Chapter 1. The British National Intelligence Effort
1 Ernest R. May, in Hitchcock, Intelligence Revolution, 72.
2 Cobban, “British Secret Service,” 232.
3 Polmar and Allen, Spy Book, 382–83.
4 Washington to Col. Elias Dayton, 26 July 1777, in Fitzpatrick, Writings of George Washington 8:478–89.
5 Richings, Espionage, 14–15.
6 Cobban, Ambassadors and Secret Agents, 110.
7 Ibid., 17.
8 22 Geo. III. 82, xxv, as quoted in Cobban, “British Secret Service,” 232–33.
9 Report from the Committee on Accounts Relating to His Majesty’s Civil List, 15 March 1802, 208, as quoted in Cobban, “British Secret Service,” 233.
10 Cobban, “British Secret Service,” 237, 248.
11 Parkinson, Britannia Rules, 78.
12 Andrew, Secret Service, 2; Brooke, King George III, 210.
13 Matheson, Life of Henry Dundas, 228.
14 Furber, Henry Dundas, 90.
15 Sherwig, Guineas and Gunpowder, 162–63.
16 Ibid., 195.
17 Flayhart, Counterpoint to Trafalgar, 19.
18 Cf. Foreign Office 37/6, 25 February 1785, as quoted in Cobban, “British Secret Service,” 237.
19 Cobban, “British Secret Service,” 237.
20 Cobban, Ambassadors and Secret Agents, 17.
21 George III, Correspondence, vol. 5, no. 3669.
22 Andrew, Secret Service, 5.
23 Public Record Office, Audit Office 1/2121, Roll 5, and Audit Office 3/949, as quoted in Mitchell, Underground War, 257.
24 Andrew, President’s Eyes Only, 11.
25 Legg, British Diplomatic Instructions, 306.
26 Cobban, “British Secret Service,” 238–47.
27 Hall, British Strategy in the Napoleonic War, 48.
28 O’Brian, Fortune of War, 177.
29 Richings, Espionage, 64.
30 This agency is detailed in Cobban, Ambassadors and Secret Agents.
31 Cobban, “British Secret Service,” 238–54.
32 Thompson and Padover, Secret Diplomacy, 198.
33 Ehrman, Younger Pitt, 649.
34 To Trevor, 25 June 1795, in the Correspondence of William Wickham 1:108, as quoted in Ehrman, Younger Pitt, 581.
35 Andrew, Secret Service, 3.
36 Thompson and Padover, Secret Diplomacy, 202.
37 Ehrman, Younger Pitt, 587.
38 Black, “Mid-Eighteenth-Century Crisis,” 221.
39 Oman, Nelson, 664.
40 Public Record Office G.D. 30/8/164, Oakes to Pitt, 27 November 1782, as quoted in Cobban, “British Secret Service,” 248.
41 Hall, British Strategy in the Napoleonic War, 48.
42 Oman, Nelson, 14–19.
43 Glover, Britain at Bay, 51–52.
44 Matheson, Life of Henry Dundas, 267.
45 Cobban, “British Secret Service,” 243–44.
46 British Museum Additional Manuscript 28060, folios 313–17, 13 April 1785, as quoted in Cobban, “British Secret Service,” 243.
47 Hall, British Strategy in the Napoleonic War, 48.
48 Deacon, British Secret Service, 93.
49 Hall, British Strategy in the Napoleonic War, 48.
50 Oman, Nelson, 601.
51 Burges, Selections from the Letters, 131–32.
52 Deacon, British Secret Service, 97.
53 Thompson and Padover, Secret Diplomacy, 197–98.
54 Ibid., 190.
55 Durant and Durant, Age of Napoleon, 250.
56 Thompson and Padover, Secret Diplomacy, 203.
57 Brig. Gen. Sir James Edmonds, “Leakages,” Army Quarterly, October 1953, 84, as quoted in Glover, Britain at Bay, 51.
58 Atherton, Top Secret, 7; Rose, Napoleonic Studies, 153–65.
59 British Museum Additional Manuscript 34441, folios 395–6, as quoted in Cobban, Ambassadors and Secret Agents, 18.
60 Cochrane, Autobiography 1:195.
61 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 6:402.
62 O’Brian, Mauritius Command, 43.
63 O’Brian, Commodore, 186.
64 Spencer, George, 2nd Earl Spencer 2:213.
65 Thompson and Padover, Secret Diplomacy, 197.
66 Isaac Chauncey to Secretary of the Navy Paul Hamilton, as quoted in Dudley, Naval War of 1812, 314.
67 For additional detail, study not only more of Cobban but also Mitchell, Underground War.
68 Ellis, Post Office, vii-viii.
69 Ehrman, Younger Pitt, 484.
70 MacIntosh, The British Cabinet, 37–38.
71 Ellis, Post Office, viii.
72 Marcus, Age of Nelson, 290.
73 Pope, Great Gamble, 119–20.
74 Home Office Papers, Public Record Office 33/1, Freeling to Rose, 13 July 1791, as quoted in Ellis, Post Office, 61.
75 “Observations 1793”: The Postmaster General’s observations on the report of 1788, General Post Office, E.C.1., folio 10, as quoted in Ellis, Post Office, 61.
76 Historical Manuscripts Commission, Abergavenny Manuscript, 23; Lord Walsingham’s Papers, General Post Office, E.C.1., 2, folios 42, 52; Home Office Papers, Public Record Office, 42/213, Postmaster General to Portland, 1 Sept. 1798, as quoted in Ellis, Post Office, 61.
77 George III, Correspondence, vol. 2, no. 1092; vol. 6, nos. 4475 and 4507.
78 Ellis, Post Office, 62–63.
79 Black, “Mid-Eighteenth-Century Crisis,” 212.
80 Politische Correspondenz 11:294, 193, as quoted in Black, “Mid-Eighteenth-Century Crisis,” 225.
81 Ellis, Post Office, 63.
82 Foreign Office Papers, Public Record Office 83/5, 5 August 1765; Grenville Papers, iii, 81; C. S. Parker, The Life and Letters of Sir James Graham (London: J, Murray, 1907), 1:444, as quoted in Ellis, Post Office, 63.
83 Home Office Papers, Public Record Office 42/208, 28 April 1792; 79/1, 6 February 1812, as quoted in Ellis, Post Office, 63.
