
Our Promise

The promise of this book is simple. If you apply the principles and tactics we outline, you can rapidly, profoundly, and sustainably change your own behavior (even long-standing bad habits). And by learning how to change your own behavior, you can dramatically improve results in most any area of life.

To discover what it takes to change how one behaves, we at the Change Anything Labs examined the struggles and strategies, trials, and triumphs of more than five thousand people—all of whom were searching for ways to overcome personal challenges. These intrepid searchers were looking to

As we examined these everyday people in the throes of either overcoming addictions or improving failing careers and relationships, we found hope. Hundreds of people in our study (we’ll call them Changers) not only succeeded in changing their unhelpful habits, but also maintained these changes for at least three years. We were particularly interested in this vital group, so we studied them carefully—and from them we learned the science behind personal success. That’s because whether you find them in Kilungu, Kenya, or Carmel, California—or whether they’re dealing with an alcohol addiction or an indolent lifestyle—all of the Changers drew on the same principles of influence.

Now, as successful as they were, many of them lamented how long it took them to succeed in their change. Our Changers tenaciously stumbled their way into success in the way anyone who succeeds will have to. What you’ll learn in this book, however, is that with a little more study, you can do a lot less stumbling. When you understand the science behind their success, you can be much more deliberate in your attempts and efficient in your progress. The principles and tactics we outline in this book will enable you to intentionally apply what others only struggled to discover—dramatically accelerating your progress on your path to success.

And success will be yours. Our most recent research revealed that those who apply what you are about to learn are not just marginally more effective at bringing about change; they are exponentially so. In fact, those who apply the science of personal success are more than 1,000 percent more successful at producing change than those who try other means.5

And now for the final piece of good news. Whether you’re trying to change a habit in your work or personal life, you’ll receive benefits on both fronts. For example, many of the individuals we studied experienced a challenge in their personal life that, by their own calculations, also dragged down their work performance by as much as 50 percent.6 In their case, fixing one problem meant fixing two. Our Changers likewise reported that improving their lot at work created benefits that relieved stress and increased confidence at home as well. Changers are almost always twice blessed.

So take hope as you get ready to learn more about the science of personal success. People can and do change—and stay on course for years thereafter. By following in their footsteps, you too can become a Changer. And once you do—once you learn the principles and skills of personal change—you can change anything.