Anxiety and
Earth school provides the perfect environment to experience a wide range of emotions, from happiness and elation on one end of the spectrum to sadness and despair on the other. This is a major consideration in the soul’s decision to incarnate here rather than in a less emotion-packed world. An earth incarnation provides the richness of experiencing emotions over merely thinking about them.
Souls are immersed in peace, joy, and love when they are at home in the spiritual realm. The pain resulting from decisions made and directions taken in prior lifetimes on earth does not exist in this realm. Within this context, you make decisions about your plan for the coming incarnation. Having released the suffering or trauma of a previous life, you may have an inflated sense of what you are ready to handle or merely not have a clear grasp of the unintended consequences of the goals you are setting for your upcoming life.
With such lofty goals, you may wonder, what could possibly go wrong? Once you incarnate on earth you begin to implement the plan you crafted for the lifetime. But even as your plan begins to unfold, circumstances change, and things turn out to not be as you intended. You, and those close to you, exert free will, potentially altering the direction of your life. Challenges arise and setbacks occur, many of which exert an emotional toll. As your life unfolds, two of the more common emotional byproducts are anxiety and depression.
Emotional Challenges of the Soul’s Plan
With Dan we see the emotional toll that some people endure to achieve their soul’s plan for this lifetime. He is a forty-year-old bachelor. Dan is independent, self-reliant, and self-sufficient. Others view him as dependable, responsible, and the go-to person for help and assistance. By all outward appearances, he appears to have a charmed life. Few know the emotional torment that he has coped with throughout his life.
Dan is the oldest of four brothers. His early childhood was happy, but from the age of ten he became preoccupied with a feeling that he was going to die. Two years later he began having trouble sleeping and developed the first symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
A self-described loner throughout high school, when he reached college he came out of his shell and was very outgoing and popular. Despite enjoying many female friendships, he had little interest in romantic or sexual involvements. In his earliest dating relationships, Dan experienced crippling sexual performance anxiety that dampened his interest in developing intimate relationships. The serious emotional damage this caused persists to this day, although his relationships have improved over the years. He admits that while he has been successful winning over women for romantic relationships, he has had only fleeting interest in any of them. Almost all his relationships have been ended by him. Over the years he has experienced bouts of anxiety and depression.
During his twenties, Dan’s OCD, anxiety, and depression worsen. The medications he takes over the next few years provide minimal relief and problematic side effects.
At forty, Dan currently enjoys great success in his career on the faculty of an Ivy League university, but experiences great anxiety when faced with important decisions in many aspects of his life. Dan has been dating Angelina for the last eighteen months. Sensing she is a member of his soul family, he feels he is destined to marry her. But he is conflicted, feeling ambivalent about this decision. He wants to understand why he is suffering this dilemma. In addition, he is hoping to uncover the reason for his depression and anxiety. He poses the following questions about his depression.
If this is my lifetime to have the experience of depression and get it out of the way, then so be it. I’ll take one for the team this time, if I don’t have to ever experience it again. Or, is my depression challenging me to maintain hope; a form of suffering that must be experienced to be understood and is part of my soul’s long-term growth? Perhaps these emotional challenges are a gift to provide guidance on the right path and when I have deviated from it.
Dan’s intuition was spot-on. There is a higher purpose to be served through his decades-long struggle with depression and anxiety. His own words “I’ll take one for the team” reflected an inner knowing. Through his spirit guide, he learns that he has included these challenges in his soul’s plan. But why? His guide gives the following information.
Dan is preparing to be a spirit guide! A role that is available for all souls to choose, if they have the capacity, plus the interest and motivation to pursue this path.
With his guide’s counsel, Dan had included intense learning in his life plan that would prepare him to work with a wide range of souls, coping with a broad range of challenges. His guide offers further information.
He doesn’t want to specialize. He wants to learn about everything.
As to the specific purpose served, his struggles with depression and anxiety provide Dan with opportunities to feel, and to experience the emotional aspects of life. This experience will serve him well when he becomes a guide. Dan’s guide elaborates.
Dan needs to learn how to feel, as well as to learn how he can gain understanding through feeling. A big part of overcoming his depression is learning to feel through that experience. He needs to become comfortable with negative as well as positive feelings. The experience of feelings contains many different varieties and, for Dan, it’s important that he experience as many as possible.
