
Factors That Influence the Blood

Each body creates certain definite radiations which are absolutely essential to the spirit for its work in the World of Matter.


Since we have confirmed that the blood is the bridge or connecting link between the spirit and the body, any changes to the blood, be they quantitative or qualitative, result in a change in the connection. The bond may be slightly loosened, greatly weakened, or even totally broken; it may also become reinforced or strengthened. Let’s take a look at both situations.

Quantitative Blood Changes

Other than in exceptional situations (e.g., extreme hemorrhage), changes in the volume of blood are rare and usually minor. On average blood volume is 70 mL per kilogram (with one kilogram equaling 2 pounds 3.27 oz.) of body weight, or approximately 6 liters of blood for a person weighing 80 kilograms (or approximately 176.5 pounds). This ratio remains relatively constant. Yet there are people who are described as having a lot of blood and others as having not enough blood. Typically, the former are sanguine, with red faces, congested-looking, plump, with bloodshot eyes, while the latter are anemic, pale or white-complexioned, self-effacing, with lackluster eyes. The sanguine type is very connected to the material world; they enjoy the pleasures of the table and being in the company of others. They are lively, quick-tempered, and are easily angered. In contrast the more anemic type is like her own shadow; she does not always seem to be “there” and has little enthusiasm; the pleasures of life hold no appeal, and she avoids noise and the company of others. In earlier times individuals of the first type, those with excess blood, were advised to lose blood. They were the ones treated by bloodletting or the application of leeches. Anemic types, on the other hand, were advised to eat rich, fortifying foods to support the production of blood.

A man with a normal volume of blood for his body weight is usually quite conscious of his surroundings, but that consciousness will be reduced to a corresponding degree with any reduction in his blood volume. With heavy blood loss, the bond between spirit and body is weakened. The more blood lost, the more distant the injured man seems to become, ultimately losing consciousness. If the amount of blood necessary for maintaining the radiation bridge is no longer sufficient, the bond is severed. At this point the spirit separates from the body and death ensues, the death of the physical body, which can no longer be sustained and kept alive by the spirit through the radiation of the blood.

If a blood transfusion can be given soon enough, death can be avoided. In such a case, however, the benefit of the transfusion lies primarily in restoring the blood volume (quantitative modification) and only secondarily in supplying the components of the blood (qualitative modification). In fact, blood transfusions are sometimes given only as plasma (i.e., as blood removed of its usual components—red cells, white cells, etc.), simply to increase the volume of blood as efficiently as possible.

Qualitative Blood Changes

As for qualitative modifications of blood, these can be of many different kinds. Any change in oxygen content, carbon dioxide, glucose, minerals, vitamins, and so on, brings a change to the blood’s composition and a corresponding change to the blood’s radiation. The characteristics of the bridge are then no longer the same as previously, affecting the quality of the bond. This can result in the normal control over the body by the spirit being reduced or suspended, as partial or total loss of waking consciousness. Conversely, a positive change in any of these factors can result in a strengthening of the body-spirit bond, a subject we’ll be considering later in this book. For now we’ll concentrate on conditions that have an adverse effect on the body-spirit connection.

Qualitative alterations of the blood can develop if the diet does not provide all the nutrients the body needs to form blood, or if the body, on account of age or illness, is no longer able to produce the required blood radiation. Qualitative changes in the blood also occur in blood transfusions when the transfused blood does not completely match the blood group of the recipient. This can have radical effects, says The Grail Message:

If a different blood group was used in the case of a blood transfusion, then the soul living in such a body would find itself prevented from fully developing its volition, would perhaps be entirely cut off from it, because with the blood of different composition the radiation also changes and is then no longer adapted to the soul. It cannot make full use of the different type of radiation or even none whatever!

To the outside world such a person would then appear handicapped in his thinking and acting, because his soul cannot work properly. It can even go so far that the soul, hindered in its capacity to work, slowly severs itself from the body and leaves it altogether, which is equivalent to physical death.1

Blood Sugar

There are certain biological factors that can have a tremendous impact on blood, chief among them, blood sugar.