84 State Papers, Public Record Office 35/31, folio 147, as quoted in Ellis, Post Office, 64.
85 Colonial Office Papers, Public Record Office 5/135, Todd to Knox, 5 June 1776; Colonial Office Papers, Public Record Office 5/134-7, as quoted in Ellis, Post Office, 65; Butler, Dr. Franklin Postmaster General, 150.
86 Ellis, Post Office, 65–67.
87 Ibid., 68.
88 British Museum Additional Manuscripts 38357, folio 36, as quoted in Ellis, Post Office, 69.
89 George III, Correspondence, vol. 3, no. 1345.
90 Ellis, Post Office, 69.
91 British Museum Additional Manuscripts 32731, folios 7–11, as quoted in Ellis, Post Office, 69.
92 Andrew, Her Majesty’s Secret Service, 3.
93 Bland Burges Papers 47:6, as quoted in Black, “Mid-Eighteenth-Century Crisis,” 213.
94 R. Sedgwick, Letters from George III to Lord Bute 1756–66 (London: Macmillan, 1939), 210, as quoted in Ellis, Post Office, 70; Furber, Henry Dundas, 282–83, 298.
95 Richard, Duke of Buckingham, Memoirs of the Court and Cabinets of George III (London: Hurst and Blackett, 1853–55), 1:117; Colonial Office Papers, Public Record Office 5/40, pt. iii, as quoted in Ellis, Post Office, 70. Black, in “Mid-Eighteenth-Century Crisis,” believes that more intercepts were preserved than Ellis thinks.
96 Matheson, Life of Henry Dundas, 234.
97 Andrew, President’s Eyes Only, 107.
98 George III, Correspondence, vol. 5, no. 2942.
99 British Museum Additional Manuscript 34414, folios 18, 265; 32845, folio 389; 35413, folios 245–46, 255; and 24321, folios 24–28. Home Office Papers, Public Record Office 42/207, Maddison to Nepean, 31 December 1790; 42/213, Under-Secretary to Freeling, 29 March 1798. Historical Manuscripts Commission, Abergavenny Manuscript, 39–40, all as quoted in Ellis, Post Office, 70.
100 Ellis, Post Office, 71.
101 Foreign Office Papers, Public Record Office 83/5, Bode to Hammond, 5 November 1801, as quoted in Ellis, Post Office, 71.
102 Fitzpatrick, Secret Service under Pitt, 31.
103 George III, Correspondence, vol. 4. no, 2359; emphasis added.
104 Ellis, Post Office, 72.
105 Ibid., 72–73.
106 Ibid., 139.
107 Ibid., 73.
108 Castlereagh, Correspondence 1:272–93, 2:96–99.
109 Ibid. 3:371.
110 Ibid. 1:272–93, 2:96–99.
111 Matheson, Life of Henry Dundas, 255.
112 Richings, Espionage, 260–66; Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 5:42.
113 Richelson, Century of Spies, 174.
114 Thompson and Padover, Secret Diplomacy, 204, 238.
115 Ellis, Post Office, 75; Pope, Great Gamble, 120. See also, for example, Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 4:279; “Mrs. Thompson’s friend” is Nelson himself.
116 British Museum Additional Manuscript 32731, folio 8, as quoted in Ellis, Post Office, 75.
117 British Museum Additional Manuscript 35413, folios 247–48, as quoted in Ellis, Post Office, 76.
118 Black, “Mid-Eighteenth-Century Crisis,” 224.
119 Thompson and Padover, Secret Diplomacy, 246–47.
120 Haldane, Hidden World, 76.
121 Thompson and Padover, Secret Diplomacy, 190.
122 Ellis, Post Office, 76.
123 Ibid., 76.
124 Ibid., 77.
125 Marcus, Age of Nelson, 289.
126 Ibid., 401.
127 Pope, Life in Nelson’s Navy, 10, 237.
128 Oman, Nelson, 100; Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 29.
129 George III, Correspondence, vol. 6, no. 4276, 331.
130 Marcus, Age of Nelson, 402.
131 Ellis, Post Office, 61.
132 Admiralty 1/3993, 6 September 1809, as quoted in Marcus, Age of Nelson, 370.
133 Keith, Keith Papers 3:233.
134 Theodore Roosevelt, The Naval Operations of the War between Great Britain and the United States, 1812–1815, 247–48, as quoted in Marcus, Age of Nelson, 472.
135 Ward and Gooch, British Foreign Policy, 333–34.
136 Matheson, Life of Henry Dundas, 342.
Chapter 2. The Admiralty
1 Rodger, Wooden World, 29.
2 Morris, Fisher’s Face, 239.
3 Forester, Age of Fighting Sail, 128.
4 Glover, Britain at Bay, 57.
5 Matheson, Life of Henry Dundas, 338; Lavery, Nelson’s Navy, 245–51.
6 Parkinson, Britannia Rules, 6, 8.
7 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 3:25.
8 Barham, Charles, Lord Barham 3:76–77.
9 Ibid. 3:77–78.
10 Parkinson, Britannia Rules, 8.
11 Pope, Life in Nelson’s Navy, 23.
12 Parkinson, Britannia Rules, 8.
13 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 3:2.
14 Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 34.
15 Ibid., 34.
16 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 5:429.
17 Bennett, Nelson the Commander, 235.
18 Pope, Life in Nelson’s Navy, 32.
19 Keith, Keith Papers 3:21.
20 Gunther Rothenberg, in Neilson and McKertcher, Go Spy the Land, 109.
21 Herman, Intelligence Power, 12.
22 Andrew, Secret Service, 7.
23 Herman, Intelligence Power, 16–17.
24 George III, Correspondence, vol. 4, no. 2420.
25 Ibid., no. 2748.
26 Ibid., no. 2765.
27 Rodger, Insatiable Earl, 209–10.
28 Parkinson, Britannia Rules, 128.
29 St. Vincent, Letters of Admiral of the Fleet 1:125–26.
30 Ibid., 127.
31 Ibid., 129.
32 Ibid., 133.
33 Ibid., 135–36.
34 Ibid., 137.
35 Ibid., 139–40.
36 Ibid., 142.
37 Ibid., 199.
38 Lucien Bonaparte (1775–1840) by choice never really participated in the clan’s political advancement. In fact, he effectively retired in 1804.