Dan’s guide challenges him to dive deep into his feelings, whether positive or negative, to learn everything the feeling can teach him. Dan’s earlier lives have emphasized skill development, enhancement, achievement, and leadership.
Dan needs to express more, stop thinking, stop overanalyzing. He needs to jump in and relate more on a feeling level. For Dan, relationships provide that opportunity. The sexual performance issues that he has struggled with for years are recurring chances for him to learn to be humble, to be vulnerable, to trust, and to love.
His guide confirms that Angelina is a part of Dan’s soul group and like him, she is similarly advanced and motivated. Although Dan’s life plan includes marriage, he has a choice. He can refuse to marry, marry Angelina, or marry someone else. It doesn’t matter who he marries, whether she is a soul mate or not, if his wife agrees to help him accomplish what he has planned. Regardless of which choice he makes, he will face the same life lessons.
Angelina will provide more challenges but also more rewards. Others would be different with different challenges and different rewards. Each presents an opportunity to learn. Ultimately, there is no right decision. The different routes offer joy at different times, but neither route has much short-term peace. The different routes will eventually bring some joy along with everything else that comes with it. The path with Angelina is one that brings the most development. The other possibilities also bring development, but in different ways.
There are always more opportunities. If you want to try them, there’s always going to be more. You never only have once chance to learn. You may have one chance with a particular person or opportunity, but you don’t have only one chance with the lesson.
Dan discovers from his guide that his decades-long struggle with depression and anxiety is related to his desire to more quickly become a guide. With that goal set, he has thrust himself into a life filled with significant challenges and opportunities to resolve intense emotions. Dan’s life path offers constant opportunities for “feeling calisthenics,” not surprising given his serious nature, zeal, and spiritual ambition.
His guide chides Dan that his life has been devoid of joy.
I have been trying to tell him that he needs to prioritize joy and fun! Dan believes that joy and fun are less virtuous. But in fact, they are virtuous opportunities for learning. There is a balance that needs to be achieved for those who are goal oriented. Goofing off can have a real value. It’s more valuable than most people realize.
There is a pathway for life to be easier, less challenging. In fact, it’s not just a path, it’s an inevitability. The goal is not to find the quickest way there, but to find the best way, the most complete way. Dan’s plan calls for certain things to be learned, which has caused him to suffer. There is a path that leads out of the pain and suffering, which he will inevitably reach. Connection to divinity is a way to heal every ailment of life, and that includes escaping suffering and experiencing joy.
Going forward, Dan would benefit if he could enjoy living life as fully as possible and reflect on moments of happiness that occur that he doesn’t seem to process. People’s lives are generally led to the full extent. It’s how they process and reflect that differentiates their experience.
The life he planned is a good one. It includes joy and suffering. Both are required for fulfilling the goals. These are experiences that many have had before. They are not unique. They can be overcome and looked back on with pride in the accomplishments.
Dan’s council echoed a similar theme.
You were not intended to suffer. Life has challenges, but you should not get stuck in the misery. Maintain hope and appreciation for the opportunity of life, even when it is challenging. The forks in the road don’t have to be as difficult as you make them. Trust that there will never be a fork in the road that is unbearable. Know that you will end up in the same place regardless.
One of the more poignant matters that Dan sought understanding of is what he labels his apathy and general disinterest in life, and whether this is the cause of his depression.
Dan has barely valued his lives other than as a means to an end. Through many of them he has held an understanding of what needs be done and then accomplished it, but he hasn’t always experienced the richness of what we’ve created. Some lives have been more prone to this than others—this one being an extreme example.
So, for Dan, his apathy and disinterest are related to, but not equal to, his depression. Nor is depression a result of early life trauma. We shouldn’t be disinterested in our lives. They are important. This is the same lesson we’ve given him before. He is not so much a slow learner as he is stubborn. His apathy and disinterest are a challenge to be outgrown.
The guide counsels us all not to assume that life challenges are reminders that we have detoured from our life plan.