The range for blood sugar considered normal is between 70 and 110 mg of glucose per deciliter, or 100 mL of blood. Blood sugar over 120 mg is considered to be hyperglycemia, and under 70 mg as hypoglycemia. It is important to have a normal blood sugar level because sugar provides metabolic fuel—energy—for the body, and it must be present in the cells in sufficient quantities to keep the muscles, organs, and brain functioning properly. The average blood sugar level is 90 to 95 mg, and at this value the energy level is satisfactory. However, as glucose is used up, energy production declines and a feeling of physical and mental tiredness sets in. The person feels less and less able to work, and thought processes begin to slow down. At approximately 70 mg, the tiredness turns into fatigue and hunger develops. Hunger has the goal of triggering the intake of food in order to raise the blood sugar level to over 80 mg. However, if no food is consumed and the sugar level drops below 65 mg, the hunger transforms into a craving for sweet foods as the tiredness worsens, while thinking becomes cloudy.

If the hypoglycemia progresses, a variety of symptoms can develop: headache, nausea, and above all, lethargy, a feeling of rubber legs, inability to think, dizziness, and finally, loss of consciousness. Since glucose is the only source of energy for the brain, any loss of consciousness is generally explained as being a situation in which the brain has no more fuel. However, one could just as readily understand this loss of consciousness as being due to a loosening of the bond between the spirit and the body, because the center of consciousness is the spirit; the loss of consciousness is therefore a result of the inability of the spirit to use the brain after the radiation bridge has been altered due to hypoglycemia.

A change in the blood composition, and a corresponding change in blood radiation, also occurs when the blood sugar level is too high. Temporary hyperglycemia is normal after a meal rich in carbohydrates. However, the body is able to reduce the blood sugar level to normal (80–120 mg) through the secretion of insulin, the sugar-lowering hormone produced by the pancreas.

Unfortunately, insulin secretion is reduced or insufficient in certain pancreatic conditions, most notably in diabetes. Blood sugar consequently remains constantly elevated if this condition remains untreated. It can climb dangerously high after consuming carbohydrates and can lead to a hyperglycemic crisis. This abnormal blood composition can progress to the point where the person loses consciousness and falls into a diabetic coma. Thus with hyperglycemia, as we have seen with hypoglycemia, the radiation bridge is no longer available to the spirit to make it possible for it to maintain contact with the brain and the body. If the diabetic coma lasts too long, the bond becomes so weak that it finally breaks. The spirit can then no longer infuse life into the body, and death follows.

The disease of diabetes also offers another very revealing example of how blood radiation influences the bond between the spirit and the body. The diabetic’s lack of insulin prevents the sugar in the blood from entering the cells. Therefore, in order to continue to function, the cells break down stored fat, which, after transformation to carbohydrates, supplies the missing fuel. However, the process of conversion of fats into carbohydrates only works effectively in the presence of glucose, which is exactly the thing that is missing in the cells of diabetics. Fat is then only incompletely broken down, and its metabolic transformation simply stops at the intermediate acid stage, characterized by the presence of ketone bodies, which are water-soluble molecules (acetone, acetoacetic acid, and beta-hydroxybutyric acid) that are produced by the liver from fatty acids during periods of low food intake (fasting) or carbohydrate restriction for cells of the body to use as energy instead of glucose.

When reserves of alkaline minerals necessary to neutralize these acids become depleted, the blood rapidly becomes more and more acidic. This is known as keto-acidosis, or a ketotic crisis. When the normal pH of the blood (7.4) becomes increasingly acidic, the character of the blood radiation also changes. Without rapid intervention the radiation becomes even more abnormal and the patient falls into a coma (keto-acedotic coma) and can die. Here too, we find another situation in which the blood radiation bond with the spirit has been greatly weakened.

Effects of Diet

Diet is another factor that can greatly influence blood composition—a subject we’ll take up in greater detail later in this book. For now, let’s consider the slight loosening of the bond between the spirit and the body that can occur over months and sometimes even years if the diet is continuously deficient in certain nutrients that are absolutely essential for maintaining normal blood radiation. One of the main ways this can happen is through a restrictive diet such as a lacto-vegetarian diet, in which no meat or fish is consumed, and even more so with the highly restrictive vegan diet, wherein all animal products, including eggs and milk, are omitted, and only plants in the form of cereals, legumes, fruit, and vegetables are eaten.

