Images INDEX Images

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Advertising, 10


for branding, 41, 68

for content, 90

employees as, 102

for people, 68

trust and, 41

Altruism, 32

Ambron, Patrick, 35

American Idol, 39

American Red Cross, 117–118

Apple, 63

Articles, 10, 24, 78

influence and, 103

by Meyer, 136

process for, 73

republishing of, 156

searches for, 144

sharing of, 102

The Artist’s Way (Cameron), 83


branding and, 132

as idle, 36

knowledge as, 58

as physical, 37

Audiences, xvii, 38, 40, 67, 89, 97

authenticity for, 133

branding and, 122

communication with, 7, 13, 75, 161

connectivity for, 26, 120

consistency and, 64

consumables for, 113

content for, 88, 94, 152

conversion of, 150

customers and, 11

education and, 64

emotion and, 48, 91

goals for, 103

greetings for, 105

information for, 149

listening and, 6

lives of, 5

mind of, 87, 92

needs of, 60, 146

niche target of, 135

opportunity for, 59, 102

patterns for, 61

platforms for, 154

relationship with, 55, 159

relaying of, 117

trust and, 17

value for, 80

Authenticity, 21–22, 114

audiences and, 133

practice and, 33

relationships and, 60

Authority, 115


Banga, Ajay, 77, 78

Beliefs, 121–122

Berlin, Mischa, 145

Beshore, Brent, 17

Bezos, Jeff, 56

Bhargava, Rohit, 47

Blogs, 8, 13, 61, 100

Brain dumps, 112

Branding, 67, 93

advocates for, 41, 68

assets and, 132

audiences and, 122

content and, 12

efforts for, xv

executives and, 26, 108, 157

investment in, 129

for leaders, 130

as likable, 69, 74–75

as personal, 57–59, 141

promotion and, 8, 155

risks to, 113

thought leadership and, 25–26, 57–59

Branson, Richard, 131

Bribery, 46

Brown, Brené, 54

Bruno, Annabel, 144–145

Business, 107

goals for, 161

hospitality as, 48

interactions in, 29

methodology in, 54

opportunity and, 23

philosophy and, 20


Cameron, Julia, 83

Careers, 125

CEOs, xv

Chouinard, Yvon, 123–124

Clark, Matt, 70, 71

CMOs, 11

Collaboration, 112, 140

Communication, 40, 158

audience and, 7, 13, 75, 161

content as, 83

through e-mail, 148

rules of, 117

thought leadership as, 134

trends in, 87

Companies, 121, 137

advantage of, 140

blogs for, 8, 13, 61, 100

content for, 92

credibility of, 42

customers and, 40

feedback for, 69

goals for, 96

investment for, 110

media owned by, 66

sustainability for, 124

transparency and, 53


events as, 38

experiences at, 107

networking and, 15

speakers at, xv

Connectivity, 2

audience and, 26, 120

for consumers, 4

for humans, xvii, 4

identity and, 122

networking and, 36

as personal, 46

relationships through, xvii, 5–7

Consistency, 52, 160

audience and, 64

content and, 78

creation and, 83–84

exercise for, 84–85

familiarity and, 77–85

memory and, 79–81

in messages, 153

opportunity from trust and, 18–20

with partnerships, 138

in publishing, 92

quality, credibility and, 81–83

Consumers, xvi

change and, 1–13

connectivity for, 4

interactions for, 136

internet and, 2

journeys for, 143–161

needs of, 6

as priority, 63

research by, 121

studies on, 56

trust for, 15–27

Contacts, 37

Content, 75, 114

advocates for, 90

for audiences, 88, 94, 152

barriers to, 93

branding and, 12

checklist for, 120, 156

as communication, 83

for companies, 92

consistency and, 78

contribution of, 101

creation of, 58, 84, 98–99, 122–123, 166

as digital, xvi, xvii, 27, 88, 108

distribution of, 42, 150–151, 166

as helpful, 144

influence and, 67

initiatives for, 133–134

investment in, 135

as marketing, 88, 95, 147

messages through, 87–104

onsite, 149

output of, 82–83, 127

parties for, 134–135

personalization of, 158

power of, 115, 145

quality of, 7

relationships and, 155

research for, 110

sharing of, 62

strategy for, 93–104

as thought leadership, 137

triggers for, 26, 65, 109, 111

value of, 156

writing and, 87–89, 160

Controversy, 62

Conversion, 150

Cook, Tim, 63

Cowell, Simon, 39

Creation, 111–113

of content, 58, 83–84, 98–99, 122–123, 166

genius of, 143

for leaders, 93

of opportunity, 130–131

practice for, 94–104

process for, 109–115

Credibility, 4, 5

of company, 42

consistency and quality, 81–83

relationships and, 35

Criticism, 40

CRM. See Customer Relationship Management system

Culture, 143

Customer Relationship Management system (CRM), 8, 33, 49

Customers, 110

audience and, 11

company and, 40

data from, 109

education of, 9, 34

relationships with, 78

service for, 45, 69


Data, 90

collection of, 111

