
baking soda (BAYK-ing SOH-duh)
a white powder used in baking to make dough rise
clay (KLAY)
a kind of earth that can be shaped when wet
explode (ek-SPLODE)
to blow apart with a loud bang and great force
fierce (FIHRSS)
daring and dangerous or strong
gas (GASS)
something that is not liquid or solid and does not have a definite shape
lava (LAH-vuh)
the hot, liquid rock that pours out of a volcano when it erupts
melted (MEL-tud)
changed from a solid to a liquid
vinegar (VIN-uh-gur)
a sour liquid, often made from cider, that is used to flavor food
volcano (vol-KAY-noh)
a mountain with openings through which lava, ash, and gas may erupt