
Foreword: The Warrior Mind-Set


The Professional Level

Three Reaction-Proaction Levels

Fight Timing

The Best Use of This Book

CHAPTER 1—Civilian, Law Enforcement, and Military Krav Maga Training

The Professional Kravist Mind-Set When Facing a Deadly Attack

Psychological Aspects of Violent Conflict

Violent Conflict’s Mental and Physical Stress Manifestations

Krav Maga’s Training Philosophy

Visceral Counterviolence

Attack the Attacker: Anatomical Targeting

Twenty-Four Vulnerable Targets

Injuring versus Hurting

Legal Considerations

The Israeli Krav Maga Advantage

Krav Maga Tactical Positioning

Reacting to an Ambush

Seeing an Attack

CHAPTER 2—Defending the Most Common Upper-Body and Lower-Body Attacks, Throws, and Counterthrows

Straight-Punch Defenses

Hook-Punch Defenses

Defending a Hook Punch into Throws


Core Kick Defenses

CHAPTER 3—Clinches, Choke and Takedown Defenses, Escorts, and Ground Survival


Clinch Defense

Tackle Defenses

Escort Control Holds

Core Ground Survival Tactics

Protecting Your Neck

Offenses from the Rear Mount

CHAPTER 4—Impact-Weapon Combatives and Defenses

Impact Weapon against Upper- and Lower-Body Strikes

Short Impact Weapon against Short Impact Weapon

Impact Weapon against Edged-Weapon Attack

Impact Defenses against an Assailant Posturing with an Edged Weapon (Midlevel)

Windmill Rotational Defense against an Overhead Edged Weapon (Not Depicted)

CHAPTER 5—Firearm Cold Combatives

How to Optimize Cold-Weapon Combatives

Mastering Personal, Impact, and Firearm Combined Combatives

Long-Gun Cold Weapons against Personal and Cold Weapons

CHAPTER 6—Defending Edged Weapons: Open Handed and When Your Handgun Is Inoperable

Defense with an Empty or Malfunctioning Pistol against Edged-Weapon Attacks

Overhead Edged-Weapon Attacks

Hostage Taker Holding a Knife to a Hostage’s Throat

CHAPTER 7—Multiple Assailants

CHAPTER 8—Firearm Defenses

Krav Maga’s Firearm Disarming Philosophy

Handgun Defenses from the Front (VIP Protection)

CHAPTER 9—Firearm Retention and Professional Kravist Weapon-Defense Drills

Sidearm Retention

Long-Gun Weapon Retention While Defending Takedown Attempts


Appendix—Use of Force

Use of Force and Law Enforcement, by Sergeant First Class Mick McComb, Ret.

Use-of-Force Standard: Objective Reasonableness

Summary of Force Options

Severe Threat Level and Factors