from customers, 109

Decisions, 149–150

Diagrams, 118

Distribution, 113–114

channels for, 66–68, 148

for clients, 155

of content, 42, 150–151, 166

as internal, 153

journey through, 143–161

personalization of, 158

publications and, 100–104

Documentation, 94–96


E-mails, xiii, 145

appreciation through, 45

to CEOs, xv

communication through, 148

to editor, 100

marketing through, 101

personalization of, 158

response rate for, 49

Economy, 12, 41

Education, 26–27

audience and, 64

content and, 27

of customers, 9, 34

reputation and, 136

technology and, 145

value through, 61

Waldorf style of, 144

Ehrenberg, David, 42–43


audience and, 48, 91

bonds and, 18

employees and, 132

language and, 118

Employees, 137

as advocates, 102

emotion and, 132

encouragement of, 58

opportunity for, 131

receptionist as, 105

social media and, 132

Entrepreneurs, 15, 21, 107

Executives, 26, 108, 119, 157

Expectations, 99–100

Experience, 16, 40

at conferences, 107

lessons from, 123, 146

personalization of, 47–50

writing from, 62

Expertise, 106


Failure, 16, 73, 108

Familiarity, 24–25

consistency and, 77–85

likability and, 127

Farnsworth, Tyler, 115

Feedback, 39, 102–103

Flynn, Pat, 54

Freedom, 55

Funding, 117


Gerber, Scott, 30

Giftology (Ruhlin), 46

Goals, 8, 91, 112, 153

for audience, 103

barriers to, 23

for business, 161

for companies, 96

documentation and, 94–96

leaders and, 80

Godin, Seth, 125

Google, 98

term micro moment by, 6

Guidelines, 33, 51


Haden, Jeff, 24

on likability, 72–73

webinars and, 60

Hedberg, Mitch, 139–140

Heinz, Matt, 42

Helpfulness, 22–23

content for, 144

cultivation of, 51–52

exercise in, 52

as practice, 32, 33, 43, 50

relationships and, 29–52

Hodak, Brittany, 31

Hospitality, 48

“How to Be Exceptionally Likable” (Haden), 24

Huberman, Erik, 41

HubSpot, 9, 77

Human Resources, 157

Humans. See also People

bias for, 81

coincidences and, xiii

connections for, xvii, 4

honesty for, 54

Humility, 73


Ideas, 100

research and, 109–111

scale of, 38

Identity, 106, 122

Impact, 114–115


influence and, 103

knowledge of, 106

leaders of, 31, 79

opportunity and, 16

publications for, 108

trends in, 155

Influence, xiv, 70

content and, 67

industry and, 103

LinkedIn and, 77

as micro, 41

partnerships and, 66

sharing and, 157

Infographics, 154

Information, 33, 118, 147

for audiences, 149

benefits from, 37

content as, 67

as currency, 34

organization of, 97

process and, xiv

revolution of, 2


consumers and, 2

marketing and, 3

search and, 11

Introductions, 39, 127


in branding, 129

for companies, 110

in content, 135

in team, 130

in thought leadership, 140


Jones, Jeff, 21

Journeys, 105–115, 143–161

Jung, Carl, xiii


Kamp, Matt, 32

Kerpen, Dave, 25

Knowledge, 160

as asset, 58

bank of, 65, 97

extraction of, 96–97

of industry, 106

sharing of, 34–35

Krainik, Pete, 11

Kramer, Bryan, 4

Krishnan, Sumi, 122–123


Language, 118

Laws, 34, 64

Leaders, 89. See also Thought leadership

branding for, 130

content creation for, 93

failure and, 108

goals and, 80

of industry, 31, 79

teams of, 129

trust and, 63

Leads, 8, 156

Likability, 24

branding and, 69, 74–75

cultivation of, 69–71

exercise in, 75–76

familiarity and, 127

Haden on, 72–73

importance of, 68–69

practice of, 71–74

transparency and, 53–76

LinkedIn, 77, 154

Listening, 6, 61, 72

Luke, Maya, 134–135


Management, 96–98, 163

Manipulation, 5, 148

Marketing, 134–135, 156

beyond, 129–141

content as, 88, 95, 147

as digital, 25

e-mails as, 101

as inbound, 7–10

internet and, 3

studies on, 120

styles of, 2, 4, 13

McKissen, Dustin, 124–126

McLellan, Drew, 31

Memory, 15

consistency and, 79–81

consolidation of, 79–80

details and, 49

mind and, xv–xvi

Messages, xiv

consistency in, 153

through content, 87–104

Metrics, 91, 159

Meyer, Kelsey, 17

Micro-moment, 6

Mindfulness, 32

Motivation, 22, 119

Musk, Elon, 25


Networking, 51, 117

conferences and, 15

connectivity and, 36

partnerships and, 43

sessions for, 24

sharing as, 154

trust and, 30

New Toronto Waldorf Academy, 144–145

Non-Obvious (Bhargava), 47


Opportunity, xvii, 21, 34, 51, 68, 160

appreciation and, xvi

for audience, 59, 102

awareness of, 37

business and, 23

capitalization of, 38

creation of, 130–131

for employees, 131

formula for, 19

gifting and, 46

industry and, 16

jobs and, 12

as missed, 153

planning as, 94

referrals for, 138

for self, 22–23

