1. Change Anything Labs, Lake Wobegon at Work survey (February 2010).
2. Annamaria Lusardi and Olivia S. Mitchell, “Financial Literacy and Planning: Implications for Retirement Wellbeing,” Netherlands Central Bank, Research Department, January 2006. Only 19 percent of people age fifty or older who were surveyed had engaged in any kind of effective retirement planning.
3. Change Anything Labs, Marriage on the Rocks survey (November 2009). See also Kurt Hahlweg, Howard J. Markman, Franz Thurmaier, Jochen Engl, and Volker Eckert, “Prevention of Marital Distress: Results of a German Prospective Longitudinal Study,” Journal of Family Psychology 12, no. 4 (December 1998): 543–556.
4. Stanton Peele, 7 Tools to Beat Addiction (New York: Three Rivers Press, 2004).
5. Joseph Grenny, David Maxfield, and Andrew Shimberg, “How to Have Influence,” MIT Sloan Management Review (October 1, 2008): 47–52.
6. Change Anything Labs, Personal Problems at Work survey of 679 managers and executives (March 2010). See also Arlene A. Johnson, “The Business Case for Work-Family Programs,” Journal of Accountancy 180, no. 2 (August 1995): 53–59.
Escape the Willpower Trap
1. Albert Bandura and Walter Mischel, “Modification of Self-Imposed Delay of Reward through Exposure to Live and Symbolic Models,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 2, no. 1 (1965): 698–705.
2. Bill Friedman, Designing Casinos to Dominate the Competition: The Friedman International Standards of Casino Design (Reno, NV: Institute for the Study of Gambling and Commercial Gaming College of Business Administration, 2000).
3. Jeffrey Kluger, “Neural Advertising: The Sounds We Can’t Resist,” Time, March 1, 2010.
4. Former employee of the North Rim Grand Canyon Lodge, conversation with Kerry Patterson (August 1967).
5. Change Anything Labs, Friends and Accomplices study (November 2009). See also J.F. Finch, M.A. Okun, G.J. Pool, and L.S. Ruehlman, “A Comparison of the Influence of Conflictual and Supportive Social Interactions on Psychological Distress,” Journal of Personality, 67 (August 1999): 581– 621; Manuel Barrera Jr., Laurie Chassin, and Fred Rogosch, “Effects of Social Support and Conflict on Adolescent Children of Alcoholic and Nonalcoholic Fathers,” Journal of Personality, 64 (April 1993): 602–612.
Be the Scientist and the Subject
1. John M. Gottman and Nan Silver, The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work (New York: Three Rivers Press, 1999), 10.
2. Change Anything Labs, Lake Wobegon at Work survey (February 2010).
3. Change Anything Labs, Influencing Behavior Change survey (October 2007).
4. Jenny McCune, “Does Debt Consolidation Work?”, December 10, 2009, dation_Work.
5. Julie Rawe, “Science of Appetite: Fat Chance,” Time,,28804,1626795_1627112_1626456,00.html.
6. Christopher D. Gardner, Alexandre Kiazand, Sofiya Alhassan, Soowon Kim, Randall S. Stafford, Raymond R. Balise, Helena C. Kraemer, and Abby C. King, “Comparison of the Atkins, Zone, Ornish, and LEARN Diets for Change in Weight and Related Risk Factors among Overweight Premenopausal Women: The A to Z Weight Loss Study: A Randomized Trial,” Journal of the American Medical Association 297, no. 9 (2007): 969–977.
7. Peter Gollwitzer and Paschal Sheeran, “Implementation Intentions and Goal Achievement: A Meta-Analysis of Effects and Processes,” Advances in Experimental Social Psychology 38 (2006): 69–119.
8. Ibid.
9. P. Sheeran, T. Webb, and P.M. Gollwitzer, “The Interplay between Goal Intentions and Implementation Intentions,” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 31 (2005): 87–98.
10. R. Cialdini and N. Goldstein, “Social Influence: Compliance and Conformity,” Annual Review of Psychology 55 (2004): 591–621.
Source 1: Love What You Hate
1. Daniel Read and Barbara van Leeuwen, “Predicting Hunger: The Effects of Appetite and Delay on Choice,” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 76, no. 2 (1998): 189–205.