Over the years there have been innumerable scientific studies undertaken on the effects of diet on various aspects of health and longevity. And while there are many investigations that seem to support the advantages of lacto-vegetarian and vegan diets, for such specific health benefits as reduced HDL (“bad”) cholesterol2 and hypertension3 and reduced risk of metabolic syndrome,4 to name a few, there is nevertheless a vast amount of literature that points to the disadvantages of such restricted diets for most people. Vegetarian/vegan diets have been implicated in such conditions as hyperhomocysteinaemia (an abnormally high level of homocysteine in the blood), protein deficiency, anemia, decreased creatinine content in muscles, and menstrual disruption in women who undertake increased physical activity. Some of these changes may decrease the ability for performing activities that require physical effort.5 Subnormal vitamin B12 status, which can lead to atherosclerosis-related diseases and cerebral atrophy, is quite prevalent in vegans and even lacto-vegetarians who eat eggs and milk products.6

In my practice as a naturopath, I have had many opportunities to observe the effects of vegetarian and vegan diets. Those on these kinds of restricted diets frequently give the impression of not being completely present or grounded—even though these people often interpret this condition and the feeling of distance from material goals and possessions as being signs of spiritual progress. In my opinion they have not really distanced themselves from earthly desires, only from the objects of their desires, because in reality their spirits are no longer connected as strongly with their bodies.

Hormonal Effects

In contrast with the experience of a weakened body-spirit bond, there is the opposite situation, something almost everyone has experienced at one time or another, in which the spirit is connected very strongly with the body. The spirit does not find itself drifting away from earthly reality; on the contrary it is actually more strongly connected with it and is ready to spring into action. This manifests as a feeling of anxiety or fear, wherein the spirit sees itself as being confronted by some danger. In this case as well, the radiation of the blood is significantly changed, and the effects of this change are reinforced by the secretion of various hormones, mainly adrenalin. All the physical senses are on alert, every muscle is tensed and prepared for action, and thoughts are totally focused on the present danger. In this state of extreme vigilance, the spirit is ready to intervene, whatever the danger may be and from wherever it may come. If the person reacts appropriately and escapes the difficult situation in which she finds herself, we rightly say that she displayed great “strength of spirit.”

In this case the blood radiation arising in a moment of danger is therefore a help and not a hindrance. It prepares us for action and in this way supports the spirit in its protective efforts. If, on the other hand, we see this reaction as undesirable and fight to suppress it, we hinder the ability of the spirit to take action. In this situation the person becomes incapable of reacting and can therefore become completely overcome or defeated—not by the situation itself, but by the specific blood radiation that was not utilized and controlled as it could have been.

Old Age and Trauma

In the course of life, various natural processes can bring about changes in blood radiation. The weakening of the body with age may no longer permit the blood to produce radiation as strongly as it did in youth, and therefore, the body is unable to summon the same degree of heat or power as it could at a younger age. When old age, even without illness, leads to a weakening of blood radiation, the bridge becomes less and less able to retain the soul, and the body progressively loosens its bond with it. The old man finally “gives up his soul,” or more precisely, his body lets go of his soul. Such is the process of a natural death, in which the soul simply and spontaneously detaches itself from the body.

Nowadays, however, fewer and fewer people die in this natural way. A rupture of the bond occurs far more commonly after the blood radiation has been weakened through serious illness or trauma of some sort (an accident, crime, war, or suicide). That a sick body can no longer produce normal blood radiation can be easily understood; body organs that are worn out or failing can no longer contribute to the formation or maintenance of a normal blood composition.

With trauma, however, changes in blood radiation can have two causes: either a sudden weakening or destruction of organs responsible for the maintenance of the blood composition, a sin the case of illness, or hemorrhage due to injury. In the latter case, it is not only the loss of blood volume that weakens the bond between the body and the spirit; there is also the reduction in body heat. Significant blood loss causes a slowing of the metabolism and consequently a sharp drop in body temperature. Loss of body heat, therefore, is not only caused by prolonged exposure to cold, as occurs when someone is caught in an avalanche, falls into icy cold water, or gets lost in the mountains in winter; it can also be caused by heavy loss of blood.

Blood radiation undergoes a radical change when the body’s normal temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit drops to 86 degrees. This is a very tenuous point for the body-spirit bridge—at this temperature the spirit can barely animate the body. The heart stops, breathing ceases, and the body acquires a distinctive blue color and feels cold to the touch. If the drop in temperature is due to loss of blood, a transfusion solves only one part of the problem, the quantitative aspect. But the blood also has to warm up sufficiently to permit its magnetic radiation to completely bind the spirit again, so that it can revive and reanimate the body.