39 St. Vincent, Letters of Admiral of the Fleet 1:199–200.
40 Barham, Charles, Lord Barham 3:37–38.
41 Ibid., 385.
42 Ibid., 297.
43 St. Vincent, Letters of Admiral of the Fleet 1:205.
44 Katwijk is fifteen miles north of the Hague.
45 Keith, Keith Papers 3:202.
46 Spencer, George, 2nd Earl Spencer, 2:303–5.
47 Marcus, Age of Nelson, 140.
48 Melville (Dundas), as quoted in Matheson, Life of Henry Dundas, 336.
49 Keith, Keith Papers 3:346–47.
50 Ibid., 32.
51 Rodger, Wooden World, 332.
52 Renaut, Secret Service de L’Amirauté Britannique, 29–32. I am indebted to Monica McLean Scott for the translation.
53 However, Renaut’s fundamental claim is echoed by Herman, Intelligence Power, 14.
54 Herman, Intelligence Power, 114.
55 Deacon, British Secret Service, 101–3; Rowan and Deindorfer, Secret Service, 187–90.
56 Robertson, Secret Mission; Deacon, British Secret Service, 103–6; Deacon, Silent War, 29–30; Marcus, Age of Nelson, 323; Thompson and Padover, Secret Diplomacy, 228–33.
57 O’Brian, Surgeon’s Mate, 324.
58 Keith, Keith Papers 3:6.
59 St. Vincent, Letters of Admiral of the Fleet, 2:398–401.
60 Forester, Captain Horatio Hornblower, 421.
61 Barham, Charles, Lord Barham 3:346, as found in Keith, Keith Papers 3:114.
62 Keith, Keith Papers 3:243.
63 Ibid., 237.
64 Ibid., 21–22.
65 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 5:152–53.
66 Ibid., 3:31.
67 Ibid. 5:vi.
68 Ibid. 6:493.
Chapter 3. Signals and Information Transmission
1 Bennett, Nelson the Commander, 80–81.
2 Ibid., 193.
3 Price, Eyes of the Fleet, 162.
4 Ibid., 80–81.
5 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 5:214.
6 Ibid. 6:100.
7 Ibid., 265.
8 Ibid., 289.
9 Zacharias, Secret Missions, 267.
10 St. Vincent, Letters of Admiral of the Fleet 1:300.
11 Forester, Age of Fighting Sail, 89.
12 Pope, Black Ship, 23.
13 Pope, Life in Nelson’s Navy, 29–30.
14 Henderson, Frigates, 78.
15 O’Brian, Wine-Dark Sea, 11.
16 O’Brian, Reverse of the Medal, 103.
17 Forester, Captain Horatio Hornblower, 481.
18 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 5:373.
19 O’Brian, Far Side of the World, 186.
20 O’Brian, Commodore, 4.
21 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 6:184.
22 Ibid., 308–9.
23 Oman, Nelson, 302.
24 Parkinson, Britannia Rules, 176.
25 Henderson, Frigates, 126.
26 Kent, Beyond the Reef, 257.
27 Forester, Hornblower and the “Hotspur,” 86, 104.
28 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 5:201.
29 Ibid. 6:247.
30 Forester, Age of Fighting Sail, 32.
31 Price, Eyes of the Fleet, 43.
32 Bennett, Nelson the Commander, 81.
33 Keith, Keith Papers 3:129.
34 Public Record Office, Admiralty 1/415, as quoted in Glover, Britain at Bay, 165.
35 Pope, Great Gamble, 170.
36 Henderson, Frigates, 94.
37 Marcus, Age of Nelson, 487.
38 Gardiner, British Admiralty, 5–6.
39 Keith, Keith Papers 3:389.
40 Times, 29 January 1801, 2d.
41 Pope, Great Gamble, plates after 84.
42 Cochrane, Autobiography 1:288–89.
43 Barham, Charles, Lord Barham 1:301.
44 Ibid. 1:343–44.
45 Ibid. 2:372–73.
46 A signal code invented by Mahé de la Bourdonnais, around 1750, as found in Bourdé de Villehuct’s Le Manoeuvrier. Bennett, Nelson the Commander, 84.
47 Callender and Hinsley, Naval Side of British History, 173.
48 Barham, Charles, Lord Barham 2:381.
49 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 3:230.
50 Price, Eyes of the Fleet, 160.
51 Keith, Keith Papers 2:325.
52 Barrow, as quoted in Marcus, Age of Nelson, 268–69.
53 Lavery, Nelson’s Navy, 262.
54 Pope, Great Gamble, 299–300.
55 Marcus, Age of Nelson, 279.
56 Hattendorf, in King, Sea of Words, 5.
57 O’Brian, Letter of Marque, 102.
58 Bennett, Nelson the Commander, 85.
59 Marcus, Age of Nelson, 274–75.
60 Lavery, Nelson’s Navy, 262.
61 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 6:112.
62 Pope, Life in Nelson’s Navy, 208.
63 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 6:78.
64 Ibid. 5:374.
65 St. Vincent, letters of Admiral of the Fleet 1:202.
66 Henderson, Frigates, 15.
67 Keith, Keith papers 3:69.
68 USS United States vs. HMS Macedonian; USS Constitution vs. HMS Guerriere; and USS Constitution vs. HMS Java.
69 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 6:246.
70 O’Brian, Commodore, 168.
71 Marcus, Age of Nelson, 95.
72 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 5:258.
73 Ibid., 162.
74 Oman, Nelson, 381.
75 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 6:5–6.
76 For greater insights into this process, particularly in this time period, consult Weber, United States Diplomatic Codes, as well as Thompson and Padover, Secret Diplomacy.
77 Andrew, President’s Eyes Only, 104.
78 Weber, United States Diplomatic Codes, 17.
79 Hamilton, Hamilton and Nelson Papers 1:205.
80 Pope, Great Gamble, 103.
81 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 6:52.
82 Ibid. 5:327–28.
83 Ibid., 503.
84 Ibid., 504.
85 St. Vincent, Letters of Admiral of the Fleet 2:185–86.
86 Paul Hamilton to Isaac Chauncey, 31 August 1812, in Dudley, Naval War of 1812, 300.
87 Spencer, George, 2nd Earl Spencer 3:180–81.
88 Forester, Lord Nelson, 201–2.
89 Price, Eyes of the Fleet, 53.
90 Ibid., 281.
91 Ibid., 89.
92 Hoche (1768–1797) rose from the ranks; having successfully worked internal-security operations against the Vendean rebels, he was nominated to command the army designated to invade Ireland.
