Chapter 4. Adopting XP

“I can see how XP would work for IT projects, but product development is different.” —a product development team

“I can see how XP would work for product development, but IT projects are different.” —an in-house IT development team

Before adopting XP, you need to decide whether it’s appropriate for your situation. Often, people’s default reaction to hearing about XP is to say, “Well, of course that works for other teams, but it couldn’t possibly work for us.”


XP’s applicability is based on organizations and people, not types of projects.

Question that assumption. I’ve helped a wide variety of teams adopt XP: 20-person teams and 1-person teams; huge corporations and small startups; shrinkwrap, in-house, and outsourced software vendors; proprietary and open source developers. Through these experiences, I’ve learned that software teams are more similar than they are different. XP’s applicability has far more to do with your organization and the people involved than with the type of project you’re working on.

You can adopt XP in many different conditions, although the practices you use will vary depending on your situation. The practices in this book were chosen to give you the greatest chance of success. That leads to some prerequisites and recommendations about your team’s environment. You don’t have meet these criteria exactly, but it’s worth trying to change your environment so that you do. This will give you the best chance of succeeding.

As Martin Fowler said:[9]

In other words, if your organization puts a barrier between your work and success, don’t just put up with it—find a way to remove it. It’s your best path to success.

Similarly, if you want to practice XP, do everything you can to meet the following prerequisites and recommendations. This is a lot more effective than working around limitations.

It’s very difficult to use XP in the face of opposition from management. Active support is best. To practice XP as described in this book, you will need the following:

You will often need management’s help to get the previous three items. In addition, the more management provides the following things, the better:

On-site customers are critical to the success of an XP team. They, led by the product manager, determine which features the team will develop. In other words, their decisions determine the value of the software.

Of all the on-site customers, the product manager is likely the most important. She makes the final determination of value. A good product manager will choose features that provide value to your organization. A poor product manager will dither time away on inconsequential features.

Domain experts, and possibly interaction designers, are also important. They take the place of an upfront requirements phase, sitting with the team to plan upcoming features and answering questions about what the software needs to do.

Although good product managers are in high demand, the absence of a product manager is a big danger sign. The right person for the job may not have the title of “product manager” (see Real Customer Involvement” in Chapter 6), but XP requires that somebody with business expertise take responsibility for determining and prioritizing features.

Remind your organization of the cost of development (presumably, hundreds of thousands of dollars) and the value the software will bring to them (hopefully, millions of dollars). That value hinges on the participation of a good product manager. Is that really something they want to scrimp on?

If you can’t find a product manager, someone from the development team can play the part. However, this may be a dangerous approach because this person is unlikely to have the business expertise necessary to deliver an organizational success. If you can’t get a product manager, talk with your mentor about how to compensate.

I wrote this book for teams as large as 20 people and as small as 1 person. For teams new to XP, however, I recommend 4 to 6 programmers and no more than 12 people on the team (see The XP Team” in Chapter 3). I also recommend having an even number of programmers so that everyone can pair program (see Pair Programming” in Chapter 5). If you have ongoing support needs, add one more programmer for a total of five or seven so that the team can have a batman (see Iteration Planning” in Chapter 8).

Teams with fewer than four programmers are less likely to have the intellectual diversity they need. They’ll also have trouble using pair programming, an important support mechanism in XP. Large teams face coordination challenges. Although experienced teams can handle those challenges smoothly, a new XP team will struggle.

Some organizations—particularly IT organizations—have a lot of small projects rather than one big project. They structure their work to assign one programmer to each project.

Although this approach has the advantage of connecting programmers directly with projects, it has several disadvantages. It’s high-risk: every project is the responsibility of one programmer, so that any programmer who leaves orphans a project. Her replacement may have to learn it from first principles.

Code quality can also be a challenge. Projects don’t benefit from peer review, so the code is often idiosyncratic. Stovepipe systems, in which each programmer solves the same problem in different ways, appear. Junior programmers, lacking the guidance of their more senior peers, create convoluted, kludgey systems and have few opportunities to learn better approaches. Senior programmers, not realizing the inexperience of their more junior peers, create overly sophisticated code that others have trouble understanding.

You may be able to combine four to seven of these programmers into a single XP team that works on one project at a time, which allows it to complete projects more quickly (see Release Planning” in Chapter 8). By working together, senior developers have the opportunity to mentor junior developers, and the team can eliminate stovepipe systems.

Combining your programmers into a single team has some drawbacks. The biggest is likely to be a perceived lack of responsiveness. Although projects will be finished more quickly, customers will no longer have a dedicated programmer to talk to about the status of their projects. The team will only work on one project at a time, so other customers may feel they are being ignored.

To resolve these problems, consider dedicating one programmer to deal with customer requests and minor changes (see Iteration Planning” in Chapter 8). You’ll also need an influential, unbiased business person to play the product manager role, addressing conflicts between customers and making prioritization decisions.

You may be tempted to ignore or remove some XP practices, particularly ones that make team members uncomfortable. Be careful of this. XP is designed to have very little waste. Nearly every practice directly contributes to the production of valuable software.

For example, pair programming supports collective code ownership, which is necessary for refactoring. Refactoring allows incremental design and architecture. Incremental design and architecture enables customer-driven planning and frequent releases, which are the key to XP’s ability to increase value and deliver successful software.

XP doesn’t require perfection—it’s OK if you accidentally misapply a practice from time to time—but it rarely works well if you arbitrarily remove pieces.

Some people are natural leaders. They’re decisive, but appreciate others’ views; competent, but respectful of others’ abilities. Team members respect and trust them. You can recognize a leader by her influence—regardless of her title, people turn to a leader for advice.

XP relies on self-organizing teams. This kind of team doesn’t have a predefined hierarchy; instead, the team decides for itself who is in charge of what. These roles are usually informal. In fact, in a mature XP team, there is no one leader. Team members seamlessly defer leadership responsibilities from one person to the next, moment to moment, depending on the task at hand and the expertise of those involved.

When your team first forms, though, it won’t work together so easily. Somebody will need to help the team remember to follow the XP practices consistently and rigorously. This is particularly important for programmers, who have the most difficult practices to learn.

In other words, your team needs a coach. The best coaches are natural leaders—people who remind others to do the right thing by virtue of who they are rather than the orders they give. Your coach also needs to be an experienced programmer so she can help the team with XP’s technical practices.