In the past when this situation occurred, it was standard procedure to try to reheat the body by wrapping it in blankets, by warming the air filling the lungs, and by irrigating the stomach and abdominal cavity with warm water. However, these practices, even when all of them were combined, were not always as effective as had been hoped because the blood was reheated only secondarily, after the body had been reheated. Today we have other ways to resuscitate the person by warming the blood directly. Blood is withdrawn from an artery and its temperature is raised to 101.84 degrees Fahrenheit by flowing it through tubes immersed in warm water. Then this warmed blood is infused back into a vein. This treatment has proved much more effective, as one might expect. The reheated blood more quickly achieves the temperature required to restore power and intensity to the blood radiation, enabling the spirit to reanimate the body and the metabolism (i.e., to keep the body alive).

Sleeping and Dreaming

While in the case of death there is a complete release of the spirit, during sleep, which has been called “the little brother of death,” only a certain loosening occurs. The Grail Message describes it this way:

Even when the gross material body is asleep its firm union with the soul is loosened, because during sleep the body produces a different radiation which does not bind as solidly as the one required for the firm union. However, since the union still exists only a loosening takes place, but no separation. This loosening is immediately eliminated at each awakening.7

This loosening effect has been confirmed by the work of sleep science. When someone is sleeping, vital functions slow down—the heart beats more slowly, and blood pressure as well as body temperature drop. Signs of reduced activity in the brain are also detectable by means of an EEG. The brain, the main coordinator of all bodily functions, sends out microelectric waves that vary according to the brain’s level of activity. In the waking state, the brain-wave frequency can climb as high as thirty cycles per second. The frequency begins to decline as the various phases of sleep progress, bottoming out at half a cycle per second during deep sleep.

It follows that brain activity and bodily functions are reduced during sleep. A natural consequence of the lowered metabolism is a reduction of the strength of blood radiation, which means a corresponding loosening of the bond between the spirit and the body. This loosening can actually be felt by the sleeper. While falling asleep she senses that she is gradually losing contact with her surroundings. She may feel as if she is “leaving” and may even dream of falling. This feeling of falling corresponds with the jerking movement that sometimes goes along with the loosening of the bond between the spirit and the body—something many of us have observed when watching someone who is falling asleep.

The final phase of sleep in which the bond becomes fully loosened, the phase of REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement), can only be reached if the sleeper is lying down. In this position the spirit can withdraw from the body without danger, which is not the case if the person is sitting or standing, postures that require the presence of the spirit. In other words, without the control provided by the spirit, the body cannot remain standing or sitting on its own. To do that a certain degree of muscular tone is needed, and this is provided by the spirit.

Another fact worth noting is that REM sleep, in which the spirit-body bond is stretched the thinnest, is more quickly reached if the sleeper is in a room in which the temperature has been lowered, allowing the body temperature to fall more quickly. This helps the blood radiation to change in such a way as to facilitate the loosening of the bond. That’s why most people find it easier to go to sleep with a window at least slightly open.

What Happens during Conception and Pregnancy?

How does the blood radiation bridge form after a mother has conceived a child? When does the spirit attach itself to the fetus in the mother’s womb?

As we know the earthly cloak is only the material vessel of the spirit; the origin of the spirit is not to be found within it. It exists eternally, beyond the appearance of the physical body, which shelters it. The body only gradually takes on its definitive form, a form adapted to the individual spirit in the course of its development during pregnancy, childhood, and right up to adolescence.

But during the earliest stages of development, the embryo cannot itself provide a bridge for the spirit since the volume of blood is still quite small and has not yet acquired its normal composition. Considering that the blood radiation of an adult body at the end of life is no longer capable of binding to the spirit, how could an embryo that measures only a few centimeters do so, especially when its organs are still developing and cannot actively participate in the formation of blood?

Nevertheless, the bond between the spirit and the fetus needs to take place fairly early on because the fetus is being prepared for that specific spirit. The formation of the body must not only follow its genetic code, it must also conform to the characteristics of the spirit that will inhabit it. So, since the fetus does not yet produce sufficient blood radiation, what bridge can the awaiting spirit use to connect with its tiny developing body? The answer to this question follows from our understanding of blood radiation. As the bridge can only be formed by blood radiation, it becomes obvious that it must be the blood that is closest at hand, which is always there: the blood of the mother.