2. To learn more about the extraordinary work Valter and his colleagues complete, watch Lucy Walker’s award-winning documentary Waste Land (London: Almega Projects, 2010).
3. Hans Gruber, Petra Jansen, Jörg Marienhagen, and Eckart Altenmüller, “Adaptations during the Acquisition of Expertise,” Talent Development and Excellence 1, no. 2 (2009): 3–15.
4. Ruth Helman, Craig Copeland, and Jack VanDerhei, “The 2010 Retirement Confidence Survey: Confidence Stabilizing, but Preparations Continue to Erode,” EBRI Issue Brief, no. 340 (March 2010).
5. Ongoing research in Ghana by Dean Karlan, professor of economics at Yale University, showed that those using labeled accounts saved an average of 50 percent more than those with traditional unlabeled accounts.
6. V. Liberman, S.M. Samuels, and L. Ross, “The Name of the Game: Predictive Power of Reputations versus Situational Labels in Determining Prisoner’s Dilemma Game Moves,” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 30, no. 9 (2004): 1175–1185.
7. “Importance of Insulin Delivery Devices for Diabetes Management,” ScienceDaily (June 15, 2010).
8. You can find some great examples of Personal Motivation Statements at
9. S.M. Colby, P.M. Monti, N.P. Barnett, D.J. Rohsenow, A. Spirito, R. Woolard, M. Myers, and W. Lewander, “Motivational Interviewing for Alcohol-Related Emergencies: Outcome for 13–17 Year Olds” (paper presented at the symposium Brief Motivational Interventions in the Emergency Department for Adolescents and Adults, chaired by R. Longabaugh and P.M. Monti, at the annual meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Santa Barbara, CA, June 1999).
Source 2: Do What You Can’t
1. Sara Gable and Susan Lutz, “Household, Parent, and Child Contributions to Childhood Obesity,” Family Relations 49 (2004): 293–300.
2. Richard L. Wiener, Corinne Baron-Donovan, Karen Gross, and Susan Block-Lieb, “Debtor Education, Financial Literacy, and Pending Bankruptcy Legislation,” Behavioral Sciences and the Law 23 (2005): 347–366.
3. M.V. William, D.W. Baker, E.G. Honig, T.M. Lee, and A. Nowlan, “Inadequate Literacy Is a Barrier to Asthma Knowledge and Self-Care,” Chest 114 (1998): 1008–1015.
4. Change Anything Labs, Lake Wobegon at Work survey (February 2010).
5. Albert Bandura, Robert Jeffery, and Carolyn Wright, “Efficacy of Participant Modeling as a Function of Response Induction Aids,” Journal of Abnormal Psychology 83, no. 1 (1974): 56–64.
6. K.A. Ericsson, R.Th. Krampe, and C. Tesch-Römer, “The Role of Deliberate Practice in the Acquisition of Expert Performance,” Psychological Review 100 (1993): 363–406.
7. K. Anders Ericsson, Neil Charness, Paul Feltovich, and Robert Hoffman, The Cambridge Handbook of Expertise and Expert Performance (Cambridge University Press, 2006).
8. Jeffrey Schwartz and Sharon Begley, The Mind and the Brain: Neuroplasticity and the Power of Mental Force (New York: Regan Books, 2003).
9. Anne Fletcher, Sober for Good (New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2001); Frederick Rotgers, Marc Kern, and Rudy Hoetzel, Responsible Drinking: A Moderation Management Approach for Problem Drinkers (Oakland, CA: New Harbinger, 2002).
Sources 3 and 4: Turn Accomplices into Friends
1. S.E. Asch, “Effects of Group Pressure upon the Modification and Distortion of Judgment,” in Groups, Leadership, and Men, ed. H. Guetzkow (Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie Press, 1951).
2. S. Milgram, Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View (New York: Harper and Row, 1974).
3. Martin T. Orne and Frederick J. Evans, “Social Control in the Psychological Experiment: Antisocial Behavior and Hypnosis,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 1, no. 3 (1965): 189–200.
4. Nicholas A. Christakis, MD, PhD, MPH, and James H. Fowler, PhD, “The Spread of Obesity in a Large Social Network over 32 Years,” New England Journal of Medicine 357 (July 26, 2007): 370–379.
5. David Maxfield, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, Kerry Patterson, and Al Switzler, Silence Kills: The Seven Crucial Conversations for Healthcare (Provo, UT: VitalSmarts, 2005), 2.