93 Price, Eyes of the Fleet, 89.
94 Parkinson, Britannia Rules, 45.
95 Arthur, Remaking of the English Navy, 74.
96 St. Vincent, Letters of Admiral of the Fleet 1:70.
Chapter 4. Frigates: The Eyes of the Fleet
1 Price, Eyes of the Fleet, 4.
2 Oman, Nelson, 181.
3 Price, Eyes of the Fleet, 25.
4 Ibid., 91.
5 Ibid., 26–27.
6 Corbett, Some Principles of Maritime Strategy, 112.
7 Ibid., 111–12.
8 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 5:467.
9 Ibid. 6:162.
10 O’Brian, Hundred Days, 274.
11 Price, Eyes of the Fleet, 282.
12 Corbett, Some Principles of Maritime Strategy, 106–7.
13 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 3:98–99.
14 Price, Eyes of the Fleet, 92.
15 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 3:43–44.
16 Ibid. 5:145.
17 Ibid., 283–84.
18 Ibid., 413.
19 Ibid. 6:269.
20 Ibid. 7:76.
21 Ibid., 76–77.
22 Ibid., 80–81.
23 Forester, Lord Nelson, 293–95.
24 Arthur, Remaking of the English Navy, 137.
25 Marcus, Age of Nelson, 357.
26 Keith, Keith Papers 3:349.
27 Marcus, Age of Nelson, 240.
28 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 5:300–301.
29 Ibid., 394.
30 Ibid., 388.
31 Ibid. 6:35.
32 Marcus, Age of Nelson, 263.
33 Corbett, Some Principles of Maritime Strategy, 248.
34 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 6:329.
35 Bennett, Nelson the Commander, 238–39.
36 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 5:157–58.
37 Ibid., 161.
38 Price, Eyes of the Fleet, 201.
Chapter 5. Deception
1 Howard, Strategic Deception, ix.
2 Taken from Goldman, Words of Warning, and Elkins, Resource Manager’s Guide.
3 Thomas, Cochrane, 188,
4 Cochrane, Autobiography 1:196, 272–74; Lloyd, Lord Cochrane, 44.
5 Cochrane, Autobiography 1:273–74.
6 Cochrane, Autobiography 1:101; Thomas, Cochrane, 62.
7 Forester, Age of Fighting Sail, 71.
8 Archibald, Wooden Fighting Ship, 80.
9 Parkinson, War in the Eastern Seas, 224, 430.
10 O’Brian, Truelove, 223.
11 O’Brian, Nutmeg of Consolation, 126–31.
12 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 6:183.
13 Cochrane, Autobiography 1:100.
14 Marcus, Age of Nelson, 386.
15 Price, Eyes of the Fleet, 67.
16 Matheson, Life of Henry Dundas, 241.
17 W. James, Naval History, (1837) 1:268, as quoted in Marcus, Age of Nelson, 41.
18 Oman, Nelson, 51.
19 Cochrane, Autobiography 1:100, 128.
20 O’Brian, Truelove, 255.
21 William Crane to Paul Hamilton, in Dudley, Naval War of 1812, 209–10.
22 Cochrane, Autobiography 1:101.
23 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 6:319.
24 Wilson, Flags at Sea, 84, 106, 111.
25 Price, Eyes of the Fleet, 263.
26 Cochrane, Autobiography 1:189–91.
27 Thomas, Cochrane, 130.
28 Price, Eyes of the Fleet, 95, 263.
29 O’Brian, H.M.S. “Surprise,” 297.
30 Ibid., 285.
31 Cochrane, Autobiography 1:178.
32 Mallalieu, Extraordinary Seaman, 42.
33 Cochrane, Autobiography 1:107.
34 Forester, Age of Fighting Sail, 114; Price, Eyes of the Fleet, 237.
35 Henderson, Frigates, 47–53.
36 Marcus, Age of Nelson, 272; Oman, Nelson, 615.
37 Corbett, Campaign of Trafalgar, 270; Glover, Britain at Bay, 82. Corbett identifies the ship as Swedish versus Danish.
38 Parkinson, Britannia Rules, 67; Price, Eyes of the Fleet, 156.
39 Marcus, Age of Nelson, 144.
40 Spencer, George, 2nd Earl Spencer 3:84–85.
41 Purser Henry Denison to Secretary of the Navy Hamilton, 11 November 1812, in Dudley, Naval War of 1812, 566.
42 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 6:452.
Chapter 6. The Commander: Jack and Master of All Trades
1 Bennett, Nelson the Commander, 79.
2 Masefield, Sea Life, 56.
3 Ernest R. May, as quoted in Hitchcock, Intelligence Revolution, 72.
4 Rodger, Wooden World, 155.
5 Bennett, Nelson the Commander, 297.
6 From an 1857 manual, as quoted in Bennett, Nelson the Commander, 6.
7 O’Brian, Ionian Mission, 241–42.
8 Nathan R. Teitel, in Bligh, Mutiny on Board H.M.S. “Bounty,” 8.
9 Bennett, Nelson the Commander, 61.
10 Bligh, Mutiny on Board H.M.S. “Bounty,” 15.
11 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 6:468.
12 Oman, Nelson, 573.
13 Bligh, Mutiny on Board H.M.S. “Bounty,” 15.
14 Bennett, Nelson the Commander, 6.
15 Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 33.
16 Forester, Captain Horatio Hornblower, 16–17.
17 O’Brian, Commodore, 186.
18 Rodger, Wooden World, 259–60.
19 Ibid., 332.
20 Ibid., 335.
21 Forester, Captain Horatio Hornblower, 13.
22 King, Harbours and High Seas, 27.
23 Ibid., 27.
24 Keith, Keith Papers 3:217.
25 O’Brian, Wine-Dark Sea, 35–36.
26 Pope, Great Gamble, 503.
27 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 5:169.
28 Ibid. 6:249–50.
29 Ibid. 5:273.
30 Parkinson, Britannia Rules, 82.
31 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 5:284–85.
32 Bennett, Nelson the Commander, 6.
33 Collingwood, Selection from the Public and Private Correspondence 2:313.
34 Bennett, Nelson the Commander, 6.
35 Georges-Jacques Danton (1759–1794), French revolutionary leader (“We must dare, and dare again, and go on daring,” in his 28 August 1792 speech to the Legislative Assembly); Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord (1754–1838), Napoleon’s minister of foreign affairs (“Don’t be eager”).
36 Bennett, Nelson the Commander, 7.
37 Ibid., 7.
38 Marcus, Age of Nelson, 410.
39 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 6:240–41.
40 Ibid. 5:248.
41 Forester, Lord Nelson, 216–18.
42 Oman, Nelson, 175.
43 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 6:240–41.