It must be stressed here that contrary to widely held belief, it is not the blood of the mother herself that flows through the fetus. At no time, other than perhaps through some accident, does the blood of the mother cross over into the circulatory system of the developing fetus. Each has her own separate circulatory system. To be sure the mother’s blood infuses and “feeds” the placenta and through it nourishes the fetus, but the two systems of blood flow always remain separate.

It is the radiation of the mother’s blood, therefore, that permits the spirit of the unborn child to bind with the body being prepared for it by the mother. This is still only a bonding and not yet the actual incarnation, because the embryo, in its early stages of development, does not yet have the human form capable of receiving a spirit.

An incarnation can only take place when the fetus and its blood have developed sufficiently to be able to provide the spirit with a dwelling as well as the required bridge. In reality, during the first days following conception, the embryo is only a mass of multiplying cells that passes through all the stages of evolution that animal species have undergone in the course of millennia. Thus initially it resembles a sea creature, a mollusk or a fish, and at this stage it even has primitive gill structures. Next it takes on the form of an amphibian; then a land animal, climbing further up the chain of development to the mammal, right up to the primate, and finally achieving human form. It is only at the end of the first month of pregnancy that the organs of the fetus start to develop their structure and take on human form. This development acquires more detail during the two or three months that follow, up to approximately the middle of the pregnancy. At this time, from the fourth month on, the organs of the fetus are almost identical to those of a newborn, right down to their basic structure.

The blood vessels develop relatively early, and the heart starts pulsing on the twenty-fourth day of gestation, but only truly beats from about the twenty-ninth day on. Blood is present in the blood vessels but does not circulate in these early days. As well, the blood does not yet have its final composition. The red blood cells begin to form at the third week, and interestingly have a nucleus that later disappears and is not present in the final red blood cells. In the fourth week, red blood cells are produced by the mesenchymal tissue and by the endothelium of the blood vessels of the fetus. They are also produced in the liver from the sixth week and by the spleen and lymphatic tissue from the third month on.

All the organs that participate in the formation of blood are active from the fourth month on. By this time the blood of the fetus has acquired a sufficiently developed composition to produce a radiation capable of binding the spirit. Consequently it is at this time, in the middle of the pregnancy, when the incarnation of the spirit in the developing human body is able to take place. As The Grail Message states:

The incarnation, that is, the entrance of the soul, takes place about the middle of pregnancy. The growing state of maturity, both of the expectant mother and of the soul preparing to incarnate, also produces a special and more earthly tie. This comprises radiations created by their mutual state of maturity, which irresistibly strive towards one another in natural release. These radiations increase more and more and unite the soul and the expectant mother ever more closely in their longing for each other, until finally, when the developing body in the mother’s womb has reached a certain maturity, the soul is literally absorbed by it.

The moment when the soul enters, or is being absorbed, naturally brings about the first shock to the little body, which shows itself in twitchings called the first movements of the child. When this occurs the expectant mother very often experiences a change in her inner feelings, either uplifting or oppressive according to the kind of soul that has entered.8

Thus the spirit does not incarnate at the time of fertilization and conception, nor does it incarnate at the moment of birth; it does during the middle of the pregnancy, at about four or four-and-a-half months. With its entry into the body, the spirit can put its personal stamp much more strongly on its physical development, because the bond that previously had been quite loose is now strengthened and is about to become tight. This will have repercussions not only for the further development of the organs, which continue to develop during the second half of pregnancy, but also for the formation of the blood, which now can become even more specific to the nature of the incarnated spirit.

By midterm the radiation of the mother’s blood has completed its role as the temporary bridge for the spirit of the unborn child. Without this temporary bridge, the connection with the developing body would have been impossible. The bridge is therefore indispensable, and we can predict with certainty the impossibility of bringing to term, even with the aid of sophisticated technology, a test-tube baby in the literal sense of this term (i.e., outside of the womb of the mother). The presence of a radiation bridge is an absolute necessity.