Many well-intentioned people think that way. It’s not true that feelings of discontent mean you are on the wrong path or that you are being punished. You may have built them into your life plan so that you can accomplish your life goals.
In a follow-up session a month after his Life Between Lives session, Dan reported that his most recent eight-month depression has lifted. With the insight gleaned from his Life Between Lives session, he has stopped worrying about his relationship with Angelina. He is allowing himself to focus on how he feels about her and how he feels about what life would be like if they married. With an ease that was absent during earlier sessions, he said that he knows whatever decision he makes will be alright. He has found peace in the knowledge that he is following his soul’s plan for this lifetime.
Releasing Depression and Guilt
Mette is a single mother, raising a fifteen-year-old daughter, Anna. Six years ago, she separated from her husband Bjorg, who died soon after due to his drug addiction. No stranger to the death of a beloved, she had earlier lost a baby boy, and as a young girl, her mother. Shortly after her husband’s death, Mette was severely injured in a motorcycle accident in which she almost died. The life that she once enjoyed began to crumble around her.
Mette seeks a Life Between Lives session with hopes of overcoming suicidal thoughts, debilitating depression, and the tremendous guilt that she has regarding her husband’s death.
Family finances grow strained as Mette is unable to continue work as an accountant. She is increasingly worried about her daughter’s well-being. Her daughter is showing signs of depression and struggling in school. As external circumstances strain, Mette and Anna’s relationship frays, with discussions often spiraling downward into emotional arguments. Sadly, Mette has come to believe that she is no longer a good mother. All of this contributes to her increasing emotional frailty.
Motivated by a belief that it will be good to find a new father for Anna, Mette begins to date. Perhaps because of her own ambivalent or confused motivation, she dates quite a few men without any success. Despite her intelligence, education, and natural beauty, the men she meets never call her back or abruptly end dates with her.
In despair, Mette cries out at the outset of her session:
How can I get myself back to being alive? It is so hard for me to live. It would feel easier to be on the other side. If it was not for Anna, I would not want to continue living. And I can’t find a new father for her. Why can’t I find a new man? I don’t want to lose another man! I can’t go through losing someone again.
Mette is calmed by the welcoming sight of her grandmother, who was her primary caregiver after her mother’s death. Her grandmother, who is in training to become Mette’s guide, escorts her to a beautiful spa-like room where she begins to breathe, relax, and restore. Soon after, Mette’s grandmother takes her to a place of learning where Mette encounters her soul group, of which her grandmother is a member. She cries softly.
I see and feel my group, my people; these are my friends who I care about. I feel very disconnected from them. I have not followed through. This is my cluster group; they are waiting for my return. It’s like I need some energy from my group. I need courage from them. It is a problem for me to do this alone in the physical.
I need to listen more. To connect with them. I am noticing my daughter’s and my husband’s energy here. It is not like in the physical, but I do know it’s their energy. It is the energy that I deeply know. That I know on so many levels. It is a kind of calm excitement. We know that we are connected. It’s all these energies, all these soul friends, who are helping me while I am in the physical. [cries] I feel so loved.
A circle of eleven or twelve souls envelope Mette.
They tell me they all worked with me in the past. They all know I am on this journey. Now they are giving me a mental boost. They show me I have different choices, different tracks to choose from. I get it! I kind of jumped off the track. My mind clouded my soul. I really separated myself from my connection to my group and from my connection to the spirit world. I allowed this to happen. I did not listen anymore, and I numbed my feelings.
To ensure that Mette understands, the practitioner probes further. Mette as her soul self responds.
It is part of my lesson. The physical Mette, me, must experience the separation. To feel this desperation. To feel so disconnected and hopeless was my choice, because I needed to experience all this to wake up.
Mette understands that she disconnected herself from her group and from the spirit realm. She now understands that being disconnected clouds her thinking and causes her depression. And she is willing to accept the responsibility for waking up.
Bjorg is coming toward me now. He explains to me that he slowly killed himself. He was not able to free himself. But he chose this! He is very loving. I need to stop beating myself up over it. This is the lesson I need to learn if I want to progress forward and keep up with my soul group. I am stuck in the guilt. We had so many lives as lovers. So many happy ones. This one was planned to be different.
