Chapter 2: What a Mess!

During lunch, Katie told Pedro, “Don’t be a volcano hog. I want to do the rest! I know I can make it explode.”

“Hey!” yelled JoJo. “What about me?”

After lunch, Miss Winkle gave each team white vinegar and red food coloring to mix in a bowl.


“Let’s make the lava super red,” said Katie.

Oops! She poured in too much, and the red spilled on her shirt.

“Yuck!” Katie groaned. “What a mess!”


“The next step,” said Miss Winkle, “is to pour baking soda on a paper towel.”

“I’ll do it,” said Pedro.

“No. Me!” said JoJo.


JoJo tried to grab the baking soda. Oops! The soda went flying and landed on Katie’s head!

“Yikes!” yelled JoJo. “You are a mess!”



That’s when Katie blew her top. Her cheeks got hot and red, and she made angry faces.

Boy, did Katie make faces!


“Wow!” said Pedro. “You are fierce! You said you wanted to be close to a volcano. And you are! You became a volcano!”


“I am a volcano?” said Katie. “Wowzee! Sometimes I am a little fierce.”

“For sure,” agreed Miss Winkle. She sent Katie to clean up.