Psychic Parasites

Let’s turn our attention to a special situation in which a spirit in the beyond misappropriates blood radiation not destined for it, like a parasite. We have just seen that a similar situation exists when the spirit of the child waiting to incarnate first uses the radiation of the blood of its mother to connect with its future body. This is necessary and normal for human beings. However, it can happen, as we shall soon see, that a spirit from the beyond can also use this means of approach without actually undergoing an earthly incarnation.

A spirit in the beyond cannot connect with just anyone’s blood. There has to be an affinity with the blood radiation of the person involved. It was mentioned in the previous section that the radiation of the blood has to resemble the radiation of the spirit wishing to enter the world of matter. In the case of pregnancy, the spirit of the child awaiting to incarnate can, in principle, only be one with an affinity to the spirit of the mother; a spiritual affinity, often falsely attributed to physical heredity, must exist. In reality DNA and genetics play a role only for the physical body because the spirit preexists the body. Heredity is only physical; there is no such thing as spiritual heredity. Any similarity other than physical between parents and children is due to the fact that parents attract spirits with characteristics similar to their own that then become their offspring. As well the affinity between the mother and the child does not imply that the blood type of the child has to be the same as that of the mother, because the known blood types are only one of the many characteristics of blood.

In cases of psychic blood parasites, we have a situation in which a spirit from the beyond attaches to the blood radiation of a person as a means of manifesting on the earthly plane in order to cause ghostly phenomena such as the moving of objects, knocking, and so on. When these manifestations occur, the entire household can become completely terrorized by phenomena such as doors opening by themselves, objects mysteriously changing place or dropping on the floor and breaking, curtains moving without any air movement, and knocking sounds or other strange noises. All these phenomena have one thing in common: they take place in the presence of one particular person. Constant observation of the person involved never reveals any voluntary involvement on their part in the moving or knocking, and so the cause of the strange manifestations is a mystery, especially since such phenomena often stop after a few weeks or months for no apparent reason.

The explanation for this phenomenon can be found in The Grail Message: it has to do with the particular nature of the blood radiation of the person—a girl, in the following excerpt—whose presence provides a host environment for the spirit from the beyond:

In the house concerned a human spirit may be earthbound through some cause or other; for in all cases it can only be a question of human spirits which have departed from the earth. Demons or the like are utterly out of the question in this matter.

Through some deed such a human spirit is perhaps bound to the house or only to the place, the spot. Thus it need not necessarily have done something during the period when the house existed, but it may have already been before then, at or near the spot where the house now stands.

Sometimes this spirit is tied to the place for decades or centuries, either through a murder or through some grave act of negligence, through harming some other person as well as through other happenings, many of which can bind a person.

Therefore it is not absolutely necessary for it to be connected with the people inhabiting the house now. Despite its perpetual presence in the house it has at all events never before had an opportunity enabling it to manifest itself in the gross material on earth, which now only takes place through the girl on account of her special, but also only present, peculiarity.

This peculiarity of the girl is a matter all by itself, which merely gives the spirit the opportunity of expressing its volition in the gross material world in a certain way. It has otherwise nothing to do with the spirit.

The cause of the peculiarity lies in the radiation of her blood at that time, the instant it has a very definite composition. It is from this that the human spirit without a gross material earth cloak derives strength for carrying out its desires to make itself conspicuous, which often develop into irksome bad behavior.

As I have once already pointed out every person has different blood radiations, and this blood composition is changed several times during life on earth, whereby the type of radiation of the blood also changes at the same time. Thus in most cases the singular effect some persons exercise in being able to set free the unusual happenings occurs over a very definite period only, i.e., temporarily. There is hardly a single case where it lasts during the whole earth life. Sometimes it continues only for weeks or months, but seldom for years.

Therefore when such a happening suddenly ceases this does not prove that the spirit concerned no longer exists or is released, but in most cases it has suddenly no further possibility of making itself conspicuous in such a crude way.9

This sudden cessation of the paranormal phenomena comes about due to another alteration in the blood composition of the host, and the resulting changed blood radiation no longer provides a bridge for the disincarnate spirit.

The Phenomenon of Possession

The case just described could be considered annoying but relatively harmless. There are much more serious situations that can develop in which a disincarnate spirit is not satisfied with simply drawing from the power of the blood radiation of a host to enable itself to act in the material world; rather, it seeks to use the blood radiation of a host to literally work through this body in the gross material plane (i.e., to possess it).