I didn’t keep up with my soul group. They all evolved faster than me. I chose this experience to evolve, so I could keep up with my group.
After a long pause, Mette cringes as she continues to elaborate.
I am a bit of a hesitant soul. I don’t want to rush.
Mette is next brought by her grandmother to meet with the council of elders, in a place of nonjudgment and unconditional love. She is initially uncomfortable in their presence.
I have mixed feelings. Happy but also ashamed. They’re looking very friendly and are kind of humorous. It is for my sake so that I am not scared. They appear more human than they are, so that I recognize them.
Mette’s Life Between Lives practitioner begins to ask the questions that Mette hoped to have answered in the session. The first was whether it is possible to change something that she incorporated in her soul’s plan for the upcoming lifetime. And if so, are there limits to the changes that can be made?
Yes, partially. Some things we can change, some things we can’t. I cannot change things that involve others. Other spirits. It feels like my daughter Anna and I have decided something together! Something we are supposed to do. And that I cannot change! I do not know what it is, but it is not changeable. It will become clear at some point in the future. I can change the path, but what I need to learn will be in every path I take.
No matter which path Mette chooses, what she needs to learn will show up anyway. Mette is further told that she is doing better than expected on the path she chose that has brought her so much sorrow. The path that is so filled with loss enables her to advance more rapidly. It has the added advantage of providing Anna with circumstances that her soul wants to experience.
The elders bring Mette to the place of life selection where the details about her upcoming life are being planned. She can hear the discussion that takes place regarding the roles that members of her soul family will assume in her life as Mette.
Oh, Anna is in this too! I am told there is a lesson she needs to learn embedded in my soul plan! I am helping her! We are all in this together. The three of us are together.
Mette learns that because of Bjorg’s deep feelings for Anna, he was torn about leaving according to his soul’s plan. He so enjoyed being her father that he wanted to stay, to be there for her if possible. He could have gone even earlier but remained as long as he could.
Mette is relieved and pleased to learn that her future holds the promise of finding another partner. She also receives other guidance from the elders.
I need to stop being loyal. I need to separate the spirit world from this world. It is good that I am loyal, but when it comes to love, I need to understand that that loyalty doesn’t get me anywhere. That’s why he is not here yet. I need to open myself for physical love. And I need to find a man because I want a man! Anna has a father. I can’t replace her father. Stop searching for that, they tell me. And we all love, we are all love. That’s what connects us, love. Love is all there is. We all love each other here. And we love everyone and everything. On earth it is sometimes not easy to love everyone. But we need to remember that everyone is connected by love, only by love. I need to trust that I can find love with another man in the physical form.
In parting words, Mette is applauded by the elders for her parenting. In a high compliment, they acknowledge that her loving care is helping Anna to grow spiritually. They also encourage her to not be so serious all the time and to loosen up a bit. She should not be afraid. They are always available for her to call on them.
Mette’s session enabled her to gradually rebuild her life. The insight she gained helped her to overcome her debilitating depression and guilt. She returned to work after finding a more satisfying and less stressful job. Her relationship with Anna improved significantly, and their arguments all but disappeared. As a bonus, Anna’s grades improved, which is helping her to stay active and more positive. Mette abandoned her search for a new father for Anna, and with renewed enthusiasm begins looking for a new love for herself.
Mette’s experience illustrates how, once you gain an understanding about your soul’s intention, you can be free from the burden of the false belief that you have failed.
Serving Humanity
During the life-planning process, souls enter into mutual agreements that will serve each other during the upcoming life. With Theresa, we see this dynamic in action when we are also introduced to another element of the soul planning process: the decision to serve humanity through one’s own emotional struggles and spiritual growth.
Theresa is a fifty-five-year-old healer, married with two children, who are young adults. She schedules her Life Between Lives session hoping to understand the depression she has suffered since her teens. She also worries about her children, both of whom also suffer from depression.
Theresa has never made her own healing a priority. She does not share her feelings with others because she doesn’t want to burden them. When she encounters matters beyond her control, she asks the archangel Michael for assistance. Although at times she can trust that everything in the universe is happening exactly as it should, she cannot sustain it. There are other times when she is not able to stop worrying about her life and children.