44 Oman, Nelson, 54.
45 Ibid., 56.
46 Ibid., 533.
47 O’Brian, Ionian Mission, 113–14.
48 Oman, Nelson, 360–61.
49 Howarth, Trafalgar, 9.
50 Mackenzie, Trafalgar Role, 1–44.
51 Halloran, Battle of Trafalgar, I.
52 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 7:60.
53 Oman, Nelson, 536.
54 Forester, Lord Nelon, 21.
55 Oman, Nelson, 664.
56 Bennett, Nelson the Commander, 293.
57 Oman, Nelson, 381.
58 Marcus, Age of Nelson, 345.
59 See this autobiography, Sailor’s Odyssey; Warner’s Cunningham of Hyndhope; and Jane’s Fighting Ships 1939.
60 Oman, Nelson, 349.
61 Ibid., 387.
62 Ibid., 424.
63 Spencer, George, 2nd Earl Spencer 2:421.
64 Pope, Black Ship, 71.
65 Ibid., 81.
66 As quoted in Warner, Command at Sea, 101.
67 World Book Encyclopedia (Chicago: World Book, 1993), 15:235.
68 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 3:99.
69 Burges, Selections from the Letters, 88–89.
70 Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 110.
71 Ibid., 61.
72 Oman, Nelson, 591.
73 Bennett, Nelson the Commander, 69.
74 Lavery, Nelson’s Navy, 252.
75 Oman, Nelson, 570.
76 Rodger, Wooden World, 19.
77 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 6:118.
78 Forester, Age of Fighting Sail, 84.
79 Pope, Great Gamble, 195.
80 Lavery, Nelson’s Navy, 251.
81 Pope, Black Ship, 15.
82 Pope, Great Gamble, 23.
83 Ibid., 23.
84 Ibid., 20.
85 Rodger, Wooden World, 17.
86 Pope, Great Gamble, 81.
87 Forester, Lord Nelson, 43. Significantly, this was written in 1929.
88 Pope, Great Gamble, 423.
89 Bradford, Nelson, 274.
90 O’Brian, Ionian Mission, 344.
91 O’Brian, Letter of Marque, 50–51.
92 Kent, Flag Captain, 128.
93 Forester, Captain Horatio Hornblower, 109.
94 Pope, Black Ship, 311.
95 Oman, Nelson, 568.
96 Ibid., 356–57.
97 Forester, Lord Nelson, 278–79.
98 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 6:484.
99 Forester, Lord Nelson, 293.
100 Bennett, Nelson the Commander, 226.
101 Marcus, Age of Nelson, 432.
102 Oman, Nelson, 544.
103 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 5:318–19.
104 Ibid. 6:188.
105 Pope, Great Gamble, 150.
106 Price, Eyes of the Fleet, 157–58.
107 Pope, Great Gamble, 18.
Chapter 7. The Commander as Intelligence Officer
1 Glover, Britain at Bay, 59.
2 Keith, Keith Papers 3:198–99.
3 Parkinson, Britannia Rules, 138.
4 Oman, Nelson, 187.
5 Ibid., 188.
6 Keith, Keith Papers 2:378–79.
7 Ibid. 3:120.
8 Ibid., 119.
9 Lord, Dawn’s Early Light, 79.
10 Keith, Keith Papers 3:256–57.
11 Ibid., 241.
12 Forester, Lord Nelson, 106–7.
13 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 6:469.
14 Ibid. 7:55.
15 Ibid., 49.
16 Forester, Lord Nelson, 108.
17 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 6:475.
18 Bainbridge’s journal, on board the Constitution, as quoted in Dudley, Naval War of 1812, 644.
19 Public Record Office, Admiralty 1/226, as quoted in Glover, Britain at Bay, 162.
20 Pope, Life in Nelson’s Navy, 103–4.
21 Keith, Keith Papers 1:467.
22 Price, Eyes of the Fleet, 204.
23 Ibid., 202, 205, 207.
24 Keith, Keith Papers 3:69.
25 Ibid., 40–41.
26 Public Record Office, Admiralty 1/224, as quoted in Glover, Britain at Bay, 163.
27 Spencer, George, 2nd Earl Spencer 2:379.
28 Keith, Keith Papers 2:173–74.
29 Oman, Nelson, 539.
30 Keith, Keith Papers 3:345.
31 Bennett, Nelson the Commander, 243.
32 Spencer, George, 2nd Earl Spencer 4:20.
33 Kent, Signal—Close Action!, 15.
34 Price, Eyes of the Fleet, 52. For a vivid example of this type of collection, albeit fictionalized, see Forester, Hornblower and the “Hotspur,” 55–60.
35 Forester, Hornblower and the “Hotspur,” 58–59.
36 Forester, Commodore Hornblower, 39–40.
37 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 5:428–29.
38 Barham, Charles, Lord Barham 1:234.
39 Keith, Keith Papers 1:322.
40 Morris, Fisher’s Face, 137.
41 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 6:192.
42 Rodger, Wooden World, 325.
43 Barnes, George III and William Pitt, 456.
44 Matheson, Life of Henry Dundas, 345.
45 Cochrane, Autobiography 1:239–40.
46 Ibid., 284–85.
47 Ibid., 261–62.
48 Collingwood, as quoted in Lavery, Nelson’s Navy, 253.
49 Rodger, Wooden World, 8.
50 Pope, Black Ship, 80.
51 Lord, Dawn’s Early Light, 44.
52 Forester, Commodore Hornblower, 56–58.
53 Oman, Nelson, 606; Scott, Recollections, 179–80. But Mackenzie, Trafalgar Role, does not show Estes or his colleagues listed on board on the day of battle.
54 Scott, Recollections, 22–23, 33, 64, 73–75, 82, 97, 107, 109, 117–23, 128–33.
55 Handel, Masters of War, 166.
56 St. Vincent, Letters of Admiral of the Fleet 2:267.
57 Ibid. 1:200.
58 Oman, Nelson, 208.
59 Spencer, George, 2nd Earl Spencer 2:187.
60 Keith, Keith Papers 3:125.
61 Ibid., 213–14.
62 Oman, Nelson, 243.
63 Ibid., 481.
64 Bennett, Nelson the Commander, 242.
65 Ibid., 244.
66 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 5:362.
67 Ibid. 6:4–5.
68 Oman, Nelson, 604.
69 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 7:2–3.