In such a case, a spirit in the beyond uses the host’s blood radiation bridge to take possession of his body and to make use of it for its own ends. The body is indeed used by the spirit, but in this case by a spirit who is not the rightful owner of that physical body. The usurper cannot, of course, drive out the rightful owner of the body completely, otherwise the body would cease to be animated and would die, because the disincarnate spirit is not connected closely enough to the body to keep it alive on its own.

Taking possession of a body is not an easy thing to do because there not only needs to be a blood radiation that suits the disincarnate spirit, there also has to be a certain weakness and lack of resistance on the part of the host. However, no one is left without some form of protection from these kinds of attempts by spirits from the beyond. Simple defensive actions, most often subconscious, suffice to protect against possession. Protection is therefore provided by keeping a consistent spiritual vigilance and by the strong blood radiation that results from this watchfulness.

The possession of a body can be more or less complete. It is logical that possession takes place primarily at the level of the brain, because it controls the entire body. The brain, being a tool of the spirit, will be used at one moment by the disincarnate spirit, and in the next by its rightful spirit/host when the one releases control to the other, or simultaneously when the two spirits fight for control of the brain. This inevitably results in a great confusion of thoughts, words, and actions, and this confusion can be attributed to the fact that there are two different users working with the same tool. To return to our metaphor of the brain as a computer, it is as though two different persons are using the same computer at the same time, but with different programs.

This overriding of the host’s brain causes derangement, which contributes to even greater confusion. This manifests in different ways, varying greatly according to the nature of the individual case and circumstances. It could manifest as a difficulty paying attention and concentrating; a lack of logic; disturbed, broken, or incoherent speech; or absentmindedness, withdrawal, and passivity. It could also manifest as agitation, frenzied behavior, aggressiveness, inconsistency, reacting unpredictably, bizarre or contradictory behavior, and obsessive thoughts.

According to the type and degree of possession, the abnormal behavior could be temporary or may become permanent. From the outside the behavior of the person appears totally bizarre. It is for this reason that he is treated as insane; however, the root of this “insanity” lies in the difficulty of the rightful spirit to act in a normal way because of the battle being waged between the two spirits, and in the manifestations of the possessing spirit, which are inconsistent with the thinking and personality of the owner of the body.

Possession is not always a matter of just one spirit from the beyond; several spirits can fight over the control of a brain. To the observer the person affected can appear to change personality several times over the course of a single day. Thus he may be gentle and considerate in one moment, then impulsive or violent in another; or refined and cultivated, then coarse and crude. He can appear to have a profound knowledge about a certain subject and then be totally ignorant of it later. In certain cases one can count up to a dozen different personalities in a single patient. For a medical doctor or psychiatrist, these are only different roles being played by a single person—the rightful owner of the brain. In reality what’s happening is a real battle among any number of disincarnate spirits over the use of the brain of the host, who is the rightful owner of the brain.

The medical term for this is schizophrenia, which actually corresponds perfectly with the explanation given for possession, with the exception of one central factor: the cause of this condition.

Here is a medical definition of schizophrenia, to which I have added some commentary in brackets:

Schizophrenia is an endogenous complaint of unknown origin, mainly characterized by a splitting of the personality, with mental-verbal disassociation and wild, confused thoughts [two spirits battling over one brain], giving the impression of being under the influence of alien forces [the disincarnated spirit or spirits]; a feeling of detachment from the self [the rightful spirit being pushed out]; the experience of feelings not belonging to the patient [those of the other spirit]; loss of contact with reality [the reality of the rightful spirit versus the reality lived by the intruder]; in general, without reduction of lucidity or irreversible deterioration of the intellect [not a disease of the brain but rather a conflict over control of the brain].10

Given that today most people are ignorant of the concept of blood radiation, and that the distinction between spirit and body is generally not well known (or is even rejected), numerous people have been described as incurably insane when in reality they are possessed and could benefit greatly from treatment, that treatment consisting of changing the composition of the blood in such a way that the resulting new blood radiation would enable the person’s own spirit to express itself fully, unhindered by any interference from another spirit.*2

In the following chapters we will take a closer look at blood’s influence on the spirit. A better understanding of this relationship will take us one step closer to learning how to modify our blood radiation so that our spirit can be optimized.