Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Dynamic Range and Digital Photography
Practical Effects of Limited Dynamic Range
Tweaking shadows and highlights
Processing camera raw exposures
Merging brackets in HDR software
Keeping Your Eyes on the Prize
RAW File processing and photo management
Chapter 3: Selecting and Photographing Subjects
Becoming a better photographer
Chapter 4: Generating and Tone Mapping HDR Images
Processing Camera Raw Exposure Brackets
Generating HDR in Photomatix Pro
Tone mapping in Photomatix Pro
Converting a single exposure to brackets
Dropping a single camera raw exposure into Photomatix
Additional Processing Solutions
Bringing Landscapes to Life with HDR
Composing Effective Landscapes
Using other fore- and midground elements
Shooting at sunrise and sunset
Working with fast-moving clouds
Chapter 6: Buildings and Structures
Including the sky for dramatic effect
Using The Sun To Your Advantage
Shooting Buildings with Compact Cameras
Correcting distortion and perspective
Replacing filters with brackets
Finding the Right Vantage Point
Getting Creative with Pseudo-HDR
Chapter 10: Creative Possibilities
Converting HDR Images to Black and White
HDR first, then black and white
Converting an image in Photoshop Elements