6. Patti Neighmond, “Impact of Childhood Obesity Goes Beyond Health,” NPR, July 8, 2010,
7. Julia Hanf, “Minimizing the Negative Health Effects of Diabetes,”, July 22, 2008,
8. Kaiser Permanente, the MIT Media Lab, and a few other organizations recently supported the formation of the Care Product Institute (CPI), a nonprofit group pioneering ways to combine “technology with social support,” according to CPI’s Brent Lowenshohn, an authority on health care technology. In the CPI model, a diabetic’s glucose reading might be transmitted to a designated relative who is trained to know what that number means and what to do about it. The family member can then nudge the patient to take appropriate actions. Amy Salzhauer, “Forethought Frontiers: Is There a Patient in the House?” Harvard Business Review (November 2005): 32.
9. Research suggests that texting while driving increases the risk of accident by twenty-three times. Jennifer Guevin, “Study: Texting While Driving Increases Crash Risk 23-fold,” CNET News, July 27, 2009.
10. Change Anything Labs, Friends and Accomplices study (November 2009).
Source 5: Invert the Economy
1. Eric A. Finkelstein, Justin G. Trogdon, Joel W. Cohen, and William Dietz, “Annual Medical Spending Attributable to Obesity: Payer-and Service-Specific Estimates,” Health Affairs 28, no. 5 (2009): 822–831.
2. J.L. Zagorsky, “Marriage and Divorce’s Impact on Wealth,” Journal of Sociology 41, no. 4 (2005): 406–424.
3. Change Anything Labs, Lake Wobegon at Work survey (February 2010).
4. Stanton Peele, 7 Tools to Beat Addiction (New York: Three Rivers Press, 2004), 96.
5. The study Tobacco Taxes: A WIN-WIN-WIN for Cash-Strapped States (February 10, 2010) was published by the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, American Heart Association, American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, American Lung Association, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
6. Daniel Kahneman, Jack L. Knetsch, and Richard H. Thaler, “Anomalies: The Endowment Effect, Loss Aversion, and Status Quo Bias,” Journal of Economic Perspectives 5, no. 1 (Winter 1991): 193–206.
7. Study done by Change Anything Labs in July 2010 with eighty-five customers awaiting release of the iPhone 4 at the Salt Lake City, Utah, Apple store. See also Daniel Kahneman, Jack L. Knetsch, and Richard H. Thaler, “Experimental Tests of the Endowment Effect and the Coase Theorem,” Journal of Political Economy 98, no. 6 (December 1998): 1325–1348.
8. Xavier Giné, Dean S. Karlan, and Jonathan Zinman, “Put Your Money Where Your Butt Is: A Commitment Contract for Smoking Cessation” (July 1, 2009). World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series, 4985.
9. Gina Pace, “Life after ‘Loser’: ‘Every Day Is a Struggle,’ ” MSNBC, January 5, 2009,
10. Victoria Lee Miller, “Will Kirstie Alley’s Weight Gain Hurt Jenny Craig?” Associated Content, May 12, 2009,
11. Mark R. Lepper, David Greene, and Richard E. Nisbett, “Undermining Children’s Intrinsic Interest with Extrinsic Reward: A Test of the ‘Overjustification Hypothesis.’ ” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 28 (1973): 129–137.
12. Albert Bandura and Karen Simon, “The Role of Proximal Intentions in Self-Regulation of Refractory Behavior,” Cognitive Therapy and Research 1, no. 3 (1977): 177–193.
13. Albert Bandura and Dale Schunk, “Cultivating Competence, Self-Efficacy, and Intrinsic Interest through Proximal Self-Motivation,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 41, no. 3 (1981): 586–598.
Source 6: Control Your Space
1. Brian Wansink, Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think (New York: Bantam Books, 2006).
2. S.J. Hoch and G.F. Loewenstein, “Time-Inconsistent Preferences and Consumer Self-Control,” Journal of Consumer Research 17 (1991): 1–16.
3. Anna Breman, “Give More Tomorrow: Two Field Experiments on Altruism and Intertemporal Choice” (submitted paper, Stockholm University, November 2, 2006).
