Makes: 1 large bar • Time: 20 minutes, plus 2 hours chilling

Vitamins B-group, C & E, copper, manganese, selenium, flavonoids, other phytochemicals, minerals, fibre



80g sunflower seeds • 40g dried cranberries • 50g icing sugar, sifted
60g dark chocolate made from 100% cocoa solids, grated 50g
coconut oil • 2 tablespoons double cream • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

protects against urinary tract infection, cardiovascular disease, stroke, heart attack & cell damage • lowers cholesterol • regulates blood sugar levels • supports weight loss • anti-inflammatory, antidepressant, mild stimulant

Line a baking sheet with baking paper. Lightly toast the sunflower seeds in a frying pan. Add the cranberries and sprinkle over the sugar. Cook over a medium heat, stirring constantly, until the sugar has melted and the mixture is sticky. Tip out onto the baking sheet and use a spoon to flatten into a 5mm thick rectangle. Meanwhile, melt the chocolate and coconut oil in a heatproof bowl over a pan of simmering water. Remove from the heat, add the cream and vanilla, and stir until thickened slightly. Pour over the fruit and seed rectangle and gently spread out to cover. Chill until set, then break into pieces to serve.