In her session, Theresa gains information that will help her with this in the future.
It’s hard when it’s our kids; we want to protect them. But we forget sometimes that they are souls here in their own right. They are here for their own lessons. I can’t protect them regardless of how painful it is to watch. I must not lose sight of the big picture. I must trust the universe.
Through her connection with her guides, Theresa is reminded that they are always present and willing to work with her. This reminder provides relief. As her session continues, Theresa’s guides offer insight into the purpose served by her depression.
The guides are telling me that having depression means I have unresolved issues. The depression is like a beacon in the body and the mind, reminding me that the issues have not yet been released. I can release them, but I will have to make changes in my relationships with my husband and my children. There will be opportunities to do this and they will help.
The guides now encourage Theresa to connect with the souls of her husband and children and ask if they support making these changes. It seems Theresa needs this confirmation to change herself. She hates burdening other people with her problems. She admits that she doesn’t focus on her own healing. The guides don’t tell her specifically what to do, but it is obvious she needs to focus on her herself. Their approach left room for the unfolding of other potentialities for Theresa and her family.
During the post-session discussion, Theresa reveals yet another gift bestowed by her guides. They communicated that the energetic frequency of the depression that she has struggled with for so long matches the pattern of an energy that plagues the earth at this time. Theresa, as well as her children, agreed to incorporate depression into their life plans to serve others who are similarly burdened by it. As they work to heal their depression, they will be contributing to the healing of others, including ancestral lines and the earth’s energy.
At a later point, reflecting on the value of the Life Between Lives session, Theresa tells her practitioner the following.
The information I received from the guides has helped me to shift my perspective and provided a sense of relief. Instead of looking at depression as an unfortunate legacy for my children, I know now that healing myself will help me to heal others down the ancestral line. Understanding this gives it more of a purpose and is a reminder that I must continue to work on this.
Unresolved Past Lives
The origin of the emotional challenges that many grapple with in life can be found in unresolved matters from prior lives. Ken, a thirty-nine-year-old carpenter, has had a lifelong battle with depression that he feels unable to shake. He hopes to learn more about why this feeling is so persistent in his life. He is happily married and has no children. He and his wife have many friends and lead an active social life. He can think of no reason why he has always felt depressed.
As he moves to the origin of these feelings of depression, Ken finds himself in a past life, as a male named Arthur, in his early twenties. He lives somewhere in Europe during the Middle Ages. Dressed in rags and worn-out boots, Arthur is in the woods outside of the small village where he lives.
I hear noises. I think they are coming again. The Vikings—a raiding party came before and destroyed our village. They killed many of the men and took the women as captives. I was just a child. They are coming again. I run back to the village to get prepared. We must stop them before they get to the village.
Arthur describes the village as small, and there are only four other men to protect the village besides himself. He goes to the blacksmith to get a sword and a horse. The five men ride out to intercept the Vikings. His mother and sister, along with the other adults, elderly people, and children, are left in the village, unable to defend themselves.
Arthur describes the scene that unfolds.
There are about ten of them coming at us fast. I kill one of them. There is a big fight, but we are outnumbered.
Arthur is struck in the shoulder with a sword and knocked off his horse. The blacksmith alone is left to hold them off because the others have been killed or injured. Ultimately, he too is struck down and the raiders head for the village. The Vikings torch the village, killing many and taking some women as captives. Arthur manages to get himself back to the village. Bleeding heavily, he only lives long enough to round up the children and send them off to find another village.
Ken sees, as he returns to his earlier life, that Arthur wrongly concluded that the death and destruction inflicted by the Vikings was his fault. At the time, he took responsibility for not warning the villagers in time. Without early warning, the villagers were not able to hide to escape the Vikings.
With the higher perspective of his afterlife experience, Ken can release the emotions that he has carried from Arthur’s life. The weight of his depression has lifted. Ken now sees clearly that there was nothing Arthur could have done at the time to save the village and its inhabitants.
Souls face many challenges as they navigate the complexities of earth. Whether the outcome is positive or negative, there are often emotional by-products to the experiences. For younger souls, navigating the complexities of the earth may be more challenging given their limited experiences.
