Book 4
Handling Budgets and Investments
Contents at a Glance
Chapter 1: Protecting Your Employment Income
Assessing Your Need for Life Insurance
Protecting Your Employment Income: Disability Insurance
Investing In and Protecting Your Health
Chapter 2: Managing Budgets and Expenses
Pointing Out Some Retirement Worries You May Have
Spending Your Nest Egg
How Spending Really Changes in Retirement
Managing Your Expenses
Chapter 3: Guiding Investments and Distributions in Retirement
Guiding Your Investments through Retirement
Looking Closer at Annuities
Choosing Your Pension Options
Eyeing Withdrawal Strategies for Your Investment Accounts
Chapter 4: Making Your Best Choices under Social Security
The Lowdown on Social Security
Determining When You’re Eligible for Benefits
Taking a Closer Look at Spouses’ and Survivor Benefits
Identifying When You May Need to Receive Benefits
Noting How Working Reduces Benefits
Preserving Your Benefits
Being Aware of Potential Income Taxes on Your Benefits
Changing Your Mind: A Do-Over
Looking at What the Future Holds for Social Security