
Earth has many pleasures and is a beautiful place to be, but that is not why we, as souls, choose to incarnate here. We come here to learn and to experience. It is a school where we can grow and develop under the protection and tutelage of wise, benevolent beings. With the assistance of these wise beings and our soul companions, we make careful plans for each life that we live on earth. There is a whole system of support and guidance in place to enable us to do this. An explicit set of principles governs activities within the earth sphere.

When we incarnate on earth, an amnesia settles upon us that allows us to believe that we are the character we have chosen to be in any one lifetime and that our current experience is all that there is. We become immersed in the drama that unfolds before us, a drama that was chosen by us so that we could have certain experiences and learn specific lessons. There are also special challenges built into an earth incarnation that aid in our development.

Earth school requires us to adjust to being in a human body and negotiate with an ego we believe to be our real self. We are challenged to care and provide support for ourselves, to connect and cooperate with others, and to live our lives meaningfully. We are given free will and the ability to create our own experiences. There is tremendous potential for love, joy, peace, fulfillment, creativity, and achievement.

However, all of this plays out in a setting where we are vulnerable to illness, injury, natural disasters, isolation, conflict, and violence. We experience fear, anger, and other strong emotions. Challenging situations occur, and we observe good and evil in action. It is under these conditions that we have the potential to make rapid spiritual advancement. By facing the difficult, painful situations in our lives, we can find the gift of wisdom contained within them.

Life Between Lives sessions offer a way to connect with our real self while immersed in the human experience. The cases have demonstrated how to receive guidance from our higher self, guides, and wise beings, and how to gain a unique perspective on our lives. While the cases are personal, the life situations are not. We have explored problems that many of us have faced or that we may face in the future.

The guidance has passed through many hands to reach you, conveyed by souls and spirits, received by generous clients who pass it on, and contributed by Michael Newton Institute practitioners. All have one aim: to help you with challenges that confront you as an incarnated soul on this demanding planet.

We hope you have been touched by some of the cases in this book, that you have received knowledge and wisdom that will lighten your load and encourage you to connect to your own inner wisdom. We wish for you a joyful, fulfilling existence as you continue to live your life on earth and, in due time, return to your spiritual home.