70 Clausewitz, as quoted in Handel, Masters of War, 143.
71 Forester, Lieutenant Hornblower, 65.
72 E. P. Brenton, as quoted in Lloyd, Lord Cochrane, 40.
73 Lloyd, Lord Cochrane, 10.
74 Oman, Nelson, 164.
75 Ibid., 534.
76 Pope, Great Gamble, 262.
77 Marcus, Age of Nelson, 33.
78 Oman, Nelson, 250.
79 Price, Eyes of the Fleet, 253.
80 Ibid., 91.
Chapter 8. A Naval Intelligence Occasion
1 Pope, Great Gamble, 226.
2 Parkinson, War in the Eastern Seas, 226.
3 Parliamentary Papers, 1868–69, 35:693–95, as quoted in Cook and Stevenson, Facts, 102.
4 Parkinson, War in the Eastern Seas, 224, 430.
5 O’Brian, H.M.S. “Surprise,” 280.
6 Quoted in Barham, Charles, Lord Barham 3:227.
7 O’Brian, H.M.S. “Surprise,” 303.
8 Parkinson, War in the Eastern Seas, 228–29.
9 Ibid., 230.
10 As quoted in Parkinson, War in the Eastern Seas, 234.
11 O’Brian, H.M.S. “Surprise,” 333.
Chapter 9. A Naval Intelligence Expedition
1 Forester, Lord Nelson, 240–41.
2 Marcus, Age of Nelson, 171.
3 Ibid., 172.
4 Forester, Lord Nelson, 84.
5 Carysfort Papers, Elton Hall, as quoted in Pope, Great Gamble, 67.
6 Bradford, Essential Hero, 263; Mahan, Life of Nelson 2:62.
7 Public Record Office, Admiralty 3/144, Intelligence/Denmark 289, 30 December 1800, as quoted in Pope, Great Gamble, 74.
8 Public Record Office, Admiralty 1/4186, Talbot Dispatches, 13 and 16 January 1801, as quoted in Pope, Great Gamble, 91–92.
9 Pope, Great Gamble, 95.
10 Times, 5 January 1801, 2b.
11 Pope, Great Gamble, 96.
12 Times, 6 January 1801, 3a.
13 Ibid., 10 January 1801, 2a.
14 Ibid., 13 January 1801, 2d.
15 Ibid., 15 January 1801, 2c.
16 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 4:280.
17 Public Record Office, Foreign Office 22/40, 9 January 1801, as quoted in Pope, Great Gamble, 97.
18 St. Vincent, Letters of Admiral of the Fleet 1:82.
19 See Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 4:282.
20 Matheson, Life of Henry Dundas. 298.
21 Public Record Office, Admiralty 1/4186, State Letters, 14 January 1801, as quoted in Pope, Great Gamble, 105.
22 Public Record Office, Admiralty 1/4186, 15 January 1801, as quoted in Pope, Great Gamble, 105.
23 Public Record Office, Foreign Office 22/40, no. 4, 15 January 1801, as quoted in Pope, Great Gamble, 105.
24 Times, 23 January 1801, 2c.
25 Ibid., 24 January 1801, 2a,b.
26 Ibid., 26 January 1801, 2c.
27 Ibid., 27 January 1801, 2c.
28 Ibid., 28 February 1801, 3b.
29 Bennett, Nelson the Commander, 186.
30 Ibid., 186.
31 Parkinson, Britannia Rules, 83.
32 Bennett, Nelson the Commander, 186.
33 Public Record Office, Foreign Office 22/40, Drummond-Grenville no. 5, 24 January 1801, as quoted in Pope, Great Gamble, 127.
34 Nicholas Vansittart, M.P. (later first Baron Bexley), as quoted in Pope, Great Gamble, 147.
35 Pope, Great Gamble, 148.
36 Public Record Office, Admiralty 3/144, Minutes, 12 February 1801, as quoted in Pope, Great Gamble, 154.
37 Public Record Office, Admiralty 3/144, Board Minutes (Rough), 22 January 1801, as quoted in Pope, Great Gamble, 123.
38 Pope, Great Gamble, 171.
39 Nelson, Nelson’s Letters, 304.
40 Ibid., 305.
41 Ibid., 311.
42 Oman, Nelson, 428.
43 Pope, Great Gamble, 173.
44 Ibid., 174.
45 Ibid., 174–76.
46 Ibid., 176, 179; Oman, Nelson, 430.
47 St. Vincent, Letters of Admiral of the Fleet 1:83.
48 Pope, Great Gamble, 177; Oman, Nelson, 434.
49 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 4:290.
50 Oman, Nelson, 110.
51 Pope, Great Gamble, 177–78.
52 Oman, Nelson, 434.
53 Pope, Great Gamble, 185–86.
54 Ibid., 186.
55 Oman, Nelson, 434.
56 Naval Miscellany, vol. 2, 7 March 1801, as quoted in Pope, Great Gamble, 187.
57 Hibbert, Nelson, 253; Mahan, Life of Nelson 2:67.
58 Public Record Office, Admiralty 1/4, Admirals, Despatches, Baltic Fleet, f.Ha 8, as quoted in Pope, Great Gamble, 188.
59 Times, 4 March 1801, 3a.
60 Ibid., 7 March 1801, 2d.
61 St. Vincent, Letters of Admiral of the Fleet 1:86.
62 Times, 12 March 1801, 3b.
63 Pope, Great Gamble, 235–36.
64 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 4:294.
65 Rigsarkivet, Danish State Archives, synopsis of letters received by the crown prince and subsequent resolutions on them, 26 March 1801, as quoted in Pope, Great Gamble, 236, 253.
66 Pope, Great Gamble, 247, 249.
67 Parker, as quoted in St. Vincent, Letters of Admiral of the Fleet 1:63.
68 Pope, Great Gamble, 261–62.
69 Drummond, as quoted in Pope, Great Gamble, 274–75.
70 Thomas J. Pettigrew, Memoirs of the Life of Vice-Admiral Lord Viscount Nelson, 2 vols. (London: T. & W. Boone, 1849), 1:448, as quoted in Oman, Nelson, 436.
71 Pope, Great Gamble, 262–67.
72 Ibid., 268.
73 Lt. Col. Stewart, as quoted in St. Vincent, Letters of Admiral of the Fleet 1:65. Also found in Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 4:300.
74 Pope, Great Gamble, 281.
75 Bennett, Nelson the Commander, 188–89. The full texts can be found in Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 4:295–98, in Nelson, Nelson’s Letters, 319–21, and in Clarke and M’Arthur, Life and Services 2:386–88.