thought leadership as, 84

for touch points, 146

trust and consistency for, 18–20


Partnerships, 30

consistency with, 138

development of, 19

influence and, 66

networking and, 43

Patagonia, 124

People, 50

advocates for, 68

caring about, 29

names for, 49

recognition of, 44

relationships with, 92

resources and, 23

value for, 35–36, 47

Personalization, 47–50, 158

Perspective, 16

Philosophy, xvi

business and, 20

marketing and, 3

sharing as, 37

Popova, Maria, 109

Practice, xvii, 160–161

for content creation, 94–104

habit and, 50–51

helpfulness as, 32, 33, 43, 50

humility as, 73

likability as, 71–74

scale and, 90

Preston, Alison, 79

Privacy, 53

Problems, 147–148

Products, 1, 2, 119

Profits, 119


bylines in, 68

contacts for, 37

distribution and, 100–104

as external, 152–153

industry and, 108


focus on, 120

life’s work as, 127

reflection on, 126

Pygmalion effect, 99


Quality, 81–83


Recruitment, 95, 145

talent and, 97

tools for, 101

training and, 136

Referrals, 9, 42–43, 138–139

Relationships, 36, 74, 125

with audience, 55, 159

authenticity and, 60

building of, xvii, 5–7, 12, 45

content and, 155

credibility and, 35

with customers, 78

derailment of, 21

friends as, xiii, 19

helpfulness and, 29–52

with people, 92

as professional, 44

social media and, 53

transparency and, 55

trust and, 159

Research, 10

consideration and, 148–149

by consumers, 121

for content, 110

on documentation, 95

ideation and, 109–111

process for, 112

team members and, 65

University of Chicago and, 74–75

Resources, 146

library of, 163–172

people and, 23

tools and, 85, 90, 163–172

on websites, 10

Responsibilities, 99

Roetzer, Paul, 137

Rowling, J. K., 64

Rudd, Paul, 70, 71

Ruhlin, John, 45–46, 48


Sales, 1, 135–136

capacity for, 12

leads for, 156

objections during, 157

Scaling, 85, 139

content and, 87–88

of ideas, 38

practice and, 90

systems for, 114

Schools, 144

Search engine optimization (SEO), 91, 101

Search engine results page (SERP), 91

Self-awareness, 22

Self-importance, 72

Self-promotion, 59–60

SEO. See Search engine optimization

SERP. See Search engine results page

Shah, Dharmesh, 77, 78


of articles, 102

of content, 62

influence and, 157

of knowledge, 34–35

as networking, 154

as philosophy, 37

Shesto, Linda, 122

Sinek, Simon, 118, 119, 121

Snow, Shane, 30

Social media, 154–155

companies own, 66

employees and, 132

relationships and, 53

team for, 101

Software, 36

ad blocking and, 3

metrics tracked by, 91, 159

as proprietary, 65

startup in, 153

Solutions, 149

Spiegelman, Paul, 80

Sponsorships, 66

Sportsmanship, 126

Springsteen, Bruce, 18

Stezovsky, Natalie, 135

Stories, 112

Streep, Meryl, 82


on consumers, 56

on marketers, 120

on trust, 20

Success, xiv, 31, 126

Sustainability, 124

Synchronicity, xiii


Talent, 13


contributions of, 133

founders as, 17

investment in, 130

of leaders, 129

as researchers, 65

for social media, 101

thought leaders on, 58, 131, 139–141

for writing, 98

Technology, 3, 159

collaboration through, 140

education and, 145

women in, 136

TEDx Talk, 121

Thought leadership, 35, 79, 133

branding and, 25–26, 57–59

communication as, 134

content as, 137

conversion and, 150

investment in, 140

as opportunity, 84

on teams, 58, 131, 139–141

Time, xiv, 43–44

Tools, 139

for recruitment, 101

resources and, 85, 90, 163–172

Touch points

opportunity for, 146

system of, 32

for trust, 19, 20–27, 139, 151

Training, 136, 138


likability and, 53–76

relationships and, 55

trust and, 55, 56–57

Trust, xiv, 5

advocates and, 41

audience and, 17

barriers to, 17, 49, 54, 82, 106–107, 114

building of, 39

for consumers, 15–27

familiarity and, 82

leaders and, 63

networking and, 30

opportunity from consistency and, 18–20

relationships and, 159

studies on, 20

touch points for, 19, 20–27, 139, 151

transparency and, 56–57

understanding and, 18


University of Chicago, 74–75


Value, 60–62

addition of, 82

for audiences, 80

of content, 156

education and, 61

for people, 35–36, 47

traits and, 75–76

Volunteering, 43–44


Wages, 126

Webinars, 44, 60

Winfrey, Oprah, 70, 71

Women, 136

Writing, 93

anxiety about, 89, 104, 140

content and, 87–89, 160

ego in, 41

experience and, 62

formalities for, 111

Krishnan and, 123

McKissen and, 124–126

rewrites and, 103

skills for, 21

as subjective, 113

team for, 98


Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), 30