4. Bob Edwards, “Hearty Diets, Hard Labor Keep Amish Fit,” Morning Edition, NPR, January 14, 2004.
5. Nielsen, Three Screen Report: Television, Internet, and Mobile Usage in the U.S. 5 (second quarter 2009); Norman Herr, “Television and Health,” Internet Resources to Accompany the Sourcebook for Teaching Science, California State University, 2007,
6. Some popular finance applications include and
7. “Dining Room Table Losing Central Status in Families,” USA Today, December 18, 2005.
Career: How to Get Unstuck at Work
1. Change Anything Labs, Lake Wobegon at Work survey (February 2010).
2. Daniel Yankelovich and John Immerwahr, Putting the Work Ethic to Work: A Public Agenda’s Report on Restoring America’s Competitive Vitality (New York: Public Agenda Foundation, 1983).
3. This finding is from a 2002 study of fifteen hundred software engineers at a client organization.
4. Jeffrey Pfeffer, Managing with Power: Politics and Influence in Organizations (Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1994), 154.
Weight Loss: How to Lose Weight and Get Fit–and Stay That Way
1. Paul M. Johnson and Paul J. Kenny, “Dopamine D2 Receptors in Addiction-like Reward Dysfunction and Compulsive Eating in Obese Rats,” Nature Neuroscience (2010), doi:10.1038/nn.2519.
2. Ibid.
3. Sarah Klein, “Fatty Foods May Cause Cocaine-like Addiction,” CNN, March 30, 2010,
4. Barry M. Popkin, “The World Is Fat,” Scientific American, September 2007.
5. National Eating Disorders Association, kNOw Dieting: Risks and Reasons to Stop (Seattle, WA: National Eating Disorders Association, 2005),
6. Christopher D. Gardner, Alexandre Kiazand, Sofiya Alhassan, Soowon Kim, Randall S. Stafford, Raymond R. Balise, Helena C. Kraemer, and Abby C. King, “Comparison of the Atkins, Zone, Ornish, and LEARN Diets for Change in Weight and Related Risk Factors among Overweight Premenopausal Women: The A to Z Weight Loss Study: A Randomized Trial,” Journal of the American Medical Association 297, no. 9 (2007): 969–977.
7. Daniel Gilbert, Stumbling on Happiness (New York: Knopf, 2006).
8. Jeffrey Schwartz and Sharon Begley, The Mind and the Brain: Neuroplasticity and the Power of Mental Force (New York: Regan Books, 2003).
9. Change Anything Labs, Friends and Accomplices study (November 2009).
10. Abby C. King, Robert Friedman, Bess Marcus, Cynthia Castro, Melissa Napolitano, David Ahn, and Lawrence Baker, “Ongoing Physical Activity Advice by Humans versus Computers: The Community Health Advice by Telephone (CHAT) Trial,” Health Psychology 26, no. 6 (2007): 718–727.
Financial Fitness: How to Get–and Live–Out of Debt
1. The number of adults age sixty-five or over living with their children has increased 62 percent over the past decade. “More Parents Move In with Kids,” USA Today, September 23, 2008.
2. Kim Khan, “How Does Your Debt Compare?” MSN Money,
3. Brian O’Connell, “Debt Counseling Helps Bankrupt Americans,” MainStreet Newsletter, June 17, 2010.
4. Barbara O’Neill, “Danger Signals of Excessive Debt,” Cornell Cooperative Extension, September 20, 2009,
5. Dave Ramsey, The Total Money Makeover (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 2009).
6. Paco Underhill, Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1999).
7. William R. Miller and Stephen Rollnick, Motivational Interviewing (New York: Guilford Press, 2002), 5–7, 220, 226. Go to to download a handy guide on holding a motivational interview.
8. Haiyang Chen and Ronald P. Volpe, “An Analysis of Personal Financial Literacy Among College Students,” Financial Services Review 7, no. 2 (1998): 107–128.
9. Piyush Sharma, Bharadhwaj Sivakumaran, and Roger Marshall, “Impulse Buying and Variety Seeking: A Trait-Correlates Perspective,” Journal of Business Research 63, no. 3 (March 2010): 276–283.
10. Daniel Gilbert, Stumbling on Happiness (New York: Knopf, 2006).
11. Control direct mail and catalogs by registering online at the Direct Marketing Association’s website. There is no fee for online registration. Visit Stop receiving credit card applications by registering at
Addiction: How to Take Back Your Life
1. L.N. Robins, “Vietnam Veterans’ Rapid Recovery from Heroin Addiction: Fluke or Normal Expectation?” Addiction 88 (1993): 1041–1054.