76 Pope, Great Gamble, 290.
77 Hibbert, Nelson, 256–57.
78 Nelson, Journal, as quoted in Pope, Great Gamble, 295.
79 Brisbane’s Report: Stewart’s diary, Cumloden Papers, as quoted in Pope, Great Gamble, 297.
80 Pope, Great Gamble, 298.
81 Mahan, Life of Nelson 2:77.
82 British Museum Additional Manuscript 41667D, Bourgoing to Talleyrand, 30 March 1801, as quoted in Pope, Great Gamble, 306.
83 Borberg and Espersen, Military Intelligence Service, 9.
84 Parker journal, as quoted in Pope, Great Gamble, 309.
85 Sir Hyde Parker, “Journal.—Sir Hyde Parker, Knight, Admiral of the Blue.—Admirals’ Journals, vol. 35,” in Jackson, Logs of the Great Sea Fights 2:88.
86 Parker, as quoted in Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 4:319.
87 Hamilton, Hamilton and Nelson Papers, 2, no. 551, p. 132. Also found in Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 4:321.
88 Parker, in Jackson, Logs of the Great Sea Fights, 89.
89 Pope, Great Gamble, 313.
90 Ibid., 316.
91 Ibid., 330.
92 Ibid., 347–48.
93 Ibid., 348.
94 Ibid., 352.
95 Ibid., 355.
96 Oman, Nelson, 444.
97 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 4:499–500.
98 Forester, Lord Nelson, 62.
99 Pope, Great Gamble, 357.
100 Oman, Nelson, 455.
101 Hibbert, Nelson, 261.
102 Pope, Great Gamble, 410–11.
103 Hibbert, Nelson, 265.
104 Mahan, Life of Nelson 2:93.
Chapter 10. A Naval Intelligence Campaign
1 Chandler, Campaigns of Napoleon, 208; Stokesbury, Navy and Empire, 184; Warner, Battle of the Nile, 23–24.
2 Warner, Battle of the Nile, 24.
3 Mahan, Life of Nelson 1:319.
4 Forester, Lord Nelson, 165.
5 Warner, Battle of the Nile, 23.
6 Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 37.
7 Spencer, George, 2nd Earl Spencer 2:429–30.
8 Ibid., 432–33.
9 Ibid., 434.
10 Windham, Diary (London, 1866), ed. Mrs. H. Baring, 2:392–94, as quoted in Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 94.
11 Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 97.
12 Spencer, George, 2nd Earl Spencer 2:438.
13 Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 36–37.
14 Forester, Lord Nelson, 167.
15 Public Record Office, Admiralty 1/6034, as quoted in Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 35.
16 Bennett, Nelson the Commander, 121–22; Lloyd, Nile Campaign, 10.
17 Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 14–15.
18 Marcus, Age of Nelson, 126.
19 Secret decree as quoted in Lloyd, Nile Campaign, 12.
20 Bennett, Nelson the Commander, 122; Chandler, Campaigns of Napoleon, 212.
21 Chandler, Campaigns of Napoleon, 210; Warner, Battle of the Nile, 24.
22 Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 12.
23 Parkinson, Britannia Rules, 58; Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 139.
24 Howarth and Howarth, Immortal Memory, 186. Louis Bourrienne, Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte (London 1836), 1:115, as quoted in Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 9.
25 Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 9.
26 Chandler, Campaigns of Napoleon, 214–15.
27 Warner, Battle of the Nile, 45.
28 Public Record Office, Admiralty 1/397, as quoted in Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 40.
29 Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 62.
30 Spencer, George, 2nd Earl Spencer 2:441.
31 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 3:9–10.
32 Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 41.
33 Spencer, George, 2nd Earl Spencer 2:441–42.
34 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 3:11.
35 Ibid., 11–12.
36 Ibid., 12.
37 Ihid, 13.
38 Forester, Lord Nelson, 173.
39 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 3:24.
40 Spencer, George, 2nd Earl Spencer 2:438–40.
41 Ibid., 445–46.
42 Ibid., 445–46.
43 Clarke and M’Arthur, Life and Services 2:76–77. Chandler, Campaigns of Napoleon, apparently identifies this correspondent as a Mr. Audry (p. 215).
44 Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 18.
45 Public Record Office, Admiralty 51/1260, as quoted in Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 65.
46 Forester, Lord Nelson, 171.
47 Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 65; Forester, Lord Nelson, 168.
48 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 3:14.
49 Ibid., 15.
50 Parkinson, Britannia Rules, 59.
51 Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 109.
52 Ibid., 105.
53 Fortescue, Correspondence of King George the Third 4:178, quoted in Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 99.
54 Mariner’s Mirror (1972) 58:282, as quoted in Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 63.
55 Spencer, George, 2nd Earl Spencer 2:446–47.
56 Bryant, Years of Endurance, 239.
57 Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 50–51, 61, 152.
58 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 3:15–17.
59 Captain Berry, as quoted in Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 3:17.
60 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 3:17–18.
61 Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 74.
62 Mahan, Life of Nelson 1:325.
63 Clarke and M’Arthur, Life and Services 2:94.
64 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 3:27–28.
65 Bryant, Years of Endurance, 240.
66 Oman, Nelson, 300.
67 Howarth and Howarth, Immortal Memory, 188.
68 Mahan, Life of Nelson 1:364; Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 3:30.
69 Vice Adm. Cuthbert Collingwood, First Baron, Private Correspondence of Admiral Lord Collingwood (London: Navy Records Society, 1957), 90, as quoted in Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 101.
70 Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 101.
71 Ibid., 108, 113.
72 Ibid., 109.
73 Ibid., 117.
74 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 3:25–27.
75 Mahan, Life of Nelson 1:327.
76 Correspondence de Napoleon 4:79–80, as quoted in Mahan, French Revolution 1:259.
77 Forester, Lord Nelson, 171–73.
78 Ibid., 172.
79 Mahan, Life of Nelson 1:328.
80 Clowes, Royal Navy 4:354.
81 Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 116.
82 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 3:28–29.
83 Ibid., 29.
84 Ibid., 29–30.
85 Ibid., 31.
86 Oman, Nelson, 287.
87 Lloyd, Nile Campaign, 12.
88 Warner, Battle of the Nile, 28.
89 Parkinson, Britannia Rules, 59.
90 Spencer, George, 2nd Earl Spencer 2:448–49.
91 Parkinson, Britannia Rules, 59.
92 Oman, Nelson, 287.
93 Mahan, Life of Nelson 1:328.
94 Howarth and Howarth, Immortal Memory, 191.
95 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 3:32, 34, 35, 39. Sub rosa, the ancient custom of hanging a rose over the council table to indicate that all present were sworn to secrecy. It is probably connected with the legend that Cupid gave a rose to the god of silence (Harpocrates) to keep him from revealing the indiscretions of Venus.