Debilitating Anxiety
Christine is a forty-year-old woman. She has coped with anxiety disorder and attention deficit disorder (ADD) from a very young age. Her conditions necessitate taking prescribed medications for both.
In addition to finding relief for her anxiety and ADD, Christine hopes to understand her lack of a sense of home. She describes feeling unsettled and displaced all her life. Even as a child she longed to “be home.” As an adult she understands that what she has felt all along is a sense of detachment. She yearns to overcome it.
Christine is a stay-at-home mom and says that she often feels overwhelmed having to take care of her two small boys, ages three and five. She is particularly stressed about how her youngest son cries frequently at night. Her husband has become less and less tolerant of her hyperactivity and nervousness. He feels that both are having a negative impact on their life. So much so that he thinks that their marriage is about to fall apart.
Christine, one of six girls, was born just before the seventh child, her brother. Once in trance she is guided back through childhood memories to the womb, before regressing into a past life. Christine is guided to explore her first impressions of incarnating on earth as a soul joining with the baby forming in her mother’s womb. Her mother’s anxiety is so great that Christine’s soul chooses to travel outside of the womb as she develops. Christine observes her mother’s tremendous sadness caused by learning that she is not about to deliver a boy.
I don’t spend much time in there! It’s so uncomfortable. I go outside of the body. I look and observe. I wonder what to do. It is so uncomfortable and crazy making in there. I don’t like it. I just don’t like it! But there is lots to do! I look around to see where I am going, what to expect, who is with me. Earth is beautiful. There are so many things here that are different and special. It is an opportunity to be there. But my mom, she is so stressed. It is hurting me to feel all that. I do not want to get back into the body, but I know that I must.
I had an agreement with my brother! We made a deal that we would go together and that I would be born first. I think I talked him into going, and then I had to follow through. So, if I were to be a boy, my mom would not have had any more kids! Since we both wanted to come, I had to come as a girl, and he would come after me as a boy.
It is difficult for me to focus with this brain. It is difficult to deal with the energies down here. The brain is good for me though. It helps me to be here. It helps me to not be too serious. If I lighten up and accept this, it helps me. It’s not about being too serious. I’m here to learn to accept people. I’m here to enjoy people and to bring love to them.
After exploring in the womb, Christine moves into a past life during the time of the Holocaust. She is horrified at how she and others are treated in the concentration camp. She is sobbing.
I don’t understand people. I want to get away from this. I really don’t understand people!
Leaving behind the horrors of the camp, Christine arrives in the afterlife following her death at the hands of a guard. She is overcome with joy.
I am HOME! This is home! It is so bright and peaceful here! We are trying to grow spiritually. Every being here is in the most loving state. We are all explorers. There are no predators. It is so peaceful here!
Probing for more details, the facilitator asks Christine what she is sensing and feeling. She explains that the other members of her soul group have all left, including her brother, who is a part of her group. She discovers that this is only her third life on earth.
It is like a joke to come to earth. It is like watching a movie. But certain things you can’t learn here [at home], like anger, jealousy, hatred, or pain. I want to experience that. That’s why I came to earth. Earth is cut off from love. Humanity stays in the dark. The existence without love is not real! Every human must commit to love. Only love. Earth has the agreement to serve people to learn this. She lets people grow up.
Christine immediately feels better after the session. She has gained an understanding of who she is and the circumstances that set the stage for her anxiety and ADD. Returning home is restorative and deeply healing. Recognizing the contract with her brother helps her to accept life in a deeper way.
Over time, she begins to see life from a more lighthearted perspective. Her anxiety becomes far less debilitating. Her lessened anxiety positively affects her family life, as well as her own well-being. She now brings love and compassion to her family and the people around her. She reports doing very well and that life is good.
Holding Guilt from the Past
We gain further understanding of the things carried forward from past lives from Carol, a young mother in her mid-twenties. Carol is seeking relief from anxiety, depression, anger, and an overwhelming sense that she is a bad mother. She is particularly stressed about her son constantly crying at night.
Carol regresses to a life as a decorated male military officer during a time of war. In this role, he gave orders that resulted in the death of many soldiers. In his official capacity, he visits the families of some of the men under his command, after they have died in battle. He believes he is responsible for the grief and struggle that he caused in these fatherless homes. The guilt weighs heavily on him.
