“[The Flavor Bible] is a resource tool that I turn to time and time again.”
“[The Flavor Bible is] one of my three favorite non-cookbook books.”
“If you look on any professional chef’s bookshelf, chances are that Page and Dornenburg’s books are going to be there, battered and bruised, coffee stained and taped together at the spine. Why this place of pride? Because these books contain the most useful culinary lists ever assembled.”
I am grateful for the warm support of the countless vegetarian and vegan writers whose appreciation of our work provided invaluable encouragement along this path.
I am grateful to all the chefs, restaurateurs, fellow authors, and other experts I interviewed, who were unfailingly generous in sharing their time and insights. Candle 79 co-owners Joy Pierson and Bart Potenza are so warm and welcoming that I felt as if I’d known them forever upon our first meeting, and Joy—a nutritionist by training—became an especially valuable sounding board.
I am grateful for the awe-inspiring work of three authors whose work has influenced me greatly. I am enormously grateful to Dr. T. Colin Campbell for making his Center for Nutrition Studies’ extraordinary certificate program in plant-based nutrition available through Cornell University; I found it nothing short of life-changing. I am grateful to Dr. Neal Barnard, whose articulate arguments helped me discover what I myself believe. And I am grateful to Dr. Joel Fuhrman for being responsible for my “seeing the light” about nutrient density, a concept that has helped me make more healthful food choices every day since.
My husband, Andrew (to whom I’m grateful for his extraordinarily beautiful photographs, and more), joins me in expressing gratitude to our family members and to new and old friends who were incredible sources of love, support, and friendship, especially Rosario Acquista, Ivan Askwith, Steve Beckta, Kristen Bell, Bill Bratton, Brian Burry, Susan Bulkeley Butler, John Carter, Ilene Cavagnuolo, Howard Childs, Maureen Cunningham, Julia D’Amico, Blake Davis, Julia Davis, Susan Davis, Laura Day, Samson Day, Susan Dey, Deborah Domanski, Jill Eikenberry, Ashley Garrett, Michael Gelb, Marketa Irglova, Alan Jones, my nutrition-obsessed bff Rikki Klieman, Brendan Milburn, Jody Oberfelder, Kelley Olson, Scott Olson, Cynthia Penney, Jeff Penney, Lynn Pike, Deborah Pines, Caroline Pires, Juergen Riehm, Stuart Rockefeller, Stephen Schiff, Tony Schwartz, Leslie Scott, Michael Tucker, Jane Umanoff, and Valerie Vigoda. Cynthia Penney provided invaluable editorial feedback, and we must also thank Shauna James Ahern, Joan Green, Tami Hardeman, Cameron Karger, Ellie Krieger, Teresa Schlanger, and Janos Wilder for their kindnesses.
I will be forever grateful to everyone on the extended Little, Brown team—with special, heartfelt thanks to my editor Michael Sand—who shared my passion for this book and for making it as good, true, and beautiful as possible, and who offered moral or other support along the way, including Reagan Arthur, Judy Clain, Nicole Dewey, Heather Fain, Peggy Freudenthal, Cathy Gruhn, Keith Hayes, Denise LaCongo, Garrett McGrath, Michael Pietsch, Kathryn Rogers, Andrea Shallcross, Rebecca Westall, and Jean Wilcox.
I am grateful to the author of this book for giving me my big break as a photographer. I am also grateful to her for writing such an epic book and giving me the opportunity to create images to help bring it to life, providing the countless hours of encouragement and support that I needed to accomplish this mission, and being the greatest wife on the planet all along the way. With all the love in the universe, I thank you, Karen.
I am grateful to the farmers who pour their hearts and souls into creating produce all across the country—from the North Fork of Long Island to the heartland of Chicago to the California coast—produce so beautiful that it was a privilege to photograph it. My very favorite is the Union Square Greenmarket in New York City (GrowNYC.org), with which—after buying the vast majority of the produce we’ve eaten over the past two years there—I have come to feel a sacred bond. Special thanks to Bobolink Dairy and Jonathan White; Bodhitree Farm and Nevia No; Greener Pastures; Lani’s Farm; Lucky Dog Farm and Richard Giles; Keith’s Farm; Migliorelli Farm; Queens County Farm Museum and Keha McIlwaine and Karen Jarman; S & S O Produce Farms; Violet Hill Farm; Windfall Farms; and W. Rogowski Farm and Andrzej Kurosz.
I am grateful to all of the restaurants that inspired me by creating beautiful plant-based dishes, including Betony, Candle 79 and both Candle Cafes, Café Gratitude, Cookbook, Crossroads, Dirt Candy, Dovetail, Downtown, Eleven Madison Park, FnB, Glenmere Mansion, Hotel Fauchère, The Inn at Little Washington (and Rachel Hayden), Kajitsu, Mélisse, Narcissa, Per Se, Picholine, The Point, Pomegranate Café, Rouge Tomate, Suenos, Table Verte, Tulsi, and Vedge.
I am grateful to Little, Brown editor Michael Sand for his keen eye and invaluable input on the photography for this book.
Finally, I am grateful to my talented photographer friend Howard (“I will be in Japan, but call me if you have a question”) Childs for never failing to offer encouragement, time, and advice.