2. J. Olds and P. Milner, “Positive Reinforcement Produced by Electrical Stimulation of Septal Area and Other Regions of Rat Brain,” Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology 47, no. 6 (December 1954): 419–427.
3. K.C. Berridge, T.E. Robinson, and J.W. Aldridge, “Dissecting Components of Reward: ‘Liking,’ ‘Wanting,’ and Learning,” Current Opinion in Pharmacology 9 (2009): 1–9.
4. T.E. Robinson and K.C. Berridge, “The Neural Basis of Drug Craving: An Incentive-Sensitization Theory of Addiction,” Brain Research Reviews 18 (1993): 247–291.
5. “After Lung Cancer Surgery, Nearly Half of Patients Resume Smoking,” LiveScience, December 11, 2006,
6. G. Alan Marlatt, “A Cognitive-Behavioral Model of the Relapse Process,” in Behavioral Analysis and Treatment of Substance Abuse, National Institute on Drug Abuse research monograph 25, ed. N.A. Krasnegor (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1979), 191–200.
7. J.R. Hughes, “Alcohol Withdrawal Seizures,” Epilepsy Behavior 15, no. 2 (February 2009): 92–97.
8. Stanton Peele, 7 Tools to Beat Addiction (New York: Three Rivers Press, 2004).
9. Christopher J. Mruk, Self-Esteem Research, Theory, and Practice: Toward a Positive Psychology of Self-Esteem (New York: Springer, 2006).
10. John J. Ratey, Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain (New York: Little, Brown, 2008).
11. Ibid.
12. Steven Kipnis and Joy Davidoff, Nicotine Dependence and Smoking Cessation (Albany: New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services, OASAS Addiction Medicine Unit, 2003).
13. A.H. Taylor, M.H. Ussher, and G. Faulkner, “The Acute Effects of Exercise on Cigarette Cravings, Withdrawal Symptoms, Affect and Smoking Behaviour: A Systematic Review,” Addiction 102 (2007): 534–543.
14. Kimberly S. Young and Robert C. Rogers, “The Relationships between Depression and Internet Addiction,” Cyber Psychology and Behavior 1, no. 1 (1998): 25–28.
15. Robert F. Anda, David F. Williamson, Luis G. Escobedo, Eric E. Mast, Gary A. Giovino, and Patrick L. Remington, “Depression and the Dynamics of Smoking,” Journal of the American Medical Association 264 (1990): 1541–1545.
Relationships: How to Change Us by Changing Me
1. D.A. Redelmeier, J. Katz, and D. Kahneman, “Memories of Colonoscopy: A Randomized Trial,” Pain 104 (July 2003): 187–194.
2. John Gottman and Nan Silver, The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work (New York: Three Rivers Press, 1999).
3. Clifford Notarius and Howard Markman, We Can Work It Out: How to Solve Conflicts, Save Your Marriage (New York: Berkley, 1993), 31.
4. Gottman and Silver, Seven Principles, 160.
5. Tara Parker-Pope, For Better: The Science of a Good Marriage (New York: Penguin, 2010), 128.
6. Ibid., chap. 1.
7. Ibid.
8. Notarius and Markman, We Can Work It Out, 11.
9. Paul Amato and Bryndl Hohmann-Marriott, “A Comparison of High-and Low-Distress Marriages That End in Divorce,” Journal of Marriage and Family 69 (August 2007): 621–638.
10. Parker-Pope, For Better.
11. Betsey Stevenson and Julian Wolfers, “Marriage and Divorce: Changes and Their Driving Forces,” Journal of Economic Perspectives 21, no. 2 (Spring 2007): 27–52.
12. Change Anything Labs, Marriage on the Rocks survey (November 2009).
13. Ibid.
14. Patricia A. McManus and Thomas A. DiPrete, “Losers and Winners: The Financial Consequences of Separation and Divorce for Men,” American Sociological Review 66, no. 2 (April 2001): 246–268.
15. Michele Weiner-Davis, Divorce Busting: A Step-by-Step Approach to Making Your Marriage Loving Again (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1992), 149.