynasty History (Sui shu), 264
Sui Gaozu (Chinese emperor, Sui dynasty), 49
Sui Yang, 339n.3
Sumatra, 42
Summary Record of an Overseas Journey (Hai trinh chi luoc; Phan Huy Chu), 313–15
Summary Records of Our Land (Ban Quoc Chi Luoc), 267
sumptuary laws, 226–28, 321–22, 536
Sun Quan, 15
Sun Shi Yi (Ton Si Nghi), 217
surrealism, 336, 409, 412, 544–45
syncretism, 429–31. See also Three Teachings