Speaking as the military officer, Carol’s own words begin to fill in the picture of her current emotional challenges. Carol has carried forward into this current life the energy of the commanding officer’s unresolved emotions.
As I grow old, I become mean and grumpy because I ruined so many people’s lives under my orders. I am bitter because I had no choice. I don’t talk about it. I think a lot about Jesus, and I hope I go to heaven. I didn’t treat my wife well until I started to die.
Carol views the officer’s death and sees that his soul stays around until after his funeral. He realizes that it is only after death that he is finally able to take in the love that people had for him.
People are proud of those medals, but I had to do a lot of bad stuff to get them. I wanted to let them love me in that life, but I thought if they knew what I did, they wouldn’t have loved me. I can take in that love now and it feels so good. I can be at peace. Time to go. If I come back, I want to make a happy home.
Upon reaching the afterlife, the military officer takes the opportunity to apologize to the souls of the families who were impacted by his orders. Within the realm of unconditional love and acceptance, he is reminded that apologies are unnecessary, because everyone was blindly role-playing on earth.
Through this reexperience, Carol remembers that human struggles are opportunities for soul growth, and that everything ultimately turns out fine in the end. She is gifted with wisdom that will enable her to unburden the weight of her depression, anxiety, anger, and doubt.
Through the practitioner’s facilitation, Carol releases the energy of guilt, anger, and fear. Once released, she can connect deeply to the power and intensity of pure love and physically experience its brightness and warmth. Steeped in the higher vibration of pure love, Carol has some realizations.
I need to be with my son from a place of love, not fear. It’s okay to have feelings and feel frustrated at times; it doesn’t mean I’m a bad mother. I know I’m a good mother.
Carol’s release of long-held false beliefs and attendant emotions paved the way for her to connect to her immortal identity. She experiences the freedom, peace, and clarity of her soul self. She can release old, conditioned, fear-based beliefs. Carol’s experience reminds us of our own ability to release residue from earlier lives and to break their hold on us.
Six weeks after her session, Carol shares the following.
The session was a big help to me. I felt better right away regarding my son and his crying at night. As the weeks went by, I slowly started feeling less anxious on deeper levels.
Finding Peace in a Chaotic World
We are living in a time when global events play out in real time on our television and computer screens, exposing all of us to the pain of natural disasters and man-made catastrophes. In addition to those immediately affected, others may be indirectly impacted. Developing a way to cope when tragedy strikes around the world has become important for one’s emotional health and spiritual development.
But lest we forget the big picture, Gerald provides a powerful reminder.
Gerald is a thirty-four-year-old analyst with the federal government. In addition to his desire to understand the neglect and abuse he suffered as a child, he is seeking insight about managing emotions during times of great global anxiety.
Through Gerald’s session, we are reminded that all life experience offers the soul an opportunity to advance. There is benefit for yourself and others when you do not overreact and manage to keep your emotions in check. Gerald’s guide offers a perspective that can resonate for us all.
There is tragedy on earth, but there is much that can be done to mitigate it. It is not limiting you. You can still do what you need to do. Everyone can. That is why we all incarnated where we did. It allows us to do what we need to do: to grow, heal, balance the past, and serve. Sometimes people need to go through miserable times to accomplish their soul’s plan. Once we are done learning, we can return to our natural state of happiness.
It is essential to have steady points of positive energy on the planet to counterbalance negative energy, and to enable us to return to our natural state of happiness. Your natural state is secure, loving, and joyful. Continue working to retain the positive energy and preserve it for the others to have when they are ready.
Those who choose to incarnate on earth do so because it offers rich emotional experience. Our choice to return is a choice to dive fully into both the ups and downs of life. We are mindful of the potential setbacks, but our longing for spiritual growth propels us forward. Time and again we endure, and time and again we prevail.
Not losing site of the context of our earthly adventure can ease suffering. At the same time, when we can rise out of and above the tumult, we are not only growing spiritually, we are helping others not to succumb to the negativity. Upon our return to the spiritual realm, the experiences we have had deepen our capacity to revel in the peace, joy, and unconditional love that pervades our eternal home.