96 Warner, Battle of the Nile, 55.
97 Clarke and M’Arthur, Life and Services 2:91–92.
98 Public Record Office, Foreign Office 70/11, 29/5/98, as quoted in Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 124–25.
99 Bradford, Essential Hero, 180.
100 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 3:39.
101 W. Hardman, History of Malta (1909) 13, as quoted in Lloyd, Nile Campaign, 15.
102 Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 87–88.
103 Bradford, Essential Hero, 176.
104 Ibid., 181.
105 Bennett, Nelson the Commander, 125.
106 Mahan, Life of Nelson 1:332.
107 Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 117–19.
108 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 3:39–40.
109 Bradford, Essential Hero, 182; Warner, Battle of the Nile, 57.
110 Bennett, Nelson the Commander, 125–26.
111 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 3:49.
112 Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 132, 155–56.
113 Bryant, Years of Endurance, 243.
114 Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 126–27.
115 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 3:40–41.
116 Bradford, Essential Hero, 184.
117 Stokesbury, Navy and Empire, 192.
118 Bennett, Nelson the Commander, 126; Mahan, Life of Nelson 1:336.
119 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 3:36–37.
120 Herold, 57, as quoted in Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 129.
121 Warner, Battle of the Nile, 58.
122 Bryant, Years of Endurance, 243.
123 Stokesbury, Navy and Empire, 192.
124 British Library Additional Manuscript 30260, as quoted in Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 120.
125 Mahan, Life of Nelson 1:338.
126 Forester, Lord Nelson, 177.
127 Henderson, Frigates, 1.
128 Marcus, Age of Nelson, 127.
129 Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 79–80.
130 Jenkins, French Navy, 228.
131 Forester, Lord Nelson, 176.
132 Nelson, Dispatches and letters 3:42.
133 Anderson, Naval Wars in the Levant, 357.
134 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 3:42–43.
135 Bennett, Nelson the Commander, 127.
136 Bryant, Years of Endurance, 245.
137 Clarke and M’ Arthur, Life and Services 2:105.
138 Berry, 13, as quoted in Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 129.
139 Bradford, Essential Hero, 189.
140 Mahan, Life of Nelson, 339–40.
141 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 3:42.
142 Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 131, 134; Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 3:41.
143 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 3:29.
144 Forester, Captain Horatio Hornblower, 79.
145 Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 133–34.
146 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 3:44.
147 Ibid., 44–45.
148 Bryant, Years of Endurance, 244.
149 Warner, Battle of the Nile, 23.
150 La Jonquière 1:553, as quoted in Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 80.
151 Bennett, Nelson the Commander, 127.
152 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 3:45.
153 Clarke and M’ Arthur, Life and Services 2:103.
154 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 3:47.
155 Ibid., 47.
156 Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 138.
157 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 3:46.
158 Royal Commission on Historic Manuscripts, Report on the Laing Manuscript (1914), 2:661, as quoted in Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 102–3.
159 Ross 1:2151n., as quoted in Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 167.
160 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 3:48–49.
161 Bennett, Nelson the Commander, 128.
162 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 3:49.
163 Bryant, Years of Endurance, 248.
164 Nelson, as quoted by Lord Fitzharris, son of the Earl of Malmesbury, from a meeting at Vienna in 1799, recounted in Lloyd, Nile Campaign, 55.
165 Lloyd, Nile Campaign, 58–59.
166 Clarke and M’Arthur, Life and Services 2:107.
167 Ibid., 105–7.
168 Parkinson, Britannia Rules, 62; Bennett, Nelson the Commander, 129, 131; Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 171.
169 Maj. Gen. Jack Liede, USA (Ret.), in a Joint Military Intelligence College lecture, March 1997.
170 Forester, Lord Nelson, 182.
171 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 3:50.
172 Forester, Lord Nelson, 183.
173 Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 177.
174 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 3:57.
175 Forester, Lord Nelson, 187.
176 Chandler, Campaigns of Napoleon, 217–19.
177 Forester, Lord Nelson, 193.
178 From Captain Hope’s official letter, as printed in the London Gazette of 23 October 1798, as quoted in Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 3:117.
179 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 3:95.
180 Ibid., 100.
181 Oman, Nelson, 304.
182 Nelson, Dispatches and Letters 3:113.
183 Ibid., 117.
184 Warner, Battle of the Nile, 133.
185 Oman, Nelson, 305.
186 Quoted in Hibbert, Nelson, 138.
187 Bryant, Years of Endurance, 259.
188 Bradford, Essential Hero, 186; Mahan, Life of Nelson 1:334.
189 Marcus, Age of Nelson, 138.
190 Bryant, Years of Endurance, 246.
191 Spencer, George, 2nd Earl Spencer 2:453.
192 Ibid., 454.
193 Ibid., 455–56.
194 Ibid., 459.
195 Ibid., 462–63.
196 Ibid., 459.
197 Ibid., 469–70.
198 Ibid., 470.
199 Oman, Nelson, 294.
200 Forester, Lord Nelson, 188.
201 Stokesbury, Navy and Empire, 192.
202 Price, Eyes of the Fleet, 91.
1 Mattingly, Renaissance Diplomacy, 229.
2 Fraser, Intelligence of the Secretaries of State, 1.
3 Herman, Intelligence Power, 10–11.
4 Ibid., 12–13.
5 Black, “Mid-Eighteenth-Century Crisis,” 223.
6 Herman, Intelligence Power, 13.
7 Van Creveld, Command in War, 17–57.
8 Herman, Intelligence Power, 14.
9 Ehrman, Younger Pitt, 342.
10 Neilson and McKercher, Go Spy the Land, xii.
11 Ibid., 111.
12 Mahan, Influence of Sea Power, 1–2, 7.
13 Forester, Lord Nelson, 51, 53.
14 Marcus, Age of Nelson, 62–63.
15 Bryant, Years of Endurance, 247.
16 Forester, Lord Nelson, 14.
17 Ibid., 284–85.
18 Ibid., 317–18.
19 Ibid., 49–50.
20 Lavery, Nelson and the Nile, 180.
21 Ibid., 5.
22 Morris, Fisher’s Face, 222.
23 Parkinson, Britannia Rules, 21.
24 Forester, Lord Nelson, 309–10.
25 Bennett, Nelson the Commander, 297.
26 Arthur, Remaking of the English Navy, 199.